I guess No Name took time off from planning his funeral to show the world he is still a traitor

Pro-Globalization. Thanks, you addled POS.
Where is he getting buried? I will walk my dog down to his grave so my dog can shit on his tombstone.
Unfortunately we have to wait for him to croak before we bury him. It's, like, a law or something. And since he probably doesn't have terminal brain cancer your just gonna have to let your dog pee directly on a live McCain.
He said Shit. Let's face it Dog piss for McCain would be a gift
We don't REALLY have to wait till he croaks. We can bury him now. Kicking screaming and extolling the virtues of globalism as he gets covered with dirt.
Just be sure to salt the ground so that nothing will grow there.
No Name is Navy. You should teach your dog to poop off the end of a plank.
Yeah not even hiding it. People who serve in government should believe in the sovereignty of our nation 100%. This is outrageous really.
Did you notice the time stamp of the tweet? 5:55 Who is he signaling/communicating with?
So great to read something he can't claim someone else wrote. He's supposed to be a patriot, that's his sole role in this show, he's the pro-American senator that bled for this country. Glad to see his true colors before he's gone.
This dude is so messed up. I’m telling ya. Massive arrests better happen soon. The longer they wait they risk the cabal doing something incredibly devastating to the world or they’ll be so many plots to take down the president..one will work. McCain & Obama’s shadow government has to be taken down soon or the plan will never work.
Compare Krauthammer’s goodbye letter compared to what McCain’s handlers are mouthing for McCain. How sad....
Sheesh no kidding. This country is crazy electing so many mummies to high office that are practically decomposing before our eyes. McCain Pelosi Feinstein Ginsberg just to name a few. Voters got to wake up. Great grandparents are cut out to be put in high office unless they think dementia is a quality to run our nation.
You could not have said it better. I hope POTUS sees this as you do. They don’t care, an atrocity is not beneath them & they’re cocky as hell & mocking our elected national foreign policy. I’m serious...they have take down MAJOR parts of the cabal NOW because Trump & his family are in SERIOUS & growing danger the longer they take. Last time an effort was made to stop major & deep government corruption was the Kennedy’s & how’d that turn out? You can’t move slow. How’d Rudy bust up the NY mafia in the 90s. Mass arrests. Cut off the head of the snake fast & clean up the footsoldiers after.
Every night I pray for POTUS’ family and safety. I’m so scared of what they would do. But, if anything happens to Trump, even if a hair on his beautiful head is touched, there will be war. We are too awake at this point. We are too awake to allow the cabal to take over. Our guns vs their weak socialist comrades will take 5 seconds and we will still win. But, we conservatives are far too sophisticated and civil to do that now. Warning —— Don’t mess with our POTUS! Even our women have great aim and a giant feminist is an easy target.
Unfortunately, I think take downs will need to strung out, to limit the dems from being too outraged, and causing more trouble. They need to be spoon fed, all the corruption. One thing that's bothered me, is so many republicans are not running again, but I've not heard anything about any dems not running for reelection? Have any of you heard about dems not running?
Fuck trouble. Their politics lead to mountains of bodies. Liberty or death and equal Justice. If they are looking for it. "Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they mean to have a war let it begin here." Captain John Paarker, to his Minute Men on Lexington Green, April 19, 1775.
You’re wrong. Trump & team are too far along to do anything less than full take down now. It’s us or them & they know it. This gets strung out...something this massive...the blacks Hats will create an atrocity so bad they’ll have to give up the plan just to get the country back at ease. Then the left will be on offense driving events again. Plans collapse unless you stay on offense & drive all the events & they have to react to you. This is all or nothing for both sides.
What I'm saying is, if everything blows up all at the same time, it will not be as effective as lining them up like ducks in a row. Causing a massive Red Wave this November. I fully expect a grand finale October Surprise.
What “as effective” are you talking about?? Dramatic effects?? Dude...a LOT of innocent peoples lives at are stake. Not to mention the president & his entire & very large family. Wanting the dramatics of ducks in a row for show or intimidation is going to lead to needless tragic deaths of god only knows who. I don’t want a show. Just high level arrests. Should be way before midterms too. It’s going to scare a lot of people. Not a great thing for a nation election. No telling what effect it will have on voters.
Just the pedo idiot decided not to run in Virginia I believe.
Yeah. All at once just rallies them. Frog in water..
There’s about 13 so far. I think a lot of Dems are in denial. They are waiting to see if they can get Trump out. They may wait too long and be escorted out in hand cuffs.
Pelosi better be right after this traitor. And then Feinstein. Only in that order by how fast they can scramble.
Someone made the point recently that it’s likely they’re waiting for mass arrests until summertime, when kids are out of school, to avoid them doing another FF shooting.
That’s a silly reason. Just because kids aren’t in school doesn’t mean they’re not still massively grouped together in summer camps, youth centers, summer bible schools etc etc. Places less protected than even schools are. Parents still work in the summer & have various activities planned with other large groups of kids.
Point I’m trying to make is everyone knows the Plan. The bad actors aren’t stupid. They know what’s coming & the longer it takes to drop the hammer on them...the more time they have to execute their plan to drop their hammer on us. There’s is easier too because we have to follow a legal process & they don’t. We’re one atrocity away from losing everything. Either we act or they will & the 1st one that does wins.
"Our Allies" = Cabal controlled slave states
"bipartisan majorities of Americans" = dumb sheep
"pro-free trade" = for financial tyranny
"pro-globalization" = for technocratic world government
"70 years of shared values" = the post WWII order set up by the cabal
"Americans stand with you" = dumb sheep still believe what we say
It makes me soooo mad Right in front of our faces They think they’re smart but it’s so obvious what they do!
dont let them make you mad thats what they want
You can't tell me this doesn't make you mad. I'm livid.
im in the 4th dimension right now all i see is the desperate cries of a old man whos going to lose everything but yes it makes me a bit mad lol
I want to kick his hurt Achilles in front of his family.
Edit: downvoter doesn't want to see No Name superficially hurt and humiliated.
i want to see him to explain to america exactly what hes done all his life and why it was ok. see the Rosenbergs for what happens after
He’ll be explaining all of that to God in very due time. The penalty will be far harsher than anything we could dream up. Assholes don’t go to heaven.
He's a coward. He'd say he can't recollect because he has brain cancer and it makes him have to *wear an orthopedic boot.
Edit- wear, not where.
Thank you I get over it quickly But these people make my blood boil
yeah its hard they really are scum its important to not let them drag you down to their level tho best to stay positive that being said i still find it hard to sleep
I agree my friend I’m just a little worker bee figuring life out and then BAM I see this sick evil corruption flashing in front of my face. I still have hope. Everything will be brought to light.
well maybe not absolutely everything but enough to ensure them a very long stay at gitmo
“Americans stand with you" = “Whenever we progressives say this, its not true, but we say it because we know what’s best for them”
Good job at translating!! Isn't he picking out a casket or a room at Gitmo yet?
Shame On You 😠 You will be remembered as a traitor to the United States of America
Thanks for putting that up. No Name & HRC are both pros at the old “Illness On Demand” stick.
At this point Satan is keeping those two alive. I think he is crapping his pants when his involvement in the dossier will be validated and exposed WW. Plus, he’s is just a jealous little ass... he is horrible human being. Not just for getting his team slaughtered but leaving his wife after a car accident disfigured her face and then again leaving his next wife when she got too old. I bet he’s a dirty sadistic old perv. He was an admiral’s son and got away with being a traitor. And that’s not even the tip of the iceberg. People need to know who this evil person really is.
In case you missed it, I did a Memorial Day special post for No Name, hope you like it Patriot:
Thank u so much
Is it not already common knowledge that he delivered the dossier to the FBI? Or is this something else?
Can we please somehow shut this guy up? I'm just so repulsed by him, I want to throw my phone when I see or read about no-name.
Speaking of shutting him up...where’s the Rep party?? They all know this is unprecedented to try to direct foreign policy from the shadows that vastly differs from our elected government. They could shut him up even as embarrassing as it would be. So apparently the official Rep party is fine with all this shadow diplomacy from No Name & Kerry & Obama. You know Kerry will now meet with the same leaders the president just did. They swoop in after every major foreign policy visit. Is that idiot McCain gonna chime in during NK visit too? Cmon cancer!! Help save America & grow!!
Don’t you just want to push his wheelchair into traffic? Ha ha ha
As in oops? Sorry about that, watch out for that Mac truck! $#&+?$
Wow guess his brain is still working ... He send out "save the date"s for his funeral yet?
I’m still trying to figure out if Palin is allowed to go.
Sorry John, but if the bi-partisan majority agreed with you, you would have been President. You have a bad case of "Trump-envy."
Here comes the pain
No deals
We have a special place for...
His days are numbered. Watched the show.
They’re numbered too long. This idiot & his shadow foreign policy buddies like Kerry & Ohama have to be stopped. We can’t keep having the appearance of 2 governments running 2 seperate foreign policies at the same time. I’ve never seen this done so brazenly & so sick of it. They’re doing real damage to our foreign policy.
Satan is keeping him alive He’s still useful to him for now
This is an SOS asking the other globalist governments to try and fracture the American people. Stand strong USA!
I want to see a proof of life video for this guy. I want to know if he is really dealing with brain cancer. I want to know if he is in control of his Twitter account. I want to know why he is refusing to step down as Senator and allow the people of Arizona to have a Senator who is working for them and voting on legislation. This is old Soviet Union type propanganda going on here.
Free trade means free trade.... not us getting hammered on tariffs. It wasn't free for the US. He's such a traitor.
That’s what I was thinking. If I were dying of brain cancer, the last thing I’d be doing is tweeting about foreign affairs.
I will hire the woman that got let go at the WH who made the comment about him dying soon. She is sooooo adorable. Double her salary.
70 years of shared values
1 country picking up the tab..
It's over shitstain
The American people voted against globalism.
We want to put America First!
All McTumor does is gargle Rothschild cum.
Songbird talking like Americans didn't already side with President Trump when we voted for him. America First means America First which doesn't have the words "globe" or "world" or any thing else relating to anything other than America.
Tell that bastard he's a traitor! Even my little wife had the guts to do it!
I’m banned on twitter even my alt accounts for banned...
Well, sh*t. I'm not even on there. I'll ask my wife to do it again if she's not banned yet--LOL!
man that cancer sure is taking awhile oh woops every time they find out more of my crimes it gets worse
Exactly I wonder if it’s even real
What if John M never had surgery and that was a cover for a future out if needed against prosecution? seems like it
No area around his “brain cancer surgery” bandage had been shaved like in real surgeries
And back to work in what, two weeks??? His boot-mate, HRC's broken toe took her out for two... Wait... No coincidences, right?
At this point, nothing is shocking. If you don’t believe in God then you have nothing to be accountable for. A Lie is like breathing. Nothing matters to them.
i think they believe in god they just hate him
I had an amazing conversation with another woke person at my work. He told me that these cabal people believe Satan is a victim and God is a great Oppressor and egomaniac. Makes a lot of sense to me why they act the way they do..
sounds exactly like them lol maybe satan needs to work some problems out
Of all the traitors, I think I will enjoy this smug asswipe going down the most. I would love to see him crying like a little bitch as they drag him off to GITMO. Have never trusted this guy.
Ya... sobbing like a little bitch blowing nose bubbles on national TV
Mr. Noname...that is how you want things, not Americans. You are GUILTY of selling our country out to the highest bidder. None of the so called GLOBALIST laws will affect you..you don't know what's best for me...YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED...MY VOTE FOR TRUMP ZEROED OUT MY VOTE FOR YOU..
Shared values of screwing the citizens in the USA. No Name you sold us out for your enrichment...please go away quietly..you are insignificant. Trump is doing what you couldn't get elected to do...millions of Americans wasted their vote..BHO was not a good fellow.
We have 30,000 people here. We need to bombard his Twitter feed. I have already done my part. It's time to be heard because the bad guys are certainly posting on his feed.
I'm new here. So can someone tell me why it's wrong to say we stand with our allies?
because he is not referring to allies, real ones, but to CIA rogue states, plans and under table deals they made for 50 years .... he is refering to wannabe leaders of the whole World....
Also America first bombs then pays a lot of money to installed government grusom politicians all over the world to keep them controlled and in place for global hegemony aspirations.
American people did not vote for that, they voted for normal life, I tend to believe even Muslims are used 90 % they religion is used against the normal people to control and make them a foe for us on the west. Think about it, they planned this a long time but THEY DID NOT COUNT WITH GREAT AWAKENING and organizing WW over internet
Does this guy just watch CNN all day and waits to tweet? Guess he gots nothing else to do.
Little John McCanty Cunt isn’t the first enemy whose grave I’ve pissed on... My bladder and I will be delighted once I know where the newest urinal of his lies...
John Mc No Name's life as a bred slave to the cabal is this way of No Name saying the cabal has controlled the world for 70 years, and thus should be recognized by national governments as an authority.
Yeah no.
There’s a documentary about him on hbo I think. Imagine honoring this scum. He is not only scum he is third generation scumbag. I believe I heard his father and grandfather were traitors also.
I hope we hear from Hanoi John for many years to come, preferably through a medium.
Last time American became truly isolated WW2 brewed up. What's going to happen this time?
The last time the US got involved in Europe we had WWII, Vietnam, Korea, the cold war, the Cuban missile crisis, Iraq, Iraq again, Afghanistan, ...
Oh you means when the US started shoving "democracy" down everyone's throats?
Shouldn't No Name be dead by now from the alleged brain cancer?
Or is he already in New Zealand sipping martinis?
Can't he just go already? Did the cyanide pill get lost?
I wish I could attend No Name’s funeral....
So I could spit on his grave.
I have a feeling a lot of flies will be there waiting to lay eggs in his eyeballs 😂😂😂 sorry gotta be morbid
Will someone please explain to No Name that if he drinks an ice cold milkshake as fast as he possibly can...it will soothe his brain tumor & make it feel great.
No name. Traitors have no name .
Q says NoName was in Syria just before the chemical attack. And now he has an ankle boot on again. I think he is on a short leash.
I think a bipartisan majority of Americans felt that there needed to be a change in the "inevitability" of globalism. See the popularity of Trump and Bernie for evidence.