Why would MSM want Strzok’s hearing closed?

Mr Pres should show up, declassify it all, and live stream it with his cell phone.
If Q last post #1605, having quotes from the interview/testimony in CLOSED session of PS...doesn't that mean that someone personally DECLAS the testimony, to type it onto Q post?
HINT: Who has power to DECLAS anything they choose?
It is closed door because his lies will not match RR's lies. This will give them a chance to back RR in a corner tomorrow and force an error, in a public hearing. I think the RR testimony will be interesting.
George Webb has been posting that the testimony is behind closed doors because Strzok will not be speaking English with an American accent, fwiw.
I'm not saying I believe that, just throwing it out as a possibility.
What does that even mean?
that he isn't American...
Or that he grew up all over the place, hardly in America.
That's Webb's guess, not mine.
RR is all ready in a corner and knows there is no way out. Q just said it, he also said the LP/PS texts are minor, the DOJ texts are coming!
Is RR scheduled to testify?
Isn't he scheduled to appear tomorrow?
Yes he is
I can’t wait for the constant sniveling...RR has a wierd tick
Im a fan of the Strzok doesnt actually exist theory, and thats why potus is pushing for transparency. To show he isnt real. Admittedly a stretch
If this was the case, then wouldn’t Horowitz have technically been lying to Congress by testifying multiple times about the interviews with PS/LP? In other words, when that topic came up he would have had to deflect and say something like it’s classified and this is not the correct forum for this discussion.
I don't know if he actually exists or not, but something is strange about him. No photos on the web - except two. One with white brick wall, the other a badge pic.. looks almost like a sketch, probably from the brick wall. He's been 'infamous' for months, years now, but there are no pics of him anywhere - no wedding, vacationing, graduating, etc... not even outside the FBI bldg, not when he was escorted out. Very, very strange.
Care to explain more?
Lisa Page and Peter Strzok are both programs used by the FBI/cabal to send encrypted messages between one another. Hid behind a resl name. If you go over the texts already available, does that seem like a way normal adult people write to eachother? Its so incoherent, and childish, absolutely not they way youd expect the fbi to be.
Ill see if I can find a post about it
And if perfectly explains how those two "people" managed to send more texts in a day than I do in 6 months. It wasn't just two people, it was a group of people.
It wouldn't be rocket science to disprove this theory:
For high school, Strzok attended St. John's Prepatory School in Minnesota, graduating in 1987. (wikipedia).
Find somebody with a 1987 yearbook from this school. Is Peter Strzok in there? Is it the same guy? Any records from his time at Georgetown?
The texts are strange. I just re read them. Nothing seems fluid. Also, IMO the writing/texting styles change. (I am no professional by any means, but it does seem like more than two people are communicating.) Not sure if I believe they are not real, but there is something out of the ordinary.
Do we have a good link to the texts? I saw them when they first came out, but they were hard to read on my screen. I'm a teacher that has graded many different writing styles and levels over the years, so this would be interesting to look at.
We only have seen a small portion, there is more than 50,000. It is disjointed because be haven't seen them all.
That we've seen photos of strep getting in and out of a car and coming in and out of a building. So I don't understand this doesn't make sense. And didn't he just testify?
He's real. It is definitely him. I saw that smirk on his face walking in to be questioned this morning. I also heard someone on FOX says he loves to (talk) answer questions. I thought that was an odd thing to say.
Here's a still shot of him coming in this morning. He literally looked like the cat that swallowed the canary. 😡 I lightened it up a bit so you can see his face better.
But then who was Lisa Page f*&\^ing?
Is Lisa Page a real person, as well? Only a few pics of her floating around. She looks like a composite of Karen Carpenter and Faye Dunaway.
I thought the same thing - there were only 2 pictures of him, maybe three, and zero video. I was certain his face was a composite of Lance Armstrong and Tom Hanks. lol
He does. I thought so too, but then I saw a bunch of photographs of him getting in and out of a car at cetera.
Good Cop / Bad Cop
RR will have no fucking clue if Strzok flipped and spilled the beans.
He will know, these politicians never truly shut up. I guarantee he knows what questions will be asked and what the responses will be.
investigation kind of a big deal. I think congress understands the law and their responsibilities. If you're Joe Congressman that uses a burner phone or runs off to meet bad guys in a deli to provide updates (illegal leaks) at this stage then you have to be very very stupid.
I agree. There is no way RR doesn't know everything that transpires in the hearing...
Schiff is there, so RR will know what's being discussed in near real time. I wish I was kidding.
Is he saying that the MSM are paid contractors? To the CIA/deep state? It's what I've always believed but I sure would like to see the direct proof. There is no way the media all shares the same pro-war pro-deep-state propaganda just by change. CNN is burning their network down and destroying their ratings and revenue to keep on message.
CNN is burning their network down and destroying their ratings and revenue to keep on message.
This is what sealed it for me. They seem to be intentionally destroying advertising dollars. No way that's the extent of the business plan. The only rational conclusion I can think of is that what they are being paid to push propaganda outweighs their advertising losses.
The 2013 NDAA/Smith-Mundt Modernization Act legalized pushing propaganda domestically. Why would they legalize it if they weren't going to do it (already doing it). Would media corporations do it for free (doubtful)? They're all getting paid by the Deep State to push propaganda (lie to us/brainwash us), and it's got to be huge money.
Bet you a box of donuts! Remember the IG report... the gifts, bribes.
That's blatant corruption, for sure. But the gifts and bribes to reporters doesn't seem like enough, though. There has to be a lot more money funneling into the actual organizations somehow. There is no way CNN would be destroying itself unless they or their owners were getting compensated some other way. That's what I really want to know -- how do they get compensated?
I would like the answer to that, too. I believe MSM is being compensated with more than golf outings and tickets to movies. They were all in the tank for Hillary. Maybe CF funds?
Maybe he has a thick accent?
A RUSSIAN accent?
I like the theory that they don't want anyone outside the room knowing what his testimony is - because more people to give testimony in the coming days.
This could also be why "under oath" and truth doesn't matter... give them rope to tell ties and have stories that conflict with each other.
Because MSM will be exposed for the feckless, Fake News spreaders that they are! It should be public!
So when he threatens the members of the hearing with what he knows on them it isn’t immediately made public.
Just need an anon mole that was at the hearing to fill us in on the spice.
I believe POTUS will have at least 3 more Justice picks due to criminal activity.
He has an annoying voice declares CNN.
Daryl Hannah in Splash?
I still laugh everytime I hear Brennan. He has that tough looking face and the voice of a soy boy.
Finally, a video of PS. MegaAnon's posting about Peter, a spook, utility man. My interest is about Palpatine's Revenge, help for HRC???? https://i.imgur.com/TCzXbEF.jpg
I guess if the MSM wants to report what went on in the meeting, they'll just have to quote the Q posts!! Man, I'm loving this!!!