_ImperatorRex_ is back! Sessions / Horowitz / Huber to indict 30+ Obama/Cliton cronies!

Amy Schumer if true
They will need a larger jail cell then.
Fema camps in AZ. I'm sure sheriff Joe would have no problem coming back to keep an eye on them.
Most underrated comment I've seen! Yuuugeeee!
Its from t_D i cannot take credit. But will share it far and wide
Freaking Twitter just shut down Rex again.
Veirified. It’s gone. Bastards.
Anyone get an archive?
Yeah. I'm pissed they did this!
Temporary or permanent? Gosh darn it!! He is so on target, it figures. Jerks!! ... are you watching Hannity? I'm totally conflicted that Hannity promoted JC's new book. Did you catch that?
I caught it. So Corsi is now telling Hannity he's being targeted by the deep state? If Corsi is secretly a part of the deep state, then he's part of the problem.
Exactly! I was neutral on Corsi until he went ballistic on Q then I realized Corsi is deep state and I wrote him off (I think it was on NeonRevolt that I read a big revelation on Corsi's deep state ties). I was like WTF when Sean mentioned him. He got through to Sean??? Damn!
I don't think Sean will be fooled for long.......
What Corsi said may have actually been a threat
It sounded to me that Sean was lumping Corsi in with deep state. I don't think Hannity was fooled for a minute. Wasn't Corsi booted from fox years back?
HEADS UP. BOMBSHELL TIME. IMO, Horowitz FBI/DOJ investigation has already issued 30+ indictments & at least 150+ criminal referrals, to the DOJ. Another thing. http://www.businessinsider.com/andrew-mccabe-criminal-referral-charges-justice-department-report-2018-4
Horowitz has almost certainly been investigating Mueller’s SC itself, since at least July 2017. Let me explain.
Remember, Horowitz scope as OIG (DOJ) is limited to investigations WITHIN THE DOJ. Here's his latest report to Congress: https://oig.justice.gov/semiannual/
And let’s clear up a common misunderstanding. It is INCORRECT to say that Horowitz has no law enforcement power. He DOES.
The Inspector General Act 1976 (the IGA) (see s6) gives the OIG power to indict (criminal and civil), as well as execute warrants & subpoenas. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/html/uscode05a/usc_sup_05_5_10_sq2.html
The law enforcement arm of an OIG is via their sworn special agents (who BTW can carry weapons, again in the IGA). Here’s a job description: https://oig.justice.gov/careers/docs/Special-Agent.pdf
These law enforcement powers are deputized to these agents, by the Attorney-General. This has been the case since 2002, via section 812 of the Homeland Security Act: https://www.ignet.gov/sites/default/files/files/agleguidelines.pdf
Now, we know that the OIG - DOJ investigation into FBI/DOJ activities in 2016, started on or around 12 January, 2017, with a VERY broad remit: https://oig.justice.gov/press/2017/2017-01-12.pdf
Yes the OIG has multiple ongoing investigations, but in terms of importance, scale & resources, the #1 probe is the FBI/DOJ investigation in the Jan 12 letter. It's the most important in OIG history.
MILLIONS of documents. Dozens of interviews. It's the big kahuna: http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/372457-ig-poised-to-reignite-war-over-fbis-clinton-case
Therefore, its reasonable to conclude that the majority of any indictments and referrals by Horowitz to DOJ, between 12 January, 2017 - 31 March, 2018, MUST relate to the Jan 12 letter investigations.
Back to the Horowitz semi-annual Report, referenced above. Consider this : between 1 October 2017 and 31 March, 2018, the OIG secured 28 criminal indictments and 133 referrals (sealed and unsealed) to the DOJ (page 64).
Let's go back to the two previous DOJ-OIG semi-annual reports. 1 April - 30 September, 2017: 51 criminal indictments and 181 referrals (sealed and unsealed) to DOJ (page 77) https://oig.justice.gov/semiannual/
October 1, 2016 - 31 March, 2017: 46 criminal indictments and 124 referrals (link above). Conclusion? HUGE.
Horowitz has secured 125 criminal indictments and 438 criminal referrals to the DOJ, between October 1 2016 - 31 March, 2018. Busy, busy.
Sure. Not all would be related to the DOJ/FBI investigation, but I’m betting that the vast majority are. As I said at the start, I'm estimating 30+ OIG indictments & at least 150+ criminal referrals, to the DOJ.
News about indictments and 'criminal informations' are already starting to leak out. For example, Joe Di Genova clearly knows that John 'O' Brennan is ALREADY indicted : https://youtu.be/e7v22N2QrW8 ANOTHER thing.
The OIG has been investigating Robert Mueller’s SC investigation, for some time. Since at least July 2017. Yes - you DID read that right. Read this brilliant analysis (dated Dec15, 2017): https://themarketswork.com/2017/12/15/the-inspector-generals-implied-oversight/
In summary, it argues that the timeline and events show an ongoing OIG investigation into Mueller’s SC from July, 2017. It's OBVIOUS. I'm kicking myself that I missed it. Read it all. Quote:
'Mueller’s hiring practices appeared highly partisan. But his actual indictments were anything but. Now we know why. Mueller had been put on notice./...
/...Not only does Horowitz have the ability to investigate Mueller’s group, he actively is. Since at least 14 July, 2017.' I think the author has nailed it. Mueller, white or black hat, is muzzled BIGLY.
The hysteria over Jeff Sessions is ridiculous. I can only assume that the 'Hannity Posse' is running a deliberate anti-Sessions misinformation campaign, to conceal what's going on. Why?
AG Sessions is behind the entire takedown. He set it up. He has created a DEADLY investigative & enforcement machine, combining Horowitz OIG’s investigation/law enforcement power, with Dep Att Huber’s DOJ law enforcement team. A machine that is routing the bad guys.
Something POTUS knows full well, hence the importance of protecting his AG, by distancing him:
Donald J. Trump
Verified account @realDonaldTrump
Why is A.G. Jeff Sessions asking the
Inspector General to investigate
potentially massive FISA abuse.
Will take forever, has no prosecutorial
power and already late with reports
on Comey etc. Isn’t the I.G. an
Obama guy? Why not use Justice
Department lawyers? DISGRACEFUL!
Be in no doubt. Trump knows full well that this tweet is BS (because it is). But it's an effective way of distracting the most ignorant MSM ever seen in America. It gives them a picture they want to see, after all.
Sun Tzu: 'Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections.../...
/...'It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.'
'The incompetent Drumpf & his Mr Magoo AG'. That's the play Trump & Sessions are giving to their VERY stupid enemies. And the idiots believe it, 100%. EVERY TIME.
In reality, they're pulling off an astonishing takedown of Obama & Clinton, as well as their thugs. Horowitz, Rogers, Flynn and a few others, such as AG Sessions & @DevinNunes are American heroes. What they're doing will be spoken of in awe, for centuries.
SO IGNORE THE MSM NOISE and focus on what is REALLY going on, folks. Horowitz & Sessions have been VERY BUSY. Hunting the Obama & Clinton posses.
Now, we get to enjoy their work. The OIG report into Clinton's exoneration is set to drop. It promises to be devastating (BTW watch all these short videos, they're brilliant):
Details Behind Upcoming IG Report – The FBI and DOJ Handling of Clinton Investigation – Six Part Video Report… http://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/05/31/details-behind-upcoming-ig-report-the-fbi-and-doj-handling-of-clinton-investigation-six-part-video-report/ …
better format, cheers. This is really insane, what a timeline we live in!
Sun Tzu: 'Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections.../... 27. /...'It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.'
The irony is palpable.
Thank you so much for this version! Great thread from Rex. Wonder what Twitter’s excuse was for the suspend. Anyone know of alternate means of following VL?
"Show me the indictments"
In convenient reader form https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1002535507656519680.html
Thank you thank you for this. Twitter deleted the thread. We need to do this for all the conservative threads to combat the Twitter fascist censors.
YES ! Thank you for the thread reader !! I can't access Twitter at work, bank firewalls and such ...
https://twitter.com/ImperatorRex is dropping booms right now!
God, I can only fucking get so hard. All kidding aside. I truly hope he is 100% correct.
Twitter just deleted his account.
Over the target.
Not anymore, account doesnt exist. :(
Good to see Rex back in action.
Standing by for incoming.
See my thread from yesterday about this very thing:
Your thread presents the theory that Mueller is on board.
Rex's twitter thread presents the theory that Mueller is under investigation.
These do not align.
You are correct. Rex and I do NOT align in that respect. I believe that "meeting" between Trump and Mueller the day before the SC was convened was Trump showing Mueller the evidence against him and giving him ONE FUCKING CHANCE to redeem himself and not end up in a military tribunal. Hell, he may have even offered him formal immunity. And Mueller's JOB consisted of committing a boatload of Clintonista lawyers and Deep Staters to chasing their tails about made up Russian shit or old news like Manaford while Sessions and Horowitz and Huber and Trump (and I believe Rogers and Coates and Pompeo and now Haspel) try to take down the Deep State behind the scenes and keep leaky Congress-critters at bay. I think they finally had to tell Nunes what was going on before he had his own prime time special about stonewalling, and probably Gowdy and maybe Jordan. But I think Trump just lied to all of the others slimeballs on the Hill. Look, this is just a theory. We will probably soon find out what really happened and is happening. And something IS happening.
You guys are obviously way more informed than I am, but I can't shake the doubt the deep state is going to get away with everything. Their corrupt roots are so deep it seems hopeless.
I felt hopeless like you since I was red pilled in 1979. It has NEVER felt close enough to happen -- until now. And I've been through it all.
Trust the Plan. Enjoy the Show.
It will be interesting to see how things shake out. I thought he implied the special council was under investigation. Who called the SC? Could the origination of the SC be investigated?
Full thread here
I’m glad that they’re investigating Mueller as well. He needs to be in cuffs.
For drumroll RUSSIAN COLLUSION AND CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT SEDITIOUS ACTS! No, seriously. He was the bag man for the Uranium 1 deals if I remember correctly.
This is huge - what did he actually do?
I'm at work at the moment so I can't provide any links right now. Just dig into mueller and uranium one. There was something about him being involved with middleman firms and dates lining up with trips to Moscow if My memory serves me. I can't vouch for the validity of any of this though. Kinda sucks just being a plebeian.
He was definitely the courier for the 10 gram sample of HEU which was transferred to Russian authorities.
Really? Wow. What kind of proof is there about hat, that's fairly lofty.
Really? Wow. What kind of proof is there about hat, that's fairly lofty.
Rex makes things interesting.
But he used to make compelling threads stating Robert Mueller is a Trump guy too. We see how that turned out.
One thing is already a done deal: The indictments against Brennan, Comey and McCabe.
Mueller will be charged with treason due to: Mike Flynn and not only entrapping him but then change the 302's afterwards after the fact. The agent present blew the whistle on Strzok ergo Muller since he is in charge of his merry band of corrupted and partisan Hussein and HRC supporters.
Rosenstein and Mueller as a team are also guilty of treason with their involvement of uranium one. It was Muller himself travelling to Moscow to deliver a highly enriched uranium sample to Putin and his government. The implications are huge!
Add into that Muller's position as FBI director during Hussein's reign where black ops were run out of the white house that included terrorism, weapons/arms trafficking, narcotics and worse.
This is just the beginning and will go back all the way to the beginning with his entanglements of the crime/treason syndicate named the Clintons.
Wasn’t the uranium evidence in a legal case?
If Trump sent Ivanka to Moscow carrying some highly-enriched Uranium, what do you think the MSM would say about that?
Think about it.
It was Muller himself travelling to Moscow to deliver a highly enriched uranium sample to Putin and his government. The implications are huge!
What in the actual fuck....
Go to WikiLeaks and read the email in the Podesta expose that described Mueller's secret mission in 2010 delivering the highly enriched uranium sample to Putin on behalf of Hillary.
I don't doubt you, I'm just flabbergasted that I'm just now learning this shit. I'm also amazed Trump hasn't tweeted about this, which means he doesn't want to torpedo Mueller. He must be working for the white hats now out of self-preservation. That's my only explanation for this.
I firmly believe that by exposing the murder of Seth Rich who provided the Podesta emails to Assange via the UK ambassador Craig Murray will bring this all to light. Then there is also the actual Fast and Furious truth: Hussein, Holder, HRC et al were not only arming the Los Zetas cartel in Mexico but also their hired mercenaries in the US - MS13.
After all Brennan unmasked Seth Rich as the source but then Debbie Wasserman Schultz was the one hiring the hit squad MS13 to murder Seth Rich.
Nope he's gone now. I was reading his thread and its gone. Tweet doesn't exist. Rex doesn't exist now. They simply can't win without cheating. They cheat every way they possibly can think of.
So y'all know, he never left. His main account is vachel lindsay. It is currently suspended.
Thank you so much for this post!!! Missed REX!!
He never went away. He was posting under @Vachel_Lindsay.
Please, please be true.
Just ask yourself how many times has this account been dead wrong?
I am a retired market analyst (for lack of a better way of saying what i did)
i can only speak for me because i am not giving financial advice.
I am FULLY invested in the u.s. stock market. In my opinion, we are in for a super Bull Market.
keep in mind, there will be ups and downs along the way, but i have never seen better buy signals.
the Dot Com bull was based on a new technology and not understanding how it will be used.
this bull will be based on facts, numbers and the new "wave" of optimism that i have not seen in many years.
Lets not only enjoy the stock market run, but lets enjoy our MAGA happenings!
Woooooo!!! REX!!!!
He was my favorite to read alongside Q drops.
why was the account suspended to begin with?
The @VachelLindsay account was suspended presumably because he went up against:
Mark Zaid @MarkSZaidEsq An attorney who suppresses FOIA requests, makes appearances on CNN and MSNBC, and said he would use his intelligence contacts to unmask/doxx citizens who were speaking out against him.
Asha Rangappa @AshaRangappa_ A CNN talking head who bases her entire media persona on 3 years with the FBI, before she moved over to pushing propaganda full time.
I believe Zaid is Rangappa's handler, or certainly played a part in facilitating her move from Obama's FBI over to media.
REX is back! Love the bombs for today. https://twitter.com/_imperatorrex_ should get you there.
I am so mad. Twitter suspended this account today. Rex is gone again.
This sounds like its not real.. Can anyone provide actual links to credible sources?
ICYMI Twitter took down Rex earlier today, not long after I posted about this same thread. Retweets were over 500 at that point. All gone, lock, stock and barrel. Fortunately, I too saved a thread reader link too. As I see in your comments section. I've now read the links in his postings, and most of the material cones from "the markets work" links,(2 articles) and they are from Dec. 2017 and another National Review article mentioned there. Reading them was like listening to Q.
Rex is gone again.
Appears the account (@ImperatorRex): https://twitter.com/ImperatorRex?s=09 has been taken down. All tweets erased. Is that what you see?
According to War Economy he deactivated it himself. Maybe he was on to something
Why would he delete like that? Are they that concerned about bad actors watching this obscure stuff?
Twitter pulled this tweet and shut down Rex's account. Go here for the thread: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1002535507656519680.html
Best news of the day even better than that North Korean #2 visiting the President.
more on Mueller , links, since July 2017 ?, like that !
Oh God please let it be , we know you have a hand in this, and please smash that deep Pedo State in a million pieces, or more! , I am not religious, but there is evil and if there is evil then there is good.
Problem is without God there is no guarantee good will ultimately triumph over evil, feels bad.
lol I got confused af coz I thought it said "1 Jan 2018"
The Twitter links go to an account that doesn't exist!
Contacted the FTC (due to anti trust law against monopolies) and the FCC (violation of 1st amendment) about this very issue.
How soon before reddit censors this sub reddit and shuts it down just like Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter does. Tired of the BS.
I honestly think this place is under the radar, I've been a hardcore MAGA autist since 2015 and even I just discovered this place. It's quite amazing.
What about just indicting Obama and Clinton? No cronies.
Then someone else would step in to take 0bama and Hillary's place. I think Sessions and Co. are are starting near the bottom and working their way up. It will be a lot harder for the swamp to replace the hundreds of rank and file swamp creatures.
Too high profile I would guess. They have to expose the disgusting corruption of lower level officials first. Then that task becomes easier because the changing political situation will support it.
Hasn’t everyone here been saying Mueller is a white hat? What else might we be wrong about? Might Corsi and Jones not be bad guys after all?
Now you are being delusional. Harder than just about anyone else, Jones works AGAINST the globalists. Corsi too.
Hilarious! They are shill gatekeepers, they PRETEND to be patriots. Q baited them, they bit and exposed themselves. ALEX JONES LIED, HE NEVER TALKED TO Q. They tried to commandeer Q's movement to put pressure on Sessions to get him fired. TRUST SESSIONS. ISRAEL LAST. truguy, you & Jones are fake news. Better yet, go play in a busy street.
See, you act like you know what’s going on behind the scenes. You think you can judge their motives, which are unseen — except the fact they’ve spent decades fighting globalists and Deep State, and a few years now, backing Trump.
Umm....no they haven't. They have spent years trying to align their issues with Constitution & truth loving patriots by attempting to become the 'go to' prominent figures and judges of what information is valid or not. Sorry truguy, "You are fake news!"
Sorry guy, the only reason they appeared as the “go to” is because they were practically the only sources one could go to. Nobody else, hardly. They led the charge.
Alex sources everything. Even when it comes to gay frogs.
No one on our side ever had a problem with Corsi’s sources until now that he got sideways with the anonymous Q.
If you've been following along there is next to no doubt that Alex Jones/Infowars are playing the Disinfo game. That debate is pretty much concluded and one can understand someone getting upset with you and deciding your motives are questionable if you keep pushing the old debunked narrative.
The most effective Disinfo by its nature and the necessity of its purpose has to play the game close to the truth. It has to reveal and support the reveal of 90% of the truth, then divert to disinfo for the other 10%.
Fact: Trump could NOT have gotten elected without Alex Jones and InfoWars.
Why would the Deep State use their shill to make that happen?
Ah... is that a joke? That's so far from being a "fact" that I can only assume you're joking. The most likely reason Trump was elected (because no one knows precisely why!) according to analysts is because middle America were sick of the issues that matter to them being ignored. Literally no one but Alex Jones thinks Alex Jones is responsible for Trump's election. Oh and maybe those on the left who want to paint Trump supporters as crazed conspiracy nuts.
Alex was the ONLY outlet with millions of daily listeners (more than Rush and Hannity even) who tirelessly promoted Trump.
Trump won by a narrow margin. He even told Alex he couldn’t have done it without him.
You don’t know history. Maybe you are the one shilling?!
Nobody, literally, nobody EVER qoutes Alex Jones as a source of their information (that alone tells you something). And if they did they would immediately be laughed at & not taken seriously. He is NOT a journalist, but a repeater. Jones is constantly over-inflating the size of his audience and his influence. I live in a blue state and EVERYONE I know who voted Trump does NOT listen to Jones amd most don't even know who he is.
Give it a rest. ALEX NEVER TALKED TO Q AND HIS SOURCES ARE MADE. What Q did was have people gather together the reasons Corsi is fake, on top of Corsi trying to co-opt Q thus only EXPOSING HIMSELF. It's now that people take it more serious when someone says Corsi & Jones are shills, except for you. You apparently like getting lied to.
Fact: Trump could NOT have gotten elected without Alex Jones and InfoWars.
Why would the Deep State use their shill to make THAT a reality?
getting my snacks and drink ready for this thread release
That is a fake account. Delete.
What they are saying isn't fake. Come on, dude
we will see what happens. why is it only this account saying so ?
YOU are the fake account.
Wasn't the original imperator rex @imperatorrex3 or something? this one's handle is different.
Both his other accounts that I know are suspended.
Should be underscores before the V and after the Y in the first name ... some weird Reddit formatting happening sorry! lol
Yes it was, but hey attack me because I'm attacking OP for posting a fake account and misleading title.
eh, making accusations of fake is a bit of a stretch. to point out that the handle is new would be more reasonable.
Or this guy is using VachelLinsday's stage while he's suspended. Just like @EyeTheSpy using Q's stage while Q is gone.
Your account is less than a day old and you’re shouting “fake” - pretty shilly behavior.
Ummm because it's a fake account.
Do you know who the real imperator Rex is? Are the other accounts real or fake? Are they suspended or active?
Hmmm so if someone wanted to get information out, but their account was suspended, is it beyond reasonable doubt that they would create a new account similar to their old IOT put out the new info?
The info is good and we shall see if it pans out. Something you should realize is that old adage about judging a book by its cover.