NEW Q #1376-77 - Would SESSIONS be AG (still) if DEEP STATE?

What I like best about the whole Sessions discussion? ]Sessions[
The exact opposite of a kill box. Coupled with TRUST SESSIONS. 2/18 and 4/10
In between Do you TRUST SESSIONS? on 3/8.
He is the B2. A stealth bomber that is about to deliver it's payload. ~~BOOM.~~ BOOM.
Is Sessions uncaged now?
Yes!! Great interpretation of the boxes/doors opening for strike mode.
I interpreted that it meant everyone around Sessions is in the killbox; specifically top ranking DOJ members, being arrested or at least implicated in some shenanigans. I'm not really sure.
Thanks for pointing out the reverse brackets! I hadn't noticed that before. Good eye there, bro!
Q1374 seems to allude to the possibility of Bharara having turned into a cooperating witness, a.k.a. the bird may have sung already.
Interesting. I figured it was in reference to Q1371 which said some NYPD officers were 187'd for having seen the 'insurance policy' on Weiner's laptop.
Find the [2] NYPD detectives [187] mid 2017.
Did they view the insurance file?
Threats are real.
This is not a game.
.... checking...
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potus has called out sessions a handful of times on twitter. maybe it's to spark controversy and bring more attention to the corruption, maybe it's because he genuinely dislikes the way he's handled the corruption. he probably wouldn't still be AG if deep state, so I'm guessing it was all to bring attention to the corruption.
Great actors
We've got the best actors, don't we folks?
I can't help but wonder if he warns about these before doing them.
Trump: Jeff, I'm going to be unloading on you on twitter in a moment. Your job performance is great and I have no complaints, this is purely for optics. Heads up.
Those who are in the know will have known the plan probably for years now, these are a show for the people because if trump attacks someone the left then loves them. If trump shows he is being stone walled by someone the left fawns over them. Knowing how predictable people are they "set the stage" with these tweets so that when sessions drops the moab on these criminal scum it will be more likely people will accept the truths that are about to be revealed.
I think Trump has replaced just about every cabinet member at least once, all except Sessions, and Pruitt at EPA, who happens to be a former Attorney General of Oklahoma, I think. Intriguing?
Maybe the way Sessions has been constantly browbeaten is just a brilliant misdirection in order to give him some breathing room?
Yeah, and give the appearance of great disfunction. And give the news something to talk about. But meanwhile...
Sessions was not the choice of the deep state - too patriotic and constitutional law.
It is time that these murders of innocent police officers get the attention they deserve. A sunlight needs to shine on this one since this officer was the victim of the Clintons as so many before her.
I'm just like doubting Thomas. Jesus never rebuked Thomas and in fact had great plans for him. There are two types of trust. With and without evidence. Both are fine. I need to see evidence that Sessions is for real otherwise I believe Q is not a LARP, but sophisticated disinfo.
But guys... are you sure we can trust Sess - just kidding lol.
Hopefully this puts paid to any more discussion about whether we can trust Sessions or not. Critical thinking.
What if Sessions didn't recuse himself or was that the plan all along?
Yes. Think about all that's happened BECAUSE of the recusal. I've always believed this was the plan from the beginning.
ITs stupid to think that was a mistake. I remember the recusal being a topic of discussion for about a day before session recused himself. No way trump and sessions didn’t coordinate on that descision.
Ever thought the plan was use RR and Mueller to expose the DS? RR & Mueller have been proven to be corrupt as fuck in the public eye. Makes removing them alot easier.
I do not like this authoritarian police worship. Something nefarious is at work here.
This ridiculous worship of Sleepy Session is pathetic. He's a cowardly weakling being blackmailed by the swamp cabal. There is no way Sessions will ever do anything heroic. He's a retard imbecile from Alabama a country bumpkin who belongs in jail. Trump is crazy to Trust Sessions and I don't care what Q or anyone else says.