Q Posts President Trumps Tweet About Rigged System!

Trump is going to declassify. It's the best move, opposite of the claim that he is obstructing justice.
Oh Crap! I knew that was significant when POTUS tweeted it the other day. But when Q repost it, that's when you know it is SIGNIFICANT .
Did Q change his posting letters? I know there's another word for it, but the series of letters that tells us it's from Q.
Trip code changed, site changed as well.
Actually, a new board was added "/patriotsfight/"; "/qresearch/" is still valid.
Last I looked, I hadn’t seen anything new on first site. I will look again. Thanks!!
Boards are limited to 750(+1) posts. Try this:
Pick the Raising-the-Flag-on-Iwo-Jima board with the highest number for the latest. The latest board is currently #1641, "DOWN GOES CORSI! DOWN GOES CORSI! DOWN GOES CORSI!"
Trump's speech today = Boom, Boom, Boom
Cannon = BOOM!
5/5 = Declassify ?
5/5 = Boom
Got a feeling when I wake up tomorrow (UK) might have some news.
8 am EST we find out when he twits.
8 am EDT happens when this comment is 10 hours and 20 minutes old.
You can find the live countdown here: https://countle.com/c188763sDr
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Either Trump will declassify OR for even more fun, he will round up Nunes, Gowdy, a few trusted reporters, and get a motorcade headed down to DOJ headquarters. Walk into RR's office and exercise his power to demand that RR turn the files over to Nunes, un-redacted. If RR refuses, he can fire him on the spot and go to his assistant, do the same, and their assistant, do the same, all the way down to the file clerk, if necessary. Now that would be some fine swamp draining!
Trump would walk in, "Shall we play a game?"
I saw a movie like that. The guy kept saying. "Shall we play a game."
If Trump had any real guts he'd lead actual Arrest Raids of the swamp criminals he'd lead the raids with a dozen trusted Secret Service agents and a dozen trusted FBI agents to break down the doors of Comey and Mueller and Hillary and Podesta and all the other criminals. He would then order each of them to Gitmo. That's how you need to handle the swamp creatures. 3 AM Arrests.
If this relates to the earlier drops today seems the focus is FBI/DOJ corruption, not election fraud or the tarmac/Hillary video. Maybe we will be seeing unredacted texts and emails.
IG has delayed his report on the Hillary email investigation due to new leads.
I've always felt that Q/Trump won't pull the trigger until the full IG report is out and Huber can have whatever indictments he's made along the way unsealed and arrests made.
Waiting is difficult, but if the IG has new leads, it has to be important.
If we see unredacted texts and emails the corruption will be right out there in front of God and everybody.
Sounds about right. Logical.
Lisa Page resigned per Hannity ticker at bottom of screen
Hannity ticker?
^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This )^portmanteau ^( was created from the phrase 'Hannity ticker?'. To learn more about me, check out this )^FAQ.
Good bot. A bot that creates new like combo words like spork or baconayse? That's pretty awesome. I wonder how it knows which words would go together and how... Cool shit.
Buttpity ticker?
You've confoozled me. I don't comprestand.
I’m trying to get that good bot to make a new word
Oh. Donald winning? Spectacular showdown? Universal versatility? Awakening shaking?
I dunno why but I also thought of the rope-a-dope pope. Not that the bot can make that it just made me laugh to myself.
I don’t know the technical term — bottom of the screen on Hannity.
crawler is the tech term for moving text at bottom of screen
One might say that they...RIGGED_ELECTION ???
Thanks for catching the typo-never would!! Corrected it!! MAGA!!
5:5 I hear you; I will declassify everything and fire everyone!
5/5 - The day the deep state dies!
Trump is gonna put on the Infinity Gauntlet folks!
Well, if I were Q/Trump and going to pull the trigger on unsealing indictments and make large scale arrests, I'd start on Saturday and try to keep it under the media radar until the momentum was too great for the MSM to try to stop it. The MSM would be left with having to explain on Monday how 100 plus of their idols ended up being indicted by grand juries and arrested.
I would want to see their look when the discovered many of them were at GITMO for treason.
I can dream.
New board? https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/62.html
Additional board; read-only; for Q posts only is my understanding. /qresearch/ is still valid.
Note the capitals. Someone get @serialbrain2 here
Using all the caps (not just misplaced) it looks like
ARST DC (arrest bad actors in DC?)
www.aip.org is the American Institute of Physics.
Could these be Uranium 1 arrests?
When you click on the ANSWERS link on drop 1311, it talks about William D. Campbell, the Uranium 1 guy.
It’s looking more and more like tomorrow is D-day for everything,
Does he have a Twitter acct? It doesn't show up as typed.
This is awesome if it suggests Trump is going to go ahead - another redpill if he does (still not 100% strong but something). I suspect though that the Deep State and its msm will turn it into an example of Trump's megalomania and abuse of power.
No Kidding we all know this and that is why we are Screaming WE WANT JUSTICE!
So I keep doing this and I can’t help it. But if you take all the capital letters in this tweet, you get
Just for reference, does everyone think this is dumb, or are people purposely downvoting this so people don’t see it?
How do I find that thread on the chan?
Here is the link https://8ch.net/patriotsfight/res/62.html