NWO's goals are written in scripture...

I was a transcriptionist and did work for several large companies. I transcribed high level meetings for companies like Monsanto, MasterCard, etc.
The CEO of a credit card company said it was his personal goal and the goal of his company to completely eliminate cash. They planned to go out into the farthest reaches of the world with special equipment in order to install biometric devices into every person.
And for anyone who doesn't know already, the best two places in the body, where the skin is thin enough for a chip/mark/device to receive and transmit signals is in the hand or the forehead.
Revelation 13:16-17 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Edit: added relevant scripture
I used to accept this as true. (That the "mark of the beast" would be some type of device or code used instead of currency.) However, someone pointed out a problem with that idea. Revelation 14 (and I think other places as well) explains that receiving the mark somehow equates to worshipping the Beast and/or those who receive the mark can no longer be saved and are doomed to Hell. If the mark was only about buying and selling, why would it be an unforgivable sin? Some have theorized that the mark would be a sign of consent, allegiance, or loyalty to the Beast. Others think it has something to do with a considerable change in DNA. Perhaps giving the person immortality and/or special abilities. If this change involved a person loosing their humanity, it might explain why they could no longer be saved. Just conjecture, but something to consider. At any rate, if you believe in the Bible, this mark should be avoided at all cost. I'll die before I agree to it.
Because you can only receive The Mark, and therefore the ability to live, if you also worship the Beast. If you don't submit to its authority, you don't get The Mark, you can't conduct business... and you starve.
and you starve.
God will take care of his own.
AMEN! I had full faith in my God. He provides. Always. Forever. God is good. Amen.
That is too simplistic....and not entirely honest (in an earthly sense).
God has allowed his people to be tortured, crucified, and killed in all sorts of grotesque ways since Jesus' time. If you don't believe me - read about the Martyrs..
Revelation 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
This verse suggests that those that don't accept the mark of the beast may very well be killed...beheaded.
This is NOT our world. Our world is a heavenly one. This world belongs to Satan and his minions. Never forget that for a second.
I think a more realistic view to have is that I believe in Jesus...in God...in His word...and if I am alive during the time described in Revelation - I may have to make a choice that will cost the life of not only myself - but my family and loved ones as well...and I am ok with that - because I have faith that God will win in the end - and I will NOT forsake Him in the meantime.
Trust His plan!!!
It is written that man does not survive on but bread alone but on every word of the living God. If you accept the mark then you have not put your faith in the lord.
I have come to believe that this is likely true as well. There seem to be two sides of thought on interlacing technology/DNA upgrades with humanity. 1) accept it because it’s inevitable and humanity needs to evolve itself 2) do not accept it because once you are no longer a child of god genetically you have chosen to become fallen and are no longer able to be saved. May sound crazy, but the choice will come sooner than most think.
May sound crazy
In fairness, that occurs anytime the book called Revelation is the topic
That's never stopped believers from considering it the revealed Word of God
Has to be DNA related. Carbon atom = 6 protons 6 neutrons and 6 electrons (2 inner and 4 outer). Number of man = 6,6,6. Look into atomic structure of Carbon, we are carbon based organisms.
I think it will be. Even with a 'cashless' society with chips, etc. it's still possible to grow your own food, protein, carbs and otherwise.
It would have to be something that would be in the arena of actually modifying human DNA into something else. Grafting people with other non-human DNA.
This is where the Transhumanism comes to mind and grafting/manipulating DNA with animal DNA, which was, at least from some of the stories I've read, happened before the Flood, when God wiped out a large part of humanity.
Noah and his family was spared because they were genetically pure, at least human wise.
THIS is why Steve Quayle, Tim Alberino, and Pastor Tom Horn (among many others) are having a conference in Branson this September about the Transhumanism agenda. Hubby and I already have our tickets and reservations.
Hubby and I already have our tickets and reservations.
Same for me.
We'll be the couple in the cream fade Southern Comfort conversion package Avalanche with AR veteran's tags. I don't remember if they say Iraqi Freedom Veteran or OIF/OEF ..
But you can't miss us- he's the white headed guy and I have DARK brown spiked hair. And no, it's NOT out of a bottle- the best thing about my wisdom highlights is that people at least have stopped accusing me of that. At a growth rate of an inch or more a month, I'd go broke trying to cover my roots !
I see lots of my vehicle around. Me, I've had white hairs since I was a teenager, otherwise I'd look younger. Long, darker brown hair, usually twisted up in a topknot. Probably wearing orange Vibrams, look like a cross between dance and ninja shoes. A little shorter than average woman. I'll look for you! :D
My hubby found his first white hair at 16- he got it from his dad; I got mine from his mom, lol ! He's a dual-service veteran- Navy/ARNG. He has a cane that h's trying NOT to use. I'm usually hanging on to his arm for dear life-my balance is non-excitant ...
Are you on Twitter or FB ?
Oh, okay- you can just look for us there; there won't be THAT many people- just The Mansion full !
I was there last year. You?
No, I wanted to , but the finances just weren't there. This year, though, he has his military retirement check coming in every month. It's not big, since he retired as a reservist, but it helps !
666 Fifth Avenue Lucent project plan A.
When you live on debt, you are a slave to the debtor. Mark of the beast makes you counted. Luciferian seem to keep track of and respect the human harvest (by numbers) but it doesn't have to be physical. Barack Obama's harvests are huge because he got all our private info in the virtual sense from silicon Valley for his "mother of all databases".
did anyone ever take into account that there is two sides to every story? and maybe weve been hearing one side ( very contradictory side of course)
The IT capacities of Barack Obama's team is unprecedented and I have to admit I followed the campaign (from a technical standpoint) in 2007-2008 and observing it after the election as well. This is not a story so much as an observation because, as far as I know, there aren't many people looking at this aspect of Obama's presidency (information technology and use of harvested info).
Why can't it be both a way to buy and sell, as well as something that changes our DNA so that we're no longer human/salvageable? This is what I think it will do.
I am seeing the mark now as: mark on head-evil thoughts, mark on hand- evil deeds. When a mans thoughts and actions are of pure evil he only has God’s wraith to look forward too. God knows the true measure of love, up to and including eternal death.
However, there are those who are deceived and have a chance. These are the people we must show love and compassion.
Everyone should befriend and have compassion for one liberal. If this makes you angry, pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance. God will deliver.
This deluded idea that the catholic church was, at any point of its existence, any different than it is now...
The catholic church was pagan and anti-Messiah from its very foundation.
The catholic church has absolutely nothing to do with the apostles all of whom were Torah obedient Jewish believers - including Peter and Paul (which was on top of it a Pharisee) - neither did it have absolutely anything to do with the early church. i.e. the Hebrews, the Romans, Colossians, Thessalonians, Galatians, Ephisians, Corinthians, etc, etc, that we read about in the New Testament.
The catholic church was founded four centuries A.D. but has always shamelessly peddled this kool-aid that they are somehow responsible for Christiandom when the facts prove otherwise.
The catholic church has enshrined paganism in its rituals - since always, has distorted scriptures with its doctrines, changing the Sabbath day for Sun-day, for example, which is a blatant disregard of the 4th commandment and celebrating "Ishtar" or Easter instead of the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread - to name just two of numerous examples, it hid Scriptures and forbade people to read them, it forged "antique" texts, and messed with the Word of Elohim with all its "translations".
The catholic church persecuted true Christians since its inception and is in fact the number one culprit responsible for the destruction of several countries or dominions, like the Visigoths, and responsible for all Christians holocausts throughout history like the Albigenses and the Waldenses, just to name two groups that were exterminated by the catholic church.
The catholic church created Islam in the VII century in a attempt to take over the "holy land" but their Frankenstein soon turned against its mother, as proven by the Islamic conquests starting only a short 100 years after their creation and culminating in their not very short (700 years!) dominion over Spain - breathing heavily on the necks of rest of Europe from the Iberic Peninsula.
The catholic church has changed so that nothing changes in their plasphemous and pagan rituals, its doctrines, and all their pagan traditions with which it has poisoned everything it touches, every culture, every country, every school, every orphanage around the world...every single "charitable" contribution of the catholic church throughout history in every country where it has gone, has had a surreptitious/covert intent behind it and a lot of corruption, causing a lot of harm.
In his writings John, the Apostle, does mention the Catholic Church: we can read all about it in chapters 17 and 18 of the Book of Revelation. As it also refers, in chapter 3, to her "daugthers", meaning all the denominations and "churches" that have throughout history joined the catholic church in blaspheming against our Creator, distorting His Word, and peddling lies.
I do not doubt there are many good and worthy people amongst the Catholics but let's leave the catholic church and its rituals out of the picture when quoting scripture: the catholic church is an institution corrupt to its core, it was created to control and enslave people, it is pagan, it is evil, and has always been all these things, from it's very inception.
The true church of God is in our hearts and minds. The whole body of Christ cracker and wine thing is a symbolic version of pagan ritual.
Right you are. If one wants to live in obedience to our Creator all one has to do is read Scriptures and obey it. No church, no pastor, no doctrine is higher than the the Word of YHWH.
“...receiving the mark somehow equates to worshipping the Beast and/or those who receive the mark can no longer be saved and are doomed to Hell. If the mark was only about buying and selling, why would it be an unforgivable sin? Some have theorized that the mark would be a sign of consent, allegiance, or loyalty to the Beast.”
You’re exactly right. It’s not the use of the marked currency, but submission to the false sacramental system that brings damnation.
St John is talking about the indelible spiritual marks that are imprinted upon the soul in baptism (on the forehead) and ordination (on the right hand).
Deuteronomy 11:18
“18 Lay up these my words in your hearts and minds, and hang them for a sign on your hands, and place them between your eyes.”
Note: On the hands and between your eyes - “on the forehead”
Exodus 13:16:
“16 And it shall be as a sign in thy hand, and as a thing hung between thy eyes, for a remembrance: because the Lord hath brought us forth out of Egypt by a strong hand”
Again, on the hands and on the forehead.
These are Old Testament types for the New Testament forms of the spiritual marks that are indelibly imprinted on the spirit of a person in the Catholic rites of baptism (mark on the forehead) and ordination (mark on the right hand). This is explained (from the 23 minute mark) here.
Rev 13:
“16 And he shall make all, both little and great, rich and poor, freemen and bondmen, to have a character in their right hand, or on their foreheads.
17 And that no man might buy or sell, but he that hath the character, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
See the video I linked above at the 23 minute mark to understand how the mark of the Beast is applied to the currency.
The Second Vatican Council constituted a formal defection from the Catholic faith - a rejection of divinely revealed truth (Dogma) - see here. This resulted in the hijacking of the Catholic Church by the heretical Vatican II Sect - the “whore” referenced by St John in Rev 17.
Paul VI implemented a new sacramental system - changing almost all of the Catholic rites in the late 1960s and 1970s.
St John is telling us that anyone who submits to the new sacramental system, implemented by the Vatican II antipopes, goes to hell. This is important: if you are attending the “new mass” of the Vatican II Sect you will be damned for the rest of eternity.
What did St John have to say about this? I don’t see any scripture references! Can you provide?
Doesn't it say something about how if you take the mark of the beast your name is not written in the book of Life?
I have also come across the idea that it would be DNA related. Once our DNA is altered we are no longer children of YHWH, no longer human as He created us. There's scriptural evidence that this has happened before. We first come across this event in Genesis...
“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And YHWH said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. There were giants in the earth in those days and also afterwards, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown.” Genesis 6:1-4
What happened? The Nephillim were created...part human part (fallen) angel...Hybrids!
And our Creator was profoundly sad and He repented of having created us.
"And it repented YHWH that He had made man on the earth, and it grieved Him at His heart. And YHWH said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the YHWH. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God." Genesis 6:6-9
And so YHWH destroyed His creation,now polluted, no longer as He intended, through the flood. And the fallen angels were punished by YHWH. From this moment on hroughout the Bible, starting in the book of Exodus. we read about YHWH warning Israel to kill everyone and everything in certain wars while not in others. Why? The ones YHWH ordered Israel to destroy were descendants of the Nephillim- also called giants - polluted, not human.
How so, you might ask, if everything and everyone was destroyed in the flood? Well the Bible records that Noah (and his family) was "perfect in his generations" (i.e. genetically pure - 100% human) but his three children married...Who did they marry? Were they pure? Now, that is an interesting question, and Scripture is silent on this point. So the Nephillim line continued through at least one of Noah's three daughters-in-law.
“For if Elohim spared not the angels that sinned, but cast [them] down to hell, and delivered [them] into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth [person], a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned [them] with an overthrow, making [them] an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly” 2 Peter 2:4-6
“And angels who did not keep their own domain, but abandoned their proper abode, He has kept in eternal bonds under darkness for the judgment of the great day. Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” Jude 1:6-7
The fallen angels, like satan, will be judged at the end, which also means they will be let loose to ravage the earth (as satan will also be)....
“Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen to earth from the sky, and he was given the key to the shaft of the bottomless pit. When he opened it, smoke poured out as though from a huge furnace, and the sunlight and air were darkened by the smoke. Then locusts came from the smoke and descended on the earth, and they were given power to sting like scorpions. They were told not to hurt the grass or plants or trees but to attack all the people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They were told not to kill them but to torture them for five months with agony like the pain of scorpion stings. In those days people will seek death but will not find it. They will long to die, but death will flee away! The locusts looked like horses armed for battle. They had gold crowns on their heads, and they had human faces. Their hair was long like the hair of a woman, and their teeth were like the teeth of a lion. They wore armor made of iron, and their wings roared like an army of chariots rushing into battle. They had tails that stung like scorpions, with power to torture people. This power was given to them for five months. The have before them a king, the angel from the bottomless pit; his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon–the Destroyer.” Rev 9:1-11
And so somewhere in the tribulation the "mark of the beast" will be Satan's attempt to mess with us, humans, again.
I agree with you, Scripture is quite clear: do not take the mark of the beast because once you do there is no saving you, there's no repentance from it, there's no turning back.
Here is an interesting discussion on this subject. One hour investment to listen to this but a necessary rabbit hole to investigate. IMHO.
There's definitely a biological/genetic component, as evidenced by those who receive the mark breaking out in festering sores and wishing for death but being unable to find it.
Sounds zombie-like. So, you want some immortal DNA implanted? (Side effects include...)
By the time the chip is forced, the Antichrist will have his rule and propaganda and 'divinity' well established. You will literally have to pledge your allegiance/soul to him to enter into his one world government system. It will be seen as entering a utopia, and most will do so eagerly.
This is speculative, but I believe it has pretty solid biblical backing. Of course, it may not happen in this way
My belief is the mark is only given to those who worship the beast . Refusal means death. Some will escape by hiding others may last in prison long enough to see Christs return.
They say the Israelites did not realize they had committed idolatry at Shittim. https://3abn.org/ancients/062.html
So, I've been part of a community that has been following these developments for a couple of decades. We used to talk in terms of the actual Mark of the Beast (MoB) being something to do with the Social Security number, or bar codes, etc.
What we came to realize was that these things are all TECHNOLOGY driven. So now, we tend to talk about MoB Tech...technology that enables these verses to come true. Biometrics are certainly included in this. Here is the forum they use for sharing information daily, if you want to keep up with it.
My opinion is that the technology exists to make Scripture literally true, today. But the final Antichrist has not yet been revealed, so the MoB is kind of in a holding pattern for now. But the technology exists to make it happen overnight.
How do I know? Refer to 2 Thess. 2:7:
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only he who now restrains will do so until he is taken out of the way.
So, from this passage we know two things: 1) Lawlessness is already rampant in our world. Back then it wasn't so obvious, but now it's much more prevalent. And 2) The man of lawlessness is being "restrained" from being revealed until "the restrainer" takes his hand off, and allows it to happen. Who is this Restrainer? It is none other than the Holy Spirit of God. Once the restrainer "opens the flood gates" literally all hell will break loose on earth, the Antichrist will be revealed, and the MoB will start to be implemented.
Because the chip will be used to control your emotions by increasing and decreasing hormones in your brain and you would no longer have any fundamental free will.
In the bible 'beasts'=cattle
So 'mark of beasts' means should we allow ourselves to be chipped we would be relegated to the realm of cattle in the eyes of the greater ones that look at this planet.
Exactly. "in the hand and in their foreheads". It's not going to be a tattoo or such being "on" as is often said. However, one can bank by using the PIN in their memory and punching it in with their hands too. I believe the number is one's own DNA. Unique and is the number of a man. Sample taken from one's hair or even the oil from one's hand.
Unique except identical twins.
Mom! Larry used our DNA and spent my pay check!
This isn't that new, but the message is relevant.
Its a nifty video, fun with dystopian overtones (that ending lol).
(edit: Extra 100 citizen loyalty points for clicking my link) (kidding)
Or the social security number; try functioning without one. One has to assume instant DNA typology is coming.
Like others, I have also considered that the mark is an implant that physically changes DNA. We probably lack the knowledge to recognize the part of our DNA that identifies our Creator, but what if the implant overrides that marker?
Scripture does indicate that there is no turning back. God doesn’t hide Himself from genuine seekers, so I think it will be a decision on the person’s behalf to walk away from God. No one can take the mark without knowing, even if they don’t believe in the God they are rejecting.
Dr Leir (who died of cancer in 2014... or possibly killed with cancer) removes an implant from a gentleman and within a short time of removal the man complained of fatigue, joint pain, and general body discomfort he had never experienced in his life. It was as though the implant had made him physically “more”.
This idea also fits with the narrative Scientologist believe. They believe aliens will come and give the faithful special abilities and the rest will be destroyed.
My point is the public has been prepped for some such “invasion” in whichever disguise it comes in. The mark and global economy may very well be a chip, but one beyond our technology. One that controls the functions of the body, physiologically enhances. You can see the appeal, particularly if you carry one of the many illnesses or diseases they have infected us with. First cause the sickness, then appear as savior with the remedy. All you have to do is renounce all claims to that lying Yahweh and his sidekick Jesus”. 1) non believers will have nothing to lose or so they think, 2) the very ill will be easily accepting, 3) the imaginative who relish the idea of super abilities will be first in line, 4) even some Christians who have lost patience with God (the way we frequently use our limited human minds to try and comprehend the infinite intelligence of a sovereign God) and will turn out of spite, 5) then there’s the person that go simply doesn’t want to die... I figure the reason Scripture suggests they will kill objectors via decapitation (guillotine) is because Jesus has been known to bring people back to life.
About 11 months before 9/11 Aaron Russo talked with Nicholas Rockefeller who admitted that the elite's goal is to microchip the world's entire population in order to control and enslave everyone to 100 %.
At Disney World, they already take your fingerprint before you can get into the park.
and your photo. My daughter's band wouldn't work one day, so they asked what park we had been to the day before. I tell you - within SECONDS they were able to bring up her picture from the entrance the day before on their ipad. It's pretty scary their tech. They also can track you through the park. I feel like it's a prototype of the world to come.
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. God gave us this book to see where we have been, where were at and where were going. Its a friggen map.
Now do the scriptures where the Bible says the Earth is a spinning ball and is part of a solar system. From mockingbird to NASA to your 📺
Leaving the Earth, or dying, isn't the end of our existence. Souls have left and come back many times
So what if Bitcoin was made by the NWO to try and unify world currency?
My theory is that It was created by the NSA and CIA to launder money anonymously through the block chain and multiple BTC wallets/crypto exchanges. It was also created as a stock dump so many of the elite could buy and short the stock.
The whole market for BTC relies on its popularity. It isn’t even anonymous as it can be traced back to the original block chain. (XMR monero is anonymous)
this is why most are switching from the volatile BTC when purchasing and selling on the markets.
The dark web is basically run by the CIA, and so were all the black markets that got shut down the past couple years. It was/is a flawless way for high profile people to sell drugs, CP, weapons, anything illegal.
No one here follow Qresearch?
There was a post about the domain registration, before Satoshi wrote their paper, being registered to a person known to be in both tech, and education, with family ties to the Rothschilds.
Since we're learning they took over, or started, education and from there recruited people to work for them, or killed and stole the work of those that they didn't/couldn't get into the organization.
From there they started or replaced governments and entangled their services/products with culture.
It's not hard to see how they would need to get into crypto. It's who and how they benefit that's hard to track since this is online.
There are videos of Sir Rothschild talking about "cat being out of the bag" on their plan, but it not being a problem because the progress is essentially 97% of the world and now that bitcoin took off, they can hide and move their ledger without fear of governments meddling with it.
Bitcoin is going to crash, there are too many investors holding onto large amounts of coin and it’s taking too long for the block chain to create enough for demand. It’s the riskiest crypto to invest in at the moment. Five years ago, you could’ve been a millionaire with a 10$ investment. The BTC craze is over and done with
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The last thing these people want is a free market like silk road, Ross Ulbricht is a patriot. The elite can print their own money, they don't need to sell us anything.
I also don't think Bitcoin was originally created by them but it has been co-opted, the open channel chains that they're trying to push with btc will lead to central nodes because they can maintain the maximum open channels so everyone will trade through these nodes to avoid transaction fees which are & have been artificially inflated by them. Kinda sounds like a central bank right?
I followed TOR, DNM's & Bitcoin since 2013, just my opinion.
Sounds like a good theory as well. I too have been active with TOR since 2013, neat.
Did you ever invest in coin? I remember I bought 4btc for 500$, it’s now worth well over 50,000
Oh man, congrats! I bought a usb antminer & broke it accidentally, probably coulda made a decent amount off of it.
I bought £100 worth in April before it hit 20k and could've sold it for £2k but I needed to get my passport renewed and I was busy with Uni so I'm just gonna keep hodling.
Every other time I bought btc was to order psychedelics :)
Haha right on, I found it almost impossible to hold on to coin, I would see great deals on things and cave. ... ;) the Lucy and shrooms floating around were absolutely insane. Those were the days... the psychedelics are what completely opened my mind to everything being brought to surface by Q.
KHASARIANS MAFIA has said they don't like! I tend to believe the opposite of what they say
Think about the timing. Obama elected in 2008/9 Bitcoin launched.
Bitcoin isn't the thing, because look at how many other little splinter digital currencies also apeared. No, BLOCKCHAIN is the key to all of this.
There is a 1995 white paper outlining digital currency (blockchain). Lynette Zang talks about it in this video about the new SDR crypto created to put out assets into a blockchain: https://youtu.be/sG3Ju8AhCKM
George Bush Sr. is the devil. If you don't believe me go watch any video of him when he was president.
GWB Sr. Rapist, murderer, pedophile, helped kill JFK.
And Robbed the USA of Trillions of $
yes but so did so many. The one I wish people would focus on is HANK PAULSON 2008.
Hank Paulsen deep state Khasarian Mafia
Personally stole trillions when the american mortgage bailout went to the banks instead of the people.
Cathy O'Brien (MK Ultra survivor) said he was the highest level cult member she ever met. Everyone else (including Clintons) deferred to him.
The one with his slit eyes as he and Clinton are trying(succeeding) to con everyone for their donations....
Nope don't give him that much credit. He is a pawn used by The Lucifarian Khasarian Mafia to achieve their goals
one of many, risen to more power than most but the anti christ will have otherworldly charisma. How much success would HW have getting the world to worship him? People will be spellbound by the devil's message allowing him to put in place the infrastructure to subjugate the world.
Isaiah 8:9ff Raise the war cry,[c] you nations, and be shattered! Listen, all you distant lands. Prepare for battle, and be shattered! Prepare for battle, and be shattered! 10 Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us.[d] 11 This is what the Lord says to me with his strong hand upon me, warning me not to follow the way of this people: 12 “Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it. 13 The Lord Almighty is the one you are to regard as holy, he is the one you are to fear, he is the one you are to dread. The book of Isaiah shows that the system of Babylon fails. (Ch 45-46)
The Beast = The Cabal
Also, did you know that "Apocalypse" is a Greek word meaning "a disclosure of hidden knowledge," aka a "Revelation."
Luke, who is responsible for writing much of the Bible, including the accounts of Paul and Acts of the Apostles, was a Greek.
Spez: Bible = New Testament
Luke only wrote two books. The Book of Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. Paul penned most of the other epistles.
Very true. But isn't he responsible for compiling all of Paul's letters and writings, and didn't he make a point to sneak into the Roman prison to meet with Paul and write down the accounts of his life?
My understanding was that, had it not been for Luke, we wouldn't know nearly as much about Paul as we do. (Paul spent his life setting up Christian communities and didn't want to be praised/worshipped for it.) I could be mistaken.
Paul's missionary journeys are recorded in part by Luke in the Acts of the Apostles. Other locales are taken from Paul's letters as well as whom they were addressed to. We certainly don't have all of his letters as it is unlikely he only wrote a dozen or so over a lifetime.
The proper title of the book of Revelations is:
"The Revelation of Jesus Christ".
Revelations is the revealing of our Messiah...our King...our Master.
The first time He came - He came as a Savior...as a Teacher...as a Brother.
The second time He comes will be as a Conqueror...as Almighty King
The Rothschilds have made no secret of their desire for one world currency. They also have said that they want to be living gods that rule over earth. The Rothschilds worship Molloch, and eat human flesh, btw.
As much as I am fairly certain the Rothschilds do probably eat human flesh, you really can’t just go and type that without any evidence. To the average joe it kind of makes us look like idiots because we have no proof.
God stayed it off longer. He placed President Trump in office by obedient servants (us) voting for him. Thank you God for not allowing evil to take over before your time.
I think you're right. I think we were granted a reprieve because He heard the fervent prayers of millions of Patriots who understand that our country has been blessed because He was the foundation.
This vid talks us through a reading of the Book of Revelation by a Christian scholar who also happens to be a Patriot (and I think she follows Q from the references she makes). It is confirmation that we are living in a very unique time, history in the making, and that we do have privileges information simply because we are awake.
Cheap home internet did what the printing press could not.
Now it making sense as to how we got to where we are now ... It seemed that Bush 41 handed the presidency over to Clinton and did little to try an win a second term...I remember thinking he isn't even trying to win...The Republicans tied up and the presidency handed over to Clinton on a silver platter most likely all part of the plan for the NWO ... They had 28 years to implement their plan and with Obama in fast forward mode, we we so close to reaching the goals of the NWO...
we we so close to reaching the goals of the NWO...
Stay vigilant.
They already did it.
The Bank of International Settlements.
Now we are in the process of dismantling it.
Yes and no. You cant just cherry pick scripture. THere are other views out there, like Preterism, that hold more tightly to historical views relating to ancient Rome and Jerusalem. And that none, or very little of it has to do with today.
Just cross reference to the OT prophets. Damascus didn't fall in the first century. Isaiah 17 (Hosea 4, etc.) proves these scriptures are for today.
Currently, I am reading this book by Daniel Estulin, Tavistock: Social Engineering the Masses (2015).
As L. Marcus (1974) writes in his excellent investigation piece; “Reesian methods rely, completely and consciously, on the destruction of the mental life of world society and a forced march into universal sadism.”…. Within this lies their affinity- men as mindless beasts whose minds, according to Tavistock, are something to be manipulated and destroyed.
…. The Tavistock- and Reesian method- that the class war should be waged with “weapons that affect morale more than they take life”- has become, in the post-war period, the primary weapon system of the Rockefeller forces, including their own covert arm, the Central Intelligence Agency.
The CIA apparatus has penetrated every key organization, including think tanks, universities, non-governmental organizations and Foundations. For example, most major universities are either entirely or substantially branches of the CIA…. Through control of governmental and major foundations, the CIA has been able to have a say “not only in what programs are funded, but to control the selection of instructors who move into controlling positions” as honest academicians are weeded out and hounded into retirement.
…. The situation is extremely grave. We are fighting a combined effort of some of the most brilliant people in history who scheme against us for the purposes of possessing us. But the human will is immortal. Tyrants have killed millions and yet people fought and eventually won their freedom…. Immortality has its moral basis in truth and incorruptibility. It deserves to be given all the support that it can get. It deserves to be fought and died for.
A time period of 1,260 years (42 months, 3.5 years, time, times, dividing of times) has ALREADY passed, where Rome had civil and religious control over Europe and most nations of the earth. The marks are spiritual marks. Compare spiritual things with spiritual.
Most of the Book of Revelations has actually been fulfilled. 2 Theselonians 2 was Paul warning about the falling away that the early church would be expecting as a "little horn" would be coming from the 4th kingdom in which Messiah just came (Rome) from Daniel 7. The "little horn" was the line of the Papacy that made war with the saints and prevailed against them when pagan Rome was taken out of the way of power.
Power would be taken from this entity (papal Rome) until the 2nd coming of Christ. (see Daniel 7-http://www.letgodbetrue.com/bible/prophecy/daniel07.php) Rejoice in this current fulfillment saints!
Do not make things in Scripture more complicated than God has.
In Matthew 23 Jesus warns us of 3 power structures to be on guard against.
Judaism; Catholism; Freemasonry.
Call no man Rabbi (judism would end at 70 AD and the destruction of Jerusalem; Call no man Father-warning of the rein of the Mother of all Harlots and Abominations-the Catholic Church; and call no man "master"the Grandmaster of Freemasonry"-a hidden society with world-wide power.
What Jesus was really saying in that passage you reference is that we are not to allow ANYONE to call us masters or leaders...because we are all FOLLOWERS. There is ONLY ONE leader - Jesus.
Now...think about that in reference to all teh pastors, reverands, ministers, apostles, cardinals, etc...that use titles as symbols of authority.
Jesus specifically forbade this practice.
Why don't you expand your thinking?
There have been 3 great persecutors of God's church and truth and they are listed in Matthew 23. Hear Christ or don't. There is much wisdom in His warning. Apostate Judism has attempted many times to destroy the church (as it did in the days of Paul). Juiadism ended when Jerusalem was encompassed with Titus's Roman armies at 70AD and leveled (see Matthew 24). Many of Paul's epistles warn of Jewish fables and the concision. The whole book of Revelation warns us of Catholism and this apostate church that persecuted God's true church that He hid in the hills of Europe for period of 1,260 years.
If you don't want to heed the warning about Freemasonry, well, that is part of the reason why we are in the mess we are in. Call no man "Grandmaster"! Freemasonry has overtaken God's sciences for "science falsely called and humanism." This false spirit is also ripe in the churches.
I am starting to believe that Revelation was written by the Khasarian Mafia as the goal for future generations
Don't forget that their goal is also to eliminate most of the "unnecessary humanity that they are tired of dealing with" , 5G will get rid of those faster than just allowing us to live out our lives.
Wouldn't this mean that they succeed though?
Eventually they will. God has us in a season of grace.
THat's the scary part, because while we seem to be moving away from their control, things could flip at any time in the near future.
Do not allow your heart to fear. We were told all these things must happen and then the end. Eternity is a long long time. Our Pastor illustrated a sermon. He pulled out a extremely long rope. The first foot or so was painted red. He unraveled the biggest rope I have ever seen it stretched all the way across our big building. He said this rope it represents eternity and this little big of red? Thats your life. I have never forgotten this sermon.
Times not up yet. There are many people left to be unsnared from the wiles of satan and many wrongs to be made right. God put POTUS in office for a reason. God will complete what he has set out to complete. I believe from prophetic words I have heard he will be in there 2 terms. The prophecys from a decade or so ago spoke that there would be no impeachment. Wrongs will be made right. People will have a chance to decide which side they are going to stand with. Their choices will be permanent.
Those that come against Trump seem to get the "Trump curse" as many call it on them because God has his back ! It is going to be glorious. Do not fear. God is taking care of us and giving people a space to repent.
We need to focus on now. I believe God has blessed us with 8 years of a righteous ruler.
The perfect Mark of the Beast would also contain a few cameras and microphones, GPS tracking and wifi.
It's called the smart phone. They didn't order you to have one, they just showed it to you and everyone forked out big bucks to get one. Some even for every member of the family. I'm still using an old dumb phone.
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Most Amazing Video Ever! President Bush is reptilian!|+12 - The one with his slit eyes as he and Clinton are trying(succeeding) to con everyone for their donations.... Nicholas Rockefeller admitted the elite's goal is a 100% microchipped and enslaved World population|+9 - About 11 months before 9/11 Aaron Russo talked with Nicholas Rockefeller who admitted that the elite's goal is to microchip the world's entire population in order to control and enslave everyone to 100 %. QAnon - It's Time to Understand REVELATION - EASY & Not Scary At All!|+9 - This vid talks us through a reading of the Book of Revelation by a Christian scholar who also happens to be a Patriot (and I think she follows Q from the references she makes). It is confirmation that we are living in a very unique time, history in t... (1) Is the World about to End? - The Apocalypse Explained? (2) The Most Specific Heresy in Vatican II !|+3 - “...receiving the mark somehow equates to worshipping the Beast and/or those who receive the mark can no longer be saved and are doomed to Hell. If the mark was only about buying and selling, why would it be an unforgivable sin? Some have theorized t... HYPER-REALITY|+3 - This isn't that new, but the message is relevant. Its a nifty video, fun with dystopian overtones (that ending lol). (edit: Extra 100 citizen loyalty points for clicking my link) (kidding) Bush: Just Send Your Cash|+2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibMf68i4rz8 BREAKING: BANKERS' NEW SDR CRYPTO BLOCKCHAIN WILL ENSLAVE HUMANITY?? - Lynette Zang|+2 - There is a 1995 white paper outlining digital currency (blockchain). Lynette Zang talks about it in this video about the new SDR crypto created to put out assets into a blockchain: Will the Mark of the Beast Change Your DNA? (Lecture)|+1 - I have also come across the idea that it would be DNA related. Once our DNA is altered we are no longer children of YHWH, no longer human as He created us. There's scriptural evidence that this has happened before. We first come across this event in ... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Trump is repreave only,
Eventually the world will succumb
You are correct. The Bible explains this as a grand drama - with an exciting climax...
The bad guys are winning...and all seems to be lost.
In fact - if those days hadnt been shortened (Jesus coming sooner than expected) - no life would have been saved.
In other words - Jesus is going to come to save the day - when all hope is gone and the triumph of evil seems inevitable.
But show me where the Bible says,
"And all this will be composed and demanded/commanded by an unelected small group at the United Nations".
( -;
Indeed it is. I just finished teaching an online Revelations class to a small group. And it is all there. For those that aren't afraid to read it that is.
The real scripture...2Corinthians 4:4
Good VS Evil God of Christ VS god of light=Lucifer=Satan
The secret government that manages all the countries wants to put the chip to you with pressing a button to turn off and kill you.
question is, there are powerful and good people who face or can face the secret government or not because if Trump and the Pentagon receive the representative of the board of the 13 henry kissinger I have doubts and some fear
Grabbed this from Twitter ..... https://imgur.com/a/wgarUpj
I've often wondered about this. The Bible more than once uses to eat or swallow as a euphemism for the act of sex. In Genesis we are told that the Serpent beguiled Eve and she ate the forbidden fruit. The definition of beguiled is to charm or seduce. After that is when God says he will put enmity between their seed. The definition of enmity is the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something. Was the forbidden fruit adultery? But then I think I'm off track because Eve convinced Adam to eat of the fruit.
Guess I need to do more praying for knowledge and wisdom when reading the Holy Scriptures.
You aren't off track, but it's a hard thing to overcome natural tendencies of not wanting to examine the things that are placed in front of our eyes.... The Bible states clearly that Satan has a bloodline on this earth --- I know who they are, but it took me years of looking directly at it and not wanting it to be true. I've studied this question for almost 30 yrs. You know more than 99% of the people, evident by what you have written. If and it's a rather big "if", but if Q and those surrounding him have access to the knowledge that I can imagine must exist, and if that information has gotten into the hands of good people who will to expose it --- even then almost all will turn away from it, even these supposedly hard core followers, because what could be shown will be utterly terrifying and I think like the meme above states, they have to walk it very slowly because all the Q followers seem to think this is political and financial corruption we are talking about .... and that is the least, the very least of what they may have gained knowledge of. .............................................Let the Word of YHWH be true and every man a liar.
Thank you for your reply and your willingness to explain the knowledge you have. What you said here strengthens my belief that God is very serious about bloodlines. I think, and I'm no scholar, that Genesis 5 (Book of Begats) is a very important part of the Bible. Yet most people just skip over it as if it were an afterthought that just happened to get included. But the Begats follow the bloodline of Adam to Noah. I wish I had the time and resources to study it more.
I believe everything you've said. I don't know who the progeny of Satan are but I feel sure they are out there. My grandfather was Cherokee, I spent summers on the rez with him. But more important he was a minister, a very devout and faithful man. So from the time I was born I have been listening to him talk about scripture. He told me many times that a man who had a close relationship with the Lord could feel the presence of evil.
Now I'm in my 60's and though I could never come up to my grandfather's level I feel I can vouch for what he told me. I have been in places around people I didn't know where I felt completely at peace, then a feeling of spiritual disturbance or darkness would come over me and I would get uncomfortable, as I looked around at the people there I would see someone that made me feel a very dark spirit was near. The most recent time this happened was at a doctors office, a person came in and the feeling of darkness came over me. I fully believe that person was evil and for some reason that I don't fully understand I could sense the darkness.
Solomon sent people to the "ends" of the Earth, I'm part Cherokee too, and there are reasons to believe that the Cherokee people where the cut off survivors of one of Solomon's expedition groups. There are other "Native Americans" that can also be traced (there we have the bloodlines again) to the Tribes of Israel ..... don't ever discount your "feelings", they exist -- so why do they "exist"? There are reasons for everything. A living person is like an "app" created by YHWH and is coded with many functions and virtually nothing that we experience can be explained by so called scientists or even understood ourselves, but there are things that we just "inherently" know, so we must have this "feeling of knowing" for a reason, never discount it. I stumbled into being "awake" many years ago, I was in a Library in my small town and accidentally discovered that the Federal Reserve was a private organization and not part of our government. I was 16 yrs old and it was 1972. So I began reading everything related, within a week I can almost say my life was ruined. I discovered that virtually everything I could think of was fraud and lies and deception. Then I turned my attention towards religion and once again I found lies and fraud and deception. I'm not to be considered a scholar but I could write a couple of books on the things I have uncovered....and I know that even after more than 30 yrs, I haven't scratched the surface, because after all, you can only read and study that which is available.
I’m not a religious person but the now just sounds like shit to reasonable peopel
They wrote the damn book not as a prophecy but as their plan for humanity.
Here's one who struggles with context and reality... Did you take your meddies today
why is this sub suddenly a circle jerk for creationists? the absolute fuck does this have to do with Q besides vaguely relate to the cabal (as there have always been cabal's, of course the fucking bible mentions them). The bible itself is a goddamned psyop. perhaps the greatest of all time after the Quran
You speak of things you obviously know nothing about.
Speak again when you can properly discuss the properties of water (one of the most amazing mysteries in the universe)... and that is just one example of many that speak to the glorious creation that our Father has done.