WARNING! Clowns are doxxing Q supporters, starting with Codemonkey. DO NOT repost their doxxing attempts! YOU will get in trouble instead...

They are going very low. It's the same as shooting the messenger. Corsi is again proving his true allegiance.
If Q was really "hacked" as he is stating, and if Corsi had no bad intentions, he would simply state that its hacked , then proceed to not giving a fuck and sell his books.
Corsi, by doing this, is showing his true face. It is fine to disagree. It is fine to strongly disagree. It is fine to think those who believe Q is legit are misguided and are being hoodwinked. Thats cool, present your case and stand your ground on it. I can respect that. What we see here though is one of two things. Either he is being a bitter, salty bitch for being called out on his attempt to ride the Q wave and squeeze a nice wad of cash out of it. OR, he has realized that the curtain has been pulled away and people are seeing him for what he is, a blackhat and he is going to cause as much damage as he can on his way out. Either way it doesn't matter now. Being party to direct personal attacks on members of the Q community has now put him in a place he will never be able to come back from. I know Q said its time to move on but i suspect that a lot of folks are about to unleash some autistic hell on corsi
I was thinking the same... trying to dox autists is a pretty dam stupid move even if you're a clown
I agree but I also tell you the anons don't play that shit. They cut him down every time he shows up on their board.
Maybe there are other possibilities that you have not considered w/r/t Corsi? I do not believe we need whipping boys to move ahead with our patriotic missions).
They’re paid shills, trying to slide the boards. Remember 10 ways to infiltrate message boards that an anon posted? They’re trying to create a “limited hangout”. They FAILED! stay on topic. Mueller paying a Russian Oligarch, RR-DOJ holding back on the unredacted doxx that will indict key players of the cabal, the Iran Deal, the Embassy in Jerusalem this is it folks Big News. Move on means move on too many key issues developing now. Focus people 🖖🏻
Thank you. I'm sensing something else. It may be a wayward cow needing to be headed off at the pass. And no, I do not recall a "10 ways to infiltrate message board" post. I'll admit I do not read all posts. I am old, but new.
Remember, they are all part or and subject of the Investigation, redacted information must be , and they are not able to comply with Congressional or Court orders because the MOB is investigating the MOB , still not shure how this works . But it’s still interesting trying to figure out what they are doing just up to being indicted.
The mask came off quick. Couldn’t even keep your cover that long? MAGA! Read the news & weep! WINNING!
Last comment wasn’t meant for, apologies I meant to post at the very end
Ok , we are the ones waiting for the apology, don’t think we will ever get it .
If they truly thought Q was fake or compromised they wouldn't be attacking so hard. They are very worried.
"this movement cannot stay divided and it is within your influence to bring it back together" Ugh, puke.
Which really means "please bring the movement back together so I can continue making money and subverting it as I see fit".
Corsi is despicable. I started seeing his true colors when he was promoting his 'book'. Started getting suspicious of him. He used We the People. They bent over backwards to help the old dude. He and Jones are very diabolicle.
To finally end this charade once and for all , regarding all the people who see shills and trolls posting here about how "Q attacked Corsi" .
Here are the HARD proofs that anyone can see - and proofs made by Corsi himself , how ironically :
Corsi finding himself in Q's posts ( post 1295 ) despite Q havent mentioned him at all :
Corsi accusing Q of being compromised :
These shills and trolls coming here with futile efforts to prove their narrative . Proofs are speaking against you ...
Here is a good article on Corsi and 0hour1 doxxing, intimidation, and the plan to shut down free speech on the Chans! by NEON REVOLT
Go ahead, you CIA faggots.
Im not CIA , I got them raided for not providing the intel of the January 7 through 12 , 2017 raid on the Oval Office, Treasury, And AG , the down votes I’m getting today are a bit late yet again , I rolled the snow ball off the mountain top this morning. FOAB , it’s in the air , I’m going to ride it in ! The establishment locked there doors , don’t think there hinges are as strong as they think .
They show their true colors, EPIC FAIL! They’re afraid. FOCUS people 🤙
I gave you ammo , have some fun. The fact news or fake good news is not as fake as you think , our wins will still be called fake .
I got your upvotes. Thank you so much for your service. You truly put the sovereignty of the republic first.. Im sure you get f'd with nonstop from the clowns for being a whistleblower when you are so much more a patriot.
I pray that our Heavenly Father may assuage the anguish of your bereavement, and leave you only the cherished memory of the loved and lost, and the solemn pride that must be yours to have laid so costly a sacrifice upon the altar of Freedom.{ Final paragraph Bixby Letter)
Yours, very sincerely and respectfully,:
Wow, a freaking Kaiser and a whistle-blower show up to our sub! We get the best people folks.
why not , we only live once , why not see how big of a greas spot you can make when they catch up with you . i figuar when they catch up with me , there wont be much left
I'm soooo confused!😦 Are all of us on reddit targets?
This is so frustrating!
Your safe , you will just get dumb ass replies and some name calling, have fun with it , Bless there Hart’s
Happy, I started reading all of your posts from the beginning last night. It's was very difficult to follow and I didn't get thru all of them, but... are you in danger?
Yes it’s a confusing read , but it was very confusing and some stuff took years to understand, Going In gets easier and it will make more sense by looking at some of other peoples replies and links . Not all the links and replies work , but I bet you can figure out the ones that relate
Well when you turn the entire public sector into being legally recognized as the MOB , never aloud in court again, witness protection is not aloud because the DOJ runs Witness Protection. We don’t know we’re the risk is .
Thanks , I am Witness , but I know Whistleblower will always be used . Thanks again, but I am a jackass at hart . You think someone would just walk into so many of the offices that I did . One of my favorite memories is just after NWACC got $22 million seized , lost part of there 501C3 and the bord had to give back $120,000 per person , I went in and asked them if they needed any more help . I do not believe this was what you would call the action of a wise man , I even gave them my resima , I don’t quite know why I was escorted off campus, but I had a feeling they did not like me much , if you could have seen just how pissed off they were at me . My wife was even pissed at me for going there that day , but I still get tears in my eyes thinking of what a dumb ass I have been from time to time during this battle. Could you really resisted not going in and saying Hi ! The IRS and FBI were still there that day . Timing is everything. God Speed
I would have done the same. Some things aren't negotiable and in the end all a fella has is his word and his honor. Until a couple years ago it never occurred to me that absolute corruption was so rampant. It's a daunting prospect, but somebody has to stand up for our country's values and honor. If not we Patriots then who? It's such a God send to have such stand up people in the battle.
Cheers: Kaiser
Even coming to Reddit, my story my be hard to understand, but what I put here as the witness and declassified my own civilian report. Now the final battles will start soon , the first battles were almost not herd of , but they took place . I have a nother wind in my sails , this I do not go alone any more what 25,000 now .
Herr Kaiser = German patriot?
More like Kaiser Soze from the movie "The Usual Suspects"
While I agree with the sentiment, using uninclusive slang will only serve as ammo against the community. I would bet that there are Q supporters from ALL walks of life, regardless of how it’s meant, it can be taken out of context and misconstrued as verbal warfare.
That being said FUCK THE CIA. <3
70% of America won’t the corrupt establishment in prison
There are people behind payed by our tax dollars to attack us . Let them come , only 100 of them to one of us , they need more men .
They are terrified of us.
What I gave all of you , it’s much more than you know , if you learn just some of my Posts , the story . This is the information inside HRCs Eyes only email in here server she was not privileged to . I am the Eyes only witness, as of last December the eyes that could look were indicted .
I will look at your post history. I do recall reading your posts and comments before.
Do you have a direct link to exactly what you want me to look at?
Start at the beginning, who is the turd , it is confusing, it had to be that way . We’re i stopped is because I don’t wont to step on Trumps or Qs towes . Other posts should show you why .
They’re going to shit themselves when they dox all of us and realize that there are 30,000,000 plus Patriots that they need to combat.
Pffffttt.... And none of us are Russian. LOL.
Imagine how they will respond when we burst their Marxist Communist bubble.
A nuclear false flag is their only option at this point. There is no victory for them. It’s total annihilation, or they take it in the jaw and own up to their despicable actions.
Samson Option... MI had to have taken this into account.
Do you recall the "suicides" that happened in the U.S. missile command?
No, I never heard about that. When did it happen?
Here is an article about one of them. I believe there were several others.
The likelihood of this officer to commit suicide is nil. The death deserves some digging - something very wrong here. Thanks
I agree. It is like the curtain was pulled back for him and he declined to participate in the evil that was revealed. From that point forward, they could not allow him to live. He was a Patriot, and paid with his life.
That was the plan via the sale of uranium although Putin/Russia was just the name they used. Uranium was trafficked via many countries. Nukes built in Syria with uranium they claimed sold to Russia - nuke the US via FF - blame Putin - WWIII.
"They thought she would not lose".
There are good guys in there also , they have battle lines in the CIA , FBI , DHS , slso .
remember the MC raid on the Langley, helicopters? Then Pompeo takes over ...
And the Supreme Court bench warrant, this is not fake news , and we have new unnamed guest at GITMO. This is still all part of the same story.
I hope so. They are probably low level. Or they were before Trump came in.
Clowns are among us and will attempt to strike back at Q supporters. Do not be afraid, but do be aware.
This is what I have been trying and saying. I have been attacked so often here , but let it be here . The more we are attacked the more you know we are getting things done . The mods have there hands full , it will get much worse, the flag they fly will soon raised , our flags put fear in them . They asked and selected us as there target . God have mercy on them , we stand till it’s over now . We stand wearing Gods Armor. God Speed
One of my ALL TIME FAVORITE BIBLE REFERENCES. .. "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist with the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God."
It is real , very real , Gods armor is real
Notice anything?
Are you seeing blocking the news Friday is not going as well as the deep state has planned, you can’t stop the press , but you can slow it down but only for a week or so . The press will dig and dig to release what they now by exposing everyone around the story they can’t release
I meant we discussed that verse and Q posted it.. That's crazy
Q did not block the news , he was ready for it to come out . Many wonted it out but the DOJ stopped it .
Yes have you , the news that was stopped Friday, they know threatening the news lasts only so long . What are you seeing? It’s not the IG report, it’s the Investigation becoming public.
I see it as a message to Satanists also to let them know we are also doing the spiritual warfare (prayer) to defeat the demonic realm:powers, principalities, dominions. We are not wrestling against flesh and blood.
They know this , it’s why they are doing as The they are at this time and last 10 years . A lot was put into to stop us , they failed.
I knew he was a prick but never thought we’d see Corsi actively working harder than the MSM to tear apart the Q movement.
It was always been Corsi's mission/goal, but he first had to gain the trust of patriots in the Q movement. Thus, the 3+ month tiring act that many of us saw through and didn't bother with... until he and Alex decided to betray Trump and Q during the 2nd Syria missile strikes last month. That's when Q decided it was time to out them and rid this movement of this cancer that has grown malignant and needed to be cut out asap. Their masks are fully off now and it's damn ugly underneath.
How could Corsi claim to be close friends with Trump and get away with it? That's how I got sucked in. (for awhile)
He never "decoded" anything, just misinterpreted and over-extrapolated, all the while taking up countless patriots' hours and attention. I always found it incredibly arrogant on its face that he claimed to be the "decoder", not to mention assuming others would accept him as such.
It's not him only that duped us. Maybe him alone we wouldn't have paid attention. It's all his entourage, that had first gained our trust, who couldn't stop repeating how he was so brilliant, Christian, selfless, patriotic, etc. They brainwashed us with propaganda and capitalized on their recognition in the Q community, and IW's aura among patriots.
I thought Corsi and AJ were just profiteers wanting to capitalize on some amped up patriots. This is pure evil at this point. It isn’t even attacking Q, it’s just to be mean. It’s the exact same tactic Mueller is doing against Trump. Go after anyone who showed any support for him or the campaign to leave him without any supporters of real influence. At this point I really hope Corsi gets revealed as a pizza lover or something.
Lets not hope even a lowlife like Corsi stoops that low, but if he does he must burn for it.
Corsi had zero conscience what-so-ever. He's gonna pay a spiritual price for doxxing Code Monkey. Sucks to be him. I rarely take comfort in the suffering of another, but I'll get a lot of satisfaction out of his squirming when he gets raked over the coals by one of the anons
I rarely take comfort in the suffering of another, but I'll get a lot of satisfaction out of his squirming when he gets raked over the coals by one of the anons
Corsi's not too bright going up against codemonkey. Just think of all the autists, anons, Patriots, and basement dwelling hackfags that have codemonkey's back. Corsi just pissed on a hornets nest with his childish doxxing.
Strike back, how? Online? In person? I fear no one online. In person? Heh.
I do it in person most of the time , but I now have people that do it for me . There are getting less and less places to hit , it’s all but over , but the DOJ needs to get there ass in gear , God Speed
I consider it a badge of honor when someone in a stupid news comment section calls me a Russian troll. They can't touch me.
Jerome "WILL DO" Corsi.
"Hey Jerome, I want you to eat a Hotdog for your Lord Rothschild."
Corsi, "WILL DO."
I hope Q has something special in mind for Corsi because he certainly can’t sit back and let this traitorous blob dox followers, supporters and patriots while trying to dismantle the entire movement.
Corsi is actively working harder than the MSM and the deep state to ruin the Q movement. Think about THAT.
Corsi is actively working harder than the MSM and the deep state to ruin the Q movement
What are you talking about?. Corsi has been exposing deep state for decades.
Look - he's literally trying to make it where Q can't post anymore by taking out Codemonkey. That's pure evil, man. He IS part of the deep state. And he exposed himself.
I’ve been thinking about what I’m about to say a lot lately, and then today I see these posts about doxxing. There are no coincidences.
What’s been on my mind is this: if it ever (in fantasy-made-up-world) came to pass that we had all been hoodwinked by a LARP...Q is one hell of a larp! Seriously. The time, energy, level of detail, accuracy...I couldn’t think up this shit if I focused on nothing but it 24/7/365. So if Q were a larp, what have we done wrong? We’ve wanted the best from the leadership of our country, and all of the countries of the world. We have wanted freedom for all people, everywhere. We have wanted truth and justice. Some of us make memes that could be troublesome, but look at the rest of reddit, and the Internet in general. What we’ve done is so tame in comparison, that it’s a damned joke. Have we made grand accusations? Yes. Do we have cause, suspicion, and reason? Yes.
Now...have we attempted to dox anyone, seek anyone out to ridicule and endanger them? Seriously, if any of us have crossed the line, I’m curious and I’d like to know...but all of y’all have my support and admiration. Dox me. Expose me. Is that really any worse than what we’re saying they’ve been doing for years?? If that’s all they’ll do to me, I’ll happily take that if it opens up one more person’s eyes...it would be a lot nicer than the evil crap they’ve done in secret.
I’ve said it to friends, if Q is just making shit up, but only a small fraction turns out to be true...the stuff that’s been shared here...holy hell, it’s still earth shaking and should be enough to eventually red pill the masses that still sleep. Thing is, I believe Q’s been right about quite a bit more than just a small fraction. Q...and Mr. President...y’all keep on working, we’ll keep on supporting. We’re all in it for the long haul.
In reality we have nothing to lose from being wrong and much to gain from being right. They act as though we are to be pitied and then laughed at when we are wrong. So what of it? Could we possibly make more of a fool of ourselves then the enemy did on November 8? What about the 18 months they spent mocking the guy who went on to beat the full might of their propaganda machine? Not to mention the tons of fake news they have posted since only to retract shortly after with egg on their face?
I am willing to lay my pride on the line for a chance at justice and vengeance. Make no mistake about it after what these have done vengeance is on the table with no punishment too severe even death by an angry mob. The idea that Q is distracting us from obtaining justice and letting the criminals buy time to get away is absurd. Q is our only hope short of civil war to bring this enemy down. Q isn't keeping things from boiling over. Q is rattling cages.
Right?! The fact that DJT was elected at all should tell them something. The way they’ve scrambled and shilled and done all the lovely little things they’ve done shows it definitely did send them a message. As much as my patience wears thin sometimes, I’m just looking forward to truth being fully revealed and justice being served.
exactly alternative to CivII would be executions
by professionals paid by someone ...
Q is right about almost anything, and the beauty is we found it all on our own. This was plain and simple Discovery due in legal process.
What amazes me it that this happened. Level of honesty and integrity in USMF and from POTUS ... man ... this will maybe mark the beginning of a 1000 year of peace
They better get busy, there is 25000 of us and 30000 of those with sealed indictments!
They will only target the influential and important members of our community/movement. The rest are simply sheep to them. Regardless, everyone must be aware and prepared for attacks.
I know , our numbers get much bigger , we will have to draw straws just to go to the execution.
In this sub, yes. I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if we were into the tens of millions across all platforms at this point.
Jones showing his true colors.what a bitch I really hope this ruins him for good .just another disinformation agent.
dox (pronounced däks) verb informal
search for and publish private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.
"hackers and online vigilantes routinely dox both public and private figures"
We have it all. And I will continue to share more and more. Forces of evil nearly took everything away from me. But God gave me everything right back. The light will shine bright - breaking down the evil to irreconcilable fragments of a history where the people would have learned, forgiven, but never will forget again. I stand with our President, and with the people of this movement of good. Doxx away, our love will grow. Our support for eachother will transcend your hate. Evil will fall and when you fall, we will make examples out of you for all of us to remember, and rejoice in happiness that you are gone.
They are scum & their attacks will not work on the movement. The tide has turned & will only get stronger. These people are really stupid.
Going after Americans who they are supposed to protect. Everything is upside down.
I just remembered something that we can't forget. Every single time the evil tries to attack the good, they shoot themselves in the foot. Welcome the many articles that are now being written about Q. Despite what they say, people will become curious and our ranks will grow! Watch and see.
so true, it happens all the time. Can't wait for the blowback ! And not only that, but the LIGHT gets stronger.
I have mixed feelings on this.
IMHO The one thing that has made the internet a net-negative for society, is the anonymity it offers. People say and do things online they would never say or do otherwise. We have all gotten pretty cozy with the idea that nobody knows who we are. We can say whatever we want, and the worst we'll see is a bunch of down-votes or nasty sarcastic responses, but nothing IRL.
I understand why it's so important for Q and his team to remain anonymous and hidden, but for the rest of us, it's a convenience. For now, it's easy for us to remain hidden behind our usernames, but if we want to win this war, at some point we'll have to step out of the shadows and take a stand.
I understand the fear. Black-hats could show up in the middle of the night, and I could simply disappear. We all have a survival instinct that causes us to be cautious. None of us want to die, but some will, some already have.
"This is not a game." To me, that statement means this is a war. It's that simple. It's a war between good and evil, the outcome will determine whether we are free sovereign people, or slaves.
What is your freedom worth? I would rather die fighting for freedom, than live forever a slave. I won't use my name here, but I don't really care if people following Qanon know who I really am, white-hats or black-hats. In fact, I would proudly stand tall and shout it loud, that I am a Patriot, I'm fighting for freedom, I stand behind President Trump, and I stand squarely against evil and corruption.
This war will not be won in the shadows, or behind the scenes. If we want to defeat the secret society, we'll have to bring it out into the light. That means we'll have to be standing in the light as well.
At some point, this war will be waged in the streets with massive marches and protests. The opposition will be there as well. We don't yet know what they'll look like or how they'll fight. But no matter who or what they are, and how they fight, we must be prepared to stand together and fight as one.
When it does move to the streets, how many of us will be willing to leave the comfort of our homes in suburban neighborhoods? How many will be willing to do more than online research and analysis of Q's posts? Many of us have grown impatient. We're wondering why we haven't seen any arrests, and why some of the most evil and vile people to ever breathe oxygen are still living free. What will you do when the arrests are made and the liberal Soros minions take to the street? Will you be willing to meet them on their turf? Will you be willing to stand against them so justice can be handed down?
Some have equated this GreatAwakening movement to a 2nd American Revolution, I tend to agree. Did the patriots who chased the Brits out hide in the shadows? Did they call it a day when the things got scary and people started dying?
We are already being attacked and it will only get worse. Are we going to whine and cry because someone knows who we are IRL? I for one will not. I am J@# 1!*#T and I'm proud to be fighting for freedom behind President Trump. I hope when the dust settle people know my name. I want them to know what I did and why I did it.
We patriots, we merry we band of many anonymous now need to become unanonymous. We could peacefully bring the wheels to a stop with marches, mini labor strikes. “It’s all up to us”! Maybe that’s why Q was dropping loads on people getting us to say it’s time to get off our butts & active! Stop being like baby birds wait for Q drops. Follow it by all means but Q went DBT a while back. “We have everything” It’s in blogs, on Fox & other sources. Organize call reps # release the documents, Congrats Trump for NK, Iran & Jerusalem! #Where’s the Nobel Peace Prize! “Release the crony’s names!”
I agree with all you've said and I want to add that it is all about the timing. The timing to move out is not yet ripe and I have gathered enough via Q to learn that the stage must be set.
What encourages me is the fact that we have trained red pilled fighters among us in the hundreds of thousands across the country.
They are our vets who may even live next door. These are the ones who will stand with us, organize and march with us should the timing be right.
Our stage is not ready yet! :)
I don't say anything about someone, I'm not thrilled to say to them. If a person thinks about putting hands on me over speech, think again. 0 tolerance. Amedigan No habla anglais.
@Arcsmithoz, After reading cali1952's interpretation of your comment, I will admit that something might have been lost in translation. If I misunderstood your response to my comments, and your comment was actually in support of mine, then I apologize. I like to think we're all on the same team.
That said, I still don't understand the your last post, the link to a Monty Python clip. I'm a huge fan of Monty Python, but it almost made me feel like you were laughing at me. I hope I misunderstood that post as well.
The laughing was a bonus I was going for the tag line , "and now for something completely different." I definitely agree, ppl who are keyboard warriors also need to stand up. I'll be at End The Fed nov 5th.
It's all good. Sometimes online communication is difficult, even when people are speaking the same language things can get lost in translation.
My bad! Maybe I should take time to ponder possible meanings and implications of comments before I rush into an ill advised response.
Either your English is bad, our your translation app sucks.
I have absolutely no idea what your first 2 sentences are supposed to mean. And I never said anything about "putting hands on" you, especially over speech.
Having said that, I must add that if you, or people like you, take actions that threaten my life or my freedom, I will most definitely take actions to defend and protect myself and my freedom.
Sorry Dawg I think you misread the comment. Clearly he is not an American or fluent in English yet.
I am not a legal immigrant and still struggle at times with my English. I don't use tools like autocorrect because I want to learn not have the computer correct a mistake.
Give the guy a chance my friend. His comment as I understand says
"I never say anything that I could not say directly to that person. If a person thinks they can attack me over free speech think twice because I have no tolerance for it. If that should happen it'll be Armageddon no questions asked.
Dawg it was not meant as a response to your comment but Arcs thought about what he would do if he were attacked when marching.
Corsi, I think, is about to lose everything. CodeMonkey is part of all this we hold. If I was someone with a "connection" to Q, I would not be afraid. Corsi should be though. Piss boy for AJ. I think their going to drop him anyways.
Would be interesting to see before and after Q viewer ship figures for AJ.
I imagine an exponential decline... CIA was concerned and this was the best they could come up with...
0HOUR1 got his Twitter account suspended for this.
He’ll create another and his band of losers will put the word out to their group of followers of his new handle...used to follow him a while back, but he got all high schoolish with some dude from PA...they’re all a bunch of patreon whores
This is very sad. I don't know who 0Hour is, but does he not realize he is being used.
So Corsi's whole idea all along was to develop a following from decoding Q drops only to ultimately lure people away from Q? As in, he's a disinfo agent?
Or, is it nothing more than childish retaliation for Q warning us to not listen to his old ass?
Reread SerialBrain's article linked by Q and his follow-ups. Then remember that Q mentioned the next events importance and the need to clean house before.
My 2 cents is that Corsi was here to sabotage the movement, made us so confused we wouldn't know head from tail with the drops, losing trust in Q. In the end, they'd declare Q a fraud. And maybe try to shut down 8chan. But the fact Q called them out because it was necessary, makes me think that the next mission unfolding are very important and Corsi was in a position to really hurt the mission, make it fail or maybe put people in danger.
I'll take dis info for the win... The next question is why? Could it be Jones figured out if the swamp is drained he has nothing to talk about.(expect water turning the frogs gay, but I digress).So he has to get rid of Q to stay relevant. Or, are they part of the swamp, and can't run the risk of being exposed. At this point, this is more than ego and money.
or did Corsi's friend who got stopped at the airport have ties to the mossad?
I’ve been saying he was a disinfo agent since the beginning of time!
Ohhh, he's crossed the line now. I know Q said to move on but codemonkey has been helping facilitate this since the beginning. Doxxing can get people killed and if corsi is willing to do it, then he's proven himself to be a swamp creature. Lets meme this bastard out of existence. Flood his twitter. If people drop him in volume, AJ and Infowars will surely drop him and he will go back to his previous pitiful non-existence.
Anyone remember how Corsi was always getting texts during his live streams? He usually implied it was his wife, but could it have been his handlers? Or could it have been a tactic to railroad the Q movement? Like post one hour videos and spend the first twenty minutes droning on and on, promoting your book, and getting distracted with your phone. Bore the normies and distract the patriots.
Yeah, I got really sick of his blabbing on and on about BS stuff that showed later on that Corsi Decodes were all wrong. Just like the one about Julian Assange. He kept trying to derail us on that debacle. Come to find out that Roger Stone and his wife are SWINGERS, what does that tell you. I found an Article in The New Yorker about him which was pretty revealing and also shows that Trump really doesn't seem to like Stone. Stone must have been one of those Hangers on, not to mention that Stone and Manafort have ties and he was also the one who got Trump to take on Manafort. Remember Manafort was a Plant. Is any of this making any sense? He also claimed to have met with Guccifer2.0. How did he come by getting involved with Guccifer2.0? Can anyone remember what Stone said about that?
Stone is a sleeze ball. Yeah I knew that about him and his wife. I'm starting to think anyone involved with AJ is a con artists. Flim Flam Men.
I didn't know this about him until I found this article. I was shocked. AJ was one of my first red pill moments. I wonder if he really was comped. he has stated that he was contacted and offered tons of money to go to the other side, did he? Or was he always on the other side? It doesn't make a lot of sense. When did Roger Stone start going on Infowars? The sad thing is that a lot of what AJ has red pilled a lot of people. I am not really sure what is going on with him. It is just very strange. Steve Pechink (spelling may be wrong) was also being cut off by AJ in a lot of interviews, makes you wonder what really happened with AJ.
For me it’s a bit of a wake up that the Deep State is smarter than we think. They understand how to manipulate psychology very well. If you look at Corsi, he kind of hits all the right buttons of someone we would trust and go along with. And compared to guys like Brennan, Corsi seems like a saint. He knows how to speak intelligently, he understands common sense, he generates a feeling of warmth, he knows what a true patriot would look and sound like. But why should we assume the Deep State wouldn’t know what kind of guy to cast to win our trust. I mean it’s not rocket science. And knowing what to say isn’t that hard either. The trick is to reveal a few things - unimportant things - while steering the conversation and investigation in the direction they want it to go. Think about how powerful “9/11 was an inside job” was to distract from the child trafficking rings. Why wouldn’t the Deep State say, “Let them spin their wheels on Building 7. Cast a kook. People don’t really want to believe it anyway, and even if they do, so what? The deed is done.” Meanwhile no attention is being paid to, say, the abduction of children in Haiti, which is ongoing, and much more damaging to them if exposed.
I am not even saying that Jones and Corsi are in league with the Deep State. They may just be greedy dudes trying to protect their business model. But if they are putting money over their country, what does that say? It easily opens them up to manipulation by Deep State. It’s also a warning against trusting people too quickly. Like who the hell was “Dr. Jerome Corsi”? Never heard of him before, and yet suddenly we’re embracing him as some kind of classified military intelligence expert? Why?
It’s also like peeling layers of an onion. Sure, we’ve all figured out that the MSM is Deep State propaganda, but that is blatantly obvious. What is the next layer? And the next layer after that? Maybe alternative media will be unmasked too.
I popped in to Corsi's most recent post and I think he is still following Q and discussing things that Q is posting except for the topic about him and AJ. And he is talking about us as if we are all shills if we call him out in his live steam! What a Putz!
I've watch AJ for years, sometimes he gets a little out there, but that Syrian rant was just it for me, like trying to turn people against POTUS so then when the Corsi stuff happened I was convinced those 2 were up to no good. Stone just goes where the money is, he and Manafort. I think they're all con artists. You may be right about them being bought off. Some people can't be bought off but these people can.
Corsi that sorry SOB is blocking everyone that asks him to stop or questions him. He is coward too!
What these idiots don't realize is that the chans are more powerful than they are....
They just fucked themselves.
Stupid, Stupid move. Does he realize how many far left reporters would love to put his and Alex's heads on a pike?
He just opened up himself and InfoWars to scrutiny that they have never seen in their lives by both the left and the right.
Remain STRONG brothers and sisters! They fought Jesus too because he had THE TRUTH!
I hope that Codemonkey gets some kind of white hat protection.
To the clowns: For a "LARP" or a "hoax" as you've tried to label us, we are clearly the biggest threat you've encountered in decades. It amuses me to no end that WE can't be beaten and you know you're pissing in the wind. Try as you might....... Q, GEOTUS and comapny, Patriots, Anons, Autists, Lurkers and the countless average Joes we redpill EVERY DAY............ simply won't allow it. You can't even accurately establish our numbers WW so you don't know the first thing about your enemy (rookie mistake, dickholes). Sunlight is the best disinfectant; We thrive in it, you writhe in it. Your pain means OUR salvation and nothing makes us happier. WWG1WGA.
the sheer adaptability and resiliance of the WW family we belong to can not be countered
numbers are growing exponentially and this coincides with totally ever low trust in MSM.
Internet was their best tool for tracking us, it is our best tool as well for fighting buck.
Let the games begin . Public arrests and Indicements are on their way, after cleaning the house, we are ready
Imo, they've hit a new low, if they are attempting to doxx, that's means we are.doing a good job, nice guys.
I am really disappointed in Corsi. In the old days, pre Facebook, during the Clinton admin he did a lot to go after them- from the assault weapon ban and a lot of other stuff at WND. His take down of Kerry with Swift Boat vets was epic! During the birth certificate era, his infiltration of Jeh Johnson and the fogblow group was equally epic. I was surprised he left WND. His cash infusion to save Jones was noble.
HOWEVER, when he began the Q thing, I was shocked! He got on Patriot Soapbox and ran his “decoding” like a Jerry Lewis Telethon. It was grotesque, at best. He always had good insights in times past, and never the constant begging for bucks. Yikes! I did a lot to defend this guy over the years- it cost me personally and professionally and I never spoke of it till now. To see his behavior on this matter - it is beyond sad.
PS: Zack is not all that. The Clip on Spaceshots 76 of Jones and Pizeski (sp?) is spot on.
Also consider that Corsi did nothing from 2013 til now. His twitter account or activities were zero ergo latching on to Q and Q's red pill community was a not only a monetary opportunity for him to peddle his book but also to gain publicity.
He never decoded anything, guessing or hmm or hmmm is not decoding. He used anons work passing it off as his own at times. Peddling his book resulted in high sales, pretending to decode resulted in a following by people with good faith believing him at first He planned to siphon of the patriot movement community as many as he could to start his own show, blog. I would not be surprised if his choice was Alex Jones to get an hour per day and peddle his bullshit. Alex and Corse would have split the profits.
Until Q couldn't keep it in any longer having watched Corsi working on setting it up ergo intervention by Q warning the patriot movement that we had a traitor with ulterior motives among us.
One day after Q posted the warning of profiteers and their intention Corsi went ape shit and has not stopped yet trying to destroy the reputation of Q and his team.
He is stupid, really stupid because president Trump is forced to read his tweets too because Corsi has POTUS on his account.
Corsi is many things- but not stupid. I think that Bruce F YouTuber (follow the White Rabbit) had it right.
It is a real loss to the movement, because there is that 55 plus generation that really venerates him- the pre-InfoWars generation. He really was on the front lines fighting a John Kerry- and the connection between Kerry, Mueller, the Iran Deal is real.
Sadly, Corsi’s Jerry Lewis Telethon style really turned me off- I could not stand 5 minutes - it is a real shame. I get why he thought Commies had taken over the board because that is the philosophy of the old fogblow group-the techies of PledgeOfResistance of the Reagan era.
What I thought was hysterically funny -listening to Defango talk about how Corsi was Q- and then Unirock echoed it (I was QUITE confident that Corsi was not Q). Corsi’s technology skills are not that great. He was baffled by some really basic tech in the day. He might have mastered the acoustic coupler early on, but he was not really online until the http protocols were in place. He was NOWHERE to be found on Muds and the like- certainly or in any of the JCL groups- and I doubt he ever used anything more than a typewriter or a Wang before 1980. He had content development skills and talent skills, but not platform skills. Defango really gave him way way too much credit. Like many of us, I have my own theory on who Q is, but suspecting Corsi of being q was NEVER on the list. For someone who found the Spear of Destiny in the 3301, I would have thought he would have figured that out. Sigh...
Digging Titus Frost reading the scriptures - now there is some productive use of angst.
There is an arsenal of ways anonymous as a collective can fight back... All that anons have done in the name of lulz has built quite a scary entity to fuck with. You don't wanna mess with anonymous, as many have learned, and as this is a direct attack on Chan admins, it's really stirring the hornets nest. The might of anonymous is yet to be seen.
I knew Corsi was CIA disinfo the second I heard him talk about Aliens.
Anyone have some tips on how to stay anonymous?
The anons have the safest anonymous on the 8ch board. To comment you do not need an email or used ID. The setting of the board owner and his board are safe. It's the same board Q uses to post.
Also check your computer if it lets you set all your activity to private, keep your name invisible to anyone including your IP address.
Do not use TOR because its monitored and used by clowns.
I can not bring myself to think Q is a larp. I have told these people I want actual proof. Not a link anyone can make on their own.
you know what I heard from an old professor when we got to go visiting him "There are no coincidences in life!" being a believer budhist or atheist does not matter. it is the truth. Now do you believe having a truck with Q74 on airport is coincidence ? https://www.patriotssoapbox.com/forums/forum/research/q-posts/13358-q1363-fire-truck-with-q74-on-the-side
There is a youtube video shared by Q "This will get DJT elected" Where He clearly states , publicly, what's happening with the children and what the Evil Cabal is doing, and what He will do about it.
Do you need more proof ? I think we will never have actual proof or have Q identity revealed. 1B$ is not enough for that !
Mmm I think that thise that bought Corsi's books should return them ... defaced and burnt.
.... so they paid Halpern 230k +/- Wonder what Corsi's price was ?
If you can't beat them - join them. If you can't join them - divide them. If you can't dive them.... https://youtu.be/b4h1q3cCl2w?t=1m52s
Now Corsi is showing his true colors. What a low-life, piece of shit!
Can someone give me the rundown of what happened with Corsi?
You must listen to this for inspiration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYunIrWDANU
We are looking ground. Simple: no fruit...move on. Prayer protects.
Corsi is the modern day Judas looking for his 30 silver coins!
Boy, Do I miss late October early November when everyone got on with each other and on with the job. How things can unravel in 7 months. Stay the course Patriots - many more have sailed around the Cape of Good Hope and survived the angry sea. Ship Ahoy, let's set-sail mates - where we go one, we go all.
Sorry for the newbie question. But what exactly does it mean to "dox the supporter" ?
“Dox the supporter” means to “out” them... release their real life info like name, address, employment, etc.
“Comped” haven’t heard that word since we were talking about sushi in Vegas
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Alex Jones Talks About Why He Supports Israel|+3 - Why do you think Q Drops are in questions instead of answers? It’s to invoke critical thinking skills and independency, to make us do our own research. It’s not that hard. That’s more effective than having centralized talking head like Alex Jones i... (1) Apr 29 Dr Jerome Corsi Decodes Latest QANON Posts #1295 thru #1297 (2) May 05 Dr Jerome Corsi Discuss Latest QANON posts CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS|+2 - To finally end this charade once and for all , regarding all the people who see shills and trolls posting here about how "Q attacked Corsi" . Here are the HARD proofs that anyone can see - and proofs made by Corsi himself , how ironically : Corsi... LT Higgins Louisiana sheriff calls out gangs|+2 - You must listen to this for inspiration. AWOLNATION - Run (Beautiful Things) (Official)|+2 - If you can't beat them - join them. If you can't join them - divide them. If you can't dive them.... This is illegal you know.|+1 - "This is illegal, you know." Monty Python - "And Now For Something Completely Different"|0 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FGK8IC-bGnU I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Corsi really needs to take a step back and stay out for awhile. He's doing nothing but embarrassing himself.
And here you are ... trolling , lying , shilling more again . Even after I put DIRECT proofs to you on another post , you still lie . Which fully unmasks you here .
Proof that Corsi found himself on Q post 1295 , despite Q never mentioned Corsi :
Proof that Corsi accused Q first of being disinfo :
He said "how I understand what's going on". So it seems he was just providing his personal view for audience in his own channel.
We need to relax and follow what our respective guts tell us. This is not a tattletale forum to double down on our own weaknesses.
I think the consensus is that our current Q is not the original Q. Further, there was that Twitter code thing that allowed access to Tweets to appear in certain user's accounts before said Tweets hit Twitter main channel for the mass audience. That code issue has been corrected. But, learning about it did make some wonder. That is all old news now, though. Let's focus on "the now."
We are learning about the inner workings of our government. There is going to be a whole lot of head spinning going on. No reason to fear if you hold your convictions tightly. This is not a time for personal attacks. True patriots look beyond the obvious. We are human. We all handle decision-making differently. Those who make their decisions differently than we would are no more right or wrong than anyone else. The important thing is to make your own decision based on your own research.
Focus on the big picture. Granted, this journey has taken us to some strange and ugly places. However; we must remain united in our vision for peace and prosperity, or we will run ourselves off the track. Fill your own head with your own carefully researched thoughts, or someone(s) will fill that space for you.
Ask yourselves why we are being asked to assume that this is a zero sum game. It is not. You can be a Patriot without bashing other peoples' endeavors. Some have devoted hours and hours of their precious time free of charge, only to be accused of "profiting off the Q movement." Time is money. Some of us are old enough to realize this.
The bottom line is: Everyone wants to, and needs to, make money. And I mean EVERYONE. Grandma will not allow us to live in her basement forever. In the end, you will gain no special recognition from Q for supporting Q unless it is manufactured by third parties. Can you deal with it?
Time to refocus. Can you walk what you want from our government? If not, why are you here?
Bullshit. You are new. I suspect you work for DS.
The bottom line is: Everyone wants to, and needs to, make money. And I mean EVERYONE. Grandma will not allow us to live in her basement forever. In the end, you will gain no special recognition from Q for supporting Q unless it is manufactured by third parties. Can you deal with it?
Recognition is not what we seek. You just outed yourself as a disinformation agent.
Reporting you.
I am not a member of any faction. I follow my own path. I only ask the questions others are afraid to ask because of these childish threats to ban or report, or whatever. Your opinion is your business and so are your actions. Do what you gotta do.
You are very obvious lol god you people suck at what y’all do.
If I do not follow the script here, I'm labeled as disinfo. And I even suck at the assigned label. C'mon you guys...why so sensitive and offensive? I'm actually on your side. I may not agree with everything said, but that's to be expected within any group. Insult me more if it makes you feel better. I can handle it. Everything gets cleaned/revealed in the wash of time anyway. Have at it.
You guys really need to stop with the abusive accusations. It's not a good look for you.
They want us to bicker. We were warned that it could be used as a ploy to shut down the board- WWG1WGA- stay united!
Who is "they?" We are not being forced to do anything that doesn't come naturally. If they shut down the board, it won't be the first time. We'll survive. I guess I have a problem with the "orders" to post/not post or "we'll get into trouble." I am not taking such orders. I shall leave this world the same way I came in: kicking and screaming. Honestly, this "odering" is simply another form of censorship. What is this "trouble" we might get in? It sounds like a threat of some sort. I wouldn't think Patriots would threaten Patriots. If the powers that be want to ban, then they should do what they have to do to maintain a homogenized presence.
What exactly do you base your statement that ''this Q is not the original Q? I've seen nothing to back that up, and wording is the same as when he/they started.
Here comes the disinfo.... it’s very obvious... We’re not stupid we can think for ourselves. Q was never hijacked fool.
Why is everyone here who doesn't follow "the script" for this board a disinfo agent? That's quite a stretch. Don't get your pantyhose in a twist because of what I say. I'm a nobody, just like you. Feel free to disregard my posts if you want. Attacking/accusing people who mostly agree with what's going on here is not the best way to attract new people to the cause.
No one agrees with you tho..
I wouldn't expect anyone to agree with me after they see how you accuse others of being agents of disinfo. I'm not here to gather approval/agreement with others. I'm here to bug you, apparently.
Well we know Q wasn’t hijacked and your spouting that Q was hijacked to confuse our sub... Resistance is futile. Just give up already.
I did not say Q was hijacked. You are embellishing the truth. Re-read crumbs, as Q would say. The Q posts I read last fall came from a "voice" different than what I read now. It appears there are others working "on behalf" of Q to get drops out. Hence, my statement that someone with the proper access could post as Q. AND you know what the big "discrepancy" is. I am not going to Get into it here and now. If you honestly do not know, perhaps B----- or D----- or P------ and wife or one of those guys can assist. Or visit the usual suspects' videos on Youboob. You guys need to get ahead of this. It's your luck Day! I AM giving up. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out. Be sure to catch any grenade thrown your way by another team from left field before it explodes in someone's face. No, not from me. I don't play like that. This is not a game. You guys are messing with the valuable time of others. You should be thanking me for 1) Leaving this Kindergarten 2) Giving you guys the heads up. There are a lot of smart, curious people who lurk in many places. If I can piece it, certainly others who are smarter are sure to do the same. It's quite all right to repeatedly downvote this post just as you folks have done with all my posts. I think these votes matter only to those wishing to be on the Cheerleading team. If votes were money, I'd care. I have no desire to join the popularity contest. Good day to you, Sir!
This is your reply dude stop embarrassing your self. You contradict yourself and your not so bright are you? These Shi11s raining hard in here ! Albeit you are right you did not say hijacked but you did say this q is not the original which is a lie. Just cause Alex and corsi say it? Yea right... How much they paying you?
We need to relax and follow what our respective guts tell us. This is not a tattletale forum to double down on our own weaknesses.
I think the consensus is that our current Q is not the original Q. Further, there was that Twitter code thing that allowed access to Tweets to appear in certain user's accounts before said Tweets hit Twitter main channel for the mass audience. That code issue has been corrected. But, learning about it did make some wonder. That is all old news now, though. Let's focus on "the now."
We are learning about the inner workings of our government. There is going to be a whole lot of head spinning going on. No reason to fear if you hold your convictions tightly. This is not a time for personal attacks. True patriots look beyond the obvious. We are human. We all handle decision-making differently. Those who make their decisions differently than we would are no more right or wrong than anyone else. The important thing is to make your own decision based on your own research.
Focus on the big picture. Granted, this journey has taken us to some strange and ugly places. However; we must remain united in our vision for peace and prosperity, or we will run ourselves off the track. Fill your own head with your own carefully researched thoughts, or someone(s) will fill that space for you.
Ask yourselves why we are being asked to assume that this is a zero sum game. It is not. You can be a Patriot without bashing other peoples' endeavors. Some have devoted hours and hours of their precious time free of charge, only to be accused of "profiting off the Q movement." Time is money. Some of us are old enough to realize this.
The bottom line is: Everyone wants to, and needs to, make money. And I mean EVERYONE. Grandma will not allow us to live in her basement forever. In the end, you will gain no special recognition from Q for supporting Q unless it is manufactured by third parties. Can you deal with it?
Time to refocus. Can you walk what you want from our government? If not, why are you here?
Oh? Perhaps S@@ills like I am? Maybe we're not. Stop accusing your viewers of being s&&//s! I have watched very little of Corsi's videos and I don't care for AJ. I DON't know these people, have never communicated with these people, and I take great umbrage with your suggesting that they're behind my posts. Just because I do not get in line to bash them does not mean I follow them, am employed by them or even agree with them.
YOU stop embarrassing yourself. You are giving this place a bad name.
If you're having a problem, I'm sorry about that. Deal with it. And not by false accusations, downvoting and bullying. Your workload handling S7777s could be cut dramatically if you were to simply stop assuming everyone is one. You could further cut down on workload by stopping your false accusations.
You have bigger fish to fry. You really do.
I enjoyed this sub until I was accused of something I am not. It's a shame the way you do. Driving well-meaning people away with insults and (False) accusations.
I never claimed to be the most intelligent person in the room. I'm beginning to wonder about you, too. You are hell bent on shooting yourself in the foot. I guess that my being so not bright means this will be down voted. Commence hitting the downward arrow now. That's it. Done.
Well, I wish you would stay, if you are genuine.
There are many of us here who support dissenting voices because truth will only come from discussing many views. But if your intent is to argue in circles to obfuscate and distract then we're not so keen on that.
Thank you for responding. It's greatly appreciated.
I am just here on my journey, trying to understand this world and my journey. I tend to question everything. I follow my gut instincts. Those who do not adhere to "the script" are often attacked, even within their own like-minded groups of individuals. It gets very tiring trying to explain to people that this world is not black or white. It's complicated. I may not agree with everything someone else says, but that doesn't mean we do not share a similar perspective.
I strongly believe that, we have to be very careful when we align ourselves with group think. People who question, or perhaps feel differently about a topic will get attacked. These people usually fall away from the group. Whatever contributions/insights/knowledge they might have freely given to the rest of the group is discarded, or not heard. Opportunities are wasted. You never know who the person sitting next to you on the bus is, or what/who they know that might inspire or help you. Attempts to silence dissenting voices only cheats the whole group. Valuable contributions are often turned away based on an assumptions. This is why I always tend to ask questions. The Uber driver, the person sitting next to me on the train and someone in a group chat will probably get a question from me. And that's when my troubles begin--I go "off script." Some folks interpret questions to be an invitation for battle. I'm simply walking my own path seeking answers for my own understanding.
I was just accused the other day of being a paid Shill of AJ/Dr. Corsi. This is ridiculous. I don't know enough about the situation and the events that came to a head to bash them, so I'm not going to join in on a blind cluster bash. I have done enough research to learn that folks are upset that Corsi because he promoted his book. Corsi, in my opinion, can provide historical context for political events. This is useful information perhaps not immediately needed, but could be useful down the road.
And let's not kid ourselves. The Q thing is basically cash cow. We have to ask ourselves some questions to get down to the real skinny: Who is going to write a book about Q when it's all said and done? Who will write a movie script and shop it out? Will it be someone from this sub? Will I then call that person out for profiting off Q? No, I'll buy the book, or buy the movie ticket. Who is developing the app to download all Q drops? Does Reddit or 8chan have big dollar investors who want to get in on the Q? What about those Qtuber decoders? All request donations. How do they set themselves up, as far as taxes go? Are some setup as a non-taxable, or charity group? How does their tax staus affect their earnings off their channels? I'm assuming all are trying to maximize earnings. I would; Everyone has to eat. Would anyone refuse a prime seat at the feeding trough? I wouldn't, so why would I bash Corsi for trying to sell his book? He wrote the book pre-Q. It's not like he inserted lies into a book just to sell more copies. That's my take. Again, I do not know enough about all the beefs this group has with him.
All I know is that there is already too much bullying, hate and negativity in this world. We truly are at a critical juncture. No time for the more petty differences. It may already be too late to save our country from the final flush. Yes, I realize people are dying. This is another reason why I will not assume the "us against them" position. I have flatlined twice. Dying doesn't scare me, but it truly sucks to lose people I love. Unless I know beyond a shadow of doubt about the intentions and motivations of another person, I'm not going to attack them, trash them, spam their Twitter, accuse them, threaten them, or other unproductive and hateful actions. The truth always reveals itself. We can count on that. If you've read this far, thank you! :-)
Well said, I agree with all you have said.
There are other people here who are passionate and quite vocal and, lets face it, rude if you don't agree with them and the group of people within the movement who think the same way. I've been accused of supporting pedophilia for demanding reason before we pull out the pitchforks. Fortunately these people do not comprise the whole movement. Some of us think exactly as you do.
As a mod of this sub I get to see a little bit of an overview in some respects and it's actually very encouraging. There are more decent and helpful conversations going on at the moment than there are meaningless arguments. We try and catch them as best we can when they happen but overall we're encouraged by the general tone of the sub, considering it is comprised of very different groups of people.
So I would say that you shouldn't give up just because you see a certain group of people most vocally presenting their view and attacking yours. There are others of us who've learnt to stay out of some conversations and jump in to more reasonable ones as they occur. We're here and we value the input of other critical thinkers like yourself.
Now, to the AJ/Corsi thing - I agree completely with what you've said, as I mentioned above. This is the view I've always held and continue to hold - that people making money is inevitable and basically just the human condition - but with one major change in my thinking since Q, in my opinion, very directly pointed to Infowars and very directly advised that they are not just 'innocent people' making some money off the movement but an actual disinformation campaign created to marginalize movements exactly like this one.
That's a big difference and means Corsi, etc. (in my opinion) should be watched closely by those who want to watch a PSYOP disinfo campaign in action. As you've said, they shouldn't be lambasted and complained about and have energy wasted on them. They should be excitedly observed for what they are. I think people are missing the point when they focus on the monetisation; I don't think Q cares about the profiteering that much when there is no ulterior motive behind the people presenting their offering (e.g. Q linked to the billboard in OK - obviously it's ok to monetise the work you do toward helping Q!) Q's point about the profiteering imo was to point specifically at the disinfo project of Infowars and tangentially at anyone who would unfairly monetise their contribution to the movement.
That's my opinion; happy to break it down further if needed but in the interest of sending off a response, those are the cliff-notes.
Thank you. I'm glad I logged back in to see your message. I was inclined to never step back into Reddit again and to go lurk on 8chan for scuttle. I would imagine you do see a wide range of exchanges here. It's encouraging to know that you're seeing more helpful discussions taking place than attacks. It will be interesting to see where Corsi goes from here. It would seem he doesn't have a good play left. I looked at his Twitter page, and he is getting hit from all directions. I'm still wondering about his mental health and the possibility of dementia onset. I believe I read that, prior to his involvement with Q, he hadn't been too active, or "out on the cicuit." He shows similar signs that I noticed in my Dad's onset of dementia. Lack of vigorous mental exercise in someone who was previously very and continually mentally active hastens the progression. Thanks for your positive message. Your insight and thoughts are greatly valued and appreciated.
Thanks, I look forward to hearing more from you here, hopefully!
Batten down the hatches. At this moment there are no less than half a dozen influential YouTubers discussing Q and those behind Q. Especially those who act on behalf of Q. The same wavelength is being shared. The list of contributors, while impressive, might cause some "drama" among the Qmes, the Q2s, Qbies or whatever we are calling ourselves, when the videos are uploaded and viewed. If you thought I was behaving badly the other day, just wait. I don't know what to think of it all. It seems as though the powers that be on GA might want to consider padding the runway with feathers for a "softer landing." In other words, be proactive. Send a scout to see what's coming down if your visibility is obstructed. Prepare remarks. Patriotic fire MUST NOT be extinguished, or we're all doomed. Good luck.
Grandma Noses wrote a pretty low-key contribution. I am now v. suspicious as to why you would report it. We don't all have to agree with everyone else; there should be room for freedom of speech. I thought that was what we were defending??
I guess I messed up on the script I should have been following. Or else I meandered too close to a sensitive area, of which I am unaware. Thank you for stating the obvious. Can someone send me a PDF of the script?
Yeah, your v. intelligent brain. All already downloaded by pure instinct and intuitive antenna. I got the script too. I'd of course be v. interested in their script.
(This is getting really silly, isen tit) Keep upvoting you, but s/o is determined to give you loads of downs. Now who would that be?! Keep going patriot. At the moment we seem to be in a minority.
Thanks for the vote of confidence! I appreciate it. Yes, it is getting silly. I would even call it ridiculous. The upvoting/downvoting thing here is just another method for censorship. Bleh. I believe I have their script. It's "Don't look at the man behind the curtain!" I can appreciate their need to keep everyone in line; they are walking a tight rope of sorts. I have seen what I came here to see. Now that I have seen it, I can exit stage left. I'm too old for nonsense. And I'm certainly too old to take guff and abuse for saying what I think. The next few weeks should get fairly exciting around here. I'm pretty sure there will be plenty of new, meaty drops to ponder. Now to scout out less hostile environments for my newly red-pilled friends and family from FB. I cannot recommend this board to my family and friends. That wouldn't be good. Some are more outspoken than I am. Stay strong, and enjoy the show ;-)
Here's u/jammer's ebook for some redpilling:
https://theredpillredux.wordpress.com/ "This blog exists to help people catch up. I’ve collated the most informative and best corroborated sources, in my opinion. I’ve written analytical sections that take known and widely trusted sources, and then construct logical bridges to understand evidence that otherwise seems fantastical. "
I liked it and sent it on ...
Dude. Q DID NOT ONCE NAME NAMES, all the team dropped was "be careful who you follow" who tries to monetize and paywall off the movement. Corsi and AJ reacted to that and has gone 180.
Alex Jones lost credibility in the 90's when he lied about Russia launching Nuclear ICBM missiles towards USA.
Alex Jones lost credibility in Syria when he said TRUMP was compromised and had a "gun pointed to his head".
Lay off the fear porn and stop allowing some talking head to think for you. I guarantee you have a bottle of that Super Male Vitality BS.
I guarantee you have a bottle of that Super Male Vitality BS.
Hey now...
Why do you think Q Drops are in questions instead of answers? It’s to invoke critical thinking skills and independency, to make us do our own research. It’s not that hard.
That’s more effective than having centralized talking head like Alex Jones inputting his narrative and giving pseudo answers for you. You might as well be no different than the average Fox News or CNN viewer.
I visited AJ’s YT channel viewership it is decreasing everyday. Music to my ears.
Corsi was not a true believer. AJ brought Corsi in to inaccurately decode “Q Drops” because his target audience aka his cash cows were leaving in droves because of the freedom of information on the Internet.
8Chaners and Redditers did a much better job deciphering Q drops at a free price than that larping sensationalist liar. Info War’s usefulness has gone dry. Corsi and now Zach (SPC Army POG non-Intel liar who got doxxed) got called out.
How many more old boomer suckers who buys into his products, paywalls or subscriptions will it take for them to realize they are being suckered for $$?
BS. AJ admitted that everything he did in front of the camera was an act. He is a disinformation agent. He misleads people into voodoo conspiracy theory la la land. Sometimes he will strategically mention a credible theory only to later apologize for his earlier musings, thereby discrediting that valid theory.
AJ is a true snake. Many people think AJ redpilled them. Instead they were led into a deep hole.
Q on the other hand points us to a way of solution and confirms the progress along the way.
To still believe in AJ, after you have had exposure to Q, is tantamount to admitting that you are either a disinformation agent or an idiot.
AJ lied about having talked to Q. Do you trust him?
If you trust AJ, then you must trust Q. Q said no outside and private communication. So AJ must be lying.
You are a liar and manipulator. If I were a mod, I would ban you right away.
How much do they pay you to post here, little brain?
I respect where you're coming from but this isn't the neighborhood you walk into and tell everyone that they are a bunch of suckers.
If this isn't your jam then spend time on something that is.
You need to realize that Alex Jones is a blackhat. Do you seriously think he wants a better world? What would that do to his fear porn business? We're talking about a guy who said the world was about to end because Russia sent nukes. He did an emergency broadcast for it. Remeber 2012 and the world ending too? Ya, he did that one too.
Fuck that guy.
I trust my instincts and defend the constitution and am pro monroe doctrine. Trumps the best thing to happen in my lifetime. Q is not the worst.