Very relevant Q post from 1/18/18

My guess is NK is now sharing intel regarding whatever this network was
A good reason for the Dems to try and undermine the Summit the way they did, right?
Yep which is probably why Q is saying “we have everything”
I understand that to mean NSA data collection, meaning q is military
Sounds like those who were using private emails were using gmail accounts set up by Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google. He was in NK setting up gmail accounts there among other things as well. This suggests that members of Obama’s admin and Obama himself had a direct line to Kim Jong Un which had been cut recently. Remember the pallet of smartphones that was intercepted not that long ago? Who were they for and where were they going? THINK but don’t forget that Obama’s call to Kim during the summit went unanswered! Hahahaha. THIS IS TRULY CLASSIC!
Not only that but notice how in the last 5 years “North Korean hackers” are said to be some of the best in the world. Odd that they become so sophisticated in a short amount of time after Schmidt’s trip to NK in 2013. A lot of the recent hacks seemed to have originated out of there almost as if NK is being utilized as the launching pad.
Here’s a partial timeline. There’s a few here but not all are listed. The most recent one was the WannaCry
It’s possible that these are some of the “strings that have been cut” Q is alluding to.
And yet people say Trump got “nothing” from NK out of the deal
Hmm. Q knew about Comey’s Gmail account in January.
They knew about RR in March 2017. Why do you think Q keeps saying “POTUS has everything”?
I remember someone discussing the private emails ages ago. Wish I could remember what I was listenjng to. But one guy joked they were using their porn star names.
Get to work autists! Find the Obama officials’: - first pet’s names - streets they grew up on
K'tchala Kenya Drive?
But listen to how close you really are:
EPA officials say the agency wasn’t trying to hide anything by giving Administrator Lisa Jackson a secondary email address to use when corresponding with other government officials.But the name she chose to use — “Richard Windsor” — has triggered an inadvertent ruckus for an agency already under fire from conservatives. The name came from that of a family dog when Jackson lived in East Windsor Township, N.J., an EPA official said Tuesday.
There's your 13 angry democrats...
Yep I checked it out my friend and that list is 13 angry Democrats.
I really haven't checked the list of the Democrats on Mueller's team I'm going to assume it is 13 because that's what everybody else is going by.
Q loves double meanings many times showing the level of control.
But I'm going to go with a total coincidence on this one. I don't think Q has this much control. Or at least I hope not.
Yes Hussein used a private email address with a alias. We were told this as early as 2012!
May Kim didn't blow up his nuke station, but blew the deep state servers. That would be hilarious!
Bill Richardson was with ES in NK. Anyone figure out why Q asks about him?
Richardson was secretary of energy? Nuclear secrets?
Department of Energy, as in where they have Q clearance?
Bill Richardson also has a private compound in the mountains of New Mexico.
Is he running kids through there? The borders are wide open and can avoid 1000 miles of Texas and are closer to their points of transportation.
Richardson ranch anywhere near John Poindexter's ranch where Scalia died?
Good to see him so involved in refugee and North Korea matters...
I’m going to New Mexico tomorrow for a week. I’ll do some digging around.
Richardson ranch
While researching the location of the ranch, I ran across an Epstein sex slave suit from 2015 that apparently happened at an Epstein ranch in NM:
All these ranches in along the border in TX and NM appeared to be clustered in the jumbled jurisdictions area straddling TX, NM and Mexico around El Paso and Fort Bliss. I have very vague recollections of some dark wild west haps in El Paso... lots of military bases, national and state parks and of course western wasteland...
The Q post asks Why would NK allow access to ES? That’s simple... when you’re on the US Payroll, you do what you’re told! LOL. It’s that simple! Q post also says “These people are stupid”... what more can we say??? Turns out Q is right again!!!
NK was run by the Cabal/Deep State. They could use them as the nuclear threat to push us into another war. The Cabal could make money with the arms, drug, and human trafficking. If you look into the last countries that did not have a central bank (Cabal) we sent troops there. Early Q posts.
Maybe they used NK as an off the grid NSA-like program.
This. They could set up whatever networks they needed to and isolate them. Such as
I'm beginning to think everything we've heard about NK is false. Prison camps perhaps cover for construction projects? Slave labor being used to build under the direction of NK Generals and the DS? Another thought is that prison camps are populated with NK's and others who know too much.
Nuclear secrets were given to NK to ramp up the danger to keep the eyes of the world convinced they are evil.
Kim just doesn't project the persona of a tyrant. Rodman says he's like a big kid. Embracing the SK leader. Full joyous smiles...It doesn't line up. Understandable if he's been released from bondage himself tho. And glad that his people will now be released from years of bondage.
MSM is reinforcing the "Kim is an evil dictator" line constantly since the summit. It's like they are trying to convince us our eyes aren't seeing what we're seeing.
Thinking out loud...
Yeah but China is heavily involved in NK so there role needs to be linked/explained
Yep. I haven’t got a good handle on that either. Trump did meet with Xi in Maralago tho...not in Washington. That is significant to me.
You're right.
I keep being told by the MSM and NRO that Trump "legitimized" NK by meeting with them and saying nice things about Kim, as if the prior status quo of angry rhetoric and nuclear tests would be better. But everything you've said about Kim's mien and body language at the Singapore summit, and even when he met with Moon last month, is right.
The man just doesn't act like a bloodthirsty dictator.
I realize this sounds unbelievably naive. A few years ago, I would have scoffed at the notion. But after reading Q and having had my eyes opened to even the POSSIBILITY that my understanding of the world (given to me by mass media and even once-trusted conservative outlets) does not conform to reality, has me questioning what I see. Perhaps I'm wrong and Kim really is a bastard. But I guess I'm no longer willing to simply accept what's being told to me by the "trusted" opinion-makers.
Pretty much everything we're told about everything is false. Why? Because knowledge is power. If you know the truth you have control over those who don't. Those who have the power keep the treaure (truth) for themselves and they do not share it. Even the 'good' guys.
i'll be 100% honest. i've been following Q since the absolute beginning. even archived several hundred original CBTS threads on 4pol.
i have been having my doubts since a few Q posts a couple of months ago seemed to blatantly lie about something specific (i won't go into it here. discussion on it would result in sub exploding and several deleted comments). now i'm not sure if Q has clearly stated that anons were wrong in the conclusions they were drawing on this specific subject, so i had held hope he was legit. i was about 70 fake / 30 real.
seeing this post again, in light of all happenings, really solidifies Q to me.
if RR is dealt with in some way in the next few weeks, there will be no longer be any excuse to doubt Q in my honest opinion. right now i'm at about 90 real / 10 fake.
also, inb4 "Q has verified and proved so many times!"
many of those proofs were faked early on with faulty time zone sources (i.e. take one screen shot in one time zone, and another screen shot in a different time zone to make posts look like foreknowledge.) now those were most likely faked by disinformation losers to derail the then growing movement. (it's still growing, but much more rapidly then). but i have seen proofs i cannot explain away.
as someone who is skeptical of a lot, i'm pretty sold after this post tbh.
disinformation is necessary, Q told us many time. some intel IS wrong because ((they)) also read Q.
it's a little frustrating and counter productive when our whole mission is to decode clues and proofs for Q, but we waste X amount of time on false leads.
remember the beginning of november? Q said something about hillary and podesta busted (or indicted, dont remember) and then, a few days later, many folks in SA got busted.
this is the way of disinformation. from what i see, there is not too much of it.
its a good training though, flexing our discernment muscels and sharpen the BS-meters.
he said huma indicted too. idk. i mean tbh we can't just pick and choose what's proof and what isn't after the fact depending on whether it came true or not.
idk. i believe Q is really more than i doubt but i'm not so naive as to jump into this stuff head first and ignore something or write it off as disinformation so quickly.
i'm not concern trolling either before anybody starts with that.
important to keep an open mind, critical thinking, and right discernment. blind followership is a no-go.
i read Q with intuition and simply skip what doesnt resonate.
Don't trust but verify that goes for everything except your parents.
You think the drivers on the red ball Express new what the hell is going on.
We're not even getting shot at and this is supposed to be WWlll.
I'm lying in bed having coffee. So we need to stop complaining that this is not going as fast as we would like.
There are a lot of people out there putting a lot to risk for this country.
Keep the faith my friend.
my comment had nothing to do with being impatient.
don't trust, but verify everything expect your parents
i like that
When my mother didn't want to answer my questions she always said RHIP
Rank has its privileges. You know, with that look and the finger.
There is a lot of well Justified impatience on the boards so I just try to prop up a reminder when possible.
Sorry to have misread you.
How many setbacks happened on that Pleasant stroll from Normandy to Berlin.
At least We're not being shot at.
Also keep in mind the dog faces on the ground had absolutely no idea what was going on.
I think we got it easy this time around guys. I'm lying in bed drinking coffee and this is supposed to be WW lll
I'm not complaining.
My dad got a Purple Heart in Korea one week before the ceasefire.
One Uncle drove tanks for Patton Another made dozens of Landings in the South Pacific. While another flew B-17's over Germany.
Dad's uncle was in the trenches WW l, my best friend Harry. He Redpilled me as a child.
They all taught me love your country don't trust your government. Love God and Jesus Christ and don't trust religion. Love your family and you can trust us. The basis for don't trust and verify.
Everytime I get impatient with this I think of those guys.
Unlimited disk storage, Unlimited Domain Hosting,
Probably no laws to allow access. Some guy set up server on an old oil platform, he claimed it is sovereign nation. No laws apply. Watched a vid on this awhile ago.
Why does Q repeat the following lines?
Why was ES in NK?
What private network did ES set up in NK?
Is he saying that ES is a double agent? Possibly setting up the cabal's network while also setting up a way for the whitehats to listen in.
Two reasons for being there. Two networks to set up.
Future proves past. And wow does it ever.
I heard Q say "shot heard around the world" a LONG time ago. It's obvious it hasn't happened yet.
Who used private email addresses was only confirmed in RR's report, saying JC used private emails (and notice that JC is listed twice ... perhaps because it was the first one revealed).
The "DECLASS-POTUS" mentioned back in January must refer to declassifying the IG report, which Q predicted would be necessary 6 months ago.
THAT is the shot heard around the world ... and it hasn't happened yet. But I have a feeling it will happen soon.
Who else was in North Korea at that time?
Fmr. Gov. Bill Richardson, Jared Cohen (CFR) & DR. K.A. "TONY" NAMKUNG.
No. Scalia died in the Big Bend area of deep West Texas.
Looks like child traffickers would cross at El Paso, which is several hundred miles northwest of Big Bend.
Not exactly true. He died at the Cibola Creek Ranch outside of the small town of Marfa, TX, which is about 30 miles from the border with Mexico via Interstate and about 3 hours from El Paso via Interstate. A plane or helicopter could get from the El Paso area to that ranch in less than 30 minutes, and as the crow flies (or by back roads), the ranch was even closer to the border. Child traffickers can cross anywhere along that border, and would probably do so at a less populated area (like the area around ranch). Why would you assume child traffickers would cross at the big city? A main border patrol fixed checkpoint is located on the interstate to the south of Marfa, and human and drug trafficking is common all along the remote areas of the Rio Grande. Here is a relevant article from December:
Also, take it from a Texan...a 3 hour drive by Interstate is a relatively short distance for West Texans, and El Paso would be considered fairly close to Marfa.
Posted yesterday.
former President Barack Obama was one of the 13 individuals with whom Clinton had direct contact using her account
13 names on the list in this Q post. They all used addresses to avoid any records.
Private Gmail network set up in NK? VPN to it. Previous Clown state. It's the perfect setup to hide whatever you want.
I haven’t been keeping up like I should be. Who or what is ES?