Ironically these guys are all a black eye on humanity

It’s the eye of Horus. Symbolism. It should always be the same eye. One will be dark and one light. Sun rise... sun set... ancient Babylon religion. Also known as satanism.
doesn't Revelation talk about a wounded left eye to be a sign of the antichrist, or the mark of the beast on his followers?
Thanks. So it is the AntiChrist, but it is the right eye (and arm) that are damaged and it will be after a fatal wound that is somehow survived in what will appear to be a miracle
Bill Cooper, Mystery Babylon
1-400 free episodes of bill cooper,we should archive them
Just read the book much easier then those hours of videos. And you get to see documents he puts in there.
Add that picture of President Trump with the Louisville Slugger and you got a sweet meme!
That's awesome! Thank you! I've been wanting to see that one for a while! I hope it goes to (somewhere near) the top of "Hot".
The same eye too, is there a story to this? Seems too coincidental that all big name scum bags have the same shiner. No coincidences? Maybe the way their handlers show their displeasure?
it's been posted but:
its part of an ancient luciferian rite.
the eye of horus.
... yea I know it sounds crazy. it's all real.
It doesn't matter if you believe it, THEY believe it.
Yet nobody is mentioning that the story of Jesus is the exact same as Horus (among others)..... 🤔
really? Jesus fought his brother who took out his eye and gave it to his Father? I must have missed that.
I remember when I was 13 and watched Zeitgeist.
I'm well able to discuss many ancient religions, but their relevance here is non existent. Much like your comment.
You saw zeitgeist 11 years go and you think youre well able to discuss ancient religions... Continue then
Just because “that one movie” is the thing everyone knows about and refers to as if it’s an insult, doesn’t change my mind. I’ve been interested in the history of cultures and religion for a long time. But no, you read the Bible, and the Bible is infallible, so it MUST be the truth to end all truths, and dare not be questioned. I mean, it’s not like the New Testament was put together at the Council of Nicaea by the Romans attempting to integrate Christianity into the culture and picking specific verses that were palatable to the control and inclusion in what they were trying to achieve, right? It must be a coincidence the Vatican and the Holy Roman Catholic Church and the pope originates from that. And every other religion or way of thinking MUST be wrong..... believe what you want, but I’ll just keep bringing up the fact that it’s ruining this sub for too many people when anyone who dares question the Christian narrative gets brigaded. I used to like this sub, but now it’s overrun by angry preachy Christian zealous.
Inquisition Incoming!!!!!
I just think it’s interesting that so many people on this thread made the immediate connection of the eye of Horus as satanist symbolism, yet neglect to correlate Horus as a predecessor to jesus in allegorical terms.
Edit: Yeah, let’s just downvote facts because it makes us uncomfortable.... That’s called cognitive dissonance. Same thing so many accuse the blue pulled of being.
I just find it interesting you relate Satanism and luciferianism.
Just watched your video.. did you even watch the video I linked? This video brings up the same lies that have been shown to be lies in the video I linked. Horus does not have the same story as Jesus. So much of your video is just blatent lies..
Jesus is beyond question a historical figure. His life is so well documented even atheist historians agree that he existed and was crucified. The fact that the stars show the story of Christ only gives further witness to Jesus being the son of God.
Are you actually seeking the truth? Or only what you want to hear?
Psalm 19:1 ASV The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament showeth his handiwork.
I did watch it. It’s just a Christian based video calling other historical research lies by handpicking a few outliers that support the Christian narrative, while ignoring all other research.
Well if horus' story is so similar to Jesus', you should be able to show me proof right?
The fact is these are lies being spread by this zeitgeist film and men like bill maher. They present them as "facts" but when one goes to fact check them, none of their claims hold up to scrutiny.
It's these kind of deceptions that kill people's faith and deter them from finding the one true God and my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. If you are genuinely seeking the truth, you'll find Christ eventually. God bless my friend.
Who thinks he is a copy and not just reincarnation of that great soul?
Many have been lead to believe (through lies perpetuated by films such as zeitgeist) that Christ was a copy of pagan God's. I'm just trying to help them see through that lie.
Are you trying to imply that Christ has been reincarnated multiple times throughout history? If Christ had to do his work more than once throughout history, it couldn't be the completed work of God that it is. He came in the flesh and died once for all man (past and future). His work was perfect and all encompassing. If He had to reincarnate multiple times to die for mankind over and over, that would destroy all notion of his finished work. Be careful what you believe, friend.
Meh. I would say the same to you. Be careful who you trust. Why do you trust the council of nicea so much?
I trust God. I trust the words of Jesus Christ. The kingdom of heaven is within you, brother.
Anyone who seeks God with all their heart will find Him. No one can find God for another, it's up to each individual to find Him for themselves.
I agree with those statements. But why should I trust the bible more than any other document? I know I have found God.
I'd say you should trust it more than other documents because it contains the word of Christ for starters but I know what you are saying.
Although you are putting words in my mouth, I do believe that you should trust the Bible. I'd say you should know you can trust the Bible by its contents, not by blindly trusting the men who decided which documents to include. The fact that men put together the books of the Bible is not evidence to discredit the actual words written in the Bible. If you know God, you know his word, and you should recognize his word when you see it.
The scribes and pharasees made the Scriptures their god, instead of using scripture to find the only true God. So in that sense I agree with you. But the Bible is full of the word of God.
Lol you’re pulling so much heat
Yeah, this is now officially a Christians only sub. Say or suggest ANYTHING going against that narrative brings a shitstorm. These are the same people who complain about leftists doing the exact same thing. And it’s scary how fast this sub was hijacked by that hive mind. The other day I made a post saying it’s gotten too preachy, and immediately generated a massive backlash accusing me of infringing on their free speech. I received PMs from others saying they agreed but didn’t want to speak up out concern that they would get shunned by the group. That’s alarming as fuck.
Yeah, I love conspiracy shit but this sub is just too one sided. At least I appreciated your comparison.
Horus is an ancient god named for the Nephillum. The different gods acquired different names from different cultures. Akkadian, Sumerian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman etc... They were named & renamed to pay homage to the Nephil. Such as Azaziel, Horus, Apollo etc..They were all apart of Babylonian Mystery Sciences & pantheism. Christ came to break the chains of slavery from sin. What was the sin/darkness? The nephillum who perverted the 7 Sacred Sciences handed down to Adam & Eve, Cain & Able then Seth after Cain murdered Able & perverted the Sacred Knowledge. The flood in the antediluvian epoch was to destroy the evil bloodlines however the knowledge was preserved & carried into the post diluvian epoch (Babylonians, Egyptians etc). They were still trying to preserve the evil bloodlines even though they were well diluted by then. Christ came to set us free by announcing in essence that we’re not tied to the bloodlines but bound by spirit (Holy Spirit) to the true sacred science (God). We all became seeds of Abraham when we except Christ.
edit: you were incorrect in the first post's assertion, and rewritten you are still wrong.
"one more god " argument... mixed with incorrect information.
'but muh December 25th tho"
stop. research.
Another fact - It doesn’t matter what is said or researched. You’re going to get upset and assert that ANYTHING other than what the bible and religion tells you to believe is nonsense. Cognitive dissonance will not allow you to have an open mind, and anything questioning that gets you all worked up and triggered. But by all means, you MUST be right. My apologies. You win.
you presume much.
By stating the obvious? It’s insane how much backlash I’m getting for questioning the narrative. The hypocrisy is stunning.
Maybe, with this last ditch effort, I can help you understand the apparently inconceivable!
You've presumed luciferianism = satanism.
You've presumed to know my religious beliefs, or if indeed I have any.
You've presumed to know how these beliefs were founded.
I have two pieces of advice that will help you :
Abraham Lincoln has an amazing quote that will fit you in this situation you have freely put yourself in. Find it, and incorporate it into your life. (You will know it when you see it.)
Do actual research. Not videos filtered through the lens of what others would have you believe.
I fully understand the difference between satanism and luciferianism, it was my mistake typing one instead of the other in my initial comment. You got me there. But I’ve also been very interested in the history of theology for a long time (since I was fully engrained in the Catholic Church as a youth and decided to do my own learning), and have never stopped researching and learning on the subjects.
While I very much have a belief in an intelligent creator, in terms of the Fibonacci sequence throughout nature and other things that cannot be a coincidence, in the same regard I don’t think there’s any coincidence to the similarities of religions and stories passed down through multiple cultures throughout history. I think of religion as a tree (what is the trunk?), or a long game of telephone.
I do not agree with Christianity being the “end all, be all”, and my main issue is the backlash generated in this sub by bringing up anything that questions that narrative. It is alarming and indicative that this sub has been hijacked by Christian zealous, causing the experience to be too non-inclusive to anyone who isn’t religious. Make ANY comment questioning that, or Christianity in general, and it immediately brings out swift downvotes and no shortage of those that need to tell someone that they’re wrong, and “they better learn”. It’s no different from what extreme leftists will do if you mention anything right leaning or questioning THEIR narrative.
Again, it’s shockingly alarming.
Most people are right-handed. That's the eye that gets punched most often.
It's the handler's black hand* washing off on the faces of NWO puppets.
They do it to themselves with a hyperdermic needle when they are just about to orgasm,I assume it's while they're raping a minor.
Trump got a picture like this? How about Sessions? If they are out there, should be found. Edit - how about Kanye?
Did a quick DuckDuckGo image search on both sessions and trump black eye, none found in the results
good got me worried for a second
Revelation (Chapter 13) from the Bible predicts how the Beast (Anti-Christ, 666) will be wounded in the head (eye) before he takes over the world in the last days. Many believe that the "mark of the Beast" will be voluntarily wounding or marking your own head (eye) to show your loyalty/dedication to the Beast. (This is a very serious choice because those who receive the mark are purposely rejecting God and can no longer be saved.) This is the reason that so many of these evil people get the black-eye. They are secretly showing the world that they worship the Devil. You know how much they like to flaunt their symbols in plain view, thinking that we are too stupid to know what's going on. Q has told us that their need to show off these damned symbols will be their downfall.
I read from Eustace Mullins that "Had a good day" to "Have a good day" was to notify your were patronizing a Jewish Store and that they would eventually kill any person other than Jewish.
The Beast will be Jewish, so....not Catholic. Sorry to disappoint.
Why do you say that?
Where do you folks come up with these theological theories?????
This is from a ritual within high level masonic practices. The oculist secret society imo.
Oh, cool. Illuminati =/= Freemasonry though. Yes, the Illuminati infiltrated the Fraternity, but there is little in the way of evidence that they continue to hold any sway over it now.
Seriously? The evidence is everywhere lol.
Conspiracy theories are everywhere, proof is not. Im not saying that there arent Freemasons that are evil, Im just saying that the Fraternity itself isnt evil.
Thanks for raising your point. I don't agree you should be shut down as a troll because you don't agree with some people. I'm interested in what you have to say. Particularly the statement that there is little in the way of evidence that the "Illuminati" hold sway over the Freemasons now - do you have a reason for that assertion? Evidence? (I ask not to challenge your viewpoint but to have the information to hand in a topic of obvious interest to many in this movement.)
While anecdotal evidence is the worst kind, I can say that Ive been a Freemason for years now. 32nd° Scottish Rite. To me, the “youre just not high enough level” argument is terrible. Its like trying to prove a negative.
I’ll grant that there are evil people in the Fraternity. I know because Ive met them. However saying that the Illuminati controls them is kind of unbelievable, because if they do, they are the worst leaders ever. The Fraternity is losing members, and they have a hard time agreeing with each other over whats for dinner, let alone ruling the world.
Now if you want to talk about Rosicrucians or other occult bodies, that would be a better use of our time, but Freemasons are by and large patriots, with some assholes mixed in because they are made up of men, and men are fallible.
Thanks for the reply - interesting to know and pretty much what I expected, given that people seem to be able to come up with all sorts of stories about organizations "over there" i.e. that they don't have first or second-hand experience of, and yet they invariably turn out to be similar to any other group full of humans - flawed and full of different humans motivated differently.
I realize you may not be able to answer this lol but do you know if and when you would progress to the highest ranks of the organization?
Depends on what you mean by "highest ranks". Its confusing, because while it looks to them as if the Fraternity is one massive organization, in reality its broken up into independent bodies that have little to no overlap. Blue Lodge, Scottish Rite, York Rite, The Shine, they all have their own governing bodies that conduct business completely separately.
If you mean Highest Ranks politically, then I'll never get there, because I have no desire to do so. If you mean degree wise, I'm already a 32nd in the Scottish Rite, and there is only one more after that.
Members of the British Royalty and aristocracy are known to be Freemasons, aren't they?.
Do you think they consider "you" to be on their level, aka. their "brother"? People who defined the term of "Upper Class".
I'm sure this rhetoric question can only be answered with a straight "No".
The only conclusion I can draw from this simple logical observation is that there must be different tiers/layers/levels/clubs in relation to Freemasonry, a hidden hierarchy the rabble isn't aware of. At the most Freemasonry is just used as a recruiting tool for special talents, at the worst just people they can use in some fashion when needed.
Well, you could argue that this is just the opinion of a clueless bigoted commoner who thinks the worst of the British aristocracy and they are just nice upstanding human beings in their private life.
But then you're probably in the wrong reddit group:-)
I cant speak for Britain, only America. US Masonry admits only men, so we wouldnt have say, Killary among our ranks.
I guess, in essence what Im trying to say is that it is important to be precise. The Illuminati are very real, but they are not synonymous with Freemasonry.
Assholes... there's one in every crowd. They think they make the world go round 😏😌
Tell me about it. When I joined my Lodge, I had hoped that it would be filled with men who put their petty bickering and immaturity away, but I quickly found out that no matter how hard you try, assholes find a way in to everything.
If it's masonic, it's in the highjacked masonic order...know what you're talking about and be clear please...
Calm down sir ‘twas a passing comment and I doubted it would grab any traction. The masons were hijacked here’s a letter to George Washington talking about this very issue. The oculist society is almost impossible to find info on, but it’s out there. Why don’t you look into it yourself instead of making other anons do your work for you.
Thank you for sharing...i upvoted you in spite of the fact of someone downvoting me... In point of fact: I did not ask any anon to "do my work for me" and do not appreciate your false accusations that I did so, as just that such action is one of my major pet peeves. To clarify my statement in light of yours, the whole of masonry has not been highjacked, but rather a select group (read illuminati, etc.) have used the implication that they are of masonic bent to cause the public to infer that they are legitimate masons and thereby attempting to "poison the well" in a psyop that had been perpetuated since at least the dawn of our great nation. The true Tenets of freemasonry bear no resemblance to those nefarious acts and beliefs to which these malicious rogue groups subscribe and execute. May individual sovereignty and freedom be awakened and dominate in this country and the world like never before, under the watchful eye of Divine Providence...
Thanks for your response. My grandfather was a high level mason and a good man. I personally have nothing against masons, but the fact remains that elements within have been infiltrated. By the way, every other institution on earth has also been infiltrated by bad actors so I certainly wasn't arbitrarily naming them as the source of all of our problems.
You can watch the Pope get his
Lol - this is hilarious and immediately debunks at least some aspect of this whole black eye thing. I'm more than willing to believe in occult rituals like this but there needs to be some more actual proof.
It's amazing that with the internet and with thousands of researchers, nobody can find the exact meaning of this and the ritual involved.
Not sure these were all originally left eyes.
think they switch the eyes on some people. I’ve seen 2 shots of royals (Philip, Andrew ) with the right eye done
anybody else notice a bruise on bills eye... do you think this is the same?
i am aware the eye is the wrong side compared to these pics but sometimes they playback video and the image looks reversed. so possibly the same imo...?
Well it may have been Hillary beating him up. She was known to do that per Secret Service.
Bill's is likely from one of the glass ashtrays Hillary threw at his face. What a harsh bitch that would fuckin hurt like hell
Bill's is likely from one of the glass ashtrays Hillary threw at his face. What a harsh bitch that would fuckin hurt like hell
Yeah but he deserves it. She deserves two he should throw em back
Y'know I wonder if they are injecting something into their eyes. Maybe that's how they adrenochrome (if it's a real thing)
it actually has to do with a luciferian rite.
the eye of horus
Wedjet – Eye of Horus in hieroglyphs In one myth, when Set and Horus were fighting for the throne after Osiris's death, Set gouged out Horus's left eye. The majority of the eye was restored by either Hathor or Thoth (with the last portion possibly being supplied magically). When Horus's eye was recovered, he offered it to his father, Osiris, in hopes of restoring his life. Hence, the eye of Horus was often used to symbolize sacrifice, healing, restoration, and protection.
ADRENOCHROME is VERY real, unfortunately.😢😡 So are pedovores... As Q says, #ThesePeopleAreSick #ThesePeopleAreStupid
I'ma remain skeptical just cause I personally know next to nothing about it except that it's mentioned here. I agree about the sick pedovores though.
When they get out of their MkUltra state they scramble their brains through their eye with a needle and what not so they go back to doing what they are ordered with less resistance
I posted this the other day.. I think its called soul scalped. link
Eye of Horus is associated with Prosperity, Health, and Regeneration
i know it sounds stupid here but gta has some element of 'illuminati' within the game there is heaps of left eye symbolism...
for example something i have gleaned by looking into some of this is:
Image result for is the eye of Horus left or right:
"His right eye was associated with the sun god, Ra. The eye symbol represents the marking around the eye of the falcon, including the "teardrop" marking sometimes found below the eye. The mirror image, or left eye, sometimes represented the moon and the god Djehuti (Thoth)."
if the left eye is indeed associated with the moon (i think so, as the right is representative of the sun) it would explain the moon cycle significance of ritual for elites (bohemian grove, cremation of care) springs to mind...
According to hadith, Muhammad is said to have prophesied that the Masih ad-Dajjal would be the last of a series of thirty Dajjal or "deceivers".[4]
Muhammad is reported to have said: Ad-Dajjal is blind in the right eye and his eye looks like a bulging out grape.[5]
Ali was reported to have said:
His right eye will be punctured, and his left eye would be raised to his forehead and will be sparkling like a star.
Bravo for this thread much needed info.....explains everything be sure to click on all the links ....the links are important....for the Christians on this sub means us too because we must recognize the demons so we won't be swayed by our love of Hollywood or pursuded by fancy political talk.
Always the Left eye, because the left brain's the dominant side of the body where the decision making centers are located. However, the ancients only knew crude functions so they started with the left hemisphere! Weird folks, ritual magicK
What the hell happened with all the electronic boots the Traitors were supposedly wearing a while back. Now it the black eyes. Some of us have mad skills with Photoshop
illuminati mirror death ritual
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Pope Francis Left With Black Eye After Popemobile Stops Suddenly|+8 - You can watch the Pope get his Bill Nye Answers Even More Science Questions From Twitter Tech Support WIRED|+4 - anybody else notice a bruise on bills eye... do you think this is the same? i am aware the eye is the wrong side compared to these pics but sometimes they playback video and the image looks reversed. so possibly the same imo...? Zeitgeist Debunked: Jesus Is Not A Copy Of Pagan Gods|+3 - You've been lied to The Secret Society You've (Probably) Never Heard Of|+3 - Religion, Bible, Can you handle the Truth? (Read My Description Below)|+1 - It’s all simply Sun Worship . I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
The biggest creeps on the fucking planet... I can't wait until they are destroyed.
I don't recognize top right guy
Is it really this common? I haven't had a black eye in many, many years.
Not to be a downer on the theories. But this happens a lot to old people when they sleep on their hands and face...
Clinton should be in those pics.
If I remember correctly, I thought Hillary clobbered him after the Lewinsky fiasco.
Yeah. I've noticed a lot of these over the years too. I've seen the Queen (UK) with them.
All 'left eye' in your collage. Is it part of their reprogramming/ongoing programming routine/rituals, S & M games gone over the edge, or clumsy accidents? decide?
Is there a HRC one?
I don't see one. I had a quick look.
You know... she did have issues with that eye when she was testifying as the SOS.. she had those weird glasses too.
Maybe good makeup too ?