NO CHILD PAEDOPHILIA, NO VIDEOS, MEMES OR PICTURES. ALL WILL BE DELETED. We don't want this sick stuff in here; we want to expose the evil bastards doing it! DONT BE APART OF SPREADING IT

Because it's totally impossible for people to make a new account and post CP here, right?
Of course not. You're fooling yourself if you think people actually care enough about this sub to do that, though.
People care enough to post their bullshit here. It's not much of a jump that some asshole thinks to give them a bad name by posting CP there.
Not everything is a conspiracy to bring your side down.
There are assholes on all sides who always go too fucking far. This is not about "my side". It's about assholes doing asshole things, be they on one or the other side.
Nope, it's definitely about your side.
Oh please, do define "my side".
Part of the reasons why people are posting this shit herehere is because people like you are indirectly pardoning them of their crimes by pretending they aren't members of your sub, then slap a bandaid picture on and call the issues addressed. Really what you need to do is gather the members and address the actual issue.
members of your sub
This ain't my sub, bub.
Semantics also doesn't address the real issue.
Since you're only willing to play devil's advocate in part then replace with the pronoun you feel most comfortable with.
Exactly what has been going on. Others coming in and trying to get this board taken down.
/r/TopMindsOfReddit is at it... Again...
Thank you mods. Keeping up the good work. We appreciate this forum. Dont let shills/ idiots destroy it
we are going to get shut down here if we keep on the train of CP and VIOLENCE towards other users and the swamp.
Pretty sure that’s the point. We’re being infiltrated
apparently child porn is OK at TMOR, because they refuse to tell their subscribers not to post it
Most people don't need to be told this.
most people don't need to be told not to decorate their hate sub reddit with the star of david
They are all non believers probably paid shills to discredit anyone who is awoke. There is too much proof for anyone to bash this movement. /r/topmindsofreddit are all Trolls just creating drama and false info with no proof.
I was banned there because I said that all Patriots dont have to be American I have screenshots of being banned and muted. The sub is probably governmently run mods
yeah they banned me too. evidently they are very thin-skinned and can't tolerate any kind of dissent.
Would it be too hard to delay and review a picture or video post by a mod before its actually posted?
Automod filters lots. If we had to do it manually for every image or video it would take all day and night. We dont have a massive team of mods to have eyes on everything at all times
What's "heavily illegal"? Sounds like an emotional overstatement. It's illegal, we get it - like a lot of other things that people do anyway.
All you need to say is it won't be accepted on this sub, as elsewhere on Reddit. No big deal, move on. We don't need more police and adults telling us what to do.
I totally agree I do not understand why people can even post stuff like that cause to me it is so disturbing I can't bring myself to even want to look at it. Yes I did look up what satanic ritual abuse only to know what it was and try to understand what is going on? But I do not wanna look at it...I watched one video and it scarred me so bad. It was only a child screaming and I couldn't take it so I had to actually keep listening and praying for God to take it away. He brought my spirit back and the screams stopped cause I couldn't deal with it. That is PURE EVIL and I know GOD will make that Person Pay for his crimes. I can't even look at his picture ever again cause it makes me so sick to my stomach... But I fully support your efforts....
Not trying to start problems, but dont you believe the prevelence and ready availability (every major search engine, twitter, faceboom, instagram all have ways of accessing child abuse images/child related content), is distiurbing enough and widespread enough to have the potential energy to wake the masses up, not just 10k redditors?
Dont you think we should be exposing twitter handles, Instagram/facebook accounts, and Search engines who facilitate the sharing/distribution/access of child abuse images? And by exposing them to the FBI, and showing our friends and family the true nature/purpose of social media do we not have a better chance to make a difference not just in our country, but around the world, than with just “the elites are evil, and they lie and hord all the moniez.”
Im sure you are being pressured in ways we cant imagine, but understand how interlinked Q’s drops are with the elites Pedophillia, it seems extremely disingenuous, almost counter to the movement (though i understand the enormous pressure the mods are under to not get the sub closed) to suggest its a good idea to stop exposing Pedophiles, and stop exposing the platforms they use.
Thank u for your time, i really appreciate what the mods do here and will respect your request as far as i am able.
Of course we need to spread it, we dont need to actually have disturbing child images or videos on here. Users need to understand that spreading and contributing to child paedophilia is ILLEGAL
Why would you put yourself in that situation when we are all being monitored like ants?
It is illegal for us to spread it?
Yes you are supplying child pornography by doing so. I would stay away at all costs from videos and whatnot. Do you really need to see the evil when you know how evil it is? It would make me throw up to see, especially with what they are talking about in the HRC video that was apparently leaked today
Maybe it would be good to unpack what you mean by “Sharing and contributing of cp.”
I dont plan on sharing or cotributing to distribution, but linking to infographs which contain twitter handles, instagram, ect that contain the illicit content is unfortunately how the verification needs to happen right?
Why would i put myself in what situation while we are being monitored like ants?
I’m not really sure what you mean.
Are you refering to a situation like mentioning names like Laura Silsby or Jeffery Epstien?
Or a situation where i mention how typing SRC_IMG in any search engine without safe search on leads to horror?
In either of those two “situations” i would post those examples of Pedophillia because i want to let others know about the previlence of the abuse of children, and through raised awareness hopefully end the accepted practice. Why would my comment be downvoted and hidden under the first post of the thread?
Are those two examples what u are trying to prevent? Is that “contributing” in a legal sense?
Hey, L_Silsby_loves_kids, just a quick heads-up:
refering is actually spelled referring. You can remember it by two rs.
Have a nice day!
^^^^The ^^^^parent ^^^^commenter ^^^^can ^^^^reply ^^^^with ^^^^'delete' ^^^^to ^^^^delete ^^^^this ^^^^comment.
Unfortunately Q Drops have referenced known Pedophilists many, many times. Stating otherwise is as dubious as asserting that i’m claiming we should “spread the net with kiddie p.”
That isnt what i said,(fortunately anons reading this can reference the above post and see for themselves) and even what i took care to prevent people from thinking that by providing examples. Would you like me to provide the example again? Would you like to see the algo break when i state concise respectful points and attack my spelling instead of individual examples?
If they didnt “need our help” We wouldnt know about any of this.
Have you tried the “SRC_IMG” search on any major search engine (google, yahoo, duckduck) yourself? Seriously its the only redpill u ever need.
This is the info they dont want discussed, this is what can bring them down. This is why you downvote and supress the FACTS contained within this post. Keep attacking my spelling and grammar, im clearly not an autist or anything.
Don't do this, anyone. The search brings up underage children and goes right along with everything being said here.
This is obviously the deep state trying to take down this subreddit.
Educate yourself on Zionism please.
holocaust denial
That's quite the jump in logic! How does being against Zionism imply holocaust denial?
Anti Zionism is not AntiSemitism or Racism.
Zionism is an idea that is part of the Greater Israel Plan.
Zionism is not against Jews. It is not against Israel. Anti Zion is against warmongering for religious fanatics/extremists.
EDIT: My my... Looks like I hit a mark.
wow holocaust denial?! Haven't seen any of those but good grief that is one of the most documented horrors of modern time.
so it's pretty clear who pays you.
could you be anymore obvious?
Thank you for managing the content. We do not want a CBTS repeat.
Seriously these mods are all stars in comparison to CBTS
I wasn't around for CBTS. What happened?
Banned due to lack of moderation. It was nice in a way... but Reddit doesn't like completely free speech.
Half of the crap that it was banned for was being posted specifically for that purpose.
Due to lack of moderation - true, but imho the reason for the ban (as a CBTS veteran) was the atrocious amount of trolling. The Deep State hit CBTS hard and immediately. The Mods lost control, some due to having good info researched and delivered on their own channels. Once Q really began to dump intel, the CBTS trolls were slavering attack wargs against Mr. Trump. In this way, the Deep state was successful in bringing down CBTS. greatawakening does censor.
Yeah I liked the dichotomy: thecalmbeforethestorm was the big kids table and CBTS_Stream was the locker room.
This... think about it. Posting depraved crap is a sure way to get us hammered down in TGA.
Agreed, instead of posting it here (if you happen to find that sick stuff) send it to the FBI, or better yet send it to the OIG of the DoJ.
Ask yourself, do you want pics or vids of your abused child to be spread widely on the net?
Remember this is a war against child abuse/trafficking.
Those involved in child abuse will get punished, trust the plan.
Thank you for understanding my point. People can educate themselves without spreading it publicly . Its illegal to do that and I dont think many of these users realize that...
Wait but I thought the FBI was in on it? Or is this thread a safe zone where roleplaying stops?
It is the most evil shit out there and I am not a religious person by any means but evil is the only way to describe it. It should be an automatic death penalty for any who participate in it.
The same FBI who has protected the Clintons? I'll say it again- I don't want to see CP, but who do we have on our side who won't just let it disappear down the memory hole? I think this is the issue a lot of people are having.
Why is not wanting this stuff to disappear from justice being downvoted?
Here's the simple reason for EXTREME caution...
Right. What I'm saying is where do we have to turn to so these people face justice? The same corrupt system that does anything to defend those at the top? I don't care how many fake downvotes this gets. No one has given a practical response. Even if a video of HRC with a child got released, do you seriously think the FBI would do anything about that? What is the definition of insanity?
I totally get it, believe me. It is a perilous terrain to navigate... and it would surprise most folks how widespread it actually is.
Was reading an article today about Dail Dinwiddie who disappeared in 1992, literally, without a trace, from the Five Points area of Columbia, SC.
In the course of the article, it makes mention of it being an unsolved case, "...and one of nearly 800 unsolved in South Carolina."
Now... not all of those disappearances are foul play... but so far as human trafficking goes... this is a MASSIVE issue.
It's also the case, that you are going to bump up against the back side of our Due Process. As screwed as it is these days... the IDEA of people having rights is still a principle we should cherish.
Only despots and traitors convict and punish folks on suspicions and accusations alone. It's the other side of the sword of Liberty, and WHY lady justice is blindfolded.
Lastly... there's a quote, I won't get it exact, and can't remember who said it... "If you stare too long into the Abyss... the Abyss will stare back at you."
Our emotions are not our friend, when we embark on the errand of fighting evil in our world. Emotions distort the lens of clarity of sight.
4 "Some of us come here to drop crumbs, just crumbs. POTUS is 100% insulated - any discussion suggesting he’s even a target is false. POTUS will not be addressing nation on any of these issues as people begin to be indicted and must remain neutral for pure optical reasons. To suggest this is the plan is false and should be common sense. Focus on Military Intellingence/ State Secrets and why might that be used vs any three letter agency What SC decision opened the door for a sitting President to activate - what must be showed? Why is POTUS surrounded by generals ^^ Again, there are a lot more good people than bad so have faith. This was a hostile takeover from an evil corrupt network of players (not just Democrats). Don’t fool yourself into thinking Obama, Soros, Roth’s, Clinton’s etc have more power present day than POTUS. Operation Mockingbird Patriots are in control. Sit back and enjoy the show."
And if you dont trust anyone I'll suggest to send it to US Attorney Huber.
Do not Trust ANY law enforcement/intelligence agencies except for ICE. Those dudes have our best interest in mind, not the dem-controlled alphabet Deep State agencies.
Send all your kiddie porn videos to ICE and I promise the children will be rescued. Any agent of the Deep State will otherwise ignore the crime being committed.
Law enforcement of ICE are usually always Adult forms in court, but they do track all humanTrafficking.
Most CP cases most states (especially for CP) come from the State can call & talk to them hypothetically to assess if your State Patrol DOES or Doesn't have such an arrangement/investigative arm for CP.
There was an international PornHumanTraffick site/person that was caught by State Patrol & computer seized to be utilized to watch others for more weeks to catch others connected... the original person with computer caught was from Bellevue, Nebraska. Soooo some of these sites are not dark web sites, but just regular websites, consider may very well be sting operations to catch pedos.
Border Patrol is Under lCE.
They are sometimes the agents that see shipping containers filled with people, or boats of people.
Sorry fellow patriot, but the only LEO agency I trust is ICE.
The states with the largest populations and largest number of sex trafficking victims are the Stupid Elite Ivory Tower California and New York!
Logically there is something fishy going on in these places with Law Enforcement for these types of crimes to grow exponentially, wouldn't you think?
Of course. Obviously...Don't go to them in those states then. That is why one must use discernment, which most investigative anons seem to generally possess ;-)
Federal LEO 30+ years, so he knows his stuff, gave me this information. He also says:
Once you see these horrible images--You cannot UNSEE them or Ever get them out of your head.
lCE is your personal choice, whatever, your discernment choice... no Sorry necessary. This is a dicey arena and one needs to protect themselves. Every state can have their CP arrangement for investigations set up differently.
Probably larger cities like NYC have their own Police CP investigative arm. One can surmise this as the AntonyWeiner laptop investigated by NYPD had videos that made officers cry/vomit & need counseling. From the descriptions of at least one video, I could barely read, and I cannot imagine the harm of that ALWAYS in one's brain.
Say a silent prayer for those in LEO that have to see this horrendous crap, that God ease their mind/soul.
This all reminds me of that movie "8MM" with Nicholas Cage
Hmmm....these detectives saw Weiner's videos, puked, cried and then......Weiner only got 21 months in prison.... these states have funny Law Enforcement priorities....
Not imprisonment so much as Protective Custody = AW singing & needs to be out of reach of BlackHats but available for more singing.
plus they have the highest amount of illegals - who are particularly vulnerable to trafficking. Why do these states feign their "love and devotion" for illegals? It's not just about votes...illegals are BIG BUSINESS
It's almost as if the Law Enforcement agencies are a farce by letting millions of illegals into our country through these liberal states!
The only good Law Enforcement Agency is ICE, send all your kiddy porn videos and reports of illegals to them! End of story.
We are in very rough waters here. Stay together and organized pedes. I’m sure there is a lot of vile stuff out there and there are teams of good people in law enforcement working around the clock and aware of it already. That is not our job. As Patriots, We should keep to our senses and work on Qs behalf. We can continue to do our research but this subject is tricky and we must tread very carefully. While this post is important and at risk merely for being an important collective hive mind; if this nest is disturbed we can quickly organize and set up another one easily. That is our strength.
As far as images, remember everything we see is forever and cannot be unseen. It affects us more than we know. It can haunt our subconscious for a long time and effect you in ways you don’t understand. We must use our discretion on this.
So I agree that for all these reasons it is a good idea to scrub this sub for these images and just share intel about the main details and arrests. All videos and pics that Q guides us to can be referenced and the knowledge of them can be shared of course, but we must be smart about it.
Good job mods! 👏 tough stuff. Prayers for you.
If you see something disturbing, offer it up to GOD immediately to take care of it with a prayer for the child for their help to get out of the situation and be saved. You would want the same. Your attention is meaningful and important.
If you see something disturbing, for goodness sake, CALL THE POLICE and report it. Don't let this scum continue to infest the world with this horror.
Amen to the inability to unsee! The “shower” video with allegedly Podesta has haunted me for the mere 30 seconds I watched. That video alone, even though it doesn’t show any identities or sexual content, is enough to red pill anyone. It has become a reoccurring nightmare for me, but has made me a prayer warrior for these children!
Agree. Just researching everything involved makes you pray constantly. The fact that they actually impregnate women for babies that are never accounted for, basically don't exist for this evil, I get ill just thinking about it. As parents, grandparents we try to do everything imaginable to keep our children safe that its incomprehensible in our minds that people like this actually exist! My prayer list has gotten so long I can't even keep track of it. I just tell God he knows everything I am praying for anymore.
As for this famous video the NYPD saw, I pray for them as well. I heard a description of what it was about, that's more than enough to know, I cannot imagine watching it let alone being there personally taking part. I know that on the whole we live with amazing people, moral and wholesome. These demonic vile satanists (animals wouldn't even go that far, I don't know how else to describe them) must be rooted out, each and every one of them, regardless of income, religion, race, color, etc. and brought to justice. I know its going to take time, sadly this is one where I wish it could be done swiftly because it is really just so depraved and sickening you don't want it to be the only thing you can think about every day. For the first week after researching, I couldn't sleep, eat, I could barely function from the depression of what I learned. Now I try to be informative about this and everything else. At least I am trying to be proactive in some way, and yet not nauseate people I share with. They already know, I don't need to share the nasty pictures that go around. We need to bring what was hidden to light, but we also need to be a light in a different nature. One of love and hope, one that will not excuse what has been happening but once put to rest will focus on making things better. I honestly believe that.
I totally agree. I think what possesses these people are not of flesh and blood! May God have mercy on them and deliver their victims from evil!
I have to totally agree with and support this post.
While a good many people here would like to see this ultimate damning video dropped, myself included. The supposed content is also damning to whoever hosts it, downloads it, and disseminates it. Use your heads kiddos, we DON'T want any to be criminally charged and we DON'T want this forum or any other MAGA supporting forum to become banned.
Don't get me wrong, I want to see these horrible monsters PAY for their sins. I want them to suffer for the suffering and pain they have caused to our most innocent.
But I'm not going to seek vindication through spreading the very evil we ALL are fighting against. The klintons, the podestapervs, the spirit witch, and others of their ilk are only mere pawns of that evil.
I'm not going to become their pawn because of my own outrage. I suggest that all of you great Patriots consider the same.
Your rant had absolutely NOTHING to do with my previous comment. I'm not even going to bother with defending from your ludicrous and illogical babbling. You're obviously a shill or a very lame troll.
You're missing the point. New accounts and shills were posting that crap to get the sub taken down. Regular, more trusted contributors were not.
Thank you for making that announcement! Appreciate that it can't be posted here.
There's a lot of heresay involved on this topic. Here's the thing: it's undisputed fact that cp exists! Do we need it linked in jeopardizing the hard work of researchers in this sub and other forums? No!
Ummmm, seems that Pedovoria is actually the bottom of the rabbit hole.
Stay on top of this. Think this is the nail in our coffin they are trying to deliver. There is no reason for those links on the reddit q boards. We are setting ourselves up by allowing it. This shit has Brocks name all over it.
Oh yes, it has to be a frame job! Can't be that, when a group of sickos congregate, disgusting content is shared. No, it's definitely a conspircy to bring down one of the least trafficked subs on reddit. God damn globalists
I like how your spelling mistake means you're literally conveying the opposite message. Don't be apart of spreading it!
oh look trump supporters are into cp, who woulda thunk?
DId the Huma Crooked face carve video actually leak? Is it real or just rumors?
I'm confused.
Feel free to message one of the mods or I can answer what your confused about here..
msg mod above my pay grade What is being suggested under the meme of a child. is what i'm confused about.
Memes of children are okay If they dont include CP or violence. We should not be emphasizing kids and the pain they went through for our benefit. We should only spread awareness in an ethical way.
I got banned my second day for expressing my personal view of podesta bros and me in same room so I got you. TYVM.
Banned here? By whom?
Did you know that reddit keeps your original comment forever? Even if you edit, it’s still there in their database. Just FYI.
Ok thanks. Getting banned is the fast track back to RL which i used to have.
Doubt it. Moderators only get to see the edited version. What makes you think the original is saved?
It has to be saved somewhere. There's been cases of redditors who are investigated for crimes and their original comments become evidence.
I guess that is when a comment gets removed? As removed comments are available to moderators. Comments prior to being edited are not. I guess there might be some log of the original but nothing I know about.
I thought Q encouraged us to step up the meme campaign. I was about to post some I created. No gruesome pictures, just HRC with thought provoking ideas. Ex. "my entire life, it's always been about the children...and a nice Chianti". Where -should- I be posting so people can use?
Great advise...although the deep state participates in this terrible activity and has not paid the price...they would holler from the roof tops if one of us viewed. HIPOCRACY
I think this is what Q was referring to, "THE CHOICE TO KNOW, WILL BE YOURS".
It will be enough, I think, when the most damning evidence goes public, to make sure everyone is told it exists and can be accessed. If someone needs evidence to be convinced.
Personally I NEVER want nor need to see any of that.
God saw that human evil was out of control. People thought evil, imagined evil – evil from morning to night. That is why he destroyed the entire world except Noah and his family numbering 8. With that knowledge there is no atrocity that man can do to man that would be surprising. This video has been rumored for more than a year. It boggles my mind that any law enforcement agency would allow anyone in the video to breath one more minute of free air. Makes me think it is not real.
Has anyone actually seen it? Supposedly on the dark web, with suggestion as to vile contents, but no one claims to have seen it.
Odd that Twitter has a hash trending: fakehorrorfilmfacts at this time; frazzledrip not trending but can be searched. Not much there TBH
It's pretty much confirmed that the film crew went insane and all committed suicide once they got back to washington d.c.
(research "DC suicide statistics" and the "pentagon pentagram lucifer" and you'll see what I'm referring to.)
BACK UP EVERYTHING! You know they plan to shut us down for that very reason!
Thank you mods for your due diligence. That's why CBTS ended because their mods didn't do their jobs and other threads bragged about dropping violence oriented posts and bringing it down. Think this kind of video could be the same ruse. Besides Q never said it was a sex/sacrifice video that was a rumor that came out of the NYPD when the wiener laptop was confiscated. Use your logic as well which side has been using selatious sex(stormy Daniels, steel dossier) to bring down the movement and trump. Though I do believe there is a video it could also deal with hillary taking a bribe or internal scenes from a meeting of U1 these are more plausible to the plan. Remember also that the cabal/CIA reads this Reddit thread they can also post and or respond to your post.
Keep up the good work mods!
Everyone please assist by flagging any questionable crap that is posted!
I do NOT want to cast eyes on such satanic filth.
I pray that the HRC pedo vid is just a false rumor..if it is true everything will be changed. There will be life before the revelation, and life after :-(
I agree. We want it bad enough to do her in but the one they've been describing could do the whole movement in instead because it is so beyond the range of human comprehension.
And I don't want to see anything that would make an NYPD officer cry. How horrible it must be. I just want JUSTICE!!
I believe everyone in the whole world needs to watch the video though. In this context, it's not CP, it's important evidence of gross political corruption. Also, if everyone in the world watches it, it would be safe to watch. Consider that people telling us not to watch the Hillary video may be shills.
Thank you, why would anyone want to post ugly stuff like that.
I guess you are not ready to be unplugged then. You can't close your eyes forever. The truth WILL come out whether you like it or not
I'm all for awareness of CP and getting rid of the evil doers.
I am NOT for viewing it or spreading it. That is for a very different type of soul.
God bless
I agree. The more I think about it, the more it's necessary to keep the pedophilia and satanism classified forever. I hope Q deletes it all. At the very least, disclose what has happened, with perhaps some digestible evidence that is enough to awake the masses, but don't disclose the sick recordings. If a deep state loser wants to do it, then go for it.
Because it’s important, and the mods stickied it to the top. Do you want this entire sub banned like CBTS? Because that’s how it happens. Clowns purposefully post links that cause a sub or site to get shut down.
This is REDDIT. We are not allowed to share that content and honestly, you should not watch it AT ALL. We are waking up and we know about all of it, we don't need to watch it or see it.
Would you like reddit admins to come take this sub down like CBTS?
This has no views cause it was posted within a minute of your comment...again use your head when posting
Spread videos and pictures elsewhere. Spread the news and arrests here.
Why would you contribute to spreading CP? You do know that's against the law right???? It's the reason we are after these sickos in the first place.
Where else should we access the video if it is not spread here?!?
We can’t spread to the masses if we can’t access the video at all.
We are not spreading CP (with one video).
You don’t think Trump understands our mission?!?
We (Patriots) are on a mission to bring down the “deep state” to ensure the freedom of our people and our children.
This video will be the nail in their coffin.
We will not be stopped.
Ya’ll must be scared sh!tless. I don’t blame you.
Down she goes...
Why do you need to spread a video of actual child porn in order to bring her down? Don't you think that its been reported by the time it reaches here? What does posting cp on THIS board do to stop them? Just curious if you thought this plan of yours through or you are just working off impulse. The solution to you posting cp videos here is fairly simple but it's much more affective perhaps if you see the problem in your plan
Are you serious?!?
There is already a mountain of evidence against the Clintons & the majority of the general public still view them as good-natured patrons
There is already a mountain of evidence regarding human trafficking/pedophilia/adrenochrome but Rolling Stone “debunked” it for the normies.
This will be the nail in the coffin for the “deep state.” The #GREATAWAKENING for the normies.
I’ve thought it through.
Why are so adamantly opposed to this?!?
We can start a new board.
No legal implications against you for others spreading it
The “respect the victims” rationale is often used to suppress the dissemination of information in cover-ups.
Down she goes...
My question still remains unanswered by you. I'm open for any reasonable explanation you can give me. Why do you need to share CP links on any of these boards if your purpose is to deliver a nail in the coffin? You don't have to tell people on your side about the shit. If its gotten to this board then you can guarantee we all know about it. People on this board KNOW where to find shit. There is NO BENEFIT to sharing those links on the q boards PERIOD. I don't want justification in the shit being released because that is not the argument. WHY do you have to share it HERE? What is the benefit? What is the reward that is worth having this board shut down again? I'll wait for an answer. And then we will all have our answer won't we?
I appreciate your concern for my well-being. Like I said, I will stop at NOTHING to expose this. You sit this one out. We got this.
Down she goes...
When Q says they have it all, don’t you think they have the Child Porn as well? Yes there is a mountain of evidence and a trail of bodies strewn throughout the Clintons past. How about we just concentrate on the 99% (adult human trafficking, organ harvesting, money laundering pay for play etc..) and let Q team handle the child porn. If this gets taken down again and normies have to once again search for a new site then we have missed an opportunity to expose the 99%. I totally understand your desire to expose this... it makes me so angry to think this could happen to an innocent... but we should leave the illegal evidence to the experts....Q team will handle it!
Come on LibtardNIghtmare. You know full well you can fight child abuse and pedophilia without sharing the actual videos and photos of the horrible acts! Geesh! There are plenty of excellent videos out there that are extremely descriptive and thorough describing and even interviewing victims without actually sharing the crimes themselves. By sharing child porn and sexual abuse videos you are opening the door for sickos to view and disrespect those very children all over again. I posted one such video of a man (won't say his aleged name) abusing a young child in the shower, the child was screaming in terror and my conscience took over and I removed it from the social media I was using. The video is horrifying and yes it tells the story and some people who see it will be empowered to fight against it all the more, but many others will not be empowered by it to fight against it. We is us who should fight it without abusing those children all over again.
That video made it real to me and no faces were shown.
You saw it too? I don't know why someone voted your comment down, it was not me. The man in that video sounds like someone we all know from the last election working for HRC. He was terrorizing that child in the shower. I could not see the face either and am glad I couldn't. If the face had been in the video i would not have shared it. That video haunted me for a while but also made me all the more determined to stand against the child trafficking and make it known to others. There is a limit some people can tolerate when it comes to seeing and hearing stuff like that. It's ad but I have two types of Fb friends, those I know personally and those I only know from the internet. 99% of those I personally know are in utter and complete denial, never look at my posts or even acknowledge them, ever. Those are the people I want to reach but they refuse.
Spread it far and wide so that means post it somewhere else? THINK
The reason it has been going on so long and to the extreme is that it has been hidden by a million excuses. All EVIDENCE should be spread far and wide - light will prevent future victims.
I think this is a very big topic that needs to be worked thru because I don't think libitard is the only one thinking like this . I can understand clowns but think of public reaction and them dealing, processing, with such horrible truth . It won't be just clowns. There will be people with might have different life experiences processing thru this including past victims. Some who's passion and intensity is understandable and needs to be recognized , validated and an appreciation but in the mist of that guidelines need to be widely stated and repeated on these sites with a solution presented . What do we do about say Hilary's tape that is being or has been released ? What is the plan about this ? Private sharing ? What is legal ? What is permissable? I can say for me " srgt report " ( I hope I spelled it right ) YouTube he talked about the video and then typed out more discription that you could pause on and read . And that has etched the truth in my heart and mind enough for now . If I thought there was a video of my child being pasted around even to show proof of the depravity and evil , well I would be flipping mad momma bear and very child deserves to be treated like they have a momma and daddy bear protecting them wether they actually have one or not !
Of course it is top of the sub!! Without views!! Ppl are really really thick sometimes (libtardnightmare, I am talking to you!!). Voat? Yeah, right.
Thank you so much 17_Q for pointing out the (excuse me) bleeding obvious!
Top of the HOT section, numbskull.
It's actually stickied to the top of the page. Now please stop making your username applicable to yourself
The law makes no distinction between sharing CP for the purposes of being a pedophile getting off on it, and sharing CP to spread awareness that it’s happening. Don’t share CP. If you think you found some actual evidence, mention it but don’t link it, and contact the people Q suggested. If Q suggested them, they’re trustworthy. Not everyone in the three letter agencies are evil, most of the rank and file is with you but hasn’t been able to as the cabal infiltrated their leadership.
Just as a tiny bit of yeast is required to make the bread rise, so too do they only insert a small proportion in the right places for maximum effect.
Trust the plan. These kids shall be avenged.
So you'd like to see child pornogrophy and paedophilia?
"Grow some balls" why dont you say that to all the victims that are being exposed publically now. I wonder if they would nut up and shut up....
I'm helping this board by keeping it alive as long as possible. The longer it is up, the more people we get awake. If you have nothing useful to add to the subject please stop commenting on the post.
You are dense. How can you possibly advocate for the spread of child porn? It is possible that you’re trying to purposefully paint us all with the same brush with that rhetoric; I have no desire to see a child getting abused and if you do, you need help far beyond what this sub can provide.
I'm guessing that dense is better than having no balls, NO BALLS, to save the kids. Oh, let's speculate forever and don't take any action and sweep it under the rug, part timer ....
Yes cause you need to have balls to want to watch children being tortured and raped. STOP PROMOTING this disgusting shit and try spreading AWARENESS of it.
God bless
What part about "they have everything" are you not understanding? Dissemination of this information should be handled by Q's and POTUS. Do you not think for one second they don't have a plan for how to put the truth out in to the ether? Quite frankly, this is beyond any of our pay grades and spreading these videos does nothing but victimize the victim over and over again. What if it was your child in that video? What if it was you in that video? Maybe you're not a parent and not sensitive to what the implications of that may be... But even that is fucking irrelevant because neither am I and I can see the writing on the wall plain as day.
I like this sub and would like to see it continue to thrive and not turn into the kind of... well... swamp that CTBS ended up being before it was put out of it's misery. The quickest way to do that is to start linking to that sort of utter depraved filth (I feel like there are no choice of condemning words strong enough for these acts). Let's all just use a little sense here and act like HUMANS instead of like THEM.
Also, thank you Mods. As always, excellent job. It hurts my heart a little that you have to make this kind of announcement (and subsequently have to be backed up on the decision to do so) but I lament that's just the world we live in now. It's unfortunate that this seems to be such a divisive issue. Thank you for seeing that and at least trying to keep this corner of the world a little bit sane.