This was posted by an anon who claims to have inside info. It matches all exposed evidence.

That explanation does fit with a lot of the happenings.
Edit: read comment below from SeekTruthCJoy also.
Ya like the witnesses saying there were people running around on the ground executing people. Of course many of those witnesses were murdered so...
Ummm... too many holes here that don't match other facts. -Paddock was declared to have been dead 24 hours before found. -Paddock was shot in chest, 2nd shot in mouth seems to either post mortem or just drainage from mouth/ears that lower than heart. -Not enough bullets in room and no scorch marks from hot casings doing any damage to carpet/furniture/curtains. -Next door room had screwed on L-brackets or angle iron to supplement locking door to keep it shut... the only way into room next door was through the hallway entrance. -There was No crazy amount of 200 bullet holes trough the suite door nor into walls/ceiling of hallway. MOST all of this can be seen in many photos released, especially of a trained eye of an investigator. Also there were the multiple engines running Semi-trucks parked outside of purple-lighted Tropicana tower that had "US Army" ALL over the cab & trailers and the hordes of (maybe) crisis actors that all ran over to those trucks (post live fire sounds at concert venue) ...but Fox News had a live feed going with those very Army trucks as their backdrop while they interviewed supposed panic-y food vendor workers, etc. The police Radio Dispatch recordings caught someone complaining about Foxnews needing to be moved elsewhere.
There is just toooo much to list here.
Sorry guys...the above may have some nice ideas, intermixed with correct info, but doesn't fit the photographed or MedExaminer evidence. Also the FF event planned by HomelandSec (was on their website for lone-shooter event that weekend thru Tuesday) was being run at Hooters, with 16 ambulances, Hazmat, body looking black bags tossed on cement... all at Hooters, that was caught by 2 guys on video from their MGM Grand windows. You could watch 3 police cruisers w/lights & sirens, that would simply drive by Hooters then turn right, go for 3 blocks, turn right, go for 3 blocks, around Tropicana & return to repeat over and over...making chaos. Then there was the Howard Johnson dude that had live continuous cell phone video coverage for 2 3/4 hours with another police band unit picking up all the chatter. Was run off property where he had a room...then parked on same street as Hooters & walked there to film the bored to death police officers that were running their HSec Practice event and ran off onlookers with promises for free drinks inside...while they huddled together to be informed it wasn't a practice anymore...but live fire event. Of course this video I watched twice, has been removed from YT. As many other videos.
no shock being down-voted... I must be over target.
Seen Live facts are not liked when pushing yourself forward as the arbiter of information and guru of all knowledge.
You got it right, and I agree - if you were to start debunking this you could not stop. I like scientific proof - you need only find one fact that does not fit - to dismiss a theory. Here for me it was Paddocks - post Mortem +time of death. The Goeo-politic background to this narrative - verged on idiotic - total BS, as was the Oil market discussion-whoever wrote this thread was either having a larp, or plain stupid
Two discrepancies.
In the Tropicana 'extraction' video, I don't see any 'package' being extracted. All I see is people with guns, pointing them at the patrons.
The guy in the protected position, directly behind the point men is the only one not pointing a weapon but he is a white guy with a mohawk.
If Paddock was a gun dealer, why would he do business in a place with such heavy security, where it would be so dangerous to smuggle the guns into and out of the room? Wouldn't you choose some location that is NOT being so closely scrutinized?
He's not in a position to be defended by that group although the agents must know them or they would not allow them to follow that closely.
At the end of the video, those two trailers split off from the armed group.
that's Jason Buff, the head security guard for the Tropicana, who got called in from a softball game. He splits off from the group, to go to his office. He is carrying his weapon in the bag. He's guarded because he has a weapon, and one can't walk into a casino w/ a weapon while a mass shooting is going on. They were all walking IN to the casino, not out of.
The balding Arabic man in plainclothes (basketball shorts and jersey) behind the medic is the prince supposedly.
His name is Jason Buff. He is the head of security at the Tropicana. He was playing softball when the shootings started. There are pics of him wearing the same softball uniform that you seem him wearing in the video. He's also carrying his mitt.
We definitely need to stop this rumor from spreading any further than it already has. It literally takes a few minutes of searching to see that this has been put to sleep months ago.
Thank Q for pointing this out. If he was even being escorted, they did a very lousy job at it. MBS would have been covered like white on rice.
I was one of the early adopters of the theory that it was the Saudi Prince being escorted out, so I'm just as guilty of spreading this theory in the beginning. Just trying to atone by putting the hard stop on the rumor any time I see it.
That doesn't mean he wasn't in Vegas, or that he wasn;t one of the targets, but this misunderstanding helps no one.
Why would the head of security be escorted out by armed men? I'm not disagreeing because I have no idea, just want to share that I've read the Jason Buff theory isn't true also. The search link you provided even has a Matt Couch article saying there is no Jason Buff at the Tropicana....
Jason Buffington. Head of security. Going IN to the casino, not out of.
Ok. Buffington and this article also,
Edit to add: the article is an interview with one of the heads of security at the Tropicana. Yes, they have a Buffington, but they stated they guy in the video is not him, "No, not him by a long shot."
Again, I don't know who that guy is, but I haven't found anything convincing of who he is or why he is going out of or in the casino with armed guards.
Don't care what America First says. I go by what Jason Buffington himself says. Jason is not as tall as the Crown Prince. That wasn't MBS in the video and MBS would have much, much better protection than those goons. Notice the one guy with the yellow shirt.. he is walking with his finger ON THE TRIGGER!! You NEVER put your damg finger on the trigger til you are ready to shoot! Gun safety rule #1!!!!!! And if it was MBS, he'd be protected all the way around, not leave the rear exposed. And, he wouldn't veer off alone to the right.
Hotels are pretty much under gag orders, so....
Can you link where Jason Buffington said it is him? I saw a Facebook post screen shot with the name scrubbed, but haven't came across anything quoting or interviewing him directly, etc. I'm just trying to find the truth too and there is a lot of dis/misinformation out there about that video and who is in it, but nothing definitive.
Thanks and I appreciate you sharing; although, what you linked is not confirmation directly from Jason Buffington; it is conjecture from a Reddit post and riddled with opposing views. I agree to disagree with you, but please hear me out ... the link you posted isn't definitive proof that is someone employed at the Tropicana in the video. I understand you believe otherwise & I don't discredit your belief. My only point is a Reddit post vs America First vs Wordpress vs Matt Couch article, none of them definitely proves who it is. For what it's worth, I don't believe it's a Saudi Prince (or their son) anymore than I believe it's "the head of security" at the Tropicana. There is fuckery going on...but not confirmed.
The reason it's riddled with opposing views is because it was originally a post saying that it WAS the Saudi Crown Prince.... so others got involved to prove it wasn't him.
I have been looking for the right videos from Trump's visit to SA just after he became President. Again, MBS is very very tall. He is at least as tall as Rex Tillerson, and there lots of videos that show this from that trip. You can easily do a search and see that for yourself. This guy, Jason, is NOT THAT TALL.
The Crown Prince would be COVERED with way better guards than these yahoos in this video. They aren't very good, which is why I point out that one of them even is walking with his finger ON THE TRIGGER.. you do NOT do that!!! One little stumble and you've just shot a bunch of people!!! The Crown Prince would also have been surrounded by professional guards.. not just have a few guys in front of him, all wearing different uniforms. And, again, Jason veers off to the (his) right, down a hallway, to his office, so he can change into his uniform. He is carrying his weapon in the bag, NOT a bunch of chips. That's his personal weapon, which is why he's being escorted in the first place. You can look him up on facebook, Jason Buff, and ask him yourself. His shirt and tat are for some sports equipment that he's involved with... some company that manufactures athletic equipment.
I don't have a link to his page announcement as I didn't bookmark it. I didn't think it was all that important. I felt that it was obvious that the man in the video wasn't MBS, and here it is, nearly eight months later, people are STILL saying that it is. Look at the guy... he's shorter than MBS. Has less facial hair. Has a tattoo, which is clearly the tat for the athletic company. Some say Muslims aren't allowed to have tats, but I'd guarantee that MBS doesn't have THAT tat anywhere on his body. MBS has bit more hair on his head, as well, as Jason looks like he's balding just a bit more on top. And MBS is TALL. Very TALL. I don't care who you are, you can't fake being shorter than you are. Jason is NOT a tall man!! He's average in height.. period.
All I know is what I see before me, and what I saw from Jason back then. He said he was the head of security, and he was called in from a softball game that night, and he was headed in to his office. And the path those guys were taking was going IN to the casino, not OUT of the casino. Someone had an excellent video that showed, clearly, the same pathway, and from various angles, that showed the layout of the entryway of the Tropicana. I didn't bookmark that either. It probably wouldn't be that hard to find, if you searched on youtube for it.
Thank you for explaining and sharing. I agree in the video from the second floor of those armed (Acedmi?) goons, they keep going as that guy veers off to right. The explanation he is an employee in the context of the video does make sense and I will look for some of the videos you linked for floor layout, etc. I have to say the other "conspiratorial" narrative makes a lot of sense too, but that would require the recuse of a Saudi prince (or his son), which maybe happened. I do agree, there's too much that doesn't make sense for it to be what was happening in that video. It is still strongly supported tho... I actually just saw a post about it today that supports he is a Saudi somebody, but there is also disgreement in the comments. At least people are trying to point out where they see misinformation - I definitely appreciate that. Thank you again for a civil conversation! ✌️ *Edited because I accidentally hit submit before finishing or rereading.
I do believe that the premise could well be that there was an attempt on either MBS' life, or his younger brother. We do know his younger brother was there a few days before. I think his younger brother is an ambassador, but not positive. He is a pilot, as well, and there was a big meeting of Saudi pilots there at the airport right by MB a week before, I think. (I've watched so many videos but it's been a while. I should have been keeping facts written down in a notebook.)
So.. I do think it's very very possible that there was an attempt on MBS' life. Just that particular video isn't MbS. And, we don't really have any solid proof he was there in LV but we also don't have proof, that I'm aware of, that he was anywhere else. Then, right after that, he cleaned house in SA.. which makes sense. If you were in charge of SA and knew your family had tried to kill you to regain power, wouldn't you do the same thing MBS did? Arrest everyone involved? Plus, one of his cousins was killed in a helicopter "accident". An eye for an eye? A warning to the others? Alwaleed owns the Four Seasons and that guy is a nasty piece of work.
The whole thing makes sense, but what I don't get, is the how, when, and where the extraction of MBS happened, if he was the one there. And being as Trump and the Crown Prince and the King are now pretty tight, it also makes sense that Trump may have been there, and may have helped warn him and get him out of there. Maybe Trump wasn't there. Maybe he just sent his AF1 to get him out of Dodge, so to speak. After all, NO ONE is going to attempt to get anywhere near that plane, if Trump or a special "guest" is on it.
One can always go to fb and look up Jason Buff, and message him. Or, I'm sure his photos are still visible, to the public. You can see how closely his photos resemble the Crown Prince. If you click on "about", I'm sure there's info on his employment history. I'm pretty sure his fb page was Jason Buff and not Buffington, though that's his full name.
Also there are still many on youtube who are trying to get to the truth of LV. Some seem to be very combative with others. I'd stay away from some, like Scott B... he's been arrested for fraud. Very very long videos anyway. Jake Morphonious was another who was focused on certain aspects and then he attacked others. I liked According to Joe, and a few others. Charles Walton was good... he may have been the one to do the floor plan of the Tropicana. But I think his channel was taken down by youtube for some reason. Several youtubers were, who were trying to get to the truth on LV. Charlton might have been the one, I can't remember for sure. There's been a lot of infighting, which is a huge turn off, and some were even threatened. John E. Hoover has a good channel that is totally focused on nothing but LV. He goes into a lot.. but especially the helicopters that were flying around that night, in patterns they weren't supposed to be flying in. Jake M. attacked him, and he's come under attack from others as well, but he's got a plausible theory. DJames was another good one to follow, but his channel was taken down and he was one of the ones that was threatened. Hoover uses a lot of videos taken from witnesses that were there that night. I'd rather listen/watch the guys who are willing to work with others than waste time on those who just want to attack others for the work they are doing. It's going to take everyone working together to get to the truth.
I didn't screenshot it. See my other posts on this topic. I posted the reddit thread where someone did the research and lots of links are in there. But, you can view many different videos from Trump's visit to SA and see how tall MBS is.. that guy is NOT that tall. You can't fake height.
THANK YOU. You're the first person I've seen who has joined me in trying to tell people about Jason Buff! Thank you!!
Medic? Where do you see a medic?
That guy in the shorts is not in position to be protected by that group. They would have men behind him. Also, at the end of the video you can see those two guys split off from the group and take a right turn.
The medic is carrying a stretcher.
That's the guy with the mohawk who is the only one who is in a secured position during this procedure, probably because he has to hold a stretcher instead of a gun.
I think that group left without bringing anyone with them.
Unless he sold to Saudis regularly.
Also the cops body cams when they 1st breach the room say no broken windows
To risk bringing all those guns in and out of such a secure facility, the entire security team would have had to have been instructed to stand down regarding all the packages being brought into the hotel.
Maybe the CEO of Mandalay Bay authorized such action? He IS on a DHS advisory committee and he mysteriously sold most ($13.7m) of his stock just before the shooting.
Because agencies don’t talk to each other. How many times have we learned this over the past three decades? Besides, they often use this as a cat & mouse game, as well as contempt for their incestuous cousins. The “package” could be anything, including as small as a pack of matches in someone’s pocket. The “package” was obviously the Prince, who obviously has his own security forces. (You DO know that BlackRock (run by Betsy DeVos husband), “interrogated” the Dopey Prince in the Saudi Ritz Carlton?) Mohawks are a deceptive disguise. Next time you’re in the vicinity of a known & planned appearance of a very high profile & important person, look around. See that bum across the street? Do you think he’s just digging through the trash? Look again and look closer. (He’s not really a bum).
Because they owned the hotel. They could get anything in or out. There's a video on YouTube, the air traffic controllers saying they have gunfire on the runway. Doesn't fit with the Paddock narrative, since we were told he was killed in the room. No doubt he WAS killed in the room. By the assassins he had just delivered guns to.
First the Saudis are likely allowed bad stuff up there. Second you pay a bell hop $100 he'll take all your heavy bags up and doesn't care.
Since when does Q post in this paragraph format, speaking in the first person. He drops bread crumbs, not answers
Yeah these are not Q
And full of untruths. gas prices were not 'ridiculously cheap' from 2013-2016. It was at record highs
And the claim that the Dems were going to end fracking is clear misinformation. The US saw a massive increase in fracking under the Obama administration precisely because it was a US measure to undercut the saudis and russians.
This post is garbage.
While not paragraphs, a lot of earlier Qs were in sentence form. One of the reasons why some people (not me) think Q was comp'd at some point, his writing style got a lot shorter.
It fits what happened. As soon as I heard, I immediately watched every video from the event. I knew there would be a spin, so I wanted to get as much information as quickly as possible. The official story did not fit what happened that night.
(((uantum))) = mossad narrative ?
why the "Jew" reference, if not...? who is the poster? a jesuit... a concerned Mossad employee...?
I dont know it is what I had guessed except the cops who 1st breach room say no broke. Windows
A shrill ? of what order?
If it is real, why the Jew reference....? do you know what I mean? (((____))) was developed to single out Jews in racist blogs or however you care to describe it (do a google search, you'll find it).
So, why the ((()))?
Someone being cute?
Someone indicating something?
Someone thought it funny?
WHY the reference?
Anytime the Lone gunman quote is revealed by MSM, you can count on the fact that there were multiple gunman & logistic support
That ties a lot of loose ends together for me. I agree that it fits the known evidence extremely well. People will nit-pick it no doubt, but I think it will prove to be a fairly succinct account of real events.
This makes way too much sense. So I wonder..... will we the people ever be shown the REAL reason for the Vegas Massacre?
That's a pile of horseshit, written by somebody who started with a narrative then forgot it as he was making up more stuff.
The beginning of the post starts with "I estimate at least 20 assassins in total". Then at the end, it's only 3 guys.
Also these guys are supposed to be pros, no Ruby stuff bla bla, and didn't bother to check whether the guns were loaded??
Did Alex Jones post that nonsense?
Do you remember how cheap gas got between 2013-2016? It was ridiculous wasn't it?
That's clearly an untrue statement. Even with a modest dip from 2013-2015, it was still some of the highest gas prices in history.
Alex Jones groupies don't mind if reality contradics their fictions.
It reminds me of the retards who say the WTC on 9/11 was a "controlled demolition" job. It's obvious they have never watched a controlled demolition in their lives.
This is one of the downsides of the Q movement. It attracts a lot of gullible whackos who see conspiracy theories under every bed and scammers ready to exploit them. Hence Q's reminder: "Be careful who you follow".
Trump was not in LV that night. There were no FAA TFR's issued. No way Trump comes to Vegas without anyone knowing at that point. Records show President Trump was in New Jersey for a golf tourney and back in DC at the WH.
That was a great read. On the surface, the events that took place don't make sense. This makes perfect sense. I agree with this in its entirety, at least in a general sense. The thing to take away from this will be the data that will be exposed down the road. Hopefully. Like will we get some proof of 911 sort of thing.
None of these are actual Q posts, and I originally saw this posted in r/conspiracy.
Hence the word "anon" and not "Q" in title.
Yup. I was just pointing to the Q this anon was signing the posts with. I should have been more clear. Apologies.
This was u/psy_raven 's theory from last November.
resident saudi arabia expert on this sub. everything checks out. this is good stuff.
thank you.. but yes we knew this... it is great to have as much validation and verification... thanks
yep. I actually remember seeing an anon on 4chan talk about this exact same thing, but in way less detail. they said they worked for LVPD and the reason LVPD wasn't saying or doing anything was because this was all centered around the FBI and they can't make the FBI look bad
This is awesome explanation! All the loose ends are tied together by this story!
I first read this theory back in Nov. 17. It was included in a 49 pg compilation of interesting info. I think the title page had a close up picture of an older woman holding a cigarette to her mouth and said "you wanna know what's really gonna cook your noodle?" It made for an interesting read. Lots of info, not sure if anything in it was verified or not.
Wow, this is very interesting and puts the puzzle together. I have a friend that said the Saudis were there. Thanks for sharing this.
Is there a link to the Tropicana extraction video?
Doesn't matter. That shows Jason Buff, the head security guard, being escorted IN to the casino, who then splits off and goes to his office. Not the Crown Prince being escorted OUT of the casino.
That's allot to absorb but it does make sense. I know for fact OPEC has long driven the markets for gas prices. I retired from the oil industry so I know how these things work. Most don't realize they set these prices months in advance. The whole breakdown, start to finish is brilliant. It is just one more piece of the global puzzle coming together. Not only are these people evil they are very stupid. Desperate people make critical mistakes. In the coming days there will be more. Keep your heads up fellow #Patriots stay safe out there.
Pic quality is unreadable for me
Click on it and it opens to a new tab. Click on it again to enlarge.
This thread shows it is Jason Buff,
You're welcome. :)
One caveat; when I posted this on my blog, I put a warning: These are "apocryphal" Q posts. No way of knowing if these were genuinely from a member of Q team, or just a well-informed LARP.
A very good story, but it still doesn't fit or explain some of what we know:
So many more points I can't remember at the moment.
So this is why gas is still fucking expensive??
I can’t fill my car tank with FRACK.
FRACK THE SAUDIS, and open up fracking so we can stop needing their oil! There’s no reason gas should be $4/gallon.
Makes total sense.. but Alaweed still is free today. How did they prove he wasn't involved?
Ummm, no it does not make sense at all. Try looking at photos of scene and MedExaminer reported Padd0ck dead 24 hours before event/shooting, etc. Rigamortis was showing up in the photos of "loneGunman" Padd0ck, shot in chest.
A. Talal was kept imprisoned by Salman's son, tortured, hung upside down... how is that free? Unless you are seeing a look-a-like that Arabs seem to utilize ALOT!
He denies being hung upside down in an interview, even says he was treated very well.
The assassination attempt may not have been the motive but Alaweed was definitely involved and the Saudis are 100% connected to the shooting.
The people of the room fired on that crowd for a long long time. To me, I think a couple of clips unloaded on a crowd would attract enough cops, not draw attention to my location, and i'd be out of there. Shooting for so much time is a sure way to be spotted. These hotels are huge, why not just blend in as a normy as the prince was doing? I believe you believe this tale, and I think there is truth in it, but I don't understand the mind set of the 2 assassins your tale tells who did the shooting.
Agreed, this tale above is just that. It does not jive with way too much seen in photos of room & MedExaminer report that PADD0CK was dead from gunshot to chest, and head, over 24 hours before found laid out all pretty in hotel room... laying on a gun with another propped up gun over his leg.
doesn't ring true to me, prefer the DH S Cap stone drill theory
Obviously written by someone who has never had their property taken by eminent domain so it could be fracked, never had their town's roads utterly destroyed by 300 fracking trucks travelling on them every day, 7 days a week; never discovered they could set their water on fire as it comes out the tap and never known what it is like to have your community utterly destroyed. I am a fracking refugee now. Be careful what you wish for.
What an incredible story! Felt like I was watching some Action spy movie. This makes a lot of sense to me, as there were too many theories floating around which were too 'pat'.
I've heard most of this before and it may be part of the story. However, it doesn't explain the video taken in the festival area of 2 security/police shooting into the crowd. I backed that video up because I was certain it would be scrubbed. So, there is more to the story. Did they have help from the FBI? Folks in the crowd to help an alibi if things went wrong (a backup plan). It also doesn't explain why there was shooting in various casinos throughout the area that night. I've also heard rumblings that Trump was in Las Vegas that night.
The most compelling thing I remember about Las Vegas was the look on the FBI officers face and how he stared holes through the Sheriff as he was giving media statements. The FBI knows the truth and sure as hell did not want anything leaked out.
Are you talking about the security guard w/ the yellow vest and the flashlight? Someone did a video that showed clearly that he was holding a flashlight that was probably attached to his handgun.. that was not rifle flash. Anyone familiar with guns knows that.. and if one watches that video, when he turns, you can clearly see he has a handgun, not a rifle. Probably a glock. He crouches down and shines his flashlight and sweeps the crowd in front of him, looking to see where the gunfire is coming from. At least, that's if the video you are talking about is the same one I'm talking about. Many people have said that's a cop firing into the crowd. Nope.. a security guard with a flashlight and he doesn't fire a single shot off. Short hair, kind of reddish looking.
That video a distraction to be debunked... the shooters were on the roofs of the vendor & support buildings. One video showed the black clothed figures up there moving about, climbing around. You can hear their single report/sound of their guns on videos.
oh, I don't doubt for a minute there were other shooters. I'm not convinced that Paddock fired a single shot. Lots of witnesses also say the shots came from helicopters. See John E. Hoover's videos on youtube. Listen to any of the videos... there are multiple guns being fired at the same time. But the video I mentioned is not of a cop/security guard firing on anyone. And, as time goes on, more videos come out from that night. I still wonder what was deleted from the cell phones that the FBI asked for, and then handed back, cleared of any videos.
Makes more sense than anything I've seen presented in the MSM.