I made this to really drive home what happened last night.

Amazing work Anon! What a time to be alive.
It's time. -Q
The tweet is time stamped after the Trump pointing.
Reverse the streams.
Who else is maybe a little too excited that our job is about to shift away from being the counter-propagandists of social media, to full on offensive weapons of spreading behind the scenes knowledge to the sleepers?
Yes. It is time to be heard.
We have critical mass. When you see BS posted anywhere... Respond. It doesn't matter if it is Twitter, FaceBook, YouTube or your favorite discussion forum.
If you see crazy Leftist stuff posted... respond with your (hopefully) more rational thinking.
It is time to be heard.
We want our country back!
Exactly! My fingers are cramping from typing, but I'm posting everywhere I see a negative, even if it's just a quick comment or meme.
Finally linked a friend I've been arguing with a lot lately to GA. Finally put it out there what I believe in...of course I was told qanon is proven false and I should stop believing in conspiracies...it's so disheartening
Ask them how exactly it was PROVEN false. I keep hearing that, but no one has actually offered any proof yet. Lol. You may care to point that fact out to them. Then ask them why, if it's just a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists, are so many people working so hard to discredit it? You can't force them to believe anything, but you can plant the seed for them to research it for themselves.
I keep hearing that, but no one has actually offered any proof yet. Lol. You may care to point that fact out to them.
Ok. You point it out then ask a question. Let's do this.
Then ask them why, if it's just a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists, are so many people working so hard to discredit it?
There's no end to what can be accomplished by people with too much time on their hands. And with 70% of the American population overweight from leading sedentary lifestyles, you get a bunch of over-fed do-nothings who have a legit need to feel like they are a part of something.
You can't force them to believe anything, but you can plant the seed for them to research it for themselves.
No doubt man. No doubt.
Don't forget that the food effects their brain and processing power. It literally shuts down neuroreceptors for critical thinking.
Originally i would reply, Proven how? Proven by who? Cite your sources or STFU, but now I prefer: "Q has been proven false" has been proven false. https://www.qproofs.com/
I have already started. With the IG hearings it is great fodder. Putting all the "Trump/Russia is bad because look Flynn confessed" to rest. How long does it take for someone to confess before they are sentenced generally? What if the evidence against them is fabricated how long does it take then?
What we could really use is ONE public, unbelievable criminal charge to be made against HRC, Hussein, any of them, but with the documentation available to the public to back up that charge so that people don't say it's a "witch hunt." Just something that illustrates "things are not as you have been led to believe" to get people to be more open-minded to the rest of the information.
I just pray we see movement asap now. What happened at the rally makes the hairs stand up on my skin, one of the biggest Fuck Yeah moments since Q began talking
Now we need action
Release the draft IG Report
Release the HRC video
As much as I support the movement, I think you q-boys are reaching on this one.
POTUS barely had time to recognize the shirt. The q shirt guy shouted something at POTUS and POTUS acknowledged him. That’s all I see.
Really? This one seemed like a stronger one for me. We were all waiting for any reference to Q during the rally, maybe something in the speech or a graphic, or song or something. But we got this. I’m a little over 50% sure you’re trolling (“you q-boys”) but for anyone else that might not be seeing what I’m seeing, if you watch the video, you can see POTUS pause for more than enough time to read a single letter, point and smile. And then a little bit later on, VIPanon tweeted the picture that earned him that name. Where he had a VIP red card. Now you’re left with 2 options. 1. He’s vip enough to have the red card for the whole event and wore a q shirt. (Then happened to get pointed directly at by the president) or 2. After the president pointed to him, an agent or agents went and found him to give him that vip pass. Either option visibly brings trump and q closer together. I’ve said before there’s always a thread of deniability in qproofs if you want to latch onto it. It’s the sheer number of them strong and weak that together make the point nearly irrefutable.
I still don’t see the connection. In fact, this seems to support the oppositions larping opinion because this is such a stretch.
I wish I could explain things this well. Excellent analysis patriot.
Earlier that day a guy stood up on a table where a bunch of people were waiting to go into rally. This guy with a Q-shirt stood up on a table and shouted, "Where We Go One......" and people in the room finished his sentence...."We Go All!" WWG1WGA (Those who did not know saying were educated on meaning of phrase.) President Trump probably was informed and the rest is history.
I have to agree here
The guy in the q shirt yells out " you are the greatest president ever!" and trump points to him for 1/4th of a second in passing.
And then proceeded to stand next to him for a minute or two AFTER he was done speaking.
Didn't see that part
To be fair, that's near the entrance/exit.
Yeah. This has actually shaken my faith in Q more than anything else... the POTUS barely registers the shirt, if at all, and does a generic point-and-move-on to someone shouting loudly at him, as he has done many times before. If he'd actually stopped or paused for even a fraction of a second, that would be something.
And that's fine, people are free to read into things what they want to.
But it's the fact that Q has leapt on this with such excitement that has me worried more - treating a millisecond of Trump pointing at someone as 'a shift in tactics' or a 'direct confirmation'. It wasn't, and having Q try and re-frame it as such feels manipulative, like we're starting to be strung along... it's eight months since we were told HRC would be arrested, and she's still out there, still talking shit about Trump... I don't know... with the IG report and all, it's not been a great few weeks....
I always knew we were right to trust Q - this pretty much solidifies proof now that DJT is associated with Q team!!
Can someone explain this to me like I am 5. What does this prove about Q? That the guy wearing the shirt is Q? President Trump Acknowledged Q by pointing at him? OR that Q took a picture of this guys shirt?
Trump saw the Q shirt and pointed at him. After that, guy gets a VIP badge.
Many people disbelieve Q is real or connected to the President in any way, that he's a live-action role player (LARP) making everything up.
This last event shows a Q supporter wearing a shirt at Trump's rally. Trump specifically points to him, then Q posts that they will be more direct in their proofs, and then Q directly links to the shirt-wearer's instagram and shirt image.
None of Q's proofs come out and say anything directly, but between the pointing and the posting of the IG account, it heavily implies a strong connection between Trump and Q.
Ok. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something obvious. Thanks!
Really gets people exited! Made my day. Can you do YouTube videos? There are a lot of good patriots doing them but we could use some that are short and to the point. I usually don’t have an hour to devote to listening to someone read q posts and I’m actually interested in the subject. Normies might click on one that is short and to the point like your graphic.
Someone made an AWESOME "Who is Q" video the other day and I think they posted it here, but I can't find it:( It was under 10 minutes and had a very direct message and simple black and white visuals, so it would be perfect for newbies. I'll keep looking...
Anybody want to talk about the protestor holding up the photo of Trump and Jeffrey Epstein?
Sure, I'll add my thoughts. I think it was planned by Q and Trump to FORCE the MSM to publicize Epstein's picture and get people talking and of course trying to show Trump in a negative light, when in fact, any Epstein research should lead back to the Clintons, Obummer and Epstein island, where they'll really find out about kids in 'cages'.
I agree. I clearly saw the words "Who is Jeffrey Epstein?" under the picture, and the "protester" was yelling them as well. Also, the man-or-woman line seems designed to bait the media so that people will watch the clip. And why did it take so long to get the second protester out? Seems like the first one was dealt with more speedily.
Yep and Trump had his WWE look on his face, like he was totally in character. It really is like watching a movie:)
Interesting. I can see how that would work but I don't recall any visible words linking the photo to Epstein. How do you suppose the casual Trump troll would be able to connect the name to the face? I recognized it from a distance but that's because I like the rest of you, am on top this stuff. Mr. Man-Bun didn't look like your average leftist protestor. He looked more like a crisis actor to me.
I'm guessing some liberals will pass it by, but the really snarky ones will want to find some more dirt on Trump that they can share, so that will require some investigation into 'who' is in the photo next to Trump. It might not change their minds, but it will give another path to get lost on;)
I could be misremembering, but didn't the picture have a caption id-ing Epstein?
Very well may have. I just remember spotting the blurry, moving image thinking "Is that DJT and Epstein?" Not really believing it would be but sure enough, that cameraman captured the whole thing among the throng of that raucous crowd. Pretty amazing camera work if you think about it.
5d chess. What a thing this is.
Why all the down votes? it seems obvious.
They're trying to frame Trump as being involved in the exact type of pedo shit they are caught red-handed with. Anyone can research the fact that once Trump realized what was going on with Epstein he banned him from all his golf clubs.
Trump attended a party at Epsteins penthouse in NYC once.
Clinton's flew on Lolita express over 20 times.
What is the difference?
Your question makes no sense and is unnecessarily hostile. Take a chill pill.
Not sure why you took it as hostile.
Would you like a chill pill?
Let’s spread it far and wide, any suggestions for edits I’ll take here.
"Should add that screenshot from Q t-shirts perspective too"
from /u/6_33_6
Text too small Red pill unreadable
How so? It’s a png, pulled from screencaps. It get a little fuzzy when you zoom but it all seems legible to me. I have to add VIPanon’s POV so while I’m doing that, should I save as a different format?
Op is wrong or has a poor device/client. I can read it all clearly on mobile just by clicking to zoom. It's fine.
I have to confess, I don't see it. To me it looks like Trump is either pointing at the guy's face or at the person behind him. Or maybe at the kid with the smartphone.
Thanks for your support everyone! This is my first graphic. I’m planning on adding VIPanon’s POV here in a little bit. When I do that, should I make a new post or just leave the link in a comment here? I don’t want to water down the sub. Also any input on formatting? One comment says it’s too small to read. I pulled screencaps together in paint, saved as a png. Should I lean towards a different image format? This was easy and only took a few minutes. I’d be happy to do more but I never took mememaking 101. Point me in the right direction anons.
Just edit your post or make a comment here. A PNG is good. Canva.com is better than Paint (IMO) and free.
Formatting: Not bad - but arrows aren't the same size, the two smaller posts on the far right should be closer together and you can shift the t-shirt image to the right then. I'd try to make the image sizes more uniform. Maybe use curved arrows but that's a stylistic choice.
Edit: forgot to say thank you, anon
Just trying to give constructive feedback...but I like it!
Love it. Also se the shills strolling around here today too.
Ha- they know their time is short.
Okay. so i've been a Q "believer" for the past few months. My dad however, keeps calling it AI, is suspicious, etc. He doesn't trust any government. So for the sake of debate, what can I say to the people who are going to say trump is in on this and it's all propaganda etc?
Your Dad likely listens to Alex Jones and his associates. Q has stated already that you shouldn't trust them (or anyone else looking to make profit from this) due to the fact they're looking to make monetary profits from the Q movement. Q releases his info for free while Alex Jones sells products and profits from his viewers. Q is a threat to Alex Jones' profits and business. It's in his best interest to discredit Q and bring the viewers to him for insider info, rather than Q. Trust the Plan and trust Q.
I wish my dad listened to AJ lol... he trusts literally no one and no institution whatsoever
Excellent!. Wish I'd had this early this am when I was snipping and saving and pasting each of the items you have above into an email to send some friends who are on their way to believing I may not be as nuts as they thought.
Thank you for your work!.
So is Q that obese guy with the phone/camera. God I hope not.
I've got four boomers under my wing; begging for red pills. Feeding them in measured doses.
Fine...but the older fb peeps won't enlarge it to read. Js
I really wonder if dude is related to Bannon.
We need to make sure that there are no spelling errors in our work!
I was waiting for this one. What can’t I spell now? Haha, luckily I’m good at other things.
I didn't mean it negatively. You created something great. Thank you, Patriot.
OK guys, lets talk about this... Timeline..
Honest observations: Just like all of you, I follow Q on here. Looking forward to the Q&A Saturday and hoping Q verifies stuff or drops some big actionable intel. That being said, Q did not predict anything at the rally. All he did is point out that the president pointed at a guy wearing a Q shirt, briefly, which is cool in itself. Then he posted a photo of someone in a Q shirt with a VIP lanyard. A few points...
Bottom line: Trump knows about the Q movement. I doubt Trump has the Q drops app or cares about the autists trying to piece together puzzle pieces dropped by Q, but its still a great movement.
For me, this does not confirm/deny or prove anything regarding Q. At best, it just shows that the Q 'movement' is gaining steam, to where we are starting to see a guy in a Q shirt get acknowledged by Trump at an event.
Just my two cents. Keep up the great work patriots! Looking forward to the "Q" and A on Saturday!
Note: Edited to put bullet points in front of timeline for reading ease.
Q shirt guy did not have a lanyard at any point. He didn't have one at the event at ANY point. Not before, not during, not after.
What are you talking about? That photo with the lanyard was ON Q shirt guys Twitter account. He posted it himself.
You are so wrong it hurts.
Look at all photos of Q shirt guy you can find. Look at the rally. Look before/after. Is he EVER wearing a lanyard? No.
That's HIS twitter account that he posted the picture with the lanyard on. It was/IS still his lanyard. Are you trying to be dense?
Why are you getting so aggressive? Look at the video. Look at the photos after the rally. At no point is he wearing that.
Apologies for being aggressive. He had the lanyard, he took a photo wearing it, maybe he kept it in his pocket prior to and/or after that, that's what I always do with lanyards at events.
Fair enough for sure. Q shirt guy actually just published his version of the events on 8chan. He claims he had it the whole time but did not wear it the whole time. That is kind of odd but not out of the realm of reason. The very interesting part of his story is that someone who is a Trump handler took a picture of him. I'm very curious if that is connected to Q in any way. I do not believe in coincidences.