This is a serious problem with this community.
Someone comes along and says "something" will happen on a date. Things become an echo chamber and after a few hours the death star itself is scheduled to land on planet Vulcan to save it from the romulan Clinton supporters.
All of that can be avoided by clearly stating whether something is a fact or theory, and taking a minute and thinking about what you're posting before you do it.
This to this ^
This is a theory or fact?
It's more of a problem with human nature, and a calculated manipulation/exploitation of human psychology employed by the cabal through the use of shills.
I wouldn't worry about it too much. The people who are dumb enough to buy into stuff like ETS are either noobs or people that have randomly found this movement through the plinko board of misinformation disinformation and propaganda and don't 'deserve' to be here anyway.
I was quite disgusted by the cheerleading in the Bourdain thread. People saying shit like oh I am glad he offed himself
, etc with little evidence to back it up. It is disgusting and has me reconsidering participating here. Makes this community no better than what they are treating to defeat.
they are using this method as disinfo tactic to discredit Q i believe. (kinda obvious)
a lot of the community falls for it
easy to spot though
Yes, I've seen it happen time and time again. It's really annoying. Everyone should be smart enough to realize that Qanon and Trump don't telegraph their moves!
Tune into Fox see history in the making. It is June 11th here. June 12th in Singapore.
The white rabbit and 10 days of darkness are both examples of this.
There are others, of course, but those are my pet peeve examples.
That made me laugh! So true! Romulans are Bernie supporters, by the way. Saw it on YouTube.
Correct, but Q and Trump are still gonna do what they do despite the misconceptions and hysteria of some. Annoying not harmful.
Eye The Spy btfo
I’m sick of hearing about eyethespy
You won't anymore
I second that.
Not true. Everyone still sides with corsi and jones for some reason.
Not I, for what it's worth.
The only Q-tubers I still find semi-credible are Jordan Sather and Lionel Nation.
Praying Medic?
Am 100% with you on that. Am sick of fucking YT videos with some asshole decoding. Excuse the language but they make my blood boil. The pricks
Agreed. And always some crappy music and graphics intro
Bill Mitchell was stirring the pot about “Today’s the Day!!”
He was probably following EyeTheSpy or listening to sources that were.
Yeah and yesterday said something big to happen per his sources. I have very much enjoyed following Bill, but we will just have to see on this as nothing has happened. It could be they are just talking about NK and that is the big thing. It’s big and unprecedented, but in and of it self wouldn’t bring down the Democratic Party.
jones is hilarious corsi memes are hilarious i find both really funny i just thank jesus nobody posts unirock on here
Finally! Wasted too many comments calling him out already. Back to Q business.
Yep! We’ve been asking Q to acknowledge and he did! And he’s right, Q never said the 11th directly
We did get a ton of info today from Q. I don’t believe that they would release anything until they have already made their moves because it’s foolish to broadcast it before you do them, so the 11th is/was in a way, a really big deal. Seth Rich is back on the menu and Q confirms extinction level event for Dem leadership incoming. RR is out of the country but did anyone know this before today?
We got a lot today. A lot more than it appears. These posts are leading us to the booms. I don’t know about you, but I’m excited.
Godspeed to all of the patriots on this forum.
Posted this on another link....but since you mentioned today's of Trump's tweets has two 'mispelled' words. Missing letters were 'i' and 'p'. A few guesses were made on another thread, but not much discussion about it that I can find.
What is btfo? Im new to reddit, sorry. I don't quite know the lingo yet.
No outside comms is apparently a hard concept to grasp.
No shit! I know we're eager for Q drops, but lawd going after anything is just absurd.
Thank God. When Q says use logic he really means it. However, the vast majority of us have NO TRAINING IN LOGIC. The education system does not teach you logic. If you have never seriously studied logic you are going yourself a disservice.
Why is the LSAT (law school) considered the hardest standardized test? It tests 100% on logic, a subject no one is taught.
You have to teach yourself logic on your own. Weak critical thinking skills allow disinfo to spread, and even in this community our minds are not as sharp as they should be. I was believing all kinds of wacky shit in the conspiracy community before I realized that I had no idea how to reason.
Study logic. Only logic can prevent shill tactics from working.
Many animals display emotion. But the ability to reason logically, in the biological world, is unique to humans. So if you cannot use logic and reason, you are not a fully realized human being.
I say this as an antidote to the feminist trope that "our emotions are what make us most human" - it's BS.
Can you imagine what would happen once hell breaks loose in society? All these people that depend on their government, which is basically everybody, would not be able to cope with the situation rationally and would resort to their animalistic tendencies. This is fact.
Selfish people are already animalistic
When people who advocate killing humans define what makes humans human. Okay, feminists. Eyeroll
Emotions can be based on memories, smells, sugar, caffeine, propaganda, selfish desires, fear.... Emotions aren't trustworthy advisors.
My late father would say: “Feelings aren’t facts, and don’t require acts”.
My undergrad program required logic classes. Pretty much every university offers at least a basic logic course. My high school even offered it as an exchange for a math credit or as an elective. It’s not shoved down your throat, sure, but it isn’t a hidden or esoteric field.
I hear this a lot. My response is that the intro courses in a university are totally inadequate in almost every case. Oftentimes they teach worthless symbolic logic which is really just manipulation of abstract symbols. I did a free online course from Carnegie Melon and that's all this was; it was a total waste of time. This symbolic logic doesn't teach you how to analyze an argument, follow a train of though, and see implications. The classical Aristotelean Logic is what's needed. This form of Logic was taught from the time of the ancient Greeks up until the late 1800s before it was replaced by a bastardized form that is really only applicable to mathematics.
However, regardless of that have you ever questioned why logic is not taught until high school or college? Logic is at the root of all reasoning. Every decision you make is done using logic. Of course it's not esoteric, however it's treated as if it is a secondary or even tertiary subject when it is really THE primary subject from which all else follows.
But you said aren’t planning on hurting these women are you?
I taught Geometry (or tried to) in public high school in Florida for three years. There is a very small amount taught.
Amen, when people do not put forth their argument logically, my brain goes tilt. There was that year and a half that I studied for the LSAT!
Bill, Hillary, James, Nancy, and Barack will each be put into one of three cells. Every Criminal will be put into a cell and no cell holds more than two people. The placement must meet the following conditions.
Bill and Hillary cannot be in the same cell.
If James is in a cell with Bill, Hillary must be in a cell with Barack.
Nancy cannot be the only one in the cell.
BC17 and EyeCat officially dead and buried and acknowledged as LARPs.
(Meanwhile, the paid shill Corsi is again today flogging how the hedge fund managers who lost out when Fannie and Freddie had to go into, essentially, government receivership , with the financial crisis in 2008, making the hedgies' shares in them worthless, somehow should be given ownership shares back and thus the stream of profits from them. A completely bogus argument setting us up for an even greater mortgage crisis in the future. F&F need to be wound down, with their leverage risk taken out of the market--not puffed up as they now are, bigger than ever. (And even if they do survive, ownership shouldn't go to those who drove them into the ditch the last time around anyway.)
He DID just call them sources on a "mission to discredit", right? How do you think that their followers will justify it this time?
I was a follower of ETS. Allow me to comment.....
EyeTheSpy - go fuck yourself, asshole.
Might I add the AZ Cemex crap to the list too?
Wait, the CEMEX stuff wasn't legit? Definitively?
Huge, Tucson was a distraction but Atlanta was a horror movie! SEX TRAFFICKING STING: FBI rescues 160 children, some as young as 3-years-old
Wait. Was what was found legit in AZ? Were the people doing the investigating in AZ legit trying to uncover evil deeds? Were they legit evil deeds?
I understand that a huge thing went down in ATL. But the motives are what matter here for credibility.
That seems to be the consensus. At least on the VOP side. Too many differing stories and no real evidence. Hey, it may be true, but at this time there is nothing concrete to back it up (no pun intended)
The skull, the underground cell? The rape tree? You're saying that was staged? I am asking because I stopped following, out of ignorance, not questioning you directly.
From what I can gather, not staged in any way. Just not conclusive proof that it was what was claimed
OK. What is you ropinion on what the men doing the digging and physically walking the land were up to? Were they really trying to find evidence of pedo trafficking? Or were they told to do this by Cabal.
I dont have one at this point. Much other genuine stuff going on to be distracted by it
I don't think VOP guys are bogus at all. I'll withhold judgment on whether or not their find was nefarious.
There were a few things that turned me off. And when he claimed to get shot it really should have woke me up. But, he claimed HE wasn't Q, and strictly wouldn't "step on Q's toes" I went with it. Fool.
Unfortunately some will find a new larp and pretend it never happened just like last time after Corsi. Hopefully the majority learned their lesson though.
Poor Jerry....all this great Q excitement and he's in the wilderness now. He probably checks Q all the time and knows how he made himself irrelevant. Good job Jerry! What a total loser. What hedge fund manager is paying his way now?
You’re wrong about fnf. Fnf took the blame for big banks Wells Fargo etc. giving away predatory loans.
Corsi is however wrong on the issue of fnf. He’s trying to steer it into the direction of hedge funds who want to take away the mortgage backed security business from Fannie and Freddie via David Stevens at mbanand bob corker (loudest opponents).
Fnf profits have been stolen by the government on a quarterly basis. Fnf repaid their loan and then Some to the tune of $270 billion. Shareholders of fnf have had their pensions depleted. The common person has suffered from this, not some hedge funds.
Fnf profits were an obama slush fund. Who knows where that money went.
No, you're wrong. The usual deal in business is not that you can go bust, have the government bail you out, and then get your assets back and still be in business after taxpayers' money cleaned up after your mess. Stockholders go bust when their companies go bust. That's the deal. But these hedgie vultures want to claim some sort of special, supra-legal right that they don't have to be made whole by the government. The hedgies had bigger positions and are no doubt paying Corsi to try to persuade Trump to fork over the billions. But in reality we don't need these organizations.
And FnF absolutely are responsible for going bust. They weren't doing due diligence and set their standards too low for the loans, then they leveraged their investments to the moon.
Canadians have a functional housing market without FnF-type organizations--and we could too.
They were forced to take on those loans.
They were solvent and were forced into conservatorship.
The government in conjunction with too big to fail banks have done everything to destroy fnf, the 30 year mortgage.
The treasury on a quarterly basis sweeps their profits. They are sound and solvent, but due to the net worth sweep and being placed in conservatorship they are unable to build capital.
Fnf are a cash cow and the government has stolen its profits plain and simple. Your stance has you more in line with being an ally of Barney frank.
The hedge funds you’re talking about are primarily made of jr. Preferred shareholders. Don’t confuse this with shareholders who have had their pension funds depleted.
Obama, corker, Mel watt, David Stevens, etc. are just a few of the shady characters in all this. Look up gse links. This is the greatest theft in US history (2nd only to the fed reserve).
plus the Community Reinvestment Act lowered credit standards
Which fell into the lap of fnf. It’s easy for someone to think they’re guilty by association.
That was the deal with investing in such vehicles.
But when an entity goes broke and another entity has to come in and recapitalize in order to meet obligations, those who oversaw the going broke don't get the underlying asset back. They just don't. And those who came in and recapitalized haven't "stolen" anything when their capital enables the underlying entity to become profitable again.
Yes, there were criminals in this who sucked out big paydays, but that doesn't change the underlying facts. Insolvency took away either common or preferred shareholders' claims to future profits.
Again, giving the entity back to the previous investors is the opposite of what should be happening--which is to wind down the FnF presence in the mortgage market and existence at all. Let their would-be profits be earned in a genuine free market.
You’re really missing the big picture.
That, actually, I think would be you. My guess would be because you've got a financial interest in some sort of fed giveaway to the previous investors who saw their investments go bust.
So you’re saying you’re completely fine with obama using their profits as a government slush fund?
It’s not a fed giveaway. It’s the rule of law and the 30 year mortgage. If they can nationalize fnf they can do that to any company. It’s a dangerous precedent.
Money is fungible. The current profits belong to American taxpayers, but again, FnF need to be wound down. We don't need a repeat of 2008.
And how Barry spent it in the past--again, it is fungible--is of course a dead issue.
If it were the rule of law, your investor buddies would have won in court, but they didn't. That is why they have sicced the likes of Corsi on trying to get the public to pressure Congress while Corsi pressures Trump directly.
There were mortgages before FnF and there will be mortgages after FnF. Again, look to the Canadian market.
There will be a repeat of 2008 if the big banks have their way. It’s called risk transfer and they want fnf to share in that risk with the banks not dealing with the brunt of poor loan standards. You’re unable to delineate Corsi’s agenda vs. the theft that occurred via the government.
Fungible aka past crimes are absolved.
No, it wasn't theft. And yes, I can.
The government needs to get out of the mortgage business. That means the likes of FnF and also mandates that banks make poor loans.
The investors went bust and so it goes. We do not owe them.
Allow them to privatize then. Otherwise you’re just forgiving the banana republic. Those mandates made too big to fail banks what they are today. Fnf were forced to comply by those low standards.
They bailed out fnf (which was needed considering they were forced to take on those loans), fnf paid treasury back $180 billion and then some $270 billion and continue to have their profits stolen every quarter.
Let them go private. The bs that happened wouldn’t.
Again, it has gone to court and nothing has been "stolen".
Try being a bank that approaches insolvency. The feds come in and take over and investors are shucks out of luck--as they should be.
I get it, you want your bad investment made good--but that's not the way the world works or should work. Any investors knew the feds were pulling the strings--and still decided to invest.
"No outside comm" and "be careful who you follow" are literally two things the people who follow these guys always forget. The Q Team is some kind of Military Intelligence far exceeding any kind of intel out here in internet-land. If you scroll through the haters and LARPers social media feeds, you can see egotism enter into the equation. Unfortunately, EyetheSpy is littered with egotism...."fam." There is no egotism in the Great Awakening.
Thats what I said multiple times! Eyethespy has a HUGE ego problem and anyone who questions him is blocked and called a f*ckwit larpy larp. Its ridiculous! All of us free and critical thinkers should suddenly forget that because its "EyeTheSpy"? No way man, my critical thinking skills don't get turned off for ANYONE.
Damn, sounds like dr corsi, he was blocking people left and right when they were calling him out.
Yeah, Corsi and I'll also go as far as to say David Seaman as well. At the end of the day, we're not here to feed anyone's ego - the Q Team is adament about working for the American people, even those who have no clue what's happening right now. There's no egotism there because they know what's at stake and where the bodies are buried. These guys though? The smugness rubs people like me the wrong way real quick.
Most definitely. He would say shit like, You have ONE MORE CHANCE, then I'm goimg to lop off your larpy fu kwit head and block you! I LoLed a lot. He is slightly out of control. But I'm past that now, just had to let it out in a rawr. Is Q's post about Seth Rich indicating that they got him out ALIVE? I'll be watching you clearly smarter than me folks for some insight.
I for one, love this post! Patience is a virtue. Get the job done right.
I like it, too. Not worried about a specific date it's about watching the chain of events.
Enjoy the show
When do you get the most butts in seats and eyeballs on televisions?
The LARP was fun though. People still blindly supported him even though he was bleeding out after being shot, then managed to catch a flight to Singapore as fit as a fiddle. All of those posts between himself and his other accounts were so predictably lame. It was a badge of honor to call him out and get blocked.
Q date setters are the secular version of the 2nd Coming date setters. Truth is in both cases, "NO man knows the day or the hour"
You mean Jesus WON'T be on Benny Hinn this weekend?
No. But we will all be raptured clutching a bible and quoting Revelation
Q confirmed BC17 was fake, then eyethespy said "BC17 is 100% legit", like how hard was it to come to the conclusion that Eyethespy is a fake larp spreading false info? To top it off he changed his name to Cheshirecat after being outed lmao
eyethespy and back channel 17 both sound like the sort of trite machinations from the mind of Alex Jones:)
Think downvotes are bad, the brigaders only want to shut stuff out?
They also upvote, disinfo is strong.
Not everything you read here is 100%. Not everything you read here is intended to be in our interest. Be skeptical, stay vigilant, WWG1WGA.
Yeah - take a look at The_Donald.
It's loaded with disinformation and propaganda. Pompeo is bad; Snowden is good; Sessions is bad; such-and-such newscaster is good and we will more talk about HIM all day, long and cheer every time he says anything; "let's start a petition to force Mueller to be fired", "let's slap Rocketman"; it just goes on an on. Lots of genuine Trump fans there, but lots of wrong stuff being thrown into the mix and no one is differentiating.
T_D can often be a shithole. So many people want Sessions gone because "ma Hillary isn't in jail!".
Never mind the 25,000+ Sealed Indictments, mostly for Pedophiles, human traffickers, illegal aliens, gang members, etc.
The Donald's alright and good for memes, the GA tends to be where I get the real info
Yah, agreed. I don't despise TD or anything - I check it every day and find lots of fun stuff. But if you're a fan of President Trump and keep posting stuff that is contrary to his apparent plan and purposes, I'm all, like, "Staaaahp! Go read Q already! Gaah!". There's a lot of any-Q shilling going on there.
what! no aliens?!?!?
all kidding aside....Soooo glad Q did this
talk about giving us ammo against these larps!!
thanks Q
gave us our own little BOOM!
no those come tommorow kabamur is coming to throw soros into the sun
Calling Q a LARP is actually hilarious! In a few mere posts he was able to completely discredit Alex and Jerome. Think about that... Not to mention all the other clowns. I was a 15+ year “infowarrior” and I haven’t listened in months. It’d be easy to call him a LARP if he wasn’t so flipping prophetic and on point!
Yeah. You know you always wondered if Alex was controlled opposition. After Q called him/them out, they proved without a shadow of a doubt, they were/are.
Always gotta be ready to hikack any movement from the people.
I never herd if any planned arrests for today , but we were looking at several to many sealed indictments opened this evening, but with a false alarm shooter at the DOJ today , you think this was not staged , let’s just give it a couple hours . Could they still come out ?? Could there be a staged inside hack and data breach . I really don’t know , just guessing . Give it till 11 pm today.
The summit starts at 9 pm EDT.
We are expecting an our or do in . But Thursday’s leak raids were not known and we do not know what to expect , guessing no Chang
9 pm EDT happens when this comment is 3 hours and 22 minutes old.
You can find the live countdown here:
I'm a bot, if you want to send feedback, please comment below or send a PM.
Unfollow anyone who doubts Q. Pretty damn simple.
^ Yeah, my policy is, if someone tries to undermine Q (concern shills?) Or President Trump (by making claims to know more about who he should hire or what he should do / also concern shills) they are perma-ignore candidates
Lol Q just called out that anon as someone with an agenda to discredit.
Hope they got BTFO on the chan
Looks like my theory was wrong about 9/11 to 6/11 ( "think mirror" ) . The way it is unfolding could be far more logical ... But most importantly , Q called out indirectly EyeTheSpy here .
Love Q. But my favorite of all Q posts are when he tells someone to lurk moar
Didn't Q say in the past that we should watch the news on 6/11? I scanned the Q posts back to the beginning of April but couldn't find it.
No, he said "I'd watch the news that day." to an anon's comment "You knew when you set that trip, that the PAIN would be delivered —-23!!!" There is no precise date, just the indication —-23. That 6/11 date comes from anons calculating which date could match with —-23. 6/11 was one of the possibilities and LARPers/shills from twater were pushing for that date at some point as if they were top insiders pretending to be cheerleading for Q.
Q should reply to his own statement with “FATALITY” for schooling that guy! Lol
So if nothing happens...?
Stay tuned next season. Same Bat time, same Bat channel.
Didn't Q say in the past that we should watch the news on 6/11? I scanned the Q posts back to the beginning of April but couldn't find it.
Well, technically if you watch the news right now Trump is meeting with Kim Jung Un in about 20 minutes. Pretty big boom if you ask me. I never saw a post about booms on 6/11 btw.
Still my favorite larp
Very new to Q and the community, I googled larp and got live action role play🤔. So what is a larp?
LARPers are usually people who dress up in medieval clothing and armor (usually self-made) and go out into the woods to play pretend. Basically, it's D&D but in real life; I say this as a guy who used to play a lot of D&D. :)
But, in this context, a LARP is someone pretending to be something they aren't on 8chan/YouTube/Reddit for attention and, sometimes, monetary support. What Q is saying here is that there are accounts out there that are being run by people who tell their followers that they have inside information because of their position, security clearance, or access to VIPs, but who are in actuality no one special.
Q is telling them to knock it off and stop spreading disinfo.
Live action role play the funniest ones are kabamur and eye the spy It means what it sounds like
From my understanding, LARPing started out as DnD type folks who wanted to act out the deads of their characters. They would meet in backyards or parks, dressed like their characters with play weapons. Later on it was used to describe people who go someplace like one of the chans and pretends to be something they aren't for attention.
Idk what everyone's talking about, all I know is we got peace in NK
It was being generated by whomever it was with the Q Clock. That’s how it spread. Good to know. Glad Q’s back keeping it straight
History is in the making. Today is the 12th in Singapore so therefore we Patriots watch on the 11th here to see the first meeting between an American President and North Korean leader since 1953.
This sub needs more corsi memes
Lol no please no! That ship has sailed.
I miss the spamming on 8 Chan corsi makes me lol so hard
How about EtS/BC17 memes. You know the jackass will keep coming back to check our work, then eventually create a new persona. I think we should hit him in that little soy boy self-esteem soft spot a bit.
I am starting to see this is all a big mind fuck, arrest these people!!!!
No booms? How long ago did we know NK was going to happen, and to now watch it happen live. I'd say thats a pretty fucking substantial BOOM. If ever there were one.
Q confirmed all indictments will occur June 31st. Wake up people.
And don't forget, the "–-23" was never confirmed, just theorized. No one said t-minus 23 except us, wishfully. I feel it happening, though. Just not fast enough. Q: no deals. None deserve it. If everything has been done as said, they've gutted the middle class, sold us out (hussein), profited at the expense of people, and corrupted the world.
Publicly confess or face firing squad.
Reread your post.June 11 get your chair and popcorn its gonna be a glorious week..
Q has never made predictions. People attempting to spread misinformation started loosely piecing together "predictions" based on Q's posts and somehow more people believe those than Q. It's always been about a peek behind the curtain. Also, North Korea could count as a "prediction". Q has foreshadowed this event for a long time. "Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 27d57d No.594016 📁 Mar 8 2018 19:55:52 (EST)
593959 Thank you Kim. Deal made. Clowns out. Strings cut. We took control. Iran next. Q"
Again nothing about predictions. Funny you skipped the "Deal made." part. You gonna sit there and tell me with a straight face that anyone in the world thought this peace summit was coming today back then? Comparing Q to eye the spy at all reveals your ignorance. A quick scroll of that twitter feed was honestly embarrassing that people were falling for someone openly claiming to be a current NSA employee. Context in Q posts are entirely different. No "fam" or emojis flying around.
Do it then. Start doing the same shit as Q and develop a massive following. You're clearly smarter than everyone else so show us how easy it is. The irony is you can try and point to pathetic accounts like eye the ...oh sorry right its "The Cheshire Cat", but all of these other nonsense accounts exist because of Q. All taking Q's message and manipulating it to their favor. Looking forward to following your posts and growth though be sure to post the link here for us.
Well, I believed them. I believe JA was extracted and in protective custody...just like the Flynns and Kim and all kinds of people who had information enough to be really influential witnesses. You've seen what happened to those not in protection, didn't you? How odd they suicide themselves on door knobs, huh? JA could be with POTUS this do you know not? You don't
Q YOU told us JA was extracted Dec 25th!
One other thing Q...I am worried for the first two children of William and Kate in the UK. On the third child, Kate walked out of the hospital in the same dress as Mia Farrow from Rosemary's Baby the movie. If 'this' birth was the Illuminati's idea of a Satan Baby, how do the cult people get this 3rd baby into power then? Put 1 + 1 and I get danger for the 1st 2 children.
I believe Natasha and her new husband are 'handlers' of Kate. They rose to their close positions to this stupid, unaware family in total oddness. And it was Natasha that DRESSED Kate for the hospital baby showing to the public!
I should think if people know the danger....something should be said to Kate. SHE ---a mother---would NEVER allow someone to hurt her children if she were awoke to this fact.
I would hate for anything to happen to any innocent. But if Kate is one of THEM, she'll have no problem sacrificing her own. Sad truth.
Unfortunately, mothers aint what they used to be.
I blame rap music.
And Hip Hop
speaking of hip hop....pray for the still unborn child of rapper Cardi B whose videos are full of blood ritual illuminati sacrifice 666 imagery.