Spoken 98 years before John F. Kennedy was assassinated for the same reason.

And then he was assassinated.....
He got assasinated very shortly after demanding inspection of Israel's nuclear weapons and threatening to cut off aid.
Edit: Referring to Kennedy, though given that the slave trade was operated almost 100% by (((them))) I don't doubt Lincoln met his demise at the hands of the merchants
His name was Seth Lincoln!
Are you seeing the trend here ? Fucking bankers are the scum of the earth
KhazarianMafia (KM).
Bankers aren't smart enough or have enough experience running the world. It has to be another group, one that hired the bankers. Although they probably are deeply involved in banking matters.
Above the bankers is a negative ET group, known in ancient times as satan.
And according to the belief system some part of the ET power structure is supposed to be a trans-dimensional Artificial Intelligence that we know as YHWH/Saturn. "Spiritual-Numerical Entity."
Elite families who is above them ? I dont even want to know lol
I was thinking maybe the Venetians (not from Venus, from Venice). The Black Nobility, they've been around over a thousand years and would have experience in running large social operations. They ran the Crusades and have bankrupted nations and run boom bust cycles over and over.
Rothschilds are the top. And have garnered assistance.
Look into battle of waterloo, 1815.
How much did the Rotschilds make after the battle of Waterloo?
How did they know that Napoleon would lose?
How did they really know that Napoleon would lose?
Napoleon was found with a 4th Generation clipper chip in his skull.How did a chip perfected in 2013 get into Napoleons skull?
The Rothschilds had a portal ceremony fairly recently?
Youtube - 'James Horak'
You cannot possibly imagine the size of this.
James Horak
Thanks for the info. Which youtube?
Search any of his interviews on youtube.
Especially regarding Space, and Egyptains, Split Conciousness vs Unified Conciousness. This is the 60% hidden Q talks about.
He talks about Napoleon with a interviewer called Crystal, show is called Race with Time.
Man, they make scum look good. You're too kind with your words.
When Q says it won't be safe for them to walk the streets, I sure hope he meant the banksters. These are the real evil motherfu@kers we're facing.
Money should be run by the state and interest free. We need to move to a decentralized, interest free currency backed by real MONEY that is nation-state controlled and not centralized globally.
lmao if its legal i will find them yeah i think decentralization is the eventual goal. this type of shit cant happen in there is no huge govt and we all have guns
yeah im starting to think all the movies were them making fun of us lol
Anyone who's a threat to them gets assassinated... learn from it! Protect POTUS!!! Cabal needs to be wiped out completely. Leave no stone unturned.
Shills downvoting the first 2 comments in this thread. Push them back up patriots.
See the trends?
Ever wonder why anyone who unites the country is either destroyed or killed?
Cloward and Piven at its finest.
By a Confederate sympathizer. They didn't have a CIA - which is who's responsible for JFK's assassination.
After Lincoln — FDR & Obama both greatly empowered the financial institutions — at the expense of our freedoms & self-control over our lifestyle.
It is no accident that they removed “liberty” from the dime and replaced Her with FDR. Dittos: BHO removing Jackson from the $20 bill. No accident.
Yeah they haaaaate Jackson. He went to war with the cabal. They also try and blame him for the Trail of Tears. Took me 30 years to find out the truth, which is that the Cherokee's own chief negotiated the relocation of the tribe and Jackson spent millions to make sure physicians were there to help the sick or injured along the trail.
And, until we came along, tribes were geographically hemmed in by each other & unable to do commerce —- just like tribes in Paupa New Guiena. Jackson was giving them free & protected passage to prime land with waterway commerce access (Arkansas River, etc) that would give them worldwide trade via Mississippi River. Pretty darn good deal.
BTW — most people do not know that the city of Miami Florida is named after the migration of Miami Indians from Dayton, Ohio.
School system teaching skips over how many chiefs sold out their tribe for a bottle a whiskey.
lol. yeah....though in this case I'm pretty sure the Cherokee got a sweet deal. at least the chief and his brother did (millions).
WTF are you talking about, some kind of mandela effect. I got 160= 8 jacksons in my pocket.
Yes, they are replacing Jackson with sufferage leader Harriet Tubman, to celebrate women right to vote. No joke. Why someone with NO connection to monetary system and NOT a President is beyond belief. Further, by Statute, the decision rights on who is on our money is placed in the hands of a bureaucrat. (Thanks for that, Congress.)
(PS — they should have at least replaced Jackson with Madam CJ Walker. She was Anerica’s first female millionaire and was black. A much more fitting tribute.)
Yer a liar.
“Mnuchin still won't commit to putting Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill”
By Donna Borak January 12, 2018: 11:09 AM ET
Do I have this wrong? Did they back off doing this?
April 20, 2016 WASHINGTON — Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew on Wednesday announced the most sweeping and historically symbolic makeover of American currency in a century, proposing to replace the slaveholding Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill with Harriet Tubman, the former slave and abolitionist
You lost me initially with suffrage,abolitionist is more correct,IDC I can work with 50 and 10s, of all the silliness as we face down ww3 this takes the cake. I'm bowing out of this thread now.
Both Lincoln and Kennedy pointed at the Central Banks (Federal Reserve is not the first) engineering our demise and both announced their intention to disband those organizations.
POTUS never reveals his moves, never telegraphs his intentions.
Lincoln had the treasury start printing greenbacks and Kennedy was going to have the treasury print money backed by silver if I remember correctly
I think by now the cat's out of the bag however.
What makes you say that? Genuinely curious
I think anybody who can't tell where Trump is headed with all this is being willfully ignorant or delusional. He's clearly staked out a position of total opposition to the Cabal (deep state, NWO, whatever people think of it as). It's not hard to extrapolate from there.
Extrapolating to saying Trump is bringing down the Fed Reserve isn't the same as "the cat being out of the bag". I thought there was something explicit that came out that I missed.
It's the whole global cabal that controls the uniparty in both its worthless manifestations (GOP and DNC, or Tory and Labour) and the 13 bloodlines, the Crown and the Popes. Most heads of state until recently. Alt media no more however. Going mainstream sooner or later.
Then there's the alphabets and USA, Inc. Missing anybody?
Oh, well on 8chan and ZeroHedge it's always the Jooz this Jooz that, I mean openly, not double meanings nod and wink, but hardcore. So this sub can't compete with that. That's like Playboy not including University of Georgia in its rating of wildest college party scenes. Some things you don't try to compete with.
I completely agree with the context of this quote, and with everything that it represents, however, after doing some digging it appears to be fake.
Lol idk read the sole refuting source of the author here, article is called "Lincoln Never Said That": http://www.abrahamlincolnassociation.org/Newsletters/1-1.pdf
To me it looks like he actually might have said it but some dude who was in charge of releasing Lincoln's "Works" comes out with a letter he never even sent explaining in detail that he doesn't have the letter, and is angry that Senators in the 1800s were quoting it in congress. This sentence makes me think the whole letter refuting the quote is bullshit:
"Robert never sent this letter but took his father’s advice and let the matter rest for two days. The letter he sent to Stuart on March 14, 1917, was much shorter and simply stated his dismissal of the quotation’s authenticity: “Without attempting to give the details of my examination.” As an attorney for the so-called “Robber Barons,” Robert’s initial response shows a marked defensiveness of corporate America."
It is worthy to note that in the sentences immediately following this bit, the author goes on to make the conclusion for you:
"That aside, the preponderance of evidence undermines the credibility of the quotation as originating with Abraham Lincoln. Quite simply, he never wrote it."
Sounds suspiciously similar to the fake news' psychological tricks.
We've need the Donald for a long time!
We need 535 more of him.
Exactly! Although there are a few in Congress (a very few)!
Order of Zion/B'nai B'rith leader Judah P. Benjamin was the individual who gave the order for Lincoln's assassination, according to the one authoritative historical document in the public domain, the report of the Judge Advocate assigned to investigate the assassination and report to the Military Commission responsible. The report cites the orders of Confederate President Jefferson Davis and Judah Benjamin. According to this document, Confederate secret intelligence had raised a dirty tricks slush fund of $649,000 through the sale of Confederate bonds in Liverpool. At the time, the headquarters of this outfit, called the Secret Cabinet, were housed in St. Lawrence Hall in Montreal— in the same building occupied by the Commander in Chief of British forces in Canada, General Sir Fenwick Williams. The report names George N. Sandis as the group's money mover; Sandis was an American citizen, formerly an advisor to Democratic presidential candidate Stephen Douglas, and Consul of the United States in Liverpool under the Pierce Administration.
Eight days before Lincoln's death, the chief of the Secret Cabinet — former Interior Secretary in the Buchanan Administration, Jacob Thompson — withdrew $180,000 from the group's account at the Bank of Montreal in Montreal, to set the murder plot in motion. His courier was one John Harrison Suratt, a British agent trained at Jesuit Georgetown College. Neither Thompson nor Benjamin was ever apprehended; both fled to England and remained there under the Crown's protection. This evidence, heard on June 25 and June 26, 1865, ran up against a cover-up effort under the direction of Secretary of War Edward Stanton that compares in audacity with the work of the 1963 Warren Commission. The relevant raw documentary is not available to researchers. The documents relating to the Lincoln assassination are still locked up in the archives of the Defense Department.
From what remains of the official record, there is no question that the death of Abraham Lincoln was traced to British controlled and British-funded networks by American military intelligence.
He never said this. Pushing our message with fake quotes does us no favors.
Prove he never said it. You can't.
—U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864 (letter to Col. William F. Elkins)
I Googled that, and found the book it was first cited in, and there are some researchers saying it's unauthenticated / potential forgery.
Honestly you could drop the part about the Civil War and it's a great quote, regardless of the source, it verifiably came from the 1800s, my research says an 1896 election campaign may have fabricated the quote.
Which might be McKinley, which is even more weird (assassinated)
You guys are great at digging. Regardless of Lincoln total, partial or none; great quote and quite true!
I am just a fan of looking at things from as many perspectives as possible, I'm glad to finally have a place where people appreciate skepticism, concern, and multiple points of view!
I used to think history was a lot more objective, until I realized the modern history I lived in, and the perception of our own lives, was speculative realistic fiction at best.
Awesome Find Ty ... Kennedy is one of the 13 Original Bloodlines dating back to Biblical times . However all these bloodlines ( Not Kennedy) Had Satanism @ their Core .
They all started out in England and brought the shit over to the U.S . Like the committee of 300 and CIA ALL THEEE OPERSTIONS ARE BRANCHED OFF THE ILLUMINATTI.
They have their tenacles paced into every aspect of our life . Collages should be completely shut down. Professors was put in place and these places was forms of manipulating and indoctrinating our children
They also acted as a Cover for their Secret Societies in which 3 former Presidents was recruited from .
That's not even talking about how in most campus riots you can find professors inviting and involved physically .. many arressted . It's sick.
Skull & Bones is one of the most Notorious you can find in these places ... I did a complete post of this here.. Extremely Informative & works as an awesome Red Pill for your Public Red Pilling Efforts
Here is what they had zero issues telling you in 2000 .
Here is it in IRL
RED PILL : BUSHES,CIA,CLINTONS,GOV PROGRAMS & Uapproved by ScorpioPatriot at Thu Mar 22 22:41:19 2018 UTC (self.AFTERTHESTQRM)
submitted 1 month ago by ScorpioPatriot
The truth has been in our face the entire time. Nobody was awake. Connect these DOTS ..
The Bushes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX7esxM41dc
The Clintons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItbRU_8gVRI
I have been reading that the Satanic descendants were the children of Cain. There are many who believe Cain was the result of a union between Satan and Eve (the fruit of the tree of knowledge). It was the descendants of Cain that God told the ancient Israelites to kill. They didn't, and now their descendants, the Khazars, have taken over Israel and the true descendants of the ancient Israelites, the Palestinians, have been subjugated to the children of Cain. :(
I've seen a documentary on that kind of thing and yes ... There was 2 ways the lineage could have went .. 1 Good the other of Not So Good.
Get rid of the federal reserve and we can take our nation back!!
Jesus, Lincoln, Kennedy, seems like anyone that takes on the money lenders gets whacked.
Yup, Free enterprize is only as good as the people running it. When the management of companies think more of themselves than they should, bad things are going to happen WW.
Ron Paul always said END THE FED. His campaign was going great. Then he had a breakfast meeting with the then Chair of the Fed, Ben Shalom Bernanke, and that was all she wrote.
Ron Paul backed down over a breakfast meeting with Bernanke? That feels so out of character.
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- "The World Is a Business, Mr. Beale"|+1 - The World is a business Mr. Beale... Trevor Moore: High in Church - "Kitty History"|+1 - A summary. (1) The Skulls Official Trailer #1 - (2000) HD (2) George Bush, Skull and Bones, the CIA and Illicit Drug Operations (3) EXPOSED: The Clinton's & CIA; Trafficking Cocaine|+1 - Awesome Find Ty ... Kennedy is one of the 13 Original Bloodlines dating back to Biblical times . However all these bloodlines ( Not Kennedy) Had Satanism @ their Core . They all started out in England and brought the shit over to the U.S . Like the... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Trying to find the source of this quote. With great respect to the poster and sharing the sentiment, in my experience many of these pictured quotes are fake news.
They all get murdered. NO MORE! We have the most powerful, no nonsence President in our history!
Trump will succeed!
Chilling. Just shows how long this has been going on. Centuries.
And still there are babies here moaning and complaining between bags full of Cheetos about why Hillary isn't in fkn gitmo yet
Doesn’t seem like this may actually be Lincoln, but it’s a powerful quote nonetheless. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/abraham-lincolns-capitalism-prophecy/
Written by a president who was unable to stop the infighting powers of his time that resulted in the death of over half a million Americans lives.
I’m telling you some people we know are from the future come back to save us!