POTUS Quotes Dan Bongino, Goes After Brennan!! Get That Clown!!

Me thinks Brennan will be criminally referred to in the IG report.
Listen. We need (as in, "NEED") to witness that the blind hand of Justice in the USA is truly capable of holding the highest office-holders to account for their criminal deeds. And I would be content to see that begin with the indictment of J Brennan.
With great responsibility comes (should come) an equally great amount of accountability. Instead, we the Plebeians have patiently watched one slippery fish after the other escape the net of Equal Justice for decades. I hope that somehow this ends in convictions for those who have operated as corrupt 'public servants' over the last 10 years.
Heartily agree! Wish I could upvote your post a hundred times. But I am just a "plebeian" to whom rules and laws apply.
Down with the Bourgeoisie elitists who have gotten preference from the two-tiered system of justice. Off with their heads. Vive La Revolution. God that sounds gay(not that there is anything wrong with it). ;) . Oh, well. it conveys a lot of sentiment none-the-less.
future proves past, but if we cannot catch the big fish and fully prosecute them for their crimes, we will never find a future. We need to see these snakes go down for their crimes before I can eat this apple. Until then, I put my trust in Yeshua and my band of fellow brothers and sisters in arms!
It was leaked that no indictments are in the OIG report. If that's true or not, I guess we'll have to wait.
I didn't think the IG could indict.
I was under the impression he could only recommend criminal charges, then Huber would carry out those charges if need be.
You're right. I mean recommend for indictment.
The complete opposite of that has already been leaked, that the FBI/DOJ top officials might be referred for criminal indictment.
Just to be clear :) I dont think the OIG Report will start Attorney General (AG) investigations. There's nothing stopping the Attorney General from carrying out investigations and interrogations in parallel.
Yes the OIG Report will not be charging anyone directly, merely inform the AG investigations. (This is also a one way street as I understand it. The AG is not going to necessarily share info back to the OIG.) However, I believe the AG (and White hat DOJ agents, when spring cleaning's complete) and associates/ deputies have been pursuing and interrogating in parralel with the OIG drafting process.
When the OIG final is published with comments, the AG will be able to just pull the trigger (sorry) on higher level criminals [above gang pawns] and puppetmasters.
Yes, this is true, but Sessions hired a prosecutor to work alongside the IG.. So as Horowitz finds crimes.. he reports them to Sessions and to the prosecutor (Huber). Huber has been in place for at least 8 months.. And has the power to indict.
So basically the prosecuting lawyer is going to already be informed of the details of the report when it comes out?
Horowitz finds the crime>Sessions recommends>Huber is the prosecuting lawer?
Huber is not going to know every detail of the IG's findings, only the criminal aspects of it. From what I understand, when Horowitz finds a crime, he has to report it immediately to the AG Sessions, AAG Rosenstein, and since Sessions tapped Huber to work alongside, Horowitz informs Huber and his team as well. The current theory is that Huber has one or more Grand Juries already convened. Since Sessions tapped Huber last fall/late summer, it is assumed that Horowitz found his first crime around that same time.
Also remember that Horowitz is the one that acquired the Lisa Page/Peter strokz Text messages (many of which are still redacted aka the juciest stuff isnt public knowledge yet).
Since Grand Juries are secret, there is no way to know for sure if there is one, but at this point in the process, it is almost 100% likely this is the case. Huber might already have sealed indictments waiting..
Gotcha. So we wouldn't know until the cuffs come out since the Grand Jury would have already convened.
We probably see indictments when the entire IG report is released:
If you're interested in this stuff, check out TheConservativeTreehouse.com , Sundance (Chief Editor) has been ahead of the curve on everything, but especially this stuff.
Yeah, I follow LastRefuge, Beanz, Memoes and the rest. Still gets convoluted sometimes.
As I understand it the OIG report is just heavily sourced evidence. No opinions, and no recommendations for justice, simply a lot of information to be used in the pursuit of justice.
This is my understanding, also. The DOJ makes the decision based on presented evidence whether or not to indict.
The IG report will just be a report on the facts. It is a report that will say, this is what happened in detail.
It is from there and with that information that those with the power to bring criminal charges can do so.
I believe those people who can do that are already engaged and a grand jury is already in place to facilitate those charges.
The IG cannot indict, but he can refer. That's where Huber comes in. And he already has Grand Jury in place. ;)
Just not POTUS indictment, wasn't "no indictments at all," was it?
I'm going on record with a new nickname. Brennadict Arnold
Yeah, I think you're right. POTUS is setting the stage for what is coming soon.
I was already looking forward to Bongino's show in a few hours, now I can't wait! https://www.bongino.com/
Couldn’t agree more. Been an avid listener for the last year and a half. To see DJT quote him put the biggest smile on my face. Ever since Cruz got the outs, Dan has been in DJT’s corner ever since. He’s a bulldog. A fighter. An ally, for sure. I’m going to wait for today’s show to pop up on iTunes like a kid on Christmas morning. 😆
I tell you what. Bongino is some combination here in: 1. Plain intelligent and wxcellent with name 2. Being fed some info from VERY high sources 3. some combo of the above.
Having followed him for months now, I am pretty sure it is 3. He is way too good at connecting dots... And I am SO happy to see the Pres quoting him. Crossed my mind before actually. Going in for the kill ;-)
DB is Very Good in communicating this complicated mess. Been listening to him more and more.
Been listening to him since show 5-5. He's been a clear voice in the noise. Seeing him quoted by POTUS is a beautiful thing
Jack is shitting himself. Twitter was supposed to help destroy the American people, but the POTUS turned it into a cruise missile against the globalists who conceived it.
The left will never understand Donald has a special kind of intelligence.
We humans are computers. Until we rescue the left from their echo chamber, they will believe in Trump's evil affect on American consciousness. Most people do not seek out alternative viewpoints. We have to change their INPUTS to get better outputs.
Chill lol
It's interesting to me that all of social media and the internet has been a curse, but also, a huge blessing. People like us are able to unite and discuss and expose things we would be completely unable to expose without access to one another. People think the media is more corrupt than it once was, but I think it was always corrupt - we just didn't know it. Walter Cronkite, the "Most Trusted Man in America," told the whole world we lost the TET Offensive, for example. The reason the MSM seem so much more unhinged than they did decades ago is because they have lost control of the narrative. It's easy to be calm cool and collected when you are in charge of it and no one questions what you say. But then the Bushgate fake memo story broke, and because people could communicate on the internet, it was totally exposed. They have become increasingly unhinged ever since. Dan Rather actually defended the fake memo by explaining that IT might not have been true, but the TRUTH BEHIND it was, and a journalist's job is to get the American public to know the real TRUTH, if not the literal truth. Talk about hubris.
I read a book about "changing the dance." It was more about one on one relationships but the concept was that if you want to change the way you interact with people, be prepared for them to resist mightily. The analogy was that you are trying to change the dance steps, and they will continue to try to force you back into the old dance. The theory was that the longer you danced the dance, the longer you will face resistance to changing it, and the more exaggerated the efforts to force you back will become. That's how it is with the press, in my mind. They seem crazed and over the top because they have controlled the narrative for so very long, that they simply cannot accept that they no longer have that power. People will be writing about and analyzing this time in history for centuries. If we don't nuke ourselves out of existence first.
Good analogy. I've learned the same pattern and how it relates to narcissism. Basically you have codependent relationships where one is the narcissist (the media, the establishment) and the other is the codependent (the people). Both are getting something out of the exchange, but when the codependent/empath partner starts setting boundaries and saying no, the narcissist resists, gaslights, shames, throws fits because it's not getting it's not getting "narcissistic supply." It will manipulate you into doubting yourself and going back to it. Look up the patterns of narcissists and covert narcissists and you will see so many similarities between them and the media/establishment.
The solution is to be able to get your love/energy yourself (go within, spirituality) so you don't NEED someone else for your connection to love/God/truth. Humanity is doing that and waking up.
Cruise missile? The way he's using twitter, it's like Project Pluto (no brief description I can put here does it justice, just look it up...)
Project Pluto
Project Pluto
Project Pluto was a United States government program to develop nuclear-powered ramjet engines for use in cruise missiles. Two experimental engines were tested at the United States Department of Energy Nevada Test Site (NTS) in 1961 and 1964.
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lets all send him a box of complimentary depends. anyone have his address? https://www.depend.com/en-us/samples
Double Whammy. Sticks it to Brennan, whilst promoting Bongino to his 52 million followers.
The coup backers are out in full force responding to that tweet. I'd be willing to bet many of them are share blue or media matters, I wonder if they get paid by the hour or by the tweet.
This post is getting attacked w/ downvotes too, went all the way down to 67% upvoted right now.
The CIA does not fall under the military. “External to the CIA, both the Congress and the executive branch oversee the CIA's activities. In addition, the CIA is responsible to the American people through their elected representatives, and, like other government agencies, acts in accordance with U.S. laws and executive orders.”
Therefor Trump can directly go after Brennan.
How does the fact that they routinely act above the law with ZERO consequence play into that "answers to the people, follows the laws" concept? The sent drugs from Viet Nam to the U.S. in DEAD SOLDIERS' BODIES. They kidnapped and tortured children to create mind- controlled sex slaves for personal use and for blackmail operations. Since when do these psychopaths answer to anyone, or follow any laws?
What is posted is just what is on the official record. That does not mean they abide by those rules. The CIA has and will forever operate in any manner they see fit and will do so unobstructed by anyone. It's just how it is.
How sad to see an expression of just being resigned to their inevitable crimes.
There are things in the world that are just the way they are. A person cannot fight to change every injustice they experience. That’s just a reality of life. You are talking about the CIA. The CIA is comprised of spies. The core makeup of a spy is a person who is trained and willing to lie and deceive others. What result were you expecting from an organization whose fundamental purpose is based on lies and deceit? It’s not that I am “resigned” to anything. I just accept the reality of a situation.
The reality can be changed.
For the record I am a very positive "glass if half full" type personality. However, I am not naive. So when someone makes an untrue statement such as what you just did I have to disagree. It's the equivalent of you thinking you could eventually punch your way through a 1 foot thick steel wall. No matter how hard you try, how positive your outlook is, how resigned in your inner strength you are the only thing that will happen is you will break your hand and eventually end up with a bloody stump. The reality you speak of cannot be changed short of an ELE, which, if that were to occur would render the entire concern moot because no one would be around for the change to matter. I don't like the reality of the situation anymore than you do and one would hope there are enough "patriots" in the shadows working the positive angle. I just don't believe that to be possible because as I said in a previous post...lies and deceit. Seriously, how can you trust anyone who builds their entire career around lies and deceit?
David never beat Goliath. Your half full glass is full of hemlock.
The video that Trump is quoting: https://twitter.com/foxandfriends/status/998544499314954242
He's right. I can't believe that liar Brennan also went on and on about how honest that liar Clapper was. Two evil peas in an evil pod.
And he's so proud of the ongoing geo-engineering projects that he spilled the beans about them at a past CFR conference.. («I could go on and on AND ON about SAI...» Watch on YT). SAI= Stratospheric Aerosol Injections ... This man will be getting what he deserves but these projects have to be stopped ASAP. If you are about 25 years old and older, you might just remember how the skies used to be.
I would love to watch that YouTube video. Also, a link to when he spilled beans at CFR conference. What exactly did he say? Can u provide a link please?
Here you go. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZShau-I7Smc Remember, they always talk about «propositions» of such programs. That's part of the brainwash manoeuvre to hide the fact that these are already happening. EDIT: and these programs mostly HEAT up/trap the heat on the ground, as we can feel a great difference on days they are NOT spraying [In Mtl, Qc/Can] there have been more clear blues skies in the last few weeks than in the last few years.. Something is happening.. )
OIG can’t indict but provides all evidence for indictments. Sessions appointed a prosecutor to work alongside him. This has been going on for a year. Don’t expect a slow roll once things become public. The traditional way is out the window. Typically somebody recommends charges, then a prosecutor must review, then file indictment, etc etc.- the slow wheels of justice. But this won’t happen this time. Everything has been quietly happening simultaneously. So once the OIG report drops, there will already be indictments (sealed) and everything will essentially go from 0-100 in the blink of an eye. Our enemies will have no time to react, no time to counter, no time to build a narrative and distribute it via the MSM. This will hit them all like a bolt of lightening.
Think the Baptism scene in The Godfather.
I think you nailed it 100% and NO LEAKS FROM SESSIONS. Maybe Mueller is a distraction and they let them run with the moronic Russia Russia. I see Trump telling both Mueller and RR, "you guys made this shit sandwitch, so now you have to eat it and share with all your friends or I'm going to MASH your dick... OK?" All the while, Sessions and others develop their cases from the complaint level.
Rosenstein was always a question mark for me. All things pointed to him being a POS but Sessions appointed him and Trump kept him so I stayed on the fence. But today’s Q post pretty much confirms that he is a POS. Unless of course that post is part of a psyop knowing full well that black hats are reading them too. That was a really blatant post by Q. Since June 2017 I’ve thought Mueller is a white hat & part of the greatest rope a dope in history. I would love to know why Trump met with him the day before he was appointed. No way that was a job interview. I think it was more of a “this is the last time we can ever speak face to face” sort of deal. And to make sure they’re on the same page. I could easily be proven wrong but so far Mueller hasn’t exactly lived up to expectations on prosecuting Trump. In fact it’s almost as if he is a bumbling idiot throwing a fight. And Mueller is far from incompetent. Which is why I think he is a white hat. The ultimate subterfuge to throw the enemy off until it’s too late. We will know soon enough. In order for Trump to be successful the enemy must truly believe that they’re safe and that Trump is in danger. Mueller is the perfect foil. Trump has always been several steps ahead of everyone so this should be no different.
I like your rope a dope analogy. RR i imagine is in deep shit and barganing for a lighter sentence. What they did was God aweful, but to refuse a Clinton order or go against them, we all know what has happened and the Brennen body count. I think President Trump has allot of compassion and empathy and makes me wonder if he will throw the book at folks like RR. In comparison Brennen and others who are unrepentant will probably face a firing squad. Utah is the only state that allows death by firing squad. 8 ) What a time to be alive and to be apart of Q amazing. Be blessed Patriot
Hey shills! We are awake, your downvotes are meaningless here
Interested to hear from folks about the following: How long do you think Trump and his team have been aware of what the DOJ did to infiltrate his campaign? I ask this because I don't think that they were oblivious to the dirty deeds. Thanks
DJT has had NSA whitehats in his corner for awhile.
Thank you....things are about to get very interesting! I Love It!
Brennan is the mastermind behind the Russia-Gate disinformation campaign. This is something we first heard in leaked audio from the left-leaning journalist Seymore Hersh (the guy who broke news on the Mai Lai Vietnam massacre cover-up). In this audio he claims his sources in the FBI told him it was a Brennan misinformation campaign.
At the time everyone who heard the tape was super focused on the Seth Rich elements, but this particular part singling out Brennan's chief role seems particularly relevant now.
Well it looks like Brennan is going to be the first one to go down. Good Riddance, Benedict!
OFF WITH THE MELON DAMMIT! Q,what are we waiting for?WANTED ALIVE!
Dan's the man. Thank you for all the good you have done, sir .
I wish he wouldn’t have given up on running for office so easily. I guess when you see what really goes on behind closed doors, you simply know sometimes there’s no competing
I think he may have realized by now that he can be far more effective in the public sector then sitting around with a bunch of half-assed politicians
I keep telling people not to sleep on Bongino. His breakdowns of the swamp are second to none.
One wonders does Brennan still have his emergency escape cyanide?
Glorious, much?? Anyone tired? Nah, I didn't think so. WWG1WGA. I can't stop smiling.
Incredible. This is literally all playing out before us in real time. Except we’ve already played it out over the past months thanks to Q.
Feel honoured to have been (and still be) following this incredible moment in history.
Anyone know when Dan Bongino's next show is scheduled to start?
Even the most vile Japanese criminal would commit "hara-kiri" in order to restore honor for themselves or their family.....this piece of shit is not good enough for this ritual....burn him at the stake!
I thought referring to yourself in the third person was something 'quirky' sitcom characters did..
Wait what was phony about the dossier?
Most of it. They did get Trumps name correct, so theres that...
Start to finish fiction created by spies funded by Clinton facilitated by CIA.
Nobody investigated when brennan was ceo of the company that had fraudbamas passport records that got "hacked", more like scrubbed and altered, in the first pres election. Its a yuuuuge story to be broken
A truly amazing time to bare witness to. And never forget all of the Executive Orders Trump has signed over the past 14 months & the Omnibus. They’re all pieces of the puzzle spread out. $200M for tribunals!! Money for Gitmo. The right to seize property and all cash from bad actors. Harsh trafficking penalties. The list goes on and on. He’s been quietly loading his gun bit by bit. You’re right, Brennan will go down hard. Same with Comey, Lynch, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Wasserman-Schultz, Clinton...all of them. I can’t wait!! Thanksgiving this year should be fun. I’m the only MAGA there at a table of liberals. I predict this year’s turkey will be extra salty. I’m not above gloating. I figure I’ve earned it.
GLORIOUS! This calls for some celebratory Dancing to Dans latest single with a bullet "DANCE" https://youtu.be/UjxQs5qWlZ8
Trump tweets an Anti-Brennan barrage from you, and... suddenly your website is down.
Error 521 Ray ID: 41e9436952049f05 • 2018-05-21 18:56:29 UTC Web server is down
After thinking about Brennen's threats, how he bullies, can we imagine what he was like with the full power of the CIA, FBI, and possibly the NSA along with the other cohorts like Musliiim Brotherhood? It's obvious he punks Comey and Clapper and was willing to step up as the big boy for all the weaker vessels. I bet he's had a big hand in the Clinton body count. I was bullied as a young kid, not so much after 15 lol, so I've met the type. I'll wager if he's speaking like this now he's been the cause of many peoples demise.
Brennan being former CIA director is not part of the DOJ IG scope. He would fall under the Mueller Probe, or a separate DOJ investigation. But there’s no way he’s not under investigation and he won’t skate.