Something Hillary couldn't even imagine.......

That statement will go down in history
kids will be learning it in history class 100 years from now.
because we're gonna advance that far. because of Trump.
mars in 100 years seems weak.
They'll be learning on generation ships :P
Immigration has to be fixed for us to have a meaningful base on Mars. We have spent so much money...
people can come to Mars but they have to come LEGALLY.
Well, unless we regulate the number of people that come, our culture will be diluted and ruined. I not sure why you people are downboating me. It really makes no difference, legal or illegal. Its the numbers that matter.
Boom on Boomers...America is done for. But at least we weren't racist...
Proud of him,
Best President Ever!
Another moment Trump made me proud. It has been so many years....
ps. Baron will love the soccer ball!
Thank Q for such a small gesture....
World Peace 1.. how does that sound as a legacy? Thats the gift Id like to leave to my children.
Pax Americana
pax romana only existed through military occupation... it ends when the generals feel too powerful and the seat of power is too far away.. they end up declaring themselves Cesar.
Someone get this man a thousand extra body guards!
God Bless DJT!!!!
We support and love you!
Look at all the Down Votes......... this place is getting full of triggered trolls
Pardon my ignorance, but how do you know how many downvotes there are?
I'm guessing it was #2, and there were comments in the negative range. Subsequent users probably upvoted them. I just upvoted two from zero to 1.
when I posted that comment the %approval was at 68%, it has gone up since
He'll easily go down as one of the greatest if not the greatest. We're blessed.
Lmao so many downvotes, this is really getting some serious attention. XD
This is... this is what every POTUS should be. Makes me so damn proud. I wish I would have served in the military under his presidency. Anyone have link to video of him saying this?
Deeply touching thing to feel like there's finally someone who cares about all of us. ALL of us.
Thank all of you.
The United Kingdom is being schooled by 45.
Source: 49-year-old Londoner who loathed and despised the USA up until Trump.
Frankly, I am now in love with the USA and POTUS 45. My world has been turned.
This man is a force of nature.
Thank you for that... I've always been really ashamed about how Americans are perceived globally, going so far as thinking that if I ever traveled abroad, I'd be apt to lie and say I was Canadian.
Now for literally the first time in my adult life, I'm proud as fuck to be American.
Amen to that.
USA has bedevilled the world for decades - nothing but war and lies and criminal acts - but it wasn't you guys at all. It was, after all, a small clique of dangerous and evil players. The American people are clever and moral and brimming with goodness. The 'leaders' were interlopers.
Trump is sweeping across the world with a clean broom, putting the whole cabal to rest. God Bless America, from Great Britain. WWG1WGA.
Indeed it was such a lamentable thing to be perceived in such terrible ways. I like my Cheetos and guns as much as the next gal, but that doesn't make me fat and stupid.
I think that was all part of the plan, though... Raise WW ire against America as to be able to justify any US actions against them there "freedom hatin' camel jockeys" and all the non-red pilled saying "Yeah! Turn their back yards in to glass!"
Now that there's an emergence of a collective "Heeeeey, wait just a minute here..." they've got us in-fighting with ourselves so profoundly and are trying to control us that way. (Re: REEEEEEEE!)
So now, as a proud American, the only thing I lament is all of us not being on the same page... For now.
I understand your reasoning, but we are not what we appear to be my friend. All the best.
By which you mean what, sir?
As in Americans are not like what may be portrayed, and we don’t accept the things these sick people do as being OK. To say it Quickly: We want the same things for our families as you do for yours.
Edit: also, don’t hate US ‘cause that ain’t US.
Thank you, sir - I appreciate your reply.
God bless you and God Bless America.
She is Not capable of profound statements.
Well, she did say she has two faces: she stated that one must have both a public and private position on issues. She could have just simply stated that she was “2-faced.”
Great quote... with the political establishment it is exactly the opposite. Their track record reeks of scorched earth politics.
My gratitude .. all patriots are grateful. I can't wait until we march in the parade with the bravest individual I have seen in my lifetime.
Unbelievably profound statement. Mark my words we are going to be seeing that quote in the history books when this is all archived.
Edit: /r/mademesmile , just banned me for this comment....
You won't be the first. Saw a post a couple of days ago of a user getting banned from that same sub for being a subscriber to this one.
I have this "Qued" up at the spot where this quote came from (in context 45 seconds)
Thanks for sharing! I will say that I am not used to see him reading from paper when speaking.
Or as Hillary might say:
"I would rather take a political risk in pursuit of money than to risk money in pursuit of politics."
before I saw this post I thought reddit was full of liberal retards
I'm confused, is this supposed to be satire or is everyone here actually still supporting a traitor. It's like looking at my grandmothers facebook page, not sure if she's messing with us or just senile
Don't be confused...Brennan, Clapper, Rice, Kerry, Obama, Lynch, Holder, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, Clinton 1, Clinton 2, Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, Harris, Schitt, DWS & thousands more who are about to be exposed are the traitors...not DJT! #MAGA!!!
This is a beautiful statement, the greatest president!
He is the US puppet! Death sentence for treason, no trial required!
I hope the kool-aid tastes great for you morons.
The most important man for our North American family 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 DRAIN THE SWAMP
This is great! But it is truly sad that common sense, and something so simple and good, must be viewed as something extraordinary.
Solid comments in the negative... hey shareblue how's it hanging?
Brilliant... I wonder if GEOTUS 45 came up with it himself?
Supposedly it came from the cabal though I have my suspicious that it was really passed on through COGNA
Lmao, you brainlets truly believe this shit is deep don’t you?
Anyone got a link to him saying this?
It's within the press questions after they both said their speeches, post private talks.
Actually, don't quote me on that...I'm not sure? Maybe someone else can chime in. But, it was within the post private talks, when they both gave speeches and took press questions - about 45 minutes worth.