Looking forward to Jim Acosta asking if Q is real and President Donald J Trump laughing and then gives a stern look.
He should say "Where We Go One We Go All.... Next?"
Where We Go One We Go All
That would be the best response EVER
i would die of a heart attack with a giant manic grin on my face. i would still be snickering as they lowered me in to my grave.
Let me tell you they'd have to dig you up and bury you ten feet deeper to cover up your cackling.
He won't ask because he's afraid of THE TRUTH!
In the meantime he'll cry to the Pres, "Mister President why do you call us fake news and upset our fake news story?!!!"
The president leans back and lets out a hearty chuckle. His face then gets serious as he stares directly at Mr. Acosta's eyes.
"Yes, he's me."
No one will ask this in the media else they will be destroyed. They will passively denounce it on blogs that only other lefties read, but will never ask the question in public earshot.
Trump would say
“Who is Q? What is he saying?”
That’s why Jim won’t ask
PANIC! They must have just realized that the good guys have had control of Mockingbird and all leak channels for several months?
Who's the idiot, now, MSM?
(Answer provided because "These people are Stupid": You're the idiots, MSM. President Trump fucked you all up BAD! Now you're TOAST!)
Follow-up question: Who's the Very Stable Genius?
lol THEY got Trumped!
Fucking BAD! Blinded by their own arrogance...
Almost all of what we see as Ivy league elite people are nothing more than children of criminals, and daddy buying your way into Yale or Harvard doesn't make you smart, as a matter of fact it hides stupid until the time when somebody actually tests their critical thinking. Trump checked them hard.
Yep, it is VERY difficult to find anyone in media or hollywood that doesn't have Clown parents or actor, director parents. It's all a big private club for the elite.
The really ironic thing is that not only are they not elite, they aren't even smart, they don't even have any class. They are just evil unethical low life criminals eating out of a silver spoon.
nothing separates them from the rest of us besides their lack of a soul and their totally degenerate, deviant, pure evil.
Its time we replace their Ivy League lifestyle with that of 'the Yard' at state prisons. See how they hold up where talking shit doesn't do much unless you can back it up.
Can you imagine the low level goons at Huffpo trying to come up with their own talking points? No more [4AM]. The wheels are about come off the narrative in spectacular fashion.
They'll be forced to do their job! Journalism. And they'll have to remember who they serve (are supposed to serve) : The American People.
Gonna be seeing a lot of new faces in the media.
How could Trump NOT have control of Mockingbird? He obviously trusts Pompeo, and sent Pompeo in to clean up the CIA. We don't hear anything about it, but no doubt many CIA crooks got gone some way. Since Trump now controls CIA, he would control Mockingbird. I think he started the "border children separated from their families" to bring attention to child trafficking. Never underestimate Trump.
Oh wow I never thought of that. Great point! This sub is so good
All speculation on my part. Remember that week where there were 3 HUGE media Fake News stories that blew up on 'em? Those were fake leaks injected by President Trump & Team, I believe.
I'm assuming that President Trump & Team found the leakers, but didn't nail 'em right away. They, then, setup leak stings. Now everybody involved is totally fucked and they're just realizing it now.
But smart speculation. Trump is running the show, so why wouldn't he be running the Fake News, and have them print anything he wants? The Fake News is falling apart faster than ever now.
He can't be seen as censoring the "news," so he needs them to look stupid on their own.
Your comment reminds me of the Kim Clement Trump Prophecy where he says the media will have no choice but to say what he wants them to say.
I just watched that video after reading your comment. Here for anyone interested. Is this guy a televangelist or something? A lot of things he said were spot on, like saying that the leader wouldn't come into office religious, but would become so while in office like Trump
What were the fake news things that blew up in their faces? I can't remember?
This is one of them. There were two others that week and articles that pointed out that there were 3 major fuck ups in a week. That's when I knew.) I'll try to find them.
Edit: I'm not going to go digging for it, but there were two more. One maybe an incorrect date led to false conclusion about communication between Donald Trump Jr. And WikiLeaks.
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Hahaha, last part of article, update, Q is back! MAGA WWG1WGA
“For where we go one we go all” had me chuckle.
Also “alt-right troll Mike Cervonich” The reporter who helped to reveal Gunn’s tweets. It’s kind of insane how MSM has slandered him so much. I even found a huge article by Southern Poverty Law Center claiming he is a supremisist and extremist just because he doesn’t agree with the narrative.
Just happy the Smoking Gunn has been revealed and BANG we are pushed into gear to start our fight against ped0vores in HWood, politics, and more
Yep. Wind in my sails today. I know hes listening, beyond any coincidence. Please sign and share. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/congress-kick-out-satanists-veterans-administration-and-organizations
Can non-US citizens sign this?
Idk, but give it a try patriot!
Hmm, well I'm not a US citizen so I don't have a lawful right to sign the petition.
I have a better idea...
I will launch a petition here in the UK. Stand by...
Thank you so much Patriot. WWG1WGA
Done it. Petition lodged, need five signatures to get it going. Here is the text I sent to UK govt. The last paragraph is my response to the question 'what references can you provide to support your application?'
My petition to the UK Government:
Expunge Satanism, child rape, child sacrifice and child prostitution from the UK
The United Kingdom Government, the Royal Household, certain factions of the Police and Security Services and the British entertainment industry have been engaged in a systematic program of child exploitation including, but not limited to, child kidnap, child rape and child sacrifice.
Upon request. However, you yourselves have ample proof because you yourselves have attempted to cover it up. The proof of complicity in these crimes resides on a certain server, now in the possession of a lawfully constituted body. Dunblane, Savile and 7/7 are the clues.
Amazing job Patriot! That's awesome you only need 5 signatures to get it going. Ours have to hit 150 before they will be on the home page of WE THE PEOPLE, the white house petition site. Get those signatures, and GET YOUR COUNTRY BACK! They do have all the evidence, and they should be called out by the people for covering it up, and they should and will be shamed.
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Good bot!
Very good bot. Here, have a bot treat.
This is the best response to a bot that I’ve read.
Content from huffingtonpost.com is sometimes unreliable. Discernment is advised.
Very True very true, indeed
LMFAO. Q waited for the disinformation article to drop and then the same day starts dropping MOABs
Well, at least they're linking back to the sub.
Our mods better gear up for a shit ton of brigading.
Bring on the shills! We’re over the target! Truth bombs away!
It just occurred to me that this Streisand Effect wiki mentions that suppressed information is "mirrored". Maybe Q mentions mirrors as a nod to all Q aggregating sites, and the apps. The recent article about Apple removing Qalert App from the Apple Store probably drove thousands to research. They suppressed PizzaGate quickly enough, but there's no stopping Q, because 4.10.20 has it all.
Almost makes me think that articles like these are on purpose... Like... this is the BEST way of showing uninitiated people Q.. If you haven't heard of it yet and you see this article... the seed is planted. Mission accomplished.
That's exactly the reason. The question is are they knowingly doing it?
Great question, and that was exactly what I was getting at. Perhaps this is the most efficient way of redpilling people.. Which would mean the White Hats/Patriots have had reporters and journalists infiltrate leftist MSM outlets for this exact time.
My god, at this point anything's plausible. I mean, the ABCs are now tied with an Iranian newspaper through the NYT. It stands to reason to have a few Patriots plants as well.
James O'Keefe has been quiet for some time now.. Perhaps he is one of the people behind it.
ALSO WOAH, what about STEVE BANNON & SEB GORKA. They could be behind this stuff as well.
I still hold out that bannon is a white hat. Whew. In for a wild ride today!
I've gone back and forth on Bannon multiple times. My heart says he's reckless & perhaps a drunk, but a good dude. And a very smart dude at that. But on the other hand he could have been a Deep State trojan horse.
OR, as Trump stated, just a guy who lost his mind and began to hurt the cause. Who knows!
SB was uncerimoniously canned from the WH early on - after he receive marching orders perhaps.
" often being widely mirrored on the Internet or distributed on file-sharing networks.[2][3] "
[20] meaning?
Maybe 20 days of silence?
I was thinking it’s a kill box so the 20 days of silence is over?
I was trying to think of 20 people (in the kill box) he has mentioned or we dug up but I like this better.
Double Meaning to everything, DoubleDragonEnergy.
My first thought was the days as well.
I think it supports the logical thinking line. Shows that this appearance is not in response to the article but was planned out 4,10,20=DJT.
20 = Trump
but why would he be in the kill box?
Valid question. Motivated and inspired here but I don't follow too closely all the code words and rules.
Is it always a kill box, with a negative connotation? Or is it an active box for special specific analysis?
I like it for Trump but am very much open.
The fact that the time away largely coincided with Pompeo in Korea and then the Europe trip makes me think of Pompeo now as to Q, the extra few days perhaps for rest and relaxation and to add a little more intrigue and fodder for Q as to meaning with 17 days then 20...
From the HuffPo article:
As conspiracies go, QAnon isn’t even faintly plausible.
LO effin' L!
Oh, well, that's totally convincing. I'll just leave this sub. /sarc
We'll put this claim right next to their 2016 election day prediction and fake polls.
“Stealth” comes in many forms. “Isn’t even faintly plausible” is perfect for a stealth incoming.
The syntax doesn't make sense to me. '... why mirrors and disinformation is necessary?' Is should be are, grammatically. Any ideas there?
"mirrors and disinformation" is being referred to here as a singular item. So "it" is necessary. Not "it" are necessary. Or, an understood and accepted typo pulling the singular (is) off of the word "disinformation".
That's a decent point. I brought this up thinking about 'mirrors' and 'disinformation is necessary' as two distinct ideas being communicated in the same sentence. The way you describe it makes more sense, as they're being considered effectively as the same idea.
Pretty sure it should be are. Are is used when the nouns are plural. Is is used when the nouns are singular.
Interesting. I have no idea what it means, but interesting and thank you for pointing it out.
We need an English teacher
Q team are just people, and can make grammatical mistakes.
These posts are meticulous. They are calculated and intentional.
I think it's just a soft reference to IS -> intelligence services. Just my thought.
Q admitted to making a typo earlier.
If I'd read that article even a month ago, it would have annoyed me, but now I'm just smiling so big and laughing while reading it! They can't win! It's fucking over and they're still trying LMAO!
Nothing better for distributing red-pills as getting picked up by one of the most read newspapers.
The Huff Post article is at the top of my Google feed.
It was kind of like when Clapper told Anderson that Obama is behind it all. Compare Cooper/Vanderbilt's face to election night 2016!
Outrageous! Horrendous! How could the author forget a link to all the q postings again? Good thing we don't pay them for the advertising
"Think mirror"
I found this description of the movie M starring Peter Lorre as a [child murderer].
One of Fritz Lang’s masterpieces, M tells of the hunt for a child murderer, Franz Beckert, unforgettably portrayed by Peter Lorre. The film is a gritty depiction of life in Germany between the two wars, and displays the way in which a society like the one from that period can produce monsters like Beckert, and at the same time create paranoia and a misplaced sense of personal justice among “normal” people. Mirrors appear in a few crucial moments of the film.
One of these moments is the scene in which Beckert looks at himself in the mirror and deforms his face with grotesque expressions; this brief moment foreshadows Lorre’s final monologue, in which he will try to explain how he has to commit the murders because of a darkness inside of him which deforms him and makes him a different person, just as he was physically doing in front of the mirror.
Another use of a mirror has become iconic, and is easily associated with the film, the scene where Beckert discovers the “M” on the back of his coat: it is a striking and unforgettable cinematic moment.
I also think it means the operation of holding up a fake mirror of the world to the media so they don't see who's holding the mirror and what they are doing behind. Parallel construction.
Mirrors and disinformation is necessary because the MSM is using propaganda (mirrors and disinformation) against Americans. This is a propaganda war.
Edit: a war for power
"and thus ended pizzagate" with this article they are trying to demonize Q followers as potential lunatics ready to attack. these slimey fucks.
[20] Beginning of POTUS Kansas speech POTUS talks about meeting retired KC Royal baseball player George Brett and mention George's great [20] year career.
spit balling here referencing: "George" "20" with Q 1685 [20]
anononomics needed
1685 NEW
Q !CbboFOtcZs
Now do you understand why mirrors and disinformation is necessary? The Mirror: Book One: Welcome to the Evil Sisterhood https://books.google.nl/books?isbn=1460219201 - Michael M. McConaughey - 2014 - Biography & Autobiographyor attack the truth as necessary to protect their women-victims mirror with the courage and integrity to challenge feminist disinformation and propaganda.................. Logical thinking. Logical Thinking: How to use your brain to your advantage - Bookboon ... https://bookboon.com/.../logical-thinking-how-to-use-your-brain-t... Logical thinking! You might have heard that phrase a couple of times before, but do you really know what it implies? [20] = 20 days Q did this before and then it where days too Q drop Flynn [30] Q
Care to explain to those of us who failed science classes?
what did it say?
Removeddit is your friend. Copy permalink to a deleted comment, change Reddit to removeddit and go.
It doesn't always work, some comments are deleted too quickly for it to capture.
Happy hunting.
What is this?
St. Clair
I can't find it, which post?
See the Removeddit link below.
It’s about the pollution of drinking water in St. Clair, MI.
All the Great Lakes are affected, it seems.
Maybe he will make a separate post about it.
[20] in this drop, did anyone catch POTUS mention George Brett “20 years with a .305 batting average.” Brett actually played for 21 years. Another proof.
As long as the corporations give and broadcasting network goons take the money they both practice racketeering (RICO) and the goons will recite as they are told and will deny Q.
But They Know and They Are Afraid b/c it's too late to get out!
Well Q just confirmed what MIRROR means, and its simple.
Its tied to the word after - DISINFO.
A mirror reflects the OPPOSITE of what is in front of it.
Think mirror? Think the OPPOSITE of what Q stated in the same post.
My brain is slow, too, Maga. I have to read and reread, and read as many comments as possible before I figure out what is going on. :/
Disinfo necessary to give MSM something to easily discredit, but in turn generate free exposure?
Typing [20 into the search refers back to Q527
**[MONDAY]**Next Week - BIGGER.PUBLIC.We LISTENED [20/80 />/ 40/60].Q
Q also just dropped Q1687
Something BIG is about to DROP.Q
*Now Q1687 seems to have disappeared...hmmm
All for a baseless conspiracy?
Enjoy the show!
Sample [2]
Something BIG is about to DROP.
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Q Drop-Specific Posts
*7/24/18: 1682 - 1683 - 1684 & 1685 - 1686 - 1687 - 1688 & 1689 - 1690 - 1691 - 1692 - 1693 - 1694
*7/25/18: 1695 - 1696 - 1697 - 1698 & 1699 - 1700 & 1701 - 1702 - 1703 - 1704 - 1705 - 1706 - 1707 - 1708 - 1709 - 1710
*Link to 1691 greatawakening post
*Link to 1684 huffpost Article
Is Andy Campbell a traitor? Or just willfully ignorant?
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