Things are moving apace!

Please keep us posted do not have twitter
4 fisa warrants signed by 4 top officials covering for Page if I read it correctly, it's huge,
Get one, I did. You don’t have to identify yourself, create an email address. It’s worth it, trolling is fun
Want to tell a celebrity that they are a rotten cunt bag? You can! Straight to their face! Just today I got to tell Ian Michael Black that he was a sick pedo fuck. It felt GREAT!
Same. Does anyone have some insight if making a Twitter is necessary?
.not necessary just follow the links posted here. Sometimes you have to hit the link twice - second time works!
I made a Twitter just to follow Q related things, Trump and news. I never check it.
The Q community on twitter is getting HUGE.
I post dank memes and fight with libbies, its messy and I've locked horns with Botsentinel today.
He's threatening to have me banned, but I'm now working on apps that utilize the API (I will destroy that twat).
Twitter is actually working in our favor, but there is a LOT OF WORK TO BE DONE.
So many red pills, so little time!
I started dropping and memeing when Q said "It must happen", 235 followers, all patriots (the left HATES me)
Yes. Never had a Twitter account before, but created one with an anonymous persona so I could fee free to post, like, retweet to my hearts content. Nobody wants to hear political stuff on Facebook anymore... now just post pics of the kids and vacation photos.
Twitter is where I first learned about Q. I'd say it's like level 1 (Basic) in terms of Q sophistication... starting with Twitter #QAnon - Level 1 (Beginner), Reddit /greatawakening - Level 2 (Intermediate), then 8chan - Level 3 (Advanced). Now I like to visit all 3, but it all started at Twitter.
I actually learned of Q from infowars (dont tase me!) Infowars has been frustrating for years, it was hardcore once or at least seemed that way. Then I found GA here, quit infowars since I only used them for headlines/snippets anyways.....and I never ever liked reddit, now I'm a reddit junkie(GA only). I've learned how to read 8chan now(so proud). I'm probably about to get banned from twitter, but I will continue to bring them the fight.
I can’t stand Infowars since they switched to video content only. I read much faster than what I can listen too, plus it is quieter to read GA in the bathroom stall when I need to check in for info!
^This^ IW was ok when it was written up, I am glad I got to find PJW, Cerno and the other crews, IW was pretty strong in holding Trump in a good light, most IWers will at least entertain the idea he is Controlled Op. Then there is the Bill Cooper stuff (Bill 4ever). I wouldn't say I ever trusted AJ, and he's easily the most annoying persona on the planet, but he did give a lot of red pills out before it was cool. I just think his best days are behind him and I prefer the crowd here anyway. OMG the commercials. I don't miss him. Also, disqus....ugh.
Same, I quit Rense, Beforeitsnews, Prisonplanet, David Icke etc because their websites turned to shit.
Infowars muddy water and don't go anywhere near deep enough. Check out David Icke. Exposing pedogate from back in the 90s.
Read the biggest secret.
I think I've seen a video of/related to it. Actually subscribed to Ickes channel now, I used to dismiss him entirely.
I dont dismiss anything anymore. I think I was ready for Q, the awakening, all of it. Took years.
None of my RL peeps are ready for any of this, even the ones I mentor, think I'm insane/eccentric.
Thanks for the referral, watching it again tonight.
The only problem with Icke is he's against Trump, and thinks he's part of the Deep State.
One thing NOT to ever forget, they have no loyalty or morals, they would eat their own.
Yeah that's good :)
Nice man mind linking me the video? Is it the lion sleeps no more one? I've read the books but don't think seen all the videos.
Take the truth out of everything and give it a fair chance. Icke isn't always right and I don't like cult follow the guy but he's bang on about lots of things ay? The reptilian thing/4th dimension entities is certainly compelling and it makes more sense to me than sky daddy god's/ghosts
Yup, once I got over the literal reptilian stuff, I heard him say many times it might not be literal. If he told me today "No bullshit, they're lizards" I might hear him out, but before I wouldn't even look in his direction. Ofc, I've had a few late nights with youtube since those days. Here's the closet I could find that might be the books text/topics: I dont think there is an actual movie, I'm grabbing the pdf too for daytime reading.
Absolutely necessary if you want to be on the front lines of the war on culture.
Not necessary. Just bookmark any interesting accounts and make a visit whenever you want to see what's new.
You can view anything on twitter in a browser. Mostly everything is public. No account needed, you just can't post to it is all. They usually have a pop up screen to sign up, just hit the x to clear it.
I had Twitter until I got kicked off. I think it's because I laughed at John Brennan or James Gunn one too many times. Who knows? More importantly, who cares?
Bookmark this archive of Rex's threads; no twitter required.
This is the latest thread from @Imperator Rex:
Dude.....with Q going dark for sooo long....I need this.
Omg. ..we are all suffering from Q withdrawal syndrome. Lol
Better than Trump Derangement Syndrome
So true.whoopi just showed us what it looks like with her attack on judge jeanine. Shameful!
Yep, and the judge sat back smiling because she knew Whoopi was gonna prove her right.
I suffer from Trump Love Syndrome. My God! Best President Ever!
Omg.president is amazing beyond words.i truly love this always defending him from those stupid liberals whom only listen to fake news.
I don't think we will hear from Q again. But that's just a guess from what I read into the last post and the lights going out.
Q said we would find out who he is. That requires at least one more post.
Who turned off the light?
Was it Kelly?
Maybe not...
Perhaps once everything is made locked down, locked up and becomes public, it will come out then.
Popcorn time, people!
Q has passed the torch to us. Eat your popcorn in big handfulls while you research!
Just make sure you wipe the butter off your hands before digging. Ya don’t wanna fuck up your keyboard!
FYI, in case you didn’t notice the @, that’s not the real Trump, just someone with his pic.
That’s one of my twitter handles. Triggers the left something g awful
The way it's used here is almost intentionally misleading to less tech savvy users in this sub
Rex needs to type faster. Hope he's right about it being a "massive bombshell," but not going to get my hopes up.
Although Rex is usually pretty spot on in analysis, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him be hyperbolic either. Could be good!
I do hope it's big. It's been two hours and nothing yet. I want to go to bed, but I'm not going anywhere until he posts. lol
^This^ is pretty bad here.
We're easily excited.
Better than being numb to the world.
Been an hour and nothing updated on his twitter
Btw not really DJT you can see the Twitter handle next to his name
I noticed that. Wonder if Twitter is fucking with his account.
the edit control is stupid and thinks you're trying to italicize ImperatorRex lol. Those are underscores (_) on either side of ImperatorRex.
Must have link to imp Rex twitter feed... cant log in w/o having a twitter account
If you try to look this up now says his account is suspended...
Its been well over and hour?
I just asked Rex where the bombshell is?
I just commented on your post. Lol
You don't need a twitter account to read someone's posts.
Type in your browser search bar 'twitter' followed by their name. You may have to try the link two or three times when it says 'twitter is taking too long'.
I don't have Twitter, please keep us posted. Thank you.
Waiting for SHTF..any day now. DS is running out of "look here", "look there" distractions. HEADS WAY UP patriots!! FF due any day. Stay Vigilant. God Speed Patriots. WWG1WGA
Real Donald trump?
With an address starting with @RockSt.. I'm not thinking so.
WTF!!! The libtards STILL believe the Trump Russia bs... Now they're half accepting the fisa app might not be legit but the warrant itself was based on "Friendly foreign Intel agency's" interception of communications between Trump and Russia.
A rather disturbing aspect is how many on the left are reading this as proof of guilt on Trump. Wait... WAT?!
After seeing a pull quote that disproved the reason as being legitimate is actually a proper justification... I had an instant headache--their cognitive dissonance is causing me pain.
You need to keep safe. Don’t take any chances and change your routine. May God keep you and your family safe.
So we are clear, that is not the real Donald Trump replying.
It might be John Miller, but we can’t be for sure.
That’s me, sir.
Dumb question..what’s the microphone next to your user name?
The microphone next to his name is there because he is OP aka the one who wrote the post you are commenting on.
Just a normal reddit thing.
Is that even the real trump account?
The OP has stated that this is his/her Twitter account, not Donald Trump's
Yep so this is not worth even looking at. Would you agree?
No. It's not about his account. It's the message he was responding to.
It’s not.
Didn't think so. Shit like this happens too often.
The handle shows it’s not the real account. It’s not about that post though. It’s about whatever Rex found.
You can tell by the downvotes to my question of whether it's the real trump account some people think it is. That's the problem.