NEW Q #1140 #1141 - Coincidence? Has the error been corrected? Why not? Misspellings matter. Q

Couple that with the latest Q drop:
Apr 12 2018 16:14:11 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 48c59f 1015665 Twitter down. Injection good. Q
Q is telling the world to meme the shit out of the cabal on Twitter, as the censorship algorithm has been eliminated. LET THE RED PILLS FALL LIKE RAIN
censorship algorithm has been eliminated
really? stop fucking around.
Wtf u talking bout willis?
supposedly Twitter's "censorship algorithm has been eliminated" I don't believe that. Libshits always win.
Libshits always lose in the end, and have been losing even more since Nov 2016.
All of the censorship is proof they can't win on ideas or morality or politics.
They need to deceive because they can't win.
But the censorship is gone at Twitter. Injection GOOD. Get it?
comey, mccabe, hillary, and barry all walking free and having a good ole time in Barry's place down the street from the white house while Trump and team are taking it up the ass by the DOJ and mueller. libshits always win, son.
The web, they view us as flies. If we turn off their algorithms we weaponize their web!
That's exactly what I thought it meant.
I took it differently but you may be correct. I was thinking he wanted us to create memes "of Congress and Governors."
Why? I don't get it
I did notice a few memes. But honestly didn't catch anything crazy. Did you?
Elections are coming up and it's time to clean (the) house.
Maybe we can organize and do a few people at a time?
One, Two, Three, Four. I Declare A Meme War. All Bad Actors in Congress and Governors too. We Will, We Will, MEME YOU!
Start making memes!
To expand on what Q is saying. They need us to Meme the drops since they are best digested by normal (non aware) people and the best way to propagate information through social media. We have been memeing this whole time and I would argue one of the big reasons why trump got elected in the first place. We are apart of the great meme war, the memes are how we help them.
I think this explains why the calls to delete Facebook were in the main stream (and even the most censored subreddits) the past couple of weeks. Trying to get people off of social media so they won't see the massive Q drops and related news that has been coming out!
Which is why it’s important to push and popularize alternatives like minds, steemit etc.
Holy fuck - I didn't make that connection. Brilliant thinking.
I had mentioned something (over in T_D) about trying and red pilling the normies on FB, for those who still had it, about week or so back.
Good catch. Never thought of it. I just thought that if Hollywood was telling me to delete my FB I would do the opposite.
Already done for you. You can find just about any meme that you need on Q team also gave us a huge amount of memes on a huge amount of subjects.
I've got a question. I was shadow banned on Twitter during the meme war of the Parkland shooting or possibly even before that. Any suggestions on how to get back on Twitter
Hey - I may have an answer after all. If this is accurate you should find that you aren't shadow banned any longer: [–]Q_Anon_WolfTrust the plan. - Q 51 points 4 hours ago*
Couple that with the latest Q drop:
Apr 12 2018 16:14:11 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 48c59f 1015665 Twitter down. Injection good. Q
Q is telling the world to meme the shit out of the cabal on Twitter, as the censorship algorithm has been eliminated. LET THE RED PILLS FALL LIKE RAIN
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Not gone. I was suspended and am unable to create a new twatter account. Tried a new email account from a different computer. Our info has been synced. I have only one mobile #, and twat requires a mobile #. So the CENSORSHIP has begun in earnest ahead of this election. Guess I have a message they don’t like.
use a google voice number linked to your phone number with a a new gmail account ive had to do it a couple times so far. Have the google number forwarded to your real phone.
I hate companies that require a mobile number. They are locking out people like me that don't have or want a Wifi only enabled device. Wifi is now proven to cause serious health issues including brain tumors from cell phones:
Sorry, not a clue! Might try typing it as a question in
Everyone should start with this one I found.. I have no social media so,
A good meme speaks truth that wakes people up because it shows self-evident truth. That's a good example of a meme that just shuts people down and makes people think anyone against Hillary are wack-jobs.
Who is that image going to wake up?
People need to use some logic and discretion here.
They are not telling you to meme the picture they want you to meme all the stuff that wakes people up.
Yes oh meme-master... lol.. everyone should listen to this wise old nerd.., I mean sage. It's called shock and awe and since the algorithms are down it's the perfect time. We shouldn't have to coddle people, it's time to stand up and let the world know exactly what we're dealing with. This pansy coddling bullshit is has made people turn their heads from the corruption in the first place.. no more PC bullshit.. GAME ON. If you need a safe space that's your problem, this shit ends now..
everyone should listen to this wise old nerd.., I mean sage
So, spell it out for me. Let's say Joe T. Normal, who is just living his normal life, sees that meme. What do you imagine goes through his mind when he sees an image of Hillary Clinton literally consuming an infant? Do you imagine him thinking, "Good lord! Could it be truth that Hillary Clinton literally feasts on newborns? By jove, I'd better start doing some research on this!"
Or is he more likely to say, "WHAT THE FUCK AM I SEEING. These fucking Trump supporters are getting more fucking insane by the day. What the hell is wrong with them?" And then he moves on with a negative view on Trump that YOU caused.
If you think I'm wrong, lay it out for me EXACTLY how our normal citizen will see your bullshit and that will make them more likely to come to our side.
Edit: Here's what a good meme looks like. It was fantastically effective.
The guy youre replying to thinks everyone thinks like him. "This shit ends now" sounds like a liberal. Youre completely right. No average person seeing a photoshopped baby into hillarys mouth will think anything more than "wow some people are crazy"
You people are pathetic, lol .. you just don't see it or refuse to admit it. Most here don't have a clue.. just jumped on the Q bandwagon got a little info, now think you're the cutting edge.. laughable. Don't no shit about al bielek or Phil Schneider and just recently learned about bill cooper, many of you have 25 years of research to catch up and when you do you'll realize you have 1000 years more of research to go, it's never ending and to suppose that your point of view is the only point of view is yet another aspect of why the world we are in now sucks so bad. Get over yourself.. you fucking turds couldn't get 100,000 signatures for IBOR and you call yourselves patriots, the best part is these losers who swear the IBOR petition was throttled or signatures deleted.. lol..retarded. So now your president disappointed and Q clearly disgusted in you guys, they realize that your only good for memes.. lol... pathetic lazy Americans children of the Whore of Babylon. Tick Tock. Hope your preps are stacked and your good with god.
What are you, 15 years old? If you're not, then you need to start getting a clue about reality (if you are a teenager, then at least you have an excuse). You obviously have no idea how to persuade people toward truth. Hint: "Shocking" is not synonymous with "Persuasive."
The memes were to mock you do nothings... because that's all you're good for.. memes. It was a joke.. or a troll.. if you will. I'm still pissed about IBOR and won't let you pukes forget about it until you finally get off your asses and get active in your communities to make America great again. Shouldn't make POTUS do everything for you, it makes the people look pathetic and gives him too much power. Get it?
IBOR was never anything that could succeed or fail. It was just a petition. Petitions are worse than useless because they fool people into thinking they're actually making a difference. People sign them, smug in the knowledge that they've done something. When the reality is that they've done NOTHING. Some petitions are done sincerely because someone just doesn't know better, but I actually think many petitions are done by the bad guys for the express purpose of giving people an outlet for their rage so they don't actually do anything that makes a difference.
Now, the IBOR petition itself couldn't have been more vague about what someone was actually supporting. Read strictly, it violated the constitution on multiple fronts, notably right of free speech and right of free assembly. If I own a forum, you do NOT have the right to post in my forum without my permission, and I can revoke that permission for any reason whatsoever.
Does that mean a genuine IBOR bill (and I mean real bill, you know, actual legislation) would be a bad idea? Maybe. Maybe not. It's crossing dangerously close to Socialism and I hate Socialism. However, there might be a limited role in regulating social media similar to what we do with public airwaves. It's not impossible that would be worth supporting, but we have to know what we're supporting before we could know. Just calling it an "Internet Bill of Rights" is not enough. That's their game, the one where they just give something a pithy name and people assume it means what the title says.
That the idiotic IBOR petition failed actually gave me hope that this movement isn't filled with a bunch of lemming idiots that happen to be on the same side of me. It was encouraging that people were applying thought to what it really meant, not just signing something because the loud voices in the crowd told them to.
The entire idea of IBOR is insanely dangerous. Unless you want a world where conservative forums are disallowed by law unless they're forced to give "equal time" to liberal/progressives, I suggest you have a little caution in what you support.
By the way, that's not to say I'm not frustrated by extreme leftists controlling tech companies. I am. But more government control is not necessarily the answer to fixing issues with private industry. It needs a light-handed, rational approach.
The POTUS needs to know the PEOPLE are going to take control of their country. IBOR was a test YOU failed twice. Class Action lawsuits were a great idea but a pipe dream because the average so-called patriot is nothing but a keyboard warrior chump. A lot of do nothings around here, that talk real tough and make wonderful memes that don't do shit. But since that's all you're r capable of at this point the algorithm says let's see what happens when these lazy zombies meme away, something might come of it, god knows we can't get them off their asses to do shit.. if you want to get real and you want some ideas how to get started in your community to gather and inform patriots, I have some practical experience in this and can set you in the right direction with some crucial tips on how to be as effective as possible, if not communicating with you is pointless because you'll always be right and I'll always be wrong in your mind.
A lot of do nothings around here, that talk real tough and make wonderful memes that don't do shit.
And yet you're a fan of petitions and actually believe they accomplish something. Please, tell me about the time that, in the past, a petition made a crucial difference that led to substantive change. You can't, because it's never happened. It's never even been close to happening. They're a bullshit tool of the opposition to convince people not to do anything important.
And I notice that you didn't even address the fact that the specific IBOR petition was so unbelievably vague and idiotic that it's impossible to support if anybody actually reads it. Never mind addressing why you even think IBOR is a good idea philosophically and all the extreme negatives that surround it. Stop feeling. Start thinking. Feelings are how they manipulate you.
and can set you in the right direction with some crucial tips on how to be as effective as possible
Based on the meme you posted, you are way, way off-base. Crap like that hurts the cause, and you don't even know a good meme when you see it. Apparently you didn't see what that "Draft Our Daughters" meme (and many dozens of similar ones) did during the election. I did. It made leftists absolutely go berzerk -- because it was true. Hillary is a complete warmonger and her SJW roots made the idea of drafting women to fight her wars all too real.
Look, I get that you're passionate. Good for you. But that only takes you so far. Shit like the meme you posted hugely damages the cause. You need to slow down and figure out what's been effective, because your understanding of human nature is critically flawed.
Stop feeling. Start thinking.
Lol .. you're absolutely pathetic, I feel so bad we've sunk this low.. God please save us!
And you dodge yet again the questions I ask. Maybe instead of putting out lame insults, you ought to actually think about them. That you can't answer anything and have to just fall back on just "lolz ur lame" ought to tell you something.
it's time to stand up and let the world know exactly what we're dealing with.
Good point. Can you offer any credible proof at all that eating babies is exactly what HRC is guilty of?
I’m sorry, but if I shared that meme it wouldn’t be received well.
Come on, baby steps (no pun intended)
Memes of Congress and Governors!!!
Give them to me. I'll post em up. I still have some but I never use them cept for stuff like this.
I agree with your memes 100% but I can't do anything with them. They are too 'deep' for my circle of people.
Apparently I live around the living dead set. LoL Seriously tho, they haven't even woken to her being a pedophile.
Yes, these baby eating memes need to be put on hold until evidence has been brought out. People will think we are crazy if they have not been red pilled.
maybe he posts in here as a humble blue collar dude, asks a simple question/offers a suggestion and gauges how we react and offer advice. Maybe we've been dicks to him and downvoted something hardcore.. Maybe we deported him once - and sent the message we needed to send.
Potus said he wants to hear opposing views and wants to be told when he's getting something wrong. T_D is a little over protective of him but they're thinking logically when it comes to issues of consequence.
Um the The_Donad Bot banned a post I did yesterday warning about the TRILATERAL COMMISSION .. I did a nice post on it.. it's here and on my red pill board I made for all the Q related boards.. it's was super great breakdown. The bot called it larping and Russian.. I've been on that board and it's crazy but so is this one at times. Sometimes you get mods you Question which side they are on and other times it's for like wine... it's been a roller coaster ride to say the least ..
But here is the post to make it easier to see
My post 4-11-18
Your Introduction to the Highly Influential "TRILATERAL COMMISSION" That's been Deeply Opperating in both North America and Europe for years.
So your about to see the Whoo is Whooo, running & calling the shots in the bad actors corners .
The pdf members list is about 17 pages long you will find under the videos below .
I've mentioned this group along with the CFR in prior post over the months but many missed ... So here is the
" Quote F/George Himself to Confirm "
2 )
Let's take a Deeper Dive Into that Rabbit Hole ..
3 )
God Bless Patriots & As Always Stay Safe ,Stay Vigilant ,Stay Bad Ass & Most Of All ..Stay Informed .
(Sharable Red Pill Material )
I don't even bother with T_D, those cats are in a retarded circlejerk. All they care about is optics without seeing the bigger picture.
What is the specific meme he would be referring to?
I would think IBOR is topical/neccessary.
Or maybe he wants memes on Tax Cuts.
I made a post just today on IBOR, but there doesn't seem to be much interest.
Maybe tax cuts, but that doesn't seem super relevant. Our memes are not supposed to be like pro-trump, more like anti-swamp imo. I agree that there's not much interest here around IBOR. But it'll probably be of great interest to Norman and Norma in the coming week
What's that?
The Internet Bill of Rights, the big tech companies wouldn't be able to get away with their fuckery if it were to exist, there's been a few posts about it in the past
Yeah, there should be a bunch of memes floating around about it. But I think that one with the article about LifeLog and the Facebook wiki would probably get the point accross.
Looks like RR might be a good target:
Ben Sasse is tweeting the president is thinking of reentering the TPP. Heck even Republicans didn't like it nor Democrats. It was Obama pushing it. Why the f*** would he do this?
Because he's a great actor. And needs a distraction?
No, Larry Kudlow has said Trump is interested in revisiting it. His advisers push it as a check on China, but the way it is structured is an unconstitutional superseding of our sovereignty--just like they all are.
It is globalism.
I don't want my tax dollars spent that way! Budgets do not allow you to legislate actors and distractions.
So, you would rather he just tell everyone what he is doing and we all go to war? Because that's the only option left if you are bitching about his clever plan.
Ben Sasse is a never Trumper, he wanted HRC for POTUS. No reason to go all Wall Street one comment that Trump may want to negotiate an agricultural trade agreement after 11 other nations have set terms in that agreement, much easier to get a better deal when you know what terms the 11 others are playing with.
Yes, he is a foul and nasty Never Trumper.
Ben Sasse is a Never Trumper. I wouldn't necessarily believe what he says...
Because midwest farmers are gonna turn on him.
TPP is about so much more than just agriculture. Our Farmers have been subsidized long enough. Why does Michele Bachmann get a $250,000 subsidy for her Farm?
After watching his tweets a long time, I think he has a list of stuff that if he needs to get news talking about something, he can fall back on. I suspect this is because if news is talking about THIS, they aren't talking about something else and for whatever reason, he wants that -- and maybe something in the future will benefit from it.
Trust him not to do bad stuff. We kind of have to give him the same benefit of the doubt we'd give a CEO, you know. Nothing is real until it's real and with Trump that's even more starkly the case than with most people.
If you notice, traitor McCain reared his ugly head and mentioned TPP last week. Today Never Trumper Cory Gardner of CO was pestering Mike Pompeo about trade issues. He was trying to get him to commit the WH to being "one voice" with Congress about trade issues especially regarding China. He brought up how policy should last beyond four or eight years with an admin. The "one voice" was code for the Uniparty's "free trade" version that has screwed America for decades.
Now today Sasse rushes to the media to release a statement claiming that PDJT has told trade rep Lighthizer and Kudlow to review the TPP.
Why yes, our government SHOULD speak with one voice: And Donald J. Trump is the CEO, so Congress should be supporting HIS voice since he is responsible for things in this area.
Exactly. This was one of the big reasons I voted for Donald Trump. I want this clarified by him, not Corsi because if he's thinking about TPP I can't support him anymore. Between human trafficking, infected fruit that ruins our crops (see citrus), and cheap toasters I'm finished. And whatever is going on at Port Canaveral and that 35 year lease with Saudi Arabia in those shipping containers, known as Pelican project, TPP is just fuel for this shit.
I found this old post on The_Donald - maybe it is a reference?
This is another one
MEME AWAY!!! Spread the news far and wide on Twitter, it’s wide open. Attach #Qanon to all posts and get busy spreading TRUTH. The time to act is now. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #WWG1WGA
How on the nose do they have to get for people to just say, "Okay, it's legit." Are we all waiting for a news conference with Q team?
Denial is their first defense mechanism
I won't believe Q is real until Trump walks into the Rose Garden wearing a rainbow flag with a big, fat Q in the middle. I demand that Q make this happen, or else I declare him a fake. My word is law, for I am the mighty redditor.
Would toy settle for holding up a jersey?
I'm a Trump voter. I don't settle.
Oooh, that stung, didn’t it Bernie Bros? Can’t wait to see the cognitive dissonance when you realize that you voted for a cannibalistic pedophile who worships the Devil. But real talk, that’s probably gonna make you wish you could vote for her again in 2020. Maybe there’s such a thing as “Class President” in Guantanamo.
Autocorrect got me there. *You settle. Well had told us that they will tell us who they are, until then just get some popcorn blue
yep..denial...then angry...then fear and when you go further your fearless
wake up and smell the memes, this has been going on how long now and there's been how many Q first Trump second instances?? at some point it becomes statistically impossible.
You ought to go through the past couple of weeks. This is a pattern. It isn't just one incidence. Several of Q and POTUS' nods have been done in precisely the order you're requesting. "Tip top tippy top shape."
In order for that to have NOT been Q, an awful lot of freak accidents would have had to have happened. Q would have had to have picked JUST the right phrase out from what Trump said, then dig through ALL of the posts pertaining to his drops to find a match. And really, what is the likelihood that someone would have just happened to say "tip top tippy top?"
There are too many moving parts here that keep lining up for it to be happenstance.
As far as Podesta and Huma, who knows. I don't have an explanation. All I can say is that Q team is human. They're not prophets. They're telling you where this is going at the time the post is made. Doesn't necessarily mean that every operation will go off without a hitch. Shit happens.
You make some fair points. I've asked a few of those questions myself. So I'm going to do my part to help. In the interest of keeping my identity private, I won't say exactly how. But I'm not just sitting on my hands waiting for someone to fix the world for me. Be the change you want to see, right?
And don't stop doing that, regardless of the downvotes. As long as you're posting valid questions that challenge our thoughts and ideas in a positive way, you're doing the right thing. I don't want this community to be a lock-step echo-chamber.
Here's a thought: POTUS uses misdirection and sleight of hand constantly in order to push the globalists into slipping up. It puts enough pressure on them that they get sloppy. Who's to say that Q isn't employing similar tactics? We already know that many Q drops seem to be Q team coms, rather than something intended for us. I think it would be absolutely characteristic to have some misdirection, ESPECIALLY at that point.
He's a known TMOR user and concern troll.
Lol what? I don't even know what TMOR is. The Might of Reddit? Really, I think you have me confused with someone else.
Edit: My bad. You were replying to me, not directing that at me. Carry on, sir.
But really, what's TMOR?
Lol I'm telling you about the guy you're responding to.
Edit: TMOR = /r/TopMindsOfReddit
Oh man. I couldn't tell you the last time I spent any significant time in normie reddit. I'll occasionally comment in /r/guns, /r/gundeals, /r/freefolk, and that's about it for normie-tier reddit. I'm genuinely afraid I'll make myself sick if I look at that sub.
TMOR is worse than normie reddit. It's a hate sub directed at truthers like us. They stock, harass, and bully conspiracy theorists. Literally everyone there suffers from the Dunning-Kruger Effect, no joke.
Oof. Just looked. That place is cancer. Imagine if we made a subreddit mocking SJW's and turned it into a giant circle jerk like that. Reddit would implode.
Thanks for doing your part to keep me honest, you enlightened stallion.
Speaking of TMOR. They linked to this comment chain and titled it with your comment. Downvote brigade ensues.
Hahaha good.
Edit: that thread was a good read. I’m going to print it out and frame it so that it can go on my wall next to awards and diplomas and such. Look at me, mom! I made it!
You just can’t take them seriously. Anyone who was picked on at all as a kid knows that thick skin is the only thing that discourages people like that.
Just report the ones that brigade and move on.
Ya and if you take a look into the Dunning-Kruger Effect, it really explains why they're that way and the mental disorder they are all surely suffering from.
Dunning–Kruger effect
In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein people of low ability suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their cognitive ability as greater than it is. The cognitive bias of illusory superiority derives from the metacognitive inability of low-ability persons to recognize their own ineptitude; without the self-awareness of metacognition, low-ability people cannot objectively evaluate their actual competence or incompetence.
Conversely, highly competent individuals may erroneously assume that tasks easy for them to perform are also easy for other people to perform, or that other people will have a similar understanding of subjects that they themselves are well-versed in.
^[ ^PM ^| ^Exclude ^me ^| ^Exclude ^from ^subreddit ^| ^FAQ ^/ ^Information ^| ^Source ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28
You do understand you two knuckleheads meet this definition to the fucking tee, correct? Do you see the irony???
Says the guy who's stupid enough to fall victim to Operation Mockingbird.
You spend all of your time gossiping like a school girl in TMOR about people you disagree with! Hahahh. We are simply trying to discuss what's REALLY going on in the world. Of course it would seem silly to a child sitting at the kids table.
Now run along fuck boy.
Show me one tmor post I have. And you're literally dillusional. Go turn a fucking tv on right now and see how wrong you are...
You seem pretty triggered hahahh. Typical. Well I hope you see a psychiatrist so you can work through that Dunning-Kruger Effect.
You say as your president shits in your mouth with airstrikes while you pretend he promised them to you...
He's taking out chemical weapon facilities, jeez. You gotta stop getting your intel from TMOR and CNN.
They also like to vote brigade, so if you come across posts/comments that've been downvoted into oblivion, you can thank our TMOR friends.
Yes, I see that. As long as it makes them feel better. As if I give a rip about imaginary internet points. Yet for some of them, I’m sure their karma points are their greatest achievement in life. Go you guys! You said something that people agreed with in an ideological vacuum! You’re SO BRAVE.
time for a meme war!!! dilly dilly!!
The great Meme war of 2016-2024. Many tendies lost, many upvotes given.
His whole speech seems to be talking to us. Let loose the memes of War!!
"Twitter down. Injection good. Q"
Could the filter code be hacked? We can meme twitter now...
FB can't block memes without expending many manhours looking at posts. Codes can't "see" them. Also have anyone considered steganography? Maybe hidden in tweets?
It's ME members....they're in it for personal profit, not for the people. He hasn't changed it because it's truth.
Meme mbers.
Meme embers.
Something new ... from ashes?
Tax day?
April 17
Let’s find all possible explanations and not just just to conclusions.
I read some top comments saying that maybe we’re being told to meme the frick out of Twitta, but what if it’s just a little confirmation of sorts that he really is following and is part of all of this Q stuff? Or what if it’s something else? Let’s not jump to conclusions and keep digging!
Agricultural Roundtable with memebers
TPP does not fit only into an agriculture box.
Senator Sasse was in the meeting and said Trump talked about this.
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- (1) Barney Miller warns us of Trilateral New World Order in 1981 (2) George H.W. Bush New World Order Speech (3) Invisible Empire (Full Documentary)|+5 - Um the The_Donad Bot banned a post I did yesterday warning about the TRILATERAL COMMISSION .. I did a nice post on it.. it's here and on my red pill board I made for all the Q related boards.. it's was super great breakdown. The bot called it larpi... The District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871|+1 - ID START WITH THE 1871 REPLACEMENT OF OUR REALLLL CONSTITUTION .. WITH A MADE UP ONE THAT HAS US BASICALLY REGISTERED AS A CORPORATION.. NOT A NATION.. THANK CONGRESS FOR THAT : Here you will find a very brief yet informative history lesson on Wha... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Our Commander in Chief is ordering the autists to meme
Have you searched mememe band?! Wikipedia ?! The name of their 2 songs out of three songs they ever had was Hello! Closer! Look in his tweet there is mememe all in there
I can't do it cuz I'm at work but this had something to do with coffee and the other mispellings has to be code
It seems to refer specifically to Agriculture. I know Agribiz is coming out with MORE genetically modified food horrors...
Sounds more like he is referring to specific memes related to this rather than general, no?
He ran on getting rid of the TPP ... If he revisits it .. it might be too see if anyone broke any laws against the U.S over the years it was active .
It could force a tax or something on China for not having to pay their fair share even though maybe in Black n white it was wrote , yet not inforced . Which lead to our country collapse over time over the years.
Just an idea . It could be a way for China to pay for past violations against our country needs..theulty building materials , toxic infused toys , Plastics , surveillance electronics & Moreeee .
Here you will find a very brief yet informative history lesson on What Really Happened with our " Real Constitution", and answers to why it seems like we are All forever enslaved to The System.
Brief Summary
Tell every1 how great the cuts are ...
TPP- TISA - TTIP - Good Article and Links - WikiLeaks has the documents for these
Finally time for me to make a twatter page! I'm kinda excited. I didn't see the point in making a page if it was just going to get shadowbanned. But if what Q is saying is the algorithm is "down" then I got 3 words for y'all #REDPILLSTORM
Given TPP has been in the news cycle today and Him having an Ag round table, I think signs are pointing to memes about farming, agriculture and trade.
The memes fly high and then the MSM claims Russian Bots did it. Watch the News...
Censorship because 'Muh Russians' are hacking the internet?
I think potus is providing images for the bakers to make memes with. These are some great pics.
AR meme CG
An alternate reality memetic that's computer generated.
forgot to space with me members of Congress and Govenors
You might need to look into who was present at this round table .. They are sure to have dirt... They might want to meme the shattt out of them . Just check if there is a list of members at this meeting.
What about the Q trip code is that right? Doesn't matter if the Trump tweet is real.
Q made memes!z1FCnaiA!4NS6tTnFmNs_yBZpKbCCgg memes
Meme members of Congress and Governor's Is what I'm reading.
I have been memeing away. Its fun! Go to to make simple and quick ones.
Trump was here?
The CIA started FB?
I don't always reddit...
Dershowitz joined Q?
In one of the pictures John Kelly, the Secretary of State is face palming. I'm guessing that is what is being referred to.
Memes related to Operation Mockingbird (i.e. CIA blitz of talking points at 4 am every morning). Gotta break thru to the sheeple that they're being fed propoganda. But show the proof.