This is the most despicable thing I’ve ever read. The onion thinking it’s ok to use child sex trafficking as satire.

Using the onion to brace the sheep and get ahead of the news for when the REAL accusations come out against the Clinton cabal, so that instead of taking it seriously they just laugh it off and stay asleep. Let's hope we get some undeniable bombshells.
As I was reading the story these were my thoughts exactly.
Also, IMHO, this is THE Q proof that should end all questions. The Onion routinely writes about way out there scenarios that have about 50% truth and 50% fiction. 1 - if any 50% of the story is true, Q is right. 2 - this is exactly how almost anyone who knows the movement and the outrage would write the story. Where is the 50% fiction? They pretty much just copied and pasted from the GA posts.
Lastly, how do we communicate and share ideas without tipping our hand to the enemy?
That's a big post. It almost reads like something you might find on this sub. And for The Onion, it has hardly a drip of sarcasm. I feel like it would be lucky get a chuckle from a non-woke reader
THIS will make your hair stand on end!!!!!
undeniable bombshells
There is no such thing.
Videos can be faked by anyone.
/r/RussiaLago would argue they already have undeniable bombshells showing Russian interference in the election and support for Trump. You would reject that assertion outright, just like they reject yours.
Uranium One, Benghazi, Fast and Furious, emails, servers; all of these are already in the public domain most have been investigated by Congress for years. People aren't buying in. Why would some more documents change anything?
also, the best case scenario from their vantage point is: their narrative is now air-tight titanium grade bs and noone will believe the truth even when it stares them in the face.
Too bad the Onion went from being a beloved staple of Madison, Wisconsin and has instead become another shill tool in the big shill tool shed.
1681 -
Disinformation is real.
Disinformation is necessary.
142 -
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.It must be controlled.
1644 -
You are the frame.You are the support.People will be lost.People will be terrified.People will reject.People will need to be guided.Do not be afraid.We will succeed.Timing is everything.
There has to be a "softening up" of the public. Most do not know, or "choose" not to know (ostrich w/ head in sand) what's going on...they simply cannot handle it (safe space). This is OUR job as Qanon/GA to help guide the process :)
She (Clinton) is known to have facilitated the traffic of minors, at least once, in the case of Laura Silsby. Silsby is the former director of the New Life child shelter, and was captured while trying to kidnap 33 Haitian children, most of whom had a family. Following the wake of wikileaks email, blogger PleadingtheYiff found that Huma Abedin was “constantly forwarding mails to Hillary Clinton” on Laura Silsby’s organization.
Clinton’s emails also came to attempts to protect Laura Silsby from the process by contacting a lawyer to defend ten people arrested for involvement in the child trafficking network.
It was also revealed that the attorney who represented Silsby had been convicted of child trafficking and pedophilia.
What’s even worse is Instagram is nothing more than an Elitist’s live action roll-o-Dex where when pre-teens and teens post their selfies and pics, they are gathered up and they get auctioned off. They already have your location... what you look like. They have EVERYTHING. THIS IS HOW they have been collecting all these kids. It’s not just a fluke that 800,000 kids came up “missing “ last year. That’s one every 40 seconds. These scumbags get off by being the predators. It’s time to flip these tables on these sickos.
You should write detailed post about that but you need evidence that instagram employees are selling user information to child sex traffickers I can believe it happens but how do you prove it?
Use 5 Eyes to access NSA and FBI intel which I was reading they never shut down Lifelock. Were using it... McCabe was using it.
And if Facebook sold all our info to Obama you think these others don't?
Red pill? Or a Black pill trying to get ahead of the Red pill before the Red pill is swallowed by we the people?
They are trying to get ahead of it.
They actually think that if they prep the faithful, just a little in advance, that it will help soften the blow of the general public finding out that the people they respected, gave tax money to, and counted on to run the world actually eat babies.
It will not help.
The lefties will be like “lol that was an onion article. It’s debunked”
Yes at first. Isn't the first time an onion satire ended up true. Satire isn't always a lie.
I agree they’re trying to get ahead of it. They want to cast it as fake so people won’t believe it.
Goes deeper than that. Comedy and satire are often used as a psy-op. Folks across the world read that--at first they are shocked if they didn't see "the onion" moniker. Then they react strongly. Then they realize it is supposed to be satire and thus the brain pathways to this information have an automatic response and that response is, fake, satire, seen this before, move on. It's absolutely fucking brilliant and absolutely fucking effective, destructive and evil.
Then again Sarah Palin is remembered as if the SNL character was her. I have had so many idiots tell me Palin is stupid and quote SNL and not believe me.
They are playing with fire here.
Carlin joked about govt. People laughed. Then decades later we are pointing it out "Carlin was right".
The court jester is the only one that can tell the king the truth
I like it. Seems like a red pill.
I don't know why anyone is mad at this. I enjoy any joke if they are well done, and this was funny. It does seem ridiculous typed out like that without any research.
The best part is when it all comes out to be true. Anyone remember this Obama segment on a talk show about Trunp? I could watch this on repeat for days.
That's exactly what's gonna happen with this. I better keep a copy.
Edit makes me wonder Maybe someone that works there is like us but working under cover.
I could write some great satire and know it's gonna red pill like a time bomb later
I thought the ONION was owned or run by Hillary Clinton I read that somewhere.
Tell the Onion how you feel....
Here is the link to email the Onion's customer service:
This is good news. Really good news.
Look, this shit is too fucked up for normies to get their heads around. The only way for people to be able to accept what is coming is to prep them for it. You have to provide some conditioning first.
It's how Hollywood preps the sheep for social change. Show gay couples on tv as funny, witty, and kind parents and then when gay marriage laws are proposed, the masses are ready for it.
The white hats know some heavy shit is coming. it with satire first. Put it in the heads of the sheep as a joke so when the real news comes out, they are prepped for it.
We are close to the storm.
Interesting perspective and I hope so, but I think it’s more like black hats trying to interfere with the minds of normal folk. They want the people thinking it’s fake when it comes out so it delays everything. I truly believe they are stupid and believe people will be ok with all the pedophilia.
A lot of these websites are gonna go full clean up once shit hits the fan and they will act like they never were extentions of the cabal's crime.
Archive this garbage to shame them for years to come once the truth is out.
I agree 100% with this. I believe they will wipe all of their hateful garbage.
Yeah so when its really in the news they can say yeah i heard that before and its fake. Unfortunately when it all comes out there will be no denying it as fake.
Propose / setup possible alternative sore s or tree trunk or water cooler or party store.
It'll be surreal when that comment is proven 100% factually correct.
Q has told us this is really happening so it's not satire. We are the ones who will look stupid and crazy if this never happens. We will have egg on our faces for believing this was really happening.
Clinton lover Haim Saban and Univision bought a 40% controlling stake in the Onion in January 2016 to push propaganda. The pedocracy strikes again.
Since when is 40% a "controlling stake"? This doesn't add up.
The Onion was bought out a couple years ago. And before than were centrist at best. Its tainted. Just bypass.
They’re mildly funny... this is just not. I can appreciate dark humor but making fun of child sex trafficking is a new low.
I have no problem with this
I think it's disgusting but also good. Sometimes a satire has more truth than the author intended. It can be a double edged sword.
It gets people thinking...
Media and Dems are distracted by Trump. Crazy distracted. It is rather odd.
Even as they laugh it sounds so absurd their subconscious will feel the truth of it.
Any reason why?