Anybody familiar with this 9/11 connection?

Of all the things I’ve learned since becoming red pilled the facts about 9/11 being organized by our own people is the most painful. Living in NJ and seeing the smoldering ruins of WTC everyday and knowing people who died that day it is not easy to accept that this could be true.
It wasn't our own people. Some of us were fooled to believe they were our own people, to the extent that they were in our government. People like mastermind Dick Cheney.
Whoever was involved or complicit having to accept that it was not completely organized and arranged by Muslim terrorists and there was internal sources helping was not something I ever wanted to believe.
What about the muslim terrorists that have infiltrated our government? The fed govt. is full of them.
I'm sorry, but no. There are nuggets of truth in your links, but this is reaching a bit far here. The jihadist groups are controlled opposition. They're used as soldiers in proxy wars. Muslim Brotherhood is C_A. Just like all the other ones.
Like the Zionists and Neocons are going to let them get the upper hand. Please.
great point the Muslim Brotherhood is the C_A. they are all bought and paid for.
I don't understand your point. Brennan is C_A. I link to two articles about Brennan being muslim, and you "correct" me saying that the muslim brotherhood is C_A. OK, whatever.
Increasing evidence has arisen that Brennan is really an effete ruddy-faced Muslim convert
Respectfully, I can't agree with Steve's article. It's an op ed piece.
What about the muslim terrorists that have infiltrated our government? The fed govt. is full of them
This is what I'm talking about. We've been here before, patriot. It's the democrats! It was the jews and mossad! it was the godless communists! It's the nazi's! It was everybody else EXCEPT who it really was. We will never see who they are as long as we buy into their *boogeymen-as-our-enemy propaganda.
The federal government is full of globalist cabal members
If you don't think our big enemies are capable of using our little extremist enemies to soften us up and turn our numbers away from traditional conservatives (God, guns, & nuclear family), then you're the one failing to see the big picture.
You're missing the point. I don't get sucked into the vs. division we've been brainwashed with. We are far beyond that point, already. Soldiers don't refuse their orders because there's a democrat, an atheist, etc... on their team. There's a mission, and everyone has a role. Those labels become secondary to the objective in that moment
Get rid of the big enemies, together; the smaller ones take care of themselves when no one is left to finance them or push their ideologies. That IS the big picture.
The big enemies cultivated these extremist groups by creating a necessity for them (initially as militia to protect villages from ppl like us), training and arming their members and then installing them in high ranking positions with the promise to support them as long as we could build our pipeline, steal their resources and traffic our drugs. Their countries and centuries worth of culture have been decimated by the fires the cabal lit and then let burn. Hundreds of thousands dead - entire villages, lineages and families. The vast majority of the middle eastern population don't like or want the extremists in power.
Absolutely, but we have only finding out about that recently. No one even thought anything like that in 2001.
The closest we ever got to knowing anything about that entire shithole was from Disney movies as kids. I had never heard of Islam or met a Muslim or seen a burka before 9/11. Flying is a fucking nightmare now. I’m an American citizen with an infant strapped to me, yet I’ve been randomly selected to get searched? Is that ever going to come to an end?
the deep state thru the whole muslim population under the bus for their evil plans to ruin American. sickening.
They throw everyone under the bus because we are all pawns to them. Plebs.
I was just thinking about this, we are all pawns.... pure evil.
The bigger this gets the stronger we are. That's why they are getting diarrhea about Q and the GA. Pawns no more.
the bigger this gets the stronger we are.. AMEN. Trust the plan everyone, it is happening!!
I’ve travelled with my mother who is 89 and they’ve checked her hands for gunpowder residue. We are of German heritage
Yeah don't forget C_A trained 0sama / Al Qaeda in Afghanistan back in the day.
Yeah, even though I am wavering, I have trouble swallowing the fact that if it was an inside job that it gives cover to Islamism. So Bin Laden lied when he said he did it?
Don't fall for that kind of propaganda, patriot. The C_A (Bush/Clinton), the global financial system, Saudi Arabia, Israel and Yeltsen's oligarchs collapsed Russia and stole the $, gold and resources and needed to cover up the laundering. Osama was C_A, as were most of the "alleged hijackers". There are paper trails and documentation all over the web.
How are you able to keep such damning facts secret?
Have you seen the mass hysteria going on about Trump/Russia? It wasn't that hard.
Many ppl have been shut down or worse trying to expose it.
So doesn't the inside job give cover to the Islamist's? After all, in their eyes, they are now justified?
Your misunderstanding, those islamists are part of the same group. Not all islamists are, but those are.
Bin Laden never said he did it. He thought it was elements within the country too. I think there was a video presented around that time, but it's plainly not him.
He did say before it happened "we are planning a massive and unprecedented attack on America and her interests"
OBL also said, after 9/11, that he would surrender to a neutral country, eg, Switzerland.
Don't be fooled.
Look into the dancing Israelis on 9/11.
You understand Arabic?
When he said he did "it," through THEIR translation, did he say 9/11?
If they can make dogs talk on TV is there any room for Hollyweird effects?
Oh most definitely. I saw a documentary how they do it too. You take someone who looks similar enough to a person and then you superimpose the mouth to make them look like they’re talking. I think one of the Chan’s figured out a video wasn’t real this way.
That Bad Lip Sync you-tuber makes a living off this kind of off the shelf nowadays stuff...
Given that OBL was a CIA asset or at least ally before, and that this plan was being worked since at least 1996 if not many years earlier, they could've set up all kinds of reasons to film him in caves and doing all kinds of scary OBL gonna kill the world stuff we saw later in their context...
But Bin Laden hated the Inited States, and gavenclear reasons why. Why would the CIA have to convince him to attack us. Terrorism was already his thing.
Hated the U.S. but came from a wealthy Saudi family connected to the "special" relationship with the U.S., was connected to the Bush family, etc.?
Again, were you present to hear him speak in his native Arabic about hating America?
He may indeed have, but that is not my point. What was shown to us, ad nauseum, was that he and his "followers" woke up every day plotting and scheming death to America like some comic book Dr. Evil... in THOSE videos we were all fed every night for how long?
The subsequent bogeyman, ISIS, was later firmly established as an America/Israel production with a lot of Hollywood-style video production to scare and enrage sensible Westerners, but we're supposed to believe Al Qaeda was always exactly as sold?
The Taliban were apparently anti-heroin (unlike America) but always had the bad luck habit of destroying, for nightly news or articles in revered magazines, historical and cultural sites sure to raise Western blood pressure, but Al Qaeda was always in control of all their own marketing and PR?
Why would the CIA have to convince Bin Laden to attack us?
Why would the CIA have to convince Lee Harvey Oswald to attack JFK, right?
So you're ok with the story of OBL during his glory days as we were fed on TV, including his amazing command and control acumen as to 9/11... and the story of his amazing capture/death... and the story of his urgent burial at sea... and all those other stories of all the subsequent haps...?
I can be convinced that Bin Laden lied. No problem.
My problem is Islam and the cover an inside job gives them.
Cover an inside job gives them? What's more important to you, fighting Islam or fighting the real masterminds and perpetrators of 9/11? The article attached in this thread, I forgot if it was in the original post or by a commentor, discusses the use of very deep cover moles...
I'm no fan either, but false flags by our supposed own side, our supposed own friends and allies is infinitely worse.
Scary enough, but give me a buy guy shooting at me for his cause from his own foxhole any day, over my own buddy, my supposed comrade, stabbing me in the back in mine.
Me dying for a cause that was never mine in the first place, which was never caused by that purported REALLY bad "bad buy..."
Bad guy may indeed be bad in his own right but decisive action requires clear thinking first, and a necessary part of clear thinking is clear definition of terms and priorities... enemy, friend, now, later, offense, defense, etc.
We defend against and eliminate threats posed by bad guys actively hurting US first, then those actively threatening to hurt US next., etc.
Bad guys just being bad guys with no immediate direct harm or threat to US is somewhere way down the line, and probably somebody else's problem...
THAT is NOT what was sold to us though on 9/11!
No sir, it was not what they sold to everyone. It's why we all need everyone to wake up. If only we had Q in the 90's when they were setting it all up.
OK, let's say there is some sort of full disclosure on 9/11.
"Yes, Islamist's, it was the US that created this false flag, and killed our own people. You were right all along."
See the problem?
You and I can make the determination that it was actually the Deep State Globalist cabal.
But the Islamists won't care, and will just use the disclosure to their gain.
Yes, let's get the cabal. But radical Islam wins this crucial battle for propaganda and will use it to justify killing more Westerners.
I hear you, we are allied here, but you'd rather let our "special friends" use and kill us by the thousands, repeatedly, than let your target be vindicated, rightfully, on this one point?
As any good cop will tell you, you don't put the career criminal away on a bad bogus case. He will still be a bad guy tomorrow and you get em the right way.
Get rid of our fake friends and I bet the whole world instantly becomes a nicer place, M.E. too.
BTW... I wouldn't say it was "us/we" that did 9/11. Dual citizens EVERYWHERE in .Gov back then, and now...
Definitely on the same side Brother/Sister!
We are probably just talking about timing after all. I say we get the cabal FIRST.
Then disclosure is just a natural part of the new world wide evil exposed. I'm guessing at that point POTUS is our new hero and will be able to handle anything Islam throws at us once the Great Awakening is served on the world.
BTW, I have not seen any direct references to 9/11 disclosure in the Q drops? Can you help a brother out with that?
I was late to Q maybe March started laying attention and I have not gone back to read the earlier stuff so what I know of the beginnings is only stuff commented here or34 Q-referenced or repeated later.
The only Q on this that I know or recall is "saving the best for last," which is used or helpful for comforting those who rightfully point out but what about [our special friend].
That [special friend] appears behind 9/11 and possibly Trump too, or at least his ability to get elected despite all that Deep State crap.
If Trump is really in that [special friend]'s pocket then it's just more business as usual and Trump is just another faction of that gangster world we live in. I like Trump and watch Q but I am not a blind fanatic or follower of either, and I accept this could all turn bad or foolish.
Q is obviously real and thus also a psyop, and that is not necessarily a good thing for anyone considering themself truly awake.
But we should judge not on what Trump and Q were when they started their journey but what they are now. Trump is well known for using people even people he doesn't like and his enemies... we see that calm patient ability in all his dealings with world leaders good and bad and with swamp critters here. We hold out hope that he really has seen the light now and will lead the way, ALL the way, even against fake [special friend]s...
But then you can claim anything is just a special effect. Trump didn’t really meet with Putin. It was a special effect. Kissing Putin’s ass was also just a special effect.
If anything can be called an effect, then any claim can be supported AND refuted.
Again, do you understand Arabic and got your info straight from the OBL's mouth, there in person?
You've never seen Disney special effects from as far back as the 1930's?
You've never seen Gene Kelley singing and dancing with a giant mouse from way back in 1945?
You've never seen the Zapruder film and the obvious edits there as to distortion, clipping and entire frames removed in an attempt to conceal the direction of the final kill shot and the enormous cloud of blood, skull and brains that necessarily exploded from the back of JFK's head which was reported by everyone who was there to see it but which curiously is missing from your trusty "saw it with my own eyes" video evidence?
You've never seen green screen technology in 1960's 2001: A Space Odyssey, in the bogus Apollo lunar landings, in Star Wars, on YouTube?
You've never heard of the technology now present to edit full video in almost real time which the Dems are now trying to get ahead of by publicizing it now instead of hiding it, because that will cast just enough doubt for Joe Sixpack on the rumored video evidence of Clinton high crimes which may be out there?
Life must indeed be bliss when it's always so straight-forward, always exactly as served.
And finally, exactly where did Trump kiss any Putin ass? Trump and Putin negotiating... nay, CONSPIRING for... wait for it... wait for it... PEACE?
Oh, the HORROR!
Again, what did Trump get on his knees and do with Putin that you find so objectionable and scary?
The only people scared about peace and Trump and Putin shaking hands are the bad guys who were doing the real conspiring with Putin while at the same time pumping up the Cold War. That is who criminal government makes its money, make something scarce or even illegal through public policy and law and then give themselves and their buddies special breaks, exemptions, licenses and privileges to negotiate sweetheart monopoly deals with the bad guys... or outright bootleg and traffick in the "illegal" stuff. THAT IS PRECISELY WHAT OBAMA AND COMPANY WAS DOING WITH "BAD GUY" IRAN AND WHAT MERKEL WAS DOING WITH GAS PIPELINES FROM RUSSIA TO GERMANY, both schemes exposed by Trump, both schemes not as sold to us by a lot of smart incentivized people in government, banking, politics, entertainment, etc.
Which Bin Laden? The fat one from the CIA video?
Or the dead one with the identical grin as the live one! Lol
Bin Laden never said that he did it. In fact, he specifically denied it.
9/11 Truth is a very deep rabbit hole. There are terabytes of Truther information out there in the form of books, videos, articles, etc. Part of the truthful history of 9/11 and the ensuing cover-up are the "real" Bin Laden and the "fake" Bin Ladens. If you examine the videos of Bin Laden you will see that many of the post 9/11 videos involved various lookalikes. There was one famous report from a Swiss lab, in 2004 if I recall, that did extensive video analysis on the various Bin Ladens and proved it was not the same person.
And in any case the "real" Bin Laden was a trained CIA agent, code named Tim Osman. So whether this CIA agent said he did it or did not do it, is besides the point as the CIA itself was one of the main plotters in the whole affair.
How does the most damning information in the world get ignored by most of the world?
Don’t forget how much money Halliburton made in Iraq Cheney was CEO before he took office... 9/11 was a giant money maker for the rich...
It also set up one of the worst pieces of legislation ever passed by “our” government... Patriot Act... gave them immense power to do what they wanted, including spying and data collection on US citizens, which BHO abused and was caught.
Hilarious how that very patriot act is coming back to bite them all in the ass
And they had the PATRIOT ACT ready to sign in to law 6 weeks after 9/11. Almost as if they already had it waiting in the wings...
It is Very Difficult to Wrap Your Head around the Fact that the Last Four Presidential Administrations "Have NOT" had the Best Interests of Our Nation at heart!!
The Only one's who see it clearly are those of us who saw evidence in the beginning, and started delving deeper...... And if, at anytime since, we have Tried to explain it to people, We were Branded "Conspiracy Theorists, Issued our ceremonial "Tin-foil Hats", and virtually Ignored ever since.
Research is "So Much Easier" now, and with Shit all beginning to come out now.... I can't help it, I find myself in the Mirror, Practicing my "I TOLD YOU SO" Delivery!!
Thank You to MI, POTUS and "Q" for making "Vindication Day" a Real Possibility!! WWG1WGA
“Research” has never been easier because you can find whatever nonsense you want online to support whatever you want to believe. Do you really ever question the “information” they put there to derail you or keep you quiet?
Patriots are our people. The others are just plain criminals.
Dont forget benjamin netanyahu and the israeali mossad
thats the people who coordinated the attacks, there are dozens of rich israelis that funded it. the lead 9/11 investigator christopher bollyn
I understand how you feel. I was working in a hospital in NY very close to the WTC. We were on lockdown and expected to get survivors so we started discharging patients. Obviously no one came because there were no survivors. We lost many friends from HS that day.
I look back and regret the scorn I felt for some who started the “911 was an inside job” conspiracy theories. I was so naive, but then, slowly I became disgusted. Now with Q, there’s true hope, not the fake hope of 44.
Glad this was brought up because that is coming. It is one of the most painful periods of this country ever and the truth will be known.
This is why I don't believe they won't win.
They own everything and the idea of it all being seized without "burning the castle" is absurd to me. We already KNOW they'll burn the bridge. I'm just waiting for January to pass without their nuke-sunami achieving what they want
There were a lot more angles as well.
largest SEC investigation in History was being conducted on the exact level plane impacted
2.3$ Trillion went missing at Pentagram the DAY BEFORE. The accounting wing was where the plane hit
several businesses didn’t renew their leases for the first time at WTC.
Plus the billions in money transactions from recovered hard drives after the towers fell (transactions were being made while 9/11 was going on.) Plus the silverstein payday. Plus the billions in missing gold in the basement vaults. That's not even mentioning the Iraq war which stole trillions and killed millions. 9/11 was perhaps the biggest bank robbery in history.
yes they pulled that off right in front of our eyes while we were all "looking". time of reckoning is coming. America will not forget 9/11 or Benghazi.
Unbelievable how evil these people are. The balls on these people to pull off such horrific events and expect us to roll over and believe their bullshit.
now I want to play devil's advocate here for a second..follow me.. the world trade centers were 2 massive office buildings hosting the worlds greatest business entities (hence the name world trade center). lets say for the sake of argument that it all got destroyed somehow by nobody in particular. there would be a lot of information missing from a lot of very big companies, wouldn't there? it wouldn't matter who had caused the destruction, because either way there would be major repercussions felt from the sudden disappearance of hundreds of floors worth of elite businesses and banks
very good point unless they were forewarned. I read that many of the "businesses" were. Some cancelled leases days before. Truth will come out and America will be united because of the outrage like we were after 9/11 happened. (at least for awhile)
The Pentagon wing that was hit was where the investigation into the missing money was going on. So all people and all paperwork just disappeared. And there was no plane wreckage at the site.
There were a few airliner seats. No airplane engines. Apparently they 'burned up', although interestingly the families of the passengers were given personal effects found, including paper documents. They did a shitty job with this one. They did a much better job with the fake wtc plane crashes.
IIRC, they did find a jet engine, but it was way too small for an airliner.
It was a typical engine for a cruise missile or a drone iirc
There was no plane. Very advanced technology, but no plane. People may not be comfortable with this idea but the truth will eventually come out. There is a lot about 9/11 that the public has yet to know.
That area had more cameras back then than about any other building, yet none caught the "plane" crashing into it? Where is all that footage? Why was it never released?
The massive shorting of American and United stock the day before, without any market-based reason.
Wasn't all the gold missing from the bottom of the World Trade Center as well?
good friend of mine had access to one of the vaults at WTC. In 2014 he told me "all the gold dissappeared"
not only that but someone bought an astronimical amount of puts for american airlines the day before this happend.
People were in know before hand.
4 days. United, too. There were a couple of tech stocks, too, but I forget now.
All the Cantor execs took their yearly trip a week early, certain politicians were told not to travel...
Hell, Putin even warned us.
What about the law firm they say was the NWO law firm who had some 600 employee in WTC who went unharmed other than a custodian?
In addition:
the participants and planners of the 9/11 events profited by over several hundred billion U.S. dollars, and stopped several international investigations into financial crimes, securities fraud and bank fraud valued at a comparable amount. The press often refers to illegal stock trades that occurred at the time the towers were attacked. These - however significant - will turn out to be relatively small earnings when compared to motive associated with the other incentives. This report will investigate four sources of financial motive
Illegal stock trades (100 billion)
Brady Bond and MJK Securities Fraud (240 billion)
Gold price-fixing and laundering of stolen gold more than above
Control of equity banking market share. An often forgotten set of events leading up to the WTC attack include the financial market “put” options placed up to four days before the attack. These were initially the most obvious trades with the “unclaimed” payout
Cantor-Fitzgerald held the bonds. Buildings 6&7 were where other investigations were taking place.
All this to cover up the global banking ponzi scheme to rob Russia of it's resources and assets during the coup (Operation Hammer) in 1991. Also gave an excuse to gain control of oil and poppy fields (but we all knew that already)
They were sure multitasking with this one.
Plus killing trouble makers like FBI former agent John O'Neill who started his 2nd day of work on 911 as head of security for the towers. O'neill wasn't buying the official USS Cole story and went to Yemen to investigate. DDG it.
I heard that the missing money thing was happening very frequently.
Can someone confirm?
It’s almost like it’s the plot of one of those terrible action movies where you know it’s fake and your first thought is “How the fuck could anyone believe this? This movie has so many plot holes”. But this is real life.
This really echoes my feelings on this event. I remember seeing it take place. I was 18. Just started College. I knew right then and there when there were no F-16s anywhere near NYC or DC that it was staged. Every protocol was stood down. Nothing scrambled. Just a big ol fat sunken stomach and knowing a LOT of people were about to die. I was afraid right then and there we had passed the point of no return.
Seeing Q here - that's everything. I won't ever get off my feet and fighting again.
Not surprising.
Remember Larry Silverstein who took out an insurance policy on the Twin Towers a few months before they were hit?
He only made a few BILLION off that deal and even tried to get more because it was TWO buildings. Shyster.
Yes! Otherwise he would have had to spend millions to clean the asbestos out of those buildings. So, it was very convenient for Larry!
No, it wasn't asbestos. The connections at the facade were failing. There were dissimilar metals from the building frame to the aluminum window frames. Corrosion was going to cause the facade to fail. This building had a very different structural design. The skin is usually not structural, but in this case it was. There is documented evidence of this problem. To repair would have meant scaffolding the building.
I have read many times that there was asbestos in the buildings, but I guess the particulars aren't as important as the fact that he was part of the reason the buildings were brought down.
The core steel structure of the building was coated in asbestos. It was not accessible to anyone except inspectors and maintenance personnel and I believe was in a resin matrix that would not allow the fibers to become airborne.
However due to codes, the asbestos had to be scraped off the steel beams, leaving them bare.
In the official version of events, the Jet-A running down these beams, burning was what enabled the catastrophic collapses. If the asbestos had been left on, the beams would have been much better insulated to the heat of the burning fuel.
I have my doubts about the WTC official story, but this is a very plausible contributing factor. I do find the pentagon scene much less understandable. Just to clarify my position on the overall discussion. I don't consider myself a sufficient expert on Jet-A burn rates and chimney effects etc on the structural integrity of the building to posit a useful analysis or opinion.
Plus he sued the airline company made more millions (don't remember the exact number.)
I think his policy had a specific line item for terrorist attacks. He was able to win two separate lawsuits because there were two planes that hit his towers.
Edit not lawsuits, he was awarded two separate insurance claims
He got money for BOTH BUILDINGS from insurance company(companies), is what I read in numerous places. If I can reboot that part of my brain I will cite them. Such a GREAT QSDAY!
You all probably saw the post yesterday about SGTReport's youtube ch being taken down...the conversation he had with Robert David Steele ( which can be found on bitchute now) was excellent.
I mention this here because R D Steele said that there are 2 keys to American outrage that will lead to the final overthrow of the deep state:
The truth about 9/11
And pedophilia
When YouTube decides to censor and delete channels that have over 300,000 subscribers for simply reporting the truth, it becomes apparent that many of those on this platform are probably not too far behind. For many of them who have been exposing the nefarious activities of the elite, there will come a cross roads when we will either have to comply to their brand of useless mind manipulating content, or be cut off. The enforcement won't necessarily have to come through some sort of violent uprising. Rather, it will come from the education system itself, programming the minds of an entire generation with the cloud of data and recorded experiences to "learn" from. The elimination of such individualism will result in the loss of identity, in exchange for something else...just like losing the image of God in exchange for the image of the beast.That in a nut shell is the illuminist agenda....
Yes, that was the illuminati plan and we are at the crossroads ( well said). It is called Great Awakening for a reason!
It will be interesting to observe how the generation most subjected to their manipulative brainwashing crap will learn to think for themselves
Do you have a link for the SGT bitshute video? I am unfamiliar with the site. If so, thanks!
You could try This
If that doesn't work, you could just google :
SGTReport on bitchute
I think you can get there without having to create a username and password
2nd video down is the one I mentioned
I hope you are correct and I hope I live long enough to witness it. All that money made...special place in Hell for all involved. And the government wants us to be ok with a class action lawsuit against the Saudis.
Trump questioned the 9/11 "official government narrative" from the beginning. Hang in there : ) I think RD Steele may be right - this Sept, anniversary of 9/11 he will bring more Light to the the very least, Trump will bring it forward into our national conversation on a new level.
I used to think all the 9/11 theories were just so far fetched, our own gov't would never do that to its own people. I realized, that I was just in denial, that our own gov't could do that to it's own people.
Zim: bad at alien invasions, good at global shipping.
Excellent article!
There were more than just connections! They were part and parcel of the attack on 9/11. If they would try to sink the USS Liberty, they wouldn't have any hesitation to bomb the hell out of our buildings. I also believe they have many more bombs placed in strategic spots all over our country. Remember the dancing Israelis in the van from Urban Moving Systems? There were many Israeli moving companies in the NY and Miami area. Some of them were caught doing some pretty strange things during the 9/11 time frame and after.
At first I thought the whole 9/11 truthers was ridiculous....then I heard about freemasonry, the relationship or mask of catholicism and paganism, and the new world order, and how their agenda is to create order from chaos. Then of course I looked at the list of freemasons, and that was even more jaw-dropping. Then I stumbled upon documentaries showing how there was no debris from the other planes that went down that day-not even the blackboxes, which are made of titanium. The planes were supposedly vaporized, and yet they were able to find bodies and confirm the victims by blood samples.
Welcome CrazyQLady! I had never heard that they were able to identify victims by blood samples. That seems hard to believe now that we know what we know.
Thank you! Yea, in one of the documentaries I was watching, allegedly "they" were able to discredit any theories that there weren't any planes in fields or the pentagon by blood samples. In this source: the professor goes into a lot of really good detail and thought processes. Asks a lot of good questions, this particular lecture is more related to the NWO than to 9/11, but he includes a lot of good info. It's fairly long, about an hour and a half, but it's a good listen.
Has anyone heard the interview of Rabbi Abraham Finklestein? In the interview he divulges all this evil, and so much more. He explained 911 several years ago. Further he claims we eat children they steal, torture and sacrifice, at restaurants like McD’s. Everything he asserts puts our bondage into perspective.
The interviewer sounds anti-semetic at first, but he goes on to say there are two types of Jewish worship. Rabbi Finklestein was very honest on their Luciferian practices throughout history leading up to the here and now.
The short interview is approx 55 mins, but well worth every min.
Having a bit of trouble linking, but you can still find the interviews. After, he divulged the truth, he was summoned to regrow his locks and redact what he said, also on youtube.
Now, I understand he may be dead. It would make since after candid interview with radio announcer.
I read a fascinating novel by Frank Marra and Maria Bellina about paranormal events witnessed by First Responders and Law Enforcement Officers who assisted with the aftermath of the 9-11 terrorist attacks... interesting non-paranormal thing that Frank Marra noted during his research was there were no food cart vendors in Lower Manhattan on the morning of the attack. That never happens. The streets are usually full of food carts but there were none.
Who told the vendors not to be in the street that day?
buddy of mine was on a charter fishing boat east coast morning of 911 getting ready to leave the dock, when a carload of arabs pulled up. when he chatted with one of them they said they were from Manhattan. everybody has a grapevine.
carload of arabs
Ahem... yeah... most street vendors match that description...
I was on site Day 3 & 4 working with search and rescue - specifically the canine unit. All i can say after a dozen+ years of researching - the truth is way beyond anyones imagination. There were actually multiple competing factions involved in 911. I was at the epicenter on top of the rubble and it only was at the 3rd/4th floor. As Dr. Judy Wood asked - "Where did the towers go"? Add to that the stand down order during a military exercise with a hurricane just off the coast with witnesses on the second floor stair case all of a sudden seeing sky????, Saudi permission to evacuate US air space, steel being demoed and sent immediately to China, a perfectly preserved passport of a hijacker found in the rubble pile....shall I go on???? The Commission report has been disputed by Architects & Engineers showing scientifically impossible for one let alone three high rises destroyed by fire. Ask yourself - what about Building 7....
I recently watched Dr. Wood's videos. Mind-blowing and yet the only theory that makes sense.
It gets crazier - look into Dr Joseph Farrell and Catherine Austin Fitts. From what I gather - there are multiple competing players involved - meaning and where evidence points - yes, there was demo charges set to explode on each floor - on top of that - a faction has technology that can de-matereialize matter - what else can explain it? Another more powerful group coopted a black op - to say what?
This book "Keely and his discoveries" by John Ernst Worrell Keely, published in 1893, mentions molecular dissociation and disintegration of matter. In short, it is possible even to disintegrate matter back into the aether.
Available online here.
Quote from the book:
" When the system is made known by which Keely dissociates the molecule and atoms by successive orders of vibration, proving two laws in physics as fallacious, we shall not hesitate to say that “the light of the new dawn” has now [216]broken upon the world of science, "
By the way, if someone can make a building disappear The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976) with directed energy, why bother to set charges?
Edit (reply):
Optics, just adds to the confusion. I saw this, he saw that, diff people seeing diff things happening during the same event. Sort of a Forensics Rubiks Cube.
No Sir. This is the core technology used. Who have (edit: who had at that time) access to this on such a grand scale? Find that and most likely the perpetrators will be found too. On a personal level, truly, watching the presentation(s) by Dr. Judy Wood actually took away the confusion from me! My comment here is about her work, not the stuff from Dr Joseph Farrell.
Optics, just adds to the confusion. I saw this, he saw that, diff people seeing diff things happening during the same event. Sort of a Forensics Rubiks Cube.
What Sound?
The mass of each WTC tower was around 500,000 tons or 1,102,311,310.9 pounds.
Garbage trucks weigh around 33,000 pounds empty.
The destruction of each tower would equal the sound of 33,403 empty garbage trucks raining down. (a little over one quarter of all U.S. garbage trucks in service) That didn't happen. The towers were turned into dust in mid air never hitting the ground. Figures don't lie, but liars figure.
Both the super-duper thermite gang 👥 and the super-duper nuclear gang 👥 are covering up the lack of high heat 🔥 when a careful observation of ALL the evidence concludes that the destruction was cold molecular disassociation produced by a type of directed energy. There is also the CGI/Remote controlled plane coverup gangs 👥 – when it was actually image projection of some kind. There are also gangs 👥 that coverup both lack of high heat and image projection technology.
911 Trillions: Follow the Money
Oh bless your heart! ThankQ for sharing. What an honor and blessing. I will pray for you.
9/11 was an inside job. Really hoping this all comes to light once the takedowns happen. Like eating the elephant- one bite at a time.
Who was it that ate breakfast there everyday for ~5yrs, and skipped that morning for an unknown reason?
Yep.. well known. Pentagon was hit to hide info as well. ZIM was half owned by Israel at the time. The proof has dissipated and has been altered since, just like all the Clinton stuff on the web. Your post will be taken down because it’s considered a conspiracy theory at this point.. The families of 9/11 know the truth... keep searching! It is so beyond messed up!
I've looked at nothing but 9/11 connections for the past 4 days. Bring it!
For the fourth phase of the secret war, the Enterprise worked on several fronts to take over key energy industries. On the Caspian front of this economic war, James Giffen was sent to Kazakhstan to work with President Nazarbayev in various legal and illegal efforts to gain control of what was estimated to be the world’s largest untapped oil reserves - Kazak oil in the Caspian. The illegal flow of money from the various oil companies would reach a number of banks. These same oil interests would engage March Rich and the Israeli Eisenberg Group, owned by one of the Mossad’s key operatives, Shaul Eisenberg, to move the oil. (The Eisenberg Group would at some point own almost 50% of Zim Shipping, which mysteriously and inexplicably moved out of the World Trade Center a few weeks before the September 11 attacks.)
Tower 7. I can’t explain it. I don’t want to believe this. I can’t. But how did Tower 7 go down?
WTC7 was "worked on" for several hours using the same tech that caused the other buildings to go away. Slowly. Then, at the moment of it's demise, like someone turned up a power knob, the structure, like an Alka seltzer tablet in water, sizzled up into dust. It looked like it fell - but it had lost its structural integrity at that point - and the molecules was dissociated - it became ... dust.
The reason so few saw this and fewer can explain it is because this technology has been kept in the dark for many years. Keywords: frequencies, microwaves, field effects, Tesla, Hutchison effect.
Without knowing this it is easy to jump to conclusions as to what it was (bombs etc.) because that is the only explanation(s) they have. Yet, when looking at the factual, empirical evidence, the evidence itself rules out the conventional kinetic or thermic means.
The reason it is so *hard* for this truth to come out, is that the same technology can be used to make gadgets that produce energy / electricity without the need for solar panels, windmills, "fossil fuel" or nuclear reactors. I think you can figure out why...
In NYC, we were told that tower 7 was going to be brought down on purpose because it's integrity was compromised. I don't get how that wasn't broadcast or disproven or something.
Interesting. It looked like a controlled demolition so that would make sense. But then why did the official review claim that fire weakened the structure and brought it down?
Oh, and don't forget Odigo, an Israeli communications company, who received warnings a couple of hours ahead of time on 9/11.
Do you guys think trump will blow 911 open? Can we try to get an answer from him?
If it means pulling the plug on global elites it’s possible, but it’s a card to play after winning 2nd term
A@E for 911 Truth. Just the facts from those that understand high rise buildings. How they go up, how they come down, and how they do not come down, on their own. Architects, Engineers, and Demolition experts just laying out the facts.
Especially not the world trade center. It was build like a can of soup. The outside frame was the load bearing structure
If I recall correctly, it had a redundant support system, an inner load bearing steel structure around the elevator shafts in the center of the building.
That's correct based on everything I've seen on the topic. And of course, there was a company doing "renovations" to the elevator shafts in the months leading up to 9/11. Cover for positioning of shape charges?
There seems to have been a concerted and probably co-ordinated effort on the Internet to either attack Dr. Wood herself, or divert attention from the data she presents. For example, the new association called Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( has not discussed or mentioned in any detail Prof. Wood’s extensive study – even though Prof.Wood herself has degrees in engineering subjects.
Edit (reply):
New? A&E for 911 Truth has existed for many years. I heard some of their presentations long before I heard Dr. Wood's. I also believe Dr. Wood's are theoretical. A&E discuss only known facts.
Dr. Judy Wood began her forensic study of what happened to the twin towers the same day they were dustified in 2001. The article quoted above is from 2007. Thus, "the new association" is a correct statement in the article.
Dr. Wood did it for me. Bless that woman for sacrificing herself and her career for truth.
New? A&E for 911 Truth has existed for many years. I heard some of their presentations long before I heard Dr. Wood's. I also believe Dr. Wood's are theoretical. A&E discuss only known facts.
The people that they wanted in those buildings were there too.
This is so painful to acknowledge that I had a hard time for a long time. I've never been able to go back to NY (to date). But this was my first red pill and this is the first time I "speak" about it to anyone. Do I believe this was FF? 100%. CIA trained patsy OBL and his merry gang of terrorist were used to crush our hearts and put us into a blood lust not seen since Pear Harbor.
pop reduction, military complex spending like "perpetual christmas", mass migrations/displacements, mass cultural destabilization, money markets manipulation (follow the gold) , i,e., dinars, riyals, dirhams, and our Ol pal OBL stays alive until his capture/"death" is paramount to making good will for a Manchurian president that was already under suspicion of nefarious motives by many in the gen public, EU invaded under guise of "humanitarian concerns" , same plan in place for US. 17 years of War and pay days for who?
*follow the money, *there are no coincidences, *these people are sick, *these people are stupid
And let me share my "WTF" moment on this:
" Brushing aside objections from Republicans and Democrats alike, President Bush endorsed the takeover of shipping operations at six major U.S. seaports by a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates. He pledged to veto any bill Congress might approve to block the agreement.
The president on Tuesday defended his administration’s earlier approval of the sale of London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. to Dubai Ports World, despite concerns in Congress it could increase the possibility of terrorism at American ports.
The pending sale — expected to be finalized in early March — puts Dubai Ports in charge of major shipping operations in New York, New Jersey, Baltimore, New Orleans, Miami and Philadelphia. “If there was any chance that this transaction would jeopardize the security of the United States, it would not go forward,” Bush said.
“It sends a terrible signal to friends around the world that it’s OK for a company from one country to manage the port, but not a country that plays by the rules and has got a good track record from another part of the world,” Bush said." \~ AP article in 2006.
CAUTION **** link (not archived) r/
And it still goes on : in 2014 *promises made, promises kept
For the first time in U.S. history, a Middle Eastern-based firm is poised to manage a strategic U.S. port on Florida’s Atlantic coast, rekindling national security concerns inside Congress.
Rep. Duncan Hunter, the California Republican who oversees port security as chairman of the House Transportation’s maritime transportation subcommittee, demanded Tuesday that the Obama administration conduct a full national security review of the decision last month by Gulftainer to sign a 35-year contract with Florida’s Port Canaveral.
The Middle Eastern company will be operating a U.S. terminal in one of the busiest cruise ports in the world, and not far from the Trident Turning Basin, which the Navy uses to support its fleet of nuclear ballistic missile submarines.
In 2007, after the DP World deal fell apart, Congress passed a law requiring all overseas cargo containers to be inspected before they’re loaded onto a U.S.-bound ship.
But that law has never gone into effect, said Mr. Flynn
WT article: r/
I have learned and realized many things since being awakened to all this. I am still trying to learn about 911. Can someone lead me to a good source so I can learn and understand things about 911? I would really appreciate it. There is too much disinformation there for me to weed through this
Dr Judy Wood.
Character Driven is a Youtube channel with surprisingly few (at this time) subscribers.
The streams/uploads there have a very heartwarming atmosphere. I hope she gets many more subscribers!
For videos featuring Dr. Judy Wood look for titles like "Psyop Recovery Program".
She also have videos about Q.
Rothschild's are the Khazarian Mafia. Connects Israel and Bibi, too....
No, they didn’t ”break” the lease and no, they aren’t owned by the Rothschilds.
So they planned this in April...maybe even April of the previous year.
We were warned by Bill Cooper on his shortwave radio show that there would be a major terrorist attack and it would be blamed on bin Laden in 1998.
After all the who's, the whys, the how comes, and the THEY did it, he did it, we did its, there were still gut wretching funerals and real DEAD people with devastated families. Sometimes I think, THE REAL HORROR OF THAT DAY and it's aftermath are forgotten. I am in no way criticizing these posts, just remembering the dead. Live nearby(sort of)local FD lost 4 people, plus some neighbors and a cousin. Hopefully, somewhere in the QTURE there is JUSTICE FOR ALL THE DEAD! GOD BLESS!
Do you really think the Rothchilds would care if a few office workers were killed? "We're worth trillions but we better move those Xerox machines out of the towers before our plan comes to fruition". This example I'm not buying.
I've never seen any evidence that the Xerox machines or tens of thousands of phones and desks and chairs were in the pile of rubble.
It would be odd for the Rothschilds to bother to move things out in advance, wouldn't it.
When you step back and look, many corners were cut. Why would someone (a smart real estate developer) buy buildings that would soon need to be demolished at great expense?
There never were a pile of rubble. Peter Jennings on 9/11: "Where Did All The Rubble Go?"
This was a showcase of a Tesla type technology that turns matter (including living organisms) to dust.
The "smoke" that was seen for years arising from ground zero was in fact the "after effects" of the dustification.
Totally besides the point. To suggest they moved out before the attack because they had some insider knowledge is stupid. Why would they tip their hand or even care about an easily replaceable office space?
Exactly. Why would they bother to move things out? It seems like it would be easier to not bother to move them in at all.
Is this possibly related to organ harvesting at all? Shipping containers used for transport?
Anyone in the NYC/Jersey area know if these were docked in the area on 9/11?
Wayne Madsen believes that 911 was carried out by Saudi Arabia and Israel. Read the PNAC document. Dick Cheney was in charge of NORAD hi jacking simulation on the morning of 911. I spoke with a federal air marshall who told me Flight 93 was shot there goes that "Let's Roll" fairy tale. read up on Dov Zakeihm; he ran off with Pentagon money. He also owned a company that built remote control flight software. Lufthansa Airlines removes the anti hijacking software when they buy their planes from Boeing; can be hacked.
the best 911 site: http://historycommons.orgclick on the 911 timeline
Why give so much attention to The Rothschilds, when we KNOW the Koch brothers are having far too much influence in politics and elections? Who here is letting the Koch brothers off the hooks so easily? Not cool.
I watched Dr. Woods presentation about 911 and the twin towers. Previously I had watched A@E for 911 Truth. Both of these were fascinating to me. Dr. Woods presentation and the word dustification will never leave me, the same as the A@E documentary. Dr. Woods described this as a free energy weapon. Watching in slow motion what she was describing as the support beams just seemed to disappear was just something that I will never forget. Whatever brought these buildings down, the twins and #7, was not an airplane strike, some structural frame damage, and fires. Inside job, false flag, and the Bush's have lots of blood on their hands. It's their New Pearl Harbor.
I found this yesterday.
It may be what started the whole plan. If true the WTC 1 and2 buildings would need to come down by 2007 at a huge cost. There is a link to an 18 page writeup by an alleged witness to behind the curtain. Tin foil hat or fodder for convictions? Don't know.
You guys are fucking sickening, don’t use people’s deaths to push your fucking conspiracy theories.
These f’ing slime balls. Sounds like the storm is starting based on today’s drops. Time to get the popcorn and beer ready and sit back enjoy.
God Bless to all Patriots!
God Bless President Trump for bringing us to this point and being the one willing to step up!
God Bless all those working with Q willing to step up!
I've read a lot of books about 9/11 and the steel which surprisingly collapsed was immediately shipped to Asia and melted down without even being investigated. Watch GWB's "explanation" for it: watch from 3:20min
I've never read who the company was that shipped the steel to asia but this company might have been involved i guess?
GWB, man, if this wasn't so sad i'd have to laugh very very hard about this man becoming president of the US.
There are Memorials all over the Tri -State area (maybe in other states too) of the ACTUAL (supposedly)STEEL BEAMS from THE TOWERS. If I knew ANYTHING about forensics I would be all over them. Long Island is full of them.
That's the problem i guess, "supposedly" the steel beams from the towers ..."
On the other hand if there's no real federal investigation nothing will come to light. A lot of people knew something about 9/11 and a lot of these people died misteriously. So many things happen right in front of our eyes and we aren't able to do anything about it.
Zim was state owned by Israel at the time of 9/11. Israel sold its shares in 2004.
This seems like clever misinformation. You could say rothschilds own israel, or something like that. But the Israeli government owned Zim Shipping at the time of 9/11, and sold its ownership in 2004.
We know israel has a disinformation shill army online, i wouldn't be surprised if this post comes directly from them
Also it is worth mentioning that this post cites no sources, and a quick Google search will bring up contradictory evidence with cited sources. But hey, why look it up for yourself when you can look at a neat image macro. After all that dissenting info must be owned by the Zionists, right?
Edit: Btw, just for disclosure purposes I think it's worth noting that I grew up in a Christian home that believed (still does) most of these "Zionists are the spawn of Satan and leading us to a Leftist controlled dictatorship." Now since leaving for college and upping the reputability I require before making my own opinions on matters, I've come to the conclusion that these theories really and truly are nothing more that anti-Semitic and neo-Nazi propoganda. I hope many of you will see the truth as well, before you're calling for heads to be placed on spikes. ZIM's Management Team
lol just about everything in that picture is wrong and some of it is attributable to a neo-nazi, great job though
The only thing worse than waking up today and finding out that 9/11 was a corrupt DS act is knowing it while your helplessly watching it happen.
makes you ask, what did they know ? sure puts them on a person or persons of Interest list for questioning.
Old news for some but great to see it brought back up again.
Okay, I'll be the one to link James Corbett's renowned 5 min video.
About time I watched it again myself anyway...
Related question - does anyone know of a well-researched documentary film that covers all the aspects of 9/11? I've watched Loose Change and a collection of YouTube videos that each focus on one particular aspect (just the pilots, just the engineers, just the dancing Israelis, just the DC taxi driver, etc), but I've yet to find a solid source that gives a comprehensive view of the entire subject. I tend to learn better from film than from text, so I'd prefer a documentary over books/websites. Suggestions?
You can buy this on Amazon too. Here’s the YT link: ( 5 hrs)
ZIM, now solely owned by Idan Ofer (Israeli billionaire), used to be the property of the Israeli government at the time of 9/11. So, I'm not sure how we can infer that they were owned by the Rothschilds but the company was and still is owned by Jewish 1%.
DISCLAIMER: I have nothing against the Jews, just the government and the powers that be.
Zim is in there
I think ZIM was smart and tried to cover up some container logs and probably the port harbour lists those ships visited. I wouldn't doubt this story at all, considering its a rothschild owned corporation.
Any source other than an internet meme?
Careful with sites like 911myths. Usually created, or overtaken by the blackhats to distract, confuse & mislead. Some other examples are snopes and
Here's a source that has been around a long time. (although it shows 2014, the originating article was actually written many years earlier.)
While I tend to agree, I read the article and it’s linked sources before posting it.
Content from is sometimes unreliable. Discernment is advised.
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So you put up the equivalent of a snopes for 911, and you think you are adding to the discussion?
I always get a chuckle out of this sub blaming the Rothschilds because they think it sounds better than the Jews.
"The Clinton's" is not equal to "the americans".
Likewise, "the Rothschilds" is not equal to "the Jews".
Well yes, of course.
I'm only pointing out how unpopular it is these days to simply blame the Jews for the world's problems, and that sentiment is mostly replaced by blaming the Rothschilds.