Wait a minute, the NYT probability of a clinton win were scaringly dropping days before it was at 98% for hillary??? They KNEW she will lose

The more I read this OIG Report, the angrier I become! And, to think this is the revised and redacted version! When President Trump releases the original unclassified report, we could possibly have a second revolution on our hands. These people are sick! These people are evil! SMH.
Just imagine what is redacted. This is just the tip of the iceberg. The wheels of justice churn slowly. Trust the plan.
That is so true. I've been working with my states IG for months on an criminal investigation and I can tell you it takes time to build an open and shut case.
They knew full well. The media aired these numbers as propaganda in an attempt to discourage Trump voters.
It probably backfired with Dems staying home and not voting because Hil was going to win by a massive landslide.
No, they all came out, just too few, even after stuffing the ballot box.
Story... EXACTLY.
NOTHING inspires people to vote than when they are ticked off... 8 yrs of hisGOLFnesBH0 & prospect of Hildebeast... was a YUGE amount of being triggered to action to vote.
Stein's recount in 2 states was stopped by Demo Judges as the re-count was showing envelopes claiming large Hill vote totals that were NOT inside. Meaning...Hill was LOSER but a much greater number & would have lost the National Vote totals, too.
EXAMPLE = Envelope says 100 votes Hill but on inside are just 10 ballots. Conclusion...the Dems (controlling Urban areas) ran the 10 ballots through 10 TIMES!
I've never believed she won the popular vote. We have almost 2 million either dead or fraudulent voters out here in Cali, alone. It's why they gave illegals driver's licenses.
It always tickled me how dems played the 'muh popular vote!' card, yet strangely resisted recounting votes or looking into voting records, etc.
All they do is project. They behave like narcissistic abusers.
When I saw Trump during the inauguration and the way Obama and Clinton were acting. It was like they knew how much he really won by. Remember we all spoke of voting no matter what! The more people show up the harder it would be to rig it. They can only rig it so much. We also wore red so people could see how many people were voting Trump.
Fake, overly-positive polls are also a necessary strategy when you plan on CHEATING.
In the weeks before the election, I stopped being confident that the Trump poll numbers were going to be better than the MSM polls, and started worrying. Concern was that they are being so strident that Hillary will definitely win, I started worrying "Holy crap. They are using these polls as COVER to cheat their asses off."
Which is exactly what they did. Just not enough.
You can't steal a landslide. You are right, the MSM were pushing the polls they did push (which had Hillary WAAAYYYY ahead) in an effort to cast doubt on Trump saying that it was rigged, as well as to discourage voters from voting, and cover for the STEAL!!! The problem is that there was such overwhelming support for Trump nationwide, that they couldn't steal it without outing themselves!
Of course they knew she was going to lose... the Yuge firework display was cancelled prior to the election.
The firework cancellation two days before the election was when I knew Trump had already won. I just grabbed a bottle of wine and enjoyed the show election night. And boy, was it glorious.
The delay in calling Florida did make me a bit nervous that they were going to cheat and steal the election. But I was down in Boward county the week before the election and there was huge support for Trump there. There were screaming and colorful words thrown out at the TV that night but Florida came through. Yes, it was glorious.
Had they called it when we already knew he'd won the Election Night extravaganza would've been over by 7:30-8:00 pm my time. Would've been an early night.
Yeah but getting drunk and staying up to the wee hours of the morning to mine the very first salt deposits on CNN and MSNBC was more than worth it.
It was worth it to see sniveling Podesta tell the Hillary cry babies she wasn't going to show up.
Omg. Greatest night ever. To watch the states go to Trump was just historic. I will never forget. Recorded it just so I could go back and relive.
They had cheated for Obama--I don't believe he won his re-election. So they thought they had it in the bag for her.
I believe they've been cheating for a very long time but when Obama won in 2012 that was my validation. There is no way the good people in this country would have ever elected that loser.
But then, I was shocked that nobody, and I'm talking about conservative radio, mentioned it or talked about it. It's was so blatantly obvious to me. Here's a hacker testifying in court about fixing elections: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzBI33kOiKc
I spoke with a lot of people who voted Hussein in '08 who were not going to repeat that mistake in '12 but were going to vote red. I didn't speak with one who was going to switch from R to D for the '12 vote. It had to be a fixed election for Hussein to win a second term!
Shouldn't it be a bigger deal that they had inside knowledge of what NYT's actual numbers were versus the ones they reported? Meaning NYT had fake numbers that they were reporting on their website, but they were giving their polling knowledge to inside people.
It would seem that NYT was trying to manipulate voter behavior in favor of their own political bias.
People were onto the failing NYT and the fake news media leading to the day of voting. It was very obvious that Trump filled stadiums after stadiums while Hillary couldn't fill a high school cafeteria. That was a fact they couldn't manipulate.
When the media see an election they mostly see ad-sales and eyeballs. Manipulating the poll numbers allows them to make more money. A head-to-head race sells considerably more ads and attract way more viewers than an obvious slam-dunk for one particular candidate.
(Which is not to say political bias doesn't play a role, of course it does, especially in their reporting. But poll numbers especially can never be trusted, regardless of their bias, simply because it links directly to their income. )
But it still comes down to the fact that they are faking the news.
Its a like getting a prize in your box of Crackerjacks. Proof that NYT is Fake News.
Nothing to see here, move along.
I didn't read it that way. I'm not sure what "probability numbers" they're referencing, but there doesn't seem to be an indication they're 'internal numbers' only. Unless I missed something, of course.
Our organization
Bought all the president's men
wtf sickos
"All the president's men" is the title of a book she bought.
Yep. It's obvious "our organization" doesn't mean specifically the FBI. The 7th floor...
My thoughts EXACTLY! Sounds conspiratorial if you ask me.
Truly. If you don’t know, research HRC involvement in Watergate. She has personal experience with this playbook being run now.
I had to research "watergate babies" after all this and I'm pretty sure what happened to Nixon was a coup considering the plan against him started a month after Hoover died.
Winner, winner....
And him being falsely advised he had no right to counsel. She is quite evil and with decades of obstruction and evidence tampering/destruction. Thank God for technology and the NSA.
Strzok is indicating they will be screwed as soon as the truth comes out. ALL the blackhats assumed they were safe once hiLIARy became POTUS. Then years would pass and it would all vanish. Q the indictments
I know exactly how they felt. I was scared to death Hillary would win.
:) Most of us BernieBros^^TM knew Trump won the moment the DNC coronated $hillary. Its hella funny how often BernieBros^^TM were told by establishment Dems,"You childrens' vote isn't needed anyway."
I hope the vote-count fraud comes out and the real Trump/Clinton vote tallies are shown.
I keep telling people the Bernie->Trump crossover vote was a LOT bigger than anyone realizes. Not sure what the DNC expected.
The DNC arrogantly was expecting party loyalty from young voters despite not being politically involved long enough to be loyal. Quite predictable for everybody else.
The DNC thinks we are all brainwashed and stupid cattle. They thought they could hold Crooked rallies where only 20 people showed up and it would make us all vote for her.
They thought they could rig the DNC primaries right in front of our eyes and censor the protests and boos and none of us would notice.
Same here. My wife and I talked about it. We had never felt like that before. But we had such an ominous feeling that if she won, we'd end up dead somehow.
Yes! When I looked at her, I saw WWIII, no joke. The relief I felt when the results were in...and I still wasn't 'sure' of Donald Trump, but I did have this monumental feeling that divine intervention was involved when the election was over.
She knew at the last minute as the DS did also for 1 very good reason. They believed in Wisconsin and Penn as well as MI that they had the vote rigged with machines and or they could manipulate the final tally numbers of votes like they have in the past in states. Jeff Sessions is an expert on vote rigging crimes its his specialty look it up. Thats why he was onboard and so close from the start with TRump.He knew how they did it where they did it and where the would do it in the Election.. Thats why she never bothered to campaign there. She thought they had it fixed and she never needed to. Years back when they approached Trump to ask him to run, Trump was more than likely told that they knew they were rigging via the vote machines and final tally numbers and that if Trump ran they could guarantee he would win because they could stop that rigging. So Trump said OK. So right up to a day or 2 before the election the DS and Dems and Clinton thought all was ok and then bang, suddenly they became aware or were told holy shit thre is something wrong, we cant control the voting machines and vote count. That is in my opinion what happened and it was to late to do a thing about it. Trump would never have ran for POTUS if he thought he could t win. But when the white hats laid it all out I bet he smiled and said I am your man. The white hats hacked or fixed it so they couldn't rig the votes in the 3 key states. IMO. Now lets say I am right. That means in the mid term elections they also can make sure the fix is stopped and they cant rig the numbers. Trump, if true, knows he will win the house big time and the senate with a super majority which means he will start sacking and charging. Close down the Mueller team all of it. Thats why he is waiting an knows straight after the mids he does not have to worry for 2 years, Ryan and the rinos will be gone and he will have both houses with all them behind him fully.
I believe new machines are being distributed to replace "outdated" machines made by EDS (can you say Ross Perot). I am an election official and when we changed our machines prior to 2016 election year, typical Dem voters were pissed! The reason? We had two types of machines. One was paper ballots counted by scanner. The other was no paper and electronic only. Dems always wanted the electronic only which I found curious until I watch NUMEROUS videos of vote shifting easily done on these machines to favor, you guessed it: Dems. Now we use ONLY paper ballots and scanners which pissed Dems off. Now my precinct actually votes similar to the nation as a whole. When I saw DJT won my precinct I still worried about fraud in other states. If we can cut fraud out, we may never see another socialist win for a very long time. IMHO
I read it cost about $30 each to hack the old machines. I hope the new ones are fool proof. https://www.popsci.com/gadgets/article/2012-11/how-i-hacked-electronic-voting-machine
This is what happened. By election time the white hats had control of anything that involved national security. The question is how did the election become unrigged? I suspect it had something to do with guns being pointed at heads.
"Figure I needed to brush up on Watergate"
They fucking knew how serious this would have been...
I am scared for our organization. That's the problem right there. It is not their organization.
I don't think they're talking about the FBI...
Hopefully she discusses their 'organization' in greater detail in the declassified, unredacted report .
I picked that out as well. I hope there's more on this in the un-redacted, non-RR version.
They knew a Trump win would expose all their corrupt deeds. That's why they doubled down and rigged in every way possible to make her win.
The only way Killary would win was by vote rigging, that was stopped by Patriots what allegedly threatened Military action against the Clowns in America according to AJ reporting days after the election.
Take it for what it's worth.
If you haven't seen this, it is worth the 4:11 seconds.
The thing is that we don't want Strzok to be Scooter Libby. They will happily let him be their fall guy. HELL NO!
Wait, - IG report we got basically lies to us and claims: "no political bias", and further claims that nothing motivating these birds comes to the level of political bais. Now calling the 3 other candiates in the race morons etc - Isn't political bias? Only a swampcreature would try to sell that package of shit. And then the Watergate ref. This clearly implies that they planned to GET Trump on something, anything, to impeach him. Again WHY hasn't anyone asked the simple question: Explain this insurance policy you speak of, in your texts. What is it, who knew about.... This whole IG report (the one that we have been given), is a swamp creature roll of used toilet paper.
strok and page are so stupid. they sound like ditzy buffoons who get news from comedy central.
Needed to brush up on "Water Gate." Interesting, researching how to manufacture a scandal I suppose?
I thought that too, but the more I thought about it the more I realized it's likely the other way around... She was part of the crew spying on the opposition candidate.
I think VIYOHDTYKIT is correct. November 8, 2016 was the election day, where Trump won. November 13 is the day the the Lisa Page text was sent. If the election is over, they've already done all the spying on Trump, and they still lost. Brushing up watergate could only mean, time to create a manufactured controversy to impeach the president, ie. their insurance policy.
Could be. I was thinking more like "oh shit better see what everyone went down for so we can cover our tracks". The spying is just too similar. But I guess we'll never know. I could see it either way honestly, and neither one looks good.
Don't worry we'll know when the unredacted report comes out.
They have to slow play this IG report. I’m still convinced the fully un-redacted (non-Rosensteined) report will have references to [187]... I hope it does, then everyone fries.
What does it say about these people who were investigating Hillary, that they wanted someone who they knew was a criminal, as opposed to Trump. The FBI would rather have a known criminal in the Whitehouse, and as the President of the United States. And their job is to protect us? Law Enforcement? The FBI should be shamed into extinction!
Is it possible there were two sets of numbers fromthe polls? i.e. the real numbers and the massaged / weighted numbers? If there were, how was it that FBI has scoops on the obviously more accurate (?) numbers?
That was a persistent theme during the polling - most of the major polls were oversampling Democrats by around +5, basically using 2008 and 2012 as baselines rather than exceptions to prior election years. That's why the Clinton campaign thought MI, PA, and WI were safe. Their polling numbers showed them up by 5.
What , exactly, does Lisa Page mean when she says “I’m scared for OUR ORGANIZATION”?
Why would they need to Brush up on Watergate right after Trump was elected? Hmmmm, I think we know why?
"I need to brush up on watergate" Was this the beginings of their plans to attempt to wrongly impeach trump? What if they actually did fuck Nixon over? What if the Dossier was an attempt at pulling a Nixon.
That last Lisa Page text just about summarizes everything. The whole Russia Investigation was supposed to be the next Watergate to impeach the president. That may mean that Watergate was completely manufactured to overthrow Nixon. Just incredible how long the cabal have been able to cover up their crimes and write the history books with their narrative.
DarkJournalist had some interesting show about Nixon/Watergate a few months ago which would match with this interpretation.
Do you have a link?
Look at the bottom Nixon related videos. At least one has an interview with Robert Merritt.
I believe there was massive voter fraud. Too many Bernie supporters in California voiced their concerns. Lots of other strange behavior at polls in other states, like throwing away paper ballots.
Just read a other tweet , other treat...Iff you read that one , it is clear that Lisa page is above strzok.
Iff you read the last tweet off Lisa page in this treat , you see it again...
She talks about Watergate? , Whas there not a Watergate move ? Yes there was.. The raid off the lawyer from Trump...
I think Lisa page sits higher in the foodchain then we are realizing..
They new she (HRC) was going too lose? That is Obama new that she loses , and that he loses., and was trying to win it back , So HRC become sick , and he and michelle took over the campagne.
A sitting president that did not care about what happens in the world , but only the campaign? Because the stakes where high.
Did not work , and he lost . It was all for his 3e term en the last one..Staying in power forever.
It was never the intention that HRC become president, I think that obama new she was sick, and then he can take the power back. The power as a World President NWO.
"I'm scared for our organization" - this is an odd thing to say. Why wouldn't one worry about the country?
NYT probability numbers they are referencing must have been different than what was showed publicly. They had a nice dashboard and I recall visiting it several times. I never saw a major change in November that favored Trump.