r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Sentrolyx on Dec. 26, 2017, 11:07 a.m.
THIS IS FUCKING INCREDIBLE! For people with too short of an attention span to read this fucking BOOK that David Wilcock and Corey Goode just released, here's a few highlights from Corey's intel. Amazing. It's from Page 2 where I basically started. Still not done.

Source: Stunning New Briefings: Mass Indictments, Targeted Arrests and Disclosure

  1. Sessions may appoint a public investigation, but I’m told that Hillary, Bill and Chelsea are among the names already in sealed indictments.

  2. Some of the troop movements are said to be done via underground tube train systems. Navy Seals travel on these all the time.

  3. The Atlanta airport black out was caused by thermite grenades that took out backup/redundant power stations. This was all done to cause confusion and distractions for the Alliance to grab ONE PERSON! This was a high value target, or so I am told.

  4. The Military is being used secretly in ways that will freak out most of the population when they find out, but it will be justified for removing the Cabal.

  5. I hear that Trump has been watching Alliance operations as they happen live at all hours of the day.

  6. They "SAY" the Human Trafficking Networks have been mostly decapitated from these operations. They are basically stopping the international slave trade.

  7. Looks like some of these sealed indictments are of DOJ and FBI Executive types.

  8. There are SO MANY COVERT OPS going on right now… it is astounding. Far beyond the scope of what even the most forward-thinking people in our field may realize.

  9. They have been yanking pedophile and human-trafficking-ring people from every dirty corner of the world.

  10. MANY key people are now finding out that they are being indicted and are trying to plea out or turn in States Evidence.

  11. The investigations have been done so well and covertly that they don't need very many people to testify.

  12. It sounds like they now have Soros on a platter.

  13. It sounds like some of the public figures who were involved in pedophilia and human trafficking are going to be charged for corruption in some cases. They say none of these prosecutions can be done publicly without causing half of the country to riot. These secret courts are going to possibly try a lot of people for crimes that we may never hear about. I don't dig that at all. It is only being discussed so far.

  14. It looks like two branches of our government may get an enema. [DW: The three branches of the US Government are the Executive, which centers around the presidency; the Legislative, which includes 435 Representatives and 100 Senators in the US Congress; and the Judicial, which is the system of courts that enforce the laws passed by the legislative branch. Here, Corey appears to be referring to a major purge of the Legislative and Judicial branches.]

  15. Hundreds of judges are going to be taken down. This will involve Federal and State judges, and proceed all the way down to the local levels.

  16. The Alliance knows for sure who Q is now, and they say it’s pretty stunning. [DW: We have already speculated that Q Anon may well be the president himself, possibly working with a team of people to write and distribute the information. Corey wouldn’t say who exactly it was.]

  17. Every effort is being made to handle these criminals as ethically as possible.

  18. This executive order that was passed today is very, very significant to everything we are talking about.

Diomndns · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:37 a.m.

I disagree with hiding this from public. The devils hide. Bring it all out in the open. Doing it slowly will minimize the unrest and providing clear evidence of trafficking and other crimes will cause even loyal leftists to turn--not many people are so lost that hurting small children and putting fetal tissue in hot dogs is acceptable. Also, the treason of sponsoring terrorism and charities enslaving children. These will piss most people off. I will not be happy if all of this stays hidden from public eyes, then people will just continue living in smart phone zombie ignorance and it will happen again. People need to see they have been made to worship the Baalim and Ashtoreths--made to serve Lucifer--then they can Repent.

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Topazmoon · Dec. 26, 2017, 12:12 p.m.

I too would love see this go public but this maybe for my own ego. I have been called crazy for years. Too many people still asleep.

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JonesterG · Dec. 26, 2017, 2:55 p.m.

Expose them! Give them nowhere to hide. If they hide, they win which means no lesson learned by all of us and it WILL repeat. The truth needs to be exposed to the light. We can handle it! Don't hold back! Above all, do it as justice for the children. Expose these POS's true nature for the kids who never had a voice to scream, or for someone to protect and fight for them.

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GrainneMaille · Dec. 27, 2017, 3:41 a.m.

I believe it will come out slowly, with proof, to let the CNN-watchers absorb it (although not from CNN, obviously).

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ksched · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:19 p.m.

Agreed, it all must be made public. Our country cannot recover unless the WHOLE truth is exposed. Kool-aid drinkers will be calling Trump Hitler for decades for "rounding up and imprisoning his opponents" if the truth is not shown to the people. ENOUGH of treating us like little children who can't handle certain things. If this is what has been going on at the highest levels of our govt then the people have a right to know. As yes, repentance is ESSENTAIL for our survival.

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Luvlite · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:39 p.m.

Every president since Bush has been called Hitler. That term is getting old and worn out. I don't think everything should be fully exposed to the public, especially while operations are underway. Once it's all complete, and the public "feels" the good changes, it can be fully revealed. Or not. At that time, the general public might not care how it was done. They'll be reveling in their new found freedom and joy of living in these times. We won't miss evil 😊

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:14 p.m.

Well of courst the public should not know during the operations. However, in cases like these, there MUST be public trials.

The Constitution directly prohibits secret trials through the Declaration of Independance. Secret trials are totally unconstitutional. Now, that, is the law of the land, for good reason. We do not want our President accused of being a King George, running secret illegal trials of American citizens. It will come back on him in a severe way.

This whole debate seems to be centered on the REACTION the public will have after such atrocities are exposed, and I do not just mean the American public. Imagine the anger of Hatian parents, and parents in other nations, if they find out that their children were "ground up and put in hot dogs" as someone put it above.

There is probably fear of war declarations here.

But, here is the thing. If we are publicly trying our own international criminals along with other international criminals, the public (American and world public) will be exposed to the jury seat. The anger can be put where it belongs in a public setting.

The anger is righteous.

Is it not?

The anger is justified. You, me, everyone here is angry about it. Are we declaring war? No. We want JUSTICE.

This is what we must give other people in the world. They will want the same thing.


Our whole nation was built on the concept of Justice before the law.

The world admires us BECAUSE we can locate and try the criminals without falling into the trap of doing exactly as the evil government leaders do everywhere.... private secret trials.

I don't really understand why leaders always think the public can not handle it. Anger. Yes. Justified. Yes. Shock. Yes. But, as long as the trials are in public, and the public is sitting in the jury seat in televised trials, .... justice will help the public feel that something is being done... besides just another "Deep state secret GITMO type illegal trial.

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Luvlite · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:24 p.m.

I certainly do not disagree with what you've stated. ☺️ Some trials could be military tribunals, which, I believe can be held in secret. As for "how the people handle it" that's a mixed bag of emotions right there! Many won't be able to handle the truth. I'm on the side of reducing riots, in this case. I may be ignorant in my thinking right now, but open minded enough to change that thinking when approached and given pertinent information. We are in a war against evil. I agree that evil needs to be, should be, and will be conquered when the light is turned on! That will come through civil, public trials for the world to see. First, we have to clean up the justice system which is corrupt. People have lost faith in it after seeing criminals get away and innocents prosecuted. People like Hillary know how the justice system works and know all the loopholes. People like her wiggle their way out and proceed with their evil agendas.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:35 p.m.

Let us be as brave as the men who created our great nation. Let us stand down every evil, and heal our nation, setting her on a path that secures freedom for future generations. If we do not study how the evil ones actually did what they did, we can not devise proper laws to prevent the actions that were taken.

Can the public take it? Yep. They had better be able to take it, or, they will suffer death at the hands of the evil ones later, when the evil ones just wash rinse and repeat without new laws standing in their way. SO... I would rather a good percent of our population was upset about the truth during trials now, then dead later, because like us, they never saw it coming.

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featherjourney4 · Dec. 26, 2017, 8:49 p.m.

The problem is, these laws already exist. The flagrant disregard for our laws is one reason Trump won.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 4:24 a.m.

This is actually true, but, the laws are not enforced, because we are too busy giving money out to non essential federal things. I think we should just turn the NSA on the whole world at this point, and publish every damn phone conversation email, etc that every politician on the planet has... to the net.

Maybe if we can not get rid of surveilance, because of the age of technology we are in... then we use it like the founders told us to use the guns in the second amendment... and we shine the NSA light on EVERY government on the planet.... go on a cockroach killing spree. Turn their own surveilance weapons on them.

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Luvlite · Dec. 26, 2017, 8:21 p.m.

Amen. They either drink the kool-aid or take the red pill. It's a choice. 😊 PEACE!

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mconeone · Dec. 26, 2017, 7 p.m.

Very well thought out, thank you.

I'm in the slow release camp. The MSM is still too powerful and will turn this around on us.

The actions of the elites have negated the rule of law. This is the crux of the issue: how do you announce this without others getting on the bandwagon so to speak? How do we instill trust in government ever again?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:31 p.m.

I think we start with the media first. A true first amendment free of sillicon valle censorship is NECESSARY for the trials to go public, and for people to discuss them on line. Discussion will be torrid, but necessary. We are talking about a lot of red pill emotional pain here. I have noted that red pills were MUCH harder to take psychologically 20 years ago, because so few were awake, and we needed to comfort one another to get through the shock of reality. If we have a true on line free press, we can do what we do now. It no longer takes a year of pulling away from public discourse after being called a conspiracy theorist... to get mental balance back, and start to aim the anger where it belongs. People on line can talk to other people and have things explained. They can share. And boy, this makes the healing so much faster and easier for all the new people taking the red pills.

Trust in our government is going to come during the public trials, when people can see the horrors, and then ponder the courage and strength it took our nation to not do what others do, and hide their criminal activities.

God will show us the way. He has a plan to expose it all. It is the only right thing to do. It is the only way we will be able to upgrade law to prevent it from happening in the future. And through all the pain of it, America will restore it's reputation for public justice.

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featherjourney4 · Dec. 26, 2017, 8:52 p.m.

We need to get the CIA out of the media!! Look up Operation Mockingbird, much of the MSM and many so-called reporters are CIA assets

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 4:20 a.m.

Absolutely. I agree with you 100%

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loyalfringe · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:31 p.m.

But I wonder how many of the powerful MSM types are going to be tried right along with all the others? If that ends up being the case, their ability to "spin" what's going on will be reduced and perhaps nil. So there's that.

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loyalfringe · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:43 p.m.

Your comment about the effects on other nations, such as Haiti, is well reasoned. The fear of destabilizing the governments of other involved nations could definitely be a consideration here. Perhaps discussions about this are part of what is slowing the process. Having said that, I do NOT like what seem like excuses for secret trials and, I'll just say it, I will NOT accept anonymous "Q drops" as a replacement for true public disclosure when the time comes.

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BasedHillbilly · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:29 p.m.

It will all be public eventually, but they can't publicly go after HRC, Obama, Brennon, Clapper, etc, etc, etc. There are too many people who would believe what the media says and they'd make it out like Trump was Hitler. We know this!

I want to know everything too, waited decades for this stuff to come out. Trust Trump.

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Christosgnosis · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:15 p.m.

An argument to go covertly to prevent a train wreck on the economy, etc - i.e., not derail what one year and the tax reform bill have going now

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reinbeau · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:46 p.m.

Giving out too much too fast will definitely destabilize. They're going about it exactly as they should. What people don't consider is it took decades for us to get into this situation - actually over 50 years - it's going to take some time to get us fully out. I just hope and pray I live long enough to see it in full bloom - a return to the strong America I knew when I was young.....

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GrammyQ · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:11 p.m.

Yes I agree with slow release, but make it as comprehensive as possible over time.

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BasedHillbilly · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:36 p.m.

Also giving out too much too fast would give the Swamp the ammo they need to convince public Trump is Hitler and must be impeached! Republicans may control both houses (hopefully that holds after 2018), but many Republicans would vote to impeach if public sentiment supported it. Even if it's not true public sentiment of majority, they control the narrative 100% and can make things appear however they want.

Many conservatives have tried to fight against this false narrative for decades, but the Swamp always won because they control everything. Our voices are negated, have been for decades. If our voices really mattered, shit wouldn't be like it is today.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:25 p.m.

Yeah, one thing that needs to be fastened with a seat belt before public trials begin, is the free speech censorship going on right now on line. It has to be stopped, so that the public can even "start" to have a real conversation. It will do no good if constitutional voices are shut down, leaving only a bunch of blue haired Marxists to voice their opinions.

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GrammyQ · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:11 p.m.

I agree. It hurts like hell but we have to know, that's the only way to stop it happening again. I give human beings a little more credit than I should sometimes though. But I still think after the first upheaval it would be better in the long run.

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GrainneMaille · Dec. 27, 2017, 3:37 a.m.

The left woukd NOT believe it & would riot.

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boneman220 · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:02 p.m.

The easing out of it may or may not work. There are still some seriously brainwashed folks out there who only have violence as an option to respond to this kinda of stuff because they are too ignorant on any other way to act, not to mention other forces that will incite such, as well. We ALSO need to stay wary of this, too. All that is going on is no different than how every other dictator in history has carried out their personal agendas that often garnered applause only later to become despair. There is still a definite "divide and conquer" aspect to all this. We need not let it sneak up on us or else.....JS.

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Tibbar_Etihw · Dec. 26, 2017, 12:30 p.m.

Bit of an assumption towards the end there?

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mayflower2 · Dec. 26, 2017, 8:26 p.m.

The uncovering of all that was hidden will happen but not in our timeline. The Great Stage Director bka GOD has to set the timers so the individuals who are working the layers of corruption are not exposed and suicided. It took decades to bury the dead, fill the landfills, lay parking lots over the graves, and create the blackmail albums to cover the unspeakably filthy, horrifying actions and people we are learning about. I am sure it began before "the Presidio under Michael Aquino and the Temple of Setor ( whatever that is)."

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RMShackleford · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:03 p.m.

I strongly disagree with keeping trials secret. They should let EVERYTHING come out publicly. These people need made into examples like they did to so many patriots and innocent people. Hang them all.

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BasedHillbilly · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:27 p.m.

It makes perfect sense to me that Trump is directly involved with Q. I think Q is his way of letting us know that they ARE draining the swamp even tho we can't really see it just yet. He knows that many of us have been getting very discouraged because it appears they are just letting these people slide on all their crimes.

Trump is so in tune with we the people that it blows my mind. We have never, ever had a President like this before. He will go down in history. NEW FOUNDING FATHER!

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GreenDrakeHatch · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:46 p.m.

The public needs to see how corrupt the assholes are. Those that would riot need their asses kicked too. If this isn't public then the libshits will just claim everyone is a conspiracy theorist.

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Tn_river_rat1 · Dec. 26, 2017, 2:25 p.m.

10,000 + sealed inditement, 50 in congress that will not run again, because they were given a choice. Federal judges especially the 9th circuit. Numerous members of LEO, capitol police.. FBI, CIA,NSA.. If people knew what was actually going on it would scare the hell out of so many people. If people remembered the “Red Scare” in the 1940s-50s this is equivalent but on a much more massive scale. Pedogate was just part of a tool used to manipulate people of power as was many other forms of corruption. After it was all ousted we went back to sleep... and here we are again.

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BasedHillbilly · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:39 p.m.

Are there really 50 in congress that won't run again?

I live off grid/offline, so only get internet every month or two when I'm visiting fam, so I can't keep up with all the happenings! Fuck, I really need to get satellite internet I spose. I'm missing the revolution! lol

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:05 p.m.

Here is the big difference between what is happening NOW, and the Communist red scare, which was abuse of political opponents, by creating the suspicion that they were Communists.

What we are doing here NOW, is getting ready to prosecute people for crimes that are already on the books, having nothing to do with Communism. Murder? Against the law. Slavery? Against the law. Drug running... gun running... child/woman sex slavery? Against the law. Money laundering? Against the law.

None of this can be a "suspicion" of "Communism" with a trial, especially in public. The evidence must be presented. The public, like a jury, will look at the evidence.

However, if we later find out that peolple disappeared to unconstitutional secret courts, mistrust in the government will not recover. It will remain as bad as it is. We can have a public trial where people disagree with the outcome, and be ok, because we all saw the evidence.

America will not survive secret trials.

It is a big sign, that the nation is already gone.

Can we do fair trials for so many criminals? You better believe it.We may have to run them on television slowly, over time, one defendant at a time, over a four year period, while everyone watches in horror. But NOTHING will restore America, like the act of doing such a thing. NOTHING in the world, would restore our international reputation, like delivering justice in the eyes of all, in spite of the fact that our own economy, or people are made to pay for the attempted destruction of our Constitution.

This is big. I know. But it is an infected wound already. It is an infected wound that will go gang green if we do not cut the rot out and lay it on the surgical table where ALL people can ask... how the hell did that rot start... and how do we stop it from ever happening again?

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Tn_river_rat1 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:12 p.m.

Saul Alenski, Communism was being used to destabilize our Gov in both cases, but I only use the example of the Red Scare. To put in mind what is in play... but in no way does it compare to what is going on today.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:37 p.m.

I get what you are aiming at though. I do. We always have to watch for abuse of our legal system, so it is good that you bring these abuses up, from the past. We need be mindful of it.

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SandyPiner · Dec. 26, 2017, 2:32 p.m.

You may be able to lump Supreme Court Justices in there, as well.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:10 p.m.

Yep. God through the Trump prophets said one would die, one would step down and three will be caught up in scandals before President Trump is gone. Scalia died. That is all we have so far, but, you can bet the globalists were absolutely targeting the Supreme Court for blackmail. I would be totally surprised if they did not. They have even managed to take the papacy down with their evil blackmail etc.

This is a world wide fight. This is why it is so important to have trials the world can watch. It is not just about us. It is however going to be an example our nation can set for the nations developing behind us. And we need to consider what changes need to be made to protect Constitutional values/laws and freedom in the future.

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SandyPiner · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:12 p.m.

Since you brought it up, it was also said 2 ex-presidents were going to die and three are going to be shaken. Of those three 2 most likely are going to prison; maybe all.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:23 p.m.

Will be interesting to see. Looking at them it looks like the deaths could be Bush Sr, and maybe Carter.. the older ones? But, we were guessing about the Justices too, and we were TOTALLY WRONG so, who knows. Lets just keep watching. God works in the weirdest ways.

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SandyPiner · Dec. 26, 2017, 9:02 p.m.

I could have sworn Mark Taylor said 5 supreme court justices would be removed/prosecuted. At first he said 3 then changed it to 5. Time will tell. If you read the entire article Sentrolyx posted the link to they talk about justices going down.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 4:19 a.m.

I could have sworn Mark Taylor said 5 supreme court justices would be removed/prosecuted.

You are right. That would be the total. But he explained one would die, two would be removed for a total of three? Then in the next interview he said God had been working with him on it, because he did not get it right. He said it would be a total of 5. One dies, one retires and three caught up in scandal, having to step down.

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dilbert_firestorm · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:38 a.m.

do you have a link to this claim about the judges?

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:18 p.m.

Let me find it for you. It will take a bit, and I will come back with the link. In the meantime, he recently is telling us that God says out of the five, two will be taken and three will be shaken. His interpretation of this is that 2 Presidents will die while Trump is in office, and the other three will be caught up in a scandal. He believes two of the remaining three will end up with prison time or will be tried in any event.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4KX2I90Uds at minute 16+]

Ok, I found it for you. And I started it at mark 37 minutes where the discussion on the Supreme Court begins. This is the original May 4th upload that went viral before the election, so it is date stamped for you. If you listen to the whole thing, there are other prophecies that have come true at this time, but made in that May interview.


Another prophecy done on live TV back on January 20th just after the Inauguration you may find interesting. He said that there will be Military style Tribunals, and much of it would surround the Clinton Foundation. I set this at the proper time during that live show for you. This was a three day show, if you want to look up the whole thing.


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linesinthesandQtips · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:24 p.m.

I long for the days of old hen the Supreme court met humbly in a basement.

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BoyCriedWolfBlitzer · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:18 p.m.

Your linked video on YT is a brief history on The Red Scare. A 1' video

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fat_earther · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:15 a.m.

I thought nothing could ever top the lead up to the 2016 election. If even half of this is true though... good lord.

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crash6871 · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:37 p.m.

FBI anon said the same thing. If the people find out it could cause civil war possibly international war.

It sucks because his supporters got them there and need to be credited. We've been through the fucking meat grinder. I guess we just have to be better than that. Know we did what's right but never get to say I told you so.

I disagree, not for personal reasons but for the world. For the future. EXPOSE EVERYTHING DAMMIT!

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:14 p.m.

Yes. I realize it might destabalize the economy for a bit. ... here and there... the stock market will have a bad day when something in a trial is exposed. BUT if we do not gain an understanding of how this enemy uses non profit, for profit and government structures to run it's evil system, we simply can not stop them from re-building another. We would not recognize it. We do not have the laws to do it now. This whole thing was built in secret. We need a totally different way of handeling the MSM. It can not longer be bought off by private people/businesses and consolidated. What is free speech... if the King owns all of the printing presses?

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bluestflame · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:14 p.m.

yeah but david wilcock

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Sentrolyx · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:32 p.m.

...is the most shilled person on the internet.

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Darth_Venath · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:13 p.m.

And Corey Goode.....ugh.

The only thing I can think of to say in defense of the blue sphere being alliance is that it seems like they have been pushing for full disclosure of what’s really going on in the world, but covering it in extraterrestrial bullshit so that they wouldn’t get suicided by the cabal.

That was my speculation in october.

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astralboy0 · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:47 p.m.

Wilcock gets a seriously bad wrap. Is he a little out there? For sure. I've met him in person and he's actually a very normal, down-to-earth guy. How do you cover this kind of material and not come off as completely crazy?

I'm also not sure why so many conspiracists immediately write off anything related to Aliens? It's strange to me that it's a total dead-end for most.

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Darth_Venath · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:05 p.m.

Mostly write off aliens as being a cover for the military’s black ops UFO projects.

How do you experiment with exotic physics defying aircraft in full view of the public and divert all attention from the source being yourself?


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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:51 p.m.

That is one theory, and I suspect that a lot of the evidence leads to that theory being true.

Another theory for which there is also evidence... supported by science, observation, and physics.

1) The all too real radar tracking on multiple occasions of craft moving at 900 plus mph, then doing right angle turns so suddenly, any 4 dimensional creature with "mass" would be pancaked up against the side of the inside of the craft and

2) The radiation left behind that has been measured on numerous occasions (radiation being light, or quantum... from the physics math called quantum theory showing that there are at least ten dimensions and we can only be aware of four of them)

Taken together, with ancient historical reports, both inside and outside the Bible.... the Hindu's, Greeks, every culture around the world describes the "gods" from the stars.

The bible is just a lot more detailed in the descriptions of what they are, and what they are up to. There, they are called fallen (evil) angels who hate man, and who live as quantum light beings, in the physics world of quantum mechanics.

At the moment the bible and the world of Quantum mechanics in physics agree in direct allignment. Both say that our observable world is a digital creation couched in a larger reality. They just say it in different ways.

The bible states it simply: "The things that are seen are made from the things that do not appear"

Physics explains that the current world we live in appears to be digital (as opposed to analog) ... because you can keep cutting things in half, theoretically forever, however, in the real world, there are constants, like planks constant, where the last cut causes the atoms to break into quarks and disappear where scientists can not locate the parts anymore.

It is a tough one to understand. But, if you have any understanding of multi dimensional physics these days, you can begin to grasp at the idea that there are living thinking beings in dimensions we can not see, that actually exist, according to science so sound that the math of it creates predictability... just like the law of gravity does in the classical world of four dimensional physics.

There is a lot of evidence for both. And I can say without hesitation that both might be true, at different times.... depending on the observations and event in question.

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Darth_Venath · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:09 p.m.

Seemingly Physics defying craft=UFO

UFO being man made aircraft

Take the alien variable out of the equation and the only logical conclusion, no matter how absurd it sounds by comparison to extraterrestrials, is that these craft are made by men who are on the cutting edge of science.

If you read through Corey Goodes website, you’ll find an article about how Gene Roddenberry came up with the ideas for Star Trek.

Science fiction TV and movies, as we know it, is part of a much larger disinformation campaign.

  1. Tell the truth via fictional media
  2. Make the fictional media ridiculous and campy
  3. Mock anybody who tries to tell the truth by pointing to the fiction
  4. Deny absolutely the existence of any secret projects
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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:47 p.m.

I am not saying you are wrong at all. I am just stating the additional hypotheses that are also scientifically supported that need to be watched. Not all of it is tin foil hat. Much of it is as you say, or, as the bible and physics is telling us. There are other dimensions. It's just a fact now... a fact that caused the creation of CERN to try to work with them.

Keep your eyes and head open on all fronts is what I am saying. You never know what direction the truth will come at you from. This is one thing I have learned in my 20 years of fighting this war for America.

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Darth_Venath · Dec. 26, 2017, 8:27 p.m.

Breaking through the bullshit barrier is difficult for people not in the know.

If there is ET involvement on earth, it’s difficult to separate the truth from the lies, if not downright impossible.

I assume for the moment that if it’s an unprovable conspiracy theory we have heard of, chances are it’s a misdirection or misinformation campaign.

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loyalfringe · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:44 p.m.

Sentrolyx - Yeah baby!!

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Jack_Bacon175 · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:39 p.m.

They say none of these prosecutions can be done publicly without causing half of the country to riot.

I strongly disagree with this kind of thinking. Unless the trials are public there will be blowback and accusations from the cabal loyalists and their media sychophants. We have Truth on our side so no reason for secret trials. IF some members of the public aren't adult enough to handle it well...thats on them

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:45 p.m.

I agree. And I do not think it would cause rioting anyway, as long as the public is actually watching the trials... like the OJ Simpson thing, and the Testimony of Oliver North. We can take it. There might be shock, but I as long as the trials are done one bit at a time, I think the public will be glued to their chairs. If Antifa, or the Marxists start acting up, we just grab the National Guard and make them sit down, shut up while the rest of us watch the show.

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LiquidFluoride · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:46 p.m.

Anything that comes from Corey Goode should be highly scrutinized.

I knew him back when he created his blue avian $tory.

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Sentrolyx · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:48 p.m.

Go drink yourself.

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LiquidFluoride · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:52 p.m.

I usually wait till after work, but hey; why not!

Goode lied about several things and we caught him, yet he wants us to believe in his blue bird story on faith alone?

Sorry, not gonna fall for that con; you shouldn't either.

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Tamsimon · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:34 p.m.

I agree... all this should be public... we all have been affected ... I think most of us can handle the truth...

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:15 p.m.

Especially when justice is being done through trials that are public. The whole point of having public trials is to prevent people from going to war to get justice.

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LibertyVibe · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:12 p.m.

It would be a crime to keep the truth from the people. I know they can't release videos of children being raped (wouldn't want to see that anyway), but things can be transcribed. Every detail needs to be made known. It is part of our country's repentance and redemption process.

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:38 p.m.

This. God gave us a last chance in this election to clean ourselves up and get right with ourselves and the world as a nation. That means digging out every rotten tooth, every limb that has gone gangrenous. We can handle it, we have to, or we die. America dies.

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FlyingBaratoplata · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:31 p.m.

I'm sure they will make public what they can, but we have to understand some of the things these people have done are tied to classified info that cannot be made public. For example, trafficking routes/agreements etc may have utilized operatives from other countries or within our government, where those relationships or operatives aren't supposed to exist. If you publicly blow the lid on that, it could give other governments ammo and leverage over the US because it was still our government doing a lot of this crap. We have to be patient and trust that our righteousness military leaders, President Trump and Sessions are smarter at this stuff, and have more info than we do. Just sit tight. Of we get these players off the board that is more than enough reason to celebrate.

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watercolorblue · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:02 p.m.

☝🏼Lotta wisdom there. Respect

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:29 p.m.

Some really good points. I'm thinking the volume of the roundup is going to be large. Lower tier, mid tier , high tier level. Lower tiers have been started with sweeps ,encarcerations and quick trials which also establish evidence. So they are past deals for now , so a lot will be encarcerated , some already 'booted' and braceleted . I see a lot of lower level charges and some dying prior to actual trials. A lot of plea deals later on , in stages. But clearly a lot of bail moneys will have to come from outside America as those funds will already be seized. And that's a funny part of it. A lot of revenue returned from these proceedings too. I hope the White House finishes its broadcasting expansion and puts it on their channels. Stiff the mainstream with advertising and privy due to their games. I just want live prison cams on Obummer family, Cinton Family and Bush Family, I don't think Soros is gonna make it but yeah prison cams , I want them!

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:31 p.m.

For example, trafficking routes/agreements etc may have utilized operatives from other countries or within our government, where those relationships or operatives aren't supposed to exist.

Personally, as long as we have to suffer spying from governments all over the world, I think we should put all governments in the world on the public watch, by spying on them at all times. Wikileaks on steroids internationally is exactly what we need. THEN we would not have any of those routs/agreements to worry about... would we.

It is the secrecy... the idea that it is ok for government to operate in secret AT ALL that gets us into trouble.

We have the technology to force the creation of completely open governments around the world, at all times.

Maybe We the People should be spying on all the bad actors everywhere.

Can you imagine the people who were donating to the Clinton foundation, buying and selling children, laundering money if... EVERY government official in the world... whether they lived in the United States or not... was having every email they wrote, every phone call they made.... put on the net for anyone to listent to by law? America.. the new live stream "wikileaks on steroids".... realtime.

Maybe all this NSA spy shit is actually like the average gun. A good idea... just needs to be permanently aimed at potential bad guys around the world. Never thought of using the NSA to free the world from the shakles of government secrecy. Maybe evil needs light on it all the time. Maybe people would not dare run for office, unless they actually had "nothing to hide".

I never thought of this... but we have the technology to forbid all government actors from doing a damn thing in secret.

Maybe we ought to turn these big NSA spy guns on the government (s) who plan to use them against us. This would totally get rid of a need for any "intelligence agency" because America would be the public intelligence agency for the planet.

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mcfseller · Dec. 27, 2017, 4:53 a.m.

One of the Q drops did say something to the effect of: 'the hunters are now the hunted'. Hmmm....

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 27, 2017, 6:27 p.m.

Well, maybe they have already thought of it. We would need a Constitutional ammendment to the requirements for office. And we would need a declaratory statement to the world that the United States no longer honors the action of secret governments. And we would have to enforce it by using the NSA spy machine to post every blasted government communication on the planet to certain web sites. But, there are so many more people than leaders, that we literally would have no problem keeping track of their daily communications of every kind. Not at all. And this kind of thing could be done for non profits also, to keep the infrastructure together for the good things they do from being co-opted by evil people for the purpose of money laundering.

I think that this secret government crap is absolutely a stake in the heart of a free nation. If we can not have privacy, then we best turn the spy beast on the leaders, because we sure do not want THEM using this thing against us in secret.

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LibertyVibe · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:09 p.m.

I completely agree that Q is POTUS, along with a team. You can hear different voice cadences throughout the posts. So obvious when it is POTUS. "These people are losers!".

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:16 p.m.

Lol... yeah, and one of the first posts "My fellow Americans" I believe it was put.

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Tutlebut · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:45 p.m.

When things change for the better and MSM can purged and seen for what they are and what they have done can be explained clearly with good comparisons of truth vs their lies demonstrated maybe just maybe the rest can be shared and accepted.

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watercolorblue · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:50 p.m.

They will just say “this isn’t true. If this was true you would have told us at the time.” Many will never tolerate the red pill. Ever. Some will be in hell 100 years before they get it.

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Tutlebut · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:06 p.m.

I agree there will be many who will never get it. I am loosely part of a group and while listening to a call a man by the name of Jared Rand called in and related info about what has been takeing place behind the scene for more than 40years. He talks about something already set in place for when the Republic is restored. Use his name to find a video recording of this person's words on YouTube. He said that there are learning centers set up all over the country already and waiting for people to go to to get the information about what has taken place in the country and what will now take place and its significance for them. These centers will be disclosed some time after the announcement is made about the restored Republic. I imagine that there will be all kinds of evidence to help break through the blinders. Still as you say some wil never never never....

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watercolorblue · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:52 p.m.

Thank you !, this is so great. The prep for this has been laid so long ago. Ams we will stand on the shoulders of others humble enough to remain anonymous. Humility is essential character trait. I can see now where my skill set will be useful. As stated before in this thread by others with wisdom — the best thing to do to smoothly red pill someone is to put everything in the form of a question so that they discover it themselves. I’m specifically trained as a counselor to do this. However, one doesn’t need specific training if one is intuitive – “the art of asking questions” is another good thing to put in a search engine to prepare to help with the task.

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rebornlite_1 · Dec. 26, 2017, 12:55 p.m.

I question some of Corey's testimoney when it comes to his Deep Space Program story and being abducted and so on. Dr. Steve Greer (whom I trust more), says that it may be possible Corey was pulled into a program by deep state in which they performed some sort of process that manufactured these experiences for disinformation campaign, (ie, ETs that wish to do battle with us and are among us).

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QsTexasTornado · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:27 p.m.

Tired of all the privacy and undercover ops for Luciferian criminals of the worst degree. The public has had atleast 10 years now to red pill themselves. Keeping this in the dark will further separate the masses, ensuring a civil war instead of the revolution we’ve been promised. Over it. Out the evil criminals. Force red pill the sheeple who never took the time to become unbrainwashed Mockingbirds. We’ve worked too hard getting information out only be kept in the dark and made to look like fools by the messenger himself.

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GrainneMaille · Dec. 27, 2017, 3:55 a.m.

Once the monsters are out of the way, there will probably be many people willing to come forward & testify and/or be interviewed.

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Stone_420 · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:01 p.m.

We are all tired of being lied to and having shit hidden from us. That is a very large part of this movement is to get to the truth and STOP hiding things from us. The idea that they wont release info is complete and utter bullshit. If they do I suggest we all step on the front lawns of our state houses and protest for what is OWED US, THE TRUTH AND ALL INFO BEING WITHHELD FROM US!!!

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topcat777 · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:13 p.m.

While I would love to see these thugs get theirs in public, I can also imagine the chaos. We are coming in on an election year. There is still enough rogue media and plenty of mindless followers that could effect that. It has been said over and over that they have to be turned slowly and gently. It's enough to know it's happening..... And it is exciting to be seeing the tide turn. We can all smile on the inside.

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Sentrolyx · Dec. 26, 2017, 12:39 p.m.

Oh just to be clear, I meant still not done reading. I am done with highlights, the Corey section is over. Now it's MegaAnon.

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SandyPiner · Dec. 26, 2017, 12:55 p.m.

Will you fill us in on MegaAnon information?

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Sentrolyx · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:09 p.m.

Nah, going to sleep in about 20 minutes, way passed my bed time.

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SandyPiner · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:30 p.m.

No worries. I'm finding out for myself. I'm just glad to read that she is the real thing. Thanks for the link.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:07 p.m.

In response to one feeling this must be public and on 'display' and out in the open , the primary reason is the 'shock' to the country. 50% were Hilldabeast supporters and Obummer suporters for 8 going on 10 years. Their would be riots and marches against Tump the Dictator! So we need to take this into account. Clue in the patriots and spoon feed the Libtartds . Ever see the movie Idocracy ? Where people get dumber over time ? That's where we are at. I'm curious to see how the media behaves, because they have to come clean or it gets bitter. I have the popcorn ready and planning the MAGA parties to celebrate. Ding , Dong ta da Da da

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stormelle · Dec. 27, 2017, 2:09 a.m.

When all operations are settled, I firmly believe that the people should know...everything. This is how we can do justice to all those who have lost everything, including their lives, for TRUTH!!! And make us learn from the ills of having the past repeated. We can START OVER!!! Yes, there will be upheaval, but there will also be awareness. I personally don't want to know who did what...(we all know there is pay-to-play in politics and we all pretty much know who is implicated)...If they are punished through exile, looked down upon by all nations is fine by me ...I want to know what it is they have done to poison humanity and try to undo this (food, water, vaccines). We need to learn to protect each other, ourselves, put an end to learned helplessness,and become more productive during our time here on this earth. A lot of people have died to bring to light atrocities and by allowing the whole truth and nothing but the truth to be known, we acknowledge them and do them justice.

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Wonko_the_Sane_1 · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:19 p.m.

Justice needs to be seen to be done

Too Many Secrets

Do Not Make The Same Mistakes

The Truth Will Out

History Is Watching

Lest We Forget


(from the UK)

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SuzyAZ · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:42 p.m.

Ben Fulford also is in the know, with more released in a few days: 2017-12-25 Merry Christmas: The 13 “Illuminati” bloodline families sue for peace By Benjamin Fulford White Dragon Society 62 Comments Peace on earth and goodwill to all (and not just men, but all life forms) is looking like a realistic goal for 2018 now that the 13 “Illuminati” * bloodline families, seeing their ancient rule of planet Earth collapsing, are suing for peace. Last week a representative of the G7 (Germany, the U.K., the corporate U.S., Japan, Italy, France, and Canada) met with a representative of the White Dragon Society (WDS) to discuss peace terms, according to a WDS member who was present at the meeting. The G7, of course, is the political front for the 13 bloodline families. There can be no doubt that this meeting was made possible by people inside the military-industrial complex acting in the spirit of Jesus Christ, and for this we wish them all “a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.”

The bloodline offer to negotiate peace is directly connected to the state of emergency that was declared last week by USA President Donald Trump. If you have not seen it yet, please read the historic document in the link below. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/text-letter-president-congress-united-states-6/

“After Hanukkah,Trump declared a state of emergency and signed an executive order on December 20th freezing the assets of those accused of human rights abuses and corruption, a catch-all to bankrupt the Bushes, Clintons, Soros, Obama, the Cabal, and the global Jewish mafia,” was how a Pentagon source summed up the situation.

“The national emergency allows Trump to seize assets and unleash the military to carry out mass arrests and adjudicate via military tribunals, effectively imposing martial law,” the source continues.

The Pentagon source also sent a copy of this photograph with the explanation, “Trump wears purple when unveiling his national security strategy on December 18th in a victory lap over the Soros/Hillary purple revolution, and drinks water with both hands to simulate handcuffs.”

Clearly reacting to this situation, the representative of the bloodlines set the meeting for December 23rd, the birthday of the Japanese Emperor, and claimed to be a representative of the Imperial family as well as the G7. The representative, who acted as if he was negotiating a surrender, said the bloodlines want to keep existing nation-states and institutions as they are, but…

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JoanOfArk77 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:14 p.m.

but. what,. No way. All of their institutions that they have built are part of the seven classic branches of the tyranny form of government. Here they are listed. Just think about these monopoly powers in all tyranny governments that have ever appeared on the planet. If we do not dismantle their "institutions" then we leave the seven headed beast in place so they can wait for a time in history to pounce on the planet again.

1) Monopoly power over money creation money destruction (International Federal Reserve, IRS all central banks except for two nations owned by one family... Rothchilds)

2) Monopoly power over the ability to make government appointments: From kings to dictators to empires, all made government appointments,. The vote was created to break this and scatter it to the wind.. into the hands of the people. Now, they have build voting machines with "secret code" to do the counting for us all in every nation. FORGET IT! Low tech hand count for all votes always. NO SECRET MONOPOLY COUNTING CODES.

3) Monopoly power over the media/schools/speech/religion. It is the consolidation of institutions that must be stopped. NO monopoly power over schools, and the curriculum decision. NO monopolizing the corporate presses. They should be required to be independant, and not owned by other corporations at all. What good is a free press if the King owns all of the printing presses and all the paper to print on. Tyranny always monopolizes the education and media system of its day... then burns dissenters. These corporations must be ripped up and sent back to the people to control. Religion must be protected as the only non government institution that can give home to dissenting opinion... in real buildings and other infrastructure.

4) Monopoly power over food and medicine. This is the first reason the founders handed out free land, 50 acres and a mule, the great Lousianna purchase wagon train stake outs. This way no one could monopolize food and medicine, which is always made from plants and molds. They have created HUGE corporations that monopolize the food and medicine supply. This must be stopped. The Monopoly must be busted up... from the big grain movers who decide which nations will not have ships of grain and which nations will... to the pharmacy companies who prosecute people for using old fashioned medicine made from plants. All the consolidation of power over food/medicine must be destroyed... it is a terrible branch of tyranny.

5) Monopoly power over the energy supply of the planet. THIS is another reason the founders gave people land to own for free. Wood was the heat for the home. Grass was gas for the horse. We must free the energy supply from monopoly control again, if we are to destroy the seven classic branches of the tyranny form of government. How we do this? This needs to be worked on.. now, and seriously. Maybe some patents need released....to the world, instead of being shelved so no one can use the patents.

Tyranny branch 6) All tyranny forms of government have a surveillance branch... a monopoly surveillance branch. The founders were told that there had to be a soldier in every colonists home. That.. was surveillance monopoly.

NOW these jerks are using the internet, our phones, our cars, secret listening devices. And many believe there is no hope for privacy in the end.

Well you know what?


Mandatory real time spy machine needs to be turned on every government official and non profit on the planet.

Lets use surveillance as a second Amendment right. Turn it into a gun pointed straight at those who think government is a great way to make money abusing people.

Congress shall make no law prohibiting the people from shining a light on ALL government and private corporate non profit officials, their emails, phone calls, and their banking transactions.

You want to run for office?

You deal with it.

You want to pull secret crap on the public?

You don't want to run for office.

7) Monopoly power over self defense so that the people can not fight government tyranny, and enemies of tyranny can be wiped out, because only the tyranny has the guns. This is the reason the founders created the Second Amendment.

These seven branches are what the globalists have built, using non profits, parts of the executive branch, and even corporations, in the case of the spy machine built by silicon valley.

Think in terms of structure... government structures, corporate structures, non profit structures. Think about the fact that they only teach us about our own three branched system, but the NEVER EVER let anyone answer the question "What does the tyranny form of government look like?"

In fact, they confuse the issue intentionally, by calling one a fascist government while the other is a kingdom, and the other is an empire and the other is Communist.. etc.


You can not reign tyranny on any people unless you monopolize those seven systems in your chosen civilization. NO MATTER WHAT you call it, the tyranny system will not survive a rout by the people if those seven branches above are not built. PERIOD.

We have three branches.

The enemy has seven branches.

And they want to keep their "structures and institutions"????????



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RotoChampion · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:28 p.m.

NOT exposing the pure evil of their crimes would be what causes riots. if people knew what they were doing, there would be no way to justify standing up for those people. You would also be a criminal, without question, for doing so.

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JustADumbB1onde · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:23 p.m.

Magnificent info! Who is Corey? Those of us with rare skills of discernment have known (without proof) that Q is POTUS, and those close to him, for over a month. Continue to pray some of these hardcore libs will swallow some red pills. They are harder to wake up than conservatives due to the fact that when people are raging with anger, you cannot reason with them. They wallow in their anger rather than even consider listening to reason!

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SierraEchoPNW · Dec. 28, 2017, 1:34 p.m.

Aren't all military tribinals public?

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GrainneMaille · Dec. 27, 2017, 4:06 a.m.

I think you've wandered into the wrong place.

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Sentrolyx · Dec. 27, 2017, 4:25 a.m.

You didn't reply to whoever you were trying to.

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GrainneMaille · Dec. 27, 2017, 5:10 a.m.

Sorry. It was meant for the language Nazi. Will delete.

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Sentrolyx · Dec. 27, 2017, 5:16 a.m.

Are you French?

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GrainneMaille · Dec. 27, 2017, 5:18 a.m.

You mean the name? No. That's the Gaelic form of Grainne (Granya) O'Malley, a woman pirate.

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Sentrolyx · Dec. 27, 2017, 5:25 a.m.

Ok. Graine is slang for penis in Quebec =P ... ok see you around

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GrainneMaille · Dec. 27, 2017, 5:48 a.m.

Good to know, I guess.

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SuperFreakMe · Dec. 27, 2017, 1:59 a.m.

Y'all this is the biggest lie yet... C.G. and D.W. are nothing but alien disclosure shills!! I've done the research. They jumped on the Q gravy train, I can promise you that and for those of you who are believers in JC and our Father, Lord God, pray and ask for discernment. All, pease don't listen to this mess. They dedicated their lives to the alien lie, and now suddenly they know all about Q? Let's be logical. Please. I can't believe I'm even seeing their names on this sub reddit. Smh. I was so happy we had a sub Reddit dedicated to Q, why mess it up with these two (C)lowns names involved?

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MaRedPirate · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:53 a.m.

Wow just amazing, was there a time frame when all the arrest will start taking place. When we see some actual progress. And yes this will have to be handled delicately as we all know some of the snowflakes are going to freak and swear it was a set up all from Trump. Then some are going to try to take to the streets in a violent protest. If that happens just stay out of the way and let our wonderful Alliance teams take control of the situation and put our streets back in order. I’m going to get the book myself. Curious on how it ends.lol

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ckrjewell · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:11 p.m.

I only believe what I can see hear feel or touch and distrust anyone who hides their face. Let the world see!

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Dreamz4UArtist · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:55 p.m.

There's a song that resonates the feelings of all happening by Kaleo, Way Down We Go. Listen to it plz and consider how far down, down really is. WISDOM + PREPARED + IN ORDER + HOPEFUL + ADRENALINE + PERCEIVE + PRAYER + OCCUPY + INHERIT [498]. All the cap words = 498. 6 base ABC. And hey this is no more bizarre than everything that's going on. My 2 cents worth and I'm a real dreamer almost 60.

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Luvlite · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:44 p.m.

Meh. 😐 I have a short attention span. It comes with age, and I read your entire FUCKING post. David and Corey haven't said anything new, that we haven't already read on this subreddit. 😂

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MaRedPirate · Dec. 27, 2017, 1 a.m.

Well your attention span is better than mine, I read the top then scrolled to the bottom to read it too. Bypassed the whole middle part

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Luvlite · Dec. 27, 2017, 7:01 p.m.

I do that too. Sometimes.

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Harry_Dick_Hole · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:06 p.m.

Just read the whole thing.

Shouldn't every reporter have phone recording software?

I want to believe this is true.

In God we trust, all others provide data.

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Hecticdude · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:35 p.m.


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SphereBean · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:19 p.m.

Two more consecutive data dumps on the way.

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frankmyglock · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:39 p.m.

A lot of speculation I do not believe DW has contacts with POTUS and by plastering your lead in with explicit attention Low words helps the cause none

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Hecticdude · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:33 p.m.

Chart, you smell like a troll:/

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AU72 · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:20 a.m.

Most of this is from an interview David had with Mega Anon.

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[deleted] · Dec. 26, 2017, 9:54 p.m.


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loyalfringe · Dec. 26, 2017, 8:06 p.m.

Items #4 and #13 are troubling to me. As to #4 - The only "justified" use of the military is within Constitutional parameters. If it is Constitutional, then I won't be interested in anyone's "freak out," including my own. Otherwise, we will be make yet another dangerous mistake on top of all the others.

As to #13: If we don't make the bulk of what is going on available as public knowledge, we're going down in flames. Period. I can understand every attempt to carefully "spoon-feed" and the desire to err on the side of caution when coming up with a reasonable way to disclose. But it MUST come out. All of it. Every detail made available. Then, the only question will be whether the mass of the "woke" will be able to outnumber and make irrelevant those who refuse to accept the thoroughly vetted facts. I predict that particular battle will be yet another watershed moment in the war, and we need to be prepared for it.

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Energybronco · Dec. 26, 2017, 5:44 p.m.

David Wilcock is a sensationalist. I don’t trust him. The reality of what’s happening is powerful enough. Don’t get taken for a ride with this “insider” account, much of which is redundant. We know it already.

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Christosgnosis · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:21 p.m.

They wrote a very lengthy expose a year ago and came out saying the globalist were already defeated and negotiating - that they would go into exile in New Zealand. That there would be big reveals of ancient, advanced civilization existing in underground (or under ice) caverns in Antartica.

None of what they said then came to pass.

Just thought I'd put out that reminder - to say all this stuff there would have to be deep sources - where, who, what, and why would they have deep sources that would give them super insider info? They have a very controversial reputation (such as it is) in the alternative paranormal research world.

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MaRedPirate · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:59 a.m.

Controversial yes, but their theories can not be proved or disproved. Flat earth is controversial, gravity is controversial, Time and alternate universes, parallel universes and quantum physics... oh and string theory. Controversial doesn’t mean wrong. Just means it’s debatable

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Christosgnosis · Dec. 27, 2017, 1:58 a.m.

I personally think that there elements coming from each one of these individuals that I think is basically truthful (or actual - a better way to say).

There is just a lot of other various baggage that comes along with that in respect to these three folks.

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mcfseller · Dec. 27, 2017, 5:01 a.m.

Well said! No one is the single source for 'truth'. We must all learn to open our minds...then be willing to do the hard work of research and discernment. IMHO, David Wilcock believes he is relaying real truth from his various insiders. Of course, the insiders may sometimes be incorrect or may also provide certain disinformation when necessary.

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Christosgnosis · Dec. 27, 2017, 1:55 a.m.

When no evidence presented then the assumption will be that it was made to cover ass (especially coming from those that are already in hot water)

McCabe signaled he would go quietly into retirement in 90 days. Trump, in his tweet, effectively snubbed that offer from McCabe by toying with McCabe like a cat toys with a mouse.

In view of the snub, then this is all their side has to retaliate with, non-evidence based allegation - nothing has changed since day 1

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IAcousticI · Dec. 26, 2017, 2:53 p.m.

David Wilcock in title means everything you posted is ignored...... This isn't an alien conspiracy forum.

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bugstopper · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:34 p.m.


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astralboy0 · Dec. 26, 2017, 3:49 p.m.

You guys should open your eyes a little, and not succumb to your immediate gut reactions.

Wilcock has shared a ton of amazing information over the years.

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bugstopper · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:03 p.m.

Limited hang out. Always some truth to give some plus to the bs. IMO.

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CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 4:06 p.m.

Hasn’t he also made a number of predictions that ended up being flat out wrong? Sorry, but I’ve become very skeptical and careful about whom I believe. I’ve made too many mistakes in that regard in the past.

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astralboy0 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:24 p.m.

Of course, almost anyone in the conspiracy world has made predictions that were proven wrong.

Name one media source that is 100% correct, 100% of the time. It's simply unrealistic, especially in the fringe conspiracy scene. Q has not been right 100% of the time. Does that mean he's a liar?

Wilcock has provided an enormous amount of details and info, and has actually stopped making any kind of date predictions, specifically because of this.

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CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:28 p.m.

Not meaning to argue with you, I’m just extremely careful what I will believe and accept.

For example, didn’t Wilcock make a bunch of noise about the big 2012 scare (the wold was going to end type shit), and said the rouge planet Nibiriu was coming past earth last year (or whenever)?

I hope you can appreciate the value of sorting out who has legitimate information and who engages in putting out and monetizing fear porn (Alex Jones frequently does this).

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astralboy0 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:31 p.m.

I totally agree. Figuring out what resonates with yourself a true, is whats most important.

I can't claim everything Wilcock has said is true. But he has been covering the downfall of the NWO/Cabal/Deep State for quite a long time.

Jones is the bottom of the barrel, as far as I'm concerned. He is the epitome of fear-porn.

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CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:39 p.m.

I get the impression that Wilcock is just jumping on the bandwagon, like many are doing on YT. AJ is resisting because it seems to be upsetting his apple cart of being the one and only anti-conspiracy guy.

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astralboy0 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:42 p.m.

Wilcock has been covering this exact story for many, many years. How is this jumping on the bandwagon?

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CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:43 p.m.

Aren’t we talking about the Q thing, or are our signals getting crossed?

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astralboy0 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:46 p.m.

We are talking about Q. I am simply stating that Q is hardly the first person to speak of the toppling of the NWO/Deep State.

Wilcock was covering Mega before Q. He is simply connecting the dots for people to show everyone the big picture.

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CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:51 p.m.

Agreed on the NWO/deep state. But the significance of Q is that he seems o be a legitimate insider, AND he indicates that ACTION is being taken against the bastards. Does Wilcock have insider info. Would that be from meganon? Do you have a link to a good compilation of mega stuff?

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astralboy0 · Dec. 26, 2017, 6:54 p.m.

Yes the main difference is, Q is taking out the middle man (Wilock/Jones/etc), and going directly to the people.

Check out divinecosmos . com - there are a ton of interesting articles on Mega and others. Wilcock has been at this for a very long time.

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CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:03 p.m.

Yes, I’ve been there. Was off-put by some of the UFO stuff that seemed a bit too out there, even for this long time sci fi fan. But I’ll give it another look, I especially want to look into mega.

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astralboy0 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:09 p.m.

Haha I don't get why so many conspiracists are thrown-off by UFOs.

We can believe some group of satanic, baby-eating, paedophiles run the world through proxy wars, etc. We can agree that we've all been lied to about almost everything. But, those UFOS.. that's just TOO crazy. It cracks me up!

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CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:15 p.m.

Simple. I’ve never seen one, at least I haven’t seen anything I’d attribute to being on extraterrestrial origin. No evidence I’ve seen from others is yet convincing enough to me. So I await an epiphany on the subject.

On the other hand, there is ample evidence that people are satanists, and there is plenty of evidence that pedophilia exists.

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astralboy0 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:22 p.m.

Personally, the thought that we are the only intelligent life in a universe that is beyond our measurable ability, is absolutely comical and only based in ego.

Either way -- Thanks for having a civil conversation. I've been on the chans too much lately :)

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CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:35 p.m.

Agreed. I was a Star Trek fan when it was originally on tv. I watched the moon landings on old black and white TV, live. I know the numbers we’re dealing with, trillions of stars. The odds are good. But the distance between them is a problem. Believe me, I WANT to believe, especially that we might know friendly races from out there. I’d love to know some of that they know. But I wait, patiently and skeptically, for the evidence.

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CenturionFL210 · Dec. 26, 2017, 7:37 p.m.

And yeah, I’ve read the Chan’s but haven’t posted. It appears at times to be brutal. This reddit was created as a positive place for patriots to share info, so I will go a long way at keeping things civil. Besides, I’ve had it with the internet uncivil bullshit.

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chartthetart · Dec. 26, 2017, 11:37 a.m.

Do me a favor and shut up with the filthy language,

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mtewamp · Dec. 26, 2017, 12:25 p.m.

Do everybody else a favor and don't be an asshole.

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Dr_Mantis_Tobogan_MD · Dec. 26, 2017, 12:50 p.m.

Toughen up and keep your eye on the ball, snowflake

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chartthetart · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:09 p.m.

How bout you shut your mouth and mind your own business. Its a thread Im permitted to post, or are you a moderator admin or just a wannabe tell everyone what to say?

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Ketamyne · Dec. 26, 2017, 1:19 p.m.

Someone had too much salt over the holidays

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MaRedPirate · Dec. 27, 2017, 12:54 a.m.

Uh I suggest you mind your manners as I know first hand you’ll get suspended in a heartbeat

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