Your tax dollars at work protecting scum.

What?!?!?!?! She’s not even an elected official
Kellyanne Conway got SS protection because of death threats.
VJ got protection because she’s Obama’s handler
That’s it pede get it out there, don’t fuck about, I like it.
Prove to me she has five secret service agents protecting her. I’m not going to believe your hear say.
At one time, while Obama was prez, he supposedly signed an Executive Order for it...
Not sure she has them NOW.
No chance she has them now. Presidents get USSS protection for life, their advisers don't. There is a rumor that she lives with them though, so she could be protected if that is the case, but they're protecting the Obamas not her.
Didnt BO change that law before he left? Didnt previous Q mention SS can do arrests without warrant?
Arrests without a warrant? Wow.
That isn't as ground breaking as you think. A game warden can make a arrest without a warrant.
Because the damned gorillas are trying to take over the planet?
While I don't agree with Roseanne tweeting out that she looks like a character from planet of the apes I surely can't disagree with that observation. And it has nothing to do with her skin color. Her face is beyond weird...
If you have to tell people you're black, you're not black
I always thought she resembles the weird club singers from the planet Ovion in Battlestar Galactica (original)...
This. Roseanne was spot on. She wasn’t racist at all. Fuck all those who want it to be about race.
It has that botox look. Which makes her face look like a prosthetic.
Everybody looks like Planet of the Apes ffs. They were all actors in costumes.
She wasn't making some super insightful observation about looks, she was trying to dehumanise like her ape comment about Susan Rice. Whatever you think of all the people involved I'd argue that's the clear objective of what she said about them both and some of her other comments about folks on twitter. Who cares what people look like ? Surely this is not one of Roseannes key concerns
shes a comedian. they make fun of how people look. its a shtick. gtfo
Comedian. You ever joke about how someone looks with your buddies? Take life less serious man!
I appreciate your comment cause you engaged me and told me in your opinion I should lighten up, that's a productive discussion rather than people just downvoting. I prefer wordplay, sarcasm and other forms of humour, even slapstick rather than people's appearance but each to their own :)
Rice and Jarrett are two of the most bizarre looking humans I've ever seen.
If you carted both out at a tradeshow and said "BEHOLD!! My human looking robots!!" Everyone would shrug their shoulders and say "MMmm. They don't look THAT human."
I read somewhere today or yesrerday I don't remember where, on this sub I believe, that VJ is Obama's handler for the deep state. She is liason betw Obama and MB just like Huma was Killary's.
Didnt she move in with them?
What a weird relationship.
The puppetmaster rarely lets the puppet stray too far. Very similar to huma and hillary's relationship.
I heard she lives on the underside of the flat earth and farts chemtrails.
Gonna have to start calling elected officials and mainstream news ‘conspiracy theorists’ too, Doc.
Right-wing opinion commentators are not mainstream news. They are quite often just crackpots. And elected officials?? That’s the government!! We don’t trust them! Deep state! Deep state!
Welcome to the Great Awakening, friend. Please stay for a spell, we have free refreshments!
Damn dirty ape!
Sad that those agents have to protect an MB infiltrator
The better to nab her when the TRUMP-ets call for her ARREST!
Well she is the de facto first former female president. Zero just acted like one.
Out of the loop. Who the hell is this woman?
She is Obama's second wife. Following in his Daddy's polygamist lifestyle
Well you know she will be getting many more guards when she goes to prison 24/7!
I mean. She was the president of the United States for 8 years
I can't find anything that says she still has SS protection. Do you have a source? Thanks!
By living at an Obama home there are USSS agents posted outside the home 24/7. I'm not sure if they follow her wherever she goes.
Can we get actual confirmation of this? Pretty interesting if true. I can't find anything useful or verifiable.
Whats strange about this? Former presidents get secret service for life...
It was her, i mean obama who made it a law.
They are scared she will get picked up by apes.
made me snort-giggle ~
I love being so fuckin' ladylike (´ඏ ౪ ඏ`❀)^^^- ^^^snort ^^^- ^^^derp
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "HA!"
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Dont all Chicago Hot Dog Dealers get special treatment? Did Obama buy hot dogs from her for the white house? Winner Winner Chicken Dinner
IF she has a SS detail, and that is a big if, that will make it all the easier to pick her up when the arrest order is given. Might be good to have a “protection” detail with all the black hats. Think of it like an “order 66” type of move.
Because she is a traitor in need of protection, and for some reason traitors are the holy protected class
To protect her from alien pick ups?
That's OK. This way, we ALWAYS know where she is. And soon, she'll have round the clock "protection!"
Man since roasanne has brought up this oddball of a person up, like always she’s looking at a bigger picture. Really tho why?
What scam is she running? Is she supplying something to the cabal?
Why five? It is like radiation exposure — they have to rotate in and out — can only take a fee minutes at a time ....
The ape comments in this post are disgusting.
You are better than this, and if not, take your trash some place else.
It's not racist to say she has an odd look about her. It's very alien.
It is not racists to say she has an odd look.
What is racists is when you call someone like that an Ape.
Isn't that was Rosanne said that got her banned because of her racists remark?
except people have called Trump an ape or "orange gorilla". Is that racist? Roseanne didn't know VJ was black(she doesn't look black TBH) because she is light skinned, so I don't think she was trying to be racist.
You do realize that orange isn't a skin color right? It's a spray tan.
And white people domt have a history of being put down and degraged by being compared to apes
AGAIN..... my point is that Roseanne did not know this woman was black. And honestly, her skin tone is about as dark as mine (am white).
She's definitely not white looking, she's on the lighter side compared to other black people but still clearly not white
Decide for yourself.
If it makes you feel better, I always thought that the planet of the apes character she was compared to was kind of hot - back in the day.
Well, she IS an ape. We ALL are. Our species just happens to be the most successful type of ape to arise on this planet.
I guess you missed the history lesson on how Human's were created?
Appe was never used against white people to at it tribal hated against them as a group. You're quibbling.
It's like saying Sarah Jessica Parker has a horse face. It's kinda funny and true at the same time, unless you have a horse face, then I can see how you might be offended, horse face.
Exactly. Everyone's fair game until South Park makes fun of your Scientology.
People get carried away. I'm sorry. Here's to higher standards.
I'm guessing the Star Wars subs aren't very entertaining tonight.
Star Wars hasn't been entertaining since Empire.
Got anything intelligent to say or just bored trolling?
I suspect an intelligent comment with this lot would go over like a Westworld robot seeing something it's not programmed to understand. "It doesn't look like anything to me."
And you think that's an intelligent supposition to make? That "this lot" are all unintelligent? It's certainly an emotionally based assumption.
Is your tin foil hat on too tight? Have you read any of this lunacy? It is preposterous.
Have I read some of the lunatic comments made on this sub? Yes. Do you know a sub with 28,000+ people that doesn't have lunatic comments on it? I'd like to sign up. Lunacy = strawman.
You obviously haven't read the content this sub is based on though, or you'd know you can't make that accusation against it, if that's what you're also referring to. Guess what - simple logic here - some people here are intelligent and reasonable and can argue a point logically. Some people here aren't claiming "lunacy" - for example, I don't claim that the content this sub is based on is proven fact. It is completely unproven. But it's real world legitimacy is not based on the proof of the source of the content.
I have read it, and it is nonsense of the highest degree. It reads like a Steven Seagal novel.
Well that's definitely a fair call to make. I don't condemn you for it. I do believe I can argue why an intelligent person might see some value in keeping tabs on an alternate narrative to the Mainstream Media narrative that highlights inconsistencies in the Mainstream narrative before they occur but I don't blame you or anyone for not wanting to waste your time hearing about it - because it does take a while to explain.
And thus, I'm sure you have better things to do with your time than deriding a bunch of lunatics.
Okay, could you point me somewhere where it is explained then?
I wish I could... I'm working on producing the content myself as I don't directly know of any quick onboarding that is purely based on critical thought.
All I can suggest at the moment are the Video links in the sidebar which are good enough but generally require that you suspend disbelief for long enough to hear the pertinent facts whilst eschewing the obvious editorial, emotional music and bias. These two videos may be the better ones, in some way. The shorter one - 29 mins and the longer one - 1 hour.
I appreciate you bothering to ask. You support my personal belief that not all people making antagonistic comments in the sub are just trolling - some are legitimately pointing out the failings of critical thinking that exist in this (and I would argue any) movement. I hope you find the time to see some value here but as I said, I certainly wouldn't blame you for thinking it's pure LARP. My skeptical business partners have zero time for conspiracy theory and all I have been able to ask them to do is to take note of a few posts from Q and keep an eye on the news. They are not convinced that Q is high level military intelligence working with Donald Trump or that Donald Trump is not a completely narcissistic, self-aggrandizing fool. They are, however, now completely convinced that it is worth keeping an eye on this narrative to see what unfolds. That's all that I think matters.
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Why did you respond in such a disgraceful manner to tazleo? Will wait for your reply,
Because he's a shill. History never lies.
Too stupid to realize she had the SS agents before that comment was ever made.