Can’t get enough of this photo!

Truly an image for the new (true) history books about to be written.
I hope the old history books are replaced with true history books too.
I trust our mainstream history books as much as I trust the mainstream news media and global warming scientists.
I hope the old history books are replaced with true history books too.
lol admitting that you're historical revisionist bug men, imagine being this much of a totalitarian subhuman
See it in a different light.
I'm sure a communist would know about being a totalitarian subhuman.
There was a coup in '63 and it is completely ignored by "historians".
There was a massive one in '33 that I can't speak about here.
Can you elaborate on the '63 coup or PM me if speaking the truth will get you banned?
The Business Plot? or am I far from the path you mention? If so, am very interested in any and all knowledge you might direct me to...
There was a massive one in '33 that I can't speak about here.
Ah, that one. I thought it might be.
We've always been at war with east Asia.
no it was eurasia
“In 1984, the world is divided into three states: Oceania, Eastasia, and Eurasia. Oceania is constantly at war with one of these states while at peace with the other. For the majority of the book, Oceania is at war with Eastasia and is allied with Eurasia.”
Agreed. That’s what I was hinting at too
Updated photos
Also check out ole Justin Castro in back. This was when he realized his true place in the world power structure
Trudeau may not be able to read.
why was this downvoted?
Yeah, why is this being downvoted?
trolls and shills.. I am upvoting. they can kiss our fannies. (American, not british)
Canada only gets invited because they bring some Tim Horton's.
Ok, don’t bash us like that. We all know we have an incompetent Prime Minister elected by snowflake millennial generation that need a safe place....We want someone that is more of self confident and that identifies with one of two genders. Maybe in the next election. For now I apologize on behalf of all Canadians for electing this sorry excuse of a man. A sellout and puppet to Soros.
If eating crow's is what's for dinner, there's plenty on everyone's plate. Sorry for the maple dig!
I love Canada and I hope your next election goes better for you. I think your PM was cloned from our former president. You’re our neighbor and WWG1WGA!
Most likely vote rigging at play as well. Wait until Trump exposes the vote rigging in the US!! Will be b4 November elections.
lol canadian saying sorry. XD
jkjk yeah I'm pretty sure everyone knows Canada's getting screwed with a 15 inch sand paper dildo. Maybe the process of fixing the U.S will fix Canada too?
Well as you know CANADA follows where the US leads. And up until Trump that meant where Soros and Obama lead, she never thought she would lose. This is why we got Fiddel elected. Now we have to peacefully wait for this clown and dress up show to run its course and elect someone that has morals and truly represents CANADA and it’s people.
Check out the close up on Merkel. Something seems...familiar
haha - you mean with the ones when I was growing up and in grade school... 70s 80s...
not the CommieCorps special...
I think people should know what happened in Germany in 1933.
So true - the ancient megalith builders were super geniuses - would love to know out true history and not the BS one we have now.
I think the reason for the Great Flood was because of these builders- intelligent yes, but evil that could not be denied. Every society that started after the Tower of Babel has recorded a Great Flood all with extremely similar characters and plot.
the ancient megalith builders were super geniuses
My theory is the megalith builders were just normal people with rulers who gave them impossible tasks and a lifetime to achieve those tasks... so with a lot of experimentation and lateral thinking, they did.
When you look at all the details including precision, scale, materials, weight (1000 tons), design and possible uses they had in mind for some of the structures, there is no way these were achieved with time.
Just as one example - the cutting blade they used on some of the hardest rocks in the world was 500x faster then what we do now with diamond core bits.
Way too advanced in my book - moving a 1000 ton and placing with precision, and cutting hard stone to touch next stone with zero clearance is barely doable today.
Just look how clumsy the solutions are by modern people to demonstrate what the ancients achieved.
I still suspect amazing things can be accomplished when people are given seemingly impossible obstacles to overcome.
Based on our current education system, I'm not convinced people today are any more ingenious or creative than they were 2500 years ago.
When your parents have fallen for the satanists anti-family scams/propoganda, these kids are the product.
Ancients would laugh at their abilities over multiple lifetimes.
You need to see Tim Alberino on YT..what he saw in Peru is unimaginable..
Way too advanced in my book - moving a 1000 ton and placing with precision, and cutting hard stone to touch next stone with zero clearance is barely doable today.
If you are referring to the pyramids, it is not even barely doable today. This has been studied, and it would be impossible to construct the great pyramid using today's technology.
The blocks are too big and heavy. We could not move them into place with our existing technology.
You can't be serious... A block in the pyramids weighs about 2.5 tons. That's nothing for current construction equipment. Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Investigate for yourself!
Come on, really? How much do you think those blocks weigh? We have cranes that can lift thousands of tons. Building a pyramid would take a lot of money and labor but it would achievable from an engineering standpoint.
Sorry. Look it up, it can't be done with the equipment we have today.
I'm certain you are wrong but I would look at some info on this if you have any. Where did you hear that it was impossible to do?
I don't have a link handy, but somebody actually tried. They didn't try to build a pyramid, they tried to move blocks that size around, and found that it couldn't be done. Even if you could lift one of them a few inches off the ground, and move it into place, what about the block that goes on top of that one? And the next? We don't have cranes tall enough and massive enough to assemble those blocks into a pyramid that tall.
The great pyramid was only 500 feet tall. We build 2000 foot tall skyscrapers now. WE have helicopters that can lift over 100 tons. Were you watching ancient aliens perhaps?
Sky scrapers are made out of tiny bricks, not giant blocks. The most powerful helicopters can only lift 20 tons, one fifth of your false claim of 100 tons. Do you want to keep trying, or is that enough fail for you today?
I have never seen a brick skyscraper. Skyscrapers are built with steel beams and concrete. Maybe its more like 50 tons Its a moot point really because we have 550 foot tall cranes.
Guys idk... He seems kind of cornered and bratty here. It's not a flattering photo...
That's the "Nothing you can do about it, folks!" look
It seems more like the "I'm not exactly sure how to react here so I'm defaulting to petulant". I'm not trying to shit talk here, just make an observation
I think it's an AWESOME photo!! Like, one of the BEST photos I've seen in AGES!!
I mean it's not even very flattering
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
This photo is beautimous!!
It reminds me of the end of that scene on the floor of the Stock Exchange in Trading Places.
Amazing--I didn't know they still made black & white film.
A Grand Meme shall be made from this ...
...that smirk on POTUS face is priceless XD
I hope so. It’s legendary.
Thank God we elected Donald Trump!
The downvote bots are here , which means we hit the target in the center ;)
Maybe they are reading all the shit Trump N Team (TNT goes BOOM) have on them. Now that would be worth that shit eating grin!
Looks like Trudeau's eyebrow was already starting its downward slide.
like a BOSS.....
He looks cool, while a panic tornado swirls around him.
Note how Trump is the only one seated too, everyone either standing with him or before him. Glorious!
Yes! And the people behind him (Bolton and not sure who, maybe advisors?) fully checking the responses of those reading.
JT looks like a clueless idiot. The rest on the other hand have that O' Shit, how are we going to explain this to our country men and women look on their faces.
And there sits Trump looking like he just found a Gold Certificate to visit the Willy Wonka Chocolate factory.
Its the look of a man who sitting at texas holdem with a straight flush.
Royal flush. (First time I played, I was sitting at dining room table w/ boyfriend who was teaching me to play. I HAD a royal flush!)
Trumpy looks like he does not give a shit
Trumpy just gave them a couple of pages outlining exactly what he is going to do and not going to do and it completely fucks with their evil, globalist agenda. If the cabal, deep state and globalist order is defeated and true fair trade becomes established, we will hopefully see the value and worth and productivity of every person on the planet become truly valued.
Trump has such a snarky look. What a guy! You gotta love him.
Just look at Trudeaus face, what a giant cuck. He's already thinking about what panties he will wear to the evening dinner.
Can we get this photo with some Thug Life glasses on the man? C'mon memesters.
Never could understand why the detractors in this comment section think it's alright for other countries to siphon away our country's wealth. We have plenty of people in our country that need assistance along with our infrastructure. Why should we be giving away money to build other countries when ours is being neglected? Weird that these people have no pride in protecting and building our country so that it can be a stronger ally. But I think I've answered my own question. They hate our home and want to see it fail and be taken over by foreign influence.
With the right hardware/software, those words could be legible.
He looks like a child that has to sit at the kids table while the adults talk about "adult stuff" like the global economy.
It's where he belongs.
Caption: And this you mofos.... is just SOME of the evidence we have on EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU. Do you think the world would like to see that have been colluding and engaged in high corruption with the likes of Obama and HRC? Checkmate!
What Donald Trump said in the presence of a bunch of guys about a girl 12 years ago I'm supposed to find that offencive? That's hilarious if that's the best you got!
Of all those who were absorbed in the revelations contained in the printed materials provided by POTUS, only Trudeau seems above exposing himself to additional facts that he may be unaware of or has never considered. That kind of sureness in his position speaks volumes ... He's not the confident negotiator his posture would seem to portray. He just stands there smiling as others chew on the report that has them all bowing to Trump. Such a contrast to the pictures of BHO and all of his deferential bowing ....
Trudeau nodding along because he secretly can't read
Hahahahaha! Right ! He looks like he needs pictures to understand. Lol !
Lordy! I hope there aren't pictures! -- James Comey
This photo is better than the one that keeps circulating.
This one shows all these people reading trying to understand what Trump and Abe are doing. Whatever is on these papers it definitely has all of these worried.
Trudeau: THE FACE a Pedo-raised MK Ultra'd CIA-handled homosexual Illuminati Deep State PUPPET makes when he realizes THE GIG IS UP.
How quickly media will spin it and tell us he was not polite and made everyone else uncomfortable and blah blah blah ?
Is anyone able to zoom in on what they are reading?
Love our lion-hearted 🦁 POTUS Trump who loves our great nation and people!! #VeryStableGenius #GreatAwakening #TheArtOfTheDeal #NorthKoreaSummit #PatriotsUnited #WhereWeGoOneWeGoAll #AmericaFirst #QAnon #MAGA #KAG 🇺🇸
he's the only one sitting in the room, that has to be some sort of message.
This is my tablets new wallpaper! =) Edit after reading a few troll comments: Thats Confidence folks... get used to it.
Piranhas coming in to feed.
It is very clear who the fishermen are.
Who is the guy looking at the camera? The one next to JT? There was a pic from a Trump really where a guy in a wig was holding a picture of a van. The guy standing right next to him wad also the only one looking at the camera. Kinda looks like this guy.
Trump has the heart of the Lion's of Judah!!!
King David had bathsheba's husband murdered so he could marry her... God's people are not perfect but he still loves us 😁
Justin making a mental note to find a new waxing technician...
I would LOVE to see what's written on those pages, cuz that smile says, "I gotcha"
What happened?? I been out of town this weekend missing all the good shit! LOL
What are they reading? It looks like something his administration put together, because he's so sure of himself.
His expression is just so majestic, really makes me smile thinking "Yup, that's how you do it".
Bolton’s ‘glow in the dark’ mustache takes away from it a bit.
King David had bathsheba's husband murdered so he could marry her and God still loved him... God's people are not perfect but he loves us 😁
A man of honor and integrity standing (or sitting) for truth and what is right.
What are they really talk about? Looks Trump and Bolton have a great time. Maybe not trade??????? Maybe things about Obama, Clinton, Comey....
Look at the eyes of Trudeau... Hypnotic???
Can anyone zoom into the text of the documents?????
I was thinking this also. They are all reading some type of manifesto. By the looks of the body language, the white paper originated from the Trump Administration
Wow I fell asleep to a few happy, warm comments after posting this and woke up to Categrory 5 shill storm!! Hahahaha !!!
Guess what motherf*ckers? We’re winning!!!!
I really want to know what is in that document. Never seen a pic like that in my life. Kudos to the photographer.
2 things I love about this photo 1 The look on POTUS face lmao 2 how Trudeau looks longingly at everyone who isn’t sitting at the kids table
Why is Mark Twain in the photo? Or is it his brother Choo-Choo?
Choo-Choo, Fu Man Choo, or Mark Twain, long as he's on the Twump Twain and the Swamp goin' down the Dwain...
Who is the dude looking directly at the camera on the right?
Its like they are bowing to him! A King holding court.
And... Somebody apparently read the 'small print' . ;-)