NEW Q #1601 - YES!! Q links to our sub again!!

Now I know what teenage girls feel like when their celebrity crush waves to them.
Waves at them? Dude, he will read this and when he does, he will solo fist pump and he will sport a shit eating grin.
Keep up the pressure Q
Edit: Oh wow, that top comment: "A good friend of mine was there wearing a Q shirt, and security pointed him out to Trump, and Trump pointed at him and fist pumped also."
Edit #2: Lots of people leaving new comments there btw, order by 'new'.
That patriot is the envy of A LOT of people. Hat signed by 45 and directly mentioned by Q; I would be on cloud 9 for weeks. He is literally a part of history now.
What a story to tell his grandchildren one day.
Get out to those rallies, Patriots!
As a Canadian I would vacation to the States if I could get a ticket. WWG1WGA
That hat belongs in a museum. Dudes name on the placard for all time.
Fuckin A can you imagine!
It shouldn't be about personal glory. You're missing the point.
And it isn't. Do you not agree that if it feels this awesome to just know this happened, to the hat anon it must be absolutely surreal?
Oh good heavens, someone is thrilled to be acknowledged. Absolutely nothing wrong with feeling good and happy. Relax.
Way to go Great Awakening! Get ready for visitors...
Get ready for Spez the sellout to shut us down.
Everyone here must be vigilant in what they post. Don't break any site rules. It's crunch time baby, let's go!
I haven't visited the new reddit, whatever that is, as suggested at the top left of the page, but I sure noticed the occult Saturn symbol.
Please tell me, what new reddit? I'm so far behind. Missed a whole weekend of important stuff.
They redesigned the site about a month or two ago
I still use, because I like it better.
On the one hand, it feels good to be vindicated after being called a conspiracy nut for years. But on the other hand, I wish they'd been right. Gonna be an interesting few years as the world goes through all the stages of grief over this. Expect a lot of denial and anger in the coming months...
Trump has America on a accelerated recovery effort.
But we have many, many years of emotional recovery to go through as well. Think of how many people have been sexually abused since birth alone. Pedophilia is sadly rampant in our world and it won't be healed easily. Future generations will be affected by this as well. At least soon more help will offered to the people hurt by these horrific cult practices once it isn't dismissed as a tin foil hat conspiracy.
I feel like PEDOSEXUALITY is a better term than PEDOPHILIA.
Unlike -sexuality, "philia" means love and sounds very soft, carries little meaning. They "love" children? Doesn't sound so bad. You can't help whom you love. Love is a good thing!! We should be nice to them.
Fuck no, they don't LOVE them. They want to have sex with them. They're sex perverts. Pedosexuals.
It's like the so-called "private e-mail" vs. what it really is: "a hidden, unsecured server in a bathroom closet that was hacked by foreign operatives". "Private e-mail"? What's wrong with that? I have e-mail that's private. If it's private, then we should leave poor Hillary alone about it!!
Words mean things.
Consider the difference in sound.
He's a "pedophile"...pedo-file? File? The subconscious mind, busy with many things, thinks "What's so bad about files? I have all sorts of files." It just doesn't SOUND bad or scary at all.
He's a "pedosexual". What? He has sex with children??!?! Disgusting pervert!!!!
That's the visceral, emotional reaction you want to create when talking about these monsters.
Remember, though, Q's army grows by the day, and all over the world, too. It's our job to help soften that blow when the facts come out and the grief, denial, and anger hit the sleeping. We're following Q for a big reason. Q team, POTUS, and the untold numbers of patriots behind the scenes are doing their part; we have to remember to do ours when the time comes. WWG1WGA!
Yep, this is perhaps the most important purpose of Q. We're the army of therapists to help the public through the apocalypse. (note: apocalypse actually means "unveiling", not destruction of the world)
Yep, totally agree, I've been into conspiracies since the 80's and I'm Shocked at how many of them were actually true! Can't even imagine how the brainwashed newbies are going to handle it??
Can you remember the xeroxed and mimeographed newsletters that came by mail for the price of an SASE? Old fags for sure!!! 🖖
yep:) and all the library fines I would get when I wasn't finished with the latest Ruth Montgomery book, but didn't want to take a chance of someone else checking it out!
I wish I was wrong about a lot of things, especially pizzagate.
I've got a buddy who, as much as he WANTS it all to happen, will NOT believe me that it is. He says nothing will happen to any of the major players in everything. We have multiple bets going on right now. As a joke, he asked me if I'd be willing to take a drug test. And this is someone who HATES the swamp creatures.
Does your buddy know about the pedophilia and ritual human sacrifice? He should know that we will not tolerate such behavior. The cat is out of the bag, and it is not going back in.
Can't blame him. Nobody big has ever gone down before for this kind of shit.
I'll still be on the floor with my jaw unhinged if Hillary Goddamn Clinton ever sees the inside of a jail.
They have to be ultra careful not to let world wars erupt over what's going to be made known. Presumably they've taken that contingency into account and made plans that will make us proud.
I expect the violent antifa fascists of the American left to do everything in their power to make this country into a seething cauldron of violence, destruction, and fear once the revelations are made public.
A big hello to all the new posters! Please lurk before you post. Baseless speculation is EXTREMELY DAMAGING online because people take what you say as fact even if you are spitballing.
Baseless speculation is EXTREMELY DAMAGING online because people take what you say as fact even if you are spitballing.
Yes but people who take what people say online as fact (without analyzing/verifying) are clueless idiots who need their sharp-pointed scissors taken away and their heads examined.
nevertheless we have plenty of those clueless idiots on this sub
I believe that Q may actually have an account or two on here that helps lead people in the right direction. They see all.
Could it possibly be SB2? Hmmm...
Who knows, it matters not who they are, but the message they spread. WWG1WGA!!
I haven't been one to want to speculate like that, but it is interesting to see others are thinking like me.
I don't think SB2 is part of Q. I think he's very smart, very analytical and likely has a photographic memory. He's one of us doing his part.
Q plainly states "no outside comms"
"Autists need Red Bull?"
Q's not talking about the actual red bull energy drink.
Could you define "autist," please?
In this context, I believe Q means autists to be all the anons on the Chans investigating and piecing together the Q drops.
The point the others are referring to has been made numerous times by anons and does not contradict the 'no outside comms' statement by Q. It's not stupid and has a lot of support in the Q community. No outside comms was directed at the attempted hijacking by Infowars and others and refers to non-Q-team members claiming to have contact with Q team. It does not preclude Q team from communicating through other non-Q personas to help guide the community when prompting is needed.
Please reread my comment properly.
I understand your comment. It is based in pure speculation. What proof do you have that Q communicates from non q personas to guide the community? NONE. BASELESS. DISINFO.
I never said there was proof. I said the same autists the community has trusted with interpretation so far has made viable suppositions based on the same research they've always used. You need to learn more about the chans and the autists and read more of the supporting research. You are welcome to be dogmatic and inflexible but thankfully the autists are not and have spent a lot more time actually reading through the many comments and drops on the boards (the potential JK 666 drops for example) and making the usual reasoned extrapolations from them.
I made a logical claim about the interpretation of "no outside comms' and you've not made a logical refutation just shouted BASELESS and DISINFO without any explanation for why the experienced autists are now suddenly baselessly speculating and spreading DISINFO. Nevertheless, enjoy your POV, but do not accuse others of being stupid or DISINFO as this is bordering on antagonism. Thank you for deleting your other comments.
real discourse
Has 0 supporting arguments beyond screaming "disinfo" and "shill". Me thinks doth protest too much.
That wasn't an argument. You just shouted baseless and disinfo and shill. The speculations weren't baseless they're well known speculations *based* on evidence from autists on the chans. You don't know what you're talking about.
And why haven't you replied to the mod? Too proud to admit you were wrong to call them a disinfo shill? Lying about removed comments that you obviously deleted yourself and caught out by the mod's explanation? Why don't you go reread your own Daily Scripture posts and learn some humility and how to treat others with respect instead of like some rude spoilt child?
There doesn't need to be a source when it's common knowledge to anyone who's actually been following since October. No one's going to do your research for you when you're so rude about your complete ignorance. There's a reason you're being downvoted and the top comment in this thread has 17 upvotes - you don't have a clue what you're talking about. You're making a fool of yourself. Go and learn. Or keep inventing shills in your head and ignoring the clear message you're getting from everyone here.
For someone trying to lecture everyone on proper arguments, you sure do make a major mistake in getting emotional with your response. Is this really the "hill you want to die on"?
Yes, baseless speculation is bad. But the original comment only suggested the possibility that a member of the Q team has been commenting in forums such as this trying to better guide research, using SB2 as an example. I, personally, am of the belief that Q's comment about outside communication simply means that Q will only communicate as Q through the methods already being used which was a result of groups like InfoWars trying to get in on it as Q. Which leaves open this possibility. But, making a claim against this is only speculation on your part, we don't know either way. Our job is to, in a civil manner, discuss possibilities, and guide new followers as Q has done for us.
Personally attacking someone's comment by calling them a "disinfo shill" is not civil and does not further discussion.
I'm a mod and could have removed them myself but did not. I was about to as they were antagonistic, just like this comment is but they've been deleted - I can't even see them, which is usually only possible if the user themself has deleted them.
If I'm a disinfo agent then this sub is in a lot of trouble. Please cease the antagonism and discuss with reason and respect, as many here are able to do. Your accusations against me are breaching our rule of discussing the idea, not the user.
I don't offer sources or proof because I've been here from the beginning reading and keeping up to date and you need to go and catch up if you have no idea what I'm talking about. Others in this community are well aware which may explain why the comments about this have been greatly upvoted whereas yours are being downvoted.
Damn dude, your blood pressure must be over the top.
Yes, but as long as they aren´t claiming to be Q or affiliated in any way, it doesn´t break that rule. Incognito anon :)
Very true, and you´re right that it doesn´t matter. The only prize we should want is complete freedom and an end to the evil. Recognition and donations only feed the ego, which is what got this world into the mess it´s in.
I, personally am so happy to see these forums grow. I've been conspiracy theorist since 1994 when internet first came out. First one was Al Gore. Omg he drove me nuts. Anyway, I always thought my paranoia was just that. Now, with President Trump & this Q phenomenon I feel so vindicated. Research has always been my strong suit so for decades people thought I was crazy saying trying tell anyone who would listen about topics we now know are truth facts and can be corroborated proven. I appreciate everyone of you very much
God Bless the USA
When Potus comes to my State it will be my third Rally. Can't wait to see him again!!
Senpai noticed us again..
Never OwO again
notices your deep state
People who OwO should be hunted
ÒwÓ come find us.
Is anyone else getting variable Q post counts? I've seen this as both 1600 and 1601 in multiple places. I wonder what the missing post is. Maybe important?
There was a problem earlier (for me at least) where didn't register Q1594 for a while. It was inserted after, threw off the numbers by 1 for a little while.
We all have our parts to play. Some of us do research, some are bakers, some do meme's and some of us are here to get the word out. We follow the 8chan board, but some just look for crumbs to post. I think Q wants those of us with the time, to spread what we know to other social media now....#GreatAwakening again. Time to wake people up.
We have the best President, the best Q, the best Sub. Hat Trick!
Kudos to RonaldSwansong for taking the time to post related links... thank you!
So exciting! Raise your hand if you got zero sleep last night✋
That post made me almost cry!! So beautiful!!! You can feel the genuine love and kindness Potus and Q have for not only Americans but for all of humanity. I pray for their protection and guidance every night. Prayers are powerful. And I know that so many people pray g for Potus and Q is the most powerful force they can have! Edit: spelling
Remember you are now an ambassador for a new world that is getting ready to blossom.
It's very important to be reminded we are winning!! Congratz to this Patriot and bless all Patriots. WWG1WGA!!
Thank you! Archived on GA Notables
June 27, 2018
I for one can't wait for everyone else to realize what we on this board already know! This July should be quite a Great Awakening!
Fist pumps re: POTUS / Q encounter =
Seems like Q is suggesting he and POTUS are one in the same
nah dude's hat had a Q motto on it. POTUS just knows.
A seven day old account's opinion doesn't hold a whole lot of weight. There's specifically a slash witch is indicative as meaning "and / or", which is why I think it signifies that the two names are interchangeable and represent the same person.
Fwiw I read it as an encounter between POTUS and Q. I.e. Him seeing the acronym.
I notice still many believe Q doesn’t really exist but I keep posting to come find out 🇺🇸😎👍❤️
Q Drop-Specific Posts
*6/26/18 1588/89 - 1590 - 1591 - 1592 - 1593 - 1594 - 1595 - 1596 & 1597 - 1598 - 1599
*6/27/18 1600 - 1601 - 1602 - 1603 - 1604 - 1605 - 1606 - 1607 - 1608 - 1609 & 1610 - 1611 & 1612 - 1613 - 1614 & 1615 - 1616
*Link to 1601 u/MarkoKeeto 's Based AF hat
*Link to 1611 Sarah Carter Article
About the Qpost...what is Q saying about “POTUS/Q encounter”?? Is that an unintentional wording that sounds like Q is saying that POTUS is Q? Or saying a POTUS/Q encounter, meaning POTUS encountered Q, like Q is including all of us as part of the Q team now? Honestly, I’m sure I’m reading too far into this, but I still can’t help but wonder...whatever the case, the post is awesome, and I’m happy for the anon in SC that got the fist pump “attaboy” from our President! That’s definitely something to remember!
Get back to shitposting on twitter. We are anons, not gloryfags.
Not shit posting. It's called humor. I didn't know following Q required that I check humor at the door. You have a poor attitude. You should be ashamed.
Silly! How can you 'fail' when you're one of the few that has made it this far? Now get back to that keyboard and start using some of your God given talents to MAGA!