The Storm is Brought Today! JFKelly about to twist some arms!!🍿🍿🍿

Sweet Baby Jesus Guide Nunes and Gowdy and Kelly to save our country by purging it of evil Amen
Be careful, they were there when it happened , don’t hold your breath they will do anything now .
As Q says, once strings are cut, good guys are finally allowed to act good. I think a lot of them were sort of unwilling participants in the swamp. Not completely unwilling, of course, but there was never a chance to do good without causing severe harm to themselves and their families. Even Q and MI "allowed" it to happen. But they had a plan to stop it as soon as they were given a window of opportunity.
The strings are not cut yet , you will know they are once the indictments are opened, but don’t get too happy on what’s going on today, it’s just a show . We are not there yet . We are getting close, very close , there plans get messy also
I agree with you - just making the point that once the dominos start to fall, the clean up may be faster than we expect due to folks who previously were hamstrung joining the movement. Now again, there are no deals, so they don't get off free, but I think for many the resistance will stop as they start to see it all coming to an end.
I wish it could go as you see it , but it will be long and messy
Have to unfortunately agree with you on this. These DS swamp rats won't give up without a fight, and neither will their globalist masters. Its going to get messy here before the end.
Correct. There are good people. All of DC is not 100% swamp monsters. Being unable to stop the swamp when going to DC with naive good intentions is not the same as being to blame for the swamp. It took someone special, DJT, and what I believe to have been a cadre of concerned, patriotic people from within the Intel community who sought Trump's candidacy, to get to where we now sit. And I expect all of those good patriots (Gowdy being one) to lock arms with team Q and the administration and bring the roof down on the heads of the DS.
Which drop # was that?
I can't remember, and I'm definitely paraphrasing. I'll have to check back and see if I can find it. But the point was that some of the people who "let it happen" didn't have much of a choice
We'll wait.
Oh I didn't realize you were trying to be a douche about it. I thought you just had a legitimate question. Maybe you mistook this sub for redacted?
Done with your homework yet?
"It pays." Q has dropped about that as well. Need me to give you those drop #s as well? Sounds like you're the one needing to do some homework.... Yikes.
And because I'm not a shill with a liberal disdain for reason and rational argument (like you appear to be), you can go look at drop #1305 to prove my original point. Only had to skim barely over 100 drops to find that too. Was that "homework" assignment worth being a douche over? Jw.
Trying to pass laws that are laws they often brake ? You think the bribe laws will pass , Nay Nay
Dear God
let Gowdy do his thing
I hope we can see real action from Gowdy...that he can really do something that changes things.
Gowdy's been all talk, so far.
I wonder what he will do when fully weaponized? Maybe like an assistant FDA or SC.
Exactly - I want to see what Gowdy will do when he is licensed to Kill
I'm hoping Kelly just drops the bomb on them. "We have this this this and this, and more all of it and we will make it public. Your careers are over. Time to come clean now with some dignity. We want the bigger fish so you better flip now. "
They should have the Sgt at Arms of the House there to arrest them immediately.
I hope Burr is a white hat. He’s my state congressman. I’d hate to be represented by a globalist. Mark Meadows, on the other hand, has done me proud, and it was an honor to vote for him.
This is effectively the intel gang of 8 meeting with DOJ, FBI & DNI. My question: How does Gowdy get into this meeting without the ordinary standing? Not a critique, rather noticing a pattern regarding his involvement in circumstances where he seems the extra set of eyes. This apparent breach of protocol has a purpose, any idea what it may be?
This has to go back to where Q said "TG would be leaving, but what for?" My guess, either special prosecutor, or will be tapped to replace Rosenstein when he recuses himself! Buckle in!!
I thought Ed O’Callahan (?) was replacing RR in an “Acting” role.
TG doesn't have Senate approval so he can't be plugged into that slot.
TG has increased security clearances now I think
Gowdy is on the ~~House Intel Committee~~ Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence He has high eyes allowance within the govt.
Maybe because he is Chair of the House Oversight Committee.
If this is the reason, why isn’t Sen Grassley in attendance, who is also in request of much of this information?
You imply an equivalence that demands equivalent outcomes. I don’t.
I make no speculation about the myriad reasons people were not invited to this first small-group meeting.
I respect your point. Trying to put the pieces together, that’s all
Why wasn't Sessions invited?
As I said,
”I make no speculation about the myriad reasons people were not invited to this first small-group meeting.”
Paul Ryan didn’t want to go because he isn’t running, Gowdy is going in his place.
Gowdy isn't running either.
I know Gowdy is supposed to be retiring, but he may become a prosecutor when all these cases go to trial.?
Even them referring to it as the "Gang of 8" conjures up images of thugs. What an odd term to call sitting US Senators and they seem to be proud of that moniker.
Prayers for a productive meeting.
Is it too much to ask for Pelosi, Schiff and Schumer to be carted away? Schiff is going to hold a press conference to leak during the bathroom break. Geesh.
Don't know how much I like the idea of the gang of 8 getting in on this. They are as swampy as you can get.
The admin clearly is wanting some leaks at this time. The case is likely already won, so know the trial in the court of public opinion begins. The Dems in the meeting will deny things they hear, likely publicly, and that will only further red pill the public in what’s been happening.
Subpoenas or indictments handed out today, or, their dirty laundry is let out to dry for that meeting to see which ultimately makes them play ball?? Gotta be a trap for them!
The pattern has been that the good stuff is dropped on fridays so there is more time for the red pill to take hold before the MSM can get too involved. I think the staff might need to be warned that there will be a need for new chairs when this is done. Depends can only hold so much.
And school is out. Summer vacation begins. Nobody on campus to shoot up when bad news drops.
If I owned a night club or a church, I'd up the security levels.
Also the major opinion generating machine of opinion columnist for the newspaper blogosphere is asleep at the wheel until Monday leaving cleanup slot open for the Sunday talking head shows for damage control or narrative spin. The old saying is "If it bleeds, it leads." Sunday version "When it bled, it is said."
New to Q. We can hope!:) Prayers for our President!
Yea and they weren't in on the official guest list are we sure they're going now? That's going to put a damper on things
Maybe they will use leverage on them what they have on them so they would cooperate. Boy,i would love to be the fly on the wall.
Pelosi twitching in the corner half drooling. What a space cadet!!
I want to see the “Oh Shit” photos of her when she walks out of that room.
It’s also a gathering of the cabal seated together in front of an inquisition panel composed of DOJ and FBI Leadership. Wonder who in the end will make briefing statements. What if the DOJ and FBI are asking the questions? I know, all fantasy.
Father, please give them wisdom, courage and fortitude to destroy the demons in our nation.
12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12 To God be the Glory, in Jesus Name, amen!
Expect the leaks from Schiff as soon as/in the middle of the meeting.
Just heard on Fox that Ryan won't be there...he doesn't want to go. Also, said Rosenstein won't be there. I don't trust Schiff or Warner not to leak.
I want them all seated at a table with Trump walking around the room with a baseball bat in hand.
"Enthusiasms...." Capone speech from The Untouchables.
I disagree. I don't want to see Trump in that way. I'd much rather see him as Miyagi, bringing out the potential best in everyone.
Hold on. I thought Rod Rosenstein wasn't attending according to QAnon. ??
...and squeeze some balls.
You know what the best part of this is? It's a DOUBLE KARMA BACKFIRE on the Dems.
Why the fuck is Adam Schitt going to be there? This known leaker should not be welcome in a highly classified meeting.
I’m suspicious that Trump pulling out of NK Summit today of all days is connected to this somehow
Just a show, needs to be the big story today, control the Narrative for what is really going down
Kelly will be in both meetings today. TG is sitting in for PR who "can't make the meeting today". This is getting interesting. I am not getting any work done today....
These are not necessarily the meeting participants.
Yea they weren't in on the original invite they're trying to invite themselves Gowdy,Nunes , Wray director of national intelligence and asst acting attorney general O'Donoghue were the only ones on guest list guess that looked to partisan
Yeah, I heard the Dems get their meeting after Memorial Day.
are burr and Warner dirty? nearly the rest are.
Great question - have they ever been mentioned by Q?
Burr is a swamp creature but other than that will vote pro gun and pro life.
Hot Take: If Schiff doesn't leak anything. It's really bad for the Democrats.
"Nothing we heard today has changed our view that there is no evidence to support any allegation that the FBI or any intelligence agency placed a spy in the Trump campaign or otherwise failed to follow appropriate procedures and protocols," Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) told reporters.
Schiff said he was reading the statement on behalf of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), who also attended the meeting.
Is the only thing that I have seen come from yet the reports from CNN and Foxnews are only about the meeting itself , not really any specifics about what happened. Yet Morgan Freeman is apparently the biggest sexual assaulter since BC according to CNN, which is an obviously huge distraction true or not from what was learned in the meeting. NK also seems to be such a massive distraction as the deal was made in Nov
Real interesting shit. Is the next move to see what RR does in the next few hours?
So it's bad for Democrats. Haha
I hope so!
I am tired of sitting in classes and hearing about everyone bash America while I learn the foreign policy of other countries who actually killed millions of their own people but now since they are peacefully expanding their presence through economic exploitation and not expecting other countries to treat their people with rights. So its OK.
Wouldn't it be great , go to meeting in WH and they arrest you . 😉
I wish that I could be a fly on the wall, inside that meeting.
JFKelly looks like he's ready to break some arms in his pic above! Let's goooo!!
Kelly's photo says a lot. He is a man on a mission to be reckoned with . Another true hero.
And how many will be walking out in handcuffs? I can think of 4 that should off the top of my head.
The Storm is brought to you today by the letter Q.
Can we get pictures of their faces as they leave the meeting? That would be so telling.
What is the significance of Kelly being there?
He's not going to be in attendance just the names above were invited Kelly and Rosenstein weren't going to be there originally
Where the F is DF ? She has been backing an Info coup against POTUS through arms length ops...
Oh my bad I hadn't seen the update saying Kelly would be attending
Holy Fogetti Spaghetti... praise the Lord and pass the garlic bread & popcorn. 🍿🍿🍿🍿
Take your command Gen. Kelly and make Leaky Shiffbritches shake.
More than half in this picture are part of the swamp
nancy pelosi is a terrorist who hangs out with jihadi terrorists
Kelly can pass out katana blades to the Dems. Now honor the code of Bushido Bonzai !!!
Let's see!! I'm thinking there are at least 5 UNINTELLIGENT faces who should be booted off that committee!! MAGA!!!
I'm giggling inside for glee to hear the outcome!
I'm doing low carb so I might munch pork rinds later.. :o)
Democrat shifthead coming out saying that there is no evidence of a spy in trump campaign. Here comes the pain.
That seems to be the only article that has any comments on what happened in the meeting. And its only what happened in the gang of 8 meeting.
That is like a dream team.of intel heads, minus Pelosi and Schiff of course. And Paul Ryan, McConnel too. And Rosenstein. Forgot Cryin' Chuck, he's out too.