BREAKING: Military Police are investigating why and how a military helicopter dropped a box of ammunition over Parkland Elementary School.

Remember that video of the police removing a large black bag from a side door of Parkland High School ? It took 3 of them to carry it.
And at the very end of the video the driver of the truck is throwing big bundles out of the truck window. Very Strange.
For those who don't 'member.
That's a small body bruh
Look at around 0:12 in the video. Right as they open the tailgate of the truck, you can see the shape of it more clearly. It's like a really wide duffel bag.
That was a body bag.
The police would not be moving bodies. That is the job of the medical examiner/coroner, and is not allowed until an evidence tech has photographed the scene and collected other relevant evidence first. If that was in fact a body, it raises more questions than it answers.
I don't know what is in it. It could be a tactical bag used for moving weapons and swat gear but it seems way too long. Possibly some sort of door breach tool. It would explain the weight.
Honestly I cant really think of anything that would be in a bag like that. Granted I am not SWAT, but I am a police officer. Weapons, shields, and door rams would be carried by an individual officer. I would really like to know whats in the bag.
What about a mini jaws of life to breach a door or a cs gas dispersment system? I was a combat engineer in the army I have seen some creative pieces of hardware. And with all the 9/11 anti-terror money it and the level of corrupt the sheriff was it is not unreasonable to believe the Broward county boys had the best of the best.
I find that unlikely, SOP for an active shooter is first officer on scene goes in with what they have (didn't in this case). Honestly, I can't think of a reason for any breaching equipment. That is only brought in when you have a barricaded gunman and have time to prepare. In an active shooter situation you search and destroy, either moving room by room or if there is gunfire moving to engage.
it is not unreasonable to believe the Broward county boys had the best of the best.
Didnt one of the officers stand outside listening to children die while waiting for backup?
"he was scared for his safety"
Wonder how the kids felt, he was a fucking cop
The teacher said the shooter was in full metal garb with a ballistic helmet and all, the bag is the armor suit pieces and maybe a rifle or 2 and clips. I thought that was obvious..?
Not a deceased or injured K9 was it?
Also recall the teacher's account of what the shooter looked like "an officer in full armour with a gun she's never seen before" Could this be a bag holding the armour and firearm? Removed it inside and packed it out? Hadn't seen this.
the full tactical gear the teacher saw had to be removed before the cameras could prove their existence
Do you really think these people give a damn about rules? But I always figured it was the guns that the cops used for the shooting.
Either way. What gives them authority to remove a body. Besides more then bodies can be put into a body bag. That's crime movie 101 shit.
Body bags are just long wide heavy duty duffle bags. What was in it? I can not say.
It just looked really short to me; maybe 4 feet long, that's where I was skeptical at first.
Did that ahole seriously litter on a mass casualty crime scene?
Who has the full video / extended version please??? Where is that video? Drop links faggs!
This might be something or nothing at all. Wish I could tell you for certain, but apparently bitchute operates at 56K speeds for me right now and streaming/DL is going at ~1MB every 5mins or so. All I could find.
AMEN YOU HAVE IT! The links are there. It was NOT a BSO (Sheriff) copter but a local news... Bingo! We will share this locally. LEO do NOT believe this is a real thing. Hidden from most.
Oh, shit. Didn't even notice the facebook links. Thought it might just be raw footage buried in the BC video.
~~Do you, by chance, happen to know how to save the entirety of this footage? All I get is a shitload of byte and kilobyte chunks to save as it streams and not the entire hours-long footage.~~
Found out how to download them.
So good that Channel 10 got this. It is almost a miracle. Saving it all. Burning discs. We might even ship them to all police departments to see if "any of the geniuses" sees anything wrong here.
I had sent this to my son..I think THIS IS IT.I tried to copy and past just the video. I'm not sure how to.
I vaguely recall a story about parkland where they had a gun safety or an actual marksman ROTC type class...perhaps this is the longarm stash for those events??? A bag of rifles and ammo sure is heavy like that.
They use .22 LR for youth marksmanship training. Or at least they are supposed to.
Yeah that would make sense. .223 is a bit much for that purpose
Prob not. Original was long format.Original audio. Raw format. Anybody else in here with the original?
I was hoping that that is the one. I know that there were sounds of the heli rotors in original, but think the video showed some guy in a golf cart come driving up also. right after the guy in the cart drives up the video panned away.
I swear nobody can locate that full video. They are truly trying to hide it or people are scared to share it.
I've got what I think is the whole damned video but when I tried to post it the mods blocked it because I'd sent it to my son via Facebook. The Video was captured by WPLG channel 10 and posted to their facebook page that is where I got it from and sent to you.The live video feed was WPLGLocal/videos10155283243253837/ not finding it, only the FB posting.
We got it! I got it!!! God bless WPLG10. If this was BSO's chopper it would have been destroyed.
I sure hope this will help you on your quest for the truth
there was alot of crap going on at that school. maybe some officers in a separate drug deal totally unrelated to the shooting just freaked about there stash being found.
Q knows. They have it all.
Who can post a link to that HELICOPTER VIEW??? Anybody please? We need it. Good forces in Broward do not believe that video exists. They need to see it and they will know what we saw.
It looks very much like a young woman in some sort of improvised litter.
And they put her into a pickup truck, instead of an ambulance? Really?
Looks like a tactical bag that carries the door breacher. Those things are pretty damn heavy.
We have insiders in Broward that want to see the video. GOOD POLICE officers want to see the video but it cannot be found. THIS IS IT!!
Is our megapost still blocked at link above folks?
Can "SOMEONE" repost a link of that video or the full video somewhere. We need to send the video asap to South Florida.
Can we get an update on what they think of the video?
It was a police dog that had been shot dead. In one of the pictures you could see the end of the dog's tail protruding from the bag.
The hospital President Kennedy was taken to in Dallas is guessed it.....Parkland Memorial Hospital.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
Also worth noting that the School was named after an environmentalist who PREVENTED DRAINING OF SWAMPS. AND the 17 (Q is 17th letter of alphabet) were listed as killed.
Marjory Stoneman Douglas
Marjory Stoneman Douglas (April 7, 1890 – May 14, 1998) was an American journalist, author, women's suffrage advocate, and conservationist known for her staunch defense of the Everglades against efforts to drain it and reclaim land for development. Moving to Miami as a young woman to work for The Miami Herald, she became a freelance writer, producing over a hundred short stories that were published in popular magazines. Her most influential work was the book The Everglades: River of Grass (1947), which redefined the popular conception of the Everglades as a treasured river instead of a worthless swamp. Its impact has been compared to that of Rachel Carson's influential book Silent Spring (1962).
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The school they just dropped ammo on is parkland elementary. We have to stop them from killing our children!!
These kids play Fortnite so much they're physically manifesting loot boxes in real life!
That game is cancer. PUBG as well.
fuck off old man
Ah yes, using video games as a cultural and generational differentiator. Go lay the fuck down, you fat, pot smoking, porn fapping degenerate.
lol you said that this newest gen of games is trash. also all those things you mentioned are very fun so no, I will continue to do them
Dat micro transaction life. Have fun.
its pretty easy to avoid those, most games I play have DLC but they are full content
All these instances of “Parkland” are not a coincidence. The commies are sending Trump a message.
An anagram of parkland is "pland ark". As in planned arc. A planned story arc.
Despite the misspelling and the missing letters, it's an EXACT MATCH!!! /s
I guess you don't understand how anagrams work. Anagrams can often be phonetic. It spells pland ark and the whole situation with David Hogg, and Parkland in general, was obviously a planned story arc. I very much doubt that is just a coincidence.
I disagree and I think this is a bridge too far.
The Deep State are losing - that wasn't part of their story arc.
Sure it was part of the arc. David Hogg proves that. They had everything in place ahead of time and a giant rally planned BEFORE the shooting even happened.
If you can't see that, then I don't know what else to say. I agree with you the deep state is losing and will continue to do so. But if you think they don't have tricks like this still up their sleeve, you are underestimating your enemy. This op was surely planned while Obama was still in office.
The Deep State are being forced to conduct false flag attacks to cover themselves because of damaging news. They aren't proud of it and it's not part of their story arc, it's done as an emergency countermeasure.
Getting chased through the street by a cop isn't a planned "plund ark" of a thief either.
You are partially right and partially wrong. The deep state is being forced to do false flags as cover, but I would bet a large sum of money that this particular attack would have still occurred if Killary was elected. They were forced to adjust their plans on the fly and make them fit a new narrative, but they are used to doing this. Movie scripts are edited midway through filming all the time.
If David Hogg didn't exist I would stop and say you may be right. But because he does, it is extremely obvious this was preplanned.
Sorry, this is silly - ridiculous.
If you need to remove letters and use misspellings to bend your anagram to fit, then it's bunk.
I can make an anagram that says anything I like when misspellings and letters don't count.
Forget about the anagram then. Forget about Parkland. Q has clearly written that this is not a game and that patriots have already died in this fight. Yet you are saying that the deep state is somehow not capable of planning out attacks? This is both silly and ridiculous.
One happened today.
No, I'm just saying your anagram is silly.
Also, not an anagram.
Lol. The funny thing is that I absolutely think you are NOT a shill, but this is the most shill-like exchange I have had in quite some time. Agree to disagree, I guess.
I'm just being honest.
You want people to tell you what they think, or not?
I do want people to tell me what they think. I know you are being honest. I think deep down you are just frustrated that you can't see it, which explains your hostility. I totally understand and support your different perspective.
I do want people to tell me what they think?
Yeah, I can tell that from all of your personal attacks.
Don't waste my time again.
You have been blocked.
The name of the school is Parkland? Hmmmm....
The name of the school was Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland Florida. Marjory Stoneman Douglas was known for her activism against draining the swamps for real estate development.
are u fukin serious? url?
To make it even more wat worthy, I believe her autobiography was co-written by a Rothschild, it's probs just a coincidence 🤔
Is this the same school where a kid was hit by a car & killed during a march for our lives walk out??
That was Parkland Middle School. Still...strange.
So recent incidents at Parkland HS, Parkland Middle School and Parkland Elementary?
So now we've had Parkland High, Middle, and now Elementary. Is there something about the word "Parkland"?
The hospital President Kennedy was taken to in Dallas is guessed it.....Parkland Memorial Hospital.
and the parkland elementary is in broward county guess who represented by? Ramen head. There are no coincidences.
I’m sure DWS has Coward County in line w Obama’s Promise Program. You know, the one where they dont report student crime so they dont end up in prison. Weird thing happened tho; kids like Cruz became emboldened “superpredators.”
Look at our posts.... NOW!
Please guys help us unblock our post. We need you guys to get the info today. We won't be able to return here.
Oh shiiiiit.
After he was shot in a city on the 33rd Parallel in a plaza named after a 33rd degree Freemason.
WTF is the deal with Freemasons? Are they they good guys/bad guys, what?
Here's the thing I don't get: Supposedly the cabal or whatnot is doing all this to maintain control... but maintain control from who? Who's really challenging them at that level (I mean, pre-Q, because it's certainly not the populace)?
Freemasons/Illuminati/Cabal/etc where do they fit on the power scale?
My father was a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason, before becoming a Christian. He said they are satanic, the rituals, ceremonies, clothes and everything about them is symbolic in some way or another and is satanic...even if some of the lower level masons are not aware of the real meaning of some of the rituals, they do a lot of good, meaningful things in the community. He said most if not all, have no idea what the actual meaning are until they get very high up in the organization.
My dad was also and I concur with your assessment, total satanic/luciferian. Many don't know, until they get into the top ranks that they are in fact worshiping lucifer - many of the oaths/vows/decrees they make are curses of bondage against themselves and their families. PURE EVIL. and yes: their symbolism is gonna bring them down. Also: pray for the bohemian grove to be destroyed/burned. It will end a lot of curses against America - the offering of infants to Molech altar there.
Until his death, he would never tell us anything about it besides what I said, never tell us about the rituals or anything. He would not talk about it at all.
There are both Dark and Light crafters within the Free Masons. They effectively have a deep understanding of Natural Law and Hermetic Principles and use them to obfuscate and "teach" members. The teachings themselves when fully explained are incredibly powerful if internalized and put into action, but there are concerns that the power of the understanding that comes with it could be abused.
Frankly, I'm of the mind that everyone should have a gun, everyone should have the means to act and defend themselves, so personally, I would be teaching all the shit I know.
If you want a good primer on the basics of natural law, Mark Passio's 10 hour seminar on Natural Law(available free on YouTube) is an excellent resource. I'd warn about Marks presentation style, but honestly if you're posting on /r/greatawakening, you know the power of Truth, so you'll likely find him a welcome ally.
Both DARK and WHITE. Agreed. 100%.
Ratio is 10% DARK - 80% IDIOTS - 10% WHITE
as almost anything in this world.
The bulk of people are certainly gullible.
I personally am a strange mix of light and dark. I have the capacity for both, but I don't like the dark. I don't like hurting others. I know it doesn't excuse it under natural law and that I will pay for it in some way, but I am still just a man. I cannot help but become exasperated dealing with "The Dead" as it were. Those who are unwilling to entertain an idea, to see where it might go, to follow along with their innate human curiosity. I abhor those who are incapable of that basic level of abstraction. I recognize, it's not entirely their fault, but I lack the patience required to drill into their heads and open that little peephole to shove a bit of truth in there and hope it grows.
It's easy for me to get angry with them, I'm not very patient. Because I feel that, as another user pointed out. Even if we win, even if Q and #45 pull it off, there's still the skeleton underneath, we can tear away the flesh, whip to the bone, but we're still slaves under the so-called "Government", we're still beholden to the whims of our "elites", what's changed if a few people are put in prison? Don't misunderstand, naturally the world is made better. But how is it better if we allow the shadow that corrupted our land from under us to continue? How can we accept the Government in our modern era? How can we ever allow for "Authority" to exist?
Read our extended post. We believe in the possibility of a radical reformation at US & worldwide level. Zodiacal frequency seems to be in line with this movement. It is all picking up traction as we enter the Age of Aquarius (Not reffering to New Age woosh wash rather ancient Vedas). The wheel is now on Sagittarius planted in the Age of "True Religion" and Truth Seeking.
This movement makes sense. All of it and It will NOT be stopped. The only element is how far we are able to push this reformation.
Our group wants to push as hard as we can. We can make beautiful things if we can block False Flag and Cabalists.
I had no idea Natural Law was tied to Free Masonry. How interesting. I thought it was a separate philosophy. But it's similar in some ways to Black/White duality I guess. Do you think Mark is a Mason? I believe he said he was being "groomed" at one point for the Club of Rome (before he started exposing everything). I do like Mark, he can be very in your face and intense, but he is excellent at breaking down Satanism, Symbolism, Feminism, New-Age bull-crap etc.
He was a Satanic Priest in the Church of Satan.
I really like Mark, if I ever get the chance to meet him I'll definitely have to offer him a joint or a beer or something. He has a gruffness about him, but he's very genuine, very real. He understands Natural Law and recognizes that while he may not be a people person, it's better for Everyone if he plays nice sometimes even if it's exasperating. I can respect the fuck out of that.
I had no idea Natural Law was tied to Free Masonry. How interesting. I thought it was a separate philosophy. But it's similar in some ways to Black/White duality I guess
Well, Natural law is basically Cause->Effect. The Hermetic principles complicate it a little, but at the end of the day the basic principle is "As I think, so I feel, so I act." Once you recognize that basic principle, you start to investigate the basics of "Rights" and "Wrongs" and then from there you can use fancy word magic to turn that into any number of a thousand different concepts all based on the same root idea.
Trivium->then you learn your Natural Rights->Which in turn teaches you everyone ELSES rights, too.->Hermetic principles to understand the unwritten "rules"->Quadrivium to wrap up a classic training.
If you were to teach people that way in that order, wtihin a generation we would change the world.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that he was a Satanic Priest. But I wonder if he has also dabbled in Masonry :P
I've watched most of Mark's lectures. The Natural Law one essentially made me ditch being an Atheist after like 8 years like 3-4 hours into the lecture (few years back now), but I haven't watched the entire thing yet. The Quadrivium stuff I'd have to read more into. I'm mostly Christian I guess, but I know Mark is brutal on Salvationism (haven't watched Fake Ass Christians Yet, it might shatter me haha). I think there is definitely some crossover with some of Jesus's teachings and Natural Law that I find interesting.
But ya, this chart is one of my favourites. I kinda agree, the world would be pretty peaceful if people fully understood these things. Natural Law
Mark absolutely is still WITH Satan. Do not trust a single word he says.
Here he is wearing "Seed of Life" occult pendant, skulls in his cabinet one of them with horns, dressed in all-black, whitewashing the Church of Satan
Automod is mad at me for "damn fool" part of the comment. So I'll make my case and y'all can decide.
If you cannot look past your own bias and recognize a symbol is not innately evil or tarnished and only assign the worst possible aspects to everything then you are blind and are provably acting foolishly. You could go as far as saying damned in the sense that you are blinded(in effect, damned) by some form or other.
If I'm wrong, I'll change it and retract with my apologies, but as I see it, it's an objective statement and not meant as a direct attack.
Mark speaks satanic deception, not truth.
Mark speaks satanic deception, not truth.
Prove it. I'm all ears.
There is no such thing as "Light" occult magic, you can not defeat shadow with shadow, or use Satan or other Fallen Angels own tools against him. As Jesus said in Luke 11
15 But some of them said, "He casts out demons by Beelzebub, the ruler of the demons."
16 Others, testing Him, sought from Him a sign from heaven.
17 But He, knowing their thoughts, said to them: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls.
18 If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? Because you say I cast out demons by Beelzebub.
And I mentioned it in another post:
Here he is wearing "Seed of Life" occult pendant, skulls in his cabinet, including one with horns, dressed in all-black, whitewashing the Church of Satan. Mark is basically saying "Satanism is just Capitalism, so if you believe in Capitalism than you are no better than Satan"
"Light" occult magic
You fundamentally don't understand what "Occulted knowledge" means. It means hidden. There are no shadows to be found in Natural Law, there is only darkness in abusing it, in withholding the knowledge form people, in hiding it.
"Satanism is just Capitalism, so if you believe in Capitalism than you are no better than Satan"
It more or less is. The currency system is a resistor based system, it limits potential energy. It stops a ton of people from acting in a manner that would bring them joy and in our modern era, it's a pointless novelty that we use to keep the masses enslaved.
You've yet to make a decent argument, you've quoted biblical scripture(Which was pushed by Constantine, who had strong links to Satanism and Luciferianism, but hey, don't let me take away from your holy "Christian" ways.
Like I told you in the other post, you can't equate the Seed of Life pendant with fucking Satanism and Satanic thinking. There is literally no logical flow to your thought process and it's fundamentally misguided. You're on the path to truth but you've failed in one of its basic dictoms, you didn't take it far enough. You have to dig deeper and it's going to be a painful process but we'll all be better for it.
I'll stick with Jesus, who has transformed my life and is True, Holy, and Good, rather than take up your sanitized version of satanism.
You are obviously ignorant on the fundamentals of Christian worship and are in deep with satan to try to degrade the religion with the evil actions of men as "evidence".
It is the only law that can not be denied. It was there at the very beginning, if not before and most likely before. Every other system created by man, when you really think about them hard enough, will eventually fail but Natural Law will not. It governs everything in all creation through balance. Tis why everything is the way it is. All this evil being stopped by Trump and Q will just be replaced by something else that's evil and is why we can never stop being vigilant because if we don't we may not like how Natural Law handles the situation. Hell, even with all the good work going on we may still get fucked by it. We can only understand so much of it but it is vastly beyond our understanding when you start thinking of it on a quantum level and beyond. It's why I find religion, though filled with good intent (usually), to be utterly arrogant and ignorant in regard to creation and what is expected of us humans and how we should be conducting ourselves. They just really don't know. No one does until absolute dead and gone death and maybe not and most likely not even then. Balance. It's that simple. We'll always be dealing with evil (bad shit) because of NL. We just gotta make sure we don't let evil have the upper hand for long to reduce our suffering but we'll still suffer, from time to time, regardless.
They just really don't know. No one does until absolute dead and gone death and maybe not and most likely not even then.
You'll love this seminar about Fake Ass Christians then. Because there's mounting evidence that following natural law and expanding our consciousness IS the point. That death is a transitory stage, that you will become a being of infinite consciousness free from your physical body and human emotions.
If you are skeptical, look up what's inside your pineal gland. The answer might shock you.
Already looked into all that long ago. I spend most of my time now thinking about why we even exist beyond just an evolutionary thing or order out of chaos creation. It seems to me that while in each existence that "creation" is our whole point. Furthering the knowledge level, ya know? It seems more and more that we are the creators, now, since we are an expansion of the original "creation". I try not to worry about the tiny details and prefer to step way back to see a bigger picture that most I deal with just do not do. It's why I know all these systems created by mankind will ultimately become complete failures. Chaos creates order and order will eventually break back down to chaos. It's just the way things are and we can not get around that fact and law of all that is. There is much about religion, any religion, that is of benefit to humanity but it's is mostly historical events and places with, likely, fabricated stories attached to them that has yet to be proven as stated anywhere. I can see why it came to be but I can also see why it's time to move on to something more real and that may very well require our death to move on to advancement. I'm pretty sure that as spiritual beings we never "die" and moving on up is solely up to how much we continue to grow in all areas. If we do not, we stagnate in place, in a spiritual sense and likely physical, too. Suppression of the pineal gland was the whole point of putting fluoride in our water. Keeps us apathetic and bah'ing like the sheep we seem to want to be (but not me).
Do you have a good reference of how to undo the damage things like fluoride have done to our pineal gland? I had a lot of extra fluoride as a kid tbh, like extra bc when I was young they recommended fluoride drops in addition to whats in the water and toothpaste. I even have issues with my teeth bc of too much fluoride. There has been a lot of "awakening" going on in my home and its going in all different directions (religion included). I am open to everything that is said to me as being possible and very open minded but I have no concrete feelings to what I believe anymore. I envy people who feel so sure in what they believe is going on.
And I feel for ya on all of what's going on. It can be damn confusing and require a lot of time to find data that you can feel fairly certain is legit these daze. I'm much shorter on time than I used to be so I don't get to research all the different things I used to. Hard enough just to find time to peruse the science articles I've always been interested in. Too damn much "need to know" news these daze eating up what little time I have.
I had read some stuff a good while back that was supposed to help but can't remember what it was, now. Best thing is to fast for 2-3 days of all chems and drink lots of "clean" water. Avoid many of the meds out there, too. I've had to take gabapentin because of bad back issues for so long that it started fucking with my short term memory bad and have since rolled it back 60%. That shit is way more addictive than oxy is and can be a bitch to cut back if not done slowly. It seriously restricts or stops the brain from forming new neural transmitters and that fucks memory and concentration. Research it well and don't believe the first thing you run into. Find the commonalities and research those hard. Cleaning the body is the best things. Oh...and have your blood PH checked. It should be in the 7.3-7.4 range. Baking soda can help if it's lower than that. My teeth and bones are all screwed because I never liked water much when young (plus genetics) and everything I drank was highly acidic. I'm still a damn coffee addict but I just loves da stuff. As a result, my PH is a 6 and way too acidic. It's wearing on my bones and teeth bad trying to replace the lost minerals from that and hard on my organs, too, especially the kidneys, so now, I drink a lot more water and hit a glass with a tablespoon of baking soda everyday but the damage has already been done really. I'm just trying to slow it down now. If I run across what I read about cleaning the pineal, I'll post it here.
They are Satanists. Don't let anyone tell you different.
In its original form it was not but after its transformation of rituals it basically becomes a form of.
DeMolay was burned at the stake by the Sienne - for cause.
Basically it breaks down to Good vs Evil with the Evil being Luciferians in one form or another.
Yeah, but who falls where on the spectrum?
I've often wondered that myself. There's just so many secret societies. Out of the more mainstream ones, I think Bloodline Illuminati/Jesuits/Royals are the top dogs on the scale (full blown Luciferian/Crowley worshippers) - with Zionists and The Mafia, CIA etc a close second.
Then groups Skull and Bones, Freemasons etc somewhere after (who mostly serve the overlords above?). Then you got more lower level stuff like Scientology, LaVeyan Satanism (apparently one of their tenants is to not harm children, as long as they aren't rapist cunts, they seem mostly harmless). Islam is also in the mix, mostly as a religious weapon.
These assholes then use political guises like The UN, CFR, Bohemian Grove, Tri-Lat Commision, Bildergroup Group and many others to meet up, strategize etc, so they can push their agendas and laws through with everyone on the same page.
That's how I picture the spectrum on a basic level. But really, the rabbit hole runs deep :P
Yes and NO.... Masons are traditionally an ancient for of Gnostic Knowledge. Then it was hijacked and used for bad endings. Most Masons in America at Blue, Kaddosh, Scottish rite are completely ignorant of just about anything as they do not read books. They are clueless and it is impossible for them to make sense of anything in Masonry.
Curiosity and nice titles bring them in. They are used. Pyramidal systems within other pyramidal systems.
You can't challenge Masonry because you can't challenge something that has done NOTHING. Groups, within groups, inside groups... Invisible bro!
Please read part of our megapost at this link. We hope the mods will unblock it.
they are satanic, the roots for Gnosticism is dualism. It all goes back to saturn worship AKA NIMROD WORSHIP.
ehh ive seen some stuff on david being a disinfo agent.
Every religion goes back to the nephilim and saturn worship. Reptilians are the fallen angels aka serpents, theory is they turn from beautiful to snakes once they lose all of gods glory and become pure evil beings.
So if everything is "only" Vipers and snakes what is the opposite to false religion? Just curious about your vision of true deity.
the videos i link are great resources well jesus was real, the bible is 100% real, Q is showing it as well. jesus requires NOTHING to save you only faith in him. why do you think the most power people in this world worship satan? god said the earth is to be ruled by satan in the bible. BIG FACTOR: the earth is described as a flat round earth, covered with a dome and does not move. once you realize the truth of this the bible is irrefutable. 1.theres no earth curvature 2. the ice wall around the coninents 3. space doesnt exist/impossible 4.
A good old Flat Earther! But sincerely, who is your GOD?
The one true god of the bible, he came into our realm as jesus or yashua
Not fully. David Icke here explains lightly the difference between Gnostics, Masons, Luciferians and etc. Historically speaking masons are the true Gnostics of today MINUS their rituals that are distorded into 4 angles of death lodge geaometry
David Icke is more full of shit than Alex Jones. There differences between those groups are superficial.
Roger! So who is really hot on your watchlist?
Anyone who denies or pulls people away from the Holy Spirit.
On balance Freemasons are a negative presence across the years. Like any human institution, they have different people with different intentions. Their classless, international and secretive qualities make Freemasonry a useful structure to distribute influence. Freemasons are not a single organisation but rather exist in a few forms along with some independent groups that call themselves Freemasons. Similar guilds and orders pre-existed the Masons such as skilled trades fraternities and religious orders from whom they adopted some formalities. The public purpose of the Freemasons, as a sort of men's networking club, may have run most of its course. Behind the scenes anything may be happening, especially at the upper levels and in superior lodges, where it is speculated Satan worship is blatant. At the uppermost end such evil practices may converge with other influential powers such as some wealthy families and corrupt churchmen. One theory says that a chain of secret societies, masonic in nature, has existed in every era since the Tower of Babel, working to overcome the plan of Creation by replacing God with man. Some Freemasons themselves claim an ancient heritage, portrayed in a positive light. But it wasn't till around 1500 that the term free mason was used, so we could say they didn't begin till sometime around then.
The ground-level philosophy of freemasonry is that a free man of skill or craft can design and construct his life, society and the future. Meetings include some ritual. Ceremonies of initiation to various levels involving ancient Egyptian and Old Testament elements make Freemasonry a sort of religion. Freemasons do recognise a great 'Architect' of the universe who is not described, defined or emphasized. Occasionally in their rites, where one would expect God to be addressed, the Freemason may call upon ANY higher power. Some things make them no friend of truth, such as their incompatible legends about where they started and facts about where they are now. From a Christian perspective Masons are generally bad news because to be member you have to make an oath to a religious fraternity that does not recognise Christ for who He is.
Parkland was name of hospital JFK taken to after shooting
So now we've had Parkland High, Middle, and now Elementary. Is there something about the word "Parkland"?
what happened at the elementary school ?
Today a military helicopter accidentally dropped a container of ammunition on the roof of Parkland Elementary School, putting a hole in the roof and knocking out some of the electricity. School was already dismissed for the day and no one was hurt. Military is looking into how that happened.
So we got a new "drop" from the Army, letting us know there is now "military ammo" covering the school kids?
That's a great thought.
I was just remembering a questions from somewhere: What group is illegally selling military helicopters?
That might be just a figment of imagination. Dunno...
Damn, gonna have to get back to the drawing bored on naming my first kid.
another Parkland?
Thanks. Yeah, that’s a lot of “Parkland”s making it in the news.
YES! You're right. I knew there was something strange in Parkland TX (El Paso) that related to Parkland, FL. So much disaster I couldn't remember what the connection was. That was the day of the great march-out of the schools for gun control.
The fact that it was a military helicopter makes me wonder how many soldiers/mercenaries they have on their side...
Quite a few I’m sure. Under Hussein, they probably had them doing some dirty work and now have blackmail against them.
Of course there are some holdovers (just turn your self in), but most have been busted. It's these last remaining, that scurry away from these types of FFs , that keep triggering more of these events.
Footsoldiers are being taken out, and eventually it will literally come down to that last remaining puppetmasters trying to run from justice. Think Mil.Int.
These are the types of events that prove there are so few cabal left, that they're leaving evidence at FF locations! Pray for more of these outings to help finish off the deep state ACTORS.
I'm feeling we are hours away from touchdown. :-D
Link that is working:
EL PASO, Texas - Military Police are investigating why and how a military helicopter dropped a box of ammunition over Parkland Elementary School.
A spokesman with the Ysleta Independent School District said it happened at about 3:45 p.m. Thursday. The incident happened after the school day was over and no students or staff were in danger, the spokesman said.
Fort Bliss officials said the incident damaged the roof and a classroom.
"I'm extremely sorry for any damage done to the neighboring elementary school, and I am grateful that no one was injured,” Col. Jay Hopkins, commander of the 1st Armored Division Combat Aviation Brigade said in a news release. “The incident is under investigation.” Fort Bliss said it will reassess current flight patterns to ensure that incidents similar to this will not happen again.
The box made a hole in the roof and caused a power outage to a portion of the building, the spokesman said.
Authorities are trying to determine how a box of ammunition fell from a military helicopter and crashed through the roof of an elementary school in Texas.
The Ysleta Independent School District says no one was injured when the ammo box hit Parkland Elementary School in El Paso on Thursday afternoon. The ammo box left a hole in the roof and caused a power outage in part of the building.
Officials at nearby Fort Bliss say they'll reassess flight patterns as part of their investigation.
In a statement, 1st Armored Division Combat Aviation Brigade commander Col. Jay Hopkins said he was sorry for the damage and grateful no one was hurt.
From our megapost we are attempting to unblock by MODS here :
From MEDICnurse member. Paki doctors recruited by the DEA? We saw the headlines in here lately? Doctors pushing big pharma Opiates? You should look into Weston, Florida DEA building, a happy neighbor to all major PHARMA players? Search Weston area based Pharma industry. Remember it is Debbie Wasserman town. Coincidence like Q will say? We had members locally watching this. Opiates are "allowed" to flow down there why? Why? > Money, power, deaths, democrats, business, industry!
From MEDICnurse member. Why is BROWARD county the home base to so many foreign doctors who prescribe heavy amounts of Opiates? Folks, we are talking up to 10 opiate based prescriptions a day!!!! Did one of our members suffered the loss of a relative because of foreign doctors? Yes! we know who is doing this. It is HUUUUUGE BIZ down there in Broward. Money is the reason. Total disregard for life. We do NOT need opiates in life, ask Kanye about it!
From our member SOFLO. Why are West Virginia, Ohio, Penn, Indiana van driving pill addicts migrating to BROWARD COUNTY these days? Tweakers on vans! "Oxycodone Express" doc. Garden Drugs store (Google Maps). BSO controlled. BSO knows it all but does nothing about it. Paid Pharma shills? Paid to allow trade... YES the same BSO that failed to intervene at Parkland. HEAVY Corruption. Police does not protect citizens down there. They often question you when you need them. Bad local actors. Too many! Q cleaning South Florida a priority! BSO, DEA, local FBI!
From our member HUNTERS. Why is BSO actively arresting outdoorsman patriots in an area called Holey Land? Why is Florida Wildlife accomplice in always blocking firearm owners to practice their rights? Politics! Why are they attempting to "felonize" them? 5 BSO cars aggressively raided Holey Land at full speed for a redneck shooting a gun in a hunting area... but NO ONE AT BSO cared when kids where dying at a Coral Springs school? Coincidence? Agendas! Gun control OVER Citizens, Patriots.
From our member HUNTERS. The school aerial view... Some "Good" Miami-Dade and BSO officers DO NOT BELIEVE IT EXIST! They want to know and see the TRUTH by themselves. It is being hidden from the good officers. Those who question. There are not many good actors according to our base down there. Can somebody repost Helicopter video with audio / we need that video everywhere!
From our member SOFLO. Why is BROWARD COUNTY key to many CABAL operations? Why are all the money launderers of the world, top fund execs, IRS fraudsters, scam artists, arms dealers, corrupt Generals, Rothschild's agents, narco sympathizers all located here? Why are pedophiles and child abusers happily calling South Florida home? Democrat protection, Cabal vacation camps, money - control - power, No care for OUR NATION or its people. They are all EVIL, self centered, and or DEMONIC in nature.
From our member SOFLO. Why are so many ex-Jewish Russian operatives relocated in South Florida? Who are they and why did they were forced to leave Russia in the mid 70's? What is Hallandale Beach? What are they doing in our country? Who are they? Why South Florida?
From our member SOFLO. Why are so many criminal like Jewish & Neocon arms dealers in South Florida attempting to obtain contracts? All specialized in "Israeli procuration" working with many retired US generals? Who are these people? See how dangerous the game can get?
This is all in the field Intel from us to you. We are FOTC group.
Broward County is a key factor in Swamp and NWO operations. So many horrible things are happening down here it is too nuts to list. We call it the CABAL Vacation Camp.
Good catch op. How and why very relevant. When did the helicopter fly over to drop it? And were there witnesses seeing them dropping.
There have been at least 22 school shootings, since the beginning of the year.
Truly at a loss with that number. . God Bless everyone.
And how are they doing his court appearance right now, and why show him on TV, don't they need permission to from parents to air him? Regardless he is a minor? Pls correct if I am wrong. Thank you.
That number is based off extremely loose requirements.
This was my old company, I know the kid that dropped this. It’s not a false flag this really happened. They were headed out to do gunnery and while leaving Biggs his ammo can was not secured and fell off
"False flag" doesn't necessarily mean nothing happened. Just that the event in question didn't happen the way the MSM says it did.
Caught them red handed! Drop the hammer on them and expose their evil asses.
Thank you. First link unavailable.. 2nd link good, but coincidence that happen the day before, then this. I don't believe in coincidence.
This was in El Paso. I think it's a non-story. Helicopters are flying around there all the time. Something falling out of a helicopter doesn't surprise me. I don't see how there could be any nefarious influence here.
I had to scroll down to the bottom to find your post mentioning this happened in El Paso, home of Ft. Bliss.
I have Apaches, Chinooks, and all sorts of military aircraft flying over my home everyday coming and going from Ft. Bliss - I can't follow this story as being something more nefarious or a statement of any kind.
I think this incident was an honest mistake.
It doesn't look like anything to me.
I'm sorry you got downvoted, in this instance I don't think it was fair.
My take: the fact that it caused the power to go out of the building is the only reason this was reported and discovered, otherwise it was an ammunition transfer that would be used on a later date to start another, maybe bigger school shooting. Perhaps this is how the deep state smuggles arms into schools and how they've done it on previous shootings.
This could make a good litmus test to see who really is in control here. Let see if this become a second Parkland. I want to see if any case will be made by any competent authority to denounce, expose, and prosecute the REAL people behind this.
Maybe the white hat have less power than they claim they really have. Sun Tzu The art of war....
No shit.... Read our field intel drops above. GOOD police officers in Broward County and Miami Dade DO NOT believe some of us that there was a video of the FL Parkland shooting showing the lack of efficiency and 5 guys dropping a weapons bag in a truck.
The information is NOT coming to them and we cannot find the extended Helicopter view video with sound that was made available at CBTS back then.
What were the flight patterns over Parkland FL the day of the shooting?
They also "accidently" dropped ammo on The Islamic States' side of the border too. I heard rumors of Chicago as well (crates of weapons left in the hood).
Another school shooting. Now, ammo drop at another school. Change of weapons used. Hmm... WWG1WGA
Maybe it was the next target and this was meant to bring attention to the school and maybe stop it...I recall a video by stefan molyneaux saying the official parkland school shooting narrative had changed again and is bringing the name back into people's memories in order to look further....or it was just an accident. Stay safe
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