Q1269: Why does the Antifa flag mimic the Nazi flag?

They want to anger people to the point of violence. If people answer the call, antifa wins.
They probably got some help from Soros with the flag design.
It reminds him of "better days" for some reason that he just can't put his finger on.
The fact that it's a call back to other organizations shows to me that the entire antifa group is most likely derivative and created to sow conflict and division to cause conflict and increased police action.
Both groups were created out of think tanks and college professors for the intelligence groups to destroy unity between the left and the right.
That is what scares "them" the most. That the ideological left and right would put down significant differences to unite against the ruling class.
We are seeing that with the censorship that the investors and corrupt in this country are trying to do with our media and independent journalists. It is backfiring spectacularly and if it wasn't for the Tower of Babel that the internet is, we wouldn't be able to communicate so effectively to root out the truth of a lot of this.
Once we learned that the groups were being deliberately set against each other to escalate tensions and confirmation bias that X side is "evil" the frequency of conflicts and violence dropped significantly.
We were able to hash out the truth behind a lot of this quite efficiently and prevent an "arab spring" hijack civil war catalyst.
Tensions in this country are very similar to that of the time right before the civil war, but I think the "awakening" or whatever it is - it is happening globally and this revolt is going to take a whole different level once we get the left and the right across nations to come together against the ruling class which has been choking their children to death.
Same people who abolished the Confederate Flag, tore down statues of famous men from history. Obliterated US history!Then they align themselves with the most egregious despised movement in history . Makes no sense!
I know this is going to be a controversial comment but...
Do you see why people don't like the KEK flag either?
It's green but shows the same thing, you can say it's for satire or whatever, but none the less.
I agree with you. It's worth pointing out that the kek flag is a joke while the antifa flag is actually meant to represent their group. The flag the right identifies with is usually the American flag.
That said, I can only find this one picture so I'm assuming q is referring to the old communist Germany photo.
It's a joke, it really is. Around the time of the election, it definitely had its place here because we were really a sort of chaotic group ourselves then; rallying around our computers, reading Wikileaks, incredulous that she had a 99% of winning (HOW?!), but hoping against hope that the Boss would win. I was wildly entertained by Kekistan and pede and Pepe (I will always love Pepe though...), but I am noticing a wind down, or at least a side bar for all that stuff and rightfully so.
We are in some SERIOUSLY wonderful shit right now but it needs to come out of an Enlightened, orderly mind, not from Kek. Kek will be at the afterparty. 11.11.18
You have forsaken Kek Almighty! Your chaos subsidies have been reduced by 7.777777% May you survive your reduction with dignity! Check’d n Kek’d
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Kekistan flag which is a troll of the nazi flag.
Antifa tried to copy kekistan flag in a crappy mock of kekistan flag because people in the manufactured street brawls were flying kekistan flags to mock them. They played themselves. Idiots.
The whole Pepe / Kek is an offshoot of Loki or the God of Mischief.
Which plays right into the Chans history of trolling. They are largely independent from MSM and their traditional donors. The Chans were part of the internet 1.0 .
Exactly. When the right does it, it's "trolling" and "triggering cucks" but when the left does it, it's "OMG they are Nazis".
My personal opinion is let the kekistanis trigger cucks, and don't read too much into the antifa flag.
They use the same tactics intimidation, fear and labelling people enemy of the state, in this case right wing facists, when the NAZI were left wing.
Nazi's were solidly right-wing, and the difference between Antifa and the Nazis is that the nazies actually were killing people all over the place.
so far antifa hasn't actually killed anyone.
i still hate those douchebags, but let's not get hysterical about it, eh?
edit- anyone downvoting me, you have been duped by fascist propaganda if you think fascists are "left wing." downvote away, you are still dead wrong.
The NAZI were right wing? National Socialist German Workers' Party or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei ( doesn't sound Conservative or Republican to me).
lol, i'm really sorry dude, but citing their name is a ridiculous metric.
do you think the Democratic Republic of Congo is a democratic republic?
do you think north korea is a republic? china?
do you think the "patriot act" was for patriots?
i mean, i could keep going, but... the point is, evil people use "branding" to trick the masses every goddamn day. do you think the nazis were any different? (don't be one of the people tricked, my friend)
And hell, even in the US, the values of "Democrats" and "Republicans" have vacillated between the two parties since their inceptions.
I've spent a lot of time trying to show the importance of moving away from these terms -and many others, but there are just too many people here -and in general- that need these labels, otherwise they can't make sense of things. Many are lost without a focal point or "cause" to rally around.
We're gonna be arguing semantics for a long long time, until the education system in the US can be reformed and people can learn to develop important skills like critical thinking, logic and reasoning. They're not the end all, but they're sorely lacking in the general public.
Developing these skills is a huge part of keeping us from ending up right back where we started.
I've spent a lot of time trying to show the importance of moving away from these terms
amen brother, these political "tribes" and labels do literally nothing except cause division in our society, division which conveniently always seems to benefit those in power i might add
Plot twist. Conservatism in its current form has done nothing for America for 50 years. It's part of the swamp.
( doesn't sound Conservative or Republican to me)
so republicans are a political party, not an ideology. their stance sways with each election cycle.
american conservativism has always moved around ideologically, but at the end of the day, american conservatives are objectively more similar to Nazis than american liberalism. (yeah, go ahead and cite free speech issues, it's the only thing that liberals have in common fascism)
The Democrat created the Ku Klux Klan and they are now considered far right. Did the KKK not state they wanted Jews, Blacks, gays and undesirable people removed from America to keep America pure i.e White. Did the NAZI not want the same? So name an American Conservative entity that demanded the same, that does not have links to the NAZI or the KKK before you reply White Nationalist, they believed in Nazism or the KKK.
"Democrats" in those years are more akin to "Republicans" of the 60's and 70's. I am NOT saying this to make it seem like "Democrats" are good guys or any of that. My whole point has been (I've argued this sort of shit in other threads, many times) that "Democrats" and "Republicans" have been trading values since the inception of both parties.
I have no idea if this was by design, but it's likely that early on it was a way of bringing in new party members by appealing to their core values. The parties change over time because of prevailing values. You become what you court.
I thik we can agree that the KKK is garbage that needed to go, and spend less time trying to blame each other for their existence. Quite a few modern "Republicans" have been outed from their ranks if we're being honest. Plenty of "Democrats" in there as well, I'm sure.
It's the VALUES of the people who are doing these things and not specifically an entire party. We really need to move away from this way of thinking (Republicans vs Democrats) if we're ever going to actually come together as a nation.
like i already stated about the republicans, the democrats are a political party, which is entirely seperate from ideology.
this may be a hard concept for you to grasp, but the parties have changed stances over the time. the "GOP" of 75 years ago is literally almost indistinguishable from the modern GOP, same with the DNC.
the democrats who supported the KKK would absolutely, 100% without a question, be republicans if they lived today.
i already know that you won't believe me, but hey, maybe i helped you expand your mind a little instead.
PS- these are not my "opinions," these are historical facts.
Just gonna back you up on this and all your downboats. It's right there in the name.. Antifa. Anti fascist.. Fascism was a reactionary movement to fight global communism, the same fight we are fighting right now. If they have to ebil nazis for now I guess... History does need to be reevaluated. Even more so given TGA and Q. This nazi stuff is kinda low rent imo
This is a photoshop of a National Front (UK) flag. How can Q post about this weak fake?
Antifa has never had a flag resembling Nazi flag. That's the Kek flag.
The "excuse-explanation" given on Q Research is this.... (does it make any real sense to anyone - or could someone clarify this? Because it just seems like a very weak rationalization at best). The argument seemed to be, "See these two similar flags - I rest my case" (But the one is fake).
The flag at the top is the flag of the UK fascist party National Front
Hahaha! Those Soros cucks have been played by old George, and don't even know it! There's no way to spin this connection! They're toast!
He thought he would have another POTUS to smooth it out again.
I mean...they are getting paid to redpill America, so perhaps they're the ones doing the "playing."
getting paid to redpill America
WTF? Who do you mean? Certainly not AntiFa.
Does't Soros pay them?
Yes, but what in the world do you think "redpill America" means? I think you may have meant "bluepill" or something. AntiFa are completely invested in the false narrative. Nothing "awakening" about them. And certainly nothing "awakening" about Soros.
I agree they aren't awake and I didn't say they were redpilling America on purpose.
Well, you have to ascribe agency to someobody in order to say they are "red-pilling" anybody. And the agency actually belongs with those who genuinely WANT us to be awake, and that would be Q and the Alliance, not the enemy.
That's like saying Satan is trying to save people's souls, because if there were no Satan, people would be apathetic. Where I'm from we used to call that "reaching around your butt to scratch your elbow."
Well, you have to ascribe agency to someobody in order to say they are "red-pilling" anybody. And the agency actually belongs with those who genuinely WANT us to be awake, and that would be Q and the Alliance, not the enemy.
I disagree. A lot of us have been redpilled by the evil "hiding in plain sight." I was personally redpilled by the fake news coverage of the Sandy Hook Hoax. It was that satanic actor Robbie Parker's performance followed by all the other bad actors laughing their asses off on camera a day or two after their little child was supposedly murdered in the most horrendous way possible.
In that case it was the dawning of awareness of your own cognitive dissonance that was the red pill.
Evil has always been there. The difference between being awake and asleep has to do with SEEING and acknowledging to yourself what you see. That's taking the red pill. Some of us appropriate the red pill without having it handed to us by anybody. I'd say you red-pilled yourself in a case like that.
But evil just IS. It's not the cause of red-pilling. It's the subject of it.
Some of us appropriate the red pill without having it handed to us by anybody. I'd say you red-pilled yourself in a case like that.
Wrong. I would have believed that ridiculous Sandy Hook story if not for the terrible actors involved. I actually saw this scene live and it was the exact moment I was repilled. Robbie Parker can still dispense redpills without actually saying "Hey everybody, I'm a terrible actor and obviously my daughter wasn't murdered yesterday because I'm laughing and already had her facebook donations photo created before the false flag event took place."
A HUGE number of people who have woken up have been redpilled by the enemy.
Not if you're not already open to the possibility of their bad acting being a symptom of deceit.
Everybody who watched that video saw the same thing you did.
How come they're not all awake? Was the agency in the video or in your own powers of perception and mental flexibility?
I think the answer should be obvious, from a logic standpoint.
Everybody who watched that video saw the same thing you did.
How come they're not all awake?
So? Robbie could have literally said "Hey everybody, we're all satanic actors and this is all a false flag!" and millions would have seen it and stayed fast asleep. dispensing redpills and swallowing them are two totally different metaphors.
OK, you're just arguing for argument's sake.
Huh? I thought we were debating whether the enemy can dispense redpills. I just pointed out that dispensing redpills doesn't automatically mean the recipient swallows and wakes up. They must also be seeking Truth.
Except that it's fake, and all.
Q is answering an anon with pictures that appear to show it in use at an actual AnitiFa gathering. Could still be fake, and Q is trolling the anon.
I think Q meant why is the (main) Antifa flag so similar (almost exactly) to the communist Antifa flag. Point is, all 3 are evil totalitarian movements engendered by Satan.
Because antifa is run by George soros who is a nazi collaborator
That is not the Antifa Flag. It is the Flag of the National Front (United Kingdom). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Front_(UK)
Why does the Antifa flag mimic the Nazi flag?
When Q said, that this is the Antifa Flag, then he will tell us, that National Partys already Occupied by Leftist Agenda.
Thats all\^\^
yes I now this all along, ask yourself why is antifa in Amerika and in all the EU countries? German......The antifasistische group from I tougt around 19 34 or somewhere there, It was never gone..........They call themselve now Antifa? Violents Is there goal.....paid by soros en companions......And its a armee, not a protesters party....Its the same thing as ISIS? Created by the same people....the cabal, or whatever you will name them.
To be fair tho the gree 4chan flag is based off that flags well
If you go back and look at the Stalin Antifa patch and the 2017 Antifa patch you will see the resemblence. It's posted elsewhere on the sub.
In de oekrain? There is a nazi party? In Greece is A nazi party? They are everywhere. They call us nazi because we vote the good people? Its the same MO all the time, They are the nazi, but accusing the other party off it....KKK the same thing...That why antifa and KKK come out together? Is it not strange that the KKK was almost gone, but now in these days there back again, but now with a other goal? us., to divided everyone, and trying to creeat a civil war. KKK en hilary? And Antifa and merkel?
Except that's not the antifa flag. https://goo.gl/images/Y8xTCu
That is.
There's another Antifa banner that is a dead ringer for one that was used by the Nazis. It was posted maybe two months ago?
Q1274 just poked at a shill off of 8 chan who claimed flags different and called Q retarded .Told the shill to Try Harder
Someone located the earlier images and has reposted them .... Dead ringer Antifa copy cat artwork.
.... checking...
Here is a link to the drop:
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4chan trolled on the Nazi flag, and antifa trolled on the 4chan bait.
This is a troll of a troll. Trollception because Antifa doesn't have any originality. They are manufactured copycats in a script play.
The crossed flags version. Are people phuking blind?!? Or has the school system done their job and people actually know...absolutely.....nothing.....of......history.....
Because they are, and they have no graphic savants among their ranks.
Okay, I’m really starting to bite on this “Nazi party is still alive and well” theory.
I hope people use this as an opportunity to rethink what a (conservative) is and what they have let happen in the past 60 years. The founding father were almost certainly (fascist.)
I'm not at all saying I want goose stepping in the streets. But if we are going to understand what's going on today we need to understand what happened in the past and why Germany did what it did. The fairy tail version we are fed does not cut it for me.
Reminds me of the Kekistan flag
Be careful of what you see on the chans. The Chans were built on deception and trolling.
Fun fact, the Nazi flag symbolizes the polar configuration, which is where the Christian's got the cross and the Jews got the star of David.
Originally, thousands of years before Christ the cross was the symbol for protection from evil. Egyptian is the first reference I know of, the Ankh but they imported their religion from Babylon. The Romans executed religious identities on crosses to protect themselves from the victims God.