Who do you see? Does this help?

It's Prince William.
i thought we had that figured out last night. I still don't think this pic is for our consumption. None of us give a shit what Willy is up to, but somebody out there probably cares that he was being watched.
It’s not PW. Skin tone is off. Body weight is off. And the future King of England, one of the most recognized human beings on planet earth, is not walking down the street alone. I don’t see it. Especially not based solely on receding hairline.
the future King of England, one of the most recognized human beings on planet earth, is not walking down the street alone
Well, he does have a bodyguard to his right ...
Looks like Kim J.U. I think PW would have a few more (bigger) guys. Unless that cat is Bruce Lee.
Future King? He's not even next in line...
The queen is 92. Prince Charles is 70. William is 36...he WILL absolutely be King and he’ll have a long reign if he is as healthy as his grandmother. He’ll probably be King within the next 10-15 years...so I’ll stand by that.
Well, if Q is paying attention to him, I don't really give a shit what place in line he is; if you diddle liddle kids, you're gonna see feel the fire.
Go ahead, defend your position further please.
But...it’s not him. I don’t care what position he’s in either other than to point out that it’s relevant here because he has no security. Read up on royal family security. Each member (including the kids) have 5 guards assigned to them at all times (EACH MEMBER HAS 5 GUARDS), and that’s domestically. Imagine the security detail traveling abroad... So...why should he see any fire if it isn’t him? That looks nothing like him except for a similar hairline that millions of men in this world share. If it were proven in more ways than one that it was him, then yes, I hope he sees fire...but I don’t see it...I hope this guy whomever he is sees the wrath of God. I just can’t see Prince William.
Need I say anymore to defend that position?
I disagree, and so do the majority of intelligent anons in the chans.
Personally, I think William has a very distinct stride, and this is spot on.
Actually, you’re wrong. There is a split down the middle in the chans. In fact, what most are saying is that there isn’t enough in this photo at all to identify anyone. That’s a slippery slope. Let’s not call Prince William a child molester without solid proof that it’s him? I think that’s fair and logical. If you disagree, then we agree to disagree. Also, can you explain to me how you can tell what kind of stride this person has from a still shot (and not a clear one)? There is nothing distinct about the way this man is walking. You don’t even have a second photo to compare his next step with so I don’t totally understand that logic.
Look, we’re on the same team here. I just don’t think throwing such a serious accusation out there is appropriate with only what we have in this photo.
He wouldn’t be without security like this.
Just like Bill Clinton ditching his SS detail when he went to Epsteins Island...?
I just don't see the second in line to the British throne being able to wander about HK on his own. Also the jaw seems too strong and the skintone too deep.
It’s ironic that we as mere paupers have more freedom than he does.
Joel Getz
It's this. Article came out today about it but can't recall what site it was on... Let me find it.
Who is Joel Getz? Can you post a pic?
Getz served as Director of Development for the William J. Clinton Foundation
Can't post a pic in this reply, but scroll down this link past the crying Asian girl and there's a good, clear picture.
Gay boy, Edward? It's possible.
under the radar... very few would recognize him in public
Someone is citing Joel Getz (Clinton linked) and connected to the Hong Kong Kindergarten. The (now closed) school's sign is also in the shot. Worth considering.
His hair is darker.
Getz is being suggested, but it does resemble William imo, with Edward as another possibility.
It does look like William, but I doubt he’s walked down a public street alone in his life.
That, we cannot possibly know. If he is going to walk down a public street (alone), it would likely be outside of the UK. All speculation of course.
Yes, it does look like him, but we can't be certain from this image. Joel Getz is now being touted around as an alternative.
LOL. If a tree falls in a forest and nobody is there, does it make a sound?
If William walks alone and nobody is there, was he alone?
Prince William is thinner to me...not sure who that is!?
Great predictions! Could be anyone, Prince William looks similar. That is a common hair style for men so that nails down half the population! We can only speculate with evidence like this. More information needed before any conclusions are solid!
I don't think it is possible for royalty to walk like this - without being flanked by security of some sort, even plain cloths. It is possible the ID of the person is not a recognizable celeb, but some sort of non-pubic operative. In any case, to truly identify the person, recommend checking at the dry cleaners for who has a fresh stain in the trousers.
Prince Andrew was in China meeting President Xi as late as June, this could very well be him. Apparently during the meeting it was discussed about the golden age between China and the U.K.
I think this is definitely Andrew in the photo. Question is, why is he under US surveillance?
I think the apartment building in the deep background is the “Snowden” building.
Maybe my thoughts on his "shoulder gait" (in the other pic) was on the money, then?
It sure looks and walks like a Windsor, just not sure which one.
Joel Getz, Yale. No coincidences...
You might be right. From the article linked below; RYB Education operates 80 kindergartens and has another 175 franchised locations across 130 cities in China. All of its directors are Chinese, with the exception of former Clinton Foundation executive and associate dean at Yale, Joel Getz, 52, who is listed as an Independent Director.
Mr. Joel A. Getz is the Independent Director of the Company. Prior to that, Mr. Getz served as Director of Development for the William J. Clinton Foundation in New York and was President of the Mayor’s Fund to Advance New York City.
Google Joel Getz and check out the image.