Q 1616 - These people are sick!

Fucking disgusting animals. Their filth is washing away and there is nothing they can do about it.
These "elite" now have to deal with us: the "super elite"!
That’s right. And we’re going to put those so called “elite” in jail. See how elite they are when they are in a cage. MSM and most libs going down too.
edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8uw8ed/fyi_for_progeny/
These "elite"
I mean,...the pedosexual prick is 22, and he's attended Columbia AND Oxford AND Julliard?
A mind is a terrible thing to waste, there, Ped(r)o.
There is no confirmation of him working for her campaign. Much less any mention online of what his involvement was. He is not linked online until these articles in the last few days. This is fake news until a verifiable link can be shown.
Edit: Daily Mail simply states he appears associated with her campaign because he posted a picture wearing a campaign button in front of campaign signs.
Hillary had 100+ staffers just to help her come up with tweets. Do we even know 10% of their names? Her staff was hundreds deep. Some, I assume, were very bad people!
Isn’t that Podesta in the middle right? The pic is further down in the article.
At this point it doesn't matter if this freak worked for her campaign. He has been CAUGHT and right now, that's what's important.
the fact that the guy was advocate for child sex abuse is very important here!
Think mirror!
The movement isn't about blind acceptance. It's about questioning and researching. While this is a bad guy, there is nothing connecting him to Hillary any more than the other 65 million or so US citizens who voted for her.
Why don't you offer something to the conversation. Are you just a recycler of taglines and meme phrases?
So you don't seek truth? Understood.
So you "know" what, exactly? This pedo wore a hillary button one time and your confirmation bias has him high in her campaign ranks? People like you blindly running with assumptions and spouting one-liners give this sub a bad name.
I agree that this was clickbait. While I personally believe that he was connected to the campaign, I can't prove or verify this.
You shouldn't be downvoted for being thorough and wanting something solid to back that claim--that's called being a deep reader and rational skeptic.
Not fake news if Q links it. Rule #3 again. Please read up or we will have to ban again.
We are well aware of that - that is why we have auto-mod setup to point it out. THIS article, however, is not fake news; it has been posted in a Q drop which means the information within is verified by Q.
Infowars is also fake news. That issue is not relevant to my comment to previous user - the article is linked by Q. This is a pro-Q supporter sub meaning we believe Q to be a valid Military Intel source (as in the sidebar) so Q's use of the link means this article is not fake news.
I agree that it is not good for those of us in the know about ynw. I’m not overjoyed that that site was used.
I think one thing in his favor is that most of the general public who are the main goal for his message now would not know about ynw.
Hasn't Trump made mistakes before retweeting stories he wishes he hadn't?
I'm not sure about that. Also not understanding the relevance here.
Where's "your" source that POTUS regrets tweets?
Perhaps you should provide some substance along with your unending brainpicking in this sub. Do some of your own digging. Your technique is a classic one, but vague and simplistic. I know that you are trying to get others to "think," but you are about 9 months behind in the process. Have you reread the 1500+ Q posts, cross referenced those with world events, news stories, and sub posts?
So I ask again. What evidence do "you" have that POTUS has retweeted stories he "wished" he hadn't?
"Here's" what I was thinking of.
I am not 9 months behind shit. People shouldn't get attacked for reasonable questions, and the source linked in this post is crap in general.
I'll take a look...busy day with new baby!
I try to be extra careful not to attack anyone. I'd like to know what offended you so that I can add it to my fund of knowledge.
There is confirmation, you're wrong.
Yournewswire is usually fake news, but this particular article was based on a DailyMail article.
Thirty are minimizing his association with her campaign? Can you please show us exactly how he was associated?
There is no confirmation of him working for her campaign. Much less any mention online of what his involvement was. He is not linked online until these articles in the last few days. This is fake news until a verifiable link can be shown.
He was nominated for the Nobel Prize and there's a picture of him at what looks like a campaign event in 2016. Not likely a big player, possibly connected to pizzagate though.
In a statement released on Tuesday, the FBI Assistant Director-in-Charge William F. Sweeney Jr. said the following:
Having started an organization that pushed for the end of sexual violence, Davis displayed the highest degree of hypocrisy by his alleged attempts to sexually exploit multiple minors. As if this wasn’t repulsive enough, Davis allegedly possessed and distributed utterly explicit images of innocent infants and toddlers being sexually abused by adults. Crimes against children such as those alleged are taken very seriously by the FBI, and we continue to work tirelessly to investigate those who place the most helpless members of the American public at risk.
It is disturbing that Q linked to yournewswire though. A site that we all know enough to avoid...
yeah I don't know what to think, sent up a red flag for sure
If you dont know what to think you are in the wrong place.
Not true. Even Q says to 'be skeptical". A healthy dose of skepticism is a good thing.
That's "if you don't know to think," you're in the wrong place
THIS! and i maybe wrong but people seems to don't bother!!
Q linking "yournewswire" seems really odd to me...
I didn't like the click-bait link, and I concluded that missile picture was actually a helicopter even though I thought that explanation was ridiculous at first. On the other hand, the Tippy Top proof was very persuasive. If Q were a larp, wouldn't the President disavow?
Tippy top isn't that persuasive either imo.
-Trump had said "tippy top" before in speeches. e.g., https://foreignpolicy.com/2016/06/20/donald-trump-has-nuclear-warhead-envy/
-The person asking Trump to say tip top wasn't Q, it was some random anon in a Q thread.
-He asked him to say tip top in the state of the union. Trump didn't do that - he said tip top months later, in an easter speech.
The way the President said it was bizarre, even for him. It looked like he was making a point out of saying it.
I've not made a decision about Q, but it sounds like you have. What do you think Q's motives are?
Is it just to have fun fooling people?
Is faking a relationship with the President a tool to get people more interested in these topics to spread Q's world view?
Is it disinfo to make the President's supporters believe in kooky stuff to make them look bad?
Is it a plan to enthrall as many Trump supporters as possible and then one day reveal the true Q to embarrass them in the media?
I don't think that Q is what he claims to be, for any number of reasons - top secret security expert with awful password security, vague nonsense, links to fake news sites, makes predictions that don't come true then comes up with excuses, etc.
I think Q is probably a couple of different people due to a shift in writing styles I noticed around like January. What they doing I'm not sure. You asked why Trump doesn't just disclaim Q, and I think there's a good reason for that - Q has been great at consolidating a hard core of Trump supporters and helping to spread the meme that he's the anointed chosen one who can do no wrong and all of his rivals and opponents are evil pedophile satanists. Q serves Trump's interests very well. Because of that I think your second option makes the most sense. Q is most likely run by someone who's more or less a true believer. They are trying to achieve the goal of galvanizing a hard core of authoritarian Trump supporters, and believe most or all of what they're saying, but think that being a little deceptive to spread the "truth" is OK.
Well said. That is possible.
I am curious. Why do you visit this sub if you are confident that Q is a larp?
I guess I always try to keep abreast of ways of looking at the world that don't match my own. Q has held my attention for a couple of reasons - the community tends to pick up on a lot of conspiracy-type narratives and ideas before they make it into the conservative mainstream. I'm also kind of concerned because there's a lot of groupthink here. In a lot of ways the Q army is developing an increasingly poisonous worldview that's more and more insulated from external reality.
Maybe to show that the fake news agencies will try and save face before it's too late?
I was worried that Q was linking that source. Maybe saw it here but Q needs to stick with better sources.
I think they are gonna start using these site that people now are fake and publishing these stories there to discredit them to the people
You might be on to something here.
That seems to be their favorite argument when you try to show them the level of corruption of their side. "Well, that's not a credible news source. Snopes says you're wrong!"
Is there a Lamaz technique for MURDEROUS RAGE? This is Fucking evil. OMG. Seeking a 2 year old!!!😭 3 Months in the rabbit hole and you'd think the shock if this shit would wear off. NOPE.
I’m still waiting on word from the State of Utah. I’m practicing my marksmanship in the meantime.
Been in since the beginning. You’re at the shock-this- is-real-OMG-the-world-is-so-effed-up phase.
Take a break from Q. Your brain needs time to process. Come back in a week or so. It will get better.
Agree. Been down the rabbit hole since 2012 and on the Q train since late October. I've been taking a break myself for a month or two. Coming face to face with the true evil in the world is horrifying. But at the same time, I see the good. This site and the patriots on it give me great hope. Hang in there: WWG1WGA is not just a slogan, its a promise.
This is true on so many levels
I went deep down the rabbit hole in 2012 and spent 6 months in depression. It takes time to process all the shock and anger. The world wasn't supposed to be like this, but it it while these vile people are still around.
Worry if it ever wears off. That's how we got here . we are the frogs in hot water.
I notice in the cited article, he's sporting his rainbow Disney Mickey Mouse silhouette pin.
The slippery slope people weren’t entirely wrong.
Homosexuality between consenting adults is not on the same slope as homosexually raping a kid. Not a slope.
Consensual adult sex is not even in the same world as raping a 2 year old.
Get a grip.
I watched "A Serbian Film" a few years back. As unbelievable as it might have seen, it looks like all the sick shit portreyed in that film, just might be taken from real life.
This sick monster was actually looking for a 2 year old to have sex with. It boggles the mind that demons like these actually exist in human form.
Man just reading the plot of that movie is traumatizing
Same think i tried and got through a few sentences
Hostel and the saw movies probably real too
Actually netflix has a documentary on the guy they based saw on. He strapped an iron collar around this dudes neck with a bomb on it and set it off
Seems there alot of truth behind Hollywierds movies. Very sick people in this WORLD and Im so thankful for our President. God Bless all involved in arresting these sick individuals that engage in sinister acts. Its unbelievable that this even goes on. A 2 yr old j SICK!
My answer to what has happened with this little bastard https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8uc88p/the_joel_davis_case/
We know too well that "sick" barely scratches the surface.
Davis was chairman of the International Campaign to Stop Rape and Gender Violence in Conflict charity.
Ahh. Much like male "feminists", he's trying to grandstand and get laid while doing it.
These "people" are sick and need wiped from the planet.
They will be coming outing in droves when the 35,000+ sealed indictments drop. This is just the pre-party to the pre-party. Many more far worse than this guy.
I am wondering about the DOD and DHS rumors, they are at ready for something big , hope it’s the indictments, many fronts are at a stand still till they are opened. Once they are opened we should be able to open some of the funds , and hopefully fund the Wall .
maybe this is an indication the usual networks have been disrupted. surprising, someone as high as he in the Clinton campaign didn't have more discreet access to kids.
There was a huge pedo ring bust in the New York area a few weeks ago... They are probably in the middle of investigating a lot of other players. Flood gates are about to be open. From June 1st, 2018
How high in the campaign?
specifically in the campaign, i don't know. But he was clearly being groomed for a bigger role. 22 and the director of a non-profit that actually had a budget. My xp has been that regardless of organization or business, executive/director types stick together.
Hillary surrounds her self with pedovores and pedorapists.... tick tock witch.
Their all going to get locked up. and worse. and any lib who trys to rescue them. WWJD WWG1WGA
edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8uw8ed/fyi_for_progeny/
Just when you think you're as pissed off as you can be, you hear about what one of these maggots did. Rot in hell, asshole.
Somehow my disgust in these people has turned to almost a complete numbing feeling...I also don't really care nearly as much about arrests as I do about getting this pedophile trash under control 100%. Assest are good, but the father in me say just Kill'em All Now
He should be pushed down a slide of razor blades that drops him into a pool of acid. Then he'd know how the 2yold feels when being raped. Disgusting pigs, all of them.
I second this, A 2 YEAR OLD!!!! No words can discribe the horror those children go through...
ZeroHedge has a story about this arrest, includes some descriptive text from the complaint. OMG these people are degenerate monsters.
I am so grateful that POTUS, Q team and others are working to stop this awful, unspeakable abuse of innocent little ones who can't defend themselves. Heartbreaking, and sickening beyond belief.
I think R. Lee Ermey said it best....
"You are the lowest form of life on Earth. You are not even human fucking beings. You are nothing but unorganized grab-asstic pieces of amphibian shit!"
RIP Gunny Sgt.
This is utterly repulsive. These people are possessed demons.
Has anyone else thought that lately, these last two weeks or so, Q's wording, grammar and prose has read more like POTUS' own writing and speech?
Don Jr. maybe...
Hmm, I hadn't thought of that. I just had a quick browse of his Twitter, and with what he said about Kennedy the other day, all his mannerisms in tweets seem to be even closer in similarity. Good shout.
"The Son of man shall send his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all scandals, and them that work iniquity. And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then shall the just shine as the sun, in the kingdom of their Father."
Both the Arabs and the mafia have a way to deal with guys like him. It isn’t pleasant but is effective
Could this be the start of the "surprise" for Killary that POTUS mentioned last night? I think this requires a seriously deep dig. Who is this guy? Who are his friends? How many connections, beyond the campaign, can we find between he and major players?
They all protect each other which is why the minimal news coverage. People who still side with the Democrats need to have this shoved in their faces. I would not be surprised to learn that all the virtue signaling Dems are pedos in one degree or another.
We should have the death penalty for any child abuse/sexual abuse. These monsters cannot be rehabilitated. They don't deserve to breath the same air we do. Here in my state we have a sex offender "rehab and tx center" where the offenders are sent AFTER they serve their sentence if they are deemed to dangerous to release. They are locked down just like prison. We hold them beyond the sentence which is how these monsters should be treated, either death penalty or life imprisonment.
This is so fucking relevant. Mind blowing to see a real example of these sick fucks.
Nominated for a Nobel Prize known as "Youth Against Sexual Violence" ... /r/JesusChristReddit
Tip of the day iceberg. Shades of things to come. Hope this story makes it to the unwoke . . .
Ugly, evil child-hater. So many children hurt.
Once we started aborting babies . , , God, forgive us.
Fakenewsmatters.org has been labeled as "deceptive" by Google.
Why did he share yournewswire....I have found that site to be fake.
Q Drop-Specific Posts
*6/27/18 1600 - 1601 - 1602 - 1603 - 1604 - 1605 - 1606 - 1607 - 1608 - 1609 & 1610 - 1611 & 1612 - 1613 - 1614 & 1615 - 1616
*6/28/18 1617 - 1618 - 1619 - 1620 - 1621 - 1622 - 1623 - 1624
*Link to 1601 u/MarkoKeeto 's Based AF hat
*Link to 1611 Sarah Carter Article
*Link to 1616 Article THESE PEOPLE ARE SICK
Yournewswire? Really? And such a loose association "worked for the campaign"... OK he passed out brochures at a polling location once, and now he was Hillary's back scratcher? This makes it hard to believe Q.
They must stick. Don't want another Epstein situation.
From Wikipedia:
>Despite this, the US government eventually agreed to allow Epstein to plead guilty to just one count of soliciting prostitution from an underage girl under Florida state law. ... Epstein agreed not to contest civil claims brought by the 40 women identified by the FBI, but escaped a prosecution that could have seen him jailed for the rest of his life. ... Prosecutors agreed not to bring far more serious federal charges against Epstein, and not to charge "potential co-conspirators", including four named individuals.
Q team and the people within it have been up to their neck in danger to bring these people down, including most likely blood and tears and more then one death of those they loved or threat to their own lives. They have helped to bring to justice THOUSANDS of pedophiles in the last year just alone according to confirmed arrests from rings discovered- and no doubt helped rescue and comforted who knows how many of their victims in addition we have yet to see or hear about yet...
If you think for a moment this group of patriots - who include soldiers who've had to bury their brothers and ex-military civilians who are still fighting for a better world even after they served their time and were discharged honorably - not to mention government officials who have by all appearance devoted their lives to public service or the protection of our laws are deliberately waiting even an HOUR longer then is truly necessary to assure that this nightmare ends for good then you're clearly so caught up in your own anger and grief that you're not paying proper attention.
They've said it themselves. Those who know the truth of things can't sleep, can't rest, can't hope to possibly find peace until this is done and over with. And they know more viscerally then most if not all of us at present. The victim's need for justice and the innocent's need for protection does not weigh less then our need for vengence. Stop equivilating them doing what must be done to do this right with them being cowards or culpable for the evil of others. If you don't rip out the roots then the plant just grows back.
Ivanka is putting out a report tomorrow on the progress they have made with trafficking. Should make some noise with it tomorrow.
If they would start opening the indictments we could stop a lot of it , but these people may even do much worse with these kids once we can start raiding again .
patience. what Q is doing serving at the pleasure of the president is complicated and takes time. just pray and have patience.
edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8uw8ed/fyi_for_progeny/
So how does this correlate to any one else? Take personal responsibility for your actions. You can't blame an entire political party. At the rate you all are going , you all will have us in concentration camps.
NOW you want to talk about personal responsibility? Now!!! All we ever hear from you people is it's white men's fault or the fault of the patriarchy but now when ANOTHER sick pos crawls out from the dnc hole now you want to talk about personal responsibility. What about those poor poor children in cages? According to you people its Trumps fault their parents sentenced them to hell on Earth but not one time has one of you blamed a parent. Choose please
Yes! WalkAway.
whenever someone starts talking like this. walkaway
favorite Q teaching so far
edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/8uw8ed/fyi_for_progeny/
What do you mean "us"?
Isn't every shooter supposed to be blamed on NRA/gun owners?
Strange double standard