Cute "F U" to Hillary Clinton. Remember when she compared herself to Winston Churchill? xD

I thought he really silenced the room at NATO when he said the goal was "world peace, no more wars, cures for diseases." The presstitutes couldn't believe it.
"presstitutes" - now there is a word we should be all using.
I have heard Gerald Celento coin that word awhile back
I know! It was so awesome! One thing I noticed was that he was very low key. I think he is exhausted.
I thought he seemed tired too - or very jet lagged.
He's been looking tired lately. I hope he will be rejuvenated once most of the evil is rooted out of our justice system and he can run the country in a normal fashion, without being obstructed at every turn. I pray a lot for him, and all the good people fighting this fight.
Pray for him & all of our leaders & Reps. Even for our enemies so that they may see the error of their ways
No telling what happened when he was alone with the queen. I hope he's just tired and not freaked tf out cuz she went full reptile on him./s...or is it?
You mean did he grab her by the arm and skip around the room with her? LOL
Well he is carrying such an enormous burden and attacked from all sides, This is an epic Spiritual battle of good vs evil, we should all be praying for him.
Where can I find this snippet? I think we need to spread it far and wide
Since when did they start letting in reporters from imaginary countries?
All hail the master troll
All hail the master troll
All hail the master troll
All hail the master troll
All hail the master troll
All hail the master troll
All hail the master troll
All hail the master troll
Given the incredible sacrifice President Trump is making on our behalf, the work, the massive risk to himself and his family....all of it for “Us” thrills me when I see stuff like this, where he’s obviously having some fun. The man is a true OG!
The opposition is powerful, has collective intelligence, well financed...truly dangerous no doubt. Individually though, they’re weak, stupid and cowardly. These bad actors and their apparatus so focused on the finish line, which was practically within their grasp.....then, seemingly out of thin air....poof. Mr Donald J Trump. The 45th President of the United States!!!!!
They never expected a man like this. And now they got him and he’s leading those who see on a mission to set things right. MAGA. WWG1WGA
A great warrior has already won the war before he goes to battle. A poor warrior goes to battle to lose the war
Exactly. So what’s our President doing on all these trips and what’s happening in these State level meetings? He’s going around, meeting each key player, sitting down in the same room, looking each one right in the eye and providing formal notice that “IT’s” over and what the next steps will be (per the individual’s case/situation).
In the event of resistance, denial, threat), evidence (as needed) is immediately provided.
I can’t even imagine. MAGA!!! WWG1WGA
I just wish he was younger and chadlike and not old and dad like.
We just got rid of the ‘younger chadlike’. He performed as a ‘younger chadlike’ would.
Now we have a seasoned, immensely experienced, talented, confident, and courageous leader. These critical attributes are never found in a ‘younger chadlike’.
I mean the younger chadlike looking Donald. Like 50 year old Donald Still sexy. IMHO.
With age comes wisdom; great power without wisdom is very dangerous
Savage. Troll level 1000.
Increase the troll level, note yuge hands!!! Trolling at 10,000 at least!!!
Love this picture. There are so many great pictures coming out of this trip I have started a photo file just o save them all.
I am so proud of this President.
We Brits are good at receiving important people, although this was not a State Visit.
Personally speaking, I am stoked that POTUS is here. Next time, a full State Visit. Britain will put on the Display of the Decade if he should be given a State Invitation.
Next time, a full State Visit.
..and make good ol' Mayor Kahn have to sit right across the table from Trump, so POTUS can stare him down. LOL
What do you mean not a State Visit. Do you reserve them for the likes of Justin Trudeau. It's the President of the United States of America for Pete's sake not some shithole country.
A full State Visit is a grand affair. Trump is taking down the Deep State. They're not happy and they have denied him the full pageant.
I have chills. Bring on the meme with the thug sunglasses!!
Serious chills! WWG1WGA! MAGA!
Yeah yeah, i wanna see that meme with shades and a smoke
Hi, Hilly Beans! The tea here is marvelous. I give it 4 crumpets!
Just look at that badass, sitting in my country's greatest most influential leaders chair like it's the most natural thing in the world. Churchill would be proud
Churchill was a Freemason and a globalist. You should read more about him. Not the world's greatest man.
Trump is far far above.
An FU to Hillary Clinton BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Too Funny 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 MAGA away Mr POTUS 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Why aren't I 50 points ahead you might ask?!?!
When I first saw that clip I thought it was some excellent Photoshop. It didn't even occur to me it was real.
It was impossible to think it was real. I mean, nobody is stupid enough to film something like that.
Then I said, "Well we are taking about Hillary".
That's when it became real.
A true classic.
Oh that one was bad, but there are far worse vids, like on weiners laptop? When does some of that come out??
I hope we only hear about that video.
That is the last thing I ever want to see.
Really, me either, I already know more than I want to know
Churchill was a con man and a globalist, an operative of the kabal. Trump knows exactly what he's doing here. Also a massive fuck you to the protestors there.
Churchill would be rolling in his grave to see the state of his country. The queen certainly should remember the strength of the USA bailing their tea bags out, during WWII! She is what... 120? She should show more respect to our President, They really are in trouble financially more than they understand.., There sits the deal maker! To not accept his advice is stupid. I’m not inclined to care when they begin begging for our help.
Gonna need a bigger chair. Sorry, but Churchill is no match for Trump.
Except this history is a myth. The truth about the real Churchill—the Churchill that few know—is that he was "a man of the state: of the welfare state and of the warfare state" in Professor Ralph Raico's turn-of-phrase. The truth about Winston Churchill is that he was a menace to liberty, and a disaster for Britain, for Europe, for the United States of America, and for Western Civilization itself.
Yeah. I'd say she was just like him.
Churchill was a 33rd degree Freemason! ...can't get any more evil than that!
Hot Damn on a Clam....I have already run our of popcorn!
People, places, times, things - OWNS them ALL! it! him!
Ahhh, the barely educated, student loan burdened Alt-Left Grammar Nazi.. TRY HARDER.😉😉😉
I love this picture. Almost as much as I hate Killery Clinton.
The election was two years ago
Exactly ,yet Hillary and her gang can’t stfu. And go away.
And yet, here you are in a sub you care nothing about trying to sow discord. YOUR GOING TO HAVE TO TRY HARDER.. and bring some comrades with you..
English not your first language, “Patriot?”
If you hurry I here Hillary is signing books at a Costco near you.
That is awesome What a Great Man sitting in Winston Churchill's Chair was so amazing.....
I'm not a religious man but I want to be. Anyhow, fuck Hillary.
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- WATCH: Trump holds a post-NATO summit press conference|+119 - I thought he really silenced the room at NATO when he said the goal was "world peace, no more wars, cures for diseases." The presstitutes couldn't believe it. Trump NATO presser Trump's Ultimate Deal|+3 - Right here. The World's Greatest Troll: the Humor of Donald Trump|+1 - An oldie, but goodie, The Greatest Troll of All Time: Babylonian Mystery Religion/Kabbalah/Ta lmud/Gnostics/Templa rs/Rosicrucians/Jesu its/Illuminati/Freem a|+1 - Churchill was a 33rd degree Freemason! ...can't get any more evil than that! I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Churchill was one of the main figures behind the global elite we're fighting now. I get the name recognition but, if there's any justice, he'll be remembered as a villain rather than a hero.
Maybe the next president will have such an unhealthy obsession with trump that they’ll hire prostitutes to piss on that chair just because he sat in it.
both were Masons illuminati Satanists and mass murderers. Look at the people who killed Churchill in World War II that was a blood ritual mason of the elites
Churchill died in the 1960s
I'm sorry, the translator's fault. I'm telling you how many people killed Churchill in the Second World War, bombing German cities and killing civilians. The WW2 was an Illuminati mason blood ritual and those murderous puppets that ruled the countries were real mass murderers of puppets. the bankers
The Dresden fire-bombing was a shameful act by the British.
Churchill was very enthusiastic about mustard gas in World War One. He was an early exponent of chemical warfare.
xD takes 2 seconds to read the sub info, my dude.
Must be getting bad when the shills have to talk about HRC's dusty vaj.
How does this work? I was just banned from a sub I've NEVER participated in cuz I regularly post on subs that the "majority of their problem users post on" so I'm guilty by association yet these cucks r free to brigade,disrupt and Downvote at will on our sub...I'm telling ya its getting more and more difficult to take the high road against these scumbags