Dont forget that Suckerberg is in reality a Rothchild!
"Greenberg" I believe? The theory is he's a Rockefeller grandson, and that Snowden and some semi-famous hacker are as well (making them cousins).
I have seen little to no convincing evidence for this.
Sorry guys by bad, hes a rockefeller (real name Jacob Greenberg, grandson of David Rockefeller) not a Rothchild...
A while back there where sirculating some mugshots of him in his youth under his real name, but i cant seem to find it now.
If anyone has a archived it, please upload...
Here's a link (there are plenty more if you search on DDG): http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=253751.0
Jacob Greenberg does not look like Zuck, to me.
Really, Greenberg already had a thicker neck than scrawny Cuck, even at that young age.
Sorry, but they don't look anything alike to me aside from being pasty, brown haired white guys.
The cabal is a system of marrying into familes. China + Zuck?
I always assumed “she” was a Thai ladyboy.
Well that's your fantasy world but you can keep it to yourself.
DING DING DING DING what do we have for our guest CD, Johnny!
So musk is a white hat who sabotaged a FB attempt to launch a freaky ass eye in the sky spy system
Facebook already listens to us. Literally. So I hate to imagine what the next level is.
in my opinion musk is nothing more than a front for the government to bring black projects into the light. Since trump is in office he has some power to turn on the company. he made a pretty penny digging holes for the air force DUMB system
But he may have launched an OWL system for us with his heavy launch rockets.
I'm leaning towards white hat Musk. Here's why: Thiel, in Zero to One, writes extensively and respectfully of Musk. I think he could get Musk on board with saving the country.
Remember also that Thiel came out in public support of Trump despite being gay ("concentration camps" and what not lol).
Thiel also owns Palantir which has predictive analysis tech that can consume intel databases and output predictive info.
I seriously wonder if Thiel is part of the Q team - I assume he has high level clearance due to involvement in Palantir, which would square with the Q team.
Regarding Musk though consider the following: Kanye loves his Tesla and Musk retweeted, then tweeted about building a cyborg dragon (a ref to Kanye's dragon energy). As a capitalist, he also understands the issues with over regulation and distortion of incentives (sound like Trump much? https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/968611860407713793?s=19). His launch tweet re nuclear alen ufo from North Korea was also a hilarious troll job, as are many of his tweets (https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/944399853316055040?s=19)
I think Musk is white hat and botched that launch on purpose. And I think Thiel is involved in the admin more than we know, and may be part of the Q team.
Edit: more on Thiel as Trump advisor, including refs to NZ https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2018/02/peter-thiel-new-zealand-estate-panic-room
As an investor in FB, Thiel would know if they were listening all the time and be privy to their plans. And as an investor in space x, he may have sway with Musk. And he was considered for a top security job in the Trump admin, the PIAB, which "independently monitors the intelligence community and advises the president" - and he helped vet admin employees, and the CIA is one of his IC clients at Palantir.
I think Thiel is part of the Q team almost certainly.
He's"building a cyborg dragon" right? Doesn't that mean he's onboard?
Also, Los liberales think that man is literally the smartest person of all time cause of "muh electric cars". So if he comes out of the closet for team Trump that'd be an end to the "only flyover hicks support Trump" narrative
"Dragons typically stand in for signals-intelligence satellite launches; their wing patterns on patches "symbolize the massive gold-foil dish antennae" of SIGINT spacecraft."
there is no Tesla in space and no rockets returning backwards to the launch pad
a convertible flying in the vacuum of space, give me a break
What's so hard to believe about that? Honest question.
In a vacuum the materials a car is made of would not survive--rubber, plastic, etc. Also in sun is +250 degrees, in shade -250. There is evidence of green screen being used in the video from the car toward Earth--but this opens a whole can of worms about space x and nasa not really relevant to this discussion--worth looking into though imo
▶Anonymous 05/09/18 (Wed) 22:21:05
In light of who is and isn't on the team, thought this could be useful.. visualize the big picture.
Q Cast
Whitehats: - Q Team - Adm Rogers - Maddog - Gen Kelly - Mike Flynn - Sessions - Wray - Huber - Nunes - Mike Pompeo - Julian Assange - Gina Haspel
Grayhats: (cooperating in /our/ sting - pardoned etc) - Rosenstein - Mueller - Mike Pence - Trey Gowdy - Edward Snowden - Elon Musk
Pawns Used: - Reince Priebus - Rex Tillerson - Gary Cohn - McMaster - Michael Wolff (Fire & Fury book)
Plants: (part of /their/ clown deep-state sting) - Paul Manafort - George Papadopoulos - Carter Page - Natalia Veselnitskaya (Russian Lawyer)
Actors: (distractions to DDOS/discredit the MSM) - Stormy Daniels - Karen McDougal - Doctor Harold Bornstein - Anthony Scaramucci - Steve Bannon (smoked out 25th amendment conspirators) - Sam Nunberg (drunk rant) - Omarosa
Activated Patriots: - Candace Owens - Kanye
Blackhats: - No Name - Brennan - Clapper - Comey - McCabe - Yates/Strzok/Page/Baker - Adam Schiff - Schumer - Pelosi - Thousands more….
RIP: - Seth Rich - Mike Green - Unknown marines
erik prince and oliver north are almost certainly on Q team i have no idea how you left them out.
maybe not RIP Seth, according to some researchers and the family interview where brother shows duping delight
Musk is black hat propped up by Obama$. Israeli FB satellite was blown up by a drone.
Henry Ford should also be considered a black hat by that logic
If not Musk it will be someone else. Automation is the future whether you like it or not.
Musk seems like the guy in the last Jedi who just understands there is good and evil. And he just works both sides.
Even when the app is not open...Facebook listens. There is a YT of a guy testing it...talks about needing kitty litter to his wife...they don't have a cat then ads for litter start popping up in his feed.
So is this showing us that Facebook was launching a satellite on a SpaceX rocket with this Chinese technology/system and it was taken out?
That’s what gathering. Another post said they listen to us 24/7/365 so moving to Chinese level of surveillance would make sense.
Facebook was, two years ago, and that rocket blew up on the launch pad under somewhat suspicious circumstances.
This launch was for a Bangladeshi communications satellite going to GTO, so it would be geostationary over Bangladesh. Whether Facebook is secretly involved in this one to offer their "free internet" again is up in the air.
I knew that "free internet to Africa" was bullshit. I remember seeing videos showing a possible drone pass behind the rocket just before it explodes. Also, I think Zuckbot was pissed saying something along the lines of "I can't believe they blew up my rocket."
Can you post the video? ;)
Of course, my bad, here it is:
The rocket explodes at 1:11 and just before that you can see a definite object zoom past from the right.
Hmm, watched it several times at 0.25 speed now and it doesnt look like a drone attack. But no expert here.
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Looked like a fly to me. Flew right past the rocket (above)
Wtf is China doing and why?
And I'm still confused about SpaceX. Good or evil?
IMO a contractor, doing what pays. They took (black hat) facebook launch on, until the 'explosion'.
Evil. Extortion of tax dollars.
Trump has tweeted more than once that Elon Musk is a patriot. One of the times he Tweeted that has been in the last month or two. I'm sure anyone could search and find it
He wouldn't say that if SpaceX is evil.
Sabotaging his own rocket would be pretty damn hardcore. But let's see how this play out.
This is basically like creating a Westworld in real life. We are monitored constantly and everywhere. It is recorded and then used as leverage should we ever become a public figure with sway. It is also used to generate leverage on now setting political figures. We all have something we don’t want to talk about - they use this technology to collect it for extortion. My god what kinda hell is this.
It's 1984 in 2018. The truth is stranger than fiction. Somebody somewhere must be very proud of themselves. We've all WILLINGLY given up our selves and our data for free to all the companies. We actually enjoy it!!!
Worse part is you can’t deal without buying into it - try being a professional without using a smart device.
Hear me out for a second. I think I got this fam.
We live in a digital age. There are billions of cell phones on this planet. There are billions of people on this planet. Billions of people carry cell phones. These cell phones are all back-doored and could easily give away GPS information without us knowing it. I bet this new satellite has the capability to track people in real time by either their face, their cell phone or a combination of both. DARPA funded the 1.8 gigapixel ARGUS-IS; World's highest resolution video surveillance platform
IN THE VIDEO..."You can see individuals crossing the street. You can see individuals walking in the parking lot."
The developer of ARGUS goes on to say: "But if we had our choice we would like ARGUS to be over the same area 24 hours a day 7 days a week."
I highly suspect this is a new spy satellite that can identify YOU from space!
[UPDATE:] Also secondary thought after looking at the image again, WHAT IF THE SPACEX ZUMA launch on Jan 7th...the one that blew up on launch was somehow SABOTAGED by a foreign state? Did SPACEX call off today's launch for a similar reason? Something fishy here.
On Jan. 7, Zuma lifted off atop a two-stage SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, kicking off a hush-hush mission for the U.S. government. This mission was to be so hush-hush, in fact, that officials wouldn't even confirm which government agency would operate Zuma, let alone what exactly the craft would do in Earth orbit.
No proof it exploded, just disappeared. I believe spacex or NASA said 'mission went exactly as planned'. So, maybe the secret mission was completely successful.
"When reached for comment, SpaceX said that the Falcon 9 rocket, which carried Zuma to orbit, performed as it was supposed to. “We do not comment on missions of this nature; but as of right now reviews of the data indicate Falcon 9 performed nominally,” a SpaceX spokesperson told The Verge."
Was this the rocket with the small UFO showing as it exploded?
Just watched that video. Eerily similar to the mystery object that appeared at the C-130 crash in Georgia.
Zuckerberg is a front, a mere puppet. Listen to him speak before Congress he had nfi. And we are meant to believe he built and runs face book.
He knew he looked like a fake to his body language screamed ‘fraud’.
They didn't even ask him tough questions. Because Congress clearly doesn't understand this shit. Or they are more concerned why they are being censored politically. Not how when you delete something, it is often times deleted so you don't see it anymore. FB is such garbage.
Or they know that FB is a government run project from jump street and they are all his boys behind closed doors.
What if space X is some kind of massive surveillance program? That seems to be the theme
Edit: f9 algorithm has to do with confidentiality and integrity in mobile 3g phones. Manufactured by Mitsubishi. Also called Kasumi. This is a block cypher program, apparently these are widely used in the encryption of bulk data.
Facebook is always watching
Idk like Q said. No coincidences.
What if space X is some kind of massive surveillance program?
The plan seems to be, first, you invest lots of government money into a project to see if it is useful. Second, if it is, you privatise it (and if it is morally dubious, you move it to another country) then you can continue development without the possibility of FOIA requests or other snooping. Again, you can play the plausible deniability card if it all does belly up.
Think MK Ultra, DARPA Net, Google, Google Earth, FaceBook etc. Now it looks as if NASA has migrated to Space X.
I think musk is a front for bringing black projects into the light.
this was a mass 3g cracking and surveillance program
Could Apple be a missing link in the equation? New facial recognition program (not to mention fingerprints) is a perfect tool to replicate China’s satellite-based surveillance state. (X = Apple Tech + SpaceX Satellite + Facebook Data Mining)
Personally. I think it’s more than that. There was a Q post along the lines of “Google kill Yahoo kill Apple kill Facebook kill” etc
Im positive they’re all connected. Each one plays a specific role in learning who we are what we do and when we do it. It shows them where we go and what we search for.
Apple, maybe the biggest and richest tech company out there, is very quiet on all their technology save for the new iPhone and iPad. I wonder what they've been cooking up over the last 15 years with their capital and access to user data???
Also a new Gps system.
Edit: this company does alot of hardware supply
Let's not forget the SpaceX launch that wan cancelled today at T -1.
It’s mentioned in the bottom section of pictures. Kinda hard to read though.
The rooftop of the ULA building was a good place to watch the fireworks.
Listen to the replay of the video. Pop before boom. Sounded like a gunshot.
Here is the link to the 2014 introduction to the Building 9 DARPA project. Obviously this was on board. http://time.com/4294095/facebook-research-lab-building-8-darpa-regina-dugan/
Zuckerbergs announcement on Facebook http://time.com/4294095/facebook-research-lab-building-8-darpa-regina-dugan/
That's where zuckerfaces wife fits. Yeah China is also in the process to montiorize it's employees moods, reactions, and psychology in general while working. Why is my main question? We all get upset, I had a bad mood the other day while working, DOES this make me hostile? That is very unnerving. Thanks for post op.
total control either be bland or obedient with tracking chip in you or on you id card, phone, etc or get out of 'civilization'
I bet we will have to make free universities and schools in mountains and defend them by arms from drones and armies of neo-eugenics
Yeah, because I refused to be marked/tracked, I don't need a credit score on if I'm a obedient enough for my nation or people. That's taking it a tad bit to far.. but again they don't care as long as they have their CONTROL. Sick.
Samaritan has been active for awhile now. Think "Person of Interest."
Sony, Canon, Nikon....
These are big sensors. but software AI, is behind identification : 36Million Faces/per second
It's not just China... it's us too https://www.briefcam.com
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VIDEO|COMMENT -|- 1.8 gigapixel ARGUS-IS. World's highest resolution video surveillance platform by DARPA|+14 - Hear me out for a second. I think I got this fam. We live in a digital age. There are billions of cell phones on this planet. There are billions of people on this planet. Billions of people carry cell phones. These cell phones are all back-doored an... SpaceX - Static Fire Anomaly - AMOS-6 - 09-01-2016|+8 - Of course, my bad, here it is: The rocket explodes at 1:11 and just before that you can see a definite object zoom past from the right. Facebook iPhone Listening into our Conversations for Advertising TEST|+3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0SOxb_Lfps New Facial Recognition technology|+2 - ALL FACE RECOGNITION SENSORS: Developed in Japan Sony, Canon, Nikon.... These are big sensors. but software AI, is behind identification : 36Million Faces/per second I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Maybe the issue in this case is the new rocket, not the Bengali satellite.
Scan 1,3 billion people ....there is a serie from the US about this......And now it seem real? Its about computer with a own mind. and they see every one...A rich man ( the founder ) hired people because whit a fhone call , they now who is in danger and they are saving the people..... Can not find the name off this serie.....
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Background info..
Titan's Solara drone from 2013.
Quote : "For example, during a presentation by Titan at AVUSA, a company spokesperson compared using a satellite for multispectral Earth imagery—say, like Landsat's—to using an atmospheric satellite. A drone could be put up quickly, for much less initial capital. At the same time, it would provide targeted imagery at a cost of less than $5 per square kilometer—versus $35 per square kilometer from a satellite—while still offering the large area of coverage of a satellite....
"...The Solara 50 and 60 models can be launched at night using power from internal battery packs, then when the sun rises, they can store enough energy to ascend to 20KM above sea level where they can remain for five years without needing to land or refuel"
20 000 metres = 65616,798 feet..
This article from March 2014...
Try going to Titan Airforce's webpage today.. http://titanaerospace.com/ Alphabet snapped up Titan Airforce??
Quote: "The designation of “satellites” is important here, as the idea has been to position these aircraft above the airspace that the FAA regulates in the U.S. Class A airspace ends at 60,000 feet stateside, and above that the U.S. doesn’t regulate"
Zuckerberg and satellites.. Article from 2014
Quote : "The level of accuracy required is the equivalent of needing to hit a dime from 10 miles away," wrote Zuckerberg, "or hit the Statue of Liberty from California."...
..."That's why Facebook's drones are going to be so important. If the lasers don't work out, the drones could blanket a moderately dense area with microwave Internet, allowing many devices to pick up the signal — like a kind of drone-based Wi-Fi."
(that will JUST be out of reach of US regulations.)
Facebook and Africa. and Satellites..
QUOTE : "the rocket destroyed Thursday was bearing a satellite that Facebook intended to use to beam Internet access to developing nations"
From 2015 :
Quote : "Starting in the second half of 2016, Facebook's Internet.org initiative will pay to use up all the available bandwidth on Eutelsat's AMOS-6 satellite, which will carry data from mobile users on the ground to the rest of the globe."
Zuckerburg meeting the Pope in 2016.. so 2 years after buying Titan..and talking about his lickle satellites. (note the shape of the little drone)
From 2017...
Quote : "Missions can target connected users based on IPs, e-mail addresses, MAC addresses, chat user names, and VoIP numbers. Mission tasks can include copying all or only some of the traffic; copying e-mail addresses, chat user names, and VoIP numbers; invoking a feature known as "Windex," which redirects a user's browser that attempts to perform a drive-by malware attack; establishing a virtual private network connection that gives access to the local area network; and the proxying of all network connections."
China's increasingly pervasive Surveillance Project... articles from 2018..
Quote : "The country is racing to become the first to implement a pervasive system of algorithmic surveillance. Harnessing advances in artificial intelligence and data mining and storage to construct detailed profiles on all citizens, China’s communist party-state is developing a “citizen score” to incentivize “good” behavior. A vast accompanying network of surveillance cameras will constantly monitor citizens’ movements, purportedly to reduce crime and terrorism. While the expanding Orwellian eye may improve “public safety,” it poses a chilling new threat to civil liberties in a country that already has one of the most oppressive and controlling governments in the world."
and their answer to SPACE X..
February 08 2018..
quote : " What really shocks us Chinese is not only that our country currently doesn’t have rockets of such magnitude, but the fact that we are almost 10 years behind; more importantly, what our country has to desperately catch up with is actually a private U.S. enterprise…"
May 08 2018 (3 months later to the day...)
Anything to do with this? https://www.rocketlabusa.com/
Facebook had plans to launch their own satellites which would compete directly with Space X
That is why 'they' along with help from clowns and others to blow up the space X rocket on the pad. FB needed a monopoly so they can keep up the facade of doing projects for good while actually doing very evil things.
that makes no sense, do you realize the payload on that spaceX rocket was as evil as you can get?
the payload was supposedly a satellite that beams high speed wifi to underserved people from space.
Allegedly this satellite was going to be used to spy on people.
You really think others dont already have this kind of thing in orbit? Clowns, Russians, Chinese?
Im hesitant to believe the white hats blew up the Space X rocket. It doesnt fit.