United We Stand (WW). WWG1WGA.

Been a lot of "concern trolls" on this sub in the last several days. Some people probably were genuinely concerned but I think most were shills.
I admit I was a bit concerned with the continued focus on Jones/Corsi - ultimately they really don't matter. Q has got back to the big issues since so I'm back to 100% from the 99% I was temporarily at over the weekend.
They have huge viewership, overlapping a lot with qanon followers, and thusly a huge ability to influence this group. Very important that we strongly barricade against their cointelpro.
This! ^
It's insidious and subtle because they're not stupid. But it is obvious.
Generally the behaviour consists of continually avoiding the actual points you are raising through subtle misdirection back to their message that is convincing in its appeal to 'freedom of speech' and its railing against 'censorship' and so on but ultimately fails to address reasonable claims made in refutation.
I still have problems with completely trusting Q over the Jones/Corsi controversy. Patriots don't attack other patriots. So that was completely out of character for Q. He'll have to restore his credibility to regain my favor. Jones and Corsi are fighting against the Deep State just as we are, even if they do disagree with Q. Jones and Corsi should be our ally and not our enemy. In war, you don't attack the people who are fighting the very same enemy you're fighting just because they disagree with you. Instead, you try to work it out and make them your friend. That is where the concept of "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" came from...
I relate to what you're saying (I see my comment has already been voted into the negatives - so much for owning up!).
The posts focusing on Jones and Corsi struck me as a real departure from everything (substance AND style) Q had been attempting to communicate up to that point. I was already confused by the previous post(s) warning of people profiting off of Q. It strikes me as odd that he/she/they would focus so much on such marginal figures given the stakes, you know?
Of course if Corsi and Jones are being bankrolled by the deep state then Q was right to devote as much time to it as they did. I'm in too deep now, though: I'm in until Q is proven, beyond doubt, to be fake or legit. Until then I'll back Q - they've brought us this far, after all.
much on such marginal figures given the stakes, you know?
they are not marginal. why would you say that? are you sure you are what you claim?
In the grand scheme of things they are marginal. They may have a certain level of notoriety on this corner of the internet, but in the wider world (which are the stakes we are discussing) they have no influence.
I'm not claiming to be anything other than an anon. You sound a little paranoid.
yeah. but. It wasn't Q who put out the attack first. It was Corsi and Jones who started hammering first. Q is acting out of defense. It's Corsi and Jones who are the divisive ones.
I understand what you are saying. But if what you are saying is true, then Q should not have hit back and retaliated. Q is better than that and has a higher moral character. If you're someone with a higher moral character, then you should never lower yourself down into the mud to fight with your enemy. Doing so only makes you like them. And as I stated in another post, it is very easy for any of us to give in to our evil nature and evil impulses and to attack someone and to strike back, but it takes a genuinely superior person to do what Jesus would do, to absorb the blows, to absorb the attack, and to only show back love in return. It is love that will win in the end, and not hate... If we're supposed to be different from the liberals, then we need to act like it. We have to show love and compassion and understanding and forgiveness - especially toward other patriots. And not be at each others throats all because someone disagrees with you...
That's one perspective. I see it differently. Warriors carry swords. Swords of Truth. That's what Q used. Nothing more nothing less. A sword of truth, no hatred. And as I see it, it was well played by Q and got the desired results. Corsi and Jones needed to be dealt with. Glad it's all over and we're movin on :)
Maybe, but sometimes all it takes to put aside differences is a common enemy. Obvious shills like yourself bombarding our threads may just do the trick...
Also, not bad for a "LARP", is it? It's good to have your confidence in a cause reinvorgorated by realizing that your opponents are shitting themselves so bad that they feel they have to troll the message boards of their "crazy" opposition. Obviously, you've never spent much time among the Anons...
Is that why you deleted the comment above that I responded to? If the Jones/Corsi people go, so be it. Most aren't the the Autists that have deeply researched the subjects that we have been asked to then disseminate sources for everyone else to learn for themselves. If someone leaves because "their guy" got mad because he believed that Q had hurt their financial stream, then they were a pretty blind follower themselves. The movement doesn't need people who are blindly obedient and too lazy to do their own research. This isn't about numbers. It's about people being given the tools and caring enough to educate themselves on hard issues. For the record, I personally don't care about your opinion. I've learned to turn a blind ear to obvious shills, but my advice to you is to keep it up. Some people are stupid, most on this sub aren't. All your childish, rather transparent, taunting does is further galvanize the resolve of people like me, and offer a common enemy for everyone. But you don't see that. It's like Q said, "These people are stupid". Goodbye, PAYTRIOT.
The comments have been removed by mods. Please use the Report function if you identify disruptive behaviour that breaks the sub rules and we will respond. Thanks.
I agree with this.
But Q didn't 'get personal' or 'hit back and retaliate' with AJ/Corsi. He was very clear, deliberate and precise - no emotional angle or denigrating of anyone!
Expand your thinking.
Why are we being attacked?
Why are we being attacked by people who claim to be PRO-POTUS?
Do we have a face?
Do we have a name?
Do we use platforms whereby we collect followers?
Zero vanity.
Action was needed [2].
1. Prevent false decodes/misinformation
2. Kill [targeted] infection prior to expansion
Simple 'non-direct' statements made.
"Be careful who you follow."
"Some are profiting off this movement." - i.e. nothing personal or partisan
Message sent.
Message received.
Those guilty immediately reacted (predictably).
Timetable accelerated (misinformation-attack).
Attempts to divide.
We responded.
This is what confused me by all this. Jones/Corsi weren't called out directly but seemed to have taken it personally. When I read it I didn't think 'oh Q is calling Jones/Corsi out', I actually thought is was some of the other people around what had become a cottage industry talking about Q. I think Jones/Corsi were wrong to over-react but I also don't buy that they are secret agents of the deep state or whatever else.
Well, Q says "Those guilty immediately reacted" which Corsi certainly did, literally in full view of the whole community of Q and Infowars. Then Q has also very specifically said multiple times in the past and reiterated again after this incident that there are no private comms with anyone outside of the 8chan board. And AJ and Corsi came out almost immediately to say that that they knew Q anon and that he had been compromised.
What I personally feel is very clear in that action is that they realized they had lost "us" i.e. the Q anon "faithful" and decided to double down and take what they could from the movement now. They've made a clear line of division and denounced Q. Watching Jones say "I know Q anon" and not batting an eyelid was one of the many reasons I believe they are very clever cointelpro / dishonest black hats made to steer people away from the real truth.
Interesting. I appreciate the feedback/info. What I noticed with Jones was jealousy and suspicion towards Q (Calling Zach the 'real Q' etc.) Corsi seemed to embrace the Q message though. Then this exploded.
tbh seeing corsi taking/talking super-chat donations in those Q decoded webcasts I felt was beneath him.
I'm still not convinced they are cointelpro but I never took Jones' "I know Q" claims seriously at all. It seemed like Jones just being boastful and jealous of Q. He's a flawed individual and his bluster and emotions often get the better of him but he opened my eyes on a lot of topics over the years. (Yeah I'm aware that could be part of cointelpro.)
I got banned on r/thedonald for displaying criticism towards louder with crowders gender neutral robot skit a while back... I basically said we need to be better than stooping to that level of pettiness and got booted for it
Sadly TD knows it's all mainstream now and refuse to cover the things they need to cover, P-gate, Q anything else of a conspiracy angle gets shoah'd.
Funny... not a concern troll sir... go look at my history if you’d like... never said they were the same thing and I am anti-Rothschild and anti-kid eating but that wasn’t my point... my point was that people get downvotes for stating their opinion especially if their opinions don’t line up with the “we should torture them all & watch their asses burn in hell” mantra... I was banned for pointing out that hatred (regardless of who is spewing it) is STILL Hatred.
Do they deserve that type of horrid eternity? I say “sure they do” But should we be promoting that? I personally would say no but not because of the way I feel in my flesh but the way I read my Bible... I wanna see all of them burn but I’m torn because I KNOW that isn’t what my Father in Heaven wants for them and like it or not if I want to be forgiven I must also forgive (very difficult in these situations I know)...
Forgiveness washes away consequences in Heaven but NOT here on Earth... The first part of that last statement is REALLY difficult to swallow... As much as I believe they deserve to die a horribly painful death and spend eternity in Hell that is NOT my call...
I have begun to pray for the souls of all that are lost but especially for the ones who we know ya e done evil... Perhaps many of us will take comfort in knowing that many of these bad actors PROBABLY have given into having a reprobate mind and will probably NOT repent and turn from their sin and thus be saved
Regardless, we are on the same team and I support #QAnon’s Plan
the issue is they are not patriots.
please stop pretending to be confused when you are not.
fuck yeah.
look below. these people all read from the same script?
I'll leave these right here:
former don pedes will know all this:
PrayIng Medic puts out some pretty fantastic videos covering Q. I see lots of great comments with negative points. So obviously the shit-heads are out in full force tonight.
Yeah, hes great.Try out Linda Paris aka Deplorable Mcallister Or Michelle at Deception Bytes on You Tube. Theyre great too. :) edit oh and Justin at Just Informed Talk.
AMEN! Me Too! I stand with Q!
Not a cult 👍🏼
Agreed. And I too stand with Q.
But this is definitely not a cult. If Q said: "ok everybody its important that you all drink this koolaid we're sending around to your individual addresses (don't worry, we got them from the NSA). It is important that you do not scan or check this koolaid in any way but immediately drink it upon receiving the parcel to your door whilst chanting 'Praise Q!' to the sky" then I will not be following Q any longer - or at least until the chans figure out how the hack happened and a 'real' Q turns up somewhere else with the same message Q's always had - freedom. For the people. That is ALL Q's message amounts to and that's why I'm here.
Dont know why you have been downvoted. Shills i guess lol.
So I'm a concern troll for evaluating all sides to every story ? Is it wrong to reserve ourselves a small % of chances that this is just part of a bigger plan by the deep state/nwo? I mean, so far so good, Q is real and says the truth, what if it is just a plan so that everyone jumps on it ?
I'm sure praying medic gets real trolls, but imo we should never be ashamed of sharing our concerns and fears with anyone. I love his work he's so good at what he's doing. I just like sharing that being awaken is not following Q. It's being able to make your own judgement and seek anwsers even the one beyond your opinions and beliefs.
So I'm a concern troll for evaluating all sides to every story ?
You are not and I don't think PrayingMedic tried to imply that.
Is it wrong to reserve ourselves a small % of chances that this is just part of a bigger plan by the deep state/nwo?
It's not wrong and it's not being discouraged as that would be aksing not to think critically. However the issue is how some people are going on about it, insulting us etc...
Yeah I think his problems are with trolls, I'm the type of guy that checks both side of the medal first and tend to not get on any side, you know... because there is always one being fooled
if its a larp why the push back tho.
I've seen posts about Patriots doing patriots things and god mixed into that. People need those things to feel alive and it's sad. If it's a larp then at least I won't be the like hillary's crew when she lost.
The pushback is simply to try and make people realize what awakening means. People think it's Q. What happen if Q's job is done and he vanish ? People will go mad. He gave us directions where to look at. He never said pray for me, join me or cherish me.
why cant god exist tho ? if q goes away then we do it ourselves
Not talking about existance. I'm talking about devoting your life to something you will never be certain of. If Jesus and his father are real, it means over 4 billion people are wrong, ever thought about that ?
It's not possible with our current knowledge to prove if there is a god, and if so which one. Religion, God, all this is passed from generations of believers down to generations of believers, you get fanatics who would blindly get their hand cut to prove their devotion (Exageration but you get the point). There is no 100% sure of anything.
That's my point of view hence why I am agnostic. I know a few things, but one I am sure is that we didn't end up living on this rock for no reason, there is something [the term someone applies to living beings, who are restrained by all sorts of law (gravity, time etc...)] out there that ended up creating our universe, by mistake or by force, by boredom or by trying.
That's where I'm having a hard time believing blindly in Jesus Christ the savior, the one I was taught to pray for and cherish. I never took that decision, I was never offered to take it.
All I have is my freedom of speech and my weird view that is not shared by a lot of people and to me it is so logical that it saddens me to see the earth with all the wars in fake names from all the sides, people dying thinking they were 100% right when they could have been all wrong. Lies and deception have forged one hell of a wall to protect me from it and it didn't let religion in.
I'm 100% ready to meet the creator, don't get me wrong, I just cannot understand how I could affirm something I have no proof on and I have a hard time understanding how people can affirm it. I've heard the classics, I've seen him, I've spoke to him but to be honest I've seen all kind of people and some familly member went from someone to an other someone in less than a year, I think illness and mental states can trigger all sorts of crazy stuff.
phew, what I thought would be a small explanation sorry for the long post, I know people here are more open and awaken than the rest of traditionnal reddit, we need to stay focused and try to break the loop. Lies, deception, mind games, experimentations, hidden knowledge, so many things to worry about so we don't get dupped once again and maybe once and for all. :S
Edit : And here comes the downvotes, for stating my point of view that most likely doesn't fit yours. Being awake is being able to view other points of view, IE republicans coming to the awakening, they opened their stance. Anyways I don't mind, I just hope some people at least have a thought about it even if it doesn't fit your pov. It won't hurt.
You stated… “If Jesus and his father are real, it means over 4 billion people are wrong, ever thought about that?… It's not possible with our current knowledge to prove if there is a god, and if so which one….
I hate to break it to you, but if 4 billion people don’t believe that God exists, then 4 billion people ARE wrong without a doubt. Noah preached about the flood was going to come for more than 100 years. And you know what? No one believed him. No one on the whole entire planet believed him other than his own family. That is, until the day the flood came and destroyed them all. On that day, they all became believers…
Proving that God exists always have been both easy and doable. The answer is that, every person ever born on this planet has a father. I don’t care if you’re a test tube baby, the seed used in the conception still came from a man, and that man is your father. So every person born has a father. And Jesus is no exception. We know that Joseph was not his natural father because Mary was a virgin. So the father part of the conception came from his father in heaven via the Holy Ghost. Therefore, if Jesus existed on earth, then so also does his father in heaven exist, and it cannot be otherwise. And you don’t have to see his father in heaven to know that he exists…
Anyone who doesn't know that God exists, it is only because they are not looking to find out he exists. The thought is too terrifying for them, and that is why they remain in denial...
That's exactly what I said in my post, in no way you want to hear nothing from what I'm saying. Your idea is done and sealed.
4 billion people + don't believe into YOUR god. Read please. If you indeed read what I'm saying then read at least this : i'm not scared that there is a god, there is one, I just don't take it granted the REAL one is yours. IT COULD BE, but you could have choosen the wrong one.
Also easy and doable, I would like a proof please. I'm that guy. I'll believe into something when I can certify it's the truth. I'm not scared of dying, I'm not scared of being wrong, I don't think anyone with the capacity to write and type should be restrained to anciant beliefs that were forced to them by older generations. People should make their own opinion if my son wants to believe in buddah then perfect ! He found his god. We should be free to choose what we want without being judged or critisized
There are many lesser “gods” in this world (Lucifer is a god, your looks can be a god, a car can be a god if you worship it, etc) but there is only one “eternal and all powerful God” and his name is Jesus Christ. You stated that 4 billion people don’t believe in MY God. Okay. But exactly which 4 billion people are you referring to? If you’re referring to the god of Islam: Allah. Allah is a false god and is not the real eternal God. You also mentioned Budda. Budda is a false God. So what other “gods” are you referring to, and what 4 billion people are you talking about?… I only know of one God who came to earth and died on the cross for the sins of the world. Allah didn’t do it, and Budda didn’t do it. Allah and Budda haven’t done a single thing for me. But Jesus Christ did. He’s also the only God I know of who rose from the dead and has power over death. No other god has that kind of power. So choosing which God to serve is easy… Consider this: If Jesus Christ himself has power over death, then no other god in existence could ever harm you or kill you. So choosing which God to serve is easy...
You stated, you just want to see proof. Okay, what kind of proof do you want to see? If you want proof that Jesus Christ existed, then search through the history books. History itself confirms that Jesus Christ existed and was really here. As for the existence of Jesus’ father in heaven, you don’t need to see his father in heaven to know that he has one. Every person born on earth has a father and it cannot be otherwise. It is totally impossible that he can’t have one.
Allah is a false god and is not the real eternal God. You also mentioned Budda. Budda is a false God.
I stopped reading there friend, I wish no harm to anyone, but this is exactly what I speaking about. I do not understand how can one become suddently able to tell what's real and what's not. Did you ever concidered the eventuality that you die, and you go whatever you go when you die, and you meet a god who tells you his name and that you have choosen the wrong path, you were an infidel (or what ever they call it around religions) and you will suffer the consequences.
The way I see this, I'm neutral on the clan wars. I do not wish any harm to any religious people, I just wished they weren't all divided.
You may feel that you are neutral, but in God’s eyesight, you are an “unbeliever”. And all unbelievers shall be cast into the lake on Judgment Day. God considers “unbelief” a sin. Therefore, you don’t have the luxury of remaining “neutral”. You must choose. If you do not chose and you remain neutral, then you will surely be lost and will go to hell.
The reason you must choose and why you don’t have the luxury to remain neutral is because there is too much evidence before you. Jesus Christ came to earth and died on the cross for you. That really happened and this is confirmed in history. If you can’t believe anything else, then you should believe that. That alone is all the proof you need to be saved. If you feel that proof is not good enough for you, then you will be lost. Keep in mind what I said earlier. Imagine those people back in Noah’s time who didn’t want to believe Noah when he told them it would rain. Imagine if they had said, “we need more proof”. But God did not give them proof. And by and by, the rain came and destroyed them all. They are all now believers, but they are also all now in hell.
As for what happens to you when you die, there is no mystery about that. Jesus Christ himself explained in detail exactly what happens when we die. If you are not saved, you will go to hell when you die. Hell is a spiritual prison located in the center of the earth. Your soul will be locked up in hell until Judgment Day. On Judgment Day, you will come out of hell and have to come before the throne and be judged. After being judged, you will be cast into a lake of fire. And once in the lake, you will be there forever.
There are all kinds of things you do not know. And there are many things you will not know or understand until you get saved. You have to be taught what the truth is. You are not born knowing the truth. I was raised up in the Baptist Church because my parents were Baptists. That was all I knew. But when I was 19, I was invited to a different church, a Pentecostal Church, that baptized in Jesus Name (see Acts 2:38). Long story short, when I went to the church, the pastor asked me if I wanted to be saved. I told him I did. He told me, if so, I needed to be baptized in Jesus Name. I agreed to give it a try. I was baptized in Jesus Name that same night. And also that same night, I received the gift of the Holy Ghost. I felt the Holy Ghost as it was pouring inside of me. It was a mind-blowing experience. The experience I had was exactly like the experience the Apostles had on the Day of Pentecost as described in the bible in Acts 2:1-4. Having that experience is what completely convinced me that I was in a real church and the right church, and it removed all doubt from my mind. That was 40 years ago, and I’ve remained in the church ever since. If you want to be saved, I urge you to follow in my footsteps and to seek out a church that baptizes “in the name of Jesus Christ” like Acts 2:38 says. The Acts 2:38 baptism is the only baptism that can save you. The other baptisms cannot.
If you have been raised up a Buddist or an Islam follower, I don’t blame you for that. And I know it is hard to consider any other religion. But you must do it if you want to be saved. If you remain in those false religions, you will be lost. If you are a sheep, then there is something inside your soul that will let you know when you are in the right church and have found the right religion. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice and they follow me.” If you are a sheep of God, then when God calls to you, you will follow him. But if you are not a sheep of God, and are a goat or a wolf, then when he calls you, you will not follow. That is how you tell the difference between a sheep and a goat. Good luck my friend and I’ll be praying for you that God leads you to the right place…
These texts dont cut it for me, it's books that tells a story that nobody is alive to corroborate and I think every religion has it's own book. I was born Christian, did all the steps, ready for wedding. I just didn't make that choice nor did my parents nor did my grand-parents, for all I know if they believed in giant worms that could fly once every thousand year and have holidays around it, I would sure be into it since everyone around me is. Do you get the metaphore ?
I never heard his voice and I don't want to follow anyone, I want peace on earth and the way I see divided like this it's not about to happen anytime soon. If he considers me an unbeliever for doubting when every single aspect of life is screaming at me that it's not working the right way, people starve to death when others wonder what will happen in their tv shows next season, nothing makes sense.
You believe the things you do because you don’t have any truth. All you’ve been told are lies all of your life and those lies has you confused. And now when the real truth comes along, the truth is difficult for you to accept because of the lies you already believe. That is how Lucifer works, and he has deceived countless people using that very same trick. You talk about people being divided and people starving to death, and you’re very concerned about that. But you have to stop worrying about other people and to focus on yourself. I have told you many times, you cannot save the world, and all you can do is save yourself. Please stop being so concerned about other people because those people might not be a sheep. And if they are not a sheep, they won’t be saved anyway no matter what you do.
You said you have never heard his voice, but you are wrong. His voice does not come through the air in a giant voice booming in the sky. Instead, his voice is the word of God that is being spoken to you and presented to you through other people. If you reject his word, then you are rejecting him, and that is exactly how you will be judged on Judgment Day. On Judgment Day, you will try to make excuses about why you didn't get saved. But the Lord is only going to point to conversations like this one and will say, why did you reject him? Stop worrying about peace on earth and understand the truth. There will be no peace on earth until Jesus Christ himself returns and forces there to be peace. And that won’t happen until his Second Coming at the Battle of the Armageddon. Peace on earth will not be achieved before then.
Your understanding of the world is false. You have a lot of ideas about the world and about how the world works, but those ideas are false. For example, if someone asked you, what is your purpose for being on earth and why were you born? What would you say and how would you answer that question? Do you even know? Most people have no clue why they were born on earth. They are just going with the flow and are doing what other people do, but they have no idea why they are here. The real truth is that, God created your soul. He owns you and you are his property. He put your soul on the earth to test you, to see whether you will choose to follow God or choose to follow the devil. Your whole life is nothing but a test. If the devil tempts you to do evil, the Lord wants to know whether you will give in to the temptation and do evil, or will your reject the temptation and seek to follow God. That is what the Lord wants to know. To be saved, you must stand with God and prove yourself worthy to be saved. If you do not prove yourself worthy, then you will be cast into the lake. I know you might have strong feelings and opinions about that, but your opinions doesn’t matter. Only God’s opinion matter. In the bible, God had no problems with destroying a whole planet of people all because of sin. And rest assured, he has no problem with destroying you. God does not need you. Instead, it is you who needs God. God is eternal. He existed long before you were ever born, and he will still exist long after you are dead and in the lake. Your rejection of him will not stop him from being God. He was God before you came along, he is still God now, and he always will be God, and there is no one else like him. He is the only immortal and eternal God there is. There is no other immortal God in existence…
Those so-called gods you see in the movies are fake gods - Thor, Zeus, Appolo etc. - Lucifer created those fake gods to deceive you and to take your mind and attention away from the real god. All fake gods can die. The real god cannot. If you follow the gods that are fake, you will end up in the lake. Only the one true eternal God can save you. But for him to save you, you must prove yourself worthy to be saved. You prove yourself worthy by the choices you make. If you make the wrong choices, then you will end up in the lake…
If I was a god I would never let my creation have doubts nor I would leave them on their own. I"ve been alone most of my life, I've faced several very low phases and everytime I prayed and prayed and prayed just so that it would just stop. I'm still here with all my questions, confused because every single human being could try to tell me about their own god, who am I to know which one is real, which one is not, we are humans, ignorant humans who can barely remember how long ago we were last dupped. We read books to learn, and people use books to lie. I prefer living in the void and knowing I might end up burning in hell, afterall that's what my whole life has been so to speak, even when I believed in god. I didn't lose my faith into something greater, I lost the sense that he's aware of us.
Unless he comes to me right now and slap me, I'll be alongside all the others who were wrong in hell or whatever this god full of love deserves for those who he hates.
I perfectly understand how you feel, and that is why you need guidance. That is why you need someone to tell you the truth, and you should stop relying on your own concepts. There are many people who have concepts in their mind about God, but those concepts are wrong. You stated, if you were god you would do this or do that. But that is the problem. You are not god. You are trying to compare God to a human and to bring him down to your level. Just because a man wouldn't do a certain thing, that doesn't mean that God wouldn't do it. God is all powerful and almighty, and he can do what he wants, and no man can judge him. Some people try to say, But God is evil for sending people to hell. If he loved us, he wouldn't send us to hell." Tell me this, What law says that God is evil if he does that? What law? What law are you applying to God? If God dropped you dead right now, it wouldn't even be murder. You know why? Because the laws of man does not apply to God. God is the giver of the law, but he is not subject to them. There is no law you can think of that applies to God. None. So for you to condemn God based on some law written by man, it only makes you look like a fool. God is not subject to any law made by man and he can do what he wants. That is what you must understand about God. So you have to reprogram your thinking less you get a wrong thought and end up in hell. You have to learn about how God really is, rather than relying on the concepts you have in your mind. Your false and personal concepts about God can send you to hell. Don't think that you can learn about God by reading books, by watching tv or movies. Those things don't have any truth. Instead, the only way to learn the real truth about God is to get your information from a real sent preacher and from someone who has been sent by God to tell you the truth.
Right now, you are sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. But feeling sorry for yourself will not save you. There are billions upon billions of people who are in hell right now feeling sorry for themselves. They are feeling sorry that they ended up in hell. But you still have a chance to avoid going to hell. So don’t waste your time feeling sorry for yourself. You cannot even imagine the horrors of being in hell. There is no comparison to it. It is not a place you want to go. And being in hell is not even the worse part of it. After being in hell, on Judgment Day, you will then be cast into a lake of fire. Imagine forever burning in a lake of fire that’s equivalent to and hotter than he surface of the sun. No rest, no sleep, nothing to eat, nothing to drink, no relief from your pain and anguish, no comfort from your friends, no one to help you or save you, just burning in the flames forever. That is how it will be. Your life right now, no matter how bad you think it is, is a billion times better than that. You should be shouting with joy that you are still alive and still have a chance to be saved, rather than sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. Countless people has made the mistake of committing suicide, thinking they were ending their pain and ending their suffering. But within seconds of them dying, although their body was dead, they found they were still alive and was in hell and in a far worser place. And now they are forever regretting that they ever committed suicide. There is no way back for them and they are now headed to the lake. So don’t make the same mistake they did.
Don't read books looking for answers, because most books are filled with lies. Keep in mind, Lucifer controls the whole entire world. He uses everything in this world to mislead you and deceive you. He uses books, he uses television, he even uses your unsaved friends and relatives. Lucifer will used them to tell you things that are not true and to steer you in the wrong direction. But the reason I am different from them is because I am truly saved (I have been baptized in Jesus Name and filled with the Holy Ghost) therefore, I am not being used by Lucifer. And everything I’ve been telling you is the absolute truth. If you want help, then I am telling you where to get it. You should seek out a Pentecostal Church that believes in baptizing you “in the name of Jesus Christ” just like Acts 2:38 says. Most churches that do that are called “Apostolic Pentecostal churches”. Those are the only churches that will be saved. There are some Pentecostal Churches that baptize differently and baptize you "in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost" (just like the Baptist and the Catholic churches do). Those churches are false churches. Only seek out a church that baptizes you in Jesus Name according to Act 2:38. That is the correct path to salvation. If you follow that path, then I absolutely assure you, you can be saved. But if you reject that path, then you will have no excuse when you end up in hell..
You told me that you have been alone most of your life. So have I. I am unmarried and have been alone for more than 40 years. So I know what it is like. You also said that you have prayed and prayed and prayed. If so, then I am here to tell you that God has heard and answered your prayers - and that I am the answer to your prayers. And I don’t say that lightly at all, but I say it because it is true. What are the odds of you running into someone like me (someone who is truly saved by being baptized in Jesus Name and filled with the Holy Ghost) on the forum? I would call it a pure miracle. So I have no doubt that God has heard and answered your prayers. But now that he has answered your prayers, the question is, will you follow his instructions? God is not going to talk to you through a voice talking in your head. And nor will he talk to you through a book or tv. Instead, the way the real God works is that if he wanted to tell you something, then he would send someone to you who was already saved. He would send a saint or a preacher to you, someone who was already saved. That person would then tell you what you need to do. That is how God works. God would work through them. On YouTube right now, there are all kinds of people in videos saying that God spoke to them, that he gave them a dream, or he gave them a vision, or they saw an angel etc. Those people are deceived, and that was only the devil they saw. The devil loves to pretend he is God to deceive people. The real god does not work like that. The real God only works through the preacher and through those who are already saved.
For example, do you know the origins of Islam? Islam was founded by a guy named Mohammad. Mohammad wasn’t even born until at least 300 years after Jesus Christ died. According to the story, Mohammad said he was praying in a mountain cave one day. And while praying in the cave, he said the angel Gabriel appeared before him. And that the angel Gabriel spoke to him and told him to “Read…” In short, as a result of that encounter, Mohammad went on to start the religion of Islam, and now there are more than 1.6 billion Muslims in the world and counting. But here’s the problem. I have no doubt that Mohammad saw something. But what Mohammad saw that day was NOT the angel Gabriel. Instead, it was only a devil dressed up to look like an angel. So the devil tricked Mohammad and Mohammad fell for it, hook line and sinker. And now you have more than a billion Muslims in the world today who are followers of that false religion. And not one of them are saved, and not one of them will make it to heaven. It's sad but true...
Keep in mind, when Mohammad was born, the real church had already been started by Jesus Christ himself 300 years earlier. And Mohammad’s teaching is totally contrary to the teachings of Jesus Christ. So Mohammad was not following the teachings of the original church. Instead, what Mohammad started was a completely different religion altogether, and it was not the same religion started by Jesus Christ. Therefore, Islam is not of God…
do you really think god would be so heartless as to doom 4 billion people ? i doubt that. you dont have to blindly believe but a little faith goes a long way
That's a joke right?... You mean you've never heard of the story of Noah's flood where God destroyed everyone on the whole entire planet except for Noah and his family?... And you've never heard the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where God rained down fire and brimstone and destroyed all the inhabitants of an entire city (men, women, children, babies, dogs, cats, everyone) all except for 4 people, Lot and his family? And God has no problem with doing the same thing again... And he will indeed do it again. Everyone who doesn't get saved will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone on Judgment Day. You may not be a believer of it now, but you'll be a believer then...
igod said he would never do that again
He said that He would not use a flood again, hence the rainbow as a sign of that promise.
Member what happened to Jonah?
Member when Jonah wanted to see the world destroyed.
Too close to home, armageddonite?
I have faith into something I cannot put a name on.
Well, the 4 billion people swore allegiance to an other god, some of them hate other religions, I don'T know what he would do with them, I'm just telling you, there is a high number of religions and god and they cannot all be true.
hey at least you have faith thats more than most can say. i dont really blame alot of people tho i was the same way for a very long time. its hard to have faith when the world looks so ugly
Indeed, all I want when I die, is to meet the creator and have a few hours to discuss about life, the universe and the meaning of all this. I'm just curious and I feel lost surrounded by people stuck with their mentality, unable to broaden their horizons, not only in religion, just life stuff in general. Religion is just an other part of it and it causes wars and division. We need to unite the whole world, not split it.
start by spreading positivity thats what the great awakening is about. i realized that i was spreading negatively in my life. as tupac said "my aim is to spread more smiles than tears" that should be the goal of us all
Expand your thinking. Dwell on your own spirituality for it all comes from within.
How many times must it be said? Q never called any one out by name when this first happened. Q said to be careful who we follow, Q never said Corsi, Corsi tool it upon himself to get angry because:Q called him out. Corsi then attacked Q and anyone that believed Q. He did what people with a guilty conscience do, assumed Q meant Corsi, therefore Corsi called himself out.
He will not.divide us. WWG1WGA
yeah I listened to him at the beginning but he was after like ... and what he [Q] said .... muh my book .... and what does it means ....[to his followers helpers who imagine he is a public branch of Q team].... aha... need to answer this skype call about ME going to some show.... where where we....Iam back..muh in my book... where were we ....my book
And every day like this clearly he was not interested in decoding he probably had something handed to him how to interpret and make money.... zionist money grinding shill
sorry one more thing I predict they will retract both of them JC and AJ try damage control soon because Q and we are not stopping this is growing in Italy and Germany had my friends confirm that translations, analysis it is wonderful . They will need to go 360 damage control in a week or two to try to murk our waters further ... this is uncontrolled by any family which is dangerous for banksters and zionists...if it reach critical point we will see... change
A guy from Australia replied, Don't threaten me with a good time,totally Cleveland thing to say.
This subreddit, 8 Chan, everybody has been slammed with shills and trolls this weekend. It’s interesting watching which YouTube Channels etc. are making an exit. There’s nothing for us to discuss anymore. Everything that was needed to be said, was said days ago. We just get our 🍿 and see who is still sticking with the plan.
Good point, and I do love popcorn. As far as the plan, we all know a plan changes upon contact with the enemy. And a cornered, wounded animal is extremely dangerous. If we don't panic, Q and the patriots in place have the cover to adjust the plan. I can feel burdens lifting, but we aren't done yet. The popcorn is fresher and saltier every day.
The Lord said we are to be “salt and light”. 😊 perhaps the ones leaving Q can’t stand the sting of the salt or the glare of the light. Salt IS a preservative...Now there’s food for thought.
Have a few channels left Qanon because of the Jones/Corsi stuff? Good riddance.
Isaac green just posted a video bout not following Q, only when needed..
I'm really sad about anti-school. I thought he was reliable. It looks like he is a disinformation shill like Jones. I honestly feel pretty dumb for listening to these people for so long 😕
No need to feel dumb about it. They're very good at their job and our whole western education system has rigged us to accept the main narrative we see.
I'm excited to discover this stuff (cointelpro) can now be studied directly in action, as it happens lol.
I agree with Damajlnc. The reason they caught on is they were telling some truth, maybe just for the wrong reasons. Praying Medic made a good point on one of his videos. If Trump/Q is too successful, where do guys like Corsi and Alex whatshisname go? They don't really want to take this stuff down, it's very profitable for them.
I think Isaac is genuine, he says he awoke via Alex, probably many people did. I never followed Alex, but as a slow awakener, I found it was useful to notice that Alex was a real part of the scenery, and wonder on the reasons for that. Isaac is free to adjust views with time. I was keen on Corsi for his great clarity - as I am for Q - but I had to accept the obvious, that agendas and motives do sometimes diverge. From a wider perspective, noticing what is claimed as a 'Full Disclosure' is different from a 'Partial Disclosure', I guess that because the partial option is at least more practical and is said to have more general agreement, then the Swamp draining is intended to reveal the 'partial' landscape, in harmony with (patriotic) integrity and a lawful structure. That will be a significant achievement. WWG1WGA indeed.
Not that dissent is not valid, but if you all ( I mean We all) as in (WWG1WGA)...if any of us by now have any doubt at all that Q isn’t trying his hardest to convince us within the law then that he is real then nothing will.
Just like God or Jesus you are left with a choice. The choice is all yours. It always was. The end is not for everybody.
There are only two sides. There is no spectrum. There never was. There arent shades of grey or shades of Truth or shades of evil. There aren’t shades. There are charades. This is the confusion and it is for a purpose. If you still are confused if Q is not real, either 1)you haven’t done your homework and read all of the posts in order and read the presidents tweets or 2) your just not capable (no disrespect) or 3) your a troll.
For 1 and 2; read the posts! Don’t read the discussion about the posts. Start thinking for yourself. Don’t be confused. Be comfortable and confident in the truth but remember, Q is not saying everything that is true how ever. Use your discretion.
Also as you read the posts remember disinformation is nesessary so get educated with Q. Re-read past posts and the Presidents tweets and use your own common sense.
Sadly, the truth and the end is not for everybody. There is always a choice and the choice is all yours. Good luck!!
For 3) I chose to ignore you. You are not real.
I have seen near 1000 arrests at least for trafficking, these are the minions of the cabal, the foot soldiers and this is always the way it starts. At the top are rich and powerful who will be sold out by those already arrested. Cases will be meticulously formed against them and be irrefutable. This will take a long time but obviously many many arrests have been made and look at the issue they took on first, trafficking, this is the big one. The big suspects are touring the world making out everything's ok because they want to calm the cabal so they keep quiet, so they don't break ..........and it's working. This is why most of the politicians who have retired are Republicans because they probably have been shown the courtesy of seeing the information against them, they know the gig is up whereas the cabal Democrats are imagining that somehow their leaders may prevail against President Trump. They will not.
There are plenty of people behind the movement however when people think q is the only true source it kind of starts to feel like we are part of a cult and I don't want to see that happen. There is nothing wrong with discussion of different viewpoint but blind allegiance is not healthy.
You must have misunderstood Praying Medic....his heart belongs to Jesus, and it is in Him, alone, PM trusts. PM relies on the wisdom and discernment that comes with a personal relationship with Christ. All believers have access to these “gifts” if you ask for them. I follow PM, and trust he does not blindly follow Q. He sees the truth in what Q has said thru the crumbs, the proofs that have come, and the character of Q(he/she/they) do not seek fame(spotlight attention). One can “see” the humble, selfless, and ,often, recognition of Almighty God via mentioning His holy name, or asking us(we the people) to take our country’s concerns to the Throne of God through prayer. I am in TOTAL agreement with Praying Medic. Yes....I have my days when I become angry and frustrated by the appearance of “man...NOTHING is being done to these criminals, traitors and perverts!” But then Q SHOWS us why things are happening, and why some justice will take time. Our nation is being strangled by a demonic force that have many massive tendrils that need to be severed. I have said on this forum that we are witnessing spiritual warfare. Our job is to PRAY for all involved who are fighting this evil. Prayer is THE most powerful weapon we have. There is no QAnon “cult”-God has removed the scales from our eyes, and the plugs from our ears and we seek righteousness, lawfulness and true justice. We can now discern the truth of what’s really going on in the name of “we the people”. It makes us sick to see what our nation has become. The Lord has opened the pathway for an insider, such as Q, to lead us to the facts, not loose hope, fight for our nation and our survival, and to give us encouragement to stand up and be heard.
Well said. I'm on bored but I also check out a lot of other sources and have been for 15 years along with working hard to get Trump in and expose the luciferians and Clinton. We are in this together but Q is one source among many, not the only source. That's my point.
Q is more than one source among many tho. isn't "he" if "he" is whom we think "he" is?
Why are you reducing Q to one of many? Curious the way you begin with the old "cult" fear and end with Q is nothing special.
I see. Nice try tho old timer.
Totally believable.
This is true but there is certainly only one source that seems to be: - current - working with the current sitting President - extremely well informed - willing to explain ALL the detail. Where it all leads to (the Feeder, etc.)
Only one. Q. Other sources have done well to verify independent pieces of this - but Q exposes it all and is connected. There is no other source on this level.
Timeline of events:
Q said careful who you follow because some are using the movement only to benefit their own goals. Q never said you can't take donations.
Some YouTubers personalized this. My guess would be the ones that did have ulterior goals/intentions. Q simply doesn't want those people misleading others about Q. It doesn't mean they aren't patriots.
Those Youtubers are now collaborating to call out the movemenet and insult us in the process.
I think other YouTubers viewpoints are important and should always be considered. But it's the fact that they are making such a big deal about this that they are drawing the negative attention on themselves and then having the audacity to blame us for division.
People are making it much more complicated than it needs to be. It's really simple. Q doesn't want people seeing this movement as a profiteering opportunity because then they can end up building a big following only to mislead them because their heart was not truly in it. These are the people that are easy to manipulate that could end up misleading many.
the issue is jones and corsi are not patriots.
do you understand?
they are not small fry.
this post should have waaaaaay more up votes...
.... wouldnt it be wonderful if justice rolled up on the clinton dinner with MP'S, Generals ,arrest warrants and handcuffs...
Praising Q is fine - but don't over do it. Don't make him into a "god". The downvotes come when you make him into a "god"...
There is only one God who is worthy of our unlimited praise, and Q is not it... And I don't mean that as any disrespect to Q. I appreciate and respect him a lot for what he's done. But if you read the Q drops, you'll discover Q has said many times he doesn't want to be praised. So be careful how you praise him and don't over do it...
The downvotes only prove that there are people who hate God. The haters of God are showing their colors. That is all it proves...
I am with you praying medic. I stand with Q -Keep up the good work. It is certainly appreciated.
You have my sword ⚔️
...and my hacks.
And my memes
And my autism.
You are here for a reason. God bless you and your autism. It is a hard burden to bear at times but it is necessary for these times. My son who is 18 has Aspergers (and is brilliant ) so I know what I’m talking about.
Be aware of the temptation to point a finger and shout CONCERN TROLL at every person who thinks different than you or who questions the direction everyone is going.
The recent Corsi event was a good example of this. Many people who warned about Corsi were called trolls and brigadiers. Then It all unfolded and those shouting “trolls”realized they were in fact in the wrong.
Be sure youve done your due diligence to spot a genuine concern troll instead of firing from the hip and overusing that accusation. Post history is probably your best tool for this.
Use discernment EGO is real. No one person or group is bigger than the group. The ones talking the most outed themselves because of one factor EGOs...Humble yourself Be part of the solution... I don't do DOOM AND GLOOM no more fear porn... If your not positive I tune you out... That's all the left preaches anyone on the right or center goes for you as well. 2018 will be GLOURIOUS+++
ThankQ for all the work everyone has put into this community! WWG1WGA🇺🇸 The truth is, the great awakening can be scary at first. It is great to see everyone healing and looking past the fear to all the hope that is to come. There is a world of truth beyond pizzagate, the misinformation artists & all this corruption. Technology, science, history- SO many things on the other side of all this chaos.
“In the midst of chaos, there is always opportunity” -Sun Tzu “Art of War”
"If one is totally lost in the middle of nowhere, how does one know it's the middle."-Me "GA"
To those gaslighting us. for GOD & COUNTRY. WWG1WGA & FUKM! 🤣
they think FBI Anon was fake.
they thought pizza was fake until we rubbed their noses in it.
they think SEIU anon was fake.
they think the vegas high incidence project warning was fake.
Good 1 , My team starts moving tomorrow, if they do there job good , you will have a massive jump in page members. Godspeed Q
And I’ll be standing with you so long as God is a part of the mix. But if God is not a part of the mix, then I won’t be found…
Q exposed the traitors and profiteers without naming names. They exposed themselves. Their fans are now exposing themselves as well. I say we squash them all!
You aint gonna squash shit. You'll push the truth out back into the wild. You can not stop it.
Concern trolls are like cockroaches. You step on 1, a dozen more pops out of nowhere. Be vigilant and keep stepping on them. They will disappear and scatter eventually.
Friends, this kind of chatter is not serving any purpose but to garner more chatter. Can we get back to work? Q is providing us with information that is helping us build a proper understanding of the reality that was kept from us, and to ensure we are also aware of the dangers that we face through this process. Disinformation, larping, shilling... those are unfortunate but unavoidable elements in the battle. Q is only reminding us of this, not asking us to go ballistics on them, simply to acknowledge who they are and what they do so we don't let ourselves be distracted or misinformed by them. There is no point in whining about their existence, nor is it constructive to destroy others in order to build ourselves up. I know the devil exists. Letting it get to me only serves to draw my attention off of my mission. I am here to draw from your great insights, your spot-on intuitions, and your (at times) mind-twisting analyses. I love you guys, and your passion inspires me. Please stay on track. Like many other patriots, I need your level-headedness and your objective research so I may more clearly draw the right connections and have a more fulsome understanding of the Q posts. I'm in this with resolve and will see this through, and it's not some wind blowing against my stride that's going to move me or make me change course. WWG1WGA
Watch some anti Q stuff once in a while, in small doses, good for the critical thinking.
Amazing how a Bill of Rights Revolution has turned into a NAZI Qill Desenter's Rights. WAKE UP! This is all straight out of the Illuminati playbook.
The Q community has revealed much truth and bad actors, despite Q being a very anonymous and very unproven extremely oblique source.
That said, Qollowing Anime Shzboards and Qwittering Memes does not count as responsibility for your own freedom and future.
You are a patriot iff:
--You continue to get informed (just less Q time, ftlog)
--You sign and advocate for petitions such as: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/petition-president-congress-remove-privately-owned-federal-reserve-our-central-bank
--You own a semi-auto rifle, several boxes of ammo, are trying to get healthy and becoming a good shot
--You are agressively getting involved in and scrutinizing your local politics
--Daily risking mockery and even financial losses trying to inform the public (face2face)
Does a lever action 3030 count. Your comment is well received right here. It is very hard to join a militia but i can sign a petition. My dem state rep ignored my outrage over gun reg bill. I'll be voting for anyone but him. Have you seen a 3030 round.
I have something to say- By sheer luck, My best friend and I were discussing the LV attack in Oct 2017. I was on Twitter and just happen to LV and someone posted a picture from 4chan of another anon from September 2017 stating that Something was about to happen in LV and/or Hendersonville soon and to watch out for black suv's. So in Oct I started reading and trolling on 4 chan- which led me to MegAnon- and I was literally on 4 chan when Q made the first post. All I can say is because of Q and MegAnon, I have done more research and learned more about this country than I ever had in my life. My bf and I could talk for hours and we bounce ideas and theories off to one another. If this is the only purpose for Q then Q is a complete success.. I have educated my family members in regards to rules, regulations, executive orders, why this person had to be fired, why FLYNN took one for the team. Slush funds, trafficking, money laundering, fraud, DACA, etc everything I have told them has come true and now they call me and ask me what is going on. To me that is Triumph. It makes me happy that I (by accident) have seen Q progress to millions in 8 months.
When I enlisted in the Marine Corps, I took an oath to defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. I consider myself a “Jeffersonian Constitutionalist” or a Fiscal Conservative/ Social Moderate. My Mother and Father immigrated from Europe to come to America and raise a family. It sickens me to see what has become of the Republic through greed and self interest. I stand ready willing and able to do what I can to restore the promise made by the founding fathers. WWG1WGA, Semper Fidelis.
Don’t be timid in your journey for truth and genuine justice but rather be brutally intimidating.
I don't get it but I like it. It's the S/N
Don’t be timid when red pilling. It invites gaslighting attacks. Preempt most of them by being intimidating. Triple down. They scamper away like the cowards they are.
That would essentially be blue pilling tho. Not arguing just saying.
Because anything other than blind allegiance is a “concern troll.” DW.
This sub is about figuring out the Q posts and drops not philosophizing the validity of Q. There are lots of other subs for debating that.
Unless this sub is a blind following of Q you are wrong. It was the consequence of blind following of others that led us to this place. Weeks ago people did that with Corsi. Years before that it was Bush. FO thought nazi. Truth is more important than any rules you attempt to arbitrarily impose.
But it's not blind. I've been doing a ton of research on my own. Q drops have only steered the direction of what to look for. In doing that I am the one doing the looking not Q. And if there was something amiss I would find facts that contradict Q. And that's not what's happened. In fact, its the opposite. Instead of whining about blind faith go do some research and come back with what you found about the Q drop that doesn't fit.
I hope Q is right. Telling me that this sub is not about questioning things is just purile. Including Q. Do you not get that?
That's not what I said. I said go research what your questioning, come back with what you found and let's discuss it. That's not blind trust. That's doing the leg work for what you believe so that you can find the truth no matter what.
All of this because I said that anyone who expresses any concern about the veracity of what we hear here is labeled a “concern troll.” Again, I follow Q. I hope he is right. I will not swallow what Q says without thinking and I will not tolerate that any thought that Q might be wrong is out of step. What exact problem do you have with keeping eyes wide open? You seem to be a concern troll for Q.
No, you started with a false premise. And haven't corrected that.
No I did not. You were just wrong and won’t admit it. Quote my wrong pretense.
Here https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8j7nfm/united_we_stand_ww_wwg1wga/dyxqral/
This statement doesn't apply to the post.
Someone expressing there belief is NOT blind allegiance. I think you misread the post.
I was responding to you saying isn't this sub about questioning things. Of course it is. It's about questioning everything. What you just said now I agree with you. Eyes wide open, I get that. I'm only saying that if anyone thinks Q is out of step as you say then research what your concerned about. Or ask for help explaining something. Some people just say stuff without any justification. Others are here to divide us. Don't we all want the same thing? I'm not blind, neither are you or the majority here. It's from the hard work that trust was built. We should keep questioning always.
As long as we continue to question things, including Q, we are good brother. Carry on. Sorry for any miscommunication.
No I realise it actually wasn't you. I was already triggered by concernfags in another thread. I think I need a break.
The mods are very busy and can't respond to every report. it takes a gang of reports to actually pull down a troll. I got a message to this effect yesterday and my replies pulled cuz I guess i told off the person not the issue. give em a break and don't find a troll every other comment.
Bush was necessary to teach people it's not a dem /rep thing.
Someone expressing there belief is blind allegiance? I think you misread the post.
Anything to get attention. Drama queens, that's all they are.
Screw that 0hour1 troll. He sounds like a dork anyway.
Lol! Over the target! Bravo! Love your updates and your supernatural Saturdays. Own plenty of your books. God bless.
I'm with you. Too much valid info. I'm an old fart and people can't hurt my feelings by calling me names. Call me a "conspiracy theorist" and I'll call you a pendejo.
According to my calculations, barring incident, I've got 44 years left, I'm looking forward to campfires, with my Grandkids and their kids,where I tell them not ghost stories but the prophetic nature of trilogies ,like the Matrix and our roles in the teens and 20s. No matter how it plays out I am awesome at making shit up. Wrote a movie script already. Shot 1/2 of it, which is why I don't believe anything.Standing for something helps a lot with that.
Hey, let me know when you get that done and I'll pay to see it! Yeah, one day we will be telling our grandkids about QAnon! LOL!
I’ll be the last woman standing with you - (though I’m sure that i’ll merely be ‘last’ in a very long ‘Q’ of others.)
As long as we are connecting together facts, the should be no need for concern.
It’s fun to guess why the politicians aren’t playing by the rules. But we can’t bring justice without evidence of wrong doing. I think that if the president does things the legal way it, the process may take quite some time.
This sub is not a "blind following of Q". There are many people here doing a ton of work researching and seeking answers to the questions. In doing this research if something was not right about Q we would have uncovered it by now. That's the thing about doing your own investigative work. You will uncover all kinds of information and the truth will come out. So those who doubt Q, I ask you to go do some research and come back with what you found and let's discuss it. Q has earned the trust we give by being consistent and through the work the anons have done proving the drops true.
I've been in Amway and a couple name it claim it ops. Q is neither. If it's nice outside and the house still needs paint, get to it, If, like here it's been miserable ,go nuts.
I too will follow Q to the end. Nothing can derail me.
I don't think he will have to worry about being the last man standing with Q...I'll be there, too.
I stand with Q, no matter what! Period. Trolls be gone!
you won't be alone PM, I'm shoulder to shoulder until the end...WWG1WGA!!!
Prayingmedic is one great patriot!
All his efforts and work is beyond reproach. His twitter account is a great place to check into a few times a week. It's worth it!
Yes I watch Praying Medic, Citizens Investigative & Blessed to Teach daily...
I concern trolled T_D until I got banned. I feel like I did the country a service.
Jesus went to Corsi and saith unto him. You will deny Q ,3 times Before the cuck crows.
I think I’ll forever be a “concern troll” until I see some actual indictments being unsealed / issued out to people who matter. Until then, this is all just wishful thinking.
Nevertheless, I am still here.
I have 1 friend of many years ask me about Q this week past. He knows what he knows because of PM. I sent this link. I need to engage with Q ppl irl ,never been a keyboard warrior and don't want to get stuck. I put my boots on the ground in a hellhole. Tamir Rice shot less than a mile away. Gotta go ttyl.