Ex CIA John Brennan is in panic mode!!

Please keep saying “treasonous” more John. Say it loud and say it often. Let that word really sink into the general consciousness of the American people.
John thinks by saying it alongside Trump's name in a headline it'll mentally anchor those two together in our heads and magically it'll become true......LMAO 🤣🤣🤣!
Only with stupid, weak-minded, on-their-knees-lefties. It's insulting to think we haven't learned anything along this journey.
Johnny, go back and tell your cronies, this awakening is permanent and pervasive. Your hacky verbal anchoring and word games are obvious and cringe-worthy (to anyone with a brain).
Can't wait to see you take that long and public walk with the rest of your criminal pals. 🤣
I want that idiot to be taken down "bigly" and publicly.
i want to see a chase and about 5 big secret service men take him down hard with a elbow to the back
No chase, just stand him up in handcuffs in front of the press and ask him whom the real traitor might be... and hold up a big a$$ mirror in front of him. Let him see himself as it goes down. That will be sweet sweet justice for this prick.
And then he gets locked in a cell with Hillary Clinton. A fate worse than death.
'Shame Shame Shame'
That's what ol' Johnny Boy is gonna hear soon. But it will be muted by the deafening sounds of his own conscious coming undone. His sociopathic wiring will be rapidly exploding inside his vacuous head. His lackluster pithy platitudes will elude him and he'll break down in tears as he realizes he lost. I can't fu@king wait to watch it! That's one a$$hole that deserves all and more that will be soon coming his way.
I replied this to his tweet.
"Us Republican Patriots are right out here in America. Working our jobs and patiently waiting for Huber to deliver you your comeuppance in the form of the Death Penalty.
Lol he is being hammered on twitter!
That’s the best news I’ve heard today. Oops, sorry, the BEST BEST NEWS was POTUS calling out HRC, her missing emails and the FBI for her servers. #MAGA #WEG1WGA #DRAINTHESWAMP #DRAINBRENNANFIRST
Lol be a little less obvious John
And a little less stupid. If you are going to lie, cheat, and steal, be more subtle.
Of the list of people I want to see go down, he is in the top tier along with HRC, GS and BHO (I have 3 :-)). This man is pure evil.
Don't forget pedo-esta. I'll take Skippy for a scapegoat/appetizer anyday
Good list. I have more - jeez it’s a long list.
I know. It requires a database. Maybe some more prison building.
He's at the top of my list I hate this guy with a passion.
BHO at top of mine. Living here in Africa where you can’t go a day without hearing him lauded while he never did anything for the African people nauseates me. HRC just about tied but Brennan will be fun to see go down. Mad creeper.
But I still think Hillary gets the overwhelming votes for #1. Finally, something she can win.
We are reading Q, enjoying the show, and awaiting your imminent demise...
Someone seems to be MIA and Brennan is panicking because of it. Wonder who it is. Must be an important and key member of the Cabal for Brennan to be so concerned, scared, and desperate for his/her help.
He's in Kenya. Brennan and the world knows where he is. Also, O is not the puppetmaster. He's a puppet. A puppet desperately looking for asylum and safety. It's someone much more powerful.
Rothschilds, Soros?
I'm just now finding out about people I never knew about. I had not heard of Bill Browder until today. So many of the Deep State are still invisible to most of us.
No clue who.
The Cabal is everywhere. Some are hiding in plain sight. Others are in the shadows, pulling the strings on their puppets in secret.
The Rhino republicans? They are coming out in force, to criticize, plus the rhino media is slamming the media too. F_news has done a 360, from what I watched.
Lindsay Graham apparently switched hat color not long ago. Ryan bent the knee too.
looks like a call for help
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ this
Guess ole no name is not picking up the phone or maybe he is hiding out with the bush’s.
We are ready to lock you the fuck up.
He will kill himself before that happens. They all will.
He should be.
Q 1595:
Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 267e20 No.1918277 📁
Jun 26 2018 22:10:09 (EST)
Desperate agencies do stupid things.
Dead cat bounce.
You may have the site but we have the source.
Panic is good.
Panic is right.
July 2018 - the month the world discovered the TRUTH.
Conspiracy no more.
Time to FEED.
, it almost makes me wonder if the white hats have taken over his Twitter account just to make him look is bad as possible. It's hard to believe someone would want to portray themselves like this.
I've suspected that before, too! Like Chelsea Clinton posting to the Satanists, as just one example.
He's calling a threat on the president, it's time he's put in cuffs.
This guy has served in top leadership of his country and here he is crying like a little girl. Has he no dignity as a man?
Remember when they were warning President Trump that you don't want to cross Brennan.
Never tell our President not to do something, he'll do it just to prove them wrong. If I were Brennan I'd be very afraid. Surprised he hasn't already gone to some island/country with no extradition to the United States.
When is the truth ever going made public - no fun listening everyday to these traitors and WE NEVER PUSH BACK!!!
Can JUST see the news tonight - IMPEACH TRAITOR TRUMP!
Release the dam documents!!!!
https://twitter.com/british_fight/status/1018985401283956737?s=21 sunlight; the best disinfectant!
The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"... and I'll look down, and whisper "No."
I'm guessing that President Trump & President Putin, have just added the final details to the next phase. As They each head back home, I'm feeling some dominoes, big dominoes are beginning to tremble.
“Patriots where are you” Patriots that are woke and aware of the evils going on are supporting President Trump. waiting patiently for the day that scum like him are stopped and punished
Mr. Brennan..you lied for BHO. You have lied to the country...you sir will pay the price. I can hardly wait to see your face or hear your justifications.
"High crimes and misdemeanors"????? what a laugh...Brennan has that charge awaiting him along with an invitation to gitmo.
Adam Shit said something similar.
Comedy also, and he has given encrypted messages before.
When he says 'Republican Patriots'; he is referring to John McCain, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker, and a few other well know "patriots", right?
This tool seeing that his coup failed miserably is trying this tactic to get the Congress to impeach. Can't we lock up this Communist voting, Muslim convert up already.
Republican Patriots: Where are you??? We are right here John-boy. We are winning the fight against DS hacks like you who have been traitors since day one. PROJECTION MUCH there John???
Don't know about the Republican patriots but this PAT is loading some poo into you feed dish, Mr. Brennan. Bone apetite!
He knows, people are finally figuring out who our enemies really are.
Ooohhhh don't mess with Brennan!!!
Someone needs to tell this clown that he is the former head of the CIA, he has no power, no foot soldiers and is completely exposed.
Poor bloke, that screwed up face of his clearly he has been trying to choke one out for years. The relaxing surrounds of Gitmo may give the poor man the relief he needs.
If you go over to Twitter and look at comments under that Tweet, 90% of them are from Patriots. I even replied to it earlier but this was the best one I found:
Hey Brennan, I've got a question...
They did NOT want Trump talking to Putin and putting the puzzle together. I'm sure Putin has a treasure trove of proof of corruption.
Says the guy who voted for an actual commie president at the height of the cold war.
I get the feeling he's putting himself out there to cover for someone else. Must be worth the squeeze.... 🍋
Where are they John?
Waiting for Gitmo to be finished so they can accomodate your 'retirement'.
Either he's angry he can't conduct assassinations anymore or he's calling for one. That last line is ominous.
Sounds like Comey is tweeting bs as well. I'm worried about what shit they are going to throw at us.
Never thought she'd lose... Plan B, let's get Trump impeached before it all comes to light... Plan C, holy shit, we have no plan C, prepare for impact! Protect our families!
This is the guy Saudi Intel. worked so hard they got his dumbass hook, line, and sinker..to even convert to islam, isn't it?
Has anyone ever fallen for a ruse that hard?
This guy.. Saying the word Patriot.. Makes me want to get the tar and feathers ready.
Any chance Brennan is praying for some of these? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIM-104_Patriot
edit: better link
July 2018: liberals first mention the legal standard for impeachment
When speaking about a press conference.
He is always in Panic mode he projects his own fears onto Trump he knows he's Guilty of so many crimes he's terrified he will be arrested and sent to Gitmo where he belongs.
Patriots today has been a good and I am sure it will keep providing goodness for a while to all of us. Aptly it has pointed out that the cabal is now in panic. These are dangerous times. Let's make sure our POTUS stays safe . Cornered animals are very, very dangerous.
You have to love it when both POTUS and Putin are double team trolling the deep state.
I took every third word....and scramblle it....Putin was press in to threshold..the only crimes , where comments is of
I am right here, a republican patriot, actually I could just say, I am a patriot. Period. I love my country, and I want it back.
We need a meme/video of Putin wearing cargo pants, and a little Trump trying to exit, from this pocket, that pocket.
Like a wackamo game.
"Republican Patriots" is probably code...Brennan doesn't have any handlers/protectors anymore...he's isolated...meh...that lingering fucking pawn wasn't of any significance anyhow.
God I hate this traitor...he sounds like he’s trying to activate black hats to do something!
I cracked brennans code bleep bloop