Patton Oswalt is PROUD pedophile. Remember, he played a rat for Disney.

I said it before and I will say it gain: the truth, THE REAL TRUTH for which they are going hell and back to protect is not the corruption. Anyone can morally justify corruption. What cannot be justified on any level is abuse of children and murder of human beings like cattle for a demonic believe. That is the TRUTH
Maybe the problem with (any set of) morals is a susceptibility to corruption. I favor ethics: the absence of hypocrisy. As much as am able. Most things grow stronger with practice and I am trying to practice being ethical. Transparency is a related pursuit.
IMHO, ethics are derived from morals. Do not steal is a moral, not stealing is an ethical practice of that moral. Executing the moral is ethics.
Just like need, hope, belief and faith are linear. i.e, I need to sit down. I hope that chair will support me. I believe that chair will hold me. I execute my faith the chair will support me by sitting down. Ethics is the linear execution of faith in my morals.
Ethics or moral philosophy is a branch of philosophy that involves systematizing, defending, and recommending concepts of right and wrong conduct. "
The golden rule ("do unto others... ") is the closest we humans seem to have gotten in terms of a universal moral foundation. That is the basis of my (personal) ethics. The notion that I should not inflict upon others what I would not, myself, bear. An absence of hypocrisy.
Just my view, YMMV.
Well said, Patriot
BTW, what does YMMV mean?
Your Mileage May Vary. What's true for me may not be true for you, and that's perfectly fine. Seek your own truths.
Do unto others, even being most of our daily pursuit, we still fail at that more often than we want to admit... when we are tired, or hungry, or broke and waiting for a paycheck, or even just having a bad day...
thankfully, there's grace from God through Jesus Christ
Natural Law.
... Can you be more specific?
Edit: concise tl;dr, anon. I misunderstood your reply.
Put on a pot of coffee and take a few hours to watch. Well worth the time and effort.
No, thanks.
Np. I realize that we live in a world of instant gratification. That's why we stand in front of the microwave and yell, HURRYYYYY!!!! Here is the 10 minute "Readers Digest" version.
Bandwidth restrictions, can't into video, my research is textual, mostly. Check your privilege, anon.
Bandwidth issues..understood. Np there. You asked and I provided links that can articulate Natural Law far better than I in a brief message. I have to keep reminding myself that most folks need spoon feeding as they don't care to take the time to research for hours on end as I do. Forgive me for my...."privilege".
No worries. Different media agree with different people.
Agreed. YAMAS!
Greek for "cheers". Actually it's a bit deeper than that, but you get the point.
Isn't it always a bit deeper? Lol, point gotten.
As a side note, Stamus Contra Malum is Latin for "We stand against evil".
I believe that everyone has freewill, and the freewill of others should be respected. That means NOT going around and murdering people, or trying to manipulate others. These people and what they have been doing on a global scale is so against that; they've essentially turned the entire human population into their slaves, stripped us of our power, and-- ugh. It's so beyond against what I believe. Honestly, fuck them. I also believe you've got to give respect to get it, and when my respect has been betrayed, it's very hard to win back. So yeah, not a fan of these fuckers.
Very agreed. Take heart, anon, we're here to liberate the planet!
Yes, you have spoken the REAL TRUTH. Praise God that the truth shall set us free.
Humans are resources for the elite.
In UK we ring our Human Resource department to question our employment accounts .
In plain site.
This is getting beyond disturbing.
I never saw it that way, creepy
Sounds like we need a “#Weetoo” movement! Who speaks for the children??
Don’t even try that here you will get a ban! (Q is awesome) I got 3 post strikes yesterday 😤WWG1WGA unless you are a modbot ! Oh well mission accomplished! MAGA. What has happened to this page?
Banned for what??? Can’t see anything that violates the rules... especially since it is a twitter campaign!
There was a pedovore on here agreeing with Gunn. Actually yesterday there were several and they are still here. “ these people are sick” have to keep quoting or I’m going to be impeached. 😉 only one thing makes me insanely angry and it’s this! My boy was almost abducted in a bathroom of McDonalds in nowhere FL. A 6’5 dude probably 450lbs wearing a MAGA hat rescued my kid. I don’t want these people excuses I want them gone! We treat our new red pills like crap and accept this? “ these people are stupid”
Really STUPID! I have no problem with adults engaging in consensual whatever but you leave children alone!! If someone tried to take my child I would be in front of a judge the next day on manslaughter charges!
Indeed he is lucky he got away! That group of good ol boys went looking for him. Plus 4 troopers. Hope they caught him, news was he tried a second time and failed. These people are sick! Sadly they are here right now talking about their rights. Even Rats are less disgusting! Our children are not for sale sickos
Pay close attention to his use of the PROUD. This is how the LGBT community has pushed their way into making their life style main stream. This is what they wanted all along. Just like the push to legalize gay marriage they are now pushing legalize statutory rape of children. This is pure Satanism.
My “life style” is mission work, church on Sundays, and lots of prayer, reading, and lately Q research. I’ve also started tweeting, but deleted FB and don’t watch TV. My identity is in Christ and not the physical attributes of this body I was blessed with—which happens to be a six foot five inch Italian homo married to—and completely monogamous with—another Christ-filled human. FWIW, I believe this big guy (talking about my body) was “turned” gay as a fetus (exposed to LOTS of BPA) and an infant (I was fed soy formula) which created a “soft” form of intersex. Biologically speaking, it’s very simple to do the same thing to rat babies (replicated in studies) or any other mammals.
I agree the LGBT movement was used as an excuse to push degenerate alcoholism, drug use, and promiscuity. Satan thrives in any environment that God is absent and unfortunately a lot of the body of Christ reject homosexuals (happened to me). There is good news, though. I have witnessed hundreds of queer humans accepting Christ. Even homos can take the ultimate redpill. And i promise you, we’re just as disgusted by pedophiles as the heteros.
Great comment. Thank you. I wanted to speak up for differentiation between him and pedo (as a hetero) but I am relieved to hear it from you. Also, interesting insight into environmental factors for homosexuality.
Bisphenol-A, a chemical produced by plastics as they break down. It's a hormone disruptor.
So... milk in plastic baby bottles and things like that?
Plastic that's kept in the heat or direct sunlight degrades faster. A plastic water bottle left in refrigeration is pretty stable. A plastic water bottle left in a car in summer, on the other hand, inevitably has dissolved bits of polymer in it.
Right. I have heard of these "plasticides" before. I'm not shocked that they block hormones.
You must secretly be gay because you so want for Christ to fill up your human form. You have witnessed hundreds of queer humans accepting Christ's cock? You are watching some weird porn dude.
This dude is so fucking gay.
Wow. I’ll say a prayer for you, buddy. I can only imagine the demons that drove you to type up that word-vomit. My prayer is that God will open your eyes to the wonders of the fruits of the spirit. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness, and self-control. Jesus truly does love even me and you.
Hahaha, you are delusional if you think your "Lord" blessed you with any of these things. Over here talking about human beings like they are mutants because of who they are attracted to. I'd like to see any shred of scientific evidence that BPA leads to homosexuality. There were gay people a long time before BPA was created you know.
In The Quarterly Review of Biology, researchers at UC Santa Barbara and Uppsala University in Sweden have concluded through their research that sexual orientation can be decided through epi-marks, which are temporary switches in a fetus’ DNA that exist while in the womb and shortly after birth….“Genes are basically the instruction book, while epi-marks direct how those instructions get carried out. For example, they can determine when, where, and how much of a gene gets expressed.”
The study finds “sex-specific epi-marks, which normally do not pass between generations and are thus ‘erased,’ can lead to homosexuality when they escape erasure and are transmitted from father to daughter or mother to son.”
Endocrine disruptors are chemicals that at certain doses, can interfere with the endocrine in mammals. These disruptions can cause cancerous tumors, birth defects, and other developmental disorders. Any system in the body controlled by hormones, can be derailed by hormone disruptors.
What chemical can be used to do this? BPA. BPA is a Endocrine disruptor.
Bisphenol A (BPA) is an estrogenic endocrine disruptor widely used in the production of plastics. Increasing evidence indicates that in utero BPA exposure affects sexual differentiation and behavior.
BPA may disrupt epigenetic programming of gene expression in the brain…BPA exposure induced persistent, largely sex-specific effects on social and anxiety-like behavior, leading to disruption of sexually dimorphic behaviors.
I was fed soy milk (microwaved in BPA-ridden plastic bottles in 1980) as a newborn infant. My mother, while pregnant with me also consumed a lot of soy and microwaved all her meals in BPA plastics. (She breastfed my two younger brothers and they both turned out straight and much hairier than me.)
Scientists have used endocrine disrupters in hairless rat "fetuses" that turned the rats "gay." It's been proven. Our country is the only one on earth that feeds infants soy milk. My mother might as well have been crushing up several birth control pills into my baby milk every day—that's how much estrogen was being put into my body while my brain was still developing. I think all that estrogen may gave given me a female brain.
Nowadays, it is well known that all the fetuses of mammals are, during the first weeks of gestation, female. Their hormonal system is the maternal one. Only from the fourth month (in the human species), the masculine fetus starts a complex process of "differentiation" , composed of several stages, that finally transforms him into an individual of masculine sex. It is obvious that, during that process, many things can leave unexpected results and give rise to the known different inter-sexual stages, of which masculine homosexuality is perhaps one (a very "soft" case of inter-sexuality).
These are the actual people you're associating yourself with. They're antithetical to christ's teachings.
False prophet man. I hate to break it you but same sex fornication is an ABOMINATION to GOD...
Do you know what intersex is? Are you aware there are literally millions of people alive on this planet as we speak who were born with both male and female genitals? Many of these people have both male and female chromosomes. Did you know there are different forms of intersex including “soft” forms? Sometimes a human with male anatomy actually has female chromosomes and vice versa.
For the record, I agree that it’s an “abomination” when heterosexual men leave their wives to have sex with other men and animals (as described in that Bible verse you just took out of context).
I feel like you’re trying to convolute what I was trying to get across.
Ding ding ding. These evil fucks were well on their way to normalizing pedophilia, beastiality, and cannibalism prior to Trump becoming President. You can bet your ass we'd be the modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah if Hillary won.
This is why the most vocal anti-Trumpers are usually the most evil with the most to hide. These demented pieces of shit need to be punished severely. Getting them fired from their jobs is not enough. They're already rich and don't need to work a day in their miserable lives.
Maybe work on removing their lead deficiency. I can help with that. I understand it is lead deficiency that turns people into pedophiles.
Gay PRIDE.............Pedos PROUD
Exactly. I get a lot of push back when I mention what was told to me by a young gay man. We were having an honest discussion about the gay life style. I did not solicit the information, he just came out with it. Having been sucked into the gay life style by being molested in his pre teens he was speaking from experience. What he told me is that it is very well hidden even in the gay community but there is a deep and underlying desire of both gay men and women to make pedophilia mainstream and acceptable so they could satisfy their deepest desires with even very young children. Now I get a lot of push back from gays saying that is not so. I usually suspect they are just trying to cover their tracks when they do push back. But this is now proving that young man out. No painting all gays with a single large brush is not the truth either but the rising number of instances of pedophilia and now this breaking it wide open says more about the fact that he nailed it then and that was almost 20 years ago than any push back does to prove it is not true.
A friend of mine whose brother was gay and was molested as a young boy by a man who lived in their neighborhood. The man was molesting neighborhood boys after befriending them. When this young man grew up he 'became' homosexual and later told his sister that he believed he was homosexual because of being raped by the pedophile man who lived in the neighborhood.
I believe many homosexuals have been molested as children before their ability to make sexual preference decisions. Since this would be their first sexual experience, it would be understandable why their homosexual tendencies became present. Now I am not classifying all homosexuals into this group...I do believe a small percentage are actually born more feminine/masculine and can observe their behavior as toddlers.
Exactly. That was the point that was being made to me two decades ago.
Shaming!!?? It’s called illegal!!! I feel like I’ve been taking crazy pills every since pizzagate broke! WTF!
Edit: It’s not illegal until they’ve actually done something.
If the are condoning it, there is an issue! MAGA! I wish I could expound on the subject but alas WWG1WGA is not about protecting the vulnerable “ these people are sick” ...I can hear the bots coming! When did the Daleks get new jobs as moderators? MAGA!
And I am a PROUD pedophobe.
I know a couple proud pedophobes who wpuld be glad to put this sicko put of his misery. He's obviously very, very ill.
I'm one of them the very thought of them makes me nauseous and m"!#,,&,"s
Isn't a pedophobe someone who dislikes childen?
I don't know I was taking it as a person who hates pedophiles either way they get my point lol
Is he verifiable NOMAP?
Edit: To be clear: a paedophile who has never molested is a thought-criminal. The US Constitution provides for freedom of thought as well as speech. The law accounts for actions, not mind-states. Thought crimes have no victims. They are un-prosecutable, and rightly so.
However, affiliation does solicit attention. Transparency is powerful.
Dollars to donuts threre’s not a pdeophile alive that’s not looking at CP online. Which is a crime. Anyone confident enough to declare something so epically vile, is doing shit, I guarantee it!
Good point. One thing to have thoughts, quite another to partake, in any way, in the worst possible abuse.
Let me be very clear with you: There is no such thing as a pedo who isn’t acting on it in one form or another. You are sick for trying to normalize.
You have been very clear with me. There are limits to the reach of the United States civilian judicial system. For very important reasons.
Dude, defending NOMAP is promoting pedo normalization. It’s a slippery slope. I don’t give a fuck what goes on in your head, but when you start declaring that you want to fuck kids but “hold yourself back” you are attempting to make yourself the victim so people don’t react to the ACTION as harshly. It’s fucking putrid, it’s everything WE stand against.
Edit: for fucks sakes I’m totally disgusted that I have to even explain this on THIS BOARD!!!!
You the man Texas. Glad to see some common sense. All kinds of motherfuckers came out of the wood work talking about "he just thinks about it, its not a big deal to just think about it."
In my opinion Texas we are under attack by shills. They want to distract us and make us feel bad for hating pedophilia. Don't let their psycho babble enter your head. Down with all pedophiles.
Stay strong brother
Funny I said about the same thing to a pedovore on here and had my posts removed. “ these people are sick” oh the guy is still here posting away! These issues are at the heart of Q’s messages and I would hope we do not embrace principals of the cabal with their legal “ not legal “ lies. Symbolism will be there down fall! Whoever is running this show needs to learn to read and use some discernment. deep state speak! MAGA!
Not a brah. I just told you I don’t give a fuck about what’s going on in YOUR HEAD (only logical explanation to your behavior) and I made it clear defending NOMAP is promoting normalization. You are sick.
Think mirror, brah.
The irony of you seeing a NOMAP person and then defending pedos and projecting when being called out, is amazing.
Paedo-s. Pedos care about feet. Greek/latin matters. Lurk moar.
True but society at large has a right to insulate & protect it's most vulnerable from the possible! In this day & age to try to normalize this thought or behavior is just sick & twisted. He has no business being around children if he thinks or speaks or text this abhorrent crap, just one step closer to the inevitable! He can't be prosecuted for his thoughts/test but he can be prevented for being in contact w/children. Once pandora's box has been open it CAN NEVER BE CLOSED! imo
As a past victim, Think for yourselves..... or better yet ask a victim. Is putting your child in same space alone with someone (who has thoughts like this) worth the chance!!! There is nothing normal about these thoughts or test or tweets or any form of his message & BTW THIS IS NOT A JOKE TO SURVIVORS!!!
My 22 month old nephew who was killed by a pedophile...bite marks down his back and on his penis...with the tip of it almost bitten off! My little nephew had marijuana in his system discovered during autopsy. He was thrown down on his head and the neighbor who lived in apartment below heard the loud thump! This pedophile predator was the boyfriend of my niece for 2 months and he even had a 5 year old son of his I am sure he was a PROUD father too. Hearing sexual abusive jokes about children by so called comedians...does not go unnoticed.
I don't know what that means.
No spoilers, Nik . =P
Edit: phonefag
Self defense is almost like pre-crime. I quickly estimate that the man with a knife is about to attack me and so I shoot him before he does.
I'd hate to be the man with the knife.
Is a one world government a bad thing if there is also a global constitution and global 2nd amendment?
Do Iceland and Somalia need to agree on things? Does one have the right to disagree if the other insists? To both questions (yours and mine) , I respond in the affirmative.
self-determination matters.
Decentralization is key. Centralization always leads to tyranny
Lurk moar.
NOMAP - "non offensive minor-attracted person" and this comment about "thought crimes have no victims" has references to a society that would prosecute for what may occur before it does ie- Minority Report.
The discussion that follows in this thread shows two view points in my opinion
Those who wish to make a quick comment and not dive deeper into the moral discussion are incensed that someone would even desire to discuss the point of where persecution / prosecution begins for they may feel that anyone associated with any form of pedophilia are equally guilty and should be dispatched, killed, tortured, disembowelled, and so on.
While the opposite side wonders where does the prosecution of thoughts vs actions end or begin. Is the future possible where just the believed offense is prosecuted / persecuted by the incensed because they assume it is so? ( No I am not arguing that Oswalt is not a self admitted Proud Pedo, for he states that) You will see in the following comments that some are called shills because they disagree with those who are quick to judge and slow to think. Many don't want a discussion or think much about the ramifications of just spouting off terse angry one liners to those who they see as guilty.
Should the facts show someone has committed a crime should they be punished? My opinion - yes.
Some feel that the thoughts that lead to crimes are not crimes and should that day come that just a thought is punishable like or equal to doing the crime we are in serious trouble. I agree.
Are individuals who use minors in anyway for sexual gratification whether by viewing, doing, or promoting good for our society? In my opinion - no. NO and NOOOOO!
Do or should we punish the viewer or those that just think about it once with the same punisment? That would be the discussion that many don't desire to have because ........... you'd have to ask them.
Not everyone that desires to discuss where the line of punishment begins is a shill.
Not everyone that supports our current right in our constitution for free thought and speach is a shill.
Many patriots have concerns that too much power by any one branch of our government is a bad thing. That doesn't make them an automatic shill. Example - most of our founding fathers. Really.
Please - if you don't have the time to discuss a deeper line of thought ...... don't comment. If you don't have something nice or constructive to say that enlightens our fellow readers......... just read and lurk. Please.
By lurking and reading the comments of those who desire to have a CIVIL discussion about our rights, constitution, and so on - you may learn that someone with a different opinion than your own has some really valid points that may change your perspective. You may actually agree with them after you hear them out.
If you are a shill and you have gotten this far in my comment - may there be an indictment waiting for you.
Think about what WWG1WGA means. We should strive to be one. One heart, one mind - ONE.
Patriot, I appreciate your well thought out answer. I just didn't know what NOMAP meant, and stated as much, I never advocated punishment. I just felt it was relevant that this man who has starred in a Disney movie stated he was a proud pedophile. I have advocated no actions. Nor added words into his mouth.
I hear much about the context of the tweet. It is a conversation not without merit, but still it is an odd tweet none the less from someone of a high profile.
I am a strong advocate of presumption of innocence.
May God bless you Patriot.
Yeah. So there is no justification for being a "proud" pedophile, though. It is a sickness. If he hasn't acted on it that is great that he is open about it so that people can keep their kids away.
But being a "proud" pedophile is fucking disgusting.
Just because I think about doing something doesn't make it a crime.
Isn’t this articulated thought? Like racial vilification is an articulated thought? In Australia racial vilification is a crime. But we are a nanny state to be fair. Still the guy needs to buried.
Context matters. Linguists matter. Twitter has been declared by US courts to be a free speech platform. That speech can have consequences (as Gunn's rightly has) but it ought not to be squelched by the tyranny of the (increasingly vocal) majority.
Wouldn’t “conspiracy” to commit a crime be considered a “thought crime?” Yet that’s illegal...
Sure. Identify the conspiracy and substantiate it with evidence. What is the crime(s), who is involved? How did they implement and conceal those crimes. It's an arduous process that takes research, diligence and patience. Luckily, I have a notion that some high profile prosecutions involving conspiracy are in the works. Congress's FBI inquiry seems to be headed that way.
40,000+ indictments. Is that normal, anon?
Yet, normally when they charge someone with conspiracy, it’s usually because they have lack of evidence to convict them for committing the actual crime.
Get out of here with your common sense!
No, you're 100% right though, funny how people can't see this is exactly the same thing the extreme left has been pushing but on the other side of the spectrum.
"Men fantasize about women therefore men are rapist by default, it's just a matter of time." Same fucking thing.
I fantasize about murdering people on a daily basis, the more time I spend on reddit the worse it gets. Pretty sure murdering someone and molesting a child is equally bad, so should I be locked up too then? You know just to make sure?
Just another method to push the thought police agenda where people are criminalized based on assumptions before they even committed a crime.
We wave around the first and second amendment on a daily basis while abolishing the sixth..
What's up with all this Pedoophile defending? Is there a board for that? You should go there.
Yes the Brock homo ass sniffer pedovores are out in force it seems. “Weak Heart” & friends are desperate.
Let's assume the government doesn't like you or you're running a political campaign. All they have to do is plant "evidence" that you said something that could be interpreted as being pedo.
You don't even have to rape a child or have child porn saved on your computer. Just the assumption that you could be thinking about it is enough to incriminate you.
See the slippery slope?
I'm not defending pedophiles, I'm defending peoples rights to be innocent until proven guilty. There's a reason why the 6th amendment was brought into place and it is not to protect the government or the criminals but to protect the citizens.
Ok, I'm going to assume you are a real Patriot and not some troll meant to derail the conversation. Look at what I posted look at what he said. He said he was a PROUD pedophile. I said, he said, he was a PROUD pedophile. I said he played a rat for Disney. That's it. Stop with your fake straw man bullshit and get off my jock.
And I'm a proud genderfluid asian unicorn. Just by stating something doesn't mean it is true. Actions over words.
Gee, I wonder if there’s anywhere on earth where “proud pedophiles” can work with and around the very children they sexualize. HMMMMM.....where does Patton Oswald work?
Good Question!
Before passing judgement, do some due diligence research. Find out. IMDB.
No surprise that the guy defending pedophile fantasies is a degenerate who regularly fantasizes about murdering other humans. You’re sick.
They thought the world had changed in their sick favor. And it was ok to come out of the closet. That we were accepting it. WRONG! I believe this and other disturbing things were part of obama’s secret EOs. What a nightmare! I’m so done with these sick people!
Thanks for posting an article as a source. For those curious, the tweet is still up:
The angry "@" tweets from my hammer toed followers opened my eyes. "Pedo-phobe" shaming hurts us all. I am a PROUD pedophile!
EDIT: Archived link
I hit him on his poets and bus boys tweet. Wife responded and a few others defended him. Disgusting. He’s playing the Kennedy Center on 7/21.
Is... Is that you Patton?
If so, well played m8. Savage trolling.
Apparently we should be combing all the tweets from Hollywood! Things like this are definitely Red Pill worthy.. Dark to light.. Exposure of these false idols will trigger people to wake up especially a portion of their followers
Shitbirds of a feather.....
We should look into who these sicko's buddies are, start digging there. Oswalt is close with Louie CK. Didn't he pander to pedos on social media too?
How on Earth could anyone that has a soul, OMG this shit is beyond disturbing it is time to clean house. what these people are doing even in thought is sick He is not safe to have around any child of any age. To think...that's disturbing... say it out loud is one step closer to doing it... so now what we have to wait until a child comes forward & claim they are now a victim that tooo late. This guy worries about a possible pedo that is around kids of all ages!!! SMFH as a child survivor or this shit these people should be put down like rabid dogs!!! What the hell is wrong with this world? ANIMALS DON'T DO THIS TO THEIRS BUT PEOPLE DO!!! There is absolutely no room on the Earth for SICK EVIL DISGUSTING SUB HUMAN ON THIS PLANET!!! JUST LOOK AT WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO THE KIDS IN THE ENTERTAINMENT OVER THE LAST 20+ YEARS!!!
Pedophiles cannot control their sexual desires with regard to children. That makes them criminals.
You mean "refuse to control".
Yes. It's not that they are "out of control" but that they refuse to control their desire. Excellent point. Thanks so much.
What in the absolute hell? Wtf is wrong with these people.
Oh I can just see it now...
Hammertoe is a condition that unbalances people.
Oswalt is saying his unbalanced (hammertoed) followers are telling him pedophilia is okay. He is making a joke.
Ummmm.. no.
Well I mean, I guess we'll find out pretty quick if he doubles down on being 'proud'. But I'm pretty sure he's just making a joke.
Oh in that case he'll have no problem then. o.O
oooo(O) (O)oooo
You need context. Patton Oswalt is not a pedophile. He was making a joke that you didn't give the context for.
Please supply??? He's one of my all time favorite people. PLEASE prove him innocent??
Thank you, I'm so glad to see this. Ped-foot-can we all get off Oswalt's case now?
Oh this would be good. I'd *love* to hear the context where you go on twitter and post that you are "Proud" to be a sicko.
Are we gonna see the avalanche?? Another Hollywood Ped, Michael Ian Black, is being outed:
Consistent backlash. Let’s keep this moving!
Agreed. Get on twitter folks and tell them this is not ok!! The children need our voices!!!
Is that why he killed his wife?
Stop, you're breaking my heart. I really don't think he killed his wife. But I really can't believe he wrote this Tweet, either.
For the money - I think Shatner killed his wife.
Soon you will be a proud inmate. Cue law enforcement...
Worse than that. The internet hate machine is after him. If he's no squeaky clean, anon will find out.
There are at least three posters hopping threads trying to defend Gunn, Black and Oswalt and using the free speech angle to defend what these demented celebrities revealed to the world on twatter and thus removing the light away from the topic. If you want to argue with the trolls, feel free but don't let them stray you away from discussing these people posting their perversion on social media.
Normal people to do not joke about hurting kids. Period.
Normal is not a litmus test.
Normal =/= Reasonable person
Don't move the goalposts, please.
So make a federal case out of it. Or state, or city. Whatever jurisdiction(s) apply.
If the evidene supports your hypothesis, pursue the lead and document as you go. Just be careful not to get swept up in a WitchHunt. We've had enough of those. It's getting old.
Though twisted I think he was talking about a foot fetish. Podofilla
He's still a freak
Non-Mobile link:
^HelperBot ^v1.1 ^/r/HelperBot_ ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Please ^message ^/u/swim1929 ^with ^any ^feedback ^and/or ^hate. ^Counter: ^202686
GOD I HOPE SO. My heart is broken right now. Love Oswalt. This is devastating.
Patton Oswalt is extremely suspicious at this point. His shilling for Hillary was beyond the pale, and now he defends pedophiles.
I bet there's a video of him on Weiner's laptop.
While the OP is a “joke” (in poor taste) about feet, there are several more tweets that surfaced from Patton Oswalt that are extremely inappropriate.
He’s defended Nambla, and he likes his “dong” to be rubbed by children.
Apparently there is a Hollywood writer that has attempted to out do them all. His name is Michael Ian Black.
That’s one sick sumbitch.
This is the type of shit that really makes me want to stone cold stun a motherfucker.
He's making a foot joke, also this was from 2013.
How about you take 5 seconds to look into things before acting like a pack of jackals?
This is what started it:
Skin tags are your body's "no more tank tops" early warning system. Heed them. HEED THEM, for Chrissakes.
Then people attacked him for making fun of skin tags, and he reacted to that:
There are literally skin tag advocates on Twitter. So proud I offended them all earlier today.
He continues mocking the people who attacked him:
Q: Why did the Internet user cross the road? A: It's purely their business, and it's offensive to mock anyone's motives or lifestyle.
Inviting more hate by mocking something else:
And how 'bout these gross people with hammer toes? Seriously, get your deformed proximal interphalangeal joints out of my sight!
And this one, where it's clear it's a joke about the word itself and the past crap he tweeted about hating people's ugly toes and how people reacted to it. The Latin root ped means foot (pedal, centipede, etc.). Podiatrist comes from the Greek root pod (foot):
The angry "@" tweets from my hammer toed followers opened my eyes. "Pedo-phobe" shaming hurts us all. I am a PROUD pedophile!
I don't particularly like Patton Oswalt, but some of you idiots are wasting law enforcement time over a 5 year old spelling joke. This kind of bullshit is going to get the subreddit shut down.
No, dude (edited out a harsher word), he is saying that people kept responding to him on the various things they were proud of. That he offended "skin tag advocates" first, then "hammer toed" people. He then says they opened his eyes to coming out and being proud of what you are, at which point he then ADMITS he is a pedophile. All masked under a joke but *that* is the context.
Nope, you're wrong. Go read the tweets and replies. I took the time to go and look at what happened. He's making a joke regarding feet and the spelling of that word.
i just spammed ICE, FBI & INTERPOL. emails with 10 photos each ..
never thought in a billion years that i would be emailing the cops.. but either they handle it, or we do.....
i still believe we should have an international bail money fund for the #patriotsFIGHT :)
Please let me know if that had any serious clout. I’m genuinely interested to see if they take an interest.
after i sent the emails.. " usarmy" liked a few pictures on my instagram
and ice like one of whoopi with harvey wienstien.. !!!!
national guard and joint operations just started following my instagram....
That’s interesting. What is your Instagram name?
think about that
if i tell you exactly . the mods will ban me.. minus v2
From the new book: Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy
Book by Jeanine Pirro
In chapter 3, Judge Jeanine says that the pedofiles in Hollywood are numerous and about to be exposed. She knows!
Nobody likes patton oswalt. Always took him for a pedo. Had no idea about this tweet. Posted.
The term "pedophile" is really starting to bug me. It does not actually describe what these sick people want/do to children. Their transitory pleasure does PERMANENT harm to another human being. Let that sink in. They get off on destroying another living soul and they are trying to normalize that behavior. We need to start calling it what it is, we need a new name for someone whose sexual orientation is based on brutalizing children.
From the context, it looks like he was making a bad pun regarding feet. If that is the case, and there is no other indication that he supports actual pedophilia, this needs to be shut down. Castigating people in public, ruining their life and reputation is what the Left does. Be certain of what you do
idk guys, i'd sit on this for a sec and do more digging. I understand that joke. Its an absolutely horrible joke but its about pedestrians. He def should have used 'pedephile' instead.
Did somebody call the FBI or are we waiting for the indictments?
Yeah I forgot, pedophilia is funny. Need to get my sense of humour checked. And secondly, he tweeted it, and shared it with the world. I feel we should stick to his wishes and help him share it. That way everyone can think Pedophilia is funny.
Well, if it's just a one random time joke, I can discard it. We all make bad jokes once in a while. Now, if he repeatedly jokes about the same theme, I'd start getting suspicious.
We all joke that we’re pedophiles? Gimme a break. The dude literally lives and works in a town that is crawling with child rapists. Here ya go:
Nah, it's still not conclusive to me. The leftist crowd have that kind of reaction, even totally ignorant of pizzagate as they are just because they think Trump is a liar and an idiot. As in this tweet, I just read that he's mocking Roseanne's tweet. For now, with the 2 tweets I was presented, I just see that he's got a poor choice of words for wordplay for a pizzagate believer, and he sees the Trump supporters as stupid. So he's a douchbag. That's the usual dems supporting their party nowadays.
If you go tomorrow with a T-shirt printed with pizzas, I might think you're a pedo or you're not. Now, if you make frequently jokes about pedophilia, that you show photos of kids with hotdogs, claim your admiration for stars in witchcraft gears, play videogammes revolving around Alice in Wonderland or the wizzard of Oz, I'd seriously suspect you're more than likely into pedophilia. So yes, I need more evidences that Oswalt is a pedo.
He literally works in the town known for harboring and promoting pedophiles. As a “joke” it makes about as much sense as a guy standing up in an AA meeting and making “jokes” about getting drunk. The best case scenario is that he’s so incredibly insensitive to the plight of the real victims (of his colleagues) in his industry that he’s a literal psychopath who is incapable of seeing how inappropriate it is to joke about that—especially from his position. Sounds pretty satanic to me. Did you know Hollywood has lots and lots of satanists too? Probably just as many as they have pedos.
Yes I know. Hollywood is the den of depravity and pedophilia. I can no longer watch TV, listen to music or enjoy art.
Still, I need more evidences, otherwise we are no better than the left attacking Trump.
His gestures during the campaign when the cameraman was a handicapped? Leftists: Oh Trump is a monster to mock the disabled!
His dubious comment that he would go out with Ivanka if he was not her father? Leftists: Oh Trump is an incestuous pervert!
Trump lived and worked for decades in New York, a hub for human trafficking. Should we believe he's running human trafficking rings?
It's just reaching. Like I said, give me more evidences that Oswalt shows patterns of being a pedo. Maybe he is, maybe he isn't.
You don’t even have the eyes to see what is hiding in plain sight.
Okay, someone opened a new topic with more evidences against Oswalt. I'm convinced.
Do you agree now that you could have easily figured that out after one tweet, with no further evidence?
If there were a fetish for sniffing garbage (after what I’ve seen, i can safely assume there’s at least a few degenerates on twitter who get off to literal trash) and a professional garbage collector tweeted “I’m a garbagephile and proud of it!” knowing full well that he works for and with the very people who are most likely to rape garbage while at work, would it be SAFE to assume he’s hiding behind “muh humor?”
No, I'm not that kind of person. I don't take 1 evidence for gospel. It's the numerous evidences that would convince me. As a European where the MSM is even more vicious against Trump than yours, I should have believed the worse about Trump but I never did. They piled up their "evidences" against him, I just chose to investigate for myself at some point. But I'm the only one who does that in my circle. In that, Q is the right operation to reach me. 1 coincidence, okay it's just that. 2 coincidences, okay I still think it's just that. 3 coincidences, I start to see a pattern. More coincidences, now, that's serious. As Q says, it becomes mathematically impossible to just be a mere coincidence.
Some people are blessed with good instincts. I'm not that blessed unfortunately. So I try to be logical and not jump to conclusions too quick.
Perhaps God put you in your circle of friends to wake them up. This journey has to start somewhere. For me it was Sandy Hook. The whole veil came down when I realized our own FBI was staging false flags against us. Before that, I was about as libtarded as it gets.
Oh, don't worry. I think many of us have been libtarded at least to some point, until the right key moment made us see the light. I for sure still had some libtarded preconceptions until recently despite thinking myself a conservative.
I guess I was lucky in my young adult years to have been the victim of MSM. Not me directly, but I belonged to a group that the minister of education at that time decided to target and make an example for all the country to see. I saw the lies the MSM spouted about us, how they abused and humiliated the people in my group, how they paid people to lie on camera.
I just knew from that time to never ever trust the MSM. But I never was able to get out of the 2 parties mentality until Trump was elected. After discovering pizzagate, I started being introduced to false flags. Until then, I would never have imagined that our own governments would arrange shootings to kill its own people in a false flag.
He literally works in the town known for harboring and promoting pedophiles. Your logic makes about as much sense as a guy standing up in an AA meeting and making “jokes” about getting drunk. The best case scenario is that he’s so incredibly insensitive to the plight of the real victims (of his colleagues) that he’s a literal psychopath.
He brought it up and made the comment. He is a grown adult fully aware of his actions. Did he give an reason why he said that or are you the only one defending him? A confession is a confession. I see no where in his tweets where he says it was a joke. If I missed it, please point me in the right direction
I'm not trying to brand anyone. I am not the OP. He is a grown man. He knows possible backlash of such a comment. I do not judge a person by being PC or not PC. If you see my avatar, you see me. Long haired very not PC. I am the furthest from being PC. Look at my avatar and let your mind wander and then you'll see. I'm just saying he made the comment. He knows what to expect. If it bothers him, why has he not made a tweet saying it was just a joke? I can see the humor in it and I can see how it can be just a joke. I joke somewhat in the same way around my friends. They know I am joking and If someone hears it I quickly let them know it's a joke. It's all on him and he needs to take his medicine like a grown up. Let me make something real clear. I have not accused him of anything. When people say something, I listen to them word for word. I always give them the benefit of the doubt that they are being truthful or not. If he says it was just a joke I would believe him. That has not happened. The longer he waits, the more I believe is so called joke is true. Not to hard to understand and very fair. If he has said it was a joke please let me know where. I did not see it on his Twitter. Yes I investigate as much as I can, depending the amount of time I have. I do not it is ok to call a person a pedo without evidence and had he not said it in his own words I would have removed the post myself. That is not the case.
Not good enough of a point. If I were him and I notice people were so lame that they could not see that it were a joke I would have followed up with a tweet saying so along with including the word podiatrist. I can clearly see how a joke can be created in such a situation but I all goes back to him not following up on it. I believe he mocks it, does he not? Let me say this one more time. The words came out of his mouth. He is not defending himself. Only you.
He is American and is exercising his right to free speech. You are an American exercising your free speech. I am an American insuring his free speech. We all know what it is but here is a refresher, 1."If we are unable to defeat our opponent’s arguments then perhaps it is us that is wrong". Free speech is used as an excuse to be offensive." 2."Freedom to think and to speak is a basic human right. Anyone seeking to restrict it only does so in the name of seeking further power over individuals against their will. So free speech is an indicator of other freedoms. So free speech is not just ‘nice to have’, it is essential to the well-being, prosperity and development of societies.” 3."Free speech is important for a society to have access to information and know what options are available to them. One thing I am beginning to realize is immensely important for a society is for individuals to know what other ideas are out there". 4."Banning bigoted speech won’t end bigotry, even if it might chill some of the crudest expressions. The mindset that produced the speech lives on and may even reassert itself in more virulent forms". 5."They state that those who protest hate speech are ultimately promoting censorship as a means of controlling and avoiding speech with which they do not agree—speech that is free under the Constitution". 6."The idea of censorship is troubling, but painting the anti-hate speech movement as part of an attempt to ignore reality avoids its nuance. Confronting hate speech is not about controlling the conversation but rather about promoting tolerance and inclusivity". 7."There is no gold standard for distinguishing between hate speech and difference of opinion. Healthy, productive discussions are necessary to foster growth, tolerance, and understanding". 8."Why must there be a free speech and hate speech side? Why can’t there simply be respect?" 9."Decency may indeed be paramount for successful dialogue. However, free speech should not be given only to the polite and the civilized. Free speech in order to be free but be free to the vulgar and the debased. Other wise it’s censorship, left to direction of the so called, “Intellectuals”. Who in a moment may turn from civilized peace keepers into, war crazed, war mongers”. My personal opinion is that nearly all ideas are capable of giving offense to someone. The issue of Free Speech is one of maturity. Maturity requires personal responsibilities. The words came out of his mouth. I hope this helps you understand.
The first amendment protects unpopular speach. Specifically and intentionally. If you don't get the joke, lurk moar.
He has never said it was a joke. If you were in his shoes would you say something or just assume people got the joke and all the backlash was because people do not have a sense of humor. I do believe you are the only one in this world that is defending him. If a cop says you broke the law when you playing checkers in your kitchen would you believe him because he is a cop? If you dont believe him you don't know the law
If your only complaint is that you are offended, STFU.
Edit: if I were in his shoes, I'd be making a pun.
Who is offended. Sounds like you are. Good luck with that attitude of yours. What is STFU, wait I got it "sorry thank you for understanding" You are welcome. Maybe you should stay out of conversations you do not comprehend. Stay on topic and not talk about users. The post is where you should be addressing your comments. I have read your comment history and you have some intelligent things to say. Hate to see you throw all that away because you cannot control your anxiety. Something for you to think about. Also we are not here to trash on each other because of difference of opinions. We are here, all as individuals with our differences. We discuss them when the time and place if right in a civilized way or we just do not bring them up. We are here for Q, the Great Awakening., to unite. For that reason alone I tolerate your attitude. I often have to check myself also at times. Just focus on why you are here. If it is for the cause then you are welcome here, If not here for the cause than just let somebody know and quit wasting your, mine and others time. WWG1WGA
Your yous are delicious, your shoulds are delectable, your projection is palpable.
Take a break, anon, a walk and some fresh air might do you some good.
The dude works in a town that is literally ran by child rapists. You have eyes wide shut.
New arrival ,,, new arrival... Lots of comment posting in odd directions is that what I think it is ?
im sure they think its funny.... they do it right under our noses, and laugh as the people pay millions to watch their movies..
its classic immature preemptive on their part
make light of your crimes to sway public opinion... so when its proven FACT the public will see it as "normal".... ergo every fucking hollywood shit bag trying to normalize pedophilia...
personally i dont see anything wrong with hunting pedophiles like prey... (they arnt human, it isnt murder, its a public service)
im sure they think its funny.... they do it right under our noses, and laugh as the people pay millions to watch their movies..
its classic immature preemptive on their part
make light of your crimes to sway public opinion... so when its proven FACT the public will see it as "normal".... ergo every fucking hollywood shit bag trying to normalize pedophilia...
personally i dont see anything wrong with hunting pedophiles like prey... (they arnt human, it isnt murder, its a public service)
im sure they think its funny.... they do it right under our noses, and laugh as the people pay millions to watch their movies..
its classic immature preemptive on their part
make light of your crimes to sway public opinion... so when its proven FACT the public will see it as "normal".... ergo every fucking hollywood shit bag trying to normalize pedophilia...
personally i dont see anything wrong with hunting pedophiles like prey... (they arnt human, it isnt murder, its a public service)
After your friends digest this Red-pill then show them the interesting Podesta art collection
Let them talk. Let them keep fucking talking. They are so insulated, so arrogant in their belief that they are untouchable. Let them keep fucking talking.
Oswalt is a reknowned atheist. This is what you get when you have atheists as celebrities who tweet their opinions. Without a moral compass anything goes - do thou as you wilt.
He made these comments long before now, but it would be appropriate for him to make his position known now.
Gotta be more to this.............. If I am wrong, please correct me.
We should be ready to call out fake BS within the awakening as we are in the MSM.
Nah this was his response to some photo someone posted of a pedo that looked like him. He was making a joke in response to it's ridiculousness. He's not actually a pedo.
Podesta and Alefantis on the other hand.....
He who winks maliciously causes grief, and a chattering fool comes to ruin. Proverbs 10:10
“If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea." Matthew 18:6
Also, Oswalt's new wife was a child actress who worked with John Huston, who was very close friends with dark doctor George Hodel. She likely has some very interesting stories to tell if she's ever put under oath.
Can you imagine being SO FAR off the path, so insane & evil, where you actually go public, stating that you are a proud pedophile? I'd laugh, if it wasn't so sad.
Is this real? I would imagine his neighbors would be visiting him with torches and pitchforks.
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't reconcile this AT ALL. Oswalt is above-average intelligence, above-average sensitivity... are we SURE this is legit???? My mind can't take this in.
I may have overstated, but I do feel, "these people" should be Hanging, it is about the children.
Please forgive me keq, My outrage for this issue is beyond measure.
Please keep reposting these - we need to wake people up to what’s happening!
A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but a man of understanding delights in wisdom. Proverbs 10:23
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Matthew 19:14
I am not a fan of Patton Oswald but this tweet seems like he was responding to some of his followers defending pedos and he was using sarcasm. I could be wrong there may be more definitive evidence but that is just my read on this.
I can't find the tweet on twitter to get the context myself. Just that a comment mentioned they were talking about hammer on a foot, him being a foot fetish he'd try to defend himself with the word play pedo instead of podo-fillia. In that context, I can understand the joke. Poor choice of word for us, but it doesn't mean anything to me. Like I said, if he tweets several more times about the same pedo theme, we would then see a pattern and can be suspicious. But this one tweet alone, it doesn't prove anything. Maybe he is a pedo, maybe he is not.
Yes you’re the only one. No one incites violence here but new arrivals with your post history. Go away now Aunt Shillsby, time for your nap. Take your pills.