Anonymous ID: 764bc7 Q Research General #19393: Slow Saturday Rise WEast of The Kazakh Revolution Edition Jan. 8, 2022, 3:42 a.m. No.15331376   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1425 >>1572

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

Anonymous ID: 764bc7 Jan. 8, 2022, 3:46 a.m. No.15331382   🗄️.is 🔗kun



#19392: The World's Great Awakening Edition

>>15330652, >>15330663, >>15331292, >>15331293, >>15331301, >>15331320, >>15331339, >>15331344 MCBQ CODE RED Now Code Green - MCBQ, Twitter

>>15330654 Whistleblower Footage - Video

>>15330676, >>15330708 Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said he had given shoot-to-kill orders to deal with further disturbances from 'bandits and terrorists' adding those who failed to surrender would be destroyed - 24XAbAP, Reuters, Twitter, Various

>>15330691 Refresher The Zelenko COVID19 Protocol - Image

>>15330699, >>15330720, >>15330717, >>15330749 4th Grade Teacher Runs Indiana Satanic Temple - Real News Michiana

>>15330734, >>15330773, >>15330777, >>15330792, >>15330836, >>15330842, >>15330840, >>15330947 Gotta Think Critically, Biblically in these times - Various

>>15330762 Pharmacist Freakout on Odd COVID inserts - Bitchute

>>15330765 The Evolution Of Extermination

>>15330768, >>15330924 Quick Dig re: National Guard use (a pattern?) - Various

>>15330823 Internationals Update

>>15330927 De Wai. - Video

>>15330932 Strong quake hits China's Qinghai province: USGS ~ 6.6 followed by 5.1 - Panorama

>>15330952 PB, >>15328622 Anon notices POTUS mentions "Ten Cents" A LOT during rallies and interviews (Dig) PB

>>15330958 Ethics and Discernment in Citizen Journalism w/ Brian Cates (Ep. 07) - RUMBLE

>>15330984 #19390

>>15331019 Bidans Touch Down To sniff - Sisolak, Twitter

>>15331051, >>15331098 Check out Z's book~Justice Related - Operation Z

>>15331100 "Book: McAfee Confessed He Once Planned to Kill His Mother, Wife & Baby Due to DMT Overdose ~ Late billionaire John McAfee admitted that he once planned to kill his family after hearing "a voice from God", as he overdosed on DMT, according to the new book "No Domain" by author Mark Ellington." - Sputnik

>>15331106 #19391

>>15331183 The Jade Rabbit - RT

>>15331188, >>15331184 Fractional Reserve Banking Scheme - You Tube

>>15331217, >>15331146, >>15331105, >>15330976, >>15331225, >>15331272 Stonks and Bars - Opinion

>>15331226 Washington State Board of Health (SBOH) will be considering a policy in its Jan. 12 meeting to use law enforcement to involuntarily detain individuals and families who aren’t choosing to comply with various health requests. - SBOH

>>15331231 Trump won! There's nothing that can change it or hide that fact now. - Anon Opine

>>15331241 A German investor (CPharm) plans to produce medical cannabis in Afghanistan - RT

>>15331327 Liz Cheney Accepted 'Statesmanship' Award From Chinese Communist Party Influence Group - The National Pulse, USCC

>>15331333 USNavy Tweets: @USNavy 1️ #USSMilwaukee #LCS5 #FLTOPS @NAVSOUS4THFLT .2️ Sailors analyze sonar aboard #USSChafee #DDG90 @US7thFleet .3️ Sailors inspect aircraft aboard #USSCarlVinson #CVN70 @US7thFleet. .4️ #USSAbrahamLincoln #CVN72 @USPacificFleet

>>15331349, >>15331350, >>15331352 Damage Control

>>15331353 Looks like SCOTUS will vote to keep the Biden OSHA vaccine mandates - Breitbart

>>15331355 DOD Tweets: "@DeptofDefense Somewhere under the rainbow.. ." #ReadyAF? ;) - Twitter

>>15331366 LIVE: Protest against COVID restrix, vaccine mandates takes place in Vienna

>>15331374 #19392

Anonymous ID: 764bc7 Jan. 8, 2022, 3:46 a.m. No.15331384   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#19391: Patriots Standing Together WW Edition

>>15329854 President's Day is 2-21, So Launches Truth Social that day?

>>15329874, >>15329970, >>15330084, >>15330085 BREAKING: U.S. reports 899,441 new coronavirus cases in one day, setting world record + COVID Related

>>15329933, >>15329944, >>15329976, >>15329985, >>15330018, >>15330065, >>15330076, >>15330099, >>15330117, >>15330154, >>15330190, >>15330221, >>15330253, >>15330367, >>15330494 TRUMP: "Last gasps of a corrupt and discredited left-wing political and media establishment" COMMS & Decodes - The Desk Of Donald Trump, Various

>>15329968, >>15329974, >>15329983, >>15329992 Nation's Fate Now In The Hands Of 8 Dummies And Clarence Thomas - Babylon Bee

>>15329984 Gampah wants to take Corn Pop out Back - Video

>>15330001, >>15330058, >>15330163, >>15330059, >>15330444 Khazarian Mafia Digz - Various

>>15330069, >>15330089, >>15330436 Governor Newsom Activates National Guard to Bolster State’s COVID-19 Testing Capacity and How many states is that now with NG activated?

>>15330091 After getting a dose of Covid-19 vaccine, women had an average menstrual cycle length of about one day longer than usual, according to a new study. But the change is not clinically significant, and experts say it shouldn't cause worry. - CNN

>>15330096 “Non-Partisan” Judge Who Ordered PRIVATE COMPANY “Cyber Ninjas” To Give Up Personal Communications To Leftist Newspaper Or Face $50K/Day Fine Donated To Campaigns of Anti-Trump US Lawmakers - The Gateway Pundit

>>15330104 Final Death-Blow to Keystone Pipeline: Judge Tosses Multi-State Lawsuit Fighting Biden's Job-Killing Move - National File

>>15330123 ‘Risk of conflict is real’ ~ NATO chief - RT

>>15330131 Former US attorney Brian Moran to help with Seattle's 4,000-case backlog - Q13Fox

>>15330138 Look what’s allowed on Twitter. - Image, Twitter

>>15330219, >>15330441, >>15330447, >>15330477 Quantico Code Red, Discussion - MCBQ, Twitter

>>15330408, >>15330418, >>15330617, >>15330414 Rothschild ~ She wasn't lying about the water, they made it illegal to collect rainwater for a reason. They were planning to take control of all water supplies in the world - Various

>>15330466 OTD Flying Doritos were canceled

>>15330475 New Orleans 2nd City Court Judge Ernestine "Teena" Anderson-Trahan was indicted Friday on four federal tax fraud charges for allegedly failing to report income for legal work and officiating weddings. - NOLA

>>15330493, >>15330522 this one is big. just in the last week - Various

>>15330500 #19389

>>15330511, >>15330526 Bidan: The son of tomato farmers in the Bahamas, Sidney Poitier became the first Black man to win the Academy Award for Best Actor — but the trail he blazed extended leaps and bounds beyond his background or profession. Jill and I send our love and prayers to his loved ones. - WH

>>15330515 Live feed of KStan crisis - You Tube

>>15330529 #19391 Dough Update

>>15330558 Labour MP Jack Dromey dies at 73 ~ British lawmaker Jack Dromey passed away “suddenly” on Friday, his family said. He was 73. - Citizen Free Press

>>15330567, >>15330584, >>15330596 Hillary: We were all so lucky to share a culture with Sidney Poitier, and benefit from his hand in shaping it. - Twitter

>>15330619 Vaccines/HIV/PCR Tests/MRNA - Live Science, Stanford Healthcare, Very Well Health

>>15331106 #19391

Anonymous ID: 764bc7 Jan. 8, 2022, 3:47 a.m. No.15331385   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#19390: Military Stands Alongside Protestors in Kazakhstan -Setting The.. Edition

>>15329121 43% of NY COVID hospitalizations are BullShit - Gab

>>15329127 Cops would be @ Jess or John Q Public's door in a heartbeat! Preferential Treatment? Alec Baldwin has STILL not handed over his cellphone to cops despite search warrant - Daily Mail

>>15329131 Biden Delivers Brief Remarks on His Administration’s Response to Recent Wildfires - You Tube

>>15329133 Manchin pressured to back filibuster changes by Clinton, Obama, Oprah - Fox News

>>15329148, >>15329156, >>15329242, >>15329256, >>15329315, >>15329263, >>15329269, >>15329311, >>15329372, >>15329450, >>15329480, >>15329534, >>15329542, >>15329729, >>15329738, >>15329764, >>15329769, >>15329808 Kazakhstan Files CURRENT EVENTS - Various

>>15329155 Judge dismisses sole criminal charge against Andrew Cuomo - ABC News

>>15329161 Louisiana Supreme Court upholds employer vaccine mandate - ABC News

>>15329177 World junior shooting champion, 19, dies after accidentally shooting himself in the stomach when bending over to pick up spent cartridges while hunting in Italy - Daily Mail

>>15329213, >>15329276, >>15329279, >>15329284, >>15329301, >>15329373, >>15329550, >>15329557, >>15329614 Meanwhile in Australia’s quarantine camps - Video, News, Twitter

>>15329221 Houston mother charged after 14-year-old child found in trunk of car at drive-thru COVID testing site; the mom told police the child had tested positive and needed to be quarantined; the child was unharmed. - Breaking 911, KPRC

>>15329240, >>15329304, >>15329374 Iran and Taliban threatens to send 2,000 suicide bombers to Washington DC - Zerohedge, Sara Carter, Twitter

>>15329244 Greek Islanders Block Ship Delivering Equipment to Build Migrant Center - Infowars

>>15329247 "QAnon Star" Who Said Only ‘Idiots’ Get Vax Dies of COVID - The Daily Beast

>>15329270, >>15329271 Dan "Mister Doomsday" Scavino D5 COMMS? - Instagram

>>15329370 Feds: FBI informant tried to help the Whitmer kidnap plot suspects - FREEP

>>15329400, >>15329436 50k documents each month for the next 8 months? Pages? - Reuters, RFKJr, Fingfx

>>15329401 New Yorkers clogging up ERs to get COVID tests - NY Post

>>15329433, >>15329535 Man With Explosive Device Arrested Running From Florida January 6 Rally (Antifa? Dressed in Black, Recently Returned from Portland) - The Gateway Pundit

>>15329438 "Her weird remark today; "Justice Sotomayor asks “why the human being is not like a machine”. For some reason got me thinking about the BATF." - Image

>>15329476 The key to Nelson Mandela's Robben Island prison cell is returning to South Africa - NPR

>>15329479 Kash’s Corner: Will Ghislaine Maxwell Get a New Trial?; Navy SEALS vs. Vaccine Mandate - RUm - You Tube

>>15329481, >>15329511 Pompeo's Dasting New Look and Threads - Image, NY Post

>>15329493, >>15329499, >>15329589, >>15329589 He texted me last night and said, ‘I got pepper-sprayed twice,’ and he was in good shape,” Ken told ProPublica. “Apparently he collapsed in the Capitol and they resuscitated him using CPR. - The Federalist

>>15329508, >>15329598, >>15329681, >>15329697, >>15329726, >>15329798, >>15329847 Qlock Talk

>>15329538 Apple's Tim Cook Officially A Billionaire After Massive Windfall In 2021 - Zerohedge

>>15329552 LB Notable Rust Shooting Rust Computer Language

>>15329565 Smiling Elizabeth Holmes makes the most of her freedom: Convicted fraudster takes a stroll with husband and baby son William around leafy $135M California estate - three days after being found guilty in Theranos trial - Daily Mail

>>15329580, >>15329767 For the dimwitted, what this means is that the Dutch government is withholding data concerning excess mortality rates. This is significant because if excess mortality rates are similar to say Germany, it will mean that the Dutch government is complicit in the vaxx deaths. - Disclosetv

>>15329631 The best interview i watch wit POTUS and Nigel Farage! - RUMBLE

>>15329659, >>15329690 Richard Grenell Tweets: …#Sotomayor and #Kagan and #Breyer all pushed Covid fake news and you are melting down over a mask?!… - Twitter, Business Communication

>>15329671 US Navy Seal training in San Diego Bay - January 7, 2022 - Twitter

>>15329707 Julian Assange: Campaigners mark 1,000 days since Wikileaks founder was imprisoned

>>15329765 China’s Global Lockdown Propaganda Campaign ~ Inside the CCP’s use of social media bots and other disinformation tactics to promote its own response to the coronavirus pandemic and attack its critics - Tablet Mag

>>15329802 US school shooter charged with killing 4 is obsessed with Nazis, prosecutors say - Times Of Israel

>>15330984 #19390

Anonymous ID: 764bc7 Jan. 8, 2022, 3:47 a.m. No.15331386   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#19389: Baker Fakes a Deep Flake, leaf's New Baker HIGH and Dry Edition

>>15328393, >>15328401, >>15328465 Last gasps of a corrupt and discredited left-wing political and media establishment

>>15328408 ICYMI: Donald J. Trump One-on-One with Christina Bobb (January 6)

>>15328428, >>15328432, >>15328446, >>15328482, >>15328531, >>15328583 Who is Mark Ryden?

>>15328438, >>15328440 ICYMI: "Voters need to start turning the page on Biden’s disastrous presidency"

>>15328443 Anon notes on NG units being activated

>>15328444 For The KEKS - Stores/Supply

>>15328447 ICYMI: "Jason Aldean, Wife Brittany Aldean Ring in New Year with ‘the G.O.A.T.’ Donald Trump: ‘This Man Is Unbelievable’"

>>15328448 2020 IMF and Kazakhstan to Establish Regional Capacity Development Center

>>15328463 #OTD in 1991, the McDonnell Douglas A-12 Avenger II program was canceled.

>>15328475 Move Over Farmers, The Fully Autonomous, Self-Driving Tractor Has Officially Arrived

>>15328490, >>15328554, >>15328804, >>15328883 Video shows Antifa thugs handing out weapons to comrades inside the Capitol Building

>>15328568 Russian forces now effectively occupying Kazakhstan, opposition figure claims

>>15328622 Anon notices POTUS mentions "Ten Cents" A LOT during rallies and interviews (Dig)

>>15328648 'Virginia told me she'd slept with Andrew in London'

>>15328680 US Pilot Says His Colleagues Are “Dropping Like Flies With Crushing Chest Pain” Post-Covid-19 Vaccination

>>15328701 Pfizer’s Link to the Wuhan Lab.

>>15328723 Hunter Biden also had business dealings in Kazakhstan: report

>>15328791 Anon Spots 1/2chan Sept. 2019 warnings about virus and vaccines

>>15328808, >>15328825 Former Kazakhstan uranium czar blames imprisonment on sale of Clinton-linked Canadian company to Russians

>>15328856 Farmers hope to cash in on $130b global market for traditional Chinese medicine with long-term study

>>15328982 Far-right extremists shift online strategies

>>15328991 White House, Western Media Shift Gears as Kazakhstan’s Tokayev Gets ‘Russian-Backed Strongman’ Label

>>15329031 Digital yuan given green light by Chinese tech giant

>>15330500 #19389

Anonymous ID: 764bc7 Jan. 8, 2022, 3:47 a.m. No.15331388   🗄️.is 🔗kun

#19388: Executive Order Christmas/D[5]/Supreme Court +3 Edition

>>15327566 Check'em twice

>>15327632 Re-posting for missing L in "quicky."

>>15327638 9.3 Billion Covid Vaccines

>>15327645, >>15327672, >>15327941 Liar liar robe on fire…

>>15327662 After Seeing Latest Jobs Report, Nation Regrets Buffalo Guy’s Failure To Seize Presidency

>>15327664 10 Reasons Donald Trump Is Actually Batman


>>15327715 Austin's defunded police no longer have the staff to monitor sex offenders

>>15327719 Arson Determined to Be Cause of Fire That Destroyed Tennessee Planned Parenthood Last Week

>>15327720 Real Raw News - Satire?

>>15327744 Anyone who claims to be a Jew, by definition, rejected Christ. They therefore worship a false religion, lead by a false idol. Jews are the Synagogue of Satan

>>15327771 Allegedly "#19388"

>>15327804 Rex Rust, co-president of Rust Communications, dies

>>15327822, >>15327933, >>15328202 Citigroup to enforce 'no-jab, no-job' policy starting Jan. 14 - source

>>15327834, >>15327975, >>15327993, >>15328005, >>15328029, >>15328037 Anon asks about J6 Twitter accts still active

>>15327887 The 3 men who murdered #AhmaudArbery have just been sentenced by Judge Timothy Walmsley

>>15327894 XVIII Airborne Corps commander set to be next CENTCOM boss

>>15327943 America’s Frontline Doctors File Brief in the Supreme Court Case to be Heard Today on Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers at Facilities Receiving Federal Funding

>>15327944,>>15327961 The Winter Soldier

>>15327950 King County Prosecutor Dan Satterberg says he won't seek reelection

>>15327951, >>15328049, >>15328080, >>15328105, >>15328127, >>15328154 Clocks and Graphics

>>15328021 A group of @WANationalGuard members are responding to #flooding in Lewis County under immediate response authority

>>15328028 Pentagon Further Tightens COVID Restrictions After Secretary Austin Tests Positive

>>15328073 Oprah and Obama Call Joe Manchin and Urge Him to Drop Filibuster and Pass Ballot Harvesting, Midnight Drop Boxes, No Voter ID Laws

>>15328142 Chief Justice Roberts criticizes White House for referring to Biden’s vaccine mandate as a ‘workaround’

>>15328151 Doctor Tells Health Minister ‘Science Isn’t Strong Enough’ to Enforce Mandatory Vaccination

>>15328187, >>15328270 Coincidence?’ US, Foreign NGOs May Have Played Key Role in #SocialUnrest in #Kazakhstan, #Expert Says

>>15328236 Triple-vaxxed Austrian chancellor contracts COVID while touting benefits of mandatory jabs

>>15328245 January 6: The day Democrats established a police state in America

>>15328275 Last gasps of a corrupt and discredited left-wing political and media establishment

>>15328295 Watch here 45th President Donald J. Trump One-on-One with Christina Bobb from OAN.

>>15328299 Fact Check: Justice Breyer Suggests Vaccines, Masks Would Prevent 100% of Coronavirus Infections

>>15328819 #19388

Anonymous ID: 764bc7 Jan. 8, 2022, 3:47 a.m. No.15331389   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>15326766 DOUGH

>>15326794 EO/Eastern Orthodox/Executive Order Christmas

>>15326850 The Old Guard

>>15326853 January 6: The day Democrats established a police state in America

>>15326960 America’s Frontline Doctors File Brief in the Supreme Court Case to be Heard Today on Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers at Facilities Receiving Federal Funding

>>15326980 Cyber Ninjas CEO Doug Logan Responds to Misleading Mainstream Media Reports on His Company’s Shutdown

>>15326996 It's great to see NYC turning over a new leaf and cleaning house.

>>15327025 Poland admits buying Israeli Pegasus spyware

>>15327030 White House Blasts "Crazy" Russia-China Statements Accusing US Of 'Color Revolution' In Kazakhstan

>>15327070 Taliban weed about to attract millions in foreign investment

>>15327095 Ex-Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield accused of sexually assaulting teen for years

>>15327109 Philip Banks, unindicted co-conspirator in bribery scandal, named deputy mayor

>>15327118 The propagators of the Nice Doctrine

>>15327124 Dr. Robert Malone Reveals CIA Psychological Operation Pushing COVID-19 Hysteria, Vaccines

>>15327150 Reminder: The Bush Family purchased over 100,000 acres of land in Paraguay

>>15327152 ‘Destroying Democracy’ – Polish Govt Takes Facebook to Task for Banning Right-Wing Party

>>15327153 Donald Trump’s Approval Soars to 85% In GOP - Higher than Day He Left Office

>>15327185 Pfizer Demands Military Bases as "collateral" for anticipated lawsuits over vax Injuries: India

>>15327196 6.6-magnitude quake hits northwest China's Qinghai province

>>15327206 Terry Bean, 71, Portland, OR Raised over $500,000 for Obama 2012, 6 White House visits Hosted Clinton, Gore & Obama events at his home

>>15327216 Award-winning teacher at Manhattan charter school is accused of grooming and sexually abusing a student for years starting when she was in fourth grade

>>15327237 Nursing homes will have to accept COVID-positive admissions from hospitals

>>15327285 Following Free Beacon Story, DHS Reveals Report on Illegal Immigrant Population - Biden admin failed to produce report on visa overstays in 2021

>>15327304 White House to ask Congress for billions more in COVID-19 aid

>>15327394 (Why do Rabbi's spray paint swastika on walls?)

>>15327475 Pfizer Trial Data Shows Jab Caused Severe Fever in 1 Out of 5 Children

>>15327499 Kazakh President Issues "Shoot To Kill Without Warning" Order As Armed Insurgent Groups Form

>>15327134, >>15327017 Supreme Court Justice Exhibits Shocking Lack of Basic COVID Knowledge During Hearing

>>15326863, >>15326890 See how it works? Jerusalem is starting to get very nervous. Q Drop 1045

>>15326968, >>15326982 If you can't see it by now, you are still asleep. No matter how much time you've spent on QR

>>15327003, >>15327013, >>15327012 This will be the next "Russia-Gate"

>>15327510 #19387

Anonymous ID: 764bc7 Jan. 8, 2022, 3:47 a.m. No.15331390   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>15326165, >>15326225, >>15326275, >>15326422 Leave Brittany Alone

>>15326695, >>15326728 Truth Social Scheduled Launch Date: 02/21/2022 - Relevant Q Drops - 4 year delta

>>15326017 AZ paper ballot problems finally surface.


>>15326083 8 Times Left-Wing Protesters Broke Into Government Buildings And Assaulted Democracy

>>15326091 Indiana Lawmakers Seek Federal Constitutional Convention to Keep Supreme Court at 9 Members

>>15326122 Stefanik Torches Pelosi Over J6: Speaker ‘Bears Responsibility’ for Capitol Incident

>>15326183 @USMC



>>15326335 Democrats’ Top Priority Before Fall Elections Is Rigging U.S. Voting Rules

>>15326438 Youtube Removed Comments from every Video of President Trump

>>15326542 ICYMI: Former Monsanto employee pleads guilty to economic espionage conspiracy after he stole proprietary farming software algorithm from Monsanto and attempted to take it to China to benefit the PRC government.

>>15326641 Enough is enough!

>>15326657 Federal courts rule that lawsuits for @RealDonaldTrump before election law/constitutional violations are premature and that lawsuits after election law/constitutional violations are too late.

>>15326748 #19386


Previously Collected

>>15327510 #19387, >>15328819 #19388

>>15325169 #19384, >>15325988 #19385, >>15326748 #19386

>>15322914 #19381, >>15323676 #19382, >>15325019 #19383

>>15321312 #19379, >>15322904 #19380, >>15322914 #19381

>>15319006 #19376, >>15319821 #19377, >>15320533 #19378

>>15316640 #19373/2, >>15317399 #19374, >>15318219 #19375

>>15315362 #19371, >>15315925 #19372, >>15316641 #19373

>>15312866 #19368, >>15313624 #19369, >>15315541 #19370

>>15310532 #19365, >>15312467 #19366, >>15312036 #19367

>>15308265 #19362, >>15309012 #19363, >>15309757 #19364

>>15305713 #19359, >>15306788 #19360, >>15307426 #19361

>>15303470 #19356, >>15304275 #19357, >>15305059 #19358

>>15302810 #19353, >>15301958 #19354, >>15302758 #19355

>>15298719 #19350, >>15299577 #19351, >>15300316 #19352

>>15296800 #19347, >>15297195 #19348, >>15297967 #19349

>>15294847 #19345, >>15295638 #19346, >>15296808 #19347

>>15292693 #19342, >>15294293 #19343, >>15294103 #19344

>>15291511 #19340, >>15291511 #19341, >>15291731 #19341

>>15288610 #19337, >>15290607 #19338, >>15290778 #19339

>>15286046 #19334, >>15286995 #19335, >>15287691 #19336

>>15283816 #19331, >>15284637 #19332, >>15285391 #19333


Aggregators: |

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

Anonymous ID: 764bc7 Jan. 8, 2022, 4:04 a.m. No.15331425   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1430 >>1447

>>15331376 (OP) #19393: Slow Saturday Rise WEast of The Kazakh Revolution Edition



Citizens in democrat controlled territories will be hardest hit if black out happens as most people expect.



Other areas will primarily have to remain alert until the military is embedded officially\unofficially with law enforcement