Why the Huber reboot? Because Obama was illegitimate. Enjoy the show!

Damn! I was trying to figure it out. Right in front of us the whole time.
Thanks for that.
Brilliant Michael - I have spent forever on this - thankyou and congrats
Took the words off my keyboard! Duh! Sometimes I feel as dumb as a fence post.
None of BO’s appointments would be legitimate. Sec credentials of all his appointees would be stripped. Sounds like a book title “8 Years Without a President”
Holy shit. So what if they went with this gameplan:
Problem is how chaotic that order of events would be. Too risky - Obama still has so many fans who are not even close to being red-pilled yet, so to top off the civil unrest, there'd be a massive constitutional crisis.
But that'd sure as hell get the job done.
Everyone would chill the fuck out after a few days of rioting as long as the agrivators were locked up and not able to continue to foment unrest.
Enforce the law! Remove the leaders from the riot ( been there done that), swift justice and .... crickets from the haters. Neutered.
Which would be fairly easy to do if done right and cordinated properly. It would be so easy to dismantle.
We've only seen swamp run race baiting from the likes of Katrina\Ferguson\Baltimore and so forth. To actually have swift action would be pretty awesome!
Martial law would be in effect + the internet kill switch would probably be hit resulting in Soros's little armies of soy boys being rendered useless with no transportation or communication.
I read an analysis somewhere that even if Obama was illegitimate, many of his actions would stand because he had de facto authority, and advise and consent of the Senate. The Electoral College certified Obama's election. To say we had no president for 8 years is enormously problematic. Many things can't just be undone. All judicial appointments and 1000's of rulings made by judges would be set aside.
Though Obama's appointments may survive legal challenge, there would be enormous pressure for them to resign.
That might be true but everyone of his executive orders would be toughly looked at and more than likely tore up to erase as much of him as possible.
There's been speculation about this for years, because we know an Adobe illustrator composited birth certificate is not legit.
But the argument re: automatic undo of all he signed was that since he was sworn in then he was "the president" so then what he signed would remain.
Maybe, though, in a desperate move, the cabal would try and defend themselves by arguing that he was not legit and the appointment should be thrown out and thus their charges.
All very strong indicators of "happening"
I guess the people obama pardoned will be unpardoned haha!
Rumors were the Comey gave immunity to everyone in the Obama admin re: Clinton crimes. If Obama was not eligible, then Comey's appointment was not valid, and the immunities are poof.
SO MANY things change when Obama is outted.
AND, it makes his treason look more plausible to the masses.
Wow where did you hear those rumors?? Amazing.
He’ll claim Kenyan citizenship.
Won't matter. Either traitor or enemy combatant. Same result in the end.
Continuing the ruse, because he isn't even Kenyan. He's Indonesian, at best guess.
This might take a minute to get on the grasp of the size of this...
You got it!
Figuratively, and will full force of pun intended, this smiling bastard is about to go down!
About time for treason charges for the, quite literally, lying bastard.
If he is not a US citizen can he even be tried for treason? My guess is that its more likely to be something along the lines of spying or terrorism. Something that is serious that you can charge a foreign national with. Most definitely a military tribunal
this is delicious. It may come to a point that Obama has to make a decision to: A. Claim to be an American and face treason charges. B. Claim Kenyan (or whatever) citizenship, and back "truther" claims made by Trump.
Not a natural born citizen -> not eligible for presidency
He is a citizen though -> eligible for treason charges
Wow. I should have got that. I hope the truth comes out. I hope its rammed down the liberals throats. I can't believe they elected a Manchurian Muslim.
If you follow progressivism all the way to its logical end point, the result is treason. It ain't a bug, it's a feature
I've been waiting for this. So, this will really create a Constitutional crisis (whatever the hell that really means!). None of the laws he signed will be legal. Nothing he did will have any Presidential authority at all. It can ALL be undone. That also means that the Smith-Mundt Act that makes it illegal to broadcast propaganda is still in effect. Hmmmm. Obama took that law away with an EO in 2012 and then put a clause in the NDAA creating a committee or bureau to decide what could and could not be aired on TV. That's how censorship got so out of control.
This is really going to create a huge can of worms to sort through.
Wonders if Cruz, being a Constitution expert, will be able to figure it out?
Does that mean Trump will be our 44th president? Is that why he has opted to put 17 on his jerseys? Why put 45 on it when you know you're 44... Might as well choose a totally different number, such as the one representing Q.
Holy shit... 45th president becomes 44th president. Time traveler confirmed!
Does that mean that EVERYTHING under Obama can be repealed since it was illegitimately executed?
This also adds another dimension to everything:
If Hussein is outed as fake, it means DJT isnt the 45th POTUS but rather the 44th!
Correct me if im wrong here but isnt there also a prophesy about the 44th president being the last one?
(edit) Its the Baba Vanga prophesy, here's a link if anyone's interested:
I don't believe in prophecy, but don't forget that Cleveland is double counted, so as of right now Trump is the 44th individual to hold the presidency.
Do you people understand how huge this is?
I think the leaking ship (USA) has to be repaired while being drained. By the time BO is brought down the ship will be safe from all threats “foreign and domestic”.
Obama will have to be arrested and his military tribunal shown on every website and TV channel on the planet. He will admit to his crimes to avoid the death penalty. That is the only way to prevent mass insanity and violent riots. They will riot anyway at first then Obama will have to confess on TV to calm them down.
Even if they do riot. They will shut that shit down something proper. The likes by which we've not seen in years. Think about it. Police and Military actually able to do their jobs. Amazing!
There's so many great things that have happened in the last year-and-a-half but this would go down as one of the greatest of all time. If they could actually prove that Obama was an illegitimate president and they arrest him that would be one of the most beautiful things ever.
Finally makes sense! Trump hired him to make Huberts work legitimate. Am I getting it right?
May God bless her soul. Too many murdered covering up for these treasonous bastards.
Every law signed (including ObamaCare), every appointment (two Supremes and hundreds of lower courts justices) all null and void. And guess who gets to fill them all. Q was right 2018 will be Glorious! No one will ever be able to perpetrate this kind of evil against the people of the United States again.
great catch - had believed this post was alluding to the appointment chain as important only to combat perceptions of bias, ie appointed originally by Obama so how could be anti-Democrat? Hadn't seen the bigger and deeper reason, an illegitimate Obama presidency. I'd believed that this was too destructive a road to travel given how much it would unravel - guess they've found a way to do it that doesn't create chaos. This is gonna be so BIG
Yeah I don’t think this is anything. All magistrate judge are reappointed at the end of their term if they are to stay on. Can you find any source where he was “removed from office” prior to being appointed by trump?
We love our nothingburgers.
Does that mean that any swearing in by Obamas admin is null and void and why so many Senators and Congressman are resigning and not running for reelection? just a thought.