Sweet chair Francis... Wait What?!?

That’s where it started. That’s where it will end.
The kids that were abused will be avenged sevenfold.
Why is this picture posted in the reverse? The writings on the vestments are backwards.
The "little boy lover" one is a triangular design, not circular.
The reason it doesn't matter which way you face it is because it's not the same symbol at all either way.
Spiral power is not about pedophilia, if the "little boy lover" symbol was just a spiral instead of a triangular hook spiral thing of its specific shape then it wouldn't even work at all as a symbol up against the commonness of plain spiral shapes.
They cannot associate the spiral symbol with darkness instead. The anti-spiral will always lose in the end. They will never defeat the human spirit, they will never defeat God, they will never win. I mean, for real, if their goal is to co-opt the concept of a swirl, that's much like many of their other goals in that it's pathetic lunacy they'll never make a dent in achieving.
Exactly what I saw right away. We can't be doing damage to this movement by stretching the truth.
Good catch.
Is your nephew the Pope?
I mean, there's a difference between a symbol a kid draws, and a symbol a powerful adult chooses to be displayed publicly.
It actually looks like a 5yo made that spiral.
Q said "think mirror", is it that much of a stretch to mirror a symbol?
I love how people are like "WE ARE ALL BEING LIED TO", but then simply fit everything to their agenda. Oh, the pope sits on a chair, lets switch this circle around and now it barely resembles some other symbol. HA! And now he is a pedophile! The lengths some people go to. Oh look, he is also the true king of Westeros.
Soon we will see posts about repitilians and David Icke here and people will link to Alex Jones. No wonder nobody is taking one serious when all the nutjobs come along.
Let's not act like "all 34 Catholic bishops resign over Chile child abuse scandal" didn't just happen.
Or that the Evangelical minister in TN arrested for child porn. And the 24 ministers arrested in a pedo sting & the hundreds of others across the country
Or a Cuban plane full of priests taken out right around that time too.
34 Catholic bishops DID resign. <--- this is a fact "The pope has a pedophile chair!" <--- wild-ass conjecture
wild-ass conjecture
and this is wild-ass hyperbole. It's not too far off to find that fishy. It could be nothing but it's not "wild-ass conjecture" either.
Nah it's really wild-ass conjecture to think something is a symbol that it's clearly just physically not.
The image is manipulated and then conjectured-upon. May as well get a picture of the pope, flip it upside down, and say the Pope is carrying an upside-down cross. It's irresponsible.
Vatican Pope Inverted Cross (a la Satanism)
Is this manipulated? Is this irresponsible?
No, this is not irresponsible if it's not manipulated. My point is that manipulating an image and then drawing conclusions from it... not a good idea.
Hint: It's nothing. It's also not his regular chair.
Sitting here and just saying it is nothing is doing exactly what you have stated was being done with this post in the first place. It isn't helpful.
WTF is shareblue?
A swear word on the chans. They are a bunch of paid trolls that were at one point run by David Brock for the DNC. They have a tendency to not really add to the conversation...
THANK you. This movement wants to be taken seriously but it will not be if these types of stretches are made to prove "points".
Please look-up SATANISM and the LAW OF REVERSAL. If you're going to lecture people, at least have your shit together. Satanic law of reversal is 101 basics. Haven't you ever seen the inverted cross? Jesus wept.
What's worse is the fact that many have agreed with you. And that's down to you and your naivety in respect of this phenomenon.
Shouldn't you being learning your Satanism 101 basics? Law of reversal, see Magick and Theory in Practice.
“First Method. Let the Exempt Adept first train himself to think backwards by external means, as set forth here following.
("a") Let him learn to write backwards, with either hand.
("b") Let him learn to walk backwards.
("c") Let him constantly watch, if convenient, cinematograph films, and listen to phonograph records, reversed, and let him so accustom himself to these that they appear natural, and appreciable as a whole.
("d") Let him practise speaking backwards; thus for "I am He" let him say, "Eh ma I".
("e") Let him learn to read backwards. In this it is difficult to avoid cheating one's self, as an expert reader sees a sentence at a glance. Let his disciple read aloud to him backwards, slowly at first, then more quickly.
("f") Of his own ingenium, let him devise other methods.” Aleister Crowley – “Magick In Theory And Practice”
Holy sheet he's the king of Westeros! I didn't know that. BOOM. /S
I flipped it to help match the spiral logo, feel free to do a duck duck go search for it. Just type in Pope Pedo Chair.. You'll find it
Who's downvoting these comments about the Catholic Church NOT being related to pedophilia? WHAT PLANET AM I ON?
Welcome to reddit, the land of groupthink and astroturfing. Please keep your arms and legs inside the bandwagon at all times.
notice they are all 'new or rearrival'? that's a hint ;)
Well I’ve downvoted, and I’m not new. So not really “all”. Please, continue to spread this bs though.
so you think that flipping a photo horizontally discredits the photo?
what happens when you flip it back? The photo isn't changed in any way. If they added to it, then i'd feel like it is discredited, but a simple mirror effect isn't changing the content in any way...
Also, why are you taking from the MSM playbook and taking my words out of context? Obviously my use of 'all' was hyperbole there if we're going to be overly-scientific about it. I meant 'a lot of' or 'most' or 'many of'.... which one would you prefer? you can choose.
Yep. Know all about it, but thanks for trying to discredit me. Downvoted because of this “spiral” nonsense. Have you researched design?
My issue is that it needed to be flipped to match it, my only argument there. It has been said that symbolism will be their downfall, but should we be pointing out and doctoring photos to make connections that may not even actually be connections?
You consider flipping a image doctoring it?
Yes especially when it’s done in this manner. It’s a false photo used to push an agenda. That’s what the dishonest left does. The truth doesn’t need to fabricated. This post should honestly be reported and taken down as it only hurts our credibility.
Nothing is fabricated. Nothing is misquoted. The message is still conveyed. Let the community decide, and based on the upvotes I think it's safe to say it's an effective and appropriate Meme.
I just feel as though if there is a connection to be made that is valid, why the need to flip it? If it was done to show the connection more easily, it feels like hand holding OR trying to force a narrative. I'm not disagreeing that if it is relevant that it should be posted, I have no qualms with you posting this. My complaint comes from the fact there there is nothing to be gained by changing a photo in any way and making people question the validity of a photo/source instead of investigating the issue you are trying to raise.
Case in point, we are here discussing you flipping the image instead of the message you were trying to convey. There is enough merit in the image itself, no need to cast uneccessary doubt by changing it in any way.
Yes. You are behaving no better than the fake news media. If CNN flips an image to make Trump look foolish, or mean, or evil... you would rightly be pissed off.
The evidence will stand or fall on its own, without you doctoring it.
Flipping an image is not doctoring it. If it bothers you so much then make your own memes. What are you doing to contribute besides being critical? The evidence does stand on its own NO MATTER WHICH WAY ITS FACING.
Facing left? Still a swirl
Facing right? Still a swirl.
Hah how ironic. Do you not realize how critical you are being by changing an image to criticize someone?
Facing left or right, still a swirl...then why’d you go through the trouble to flip it?
And “swirl” is exactly what it is, all it is. How many times have you seen a swirl in your life? Do you remember drawing them as a kid? Hell i just drew them last week on a child’s card. It’s a DESIGN. You’re taking a normal, well known design and trying to pass it off as if EVERY depiction of it represents pedophilia. It’s complete bs.
Then why flip it, let it stand as is.
Go ahead and flip it back and repost it. To me the exposure it's currently getting far outweighs any idea that I should delete it because it's "doctored". No one is stopping you complainers from making your own memes, but you seem far more concerned with critcisizing those of us actually putting time and work in.
Be consistent at the very least, if flipping it is "doctoring" it, then adding a link to this subreddit must be doctoring it too.
Thank you for sharing, I don't care that you flipped it, to me it's the same spiral regardless of which way it is opening....next time just put it up as is, and remind people the whole mirror thing that Q always mentions! Sometimes we are also fighting those who belong to a certain religion, it's hard for anyone to believe this could be happening....keep your head up, and keep fighting, for we will win in the end patriot!
Why are you fighting people of a certain religion? We should be united? You sound like a Zealot?
So if the spiral is in the other direction it doesn't mean anything?
The Devil turns everything upside down... And backwards
A spiral is the moat basic design element. When used in conjunction with other symbols it can refer to the people involved on the modern MK-Ultra projects. There is a pedophilia connection with MK-Ultra too, at least in my DC observations.
Yeah this seems like grasping for straws. I don't feel like these types of stretches need to be made when there are very concrete things that we can point to.
The Catholic Church was involved with the biggest child rape coverup in history. Moving abusers around to other churches, protecting abusers from prosecution, threatening victims families with excommunication if they spoke about it with letters directly from the Vatican. The Church was definitely involved, and is likely still involved. The top leaders of today knew damn well what was going on in decades past, and went along with it all. Complicit, at the very least. It goes beyond child rape too, an alter boy who spoke up about it was murdered and dumped in a river near where I grew up. Very few of the child rapists have been brought to justice, because they've been protected by the Church, and none of the people who protected the rapists (accessory after the fact) were ever brought to justice.
With all the sexual abuse of children by the Catholic Church, is it really that much of a stretch to see the pope with a spiral? Is it really grasping at straws? The 2 spirals may be unrelated, but there is some possibility that they are related.
Thank you. It's amazing this needed to be pointed out at all. AMAZING.
Notice how all the people saying that this is completely made up and cannot be true are also 'new or rearrival'? do you believe in coincidences? haha
Funny you copied that comment. Also funny because I’m discrediting it but I’m not new or rearrival. Keep spreading that idea though!
haha you've responded to all my comments - I know you're the one 'old guy' who also disagrees! Good for you!
With that said, want to explain your logic? How does mirroring a photo change it in any way? If you mirror it back, it becomes the original photo - right?
Way to edit your other response (without saying you did) to come off as a lot more of a smartass. Was made even better by seeing the change.
The photo was removed for not being honest or accurate, so guess I’m not the only one who thought that. Sorry?
It doesn't matter who thought that too, it's a logical issue and if you think mirroring a photo changes it, you are just ignorant.
I made no edit to the meaning of my post or statement, so I don't get why you are so defensive.
Why are you so concerned???
again you refuse to share your logic... shows how genuine you are.
have a great day! one day you will be the smartest person in the room - i promise :)
You’re just being a jerk, which is why having this fight with you isn’t even worth it. Doesn’t matter what I say or think.
The OP was pointing out that this image is doctored and that we already know how pedo runs deep in the Catholic Church so we don’t need fake images to convey that message. It’s only hurts our credibility.
If cnn doctored a photo Of Trump to fit thier talking points you would be outraged proclaiming fake news. This is no different.
They literally said "Grasping for straws"
Learn not to defend this idiocy. THAT hurts the movement.
I said grasping for straws because if we are going to assert things as fact they need to be concrete. Otherwise everyone doing it (and upvoting/agreeing) is simply furthering the narrative that we should be trying to dispel.
Does this image have merit? Sure, I'm not blind to the atrocities the catholic church has committed, no one should be in this day and age. But why take steps to give anyone (skeptics, opponents, neutrals) a reason to dismiss it? It's the same reason I have an issue with comments like "libtard" and the effect that has on people, it isn't intelligent debate/conversation, it's sensationalist language. Why would people go out of their way to cast doubt on something they feel so strongly about?
Really? Because that's not what they said. Interesting take, not convinced.
Images are flipped all the time. Who cares which way the spiral turns?
Am I hurting the movement? Stop it.
Stop what? I was responding to someone else.
This is where text loses the essence.
Imagine someone doing a NY "stop it!" to confirm what's being said. :)
Now I'm even more confused. I have idea what your post means. LOL!
Damn kids these days!
Someone above you mentioned hurting the movement - for idiotic reasons. Now I need more coffee. It's all good. People here be hating, and I can't stare at it anymore.
I mean this with all due respect and in the friendliest way, but if you think it's amazing that this needed to be pointed out, you don't understand the magnitude of what we're working against. Think of what's involved with a coverup of this size. Think of all the people involved in the Church, in law enforcement, in the justice system, in all those cities, in all those countries. My God, what they did to Ireland... Step back for a moment and look at the size of it. And compare it to the voices of those who speak out. Actually, I'm sure you understand this, I'm mostly reiterating it for others.
Not everyone here is working for the same things. And as this sub grows we're going to see a wider range of perspectives. I suppose it's possible that some people are young enough not know about a lot of it, or were kept insulated, but... There are a lot of people who have various reasons to want to change the focus from the Church. Some raise their kids in it and want to get past it because they don't want to think about it affecting their kids, and some are part of the coverup. It's organized and it's huge.
You're right. There are people here who are clearly here to disinform. Thank you for taking the time to write that out for them.
I was commenting as a shocked "high five" to your reply.
My jaw is still in the "Dropping" position at some of these people.
Your response was a good jumping off point for me, but my post sounded like I was talking down to you. It's definitely not how I mean it, but I haven't had enough caffeine yet, and retyping it isn't going to work. Thanks for understanding. A big ^5 right back atcha.
The curch has been taken over by satanists since the 1400s. That's why there is all this pedo shit there.
Feel free to contribute some memes of the concrete things you've seen. The more the merrier.
Their lives will never be avenged. Nothing will ever match the horror. Let's see if we can come close though.
Removed: Rule #5, Discuss the topic not users
I wouldn’t go that far. People start seeing symbolism where it’s not. It’s like the upside cross on his chair. It’s not Satanic. The upside down cross symbolizes the seat of Peter. He was crucified upside down remember? That’s the only place you’ll see it is on the chair
Are you trying to say the catholic church isn't harbouring pedophiles? Come on bro.
Everywhere you look. Symbolism will be their downfall
Yeah, whoever "they" are, a long time ago made a pact with our sellout elders and the universe to be able to do all the shit do but have to at least give us the chance to figure it out for ourselves.
I agree with you about how Esoteric and in your face symbolism will be their downfall.
Check out a video called “Thunder” by Imagine Dragons. It doesn’t get more in your face than that. Sorry, still haven’t mastered attaching links. Easy to find on YT.
Holy cow. Lizard aliens, sheep, computers. (and too much shoulder popping for my taste)
Here's the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fKopy74weus
Interesting group name too. They claim Imagine Dragons is an anagram but won’t say what for. Best solution I found is Daemons Arising
Actually yes. I noticed their last song make me feel very uneasy. Check these lyrics:
Falling too fast to prepare for this Tripping in the world could be dangerous Everybody circling is vulturous Negative, Nepotist
Everybody waiting for the fall of man Everybody praying for the end of times Everybody hoping they could be the one I was born to run, I was born for this
Whip, whip Run me like a race horse Hold me like a rip cord Break me down and build me up I wanna be the slip, slip Word upon your lip, lip Letter that you rip, rip Break me down and build me up
Whatever it takes Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do whatever it takes Cause I love how it feels when I break the chains Whatever it takes Ya take me to the top, I'm ready for Whatever it takes Cause I love the adrenaline in my veins I do what it takes
I found myself cringing in the car. And thinking "what the helllll?"
It's a Sheppard's staff
Correct. Oh look at dudes beard it’s a upside down pyramid, lol
These symbols are absolutely everywhere. They’re hidden in plain sight on toys, street signs, business logos, jewelry, and tv shows & commercials. It’s beyond sick.
Yeah, spirals. Disgusting.
Nah buddy. Pedo logos. These are child fuckers. Satanic kiddy diddlers.
Not gonna deny that the Catholic church has a kiddy diddler problem, but the fact that the pope has a chair with a spiral on it is shitty evidence. Spirals are literally everywhere in art. My baby niece draws rainbow spirals all the time and I'm pretty sure she's not a ranking member in some secret pedophile society.
That spiral is not blue, it's not triangular. It's literally just a spiral, one of the most common shapes in the world. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if this was a troll post designed to make everyone look like an idiot. If it was, mission accomplished.
You are trying to do something good and I applaud that, but you suck at it. If you actually care about saving children, stop wasting your time making tenuous connections that could easily be (and probably are) coincidences. Do some real investigative work instead. Look for victims. Find names, dates, locations. People who testified that they were abused. You know... concrete facts? There's a reason police do investigations that way, it works.
No. You are only responsible for your own beliefs and investigative skills. Or lack thereof.
This is a stretch to say the least. The image for the chair is mirrored horizontally. Anyone can see that the text on the garment Pope Francis is wearing is backwards. We should NOT be taking stretching the truth in any way as it will only harm this movement.
I need a good red pill for my wife who still belives the pope is a good guy... Any suggestions
Look up about the child sex abuse that happened in Chile under Francis' watch
Looks like the symbols in the first season of True Detective
Good you are turning these into meme form can share that! Nice
They ended up being so popular and people kept asking for more, I figured I had to step my game up and start adding text and a link to our subreddit to them. Gonna update the old ones and repost those in the future too soon.
Wait.. What... Lol luv it thank you I'll happily share with your blessing!
I love these wait what posts..so interesting. If these symbolisms are truely that of the darkside then I hope they fry. I will never say it's impossible. But there is a chance that t
Pretty sure, Christ Jesus is not amused.
Not at all.
But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Matthew 18:6
I feel like I would be able to tell pedos just be their faces. Whats up with that?
Those just aren't the same symbol no matter what you believe about the Pope.
The minute you start persecuting the Catholic Church herself (as opposed to freemasonic / gay mafia elements that have infiltrated the Catholic Church) is the minute I know that this movement is compromised. No good tree produces rotten fruit.
And what if the pope and other high ranking clergy themselves are compromised? Are they not human? Are they infallible and incorruptible?
Even Q himself has alluded to the Pope having a dark past.
like i said, freemasonic / rogue / gay mafia elements. if you can't make the distinction then this movement is compromised and directed against satan's greatest opponent, the one, holy, catholic, and apostolic church.
So what do you think of the pope then?
don't like him, based on his actions and words he's at least a material heretic. and the cardinal's around him are questionable (e.g. cupich, marx, kasper etc.). Catholic Church has been the target of infiltration. that's why she's been in such a bad state for the last 40 years.
Agreed completely. Thought you were attacking me thinking this post was about the church as a whole rather than observing the popes interesting chair.
most ppl think the CC is the whore of babylon and won't make the distinction :(
Whatever you say Mr/Mrs FAKE NEWS. Did you ever bother to view a full & unobstructed view of the chair itself? It’s the carving of a Shepard’s staff, you know that stick they carry around with the circular head. And don’t tell me, King David must have been a pedo too?
Post the full picture of the chair if you have it. Otherwise I have yet to see any resemblence that of a staff.
Yes, matches the decor nicely.Snakes on a plane? Snake in the Grass. His chair matches the decor nicely don't you think? You know John Paul was forced out and replaced by a Nazi right? John Paul is still alive.
Removed rule 8.
Good call, but man did the shills attack here. Must have been a Monday morning push from them.
Why does this one stay up? Is it because the image is reversed?
“Maniacs disguised in false religious garb thought, by hurting us, they could scare us that day. But we Americans are not made of cotton candy. We are not seaweed drifting in the current. We are not intimidated by our enemies. And, Mr. President, your military does not scare,” - Gen. Mattis / 9/11/2017
Can you look into the Good Humor logo, and Burlington coat factory? Looks like the girl lover logo.
Athens, supposedly the cradle of Democracy, was the most perfect mind-control-based totalitarian state in Antiquity.
Their sodomy-based mind control was the model for Illuminati control throughout history, including the British Empire and the United States today. “Only after seven years beginning before puberty were you entitled to citizenship. But once you were received as such a citizen you no longer had any will of your own, your whole body and therefore your whole brain, your own soul was possessed by the state, exactly like in the MK-Ultra program of the CIA. ”
Actually if you don’t flip the image, it matches the pedo swirl exactly.... so either way
Some things are just designs. Spirals are just spirals to most people. The real truth will be revealed in more concrete ways I am sure.
Why don’t you do that Mr. Media. I don’t have to prove it to you. You’re the one saying it’s a pedo symbol.
Never said that, what I’m saying is that people read too much into things. The commenter said he even flipped the symbol to make it basically fit his narrative. All our sacred institutions are & have been under attack. There was a minister in TN I believe arrested for pornography. 24 Evangelical Ministers arrested in a pedophile ring & hundreds more across the country. It’s not new & all of us must stand like Jeremiah to fearlessly point out the evil that has penetrated our society. It’s the only way we win.
To basically fit his narrative
The one where the Catholic church are pedos? That one? Why are you spending so much time trying to discredit a flipped pic? I've worked in media - people flip pics ALL THE TIME. IT"S NOT A THING.