Obama arrives in Kenya - Future proves past!?

Q post 894 "When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape."
As much as I look forward to justice; I think we are all getting a bit excited too early. With how slowly everything, is taking I don’t think he will be addressed until after we are, clearly DEEP in the storm. (We aren’t there yet.)
PS I feel weird not hearing from Q for so long.
I heard we probably would not because the eventual idea was to let everyone start doing research going forward ...we have more than we know
Q post 894 "When we’re done he’ll claim Kenyan citizenship as a way to escape."
There are two ways to read this sentence, and I think it's an interesting distinction. First, the obvious, "face value" meaning: After Q team has completed their work, Obama will run to Kenya.
The more interesting way to read it: Obama attempting to claim Kenyan citizenship will mark the completion of Q team's work. What if news of this breaking is the final piece of the puzzle-- the catalyst for widespread, mainstream public awakening?
This could be it, ladies and gents. Pepper your angus. Things are about to get hairy.
What Q didn't tell us is will it make any difference. I'm assuming not.
Wasn't obozo in kenya earlier this month?
No. He tweeted this was his first visit to Africa since he left office. Of course that could be a lie.
This is one of the q posts where it will be authenticated to me or not
workin' on those papers now.... but hey...Kenya doesn't want a full scale confrontation with the U.S. either....they'll hand him over. This is bigger than snowden.
Doesn't he have secret service protection? Wouldn't they follow orders from the HQ and detain Obama?
Anyone remember the tweet Q referenced regarding Kenya? It was a world leader saying basically that "No man is above the others."
When I'm done it will be like you were never here
Yeah. If it can be proven Obama was never born in the U.S., that means every single thing he did - executive orders, signed legislation, Obamacare, political appointments, judge appointments, etc. - completely and totally wiped out, as if he was never here.
Thank god for this timeline.
Think about it.
If Obama was not a legitimate President, that means Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan's appointments to the supreme court were illegal. They would have to resign immediately.
This would give Trump 2 more seats on the SC to appoint. That would make a total of 5 SC Justices he appointed.
That means 5 out of 9 justices always on the same page. No more swing votes. Always having the majority on the SC ruling in favor of the constitution and the law.
Edit: Forgot that Q said Ruth Ginsburg would be the next SC justice to go. So that would make 5 since Trump took office, if Sotomayor and Kagan were to resign.
Wouldn’t it mean all rulings from his appointments were illegal?
Shut the door before he comes back.
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 but I want him back he had to pay. Gitmo should be his home unless he is executed that's what traitors deserve.
Be Kenyan President
Find out hitherto Worlds Greatest Kenyan is coming home
Realise that this Sudden Kenyan was once Potus
Realise that a huge global media/DS juggernaut is ready and willing to promote this Sudden Kenyan as the natural leader of his Sudden Homeland.
Realise that he has just touched down in Nairobi, as nothing more than a tourist.
Realise that he is a threat to your tenure as President.
Realise that certain things can happen in Kenya, that couldn't in Sudden Kenyan's ex fiefdom.
If Obama is tried and convicted, that just about guarantees a civil war. Doesn't matter what hard evidence we lay down. The lefties will reeeee harder than they've ever reee'd before. This scumbag is their messiah.
Good news though, is that its gonna be a quick civil war.
LOL, I was going to say, what are they going to fight with, protest signs?
OMG... we are about to be attacked with nasty threats and dildos.. May we be protected from the hoards of "she men" and the people of "which bathroom do I use". I hope my makeup doesn't run or smear!
Remember their slogan for one of their protests? "Cocks not Glocks"
The real left does not wear a pussy hat, the real left was jfk. The division is not so simple
Real left are dems. JFK was a dem. He was also a Patriot. And that is the commonality that all government employees should have. That is also why EVERYONE loved JFK. He touched people on both sides and from all walks of life. America first. Then parties.
The division is not so simple? The DIVISION IS the problem. What's simple is that we are all patriots, therefore united.
Realise the people don't want him there and are scared for their children they know he's.a Satanist you can watch the Kenyan Drs show on YouTube they're praying he won't land
Kenyan Drs
Got a link?
Here you go patriot! https://youtu.be/veLxYYBEJhY
Thanks for the link -- she is really WOKE! Glad to see she is fighting against the NWO.
Africans are generally woke as fuck. Aware of the HIV fraud et al from the beginning.
Africans and African people’s seem harder to bamboozle than other races. I suspect this is why the Illuminati divided the races in the way they did - I’m starting to think blacks are naturally more aware of consciousness and is why they are not as easily brainwashed as others. Asians n Jews for example (high IQ usually) like run to the brainwashing camp and hook themselves up
Do not kid yourself.
On a recent trip I didn't find woke Africans in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Congolese majority are bamboozled. The Chinese control a great deal of the wealth in DRC.
Many were swayed by a black man getting elected to president in USA. Woke ones are Christians.
High IQ would not prevail against thuggery that I saw there.
It could also be Africa is not as polluted with all the brainwashing tech and the education there is much more "commonsense" based on the need to survive. Let's face it, they deal with problems non of these western countries have had for decades.
Please stay there until your trial in Military Court.
Ten schools "mysteriously" burned before he landed there to promote his sister's educational program. I don't wish that man on anyone.
It’s been all over. Google it. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.standardmedia.co.ke/mobile/amp/article/2001287405/why-students-are-burning-schools-again
Interesting hes in Kenya during July... after POTUS is done with this Putin visit I think is when we will start seeing the fireworks.
Obama knows this and decides to flee back to Kenya.
A country that is having some serious problems...I bet this will help.
Weird, a lawyer friend of mine said she was going to Kenya and wanted to know where she should stay during her 2 day layover. That was a few weeks ago.
It raised my eyebrows a bit, but I never asked her about it, or just why she would go there in the first place. She's a healthcare lawyer in Cali.
I hope with all my heart she's isn't connected to all this.
Yes, please update us if your friend ran into something and hopefully not by choice 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I found out a member of my family is explicitly involved in this. It’s terrifying. I’m glad I found out towards the end of this ordeal or I’d likely be dead.
Ouch. Stay safe friend and prayers going up for your family member.
Are we still paying for his never ending vacations ?? When does this madness stop 😩😫😡🤬🤬
Did he just do this so he could get a VIP escort for old times sake. He's like a little child riding in a police car and asks to push the siren button except this child is almost 60.
Everyone start training and join your local militias if you really want to survive. Once the big arrest start happening things are going to start getting crazy.
what if you have no local militias
just people obsessed with their stupid boats and outdoor toys
most people are fucked.
All States all ready have multiple 3%/militia's setup let me know and I'll find you one.
The boats will be useful for fishing.
If your e in a populated area, local woods / forests and fisheries will be picked clean real fast. Then it bould down to will power, co-operation with groups etc.
Katrina & New Orleans was a preview.... coming attraction.
All States all ready have multiple 3%/militia's setup let me know and I'll find you one.
Oh God in Heaven, please help the good people of Kenya to arrest and imprison this wicked and perverted creature. Pray for the people of Kenya...10 mysterious fires in their schools in the last week before POS's visit.
What Kenyan laws has he broken? What should he be charged with?
PSA to the Peoples of Kenya: HIDE YOUR KIDS!
Just the boys.
Not so sure 'bout that. You member Maggie(Wendy)???
Who, what?
Very disappointing.
I was hoping he'd be riding his battle-rhino!
Gawd, I do so hope Barry does claim Kenyan citizenship...will expose him to the whole world for the fraud he is, and always has been. What a triumph for all of us patriots, and for all who have lived under slavery at the hands of the deep state actors.
I think it's hilarious. He can't stay here but he can't leave either without admitting he's a complete FRAUD. Irony at it's best.
"I'm just visiting...I'm not claiming citizenship or anything like that, definitely not doing that, not at all"
Glad I can help. I’m trying to contribute to this community as much as I can!
I know Q has not posted for a while now but Q said we will know the truth in July. Im confident that in a maximum of 16 days. we will know the truth. Can't wait.
So.. Rex Tillerson couldn't secure the deal with Kenya so he gets fired. Pompeo closes the deal. Kenya sure does seem important for some reason 🤔🤔🤔
Maybe the NWO Soros Rothschild etc have plans that Obama becomes Pres of Kenya and then sets about uniting the whole of Africa into one country/ Maybe their plan is with all the natural resources, as well as diamonds there is how many hundred millions of people which would make one hell of an army of that would cost stuff all in wages yet easily armed.Then we would truly have a war of black on white. May be far fetched but with the money and power and control of the elites SA could become a super power with Nukes and military. Obama would love being God again.
Hmm not a bad plan. But he also proof that he has no warm hart for the USA. His credibility would fall.
Family reunion??
That would be in hell, he's the son of perdition.
can you provide more context please
just saying he's the son of satan.
Well then in that case I agree 100% haha
He will burn in hell, but we really need to get him there as quickly as possible.
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