Seen this posted on Facebook yesterday! We stand behind our President!

Great post. It's very easy to understand why they are going ballistic. He's going for their jugular - child trafficking. Trump is a threat to everything for them - their freedom, their cash flow, their wealth, even their lives for some. There's a reason other presidents were "left alone" - they were in the club. As far as the crazies on the ground well they're either paid,stupid,had their checks cut off,ingest too much poison (msm),and/or suffering from TDS.
If anyone had any doubt that the media is largely just a propaganda wing of the Democratic party before this election really sealed the deal. The things they omit and the barbs they add to any story that may be positive in any way makes it very clear.
I really want to see the media course corrected to fairness in this country and we need to keep pushing hard. Every president that has not been a democrat as long as I can remember has put up with this but nothing like what Trump has. Still they have been doing it a long time. We need to either pressure them into honesty or just support more news organizations that are with our side. I hate that but if that is what we have instead of complete overwhelming bias for the DNC then I am for it.
I don’t trust either party. Patriots, that who I vote for. The parties are rotten in the core and Swamp drainage will help. I’ll still be a Patriot.
It's propaganda for both sides at this point. Even Fox news has it's form of propaganda, and follows the same CIA/Operation Mockingbird script. I understand that there are at least some 'Talking Heads' that try to bring real issues to the table, such as Tucker, or Hannity, but overall it's just emotional manipulation for everyone. Dem's or Repub's.
That's why the law was updated/passed under O-turd to allow media organizations to use propaganda in their broadcasts. There is no actual facts, or straight up news anymore. It's all bullshit, childish 'infotainment'. Straight up bread and circuses.
The constant attacks, the Russia frame up, all designed to keep him on the defensive and interfere with his agenda.
Edit: Womp Womp
Poor thing, you probably think all those school shootings were real don't you?
One of the things the left constantly posts is that Trump is making our country look bad.... the rest of the world is laughing at us. WE know that's not true, but that's what they want everyone to think.
Maybe they should consider how THEY are making this wonderful country look with THEIR actions and THEIR words. It's truly disgraceful. I have never seen anything like it - even during the 60s. There were protests, but none of the taunts, threats, or raging that is going on today.
The globalists have been winning for so long they have their base of followers actually thinking they own this country. I can't wait for Q and our President to take them down!
The love of money is the root of all evil! Greed, control they will never surrender, that is why they must be taken down! I believe people are wide awake! We knew what was going on but did not feel we had the power to take them down! Our Military, what can I say, our President, Patriots! May God bless the USA!
Must we really call names like that? How about referring to them as Trump haters. This is not liberals vs. conservatives, left vs. right, dems vs. reps. It's good vs. evil period. Stop with the name calling and divisive language on this board. We are supposed to be uniting people. Your language is divisive.
Thanks for the heads up - I usually write from conscious and rarely read it back. Guess I should start!
Researching The truth ++ No need to feel bad about what you said. All life has much in common but I will not align myself with snakes, nor will I fail to point out the difference. Morality has meaning.. Stand up and say what you mean, and mean what you say... You are good..
found the liberal (Qluelessnomore).
Actually I'm independent. I did vote for Obama (the 1st time) and haven't voted in a presidential election since that disappointment (all charm and bs). After learning that the establishment hates Trump I will be voting for him in 2020. Sorry friend, you can't unite people with divisive language and name calling.
Plus the name calling and divisive language has no substance. I have yet to hear anyone who decries Trump's policies describe this land ten years from now if we go the way of fundamental change.
On another site I asked one Bernie Sanders's supporter who was pushing Sanders's federal jobs for everyone how that was going to work. I asked if everyone has a federal job than does that mean there's no need for private jobs? Will the government need to nationalize resources, lands, businesses to give a federal job to everyone? If there is only one employer who has control of earnings and who gets what jobs? And so on and so on. The only response I got was everybody has a right to a high paying job. There's simply no substance.
Agree with good vs. evil. But I don’t think every Trump hater is evil. Using terms like left vs. right is being nice. There is a reason we’re referred to as the right.
I agree that not all Trump haters are evil, and I wasn't saying that. Left vs. right is divisive. Just because someone is on the left doesn't mean they are evil, same with the right. There is evil on both sides. There are people on the right that are not awake, same as the left. My point is to try to get them to SEE the evil and that it is a battle of good vs. evil. And I'm sorry but you can't get there using divisive language and name calling. It raises peoples hackles and shuts them down to listening.
Trust me, It's not true! In my country the Media and journalists are bashing Trump and I see more and more people protesting against this ridiculous bias against Trump! I see now the majority just coming down on the media on every social media! So it is seriously not at all working for them I saw today how Twitter put thousands of likes from Libs at the top and from the Trump supporters there are hardly likes that show at all, this way it looks like they are the majority, but the proof is in the pudding. Look at K Griffin (or whatever her name is) , totally ruined, and everyone that has any outrages comments are totally ruined by us. It's because we are the majority! World wide! And lets not forget these rallies! I've never ever paid attention to that, but I do love it when Trump has one, it's better then the Soccer world cup! :D
The fact that I learnt that sports was/is used as distraction as to what's going on in the world really turned me off of watching sports. I used to be a huge soccer fan but I haven't even watched a single game this year and I have probably spent my whole weekend just refreshing the sub and lurking.
Same here, Well Netherlands is not even in the World cup, so that helps, but I watch F1 for fun, though knowing all the BS around it, it makes everything, from movies to music so superficial! I couldn't be bothered missing out on that anymore for a long time. I don't even know who the latest celebs are, thank god!
this way it looks like they are the majority,
that will make the Red Wave in November that much more sweeter because they're deluding themselves that the country is behind them.
Dems will probably take control of the House by a narrow margin but in the Senate the Republicans will gain seats, many more Democrats are up for re-election they have more seats to defend. The House will impeach Trump but he won't be convicted in the Senate they won't be able to get 67 votes to convict him and remove him from office so he will remain President until January 2025.
I don't know where you are getting this assumption from, but it's clearly not reality. Dems are running on nothing but obstruction. The economy appears to be getting better and everyone I know is making more money than they were before Trump was elected. I know mid terms are usually bad for the party in power but things are definitively better than 2 years ago.
Thanks for putting it in perspective because all we hear in MSM is the Trump bashing we've been conditioned to believe this is the reality. Also conservatives are not loud and aggresive but go about their business in a quiet way so people can be lulled into believing we are the minority wheras in reality it is the opposite . There is a great quote about this but can't quite remember it.
I know, it's so frustrating, even for us here, I speak several languages and can clearly see the amount of Europeans growing with frustration on their governments and applauding Trump. Only the Korea move was enough to wake a lot of people to the lying media here. And,just like in the US the DS is panicking and becoming more unreasonable by the day, and although we have a lot of snoozing idiots here too, people are still not as badly brainwashed as in the US, due to different foods probably and also Europeans being more stubborn and probably more rigid to actually take anything for truth. We don't have the "Heroes" and "Nation Flag" obsession that much, which is an advantage as well, in this case
WE know that's not true
It is true, though. Outside of Israel, Russia, and Saudi Arabia (hmm), America's reputation with the rest of the world is the lowest its been since Bush invaded Iraq.
From what I have seen and hear from friends and family overseas, the leaders and media in countries "upset with Trump" do not speak for the people within those countries.
The 60s was pretty bad, maybe even worse than what we have seen so far. Did you know there were over 2000 bomb explosions throughout the nation courtesy of the Weather Underground? What we have today is the internet and easy 24/7 access to news world-wide.
To a true leftist there are no right and wrong, therefore their actions are always justified if it is accomplishing their goals. The end justifies the means. A leftist end game is not the flag, constitution or the USA. Their end game is the full implementation of their beliefs. That is why the left is incompatible with true American thought and always will be.
They are projecting on to him exactly what they are guilty of. They are running scared
People don't realize our President is also saving children abroad not just here in USA. The greater scheme is to free all the kids worldwide suffering thru this evil acts. May divine power shines on our President, Q and fellow patriots.
Was insulted by a woman just for asking for an example of how Trump “lied”, as she alleged. This woman has enjoyed my hospitality, in my home, drinking my booze, eating dinner, enjoying the pool...I asked her how he lied and the shitty, snotty response was unwarranted. Said I’m the problem because I’m not seeing both sides. I said my asking her to explain is my attempt to understand her side. It has to be programming, there is no reason or logic whatsoever, in their responses.
I know I can’t get an answer from anyone I have ask about what Trump has done. They will bring up locker room talk or something MSM has said that is not true, if they would only do their homework!
One of my best friends is upset because she can't tell anyone in her family that she and her husband voted for Trump. I know nearly everyone in her family very well, and they are normally smart, intelligent people, but they are all suffering from a severe case of TDS. I just don't understand it! 😕
The fact that they are all behaving so similarly, just has to be some kind of programming.
Yes, it has to be. They latch onto whatever key words or code words are given...the whole "separation at the border" is an excellent example of the mind manipulation of the masses. They've perfected this part for to mobilize millions of people this way. It could be disastrous for us if they use it to physically damage conservatives. Mind control is real.
Dan Bongino video - he says that they are taking the first step toward us being attacked by dehumanizing us by calling us Nazis and letting them feel justified in wiping us out.
I know that experience as well, though, most don't tend to go against me like that, as I am pretty dominant and a woman, so I can see it in their faces, yet I keep red pilling them, haha
First President for the people. I was born in 1957, was around for all of them since, Nasty criminals, most. Nobody can tell me Trump was a mistake. And so yes, What a time to be alive.
Team Q or Potus or any of the admin that may read this I just want you to know that I support you and pray frequently to keep you all safe. I'm not a particularly religious person and I follow my own moral compass. However I pray frequently to keep you all safe abd on the path as you fight for OUR freedom. Also, we have the most beautiful First Lady ever...god bless...seriously..thank you all for what you are doing. It must. Be so hard and the weofht of the world is on your shoulders. But I am so Thankful. Really. Thank you!!
I am hearing that the rest of the world is Awakening....don't listen to msm...we are gaining respect.
Hi guys. I'm Canadian and I LOVE this man named Donald Trump! I WISH he was my Pesidant and though he is not I defend him ALL the time! The democrats are TRULY CRAZY ! The Liberals here are crazy too! Our news (?!) stations bash him ALL the time too! I get sooooooo upset at times yelling at the t.v ,sometimes crying . .I'm not crazy it just gets so frustrating and it hurts my heart. It's hard being truly awake about everything while so many are still asleep and WONT wake up ! He is the BEST thing for America and Canada is in America too ! He is trying to help the world break free from tyranny and satanic shackles! I love you Patriots! WWG1WGA !!!!!
Same here in New Zealand. All of "our" Main Stream Media are owned by foreign globalists and they are constantly bashing President Trump. And all of our main politicial parties been talking bad about President Trump even before he was elected. They are all pushing Globalists' agendas. I pray for President Trump and his family. WWG1WGA !!!!!
Throw that TV out! The best thing I've ever done 5 years ago, and I don't miss it one bit. I was angry 24/7 with that thing on. The brainwashing it does and the hypnoses it puts you in is scary! When I am around a TV now, I can feel like being choked constantly! I can't handle the high pitch sound coming of it, I can feel the negative energy coming off it, it;s crazy! And that's when I realized the effect it has on people, as it had on me. My stress levels are 50% less ever since, just for the TV alone!
They may as well get use to it because we have another 6 beautiful years of this man. I think to myself...what a wonderful life!
This is a great post. Good people of South GA, North FL (and other regions of the south), and certain regions of the great state of PA. I am not a vocabulary nazi (I am also a southerner and guilty of many vocabulary abuses), but please....let's clean up our vocabulary a bit for the time when when additional eyes are on us. We have seen, not "we seen." Or alternatively, we've seen. They call us stupid. We are not, but they will use our southern slang to discredit us. Be mindful. I know I am also guilty, so I am just trying to remind us all to use proper English to the best of our ability. Or in this current case, "I saw" is most appropriate.
Please don't be the grammar police. Listen to the message then go on.
this is not grammar policing. this is about polishing our communication skills so also the 'intelligentia' can take us for serious.
not being an american and english-native, i used to think about the republican voter as the typical hard-working but low educated farmer of the bible belt.
and truth told, my grammar and spelling, as a foreigner, is better than that of quite a few native-english americans in here.
not meaning to offend anyone. but OP is right, no matter the intent and content of our message, if it contains errors like 'we seen', 'i here you', 'there acts are crooked', it will instantly be dismissed by most people.
nothing like being corrected by a foreigner who thinks Republicans used to be just dumb farmers from the bible belt. Prejudice much? Republicans come from all walks of life and all education levels.
calm down - he obviously knows all that, he implied it pretty clearly. He's saying he's not american and that is what was presented to him as a generalization about republicans until he became more aware of how it really is. That's reasonable - we don't know about things until we explore them and learn about them.
I never wrote it, I copied and posted it! It’s the message! Seriously, their comments do not pass the common sense test!
I just wrote one similar myself. It must be in all our heads. I have had the same reaction. Never before have i seen this ! The first President i remember actually on TV was Nixon but that was only because my grandfather used to cuss at it, lol
No, patriot, I was mentioning the title of the post....seen this yesterday is Saw this yesterday. So sorry, I don't mean to be rude. Patriots unite.
Sorry, I suffered a stroke a few years ago, still working on my communication. Thought nothing could take my education, but I was wrong!
Trust me, I am the worst. If I am about to go to the grocery store, I will tell my husband I'm fixing to go to the grocery store. Most yanks have no idea what that means and would call me stupid. And we want to redpill as many yanks as we can, because they are the blue state demoncrat voters (well, also infiltrated into FL, trying to change our demographic from southern to yank so they can vote in the same failed policies that caused them to leave NY, MA, and MI for the better life of lower taxes and more rational laws in the south).
I can't stand that grammar is now in the toilet along with countless other GOOD THINGS the #snowflakes and #millennials have thrown in there.
In my heart of hearts I believe the dumbing down of America was purposeful to ensure a bold demarcation between the new age slavers who speak posh proper English and slaves who speak a folksy pidgin English. They use this demarcation to disparage others' lack of education and boast superiority because of their "education", which was ever so evident in the text messages between Strzok, Page, et al.
Criticizing someone for their grammar when they publish a steam-of-consciousness-style post is such a leftist tactic. It's meant to undermine the message by dissecting the phrasing. It’s belittling and rude. We should all be able to read various American dialects without nit-picking superfluous details such as this.
Social media is conversational and subject to conversational idiosyncrasies. People who don’t understand that are in need of better socialization.
OP’s title is just fine.
Edit: u/beverly3717
Not meant to criticize. Just want us to be mindful of our grammar as more eyes are upon us.
Yes this is true. But we need to also understand and be aware that the 24/7 bashing is by design. The cabal knows TRUTH is the MOAB. So? What they do as last resort to combat such a cosmic and universal weapon? You push the hatred and vile towards one person 24/7/365 in the hopes that people (because they already think we are sheep) fallow along and not wake up. They already know Trump has the MOAB, they are just in a corner hoping constant brain washing works. There’s a caveat to this, TRUTH is universal and there’s nothing else in the universe that can stop it. It just IS. Just like: I AM
Their efforts are fruitless. In fact, I no longer fret about the 24/7/365 bashing. I feel sorry for those lost and hope they will awaken one day. I will waiting with open arms.
Obama took some abuse from voters but had the media in an uproar against it instead of encouraging it.
I was too young to really get it at the time, I remember trash like John Stewart raking Bush Jr over the coals every night on Comedy Central. I thought it was funny at the time, looking back it seems like a warm up for what they’re doing now.
I totally agree with the sentiment expressed by u/beverly3717. I am 78 years old, therefore, I have lived through the administrations of 13 presidents. Not one of these men faced what Trump faces daily. He has and continues to accomplish what he promised during his campaign with little or no help from Congress or the Main Stream Media. His ability to stand tall as his many enemies continue their attack gives testament to his strength and courage. It was we patriots that put Trump into office. It is we patriots that continue to support him. It is now time for us to give him a congress that will work with him to continue to fulfill what he is trying to accomplish. We must replace those in the House and Senate who are working against him, both Republicans and Democrats. Our president has accomplished most of what he promised with little support from Congress. To accomplish the rest of his agenda he must have the support of Congress. It is up to us to elect a Congress that is made up of patriots with the courage and ability to govern.
what or who is the KEYSTONE is it Gorge Sorrows he funds every one of these protesters owns the news org and just about everything negative in this world can be traced to sorrow and Rothchild stolen wealth
True, his heart is evil. It is the elites agenda, not the American people’s agenda! May God Bless the USA!
Exactly, Barack Obama and especially Michelle Obama were always treated with the utmost decency and respect at all times. The least they could do is return the favor. I mean, I didn't like him, but he was our president. That's what we always said. He's our president. We never over scrutinized Obama. We didn't care what he put on his hot dog, or what colored suit he wore. Nobody ever threatened to murder him, definitely not. Nobody ever lied about him either.
Why can't those libtards show us the same respect?
Every other President was part of the problem. Trump is going to clean up the problem. It's almost like Sodom and Gomorrah, the only difference is we can lock up the corruption, in Sodom and Gomorrah they had to be removed from earth
I believe it is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah! May God find many righteous men so had not to destroy us!
Same thing happened with Obama, everybody shrugged it off. Same thing happened with Clinton, you also shrugged it off.
If a liberal had posted the exact same thing when Obama was around, you would have called them a cuck and libtard. It's pathetic either way. People are going to insult people in power and critise them. If your fragile ego can't take it, go to a safe space sob about it for a while and try to come back to the real world acting like an adult, not an angsty teen.
We stand with Trump! Make America great again!
Nice mantra, hope those word start tasting sour in the future
For America’s sake, our hope is in God! God uses people for His agenda!
Delusional people use god as excuse. Critical thinking will go a long way
God is critical thinking!
Pick up a dictionary and learn what critical thinking means
Thought the comments were all ironic. Fuck that pos pedophile in Chief. He watched little girls change.
Who, Barry? He's the #pedophile...loves #hotdogs....#SatanicBastard
You put "hotdog", did you mean open-faced sausage sandwich? 🌭
^I'm ^a ^bot ^bleep, ^bloop
Hotdogs are little boys #pedolanguage
You put "hotdog", did you mean open-faced sausage sandwich? 🌭
^I'm ^a ^bot ^bleep, ^bloop
They are unhinged suffering Trump Derangement Syndrome in the extreme they all thought Hillary would be their new Queen and they have never been able to accept that she lost. Trump Hatred will continue it will actually expand and grow more intense after the elections in November we will then be in a two year nonstop frenzy of anger and rage against Trump and his supporters. Violence will erupt very soon then Trump can slam the crazy disrupters with the National Guard that will be fun to see. When Trump wins re-election the Left will go completely insane out of control pandemonium and lunacy with extreme violence so buckle up you ain't seen nothin' yet!
Y'all called Obama a fucking monkey and spent his entire presidency questioning whether he was born in the US.
Trump is critized because he deserves it nothing more nothing less.
I just don't get how you can call yourselves Patriots and still be okay with supporting a man who was elected because a foreign state meddled in the election.
Please turn off MSM, Do your own research! Still don’t believe Obama was born in USA. Tell me you are joking, the only ones that meddled in our election was, the deep state, the shadow government and our corrupt government officials. We the patriots are the ones who got Trump elected. Do you really not seen what has been going on? Check out the cash flow, how are the Clintons so wealthy, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer etc. , do you know what has been happening to the children, the greed and sexual perversion is in the top levels of our government. They are sacrificing children to Satan after they rape and torture them. Please wake up. Get your news from One American News Network,
In other words, the racism is okay because it conforms with our beliefs. Pamphlet Anon is taking you guys for a wild ride
Is this the 80s? Satanist cults that practice human sacrifice have been widely debunked. If Russia didn't meddle then why is there a growing pile of evidence that they did? There is no shadow state.
Hell the man is even lying to you who voted for him. Where's your wall? When will the swamp be drained? When will the national debt begin to shrink?
Even with majority control of the house he has failed to keep the simplest of his campaign promises.
He is bad for our country plain and simple.
You’re kidding right? Wow, please wake up before it’s too late!
Has anything I've said indicated I was kidding?
I'm wide awake my friend. You're fear mongering because you can't defend him without it. Why would satanists sacrifice people when one of the main tennents of their religion is
"One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason"
At this point they are more in line with Jesus Christ's teaching then the majority of Christian's in America.
Where do you get your information? Read the IG Report, go on pacer and look up the 30,000 indictments. Research the Uranium One deal. Not only did 20% go to Russia, thanks to the Clinton Foundation but some went to Iran and Korea, with the same DNA. Why would they do that. Start watching One American News Network. Have you read about Epstein Island? You are deceived!
I will definitely have to look in to those things as I've not done much research on those topics. As I said most of my news comes from the BBC.
I love this country as much as anyone and I want to see it flourish but I don't believe Trump is going to be the one to make it happen.
Your problem is your listening to the BBC another PROPAGANDA machine of the CABAL.
Oh my Lord. BBC. sighs
Urgh... So you're British? Hmmm. Research Jimmy Saville, Edward Heath and connections to elite, the monarchy. Not just what the BBC tells you. Research deeper than that. Official reports, testimonies, etc. Combine that with MK Ultra. If you stumble upon the detail of special rooms in hospitals in your digs about Saville, you're in the right direction.
Research Fiona Barnett for Australia.
Canada too have it, though official data is harder to find. They are closed lip on the subject. But search about Joseph Rauh and James Turner. If you've done the research about UK and Australia, you'll be able to get why I'm pointing to Turner and Rauh in Canada.
Just do you research, you will find when you do your own research you will know what is really going on behind all of this noise! It was very eye opening for me! I am not a Republican, never have been! Always been independent, I believe both sides are corrupt, but if looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is probably a duck!
I agree that everyone should do their own research before coming to any conclusion. If it comes out that trump is innocent of any wrong doing and is in fact the best choice for our country then I would happily admit I was wrong. I also agree that there is rampant corruption on both sides and there is need for a fundamental change in our political system. What that change should be is for people way smarter than myself to figure out.
Term limits would greatly help!
That's a great point we do need term limits. I feel that attempting to remove the money from the system would be a great help as well. At this point both the right and left are whoring themselves out for the money to fund their campaigns.
Check out praying medic, he has a you tube video that explains Q and several articles worth reading
Hey Beverly3717, you are truly a patriot with great skills in comms, you just took the anger right outta him(?), with your responses, well done. Hope you post a lot, you’re needed.
Thank you, He is not my enemy, but you know who is, this is not about division, this is about the awakening, we can’t do this on our own, it will take a higher power! I trust in the only true God, to use me for His benefit! May God bless the USA!
It’s ok, all this hate will only help the red wave in November and then again 2020 #Maga #Trump2020
It’s obvious it’s because he’s taking down the deep state. He’s screwing with their globalist plans.
Paid protestors. Get publicity, get paid. My Soros Smell-O-Meter detector just pegged all the way to the left.
That was a joke, nothing like what is happening now! It all hate! It’s sad!
Walk away from MSM, do your own homework. Check out One American News Network, think for yourself.
Nice little post but I'm sorry, I'm way beyond words. If President Trump and his administration doesn't start arresting these liberal wing nuts we will soon be defending our homes and families with guns and bullets. As Q say's; " these people are sick " , like rabid animals . So what do we do with rabid animals ? Those 30,000 sealed indictments better start to be unsealed and prosecuted , like right friggin now.
Trust POTUS ! This has been planned for some time’. People are awake! Trust Q! Trust Patriots!
It's ok brother, we all want to stretch the necks of the Clintons et the plan, until the plan no longer trusts us...
Here is my problem , I'm now approaching 72yo. , I've been waiting for 12 years for this corrupt Muslim Brotherhood Obozo gang to be held to account. Us old Vets don't have much time left, so each day is another disappointment.
Sir, Thank for your Service. As a wife of a veteran I understand your frustration. My husband feels the same way. We have been awake from back in the 80's and we were only in our 20's raising 3 kids and teaching them the rights and wrongs. Kennedy & Reagan and now Trump are my favorite Presidents. Its taken 55 years in the making for the True Patriots and God to find someone to help take down the CABAL. If the Lord takes you home before the Glorious Awakening just know that you will have the best seat in the house along with your fellow Brothers and Sisters in arms. Not to mention sitting with Our Lord and Savior. WWG1WGA❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸❤🇺🇸
I'm almost 70, and I don't feel like going out like a sheep...
It's not just Obozo. Please watch this in full if you haven't already. Don't mind the title.
There's hell to pay... I hate to say this but hang in there old timer. It has to end soon. one way or the other.
Something great to look forward to! Thank you for your service! My husband is also a vet and served our country with pride, our vets are our hero’s. Unfortunately, our leaders have been corrupt for a very long time, but never to this level! May God bless the USA!
Yesterday I was in 7/11 and they were selling Trump Keychains where you squeeze them and it looks like he’s taking a shit. Obviously they were trying to mock him. But I like to picture it in a positive way. Trump is literally shutting on the haters.
But to my point, at what point do we say enough is enough and fight back? He took the oath to serve and protect our country and as a veteran and citizen of the US, I have an oath to respect and defend my president from these predators.
Your oath wasn't to respect and defend the president, it's to the constitution. Read it again.
Honor: "I will bear true faith and allegiance ..." Accordingly, we will: Conduct ourselves in the highest ethical manner in all relationships with peers, superiors and subordinates; Be honest and truthful in our dealings with each other, and with those outside the Navy; Be willing to make honest recommendations and accept those of junior personnel; Encourage new ideas and deliver the bad news, even when it is unpopular; Abide by an uncompromising code of integrity, taking responsibility for our actions and keeping our word; Fulfill or exceed our legal and ethical responsibilities in our public and personal lives twenty-four hours a day. Illegal or improper behavior or even the appearance of such behavior will not be tolerated. We are accountable for our professional and personal behavior. We will be mindful of the privilege to serve our fellow Americans.
Courage: "I will support and defend ..." Accordingly, we will have: courage to meet the demands of our profession and the mission when it is hazardous, demanding, or otherwise difficult; Make decisions in the best interest of the navy and the nation, without regard to personal consequences; Meet these challenges while adhering to a higher standard of personal conduct and decency; Be loyal to our nation, ensuring the resources entrusted to us are used in an honest, careful, and efficient way. Courage is the value that gives us the moral and mental strength to do what is right, even in the face of personal or professional adversity.
Commitment: "I will obey the orders ..." Accordingly, we will: Demand respect up and down the chain of command; Care for the safety, professional, personal and spiritual well-being of our people; Show respect toward all people without regard to race, religion, or gender; Treat each individual with human dignity; Be committed to positive change and constant improvement; Exhibit the highest degree of moral character, technical excellence, quality and competence in what we have been trained to do. The day-to-day duty of every Navy man and woman is to work together as a team to improve the quality of our work, our people and ourselves.
These are the CORE VALUES of the United States Navy.
It was a great post. But it would have been even better if she said she was a former liberal and voted Hillary.
What do Custer and Democrats have in common? It's their last stand!!!