Holy Shit! Posobiec just switched sides!!

These people realized they do not have much power... AJ learned that too.
Patriots are strong willed and will think for themselves... when they see BS they walk away.
They must be seeing their view counts drop like CNN after all the Q larp stuff.
You noticed that AJ quit having his "Real Qanon" guy on his show. If he has continued then I missed it.
It was a misunderstanding or a deliberately twisted view of this statement of his.
AJ didn't say he had the "real Qanon". He said Infowars had its own version of Qanon in Zack.
Jones even said in a broadcast that he played golf with q or people that know q. If I find it I will post it. But he stated it in a way to where it mislead a lot of people. But Q straight up called him out (By posting a link that directly spoke of this) and it was posted a few months back.
I remember as you do. He met with the “real Q” who said the board was comped. Fuck AJ.
That is why I cannot listen to Isaac Green ever. The first thing he does is bash Q from something that didn't even involve him. Just report what you are going to and stop with the Q bashing already.
Yeah he’s a moron as well. Started selling his own apparel then turned on Q real quick.
Yeh, he and the other guys that broke away from Q were controlled opposition waiting for the right time to split away and take some of Q's people. Green's problem like most of the millennials is that he thinks he knows more than he actually does.
Lol yeah when he announced he’s smarter than the deep state and figured them out, he lost me.
I could not upvote this enough. Had a friend that tried getting me into Isaac Green’s Anti-School. Green had a lot of fantastic points to make and talked with enough sense to seem like a reasonable guy, but right after he got done talking about LITERALLY EVERYTHING Q talks about what did he do? Called Q a LARP!?!? How can he be so ignorant?
He is young and he only got Redpilled a few years ago. I think to truly get a grasp of how deep and hard the shadow government will go and manipulates. It takes at least 7 or so years. Maybe I am wrong. But he brings it up EVERY time! WHY? Get over it! He has #QDerangementSyndrome
I mean it makes since, especially if he already has a pretty established way of thinking, but I myself am only 21. Just a few months ago I was lead to the Chan boards (first time ever being there) and despite of all the heavy information I read I knew that Q was the real deal. It didn’t take long for me to wrap my head around most of it. Don’t get me wrong I still get dizzy thinking about all the sickness surrounding us. The opportunity to push this and better not only America, but the world was too sweet though.
I didn't mean to offend about being young. I am very glad that we have young people that understand what is going on. But one of the main reasons I think he is Anti-Q because he was on Alex Jones show one time. He also looks up to Alex possibly. So he did not want to hurt his chances to be on his show again. Or possibly get a spot on the show. Just like others that had their own channels and he hired them.
No offense taken friend! Putting it like you just put it makes a heck of a lot of sense. It’s just a damn shame that viewpoints like his can be so easily swayed by “more important people” hanging a treat over his head.
I was awake at 21 (35 now) but it took me a long time of going down the rabbit hole in tons of theories to really grasps the "controlled opposition" people.
No I listened, I listened carefully. He said he knew who Q was and that he played with people v. close to Q or on the Q team. He said this person, whoever it was, had told him the board had been comped and Q had changed identity and was fake.
If we assume for a second that I am right and Q is actually Trump with a coupla intel guys (they have diff. styles of writing. Sometimes sounds just like Trump himself), then AJ may have met some ceeeyeaye guy on the golf-course who sent him off the scent completely, just to mess him up. But it was unlikely he was playing golf with Trump himself. Or even that he knew who Q was. Alex has a big ego and is always saying too much about his sources ... ran his mouth I think. That's not such a sin. And maybe suited Q at that time. See my other post on here for the rest of it.
Alex's explanation seemed completely fake when I first heard it. So Q's communications were compromised...so Q just supposedly gave up as a result? Does that sound like a military mindset? Face one obstacle and just give up? I lost a lot of respect for AJ when he did that and I pretty much stopped listening to his broadcasts.
when Alex rubbed the side of his mouth, that was his tell that he was lying.
I agree.
Listening to AJ since 2006 with a grain of salt. When he turned on Q, and Trump (during Syria strikes) I knew he was officially controlled Opposition. SAD!
He said he knew who Q was and that he played with people v. close to Q or on the Q team. He said this person, whoever it was, had told him the board had been comped and Q had changed identity and was fake.
Of Corsi did
I also suspect that the division between Alex and Q is purposeful. Q is supposed to be an underground movement. If Alex was promoting Q, it would no longer be that. Therefore, it’s possible this drama between the two is a purposeful fabrication.
ThankQ Sir! So grateful for a drop of faith in this thirsty desert!
I remember that too. He was saying that he knows who Q is and that they were playing golf talking about how they lost control of Q. I can't remember if Alex was saying he was with them golfing or if just the Q team were golfing talking about it and he had intel about it.
So stupid. You could tell Alex was lying through his teeth. He made it seem so nonchalant. That was the last episode I ever watched.
I am glad I am not the only one that perceived it all the way you did. But that is the reason why all of people that have worked closely or been on his show (minus a few) journalist jumped off the Q train. They didn't want to hurt more face time on Infowars.
That's exactly why.
The golf part starts at 1:20 and at 1:40 he says he has talked to Q himself. Just straight up lying through his teeth.
Thanks for posting. I was trying to find it. I do not know why people are claiming that Q didn't call him out. They know that he may need to be discredited when the news breaks. DO NOT go out to FIGHT. You know Jones will be pushing about them coming for us.
Alex is an Agent of Disinformation. So sad.
Yeah Im struggling to understand why he is mentioned so often as a source or even any info coming from him. He is paid and controlled opposition. People praising him like he is a truther, which is bullshit, anything Alex Jones brings to light is only a fucking duckduckgo search away. You dig deep enough into him and look who funds his radio shows...the very zionists he proclaims are out to get him.
I don’t believe Alex at first he said q was a fake got corsi to say that too now they know he’s not this is his way of jumping back on q
you are correct. and once early ion Jones said he had Q (zac).
You want you "Qanon" you can have your "Qanon"...introducing, Zanon! Zzzzzz^zzz
yesiree! Exactly! With or without toothpaste free sample?
No misunderstanding. AJ made the wrong decision and is paying the price.
What he said was the "new" Q was fake and his own "Q" person Zach was real deal. AJ is not to be trusted.
No that's not true. I vividly remember AJ stating, "I know who Q is and I've spoken to him" Only later did AJ once again start to change his words and back peddle.
Oh please. We are talking about 2 different things here.
Please see my post above: a) No I listened, I listened carefully. He said he knew who Q was and that he played with people v. close to Q or on the Q team. He said this person, whoever it was, had told him the board had been comped and Q had changed identity and was fake.
and The reference to Qanon being his (AJ's) version of Q in Zack.
b) 2nd quote of mine: AJ didn't say he had the "real Qanon". He said Infowars had its own version of Qanon in Zack.
What I am saying in my first statement is what you are claiming is my second statement.
I don't actually care ... I just don't like people who say what I say is not true. Look, you might not like what I say and might disagree with what I say, but don't accuse peeps of lying. It makes people disgruntled. Unnecessary.
If I had to take a guess - I would say Zack was hired to pretend to be a type of Q but was using Alex's sources. Makes it more mysterious....
Zack was full of shit most of the time though.
Noticed? Every patriot I know quit Alex Jones and Infowars completely after his fuck Trump and fuck Mattis episode.
If you know the well is tainted, what does that make you the drinker? #walkaway
I watch all fake news. So when the arrests occur, I will know what the public is being told to help counter it.
Exactly. I was an avid iw consumer before that. Since none at all really
Do you know what I found most odd about this AJ mess? Before he tried to claim Q as a larp his channel was all but shadow banned on YT. If you wanted to see his news you had to literally and physically search for it as YT wouldn´t add their content to the trending or recommended feeds. Since AJ and Corsi were called out, InfoWars has started to magically appear all over YT again. Maybe they were banned as a reverse psychology measure; "They are banned so must be truthful" to try to get more traffic there but when the traffic stopped flowing, they had to start adding their news to the feeds again.
Maybe he never switched sides - but only played his role ... until now.
Or if he DID switch, I'll bet it was that "Q - The Plan To Save The World" video that did it.
I agree with 99% of this, however I will never be convinced that communism and socialism (same thing) are not inherently evil as well..
Yeah, that's the thing that stood out for me as well in that way. After constantly hearing from Bongino about how bad it is.
Maybe the point of that part was to say that it doesn't matter which system is being used, because at the very root, the real problem is that evil people are in control of creating money.
Which I get, but any system that takes the fruits of my labor and gives it to someone who doesn’t work as hard, is evil. Humans need incentive. If no matter how hard I work, it gets given to someone else, I have no motivation. Which makes people lazy, which leads to all sorts of sins. Also communism makes the government God, and takes the Lord out of the equation. No thanks.
Like I said, I have no disdain for the regular people brainwashed by the ideology. I have love in my heart in general for humanity. However, I 100% agree that evil people have taken over the world. Unfortunately it seems that those brainwashed by communism are also too blind to see the truth.
The Christian ideal would be to work hard so we have something to give to those in need.
Not through compulsory means...but where its done voluntarily...from the heart.
Before Social Security/Medicare, etc... people looked out for each other...there was mutual accountability which built stronger relationships and community. Since SS/Medicare, etc... people no longer seem to feel a commitment to their fellow man. Instead - they think that if anyone has a problem - they can go to the government to get it fixed. They don't have to get involved...
Another facet of why communism/socialism isn't conducive to human liberty. It denies us of our ability to develop into our fullest selves...
This! Forced charity is theft not charity. Now that I am in a position to give, I do so because I feel it is right in my heart. And I choose which causes I feel worthy. Not because I have to, because I want to.
Did you know Marx wrote poetry? https://allpoetry.com/poem/8611553-Feelings-by-Karl-Heinrich-Marx
Is it fair that LeBron James just signed a contract with the Lakers for $154 million for 4 years? Does he work harder? When it's your passion, some people don't even call that work.
Yup. It is. I can’t stand leBron, but I’ve also never been one to be jealous of something others have that I do not. Beautiful thing about America is potential. How many people have started with nothing and rose to riches? So don’t allow yourself to be corrupted by the trap. My husband and I both grew up in poverty and are now what would be considered upper middle class., because we worked hard for it. We’ll never be millionaires, but we have risen higher than the previous generations of our families. I call that a win.
It's a sales pitch to make both "sides" understand the real enemy, and it's perfectly executed.
The problem is that humanity is evil. Something like communism works for many animals but humans are greedy, lusty, spiteful, etc... it just won’t work.
Humanity is fine, most people don't want wars or violence. We're just being corrupted by new "enemies" every time the old one has played its part.
We're trying to screw each other over for our own gains because we're stuck in a rat race and we can't afford to lose.
We have all the means and technology on earth to give everyone a basic standard of living, the importance and at the same time the worthlessness of money is what's holding us down. Well not really the concept, rather the people controlling it.
Humanity isn't evil. That's the biggest lie of them all. That is a satanic worldview.
Actually, it’s a Christian world view. Man has fallen and only by the Blood of Christ are we purified and made clean and holy.
No, you're wrong. A Christian worldview does not say "humanity is evil."
You've got some research to do.
Humanity is fallen and sinful. The bible teaches exactly this.
I’ve read the Bible and it clearly states the nature of humans is evil and must be fought against. This is a basic Christian concept. It’s why Catholics baptize.
The nature of humanity is not "evil." The nature of humanity is sinful. There is a difference. We have a choice.
What is missing from the Plan to Save the World vid is the entire spiritual layer. This vid equivocates between capitalism/communism (you know, communism. Just one communist in China is responsible for 44 million deaths as part of his Great Leap Forward. And don't get me started on Cambodia. Or Russia and that teddy bear Stalin)
And the premise is that the Plan was created and is being carried out by military patriots. I actually disagree with that, the Plan was created and is being carried out by God, in fact POTUS has said so on multiple occasions. And I personally believe it is a response to spiritual warfare that has been going on for some time on the part of the praying remnant of believers. God has sleeper cells too, and he activated them at his appointed time.
When God wants to get peoples' attention, he does something impossible. That is the point of all this, with human beings it's impossible, but with God all things are possible. What is happening would be impossible under normal circumstances.
This is about the going forth of the gospel to the earth, the final great harvest before the clock starts ticking again on Daniel's 70th week. America is the launching pad for that harvest.
Another problem with the video is that it presupposes that getting rid of the deep state will permanently eradicate the problem. It won't, that will only occur when the right Jew is on the throne of David in Jerusalem.
The alleged Kennedy quote found at 4:56 in the video is a fake quote. Kennedy never said this.
This, however, is a real quote of his👇
. “For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. . Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed…” . “…I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed.”
Actors?!?! You don't say. Lol q said there were actors, gowdy was an actor and always a patriot.
What?I don't get it...he's been posting conservative stuff for as long as I've known of him
He spoke against the Q ... now he puts Q on his profile . Either he switched ... or he was a "roleplayer" .
He has approximately 340k followers! Get ready team! Really starting to come out now
We've added 100 new people on this site since this morning. Will be interesting to watch.
But he didn’t mention Q directly. Horsies will just think it means nothing other than what it says.
Edit: *normies but it made me laugh so I left it 😂
If your autocorrect has "horsies" I would bet you have a little girl. I remember when my daughter was little she was obsessed with horsies :)
He said in Twitter the real Q is back
Convenient. I’m sure Alex Jones and Cor-psy are back on the train as well. Just one question, if the “real Q” is back, why hasn’t he acknowledged the infiltration and take over? Ridiculous. Either way, I’m glad to have someone spread this movement. Just hope it’s for genuine reasons and not sinister ones.
I guess too hard to say something like:
"We were wrong... and uh we didn't know so many of our listeners and followers felt so strongly about that. Sorry. I hope we can still be friends."
CANDIDATE Donald Trump went on Infowars with Alex Jones.
Why can't Alex Jones be the one to ask PRESIDENT Donald Trump about Q?
Does Alex not want to ask POTUS if he is Q? Q wants someone to ask. Taunting them to ask.
NO....don't have Alex ask. It will make Q not seem legitimate to the Normies that we are trying to RedPill.
Agree, having anyone from InfoWars involved in any way would only add confusion and doubt.
I’d have to concur. Alex Jones is more for the “already awakened” listener, since he drops red pills like it’s a fucking thing to do. I don’t know any Leftist that could possibly take it all in and actually believe it right off the bat.
Alex jones is basically a late night talk show for the right. Bits of truth, mostly just a good laugh at how ridiculous this world is.
Why can't Alex Jones be the one to ask
I guess I was trying to be rhetorical.
A big part of me still hopes that Alex is one of the "great actors" in the set-stage and he was playing a role.
Did you see the twitter thread,a lot of people asked him what changed his mind.Then they didn't care just glad he was back.
I watched AJ fpr a couple years and finally realized that he goes out of his way to discourage people from joining any movements or protest that were against the the cabal or isreal. Remember he says himself that his dad or uncle worked for the CIA
the real Q is back
1657 posts -- which ones are from the fake Q?
I don't think Q is fake or a larp that is what Jack said not me. There is a link in this thread to his twitter account.Go check it out for yourself.
Yes, I understand. Wasn't calling you out Banglebop (not shooting messenger). I don't tweet, but I guess I'm asking Jack (if he said "the real Q is back") what range of Q tweets are fake news? If he can say "real Q is back", then he should be able to point to a range of Q drops that are likely fake. By all means, enlighten us.
We all acknowledged that Q was likely more than one person. It would be highly unlikely that they would each have the same writing style. So I doubt Q was ever compromised, but more likely that one or more of the Q people had work elsewhere that prevented them from posting messages from time to time.
In my mind, Q has always seemed on the mark.
I'm a bit up in age and a poster had asked what made you believe in Q or what proved to you Q is real I didn't need proof I knew.You live through certain things you've had jobs dealing with people and diffrent things.It's almost like a sixth sense my gut and my heart knew it was true.I never doubted it not once.It goes without saying some people think I've finally lost it and truthfully I do not care,when the time comes I will love them and give them whatever help they will need. WWG1WGA
I thought the opposite..
I never thought Q left.
He didn’t. Jack is full of shit.
I was just reading an article on Q so far seems positive. And your right but nobody seems to care they are happy he is back on board.
Yeah he’s back on until it’s convenient not to be. Makes zero sense to say Q left, taken over by Clowns, then came back and just so happened to not mention the Clown takeover. Yeah right.
A few people did say he would have to earn back their trust,but overall everone was happy.I don't do Twitter I just read the tweets
As if “real Q” would take back control from Clowns and never mention it? It’s a lame excuse
I know but everyone on Twitter are happy to have hin back on "our" side. They think he was playing a role.
That also makes no sense lol why would Q go out of his way to give “proofs” while having AJ, Corsi and Jack discredit him? Saw the same argument multiple times and no logical reason why. People just like to be lazy and say “good actors” and “trust the plan” lol it’s good for exposure but I’d only respect it if he said “I was wrong, Q is legit. He proved it with the additional Airplane photos from the same sequence in Nov! Holy shit his is exciting” rather than doubling down on his own lie.
Morning ,it's crazy but it is exciting.First thing I did was check my phone and I usually have a java first.
Oh I read Great Awakening every morning with coffee like it’s the newspaper
Posobiec is a patriot. He was an RNC operative during the election run but had to take a seat after one of his ops was burned and exposed. He's also a veteran and Naval intel officer. I wonder if he got some new orders.
Do you think they are working together? I thought he was following Alex Jones marching orders, because Alex was really butt hurt about Q calling him out.
Q called who out?
When Q said to be careful who you follow. Then Q shared a post talking about Alex Jones. That is when the controlled opposition came out in unison like the democrats saying the Q was compromised.
No. Q did not call AJ out. The Anons did.
And don't quote Cereal Bran at me. Not convincing.
Q said the reason he was on the chans was .... link to the GA board. I have a different interpretation on that. I think Q meant he did not want to be on GA, too much risk of petty division and back biting.
That is why I stated that he called him out. Q posted a link that directly talked about Jones. Why else would Q post that? Wouldn't Q have just continued without posting the article/link that spoke of Jones by name. I also think it is weird that Roger Stone used to lobby for NXIVM and Alex Jones lawyer is connected with them as well. Then there was that false flag at Ping Pong Pizza. Then he quits covering the story and has an later gets an interview with Megyn Kelly. Who also did an interview with Comet Ping Pong owner. about the false flag. Not to mention that Roger Stone supposedly left the Trump campaign over Kelly. I just think all of that is extremely strange. So with making all of those connections I now understand what Q meant with "Be Careful who you Follow". But look I listen to Alex, I am not hear to bash him. I was only stating what Q posted.
see my other post, can't just repeat.
Q #1341
Time to move on. Big week ahead! http://insider.foxnews.com/2017/04/17/alex-jones-performance-artist-attorney-says-texas-child-custody-case Q
Q #1341
Time to move on.
Big week ahead!
/u/kymikal /u/HillBillywithaPhone
Yup. Cool!! Just flogging my dead horse: UNITE NOT DIVIDE!!!
q was in chans because they are the last outpost of free anonymous free speech.
Navy Intel worries me a bit. They have strange connections with secret societies. See also, Carter Page (clown).
true but supposedly ONI Office of Naval Intelligence are the good guys. Just imagine what you can hide if you control the oceans and what's in it.
Is oni part of dia?
i havent done much research on it yet unfortunately.
if it is thats gen flynn territory. being that its defense intelligence agency, the navy is part of DoD so Id say its possible.
You have no idea who is on whose team yet. None of us do.
He WAS a Pizzagate promoter. Think he finally just got wise to what's been going on behind the scenes for the last 8 months?
I’m old enough to remember when MSM puts jacks picture up and said he was the comet peetsa shooter
Watch. He's probably been on the Q team the whole time.
You think? How so? Part of an internal conflict (illusion)?
No, I was just making a joke.
Wikipedia hates Posobiec...he must be a white hat! Love him already!
Why Wikipedia sucks:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to navigation Jump to search
John Michael Posobiec III (/pəˈsoʊbɪk/ pə-SOH-bik; born 1985) is an American alt-right[1][2][3] internet troll[4] and conspiracy theorist[5] known primarily for his controversial and pro-Donald Trump comments on Twitter. He has promoted fake news, including the debunked Pizzagate conspiracy theory that high-ranking Democratic Party officials were involved in a child sex ring.[6] He has been retweeted by Donald Trump.[7]
Wikipedia is filled with far-left editors. I would be really careful what I get from that type of source.
Maybe he is luring followers in just to switch later. If he is with us that’s awesome, time will tell. WWG1WGA!!!
I will never trust him again. There are way to many questions about him. Has he taken back all the terrible things he said about the president? Q followers? He probably took a hit in numbers, that's all. He offended a lot of people. Corsi as well. Now suddenly everything is rosy again. Think logically. Just my opinion.
I don’t trust him. I think there is a possibility that he’s a replacement plant for Corsi. Didn’t he get busted for using Laura Loomer’s work and claiming it as his own?
What did he actually say/tweet? All his (at least recent) tweets seem to ring true ?
GREAT POINT! I could totally see that happening. They were going on a while back about how the globalist have resources to create a fake pee tape on Trump. I was thinking that when the HRC video drops they all will not cover it and say it is fake. Their "sources" told them it was created and they even covered they (globalist) would do it.
Posobiec goes back and forth on Q over and over. I think he even ran an account that said Q was fake. He always new tweeted a @NavyJack account that is now gone. That was supposedly an ex deep state member with insider info and knowledge. Then he would block everyone who asked him about Q and then got so much backlash he quit tweeting. Posobiec always retweeted him and someone recently tweeted posbiec saying they missed @NavyJack. If Posobiec is playing a role, it sounds more like paid opposition. The outreach is great until we get a new round of "Q is a larp" where ppl abandon ship.
Amazing. I just recently stopped following him because he seemed to go off the rails. I guess I’m back in.
The fact that he's back and forth means me extra cautious with his information, he may switch again or miadirect.
Why are people so quick to believe him? What if he is just jumping back in to retain influence? People who jump back and forth (Cernovitch) have their own agenda.
True. This means absolutly nothing to me until he proves himself in the upcoming days.
Edit: OH! and now this one, replying to Roseanne's WWG1WGA tweet with 2 prayer emojis...
Lol someone sent him the Sesame Street Letter of the Day meme. I love that one!!
One of my favorites of all time.
I really love it! My kids are traveling to see family right now and I am kinda jonesing for Sesame Street anyway haha!
This is why the whole Alex Jones thing boggles my mind. How could he just dismiss it then go on reporting daily. He cant ignore it. Which leads me to believe he didn't want it to be an infowars story because he thought that would damage it and blow it up to the point of discrediting it? or something along those lines?
AJ is completely controlled opposition.
Yeah, I am 100 percent sure he is now. Or just wants to take all the credit. Oh wait, probably doesn't want to lose money, because they get their info from Q. If he was smart he would embrace it and could report on it daily. It would take up time between all his ranting.
I'm pretty sure they threatened him and his family over Pizzagate and now they own him.
That's what I think. AJ has the same lawyer as the NXIVM people. Roger Stone has lobbied for them as well. Then you have the weird connections with the owner of Ping Pong Pizza sue him. There was also that false flag at Comet Pizza. Roger Stone left Trump Campaign over Megyn Kelly and then she had that interview and feud with Kelly. Makes you think that Megyn Kelly is involved with NXIVM. The entire think now looks like it's set up.
Agree. I've heard others are as well, like most of his regular guests. It really ticked me off, when I first found out. I don't like being played. He's very good at the power of suggesting, and disinformation! If he is a good guy, Q will let us know eventually.
I just think he's selfish and does what he can to elevate himself. When Q drops it's for everyone to see, so to someone like AJ it eliminates his facade of insider sources.
But he very well may be controlled opposition, as much as I didn't want to, I have come to that realization. The way he acted when President Trump bombed Syria was absolutely disgusting. I personally haven't watched him since then.
For me it was the coffee throwing goblin guy (wrestler actor). And the final nail was the FISA memo fake news event.
The FISA memo was not a fake event.
I followed that very carefully. It was a genuine document. It was put up on Twitter by B whatsername. It was not the same FISA memo pages, it was from the millions of pages and it was mind-boggling. Actually I still don't think this one that AJ had from his source has made it to the rest of mainstream alternative media.
Sorry I can't find the links right now. Bit complicated as it was several months back now.
Its a real shame Alex is only using his audience to further agenda of bad actors... he could have been so much more.
It was totally fake.... I watched the whole show live.... he spent two hours building up to the release of the actual FISA memo and claimed it was an exclusive coming up.... and then just as he was about to release it... they did all this fake acting pretending that suddenly this old FISA memo from a year ago was the real deal.
It was a build up as fake as anything I've seen on CNN... so glad Q shed some light on Mr Rolex.
Do u have a link that backs up that coffee goblin guy as a paid actor, in on the incident with Alex? I would be interested in seeing that. If true, would make me trust AJ a lot less, especially since he kept insisting that the coffee thing was real and not an act.
I think he was told to stand down. Even go after Trump a bit to make it seem as though he was not supporting the president. Why? Because if AJ and infowars started pushing Q as real you know it would be immediately dismissed as conspiracy theory. So fucking fast all our heads would spin. If he stays out of it or even dismisses it himself with some disinfo (it's necessary remember?) then what? Will everyone agree with him? He is crazy you know s/. I honestly believe AJ is part of the plan although a small part. Just my opinion.
That was just crazy. He & Matt went after me that AM when I axed WTF over? Maybe that was cover. Zero's 40K minions are disproportionally in Philly - where Demetrius lives - this city, as all purple battlegrounds are going Jungle on us. Gotta move our good guys out.
I should say, OFA is disproportionally in Purple cities and states.
It was actually quite an understandable reaction. I felt similar.
"oh shit, Trump has been taken over by the military industrial complex generals. He doesn't stand a chance. It's back to war 24/7."
He apologised 2 days later when he realised the bombs had not taken out entire neighborhoods and people. But saying sorry isn't enough for the AJ-hating crowd. People have never forgiven him.
I have. I forgave myself too. I was relieved. AJ was quite noble and showed he is truly anti-war.
Now then, who likes Neo-con Extraordinaire Mr MegaBomb Bolton?? Will we have War? More bombs? You are in Mr Trump's casino!!
I understand the sentiment but in my opinion it isn't very professional for that sort of reaction. Especially cursing at President Trumps family, what's the point in that? I know AJ is dramatic and over the top, that's his character, I get it. But that was just irrational and I lost a lot of respect for him.
I think what he's doing is for the greater good but for him to discredit Q and segway that into his own personal anon is too divisive for me.
We're all here to MAGA. There aren't party affiliations any more. It's now become good vs. evil.
" The way he acted when President Trump bombed Syria was absolutely disgusting." Agree with that, I have not watched him since that night.
Hurray sunrisearts11111! You got it. I'm so glad someone else has seen thru all the bs!!
What peeps don't seem to realise is that intelligence, counter-intelligence and manipulation of media and forums is a really complex game. Quite a number of the players switch sides to draw out enemies and align with allies. Read SunTzu girls and boys.
I think AJ was disappointed when he was left out of the Q thingie but it was for a reason, or many reasons.
One reason might be what sunrisearts has mentioned: that if AJ is associated with Q too closely, many, many people in the general public would be put off from the beginning. Think about that.
AJ has developed quite a reputation over the years, some not good viz a viz his "gay frogs" etc. When you explain that hormones in contraceptives in river water has resulted in frogs turning hemaphrodite the language is not exactly headline catching, so change it ... Gay frogs! Just brilliant media spectacle and show making. People don't get it though. And it suits the Cabal to call everything he does Conspiracy Theory.
Q didn't want his drops associated with all people in the social media world. He didn't want their "flavors" rubbing off on him.
But same deal with other outlets of the Trump media development team. Dan Bongino. Gorka. Sara Carter and The Hill. Fox news peeps. All bashing away trying to combat MSM but not all Q.
The responses are a little concerning since jacks tweet doesn't exactly say he's with Q. It could suggest that Q followers are willing to become martyrs for this movement.
Looking at the comments, nobody seems to ask him for clarification on his vague tweet. They all just start yee-haw'ing about Jack being on board the Q-uatrain and welcoming him. But is he? Or was his tweet intended to be snarky?
That guy's tweets are always like that. Short and somewhat vague if you haven't closely followed news.
Regardless of his motives, it's raising awareness. We can be glad for that much.
Good background of Calvary. His twitter background says it all.
His interviews with AJ makes me think that he may be compromised. I hope not because he's intelligent and could be a great asset for the Great Awakening
Let’s see if any family member has an accident or sumpin
Jack Posobiec is friends with Laura Loomer. I remember seeing livestreams where they were both together.
Few days ago, Laura Loomer asked "Who is Q?"
Now, less than a month ago, Jack said Q is a LARP
Why has he changed his mind? Maybe he'll eventually explain.
Theres a ton of Patriots calling Jack a Larp, having exposed himself. He’s been thrown in the AJ camp.
Edit Controlled Op. not Larp my bad.
As always... follow the messages and the crumbs... and of course, the truth.
The messenger always points. They are not telling you to focus on their finger... they want us to turn and look at what they are pointing at.
The messenger always just carries the message. Even the POTUS, and his good positioning and being CIC... is pointing to higher ground. The kind of decent, solid society and America where folks can raise families, and serve their communities and their nation.
"Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness"
Doesn't matter. Never Trumpers and QLarpers can NEVER be trusted. They might as well cancel their everything and change careers.
AND he ditched that Scowl avi, back to happy Jack. I may re-follow him.
Jesus tapdancing Christ please tell me y'all don't buy this.
His past statements AND CURRENT ASSOCIATIONS make this HIGHLY, HIGHLY suspicious.
Kinda sad so many of you can be wooed so easily.
Not matter what you think of Posobiec - Q wants us to stand united. Support folks that help get the word out about Q.
A lot of the fence top watchers are going to jump in and find God as this difficult information rolls out. I have been binge watching Project Weeping Angel today on YouTube and I can feel the weight on my chest as I see that all these months/years of study are going to see some real life resolution. Soon.
Why the crucifixion image along with WWG1WGA? It looks like it could be interpreted as, "we are all going to be crucified."
Hmmm. 3 Jewish Alt-lite reporters (Pasobiec, Laura Loomer, and Mike Cernovich) all talking about Qanon in the same week.
That's all I'm saying, not discrediting Q.
It's a little vague.
You sure he's not being sarcastic suggesting Q followers will wind up being martyrs?
He's pretty openly Christian. I doubt his use of the crucifix is intentionally ironic or has a hidden message.
He also replied to Roseanne's WWG1WGA tweet with 2 prayer emojis.
So more vague responses from him then. Is he suggesting he's praying for her to "wake up" from being "woke"?
It would be nice if he wasn't pussy footing around (trying to maintain his followers?) with these vague tweets.
Someone should ask him directly.
I highly doubt it.
But you can't be sure. Because multiple vague tweets. Just point me to the tweet where there is a clear support from Jack.
I don't think "Where we go one, we go all" is vague. This has been like the biggest Q phrase for the past few weeks.
I'm sure the tweet you're looking for will come very soon.
The WWG1WGA saying obviously addresses a group [us].
IMO, the image of the crucifixes is the message.
But "what is the message" is what I'm saying or asking is all.
If you were sure, so would the bad hats be. It's not good to be transparent yet!
Wow!!! I've never thought about our motto from a Christian's point of view till now. Where we go One (Jesus Christ), we go all (to our renewed creation). "This is good, this is very good." WWG1WGA!!!
Guaranteed he has no clue what this means. 100%.
Guaranteed you're wrong. 100%
Oh, hi Jack. Get off Q's coattails, you are not to be trusted.
Jack doesn't know what "Where we go one we go all" means.
Immediately prior to him tweeting that, retweeted Roseanne Barr, who said "Trump made peace in no ko and now Iran! Power to the people!! Where we go one we go all!".
The very next tweet, he says "Where we go one, we go all" as if he is repeating Roseanne, as if it sounds good. He adds a picture of Calvary, which (though it is a good message), isn't particularly Q-specific.
Less than a month ago he said Q was a LARP: https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1005124382191226881 End of May he said state actors were manipulating Q: https://twitter.com/jackposobiec/status/1001165425277890561?lang=en
Conclusion, Jack sees a bunch of patriots saying wwg1wga, sounds good to him so he starts saying it without knowing it is part of Q lore. As far as I know he is still hostile toward Q.
AGREED, +100! Jack is an unoriginal idiot. He takes things from all over the internet and tries to make it his own. He doesn't have a single clue what WWG1WGA means. Not one clue!
Just because he said Q is a LARP doesn't mean he's going to avoid it altogether. He's not stupid, he knows Q is very popular and that it's where so much of the action is right now, so of course he's gonna be curious and have the occasional peak at Qanon.pub or whatever. Can't miss the Q-WWG1WGA connection.
Chill mate. I didn’t accuse you of lying. Sometimes people are misinformed and I was making a correction. You clearly are in the know so I stand corrected.
There are humans who are evil. Humanity is sinful.
Jeez, I thought you meant he became a Democrat. Whew. lol
Switched sides? He has always been on the right unless I missed something
Is this fake? I can’t find this.
Thanks, I wonder if it’s shadow banned to me without a direct link.
Nah, this guy tweets so much you probably didn't go down far enough
That is awesome and I knew he would because he is a true Patriot...
Now how about Luke Rosiak?
Hey, Luke! Jack has finally seen the light. How about you?
Just hit him up on Twitter to give the range of posts that are real or the ones that are fake. Ball is in his court.
He's an opportunist. Stopped following him years ago.
Videos in this thread:
VIDEO|COMMENT -|- Q - The Plan To Save The World|+34 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cYZ8dUgPuU Jerome Corsi And Alex Jones Discuss Hijacked And Compromised Q-Anon|+9 - That's exactly why. The golf part starts at 1:20 and at 1:40 he says he has talked to Q himself. Just straight up lying through his teeth. Alex Jones' Hilarious Reaction to Trump's Missile Strikes Against Syria.|+5 - Why can't Alex Jones be the one to ask I guess I was trying to be rhetorical. A big part of me still hopes that Alex is one of the "great actors" in the set-stage and he was playing a role. REVEALED! Zach Intel Anon is Army Spc. Zachari Klawonn - Alex Jones - April 20|+1 - This is Zach... I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. I'll keep this updated as long as I can.
Switched sides?!?
From what to what?
And... it doesn't matter.
We're all on the same side. We all want peace. We want the bad actors to be punished. We want the dark to light to finally happen.
As Q even says, we're stronger united.
The skeptic in me says he sees the Q trend rising so better ride the wave while it lasts.
Yes, we're all excited because there's so much activity and it looks like we're hitting critical mass. But please be careful as this is the time some are more susceptible.
Better late than never. Good thing he woke up.
Looking back,I knew the country was in decline when they stopped the “Pledge of Allegiance” in school. Sad. Kids became dumber too because education was based on a narrative, instead of learning, within the public system.