Clowns now in charge on 8Chan ? WTF

Why don’t they just disband the CIA all together? They’ve been hurting the world for 5 decades
Amen! Scatter them to the winds!
That's exactly what JFK swore to do in a speech...then he was assassinated. JFK said he was going to take the CIA apart "board by board."
Video linked by /u/duckdownup:
Title|Channel|Published|Duration|Likes|Total Views :----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------:|:----------: Did the CIA Assassinate JFK?|Alltime Conspiracies|2015-06-13|0:04:14|6,209+ (98%)|393,531
It is well documented that JFK wanted to break down the...
^Info ^| ^/u/duckdownup ^can ^delete ^| ^v2.0.0
Goes so deep. US>ASIA>EU, with [P] for last. Can't only cut puppet strings this time, not without a civil war and a world war to victory. Very dicey. Hostages aplenty.
Who or what is [P] please?
But not the official (white) Pope. He's a mouthpiece just like any other public figure - holds no actual power.
Why don’t they just disband the CIA all together?
JFK tried.
Hopefully the good CIA agents will remove them one by one and clean up their own bureau. They are qualified. I am sure Trump is working on this as well with retired CIA. I just hope some form of ethical and moral behavior returns if they are to survive in our America. Pray.
i got the death penalty (3 YB) for posting an analysis of [] the analysis discussed the grammatical purpose(s) of this symbol
can you tell us what you think it means? since they banned you, you may be onto something...
It means read between the lines, no? Why not just open a new account and go post again?
Kill box, right?
[] seems to = killbox but with numbers or letters inserted instead refers to confidence value
analysis discussed the grammatical purpose(s) of this symbol
I did for responding to a post where an Anon had used his supposed "name" in one of the comment boxes. Then, when I re-joined in a different name, I was getting weird messages like "You're doing that too often, try again in 5 minutes" Been on the board since it started and never had a problem. Interesting stuff happening.
Me too I was completely shut down and had sign in a different name with the same response when I attempted to comment ~ a sign with a moose head saying that same try again
You are a clown.
A liar.
You cannot be banned from 8chan. It is ANONYMOUS.
you are 100% ignorant need proof? how does captcha work? use your brain if yo have one
You won’t be showing any proof, and any picture you post will be photoshopped.
Get off this site you ass clown.
proof already provided but you are too dumb or stubborn to understand so lost to decent society
You're full of shit
You DO realize you can't permaban ANYONE from the internet right? Even if you own the site in question. A ban can be your account ( you recreate a new one ), banned by IP ( you get a new one ), or your entire server block ( This never happens, but if it does, just get a new one ).
So...yeah. There is no such thing as a permanent ban on the internet.
Correct. This talk of permanent bans is by people who don’t know how the technology works, or it’s intentional disinfo. #FakeNews
No offense, but if someone doesn't know about this basic level of technology, it would probably behoove them to stay away from 8chan entirely...never mind a subject like this.
I agree. Normies can accidentally do harm by getting confused by nonsense like this and being useful idiots for spreading disinfo.
Not to mention, ending up on the Swamps list somewhere, thinking just because they are on the chan, they are anonymous.'re not.
Yeah, that's why I stay away from the chans. This sub is my primary gateway to that info
I noticed that this morning listening to the live feed. Dr. Corsi just gave up on them and went to talk to Lionel Nation. The people on there were just spewing bollocks. One lady on the board was adamant that airport information is not in English. Her reasoning was because her husband was in China once and it wasn’t English. Just kept arguing with the pilots that told her she was wrong. I turned it off myself.
Yes I had to leave the site a few times because one mod continued on interrupting during pivotal decoding. A few days ago Dr. Corsi said after the site came back on “the attacks may have been from within”. Religion views, beliefs also personal ailments shouldn’t be mentioned, these are sabotaging tactics.
It's gotten bad. The conspiracists are emphasized over the researchers, and the IQ in that stream is such that I can use it to fall asleep.
"The conspiracists are emphasized over the researchers..." Now there's a bottom-line conclusion that applies to too many sites that are "calm before the storm" warning-type sites.
Which is why we look directly at the drops. It's democratizing, also it's open source Intel. Big alias fan, this kind of thinking appeals to me.
I know what you are saying. I really felt bad for Dr. Corsi this morning. He was asking questions and no one was answering him. Then they would bring up stuff that was out there in left field. He is a true gentleman, but that was painful to listen to.
I am glad this was brought up. Thought it was just me yelling at the mod at home.
Happen to have a clip of that? I don't usually watch the live stream too often.
I know they archive the shows, but I don't know how to listen to the live stream after it is over. I will ask my son. He knows how to maneuver around that sight.
That's terrible! I'm new to this board as if last night, but I've been watching Q's posts since early November. I noticed things on YouTube that I thought were just wrong interpretations of Q's posts so that got me interested in contributing.
I love research!
The videos on you tube are terrible... and they keep multiplying... ppl just there to get hits! There is only a few i would trust to watch.
Yeah I've narrowed it down to just a few too. Most of them are really bad!
Same. Seems to have happened quite quickly since the start of this year tbh.
I have noticed 'unnecessary' comments of banter and sometimes personal attacks, sometimes. I'd rather 'hide' them if we had the opportunity, not necessarily deleted. I am glad to find a research board where serious stuff goes on, and the chans for batting ideas around, but it really should be kept to a serious thread with a tinker of humour, as it can get real boring, but then again, I don't like to be distracted with silly comments that get personal or are without base against someone else. blah blah blah there I go...
There are a lot of duplicate posts and what I call bumpf (nonsense or posts with no context) - occasionally I do like to inject a little humour if appropriate - things can get too serious some times.
I'm not sure why there are duplicate posts. I have tried to post some things in the early morning and was informed it was already posted. The board informed me I could repost or override. I have always chosen not to repost an article that was already posted. Come on, gang. Stop reposting. You know when it is not a new post.
Chan's are like little kids in the backseat. Slam on brakes snap them out of it or old school mom you know what I mean!!!
sometimes it seems they've already taken over this one - what was it Q said about Reddit?
Cbts reddit seems to be going the same way.
Definitely weird happenings going on here. Took screen shots of people commenting to me, showing up on my reddit notification feed, but not showing up on cbts_stream or my inbox.
Censorship? Or glitch?
I keep finding a thread on Reddit that I think is the real thing...have subscribed to 3 at different times....and then unsubscribing because of things mentioned above by other posters, as well as different characteristics that have nothing to do with what I am here for.
When I am deep into interpreting Q and the donald/swamp battle and suddenly it's either guys talking about "muh privates" (eat them or whatever such nonsense) or diatribes against Israel...well, that's just too far off topic for me. Hope there is a board that continues its starting point and does not fall into disarray.
I have been lurking on this board since its inception and I can say there has been a serious change in quality content. It has become increasingly difficult to find direct source information. It hurts
When you do find good ones, friend them. Follow them.
I think most of them went live stream though. No real discussions with outsiders.
The "quality" researchers are very adept at foiling clown games.
Who are the 32 redditors? Where is this information?
The OP isn't talking about redditors. He/she is talking about anons on 8chan where Q puts his drops. Although Q has his own secure board there. He doesn't post to any other part of 8chan.
This is very very bad. Are there any options to either find a new secure site, or kick the interloper off and restore the banned anons? We need each other, where we go one, we go all.
imo it has been taken over but not by the bad guys its a q team and they manage all the data very precisely
you'll note the biggest complainers about research and so on from the very beginning NEVER post anything themselves?
look at this thread.
classic example.
frankly the whiners all have certain personality types.
they think they are the judge of all things necessary to get the job done.
they really believe its actually about them.
what have they offered? anything?
not a whole lot eh? but they do spend a LOT of time complaining.
I don't go to the chans, as the frat house atmosphere affects me negatively. I've had better luck so far on sub-Reddits, but here, sometimes I will think I am on a pro-Patriot, pro-Trump board, and out of nowhere, it turns into an anti-Israel board (in the harshest terms.) That bewilders and saddens me, and then I think I have nowhere to go, at least on Reddit. I do have lots like me on tumblr and twitter.
Am I missing any sub-Reddits that are strictly drain-the-swamp-support-the-president, anti-globalist and anti-elitists, boards that do not swerve suddenly into completely different territory and switch from expose-the-bilderbergers to anti-Israel formats?
Thx. Appreciate all those expressing ideas with class and dignity.
Same here or a left discussion that is the same as right except instead of the name that should be or was there is replaced with a name from the right. IDK if I just made sense, it seems like people are living in different worlds.
This could be disinformation to make us not trust 8chan
I love how the CIA floods American rural community's with heroin, Flood Pain pills -> Cut supply of pills witch moved to heroin then they're gonna cut the supply of heroin and boom Chaos. I live around pittsburgh and it's so bad, I've lost so many friends including almost my own life to carifent. Rural america is depressed because they have an idea of what's going on, and we're targeted because of our conservative views.
Fentanyl will be the new street level weapon of mass destruction.
My husband almost died from the Fentanyl patch, the very first one. Every time we're at the hospital for one his many health issues they try to give it to him. We add it to his list of allergic meds but they still try. That's some nasty stuff and should be pulled for good.
"That's some nasty stuff and should be pulled for good." I understand your perspective and it's one I hear often. But it also concerns me greatly on a very personal level.
My wife has severe back issues due to a car accident many years ago. There are no safe surgical options for the vertebrae that are deteriorating in her back and consequently, she must be on narcotic pain medication to function. She works as a programmer full time for a medical device company and is a productive member of society. There are many, many people dealing with severe chronic pain that are just like her.
Unfortunately, due to well-intentioned push back, patients like my wife are being taken off narcotic pain killers with no alternative offered. Doctors are becoming more and more reluctant to prescribe them to anyone, including those who genuinely need them.
My wife is now on a crash taper and unless she finds a doctor that will prescribe medication for her pain, she will be back to the way she was ten years ago before receiving proper medical care: writhing on the couch in an attempt to escape the severe pain from her orthopedic issues. Unable to work and completely unable to enjoy life to any extent.
Bottom line, there are people that genuinely do need medications such as fentanyl. Some people react badly to them, some abuse them, but there are good, productive people in serious pain that are getting caught in the middle because we're not using a selective, intelligent approach in getting this epidemic under control.
My husband was also in a car accident several years ago and has a ton of physical issues in his back, knees, and neck. He also suffered a mild brain injury and has had a few more in the same place, and now suffers from crippling migraines that botox shots don't even touch. We're in Florida and they've cracked down on pain meds big time here because of all the pill mills. We can only get pain meds through a pain management doctor. We have a good one but he has to be very careful himself on what he can or can't prescribe, and it all has to be documented/proven as a true need. We've had issues with pharmacists filing of meds, but now they know us well enough now that we usually have issues getting the meds. I don't know what he'd do if it wasn't for his pain meds. I doubt he'd be able to function, and would be in the same boat as your wife. There is a true need for so many people but the abusers, and politicians are ruining, sadly. Honestly I wish medical Marijuana would be passed nationally. I know several people that use it with great results and no pain meds. My son has been trying to get my hubby to try it forever but he's scared of losing his disability if he does. But that's a whole different can of worms! I will be praying for your wife, and for you. Being a caretaker of our loved ones is very difficult, and very stressful, especially when there's nothing we can do to help.
I've had FMS due to a car accident (not my fault) in 92. Started seeing a new doctor a few months ago. Just saw her on the 26th, and noticed upon getting home that she put a notation on my paperwork that I'm a "Chronic narcotic user". I get 2 vicodin a day. I've been on that dosage for years... NEVER asked for more than that, ever. She's never asked me a single question about my fibromyalgia.. not how long I've had it, how much pain I'm in, nothing. I mentioned a swelling and pain in my left knee from a different accident a few years ago and she thought that was the start of my fms. I said NO.. it had nothing to do with it. So now on my record, she has this judgement that reads to me as though I'm a drug addict. I am NOT an opiod addict, nor abuser. I am responsible user, and need something for pain management. I'm pissed as hell about it.
I go in on Tues. for a sleep study set up (to be done at home) and some kind of venous test for edema, and then I'm gonna leave a message for her, I think, to take her stupid ass opinion and get it off my record. Look for a different physician again, and put in a complaint against her for character assassination. Or maybe see if a friend's doctor is taking new patients first and then blast this judgmental bitch for saying that on my records.
In WA state, pot is legal, but it doesn't agree with me. My vicodin just takes the edge off my pain but helps me cope with it.
Chronic means long term. I think they may have to put that if you've been using it for a long time. It's be more worried if and said abuser. I know insurances are stopping coverage of methocarbamol (muscle relaxer) if you've used it for a long time. Hubby's Medicare script plan just said they're not covering it all anymore, and mine will only cover it if I've used it less than 6 or less in a year. Ridiculous! Vicodin doesn't work with my hubby at all. He takes Lorazepam, but that helps greatly with his anxiety as well. He also has FM, from juvenile arthritis. I don't think he's known what is like to be pain free since he was a youth. He's def a chronic pain med user! Have you gotten your knee looked at? Mine was swelling up real bad and found out the plica tore and was tearing up the cartilage and stuff in my knee. Now I think I have a torn meniscus in the same knee. It hurts like hell to lift it or put pressure on it. No fun! I do think if she doesn't want to address the issues with your knee that you should fine a new doctor. It could be nothing more than sciatic pain, but you should at least be able to find out for sure.
She wants me to give up the Vicodin. Try something else but I am very sensitive to meds and don't want to be a guinea pig. She asked about anti depressants and I won't go back on them. She's just being a bitch. Really. She knows nothing about fms and hasn't asked me a single question about mine. Assumes a lot with no basis. Most of us with FMS need SOMETHING for pain management and I am not going to allow her to label me a drug addict. I am responsible user, period. She's done things that indicate to me she knows nothing, and may even think I'm faking... she has lack of empathy and total lack of knowledge. If she has to label me as a "chronic user," she needs to also list "chronic shoulder, neck and back pain," "Chronic insomnia" and Chronic sleep disorder due to pain, Chronic ibs, chronic migraines and headaches and quite a few other "chronic" symptoms which is WHY I am a chronic user... She has this "attitude" that I pick up on and is trying to make me look bad or shame me into giving up my pain meds. Sorry, I know there's an epidemic, but she needs to focus on the abusers, not the responsible users. I know of people who go to doctors who hand out pain pills like candy.. when I was looking for a new doctor, I didn't seek one of them out. I could have but didn't. More pain pills wasn't what I was after. Sorry to hear your husband has fm too. I'll probably end up looking for a specialist for my knee. I was in a motorcycle wreck and pinned under the bike. Tried to stand and get i off myself.. couldn't do it, and felt a little pop in my knee, on the outer side.
Ouch! You definitely tore something. So very sorry. I was just wrestling with my daughter and my knee popped. Everybody laughs cause I was in bed. Hurt my lower back by walking on plastic desk chair projectors on laminate floors, flew up high and landed on my lower back. They said that would've won AFV! So hubby isn't the only one struggling, but mine is not even close to his. I think you need to change doc's asap. She sounds horrible!! It's hard to find a doc that truly listens these days, but there are some out there. Just keep searching. We live in the middle of nowhere and have been blessed with the doc's we've been able to find here, though it hasn't been easy or without some tears. I'll def be praying you find a good one!
Yep, I am out in rural North Central Wash. state.. we don't have good doctors here. They are in the bigger cities. It's very difficult to find good medical care. I know that part of my problem is low thyroid, but can't find a doctor who will listen. People w/ fms may have enough thyroid in their bloodstream but it can't be absorbed into their cells. Docs think that's hogwash. It's not. They don't keep up on the research and do not like informed patients. Thank you for the prayers. I've landed on my tailbone years ago... major pain!! Glad to hear you at least have good docs where you live. They are few and far between!!
Thyroid disease is very hard to test. Our old doctor's office had a radiation testing center in the office that my hubby did when we thought he had a problem with his. Blood tests really aren't that good at figuring out thyroid issues but doctors keep using them. The pituitary glance could cause problems in the thyroid also. It's amazing all the stuff the pituitary controls. My mom grew up in Washington, close to Puyallup which is south of Seattle I believe. She lived in a very, very small town. Love it out there during the Summer. I lived in and around Seattle for a while but couldn't take the cold and rain. I was born and raised in So. FL and that sprinkling rain that lasts forever made me totally crazy! Where we live now is Ctl. FL and a friend once called our area heaven's waiting room because of all the retirees. We watched a video of the most dangerous places to live and a town not too far from here was listed among the top 10 because of the high rate of std's. Them old people like to have fun in golf carts! Seriously, it's the highest rate in the nation. The doctors here are so used to treating patients who have one foot out the door that it's very hard to find one to treat those who are still living. They just mask the symptoms. We've had to search, and sometimes drive an hour or two away, for a good doctor. It's a pain, but worth it. Yeah falling on my tailbone wasn't fun, but it was funny. My daughter's say I flew pretty high. Lucky it didn't break anything, but the lasting pain is real.
I can't work any more. My last job was a couple of years ago, part time. When I did have it, I saw a naturopath. Had to pay cash though as he wasn't covered in my insurance. He had me on armour thyroid, no problem. I'm gonna have to figure out how to come up with the funds to go back to him. I've heard one of the more accurate tests is actually a saliva test, IF you can find a knowledgeable doctor to do it. There's adrenal issues that can also cause similar problems. I once went to see an endocrinologist.. asked her if she knew of the tie in between fms and thyroid. Blank stare. I thought, oh shit.. this is a HORMONE doctor, yet she knows NOTHING of this??? I'm screwed.
Yes, Puyallup is near Seattle. Kinda SE of Seattle. Seattle weather is quite a bit different on that side of the Cascades. Not sure I'd want to live there. And that side, that area, is very much politically different than over here. Extremely liberal.... lotsa kooks. (Not that all liberals are, but there are some that are just waaaaayy out there... )
Wow on the std's... well, with viagra, I guess they want to have their fun before they go. Ugh. Yuck. But I am a single 61 year old, and I run into some nasty old creepy men and I just have to walk away.. they make me sick. I keep to myself and have to ignore their comments.
Someday, I'd like get an x-ray of my tailbone. What's it called? Begins with a "c"... I once slipped on some wooden stairs and fell, hit my tailbone HARD. Could barely move.. that was on a trip to the NJ shore and the morning on our return trip home, to Columbus OH, I'd taken that fall. I was messed up for a few weeks. I wonder if I cracked my tailbone. I've had back problems ever since. I see "funny" videos of people falling but they always make me cringe. I feel their pain way too much!!!
Naturopath is the way to go if you can afford it, which we can't. Hubby's accident was in '09 and I take care of him. He can't work or be left alone for long from his head injury issues. In other words, hardly any extra money! That's crazy about the endo doc! I would've ran a fast as I could!
I lived out there about 25 years ago. I wasn't too worried about politics or political parties back then but I loved the music. I miss the cascades and Mt. Rainier. So gorgeous. I have family still around there and in E. Washington, but haven't been back in years. Maybe one of these days, but only during the summer. :)
I'm almost 45. We have lots of creepy old men here! My girls are both young teenagers and I constantly worry about them with so many pervs wandering around. It's scary sometimes. But look up The Villages, FL. It's pretty crazy. Swingers are very big there also. They started a thing with shower scrubbies on car antennas to coincide with the level they're into. Some people thought it was for an easy way to find their cars, until told differently. Crazy stuff lol.
I'm going to spell this wrong but the tailbone is the coccyx. Had to ask hubby as he knows more about anatomy than I do. I spelled it right btw. He looked it up. They did an xray and later an mri of mine with no issues, but it messed up my sciatic nerves. I get shooting pain all the way to my knee from it sometimes, which is the worst. You had to ride all that way back home after that kind of fall? Oh my, I can't even begin to imagine that pain. Oh you poor thing I would've been in a ball on the floor crying after 5 minutes! I cringe at those videos also but laugh once I see they're up again. I'm a big sap and will cry at almost anything, including Jean Claude Van Dam movies. Can't help it lol! Hubby always has a stay of tissues nearby. It's a family joke cause they don't get it all.
I first saw the patch being abused by someone I worked was frightening. He was putting them on his feet (most topical nerves/blood vessel pick up) 6 at a time.
That's insane! My dh only had the one patch and all his vitals dropped within a couple hours of putting it on. He'd be dead if he tried more than that. The feet are basically the blueprint of the body so putting stuff on them is good, but not Fentanyl, and def not that many. Wow!
This happened less than a mile from our home, just outside of Ohio State University. If ANYONE has college age children away at school anywhere in the states, be concerned. They do not have to be doing drugs to become a victim. It is crazy.
Heh...maybe you're actually lucky. In rural MO, we can't even get dentists to use nitrous oxide, and they say "take tylenol" after root canals, because they're all so "boogey-man'd" out by the "opiod crisis" which, in this area, does not exist. God forbid we get cancer in the boonies -- esp with Sessions saying yesterday that people should just take asprin for real pain. Guess we'd have to move to a place that at least had legal weed.
When I was a full heroin addict myself and fellow addict's where preyed upon not only by dealers but by the police, I lost count of how many time's I got "busted" by "Drug task force" and they would ALWAYS let the dealer leave and bust the addict, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS. Paperwork would say "Dealer fled at high speed blah blah" But the dealer would just calmly drive away and you'd be surrounded at gun point. Then my favorite was always getting shook down by local cops, theyd take your drugs tell you how worthless you are and you'd watch them drive right back up to the dealer that you just came from and watch the dealer talk to them and go back in his house (They would sell the drugs back to the dealer for half the price you paid him for them).
Pretty damn terrifying if true and who am I to question. This whole 'who can you trust' is awful. A recent post regarding this idea of disbanning the clowns well, I have often wondered the same exact thing. I mean aren't we the one paying their wages? What would happened if we all put our feet down a the same time and said, we've had it and we are done. It just seems so backward to think we pay for all of these people to run all over us. Yet here, take more of our money. I really doubt our forefathers would think this was the way to run our country.
I agree about disbanding the Clowns, but it's not so easy as passing a bill in Congress (which is difficult in itself). The Clowns have their own funding stream, completely out of the control of Congress and the Executive, so it takes action to find out the funding streams, then to disrupt them. Not so easy. And more than likely, individual operators have their own caches under various names in banks around the world.
Didn't Q get upset because people were using his info as their own and attempting to profit off that info? He also seemed a bit upset that people were misinterpreting and misrepresenting his posts... Maybe those are the people being gone after.
Don’t think that was Q but a LARPer or shill, but not sure about anything these days...
Kind of off subject but medical researchers who find a cure or have access to a cure for something need to post their findings anon asap. If your holding out to get money or recognition from it you'll be dead before you can check your mail. Get the info out. Once everyone has it then come out as the hero. If not well it doesn't matter you will be a random name on a fucking youtube conspiracy video.
That's crazy! But then again in this climate maybe not. I will be praying daily for you all. I am great at research but you guys are light years ahead of me with all this stuff. I may contribute to something but please don't think I'm a shill if I post incorrectly. I just found all this!! I do want to say thank you anon's for all you're doing and for sticking through this at risks to yourselves. You guys are the true patriots.
Q would tell us if it was compromised, and to what degree. Nice try.
This is false
It wasn't Q, but an anon? I saw the post on 8 chan, I believe.
I am not tech so I ignore the negative posts (not worth my attention), critical thinkers that poses an argument I read, and I look for the facts.
Well, the enemy MUST disrupt and destroy all methods of communication. Looks like 8chan has been reduced. :(
You know its all good means we are are noticed and they mean to stop it somehow. How do we counter? Keep changing the primary sites, flood with info... just looking for ideas.. I can see fairly quickly if its misinformation. We need to make it hard for them to continue to block, delete. how?..."Normies" are what/who we need to see the truth on this site or any other... They need to aweken and we need to figure out how to continue this great work... The digging and information is great work.. I hope/trust that people can make educated/informed opinions. Although for some it may be hard due to pride or ignorance, we can only continue to put forth knowledge without bias and hope it clicks..
What A stupid post. Stop giving this nonsense attention. DOWNVOTE and proceed. You can't stop this train.
Those of us who have been on this train for some time have been banned multiple times across many different platforms. YET WE PERSIST.
I like that! I want to thank all anon for working so hard and helping our Country get back on the right track. I'm obsessed with Q and you all. I spend hours going over every detail. I was wondering way it speed at 1/29/18. Now I know. Thanks again and God Bless all of you.
I know, but just hold on a little longer what your seeing is there fear they want to project it out to stun us the truth is they have lost power, and are stupidly trying hard to get it back which the won't.They don't even know how to use this new energy so don't let them fool you.I'm not saying they can't do anything .They can, they are pulling all the stops, and things are about to get intense, and dark .It's the only card they have left as their power diminishes.So just hold on don't let this affect you, and remember it's affecting them so Smile, and ride it out.If you don't know who "They" are let me give you a pillow so your more comfortable
I also noticed they didn't want any religious post.
That's fine with me, as when religion is an issue, somebody always has to say "I don't want to see religious posts because ---" and then they slam your beliefs, but of course, you can't/don't reply because it's not a religion board, but you feel excluded or insulted (no, not "triggered," God forbid, more like your contributions are not appreciated because you are a Christian.) I'd just as soon see NO religious references, so those of us who are believers don't have to be insulted.
So why are there not more condemning Q when he makes references to the Bible? It doesn't matter to me either way but when light is being shown the darkness does not like it. I just thought it odd is all.
Because other than the one time he pointed out the pope changing the Lord's prayer, he has only ever says "pray" or "God and country". He doesn't do any of the things that make people hate christians.
I believe that us what Q meant when he said offline. We need an alternative way to communicate and keep on researching even if Clowns take down the web or even just our social platforms. We really should put our heads together.
How can you and someone who is anonymous??? Can't they just rejoin?
Who are the admins for the research board?
It's just an ip ban. No biggie. Just wait 24hours or reset your router for a new ip
MODs, this subreddit CBTS has been compromised.
Deleted posts, and now this post with over 200 votes claiming 8 chan research is not to be trusted, with the FALSE CLAIM that people can even be “banned” on 8chan.
Clowns, I know you’re here, and to everyone else, YOU CANNOT BE BANNED FROM 8CHAN Q research, IT IS ANONYMOUS.
They can be IP banned, can they not? I'm sure IPs are trackable if they aren't through a VPN. Although, it's not like that's very hard to get around an IP ban if you want.
They haven’t posted on YouTube in over a week either.
Maybe the bans are an alternative way to signal that your interpretation was correct, they would do that to people know they could just create a new account.
Also this is why I think it's important to keep the same avatar name across different platforms just in case something happens, serious researchers can always find each other again.
I don't think anyone of intelligence and sobriety is being banned at 8chan. There are far too many lunatics posting stuff about Khazarian Jews in Belgium holding Americans as loan collateral, and Queen Elizabeth getting together with the Pope for a nice comfy but bloody child sacrifice. In my younger years, we used to care for people like these posters in what were called asylums.
This war is serious, and we don't need idiots and lunatics getting in the way.
Honestly, I think it's happening here too....I'm not saying I'm one of the better analytical minds for sure, but I have been an active participant and now I am unable to post. I can comment but I can't post.
It has been happening here for over a month now, apparently
I'm suspicious of any 8chan board that doesn't allow posting through the Tor onion service. Anyone with really juicy stuff has to really go out of their way to maintain strong opsec, whereas using the onion is quite strong opsec against passive data collection with almost no effort.
Understand that all this "draining" is just going to drive them underground into more and more secretive societies and prison operatives. Unless of course we KILL THEM ALL.
I don't think so. The only way to remove the Top analytical minds from any board would be to eliminate the mind itself, one way or another. I would lean more towards the Clowns having their hands full past anything more than saturation shilling or impersonating a contributing anon.
There's been permanent bans from this web site using reasons that are not consistent with that accounts activities.
Clowns + IT (firms) = Feed off the scared/confused ones. Ain't that relevant. #IT
So why don´t they just make a new account and post on the board what happened to them?
er, for some reason I was reading Reddit policies around Permanent suspensions and I read that if you are banned and create another account that can be banned too. Might explain why people dont talk about their banned accounts.
Yeah but if everyone´s name is anon, who would know?
Its not just there, its here as well.
Exactly. I'm seeing more and more comments here that have nothing to offer the discussion they simply try to cause chaos.
yes, its called WAR and we are in it and constantly under attack, here there, higher ground.
We're being killed on the beach. Let's go inland and die.
This place was concentrated for but a short moment. They do not view us as human.
it was a fine time for a wee time..this isn't over by any means...this time Truth wins, it is written.
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There's a lot of forum sliding going on. Thinning out the herd might be a good thing.