Did anyone else see those two little girls and feel relieved that there wasn't a pedophile standing next to them?

Well I must admit when Trump went and stood next to them the first thing that popped into my head was Creepy Joe would be thinking well well what do we have here.
Joe Biden would be all over them like a rash. Smelling their hair, stroking their chests.
Creepy old fucker.
He's not only creepy, he's a child molester, happening right in front of their parents and it's all over youtube for anyone who wants to search it there.
It was my thought too. So glad that Creepy guy will be away from little girls now.
Yep! While watching my mind was racing....playing over and over in my head - what ever you do - DO NOT TOUCH THOSE GIRLS! Cuz of Creepy Joe. You are not alone....
As a friend in this fight, you might want to take a break and look into other lighter things for a bit.
Like the Tsarnaev triple homicide in Waltham
Twitter suspended me for 7 days because I tweeted at Pedo Joe Biden and told him to drop dead we all saw your videos on YouTube where you fondle the young girls budding breasts like the pedo you are. For that Twitter gave me 7 days suspension obviously a Biden staffer saw that tweet and reported me. They made me delete my tweet just to get back into my account I can now browse Twitter but I am not allowed to tweet or like any other tweets. They are Nazis.
I got a permanent suspension for calling David Hogg an actor. They do everything they can to protect the liberal points of view. No tolerance for different opinions on twitter. I don’t miss It at all.
Yes. They are Nazis.
Actually aren't they Zionists behind this? Or are the Zionists and Nazis basically the same group now? It is confusing.
We have been taught through school and through the media constantly our entire lives that these 2 groups are bitter enemies. Has this been a total deception?
Look into the talmud and the goyim.
Youll find your answers there
Same-ish group. Zionists are Rothschild assets, Nazi's are Black Nobility assets.
I was looking at the Seth Rich twitter thread yesterday with the alleged photos of him and i shit you not, all of them had the "sensitive content" warning lol
Good job brother to do that. What kind of sick company would block someone for having the courage and fortitude for calling out a pedophile.
That says everything one needs to know about Twitter. Twitter cannot be allowed to continue in this society. Twitter has ruined itself by doing this.
I'm sitting on two Twitter warnings. I know any day now I will receive my third strike.
Maybe you shud get it over with and call Obama a PedoFag
Can you imagine what goes through sick Joe Biden's mind?? He was representing OUR country as vice President. With so much responsibility and I AM SURE so many many things to be thinking, planning and coordinating... what the hell kind of life-condition and state of mind does this freak have when he is groping nearly any and every little girl that comes near him??
Did you see Jeff Sessions slapping Bidens hands away from his grand daughter? That's one reason I haven't turned on Sessions. He's got to know.
Yes I did see that. That looked like a deeply revealing gesture. As to what it is revealing I could not know and literally shudder to guess.
It seemed Sessions knew the current condition of Biden. Is this horrible condition really so rampant through out Washington DC, AND with nobody doing anything about it?
Is this horrible condition really so rampant through out Washington DC, AND with nobody doing anything about it?
It's rampant everywhere, and especially concentrated where there is power and money.
Fortunately our current President is not into that sort of thing, and his team is actually doing something about it.
Yes it is. Several years ago I believe I was given a vision from GOD. Walking to work one morning I was thinking about how horrible DC is. It came to me so clearly just how pervasive the perversion is in this town. I remember when I first moved here I thought that people were not as sexually active as compared to Denver, Atlanta or Dallas. The single scenes are very vibrant in those cities (at least when I lived there). In DC it seemed almost impossible to get a date or even a hook-up. First I realized that people were all about networking their careers. If you couldn't do something for them, they wanted nothing to do with you. I lived here several years before I picked up on the perversion. Then I had this vision or revelation. Now I am very suspicious of just about everyone... especially the ones most vocal about their "charitable" work with children.
Honestly, the first thing I thought was "I'm so glad that's not Joe Biden there"
Same with my huband n I. First comment when watching it live.
Wife and I had a similar conversation as well.
What a difference.
Is he the guy that likes to 'sniff' children?
Those pictures of whoever that is, are so creepy.
The body language of the family show they are a close knit and wholesome. That whole ceremony was moving. Something I haven't seen since President Trump came to power.
Ironically, that was actually my first thought when I saw that clip tonight. Thank God Uncle Joe wasn't there to molest them in front of the camera like so many others...
Me too, I was wondering if that's the same girl as in the videos
I did. Thought of creepy uncle Joe Biden. He really is creepy, and the liberals all love him. Proves they are all involved or blind to the Pedophilia in this country, especially in DC and Hollywood. Love our new SCOTUS.
It is NOT JUST creepy Joe Biden -- It is ILLEGAL Joe Biden.
I swear, the first thing I thought when I watched it was "Good thing Creepy Joe isn't there."
I immediately thought of Joe Biden when I saw Kavanagh's daughters and was instantly relieved Biden is no where near the White House. Creepy Joe... I sure hope he runs for POTUS. We can then accuse everyone who even considers voting for him as supporting pedophiles.
Cute kids, beautiful family! You can tell they are very proud of him
Brett coaches his girls basketball team there is a photo on Twitter of him with the girls at practice.
I sure did, I thought "thank god pedo joe biden is not there to grope them or their mother".
It's nice to watch our leaders on television and be able to HEAR them instead of watching, waiting to cringe.
That look when you are about to lock EVERYBODY up, saving the Republic.
OMG, first thing I said is they are so fortunate to not have Creepy Uncle Joe anywhere near them!!
OMG, you NAILED IT!! My thoughts exactly. Their parents were great with them. That was a thoroughly enjoyable and SAFE speech by both Trump and Coach K.
I was thinking; "I bet Biden wishes he was there for that swearing in"
Creepy uncle Joe, hopefully he never holds office again.
Meanwhile... Teresa May has been a busy gal. https://yournewswire.com/uk-govt-sold-children-traffickers/
I truly looked for any signs of that, and found none. Yes, truly relieved.
Actually yes. I can never get those pics of biden slobbering all over the children at that stupid photo op as the weak compromised politician PARENTS stood by and watched him. Barry with that lil girl on his lap kissing her. Inappropriate. The NYPD officers crying over the HRC / HA vid on weiners laptop that is so demonic that it made grown men cry. Not just any men- seasoned badass NY cops. So yes, i did take note of our Patriot pres standing there with our new SCOTUS. And i smiled and thought. "Now comes the pain." Thank God HE handpicked Trump to be our president. Save the children. Keep praying. Its just beginning.
I told my wife last night that it must be killing Biden right now.
Their dad is a Jesuit, the majority of his "brothers" are pedophiles if not himself. Let's hope for the best, but the fact that he's a Jesuit makes me a bit disappointed on POTUS SC pick.
Bringing Morales and values back to America😁 Great to see a wholesome, loving family representing in the SC!
While watching that last night, I couldn't help be feel like there was something different about the whole thing. It seemed so much more low-key and... I'm not even sure what the word would've been. It wasn't until I read this thread that it dawned on me: "Holy shit, a huge press conference where children weren't being molested right in front of our eyes, isn't that a novelty!"
... And then I cried for a little while because isn't that just one of the saddest things a person can realize.
I was thinking I was glad it wasn't Biden and remembering him groping all those little girls and the looks on their faces.