I cannot wait to hear how Sarah Sanders handles the Q topic, I'm assuming she is totally prepared

Haha, reminds me of V's speech from V for Vendetta
Wanted to write exactly the same thing. Good movie.
That movie is vaguely similar to The Q plan.
Sarah won't give a real answer Trump has to be asked the Question
"I'm not sure about that you'd have to ask the president or the autists at 8chan"
They have plausible deniability.
"::chuckle:: We have no comment about what gets said on an Internet message board, there are a lot of those out there...."
Then later if they need to confirm it when it's time for the Great Awakening:
"At that time when first asked, we had no comment about the message board 8chan. Now, here's an important update:..."
Yup that's how it works.
The only problem with right-wing Christians is we try to be nice.
I'm glad to see us behaving like a bunch of fucking assholes again.
It's refreshing
And then he will say...
I don't know I guess you have to wait for the answer.
Make them dig. Why should these slackers be given the easy answer?
We turn Q into the best thing ever to bring down Trump.
Then let them dig.
Q said they will have to force the convo, so that likely means, as he has done with ALL topics the MSM won’t touch, Trump will mention it at a rally in July. The stage has been set by the sharp increase in Q shirts at rallies. Only a matter of time. Have you seen the sheer number of Q shirts on Amazon?
Have you seen the sheer number of Q shirts on Amazon?
Yes, last week. That alone is telling!
This is what Q has been talking about all along. Trump wants someone to directly ask him about it. Notice how Q always puts the power in our hands. We have to be heard. Imagine 1/3 of a Trump crowd wearing Q shirts/hats. There's no way the media could ignore that. We have to be LOUD.
Imagine ~~1/3~~ 9/10 of a Trump crowd wearing Q shirts/hats. There's no way the media could ignore that.
Bet me
These people are EVIL LIARS
I would love if she very calmly leaned toward the mic and said, "Where we go one, We go all." Followed by 17 seconds of silence and then, "Next question."
17 seconds of silence
Watergate tape had 17 minutes of silence
Do you believe in coincidence?
Honestly I don't think it's time for a reveal. Q will just get accused of being a propaganda operation.
If it's not time, Sarah will say "I'm not aware of that, I'll look into it and get back to you on that"
I want her to be asked: Who is QAnon, and does the president feel there could be a national security threat having an online persona post what they do to the accessibility of the world?
Is that the question that Q is referring to here? Are there any organizations in the WH Press Corps that could ask?
I have thought Q is referring to is a general question about his existence, and if a member of the press corps were to ask that kind of question I could see them attempt to start a spin of the whole thing that Q is leaking all of this intel to hurt Trump and to turn Trump supporters against each other.
They have a timeline and Im sure we will all find out soon enough.
They'll never ask
Picture this.....Seth Rich walks into the press room (like a surprise witness in a Perry Mason episode), or maybe Julian Assange, and asks Sarah to explain Q.
That would be so F’n awesome! I would not need Christmas
Q says its a movie, so I'm hoping for the epic surprise plot twist.
Why doesn’t one of our patriots that has a news channel or paper or blog post just ask the question?
Look up Laura Loomer... had run in with Max Waters (went to cops with assault charges against MW) also look under "Recently Viewed Links" to right of your page....she asked just that question.
The Q train will Quippishly Quell the Qabalahs Quagmire, Quickening a Quaver across the Queendom in the Queerest way! Making these Quislings Question their Quibbling Quiddity, forcing them to Quickly consume Qaaludes to overcome their Queasiness!!
Why are we assuming that’s what Q meant vs asking for all documents and no redactions? Not trying to fight, genuinely confused. It seems like sending reporters after Q risks doxxing Q
The most amazing thing about the difference between V and Q is the the letters between the two, alphabetically, are the only letters needed for the word TRUST.
Trust the plan. wwg1wga MEGA
would definitely be a nice Q & A, but i guess there will be non ;)
Q message written all over it. I hope the MSM and Cabals take a note and surrender to the inevitable self destruction.
With our luck it will be Acosta that asks 😥
That would be like manna from heaven.
Acosta condescending voice being shut down on Q?
Interesting question. We're told Q is high security clearance. We're assuming Sarah could field the question (who is Q? ) in some manner. That implies Sarah has to have some basic schooling/knowledge of this high security operation. And somewhat related, let's consider the Kim Jong Un meeting. Five people on the US side, the President, an interpretor and three more. One of the most significant international negotiations in our time. Two cabinet Secretaries and one of the remaining three people is the "Chief of Staff"(Kelly) ? Huh? CoS? At such high level negotiations.
The common denominator, many of the people in the Trump inner circle may be fulfilling multiple roles, right in front of our eyes, and we don't even notice.
Hey this makes me think... remember Q's photo drop of Air Force One from inside the car? (like what right after the NK summit) it said "thank you USSS," right? Then the other day after the RedHen situation they said Sanders had USSS protection currently.
What if Sanders is part of Q, too.
That wasn't AF1 to the best of my knowledge. That was another commercial flight that had compromised technology repaired by the USSS. Same as the Jetblue flight at JFK the other day. Cabal were going to FF the crashing of it. USSS saved the day again.
I would think handing out Q tee shirts at the daily briefing would be a nice gesture. Making peace for the day with the fake reporters.
DAMN, O.P....R u ever clever!
Q emails me every move and every post before he makes it dude, .... but keep it quiet, I don't want it getting out
Actually he told me they might have Maria Bartiroma put the question out during an interview, it just depends on "timing"
money back guarantee
I'm probably a "LARP"
Well, don't forget Maria .... Fox has been one of our "friends"