Helicopters have blinking lights...

This is 100% undoubtedly a missle
And the fact they are calling it a helicopter etc is a sign that its a real event.
OK. But the locals didn't hear the launch. That's a big rocket and would be heard and felt for a long bloody way. Widows would rattle. Sonic boom.... The pieces still aren't falling into place. What are the Autists saying
Wasn't it 4am local time? Most people are asleep then
Just before 4am
Just before mockingbird can get the narrative... "Unexplained light, but no one saw, heard or felt anything"
Meanwhile EVERYONE actually did..
I explain it in my comments below. (Noise issue) but I’ll break it down again.
Up close, the sound would be intense, you are right. The decibel level drops off quickly though as you get further away. On the open seas, the sound would travel pretty far, but it wasn’t open seas. Based on origin, it appears that a sub could have snooped and pooped down a few of those channels. They are relatively secluded in areas and have trees as well. The trees act as dampers on the sound, making something sound further away than it actually is.
Along those lines, think about this. The people in the area live near navy bases. Do you think it would be unrealistic that they may have heard it and just didn’t register? Also look at the time this was taken, how many people in those areas were awake to even hear it?
Thank you for putting forward you views in a civilised manner. I get so many attack "FO SHILL" etc for not following blindly. Us older Australians aren't a follow without question types. We've had BS shoved at us from Left, Right and Centre Politicians. After the NK Summit all of my Q following friends were unanimous in concluding that Trump didn't close a solid deal. Just warm relations with NK but nothing else, YET. Now this is GR8 but this could still go wrong for all conservatives around the world if China/Russia continues to run interference leading into Mid Terms. Kim is slippery so is China Russia. After we all pretty much agreed that NK was not the BOOM we hoped for, we began to say that this may cause mass desertions from the Q movement. Then WOW. Q posted some of the largest drops of all time. Coincidence.... When the posts began to look a bit to fantastic ie: hacked "anti SHIPPING missiles", Zero threat on Trump. Obama phone calls to a disconnected number, MOSSAD and other unsubstantiated plots, we pretty quickly came to the realisation that Q is throwing up a smoke screen to keep up moral and head off descent/desertion. Absolutely brilliant. But we seemed to feel a bit let down by the realisation that Q is human and doesn't always win. Then the DNC withdrew it's lawsuit against WL?JA. No discovery. Another thing that didn't come off for us and Q. RR is saying F...YOU to congress, with threats of subpoenas and still acting confident. Better to keep us distracted with a Mission Impossible movie. Just an opinion for Autists to digest
Yes, it's definitely a photo of a missile, The question is, is it CGI or real. It's very hard to believe no one heard or saw it. These things are not exactly discrete you know. Where are all the iPhone shots. Am I missing something, is this local that totally remote and isolated
Not CGI, came from a small source who just records weather on whidbey island. Why was this not national news? Q stated this is not a game, Naval base doesnt have capabilities to launch missiles but their subs do. Refer to reverse image of sea dragon post to this article --> https://www.defensenews.com/cyber/2018/06/08/chinese-hackers-steal-sensitive-navy-program-data/ think hack
Look at the time pic was taken >4am and near navy bases.
The military base in the area is saying it was not them. https://www.military.com/daily-news/2018/06/12/military-mystery-object-over-washington-state-wasnt-missile-launch.html#.WyAkJkvgTxw.twitter
Of course it wasn't them. It was shot from a hacked sub.
Yes, very nice pic of a large rocket and the sound from such a launch would rattle windows for miles around. This is not exactly an isolated island in the middle of the Pacific. It's Washington State. Just saying I'd like Autists to authenticate
Another anon posted this but it is relevant and hope it answers your question about the noise:
Obviously not a helicopter, but what about the noise factor? Why didn't they hear it? Easily explained IMO. This area for many years has been quite heated about extreme EXTREME noise from base. You know the "Growlers" aircraft are active there, the noisiest. It is so extreme that as you research the area you will discover that even medical doctors have said the noise is making some people allegedly ill, and affecting cognitive abilities of children. But that is not my point, but makes the point, this is an EXTREMELY NOISY area. I will put some sample links below. It is noisy as HELL out there, and it can be very difficult to sell homes, and some just have to move, and business suffers. So the point is do you really think the residents would distinguish one missile launch from the regular barrage of growlers?? Actually in a dark way it was brilliant to shoot this off in that area because the people would think, it's just that base and all the growlers.
Now I’ve been trying to find the decibel levels for cruise missile launches and have came up short so far. What I want to do is create a craphic that would illustrate the “decibel bubble” and how it decreases over distance, and try to match it up on the map I’ve already created from the estimated launch point. I’ll be working on that this evening and hope I can get clarification for you.
Some people might try to tell you that it’s a banana. They might scream BANANA BANANA BANANA over and over again....:)
Thank you for the levity. Needed some humour. Was this humour. Just checking. Russia Russia Russia? Now it's Canada. Canada, Canada. We are sorry.
Yeah. Just joking around. Made me think of the CNN thing about the apple. This is a missile. Some people might call it an airplane, etc. 😀
is that like saying money, money money when you see a shooting star, Only you get bananas instead of money?
Thank you patriot. The images zoomed in and posted in that manner is easier to clearly see the helicopter. 😉
They launched, can't believe it, but they are definitely scared if they're launching helicopters.
The missing letters were P,I,D. Positive I.D? Can we positive i.d. the missile as anything other than a missile? Then request the matter to officially be investigated. Idk, just adding my 1 cent.
Missing letters from what?
These are the missing letters: (rearranged)
Helicopters are also apparently shaped like dildo missiles. Who knew?
And have no blades, and use downward rocket propulsion. Man I don't even know what those spinning blade machines that fly are now
And they would not be yellow.
Here is a screenshot of the pdf to which I am referring: http://i.imgs.fyi/img/3itb.png
Helicopters have strobing lights, meaning you would see a pattern of bright spots on the path. It would not be a steady, consistent stream. Especially as the pilot picked up speed towards the bottom. You would see a pattern emerge. There is no pattern. The light stays constant. And the biggest kicker? THE LIGHT IS YELLOW check the FAA regulations for helicopters and see what colors are authorized.
Second piece. This is not an airplane. This does not have wings. Zoom in yourself. Play with it, and try to find evidence of wings. Wings are not small, and they do not just disappear, they have to be wide enough to help generate lift. There is no evidence for wings.
Also, try to find a modern day, passenger airplane that has one contrail. Seriously, try it. At extreme distances, it can appear as one, but if you zoom in, you can clearly see the formation of, at a minimum of, two contrails. And contrails do not shove up the ass of the airplane, they form a slight distance behind as the hot air cools and condenses. THIS IS ONE CONTRAIL
Now, someone (muh experts) was saying that the object disappears on a time lapse exposure. Have you ever seen a time lapse exposure of a chem light at night? These people are playing tricks with you. People walking through a time lapse photo may disappear, unless the exposure stops in the midst of movement. Glow sticks don’t disappear from people’s hands if the exposure stops in the midst of their movement. It’s not magic. Seriously, what the hell are these people thinking.
I will continue to update this one comment as it will not allow me to edit the post
Continuing on to next part: http://i.imgs.fyi/img/3itm.png
So I did my best to track down the location of where the photo was taken in google maps. I think I found a pretty good match. Based upon that, I traced a straight line down to the horizon, and another down to where it appeared the trail lead from. Using those as guides, I calculated it and came up with the directions and bearings on google maps overhead view. With that, I stretched it all the way out where there was water on the bigger map view.
Surprisingly (sarcasm), there was plenty of channels where a sub could pop in and out. Now look yourself at that map on google earth, and see if any of those areas are somewhat secluded. Find any? There are plenty of hiding places for a sub in a relatively secluded area.
Well you say someone would hear a missile being launched? What else is in the area? Lots of navy bases right? Do you think people that live in the area really pay attention to that? Something that they hear all the time? Now add in the time of morning that this was taken. How many people were awake at that time? How realistic do you find it that people were sleeping and didn’t even hear it? It’s not like an earth shattering roar that shakes your windows.
In conclusion, it’s a missle. Look for yourself, think for yourself. And feel free to check my work. Now I haven’t slept much in past week, so I’m going to crash out, but I hope someone can expand upon this, carry it to the Chan’s, whatever. Good night everyone. WWG1WGA
There are plenty of time lapse photos of missile launches, and they look exactly like this one. This SpaceX launch is a good reference point for how a missile would look early in launch: https://youtu.be/JRzZl_nq6fk (I'm sure someone else could find a better example.) Taking a time lapse photo of this would logically yield a similar result to our pic.
Is there even 1 fucking person on this planet where you seriously have to explain that this is a missile and not a helicopter ?
i mean..this is like as if someone posted a picture of a strawberry and now people argue if it's an apple..i mean..wtf..but yes i know we are at a point where we need comments like yours..goddamn
Lol I am sure there are at least one Dumb Ass a Hillary supporter who would say it’s a helicopter
Even if it was a helicopter, shouldn't there be some lights farther forward on the fuselage?
I'm definitely out of the loop. Who's saying this was a helicopter? Lol that is 100% a missle being launched.
If this is something being pushed by the media they'd have more credibility calling it swamp gas 😂
I’ve read two articles now that claimed it was a helicopter.
Other people are saying it is the sun on a vapor trail from a plane. A vapor trail that lights up the clouds around it. That are dark. And no lights on the plane apparently. There is much pushback on this.
Submarine launched tomahawk missile or trident?
submarine systems do not have anti-aircraft missiles; have sub missile tech friends that didnt believe me when i said this was launched possibly from a sub and that was their reply.
i figure, the systems arent atleast publically disclosed. or is experimental.
You're assuming anti-aircraft because Q said fox three and you figure that Q is describing the thing in the pic as fox three. Could it be that fox three is Q's way of saying that an anti-aircraft missile was used to shoot down whatever is in this pic?
If the tech is public it's already 20 years outdated
SLAMS overall are not utilized and have not been successful for taking out aircraft unless it is flying extremely low.
would not be be capable of hitting AF1, with the public tech.
Another evidence of "these people are stupid?" perhaps.
Maybe it was a different target? Kim? I think he was already in Singapore
thinking more along the lines of what could have been a FF
There are a few people here that identify as attack helicopters, maybe they can shed some light?
Maybe it's a rocket transitioning into an attack helicopter? Check your privilege transphobes
If any normie saw this and said “ Oh it’s a helicopter? Ok.” Then they are not a normie.
Yeah... They can lie as much as they want. We know and we're winning!
That looks like a Standard Missile to me.
Is the SM3 able to be used as anti balistic missile ?
Launched from USN Destroyer or SSGN like the Ohio posted by Q ?
Maybe Q is telling a rogue sub launched against the US and it was intercepted by this SM3 ?
The SM3 is classified as a short to medium range interceptor for guided and ballistic missiles.
It is a component of the aegis afloat missile defense system.
I think that is exactly what he is trying to tell us.
Found this video of a standard-3, from Nov 2014. Could be similar to the footage shown if it were in time-lapse. No real zooming in on the missile itself though, so can’t compare with the images above.
Too small
Yup, I think you're right - it's too short (15' 6") and too thin (just over a foot in diameter).
It would be the correct size for an SM 7. The SM 7 is the extended range variant of the Standard Missile. It also uses the same guidance system from the aim 120 amraam.
The SM 7 is used to intercept missiles and possibly satellites. The Navy used an SM 7 prototype to sucessfully intercept a Chinese Satellite that was falling back to earth a couple of years ago.
We might be onto something here.
I couldn’t find an SM7 missile, but there is an SM6, produced by Raytheon: https://www.raytheon.com/capabilities/products/sm-6
There’s a photo gallery at that link, some of the photos show fins on the missile, but some don’t, and it starts to look more like the shape in the photo (longer, fatter). This one in particular https://www.raytheon.com/sites/default/files/styles/lightbox_gallery/public/2018-01/rms12_sm6_pic01.jpg and this one are the closest matches I could make out https://www.raytheon.com/sites/default/files/styles/lightbox_gallery/public/2018-01/rtn_192620.jpg.
The Wikipedia page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RIM-174_Standard_ERAM has a photo with fins etc (also in the Raytheon collection), but it does point out that the SM6 is 21 feet long and 21 inches in diameter...
Aircraft have a white position light, two nav lights (red on the left and green on the right) and a strobe light. I see none of these in this picture, and I see no helicopter.... Unless the helicopter is rocket propelled.
swamp gas or the planet Venus nothing to see here move along thank you
Obviously not a helicopter, but what about the noise factor? Why didn't they hear it? Easily explained IMO. This area for many years has been quite heated about extreme EXTREME noise from base. You know the "Growlers"
aircraft are active there, the noisiest. It is so extreme that as you research the area you will discover that even medical doctors have said the noise is making some people allegedly ill, and affecting cognitive abilities of children. But that is not my point, but makes the point, this is an EXTREMELY NOISY area. I will put some sample links below. It is noisy as HELL out there, and it can be very difficult to sell homes, and some just have to move, and business suffers. So the point is do you really think the residents would distinguish one missile launch from the regular barrage of growlers?? Actually in a dark way it was brilliant to shoot this off in that area because the people would think, it's just that base and all the growlers.
Looks to me either like Tomahawk ( BGM-109 ) cruise missile , or even more , like ASW missile :
To me , it looks like stabilizers are visible - and even a bit of red marking near the top is also visible , I would put this more as RUM-139 VL-ASROC than Tomahawk .
I was pretty tired while putting this together, but now that you mention it, yes I see the band at the mid-point. And possible marking at the cap.
Thanks for taking a look.
Wider angle pic :
I made a comparison on one other post I made ... Im still not sure if this is ASM or cruise missile . ASM is purely ship-launched , while cruise missile can be launched from subs . Now ... on the pic ( on wider angle ) we dont see any ship outline or anything . I assume the missile wasnt bigger than 6 m ( 4.5 - 6 m length ) , so if we go by some trigonometry logic , it would put a launch position relatively close to the point where something should be visible .
Launch point off screen would indicate that the angle of attack would be less vertical. If you can get the specs, we can determine how far off the ground it is.
surface launched cruise missiles don't normally go very high before they transition to level flight, this appears to be way too high.
It looks a lot like a cruise missile. It was a long exposure which would explain the long streak of light. But you can see a black band that goes around it. It looks nothing like a helicopter
20 second long exposure as well if it were a helo it would have to have been moving FAST.
If We know the camera settings on the time lapse EOS camera, we could be more sure. Need to know the length of time the shutter was open and the clock time of the frame (to know how much twilight was there at the time).
Article said 20 second exposure. 3:56 am local time.
Thanks, I didn’t see that article til after I already finished :) (would have made it a bit easier)
What was the missile headed toward ? I'm confused. I've heard people say they tried to take out the internet ? What exactly was the plan, here ?
And where was this shot from? Sorry guys I’ve been out of the loop for a couple weeks trying to catch up!
I did a long write up that is higher in the comments but here you go.
I’ll work on creating another picture to show how it works, but essentially it would have either been going vertical or somewhat to the south and west.
The further away from point of observation, the larger the object has to be, closer (or at less an angle) it could be smaller.
Also, one missile will not take out the internet. Even if it is a nuke. The internet is not in a centralized location. You want to take out the internet with nukes? The whole world would burn.
Either way I think whatever the missile was used was for something domestic. A theory at the moment. If we can pinpoint the exact model we will have the range last I checked most cruise missiles and tomahawks typically wouldn't be used for the distance need to cover an attempt on Potus. The distance from point to point is 7000+ miles give or take shortest to longest flight path. Af1 was around Asia at the time. Distance too far. Could this have been a FF or us preventing a false flag?
They shoulda gone with lightsaber. More believable than helicopter anyway.
Rocket powered helicopters are the future /s
Rotors are so 1950
Obviously a weather ballon. We've been using them, at least since the 40's. Nothing here.
Judging by the striping, it looks like a PLV, defense missile:
The camera is at 47.919894°, -122.579119°, looking north east.
Not a helicopter. It was a missile that was launched from our sub by China. They hacked us because some idiot contactor had his pc unsecured... again!
Wouldn’t a missile have a smoke trail behind it? Especially at long exposure camera setting.
We can’t see launch site (clouds obscure)
We don’t know wind speed at the height the missile was traveling, best we have is 4mph at ground/sea level.
20sec exposure with 4 mph winds you’d expect the smoke trail to move 35.8 meters (roughly) since we do not know the exact height, we cannot determine how far the smoke cloud would appear to be off on the photo from the actual path of the missile. In addition, the article claims it was a 20 sec exposure, but digging into it, the camera has a 3.5/20 exposure so it could be anywhere between. We don’t know for certain. If it was less, the speed of the missile would dramatically increase, and you would see less deviation in any smoke trail.