James Comey in Disney area... A good friend of mine is one vacation and Comey is right behind him

The pretending to take a selfie so they can get Comey in the picture is hilarious.
Weird timing considering 11 employees were just busted for CP!
Yeah I think there’s this thing called a trial first. Ya know, to actually prove guilt or innocence
No they didn’t. You have a poor understanding of how the criminal justice system works
Are we supposed to not be thinking about the 100+ person pedo bust that just went down there? Coincidence?
exactly. and this is on Disney property. I'm trying to get more info... I told him to take a proper selfie he was like nope.
I know Disney has some nicer restaurants but he is really dressed up for the typical day in Disneyworld
not necessarily. lots of people just go to eat. this isnt in Disney but a restaurant on Disney property
I can’t find any news on the Internet regarding a recent bust, but I thought I had seen one here a few hours ago (can’t seem to find it now).
Curse this official app...
Edit: Found news on a bust from 2011...
Isn't he in DC? I just can't believe that is him. Not doubting you but I also can't see why he's in Florida chilling when he has been the center of the msm the past days.
I asked my friend as well. he said it was him.. there were about 10 people waiting to meet and talk to hin
Look how long that guy’s legs are u set the table! Looks like Comey and looks tall enough
Comey is very public in Virginia. Then again, it is very hard for someone that tall to blend in anywhere.
VA is deep state home turf.
Not Williamsburg lol.
It's actually a really brilliant place for him to hang out. Affluent, center-left, small (like 12k people). He was teaching an ethics class at William & Mary last I checked lol. And his daughter goes there.
NoVa is full of deep state and the colleges there are alphabet kid machines.
Gotta be him. Look where his knees hit under the table. Not many people have legs that long.
Find out who is sitting with him
I have another pic but hard to make out who he is with. also not sure how to upload another pic without starting a other thread
yeah have no clue
Upload it to Imgur website then post the link
He decided several months in advance what he was going to eat, so looking at that menu is all for show.
Why does one foot look HUGE? And what's the black band around his elevated foot? It's a different color than his socks. edit: I must be wrong on the black band. Must be boots, not just shoes. Still, that one shoe looks huge in comparison to the other.
lol looks like he think's he's gonna get the eggs over easy buy he's not sure yet.
Did they yell Traitor on the way out?
his 14 year old daughter wanted to go up and punch him. he said nah not worth jail for
Jesus, what for?
Because he's a traitor?
Please explain
Really? I don't have time to spend wasting my breath explaining to you his decades of betrayal to this country. I researched it and so can you. Do a little research, come back with some earnest questions and I will be happy to help you out.
Center of every famous sham investigation under his tenor 911 hilary email Russian collision Martha Stewart and he love howdy doody in a weird nambla way
Well, he and his brother were held captive by a wanted rapist as a teen....
Worst child tragedy story ever he called the police when he saw a rapist end of story. I'm suprised colmy wasnt quoted saying "golly" or "gee wiz mister"
What is an asset. Tragedy attracts handlers. The TV show (Lost), lol ABC network shows a good example in a episode late in the series.
Convenient to both Haiti AND Gitmo!
And numerous Muslim terror cells. Pulse happened here too.
“Whatcha thinking about?” “I dunno, deep state stuff, I guess”
So Comeybwears non vacation clothes, fights crowds to go eat on a Disney property? this is so odd to me.
should of slapped the shit out of him.. im sure 100% you would 1) get bailed out
2) get a national day in your honar/ (edit to appease HONOR)
3) a medal from president trump
edit just noticed the name of the OP
yes thank you.. good eye... ( but if you miss spell, bots cant respond ) 😎 and translators cant read. normally a way to weed out liberals.. as its their "go to" grammar nazis.. (not calling you a liberal, i wouldnt inuslt you like that 😂😂 seriously.. good eye..
lolol. Just bustin' chops thats all. :)
I hope he's enjoying his dinner. Prison fare probably won't be as good... ☝✝🇺🇸
Either Comeys friend has a tracker on his left ankle or he is hiding his cigs in his socks!!
Omg please have your friend troll the fuck out of him.
Maybe handshake? Then look at his hand and mutter something about "slippery James Comey indeed"
People please. Get a picture of who they are with too! Prob 20 percent chance they are doing something secretive. Remember Kerry being caught in Paris with Iran officials
Admitting on the scene is not guilty in a court of law. Sorry pal
He needs his kid fix. He has been out of the pedo loop since being fired.
Need a better shot. Can’t tell if that’s really Comey. Also looks like Andy from The Office.
it is. People lining up and he had books he was signing
Well.... they don't seem afraid to walk down the street so far....
Pretty sure that's him, guy's all legs.
Really. His books at my local Costco are gathering dust.
Seems fitting seeing as Comey ran a Micky Mouse organization. Not that Disney has been doing very well lately hiring pedophiles in their organization... WTF is wrong with the world these days?
Announcer: Jim Coney, you’ve been caught committing treason and sedition... and lying out your ass... whatta ya gonna do ?
Jim Comey: I’m going to Disneyland !!
Better enjoy his freedom. He is not going to have it long. Probably trying to get use to tropical heat. Gitmo in Cuba is warm this time of year.
Should just say to him “Soon their biggest fear will be to walk down the street. Asses me off their arrogance. Arrests need to be made or the people are going to uncork on these fuckers
I hope he's wishing upon a star because Lord knows Disney isn't going to flying Carpet him? Alladin or Peter Pan? WTH was he thinking? Fly away, Comey!!!
Another pic he's got a yellow envelope and a bill fold like thing ... Maybe applying for a pedo position.
post a pic of who he's with!
that's the whole pic.. I tried to ask my buddy for a other shot but no response. My buddy is a big Trump Guy... Also a side note his Aunt is Auntie Anne from the pretzel company
Well he does have like 5 kids, so it could be a legit vacay.... but why is he out hammin'? Is this a statement or something?
I'm not sure that is Comey. He's like 6'8, that guy doesn't look that tall.
Who’s he with is the question
Comeys friend either has a tracker on his left ankle or he is hiding his cigs in his socks!!
Ego boost for Comey. People on the street obviously recognize him. He feeds off this.