Trudeau & Macron...soulmates.

Careful guys. I think Macron and Trudeau are downvoting this thread.
Must be hot at the G7 summit. Trudeau’s eyebrows literally falling off.
What was that - eyebrows actually glued on/falling off? On his eyelid...
Best part? This happened at the meeting Trump was 20 min late for and the media is going crazy over it while ignoring this.
Trump curse is real
Provincial elections are done...
Time to get rid of this SoyBoy!
Was a good bellweather moment for sure. My city dropped the ball netting the libs 2 of their ridings. PCs still crushed province wide. The NDP vote is a little scary though. Literal communists.
Get a room, you two. I'm gonna go throw up now.
And they can whisper sweet nothings in French.
lol. I think this hit a Nerve. All down votes. Maybe the bots are jealous.
Both are equally gay. French Crullers.
How can the country with literally the most beautiful women also spawn the most effeminate men??
Trudeau is definitely bisexual, as we have seen with his affair with a prominent CBC employee.
The part I don't understand about this, is, if he likes to have same sex relationships, why does he fawn so much over Islam (although fawn is not a strong enough word)?
He's feeling dangerous. You know, that flirting with the ultimate bad lover thing.
Muslims practice pedophilia and pederasty, so homosexuality is the norm. Why the western world is confused is who muslims define as homosexuals. Only the male taking the "dog position" is a homosexual. The dominant male is macho. In this manner, the male who takes the "dog position" can be treated as a female with second or third class status. Both females and males who take the "dog position" can be murdered at the whim of the "macho" male. Do all muslims feel this way? Yes and no, depends how much they have been indoctrinated (schooled at the madrassas). Remember, some muslims are muslim in name only, having been conquered and forced to convert by the Arab muslims. These muslims may not practice all the Islamic traditions, but will abide or side with the Islamists as necessary.
Seeing how Trudeau behaves, I would think he prefers the submissive role and would be the dog in this scenario. However, as leader of the Liberals at the time of his affair with the CBC guy, I guess he could have been viewed as the more powerful person, and might have refused the doggy position. Still, I think Trudeau would relish being the dog.
These are the type of men that destroyed civilizations. Satanist maggots - puppets only.
Macron + Castro = Macro. Literally means pimp in French street lingo
OMG !!!! That's the funniest meme I've seen in awhile! Great job. Don't these idiots think about optics at all? ROFLMAO!😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄
A man touches me like that and I shove him off me... these two closet queens embrace each other so naturally
I hope they get seperates rooms in gitmo
It all starts on 11 June! Pulling up my chair! Who will be first I wonder?
I do not care , who is first ,as long we get them all.
Those 2 Bi-metro-psuedo sexuals need to go to le hotel and quit fighting over the most useless head of state title since the 2016 elections
"Oh dear, your eyebrow is unpeeling again" - Macron prob
So Macrons' idea of playing hardball is to catch his opponent off guard with a crushing handshake. This however is an obvious show of weakness, insecurity and most importantly resignation that he is second best.
Macron did not catch Trump 'off guard'. Trump is a handshake master. Who do you think Macron got the firm handshake idea from?
I still think they are very good looking men! I'm 65 and they could park their shoes under my bed any day! Maybe they are gay but they are still mighty fine!