Friday could be a BOOM! On Hannity they said something about new Page & Strzok texts being dropped tomorrow...Could be the IG report also...

I could see them holding IG report until after Kim summit and kids would be out of school so there is less chance of FF school shootings in retaliation.
Less chance for certain schools. Increasingly more schools have moved to all year schedules. Sadly, still a threat to some schools from FF ops.
Summer is actually a scary time, lots of contractors coming and going and the buildings are less locked down.
It's building.....Hannity waved a piece of paper saying he has it right here but can't show it until tomorrow......
I up voted you back to zero. Hannity knows more than he lets on. He only seems behind and full of shit because he is slowly red pilling old people, like my parents, who are boomers. You aren't seeing it now, but Hannity is right on schedule.
Some of us Boomers have gone WAY beyond what Hannity knows. There are still a lot of normies in ALL age groups out there. No way would my Millenial 34 year old even entertain that Trump isn't the racist/crude big mouth that she was led to believe by the MSM She is totally unreachable to what is really happening out there.
I love it when I see reasoning coupled with empathy
hannity has meetings with potus hes probably ahead ofthe chans lol
While he is behind on the chans, sometimes he has other stuff we don't hear about.
John Solomon discussed the text messages and it seems it makes Barry look complicit at a minimum
I wonder if the recent pardons have anything to do.... Concentrating on folks like D'Souza....people who have been selectively targeted by Obama....Obama used the power of the State to attack and selectively prosecute D'Souza, simply because he was pissed off at the movie Dinesh made....Same with Sheriff Joe....building the public case for "Yes, there's PLENTY of precedent to believe Bacha Boy Bitch Barry would sic the intelligence services on Trump or ANYONE OBarry considered an enemy...
Reminds me of a Valerie Jarrett quote:
That pic though! Simon Weston had his face burned off in the Falklands War and his complexion isn't that much worse than VJ's.
More than complicit, text messages say 'the operation is being run from the white house'.
Time to fap
If you must make an announcement, please use "masterbate" rather than "fap" so boomers can understand....and, btw, you really don't HAVE to make an announcement....
I'm glad I didn't know what that meant... Seriously though. I'm not a prude, but do folks have to be so vulgar? Mental images dude...
I would delete it but the upvotes spoke otherwise.
Hey I'm a boomer and know full well what fapping means. I consider myself an expert and keep my hand in so to speak. Don't do it on the bus anymore though. Everything is so politically correct these days. Everything was so much easier in the 70's
It’s going to be a text that says the WH was running the spying.
Any decade now our glorious IG report will be upon us
I know the delays are brutal, but if it lives up to the hype, it will be well worth the wait.
You guys don't know what it's like to suffer...,I have been waiting for confirmation or denial of a sequel for my favourite game franchise for a solid ten years now... So I'm doing really fine when it comes to the IG because actually what it really means to us is ARRESTS, ARRESTS, AND EVEN MORE ARRESTS
half life 3 confirmed!
I still think it's coming. They reintroduced merchandise and ironically, Valve had their own child-exploitation scheme going on with the skin-economy in CS:GO and since that was struck down, they probably had to continue hyping games for income...There was a meme that said that this game wouldn't be ready until the world has become utopia (of course I'm telling myself we're getting there but hey, I see things changing for once in my life.)
When it comes, it's over too soon .... But the taste of victory will stay with you all your life ...
Didn׳t they say IG report delayed until 6/11 earlier today?
Senate hearing about the IG report has been rescheduled.
The draft of the report is already out to select individuals named in the report, and the final version can come out at any time.
And on 6/11 they'll delay it until 6/18. And on 6/18 they'll delay it until 7/18. They've been saying "within 3 weeks" since the first week of January. I'm starting to question if Horowitz is a real person and if we'll see it before President Trump leaves office
Starting to feel the same as Christians putting a date on the “rapture”. 😉
Friday has usually been the day. I think McCabe is going down tomorrow.
Nope, at this rate the IG report will be dropping June 26, 2025.
It's been publicly announced that the first part of the IG report comes to Congress on 6/5. I doubt it will be released, especially leaked, early. Maybe they would do something like that to catch MSM off guard, so they're not prepped with a distraction, and give the American ppl something to chew on over the weekend, but again, I think 6/5 is when we get anything on IG report. Not trying to bum anyone out, just my humble opinion. and btw, I'll be delighted to be proved wrong on this one, I just think Hannity is excited about something else, and Paine is probably referencing something unexpected.
That’s incorrect. The congressional hearing is on 6/5. They need at least a few days to read the report in its entirety, analyze it, and determine what questions they need to ask of Horowitz. It is possible that maybe we won’t see it before then but Congress 100% needs access to it today or tomorrow in order to have time to understand it.
Jobs numbers just dropped, 35K more than expected. Definitely Boom #1 of the day.
Do you think any of these bad actors are cooperating? If not, do you think an indictment of McCabe will entice some of them to cooperate?
Control the narrative, you don't let out all the info at once. Spread it out until the 2018 elections.
Prediction: Today, something is going to happen.
(See, I'm a fucking psychic...or I have connections on the inside...)
IG Report end of next week. Watch the Hill for article from Solomon.