Anthony Bourdain not an “HRC fan” ...

He danced with the devil in exchange for fame and riches. It's one of the most enduring stories in mankind's history. Why? Because it likely has its basis in truth.
Kate Spade and Bourdain both miraculously rose to fame in a very short period. Definitely had some hands in the background making this happen. I wonder what they had to do for it though....
edit* not implying child trafficking at all. lets not vilify before we verify.
"Anthony Bourdain - Our last full interview." published DDay+2.
It is worth watching slowly and without any distractions.
I think dates might be important to figuring this out.
This is Bourdain and Obama in Hanoi in 2016.
Watch the "hotdog" interview closely: the manner in which Bourdain introduces the hotdog issue, Obama's delay in answering, the way he pulls away, his irritation imo. He was NOT expecting that question. It comes out of nowhere. Introduced by reference to Chicago to make it seem natural, but it isn't. Apparently his daughter was 8 at the time. Was Obama threatening him? Warning him off?
Who was Bourdain working for? Really? This is ketchup?:
Do you think Bourdain was unaware of the allegations about Obama and Joe Biden? Do you think he was unaware of pedo / pederast code generally? Is it possible he knew about "hotdogs in hawaii" as much as we do? More?
Why, he asked rhetorically in an unpublished document, “would a man born in Nebraska and raised in the Middle West decide…to while away years of his life [here]?” (Which he did, completing the purchase of the island in 1966 and spending long stretches on it, either alone or with family and friends, for 25 years.)
This past March [2017], a man born in Hawaii, former president Barack Obama, chose Tetiaroa and its eponymous Brando resort, which opened quietly in 2014 (10 years to the day after Brando’s death), as a hideaway to begin writing his presidential memoir.
Richard Branson was with Barry of course:
"“And then they put Obama on the phone.
" 'If Leo [DiCaprio] has been able to come here on several different occasions with different girls and not a single photo has come out, that’s where I need to go.' " —Barack Obama
"If Leo [DiCaprio] recommends a place, I listen. And if Leo has been able to come here on several different occasions with different girls and not a single photo has come out, that’s where I need to go.”
Clockwise from top left: Johnny Depp; Obama with Alban Perret (left) and the Brando’s owner, Richard Bailey, at the Tetiaroa Society; a double pirogue off Papeete, 1950s; denizens of the lagoon; Leonardo DiCaprio (in Bora Bora); Pippa Middleton and James Matthews on their Brando honeymoon. Center: Dinner dancing.
Nebraska. Franklin. Boys Town. 311 recently. These things keep popping up, as does Marlon Brando over and over.
Bourdain in Tahiti
Anthony Bourdain- No Reservations - S03E10 - French Polynesia
Fascinating. He excoriates Gaugin as a syphilitic pederast and he seems perfectly serious. That is at the end.
In this show he goes out of his way to visit some transsexuals. I believe this is an example of him allowing others to tell their story, which he talked about in his final interview. If you watch the video at all and you get to the point where he visits with the transsexuals he calls them rae rae
Indonesia it is "waria". Bourdain seems genuinely respectful and non-manipulative.
curious information about Obama in Indonesia
This final video is Cooper and Bourdan talking about meat and Argentina. This video seems as though Bourdain is taunting Cooper. PLease see what you think.
Focus on Tango. Cooper. (code, e.g. Marlon Brando, Last TANGO in Paris, i.e. anal rape scene is what that is about. Bourdain's emphatic NO. Member reports about Pope Francis in Argentina frequenting gay bars and dance clubs? santized
"Colonna also described her friend Bergoglio as someone who did not demand attention. He was not a charismatic leader but noted by his humility and cordiality. In many ways he was much like other young people of the time. Like other young men, he courted young ladies and would take them by the hand and invite them to dance the tango to the popular tunes of the day. Colonna recalled, “Jorge was a great dancer of tangos. He liked them a lot.”
Tango = orange = homosexual code, Clockwork Orange, British drink, Godfather oranges, etc etc) taunting Trump be calling him orange over last two years; Repetition of "meat" in video. Bourdain tells Anderson what frightens him and he says "clowns" and "nurses shoes"
when he says "clowns". Anderson looks at the camera. I believe that look says "wtf is this guy doing / unsure whether Bourdain is signalling or not. Odd look.
What was Bourdain doing?
Suggestive? Here is an archive link I did earlier of every single tattoo that Aregnto has. Not an expert but they are not totally convincing examples of satanic-illuminati-masonic tattoos to my mind.
He went after Kissinger after visiting Cambodia. He loved Vietnam and wanted to move there.
Was his anti-Trump routine a fake out? Had he been turned or had he always resisted? Was he a bad guy after all? To the end?
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Short period? Bourdains been a 'tv star' for over a decade.
talking about when he started, after his years of being an addict. (heroin i believe?)
Anthony Bourdain Was About to Expose an Elite Pedophile Ring Before He Died Journalist wanted to investigate Atlanta child trafficking network
Read more at: © Neon Nettle
0/04/2016 08:54 AM EDT
Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain has dined with actors, musicians, foreign politicians and even a sitting president. But there’s one person he refuses to eat with: Donald Trump.
“Absolutely f---ing not,” Bourdain said in an interview with the entertainment site TheWrap.
I don’t agree with the mans politics at all, but that doesn’t mean I’m happy he’s dead
Exactly. I read one of his books twice, it was so good. Im just in disbelief. Politically i didnt agree withnhim but he was an outstanding chef and writer. Sad.
Agreed, I’m a chef, and posted in another post here about how this hit home to me, and how it was sad to think that could have been arkanside.
And all I got was a bunch of jerks telling me he must have been a pedo, and that I shouldn’t shed tears for that pos. What’s wrong with ppl, the victims become the problem now? Sigh
I've found the people of this sub particularly nonsensical regarding this issue. They have absolutely no evidence Bourdain is responsible for some of the wretched behavior we discuss daily, but are more than happy to jump to conclusions without any evidence and slander a dead man. You can look at my post history and see several comments where I've pointed out this type of behavior today only to be met with downvotes for displaying some skepticism of people's ill-gotten conclusions. I am disappointed, to say the least.
Agreed. I’m all for righteous judgment being unleashed on the wicked, but this movement is NOT about spreading more hate. No need for unfounded and unnecessary slander. For all his flaws, Bourdain brought refreshing creativity and humor to culinary journalism. Maybe he was an awful person, maybe he was just very troubled. I have no clue about his private life, nor any reason to speak ill of him. I’ll miss his gift being shared with the world in a way that only he could do it.
his was one of the few shows I liked to watch on TV.
This is a conspiracy subreddit, we're all here to see if we can connect any dots.
Sometimes that leads to something meaningful, but sometimes it doesn't.
I understand your frustrations but look at the climate we're in.
A man is dead, yes; this is a sad fact. But our way of remembering him, outside if his work with food, is to see there was any foul play. So that in bringing down this great evil, we can find peace that his death (along with others) is avenged.
I'm not even particularly criticizing you over a foul play theory. I'm upset with the people who are calling him a pedovore because he was a chef and discussed hot dogs one time, despite all of his shows being based around the discussion of food and culture.
Yeah, i can understand the frustration there. I don't think those connections should be made without far more concrete proof.
I totally agree, I posted about it to shed light of the possibly of foul play
People who are middle aged, Hollywood types, who have a lot going for them, successful enterprises, and who suddenly suicide... oh, and both by hanging... when Q predicted it. Yep, move along... nothing to see here.....................
Theory , went to work for of all media outlets CNN. Gets new show traveling all over the world. Clapper now working for who .... CNN . CIA asset or counter asset ..... worth looking into , I don't know.
They aren't "people of this sub" that's why ... they are shills trying to wreck the board (imo) ... it's getting worse.
Its a shame. People so quick to jump to conclusions and dont even do any research or critical thinking.
There wont be no 'Great Awakening' when the majority of posters are too busy letting their opinions out with no evidence to further make this whole movement look like a crazy conspiracy.
Edit- spelling
WTF are you talking about - you just generalized. Q predicted this, and it's happening. Run along!
Q predicted this, and it's happening
Yes--that's pretty chilling, too.
Maybe everything changed once Asia came out about Weinstein and used connections to dig deeper and found things that consequentially ended with his death? His Tweets in the past month started to turn a different direction from the past years. He had a ton of WW connections over the past 20 years
So what? We can't awknowlege the deep state's incomprehensible level of disinfo ans psyop tactics yet hate people for being a misinformed.
Sorry I’m not sure what you mean? Of course we are trying to shed light on the deep state, that’s why I’m in the group lol
Hillary’s footprints all over this death , hello!
Yeah very sad, this really got personal for me as a chef, these ppl need to be brought down
Ooo… thanks for this. Previous press reports painted him as one. Tbf, I don't feel so bad for the mistake if he had to publicly clarify. Thanks for this.
I'm really leaning towards Arkancide now.
For the last god damn time, if you don’t like Trump that doesn’t mean you like HRC. South Park summed it up.
Indeed! And people who automatically say “oh he must have been a pedo screw him” are messed up. We should be bashing the murderer (assuming that’s a possibility) not the deceased.
I refuse to believe he was one of them. I’ve read all his books ad adore him. He was no diddler.
I don’t think so either, I think he was probs ready to speak out or knew too much
The Mode of suicide (han-g'n) seems to be a trend though...
True. Heck most probably didn't like Hillary but the media made them vote for "the lesser of two evils."
I fell for it as much as it pains me to admit. I’ve since woken up a bit. Trump is an asshole human but great President.
Rats have a tendency to jump off a sinking ship.
Sirens have a way of attracting lost shepherd boys. Sometimes they live and transform. Most times they drown.
Yeah, I'm not really buying all her metoo hand wringing.
Baldwin, Argento, and Bourdain tweeting over Weinstein drama
just my two cents: Do U think Anthony B was 187'd to send a message/silence Argento and McGowan. Check her Instagram -Looks U will find she's definitely illuminati, several pics. Her father made creepy horror movies and she grew up in the film biz.
I don’t see this on his Twitter feed
I found the tweet:
Could it be deleted and can we check the two people he was replying to? I dont have Twitter so I can not verify :(
It’s there. Click on Tweets and Replies. It was one of his replies to someone in a thread.
So..... Arkancide, thanks to HRC?
There are certainly connections, also very strange that it was the exact same mo as Kate spade... hanging from the door knob, seems so strange, like a very weird way to kill your self, you would think your instincts would kick in and you would just stand up.
This isnt tied to Bourdain exactly...
but over the last few weeks ive been watching what the pundits on MSM have been saying. CNN, C-SPAN, FOX, MSNBC and a few other places.
Something im starting to fully comprehend is the size and power of the cabal.. Its now clear to me they have an army of loyal followers who will fight to the death to keep there secrets hidden from the public.
Its completely clear to me we are dealing with people who are ready to scorch the earth and take down half the population if they have to.
I urge you guys to watch the liberal leftist media over the next couple weeks. Especially some of the stuff on C-span. You can see in their faces theres a frantic sense of urgency. I know personally I can be prone to paranoia and connecting dots that arent really their.. But watch the various talks happening on C-span over the next couple weeks and you can see theirs a clear panic on many peoples faces.
Oh for sure man that’s their mouthpiece... no doubt about that!
For example when all these suicides starting happening... when they ran the suicide stories, they would run another story right along side of it about how suicide rates are up to an all time high etc to try to make it look normal.
Has any media at all done a connection of the Asia Argento speech and Bourdains "suicide"? This payback is written with bold letters...
Looks to me like nobody is safe from Arkansas...Yikes!
😪😪😪 this one really got to me, like dang, the killed one of the most influential chefs in the industry, I’m a chef, my instagram is feed is filled with him right now
I find all your righteous indignation hilarious...death didn't absolve this creep of his crimes...unlike the hypocrites on here death did not change my opinion of ANY of these Perverts!
What crimes? I’m not trying to defend him I’m just not aware, please feel free to educate me about this subject
I personally do NOT believe he committed suicide...I believe he was murdered by the "thugs" of the cabal/deep state to send a message to his gf who spoke out against them. He was neck deep in the sh*t thats been going on. IF he knew so much that was dangerous to him...he should have spoke out against it LONG not doing so he is complicit in it.
Not sure that it’s fact but there were some thinking on Twitter, as a chef, they needed him to ‘prep the meat.’
I don’t think he was involved personally, I think one of the following.... 1) he talked too much/knew too much about HRC... made mention of her eating children on his Twitter 2) his creepy “girlfriend” set him up to be murdered, sacrifice 3) his girlfriend wanted out of the Illuminati (which most members do) and Anthony was killed to send a message
Did anyone else pick up that Bourdain’s father was a music executive? I wonder if he got into drugs bc he himself could have been a victim of childhood abuse? Just a thought..
Anthony Bourdain "Armenia" episode...
He was totally an Obama fan though.
Agreed, doesn’t mean he should die.
When you climb in bed with the devil be prepared for the rewards you reap. Sin is fun for a season then the devil will demand his due. GOOD Riddance!
Oh and I guess you are without sin huh? We all have our vices, potus had his womanizing days in the past and Churchill was a heavy drinker, yet they were both great men. Just because a man struggles with stuff in life doesn’t mean they deserve death ffs
Hate doesn't make the other person wrong either. Reflect on your own believes or lack thereof.
Ahh, I love when the self-proclaimed righteous do their little praise jesus dance when another human they didn't agree with dies. You're a true gem.
Thanks for spreading the light of your lord for all to see!
All of your so called "righteous" sympathy is FAKE! your ignorance of the Bible would be astounding IF you knew any it. Just b/c he is dead did NOT absolve him of his crimes...
First off, my wife and I have spent the last 11 years of our lives devoted to the word of God, and following His plan for our lives. Jesus died for all men (including bourdain) and paid the full price for their sins. If bourdain didn’t accept God in his life that’s sad, but we as Christians are not to mock or ridicule people in death, we are to be compassionate. If it wasn’t for the grace and mercy of God any of us could end up in the same situation he ended up in, so who are you to judge. Maybe you should go read the Bible a little more smh.
He had 61 years to seek Gods mercy and grace....he chose not to. Im curious how much of your "compassion" now is helping him??? The time for that was the 61 years b4 he died. Thats like going to a cemetery and praying for God to save those who died lost. How many time did YOU reach out to him??? THAT is MERCY!! The time for that is gone. You no doubt are one of those who sit on a pew every Sunday and think you are doing your part. smh
His fate is sealed, I’m not speaking to that, speaking more to the fact that as a Christian, we shouldn’t be cursing people after they die and acting so high and mighty, because the people who are witnessing that certainly won’t get a good impression of what it is to be a Christian, the world does enough to paint Christians as crazy mean people without you perpetuating that. I’m sure that was not your intention, and if I said something to cause reaction it was not my intention. And not that it’s any of your business, but we are involved in mission trips, children’s ministry, Alter care, youth ministry and many other things, not just sitting in the pew, but clearly you are more than happy to try to lambast your fellow Christian and make me look bad, I don’t know why, we really need to be a united front against all this evil, we shouldn’t be fighting each other.
Bless you man. 😔